President Barack Obama’s administration announced Tuesday that the United States is retooling its strategy in Iraq and Syria and would conduct “direct action on the ground” against the terror organization ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
But according to multiple sources, there’s nothing new about this policy. Obama has been secretly ordering US troops to engage on the ground for months, and he’s just now admitting it.
And his orders may have even been illegal.
As far back as last year, Yale Professor Bruce Ackerman said Obama’s military operations against ISIS had become illegal.
“The War Powers Resolution of 1973 gave President Obama 60 days to gain consent from Congress and required him to end ‘hostilities’ within 30 days if he failed to do so,” Ackerman said.
And even though the 90-day clock expired last year, the US has conducted special operations raids in Syria and participated in illegal ground operations for months in both northern Iraq and Syria. One of those raids, just last week, resulted in the first US combat death in Iraq since 2011.
And former Congressman Ron Paul, in a recent op-ed, said he also believes that current military operations in Syria are illegal.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter refuses to say under what circumstances the US might conduct more ground action.
“We won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL, or conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground,” Carter said, using an alternative acronym for the militant group.
Republicans have harshly criticized the Obama administration’s strategy in Syria and Iraq, where ISIS militants have captured large swaths of territory.
Among other options being considered is providing close-air support for Iraqi ground forces with Apache helicopters or other aircraft, and embedding US military advisers with smaller Iraqi units, thus placing the Americans closer to the front lines. That’s according to defense officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
The matter of this presidents abuse of power and authority is well documented, but with a spineless congress, we the people have to post and petition with no results. it is beyond time to remove this traitor and put our nation back on the road to our constitutional beginnings.
Kiss your ASS GOODBY ### OR ))IMPEACH(( Obama <<< NOW<<<!!!!!
I started an Impeachment process paper on I have gotten 4 signatures so far.
WOW!!! What an amazing accomplishment. At the rate you’re going, I figure you’ll succeed in getting impeachment proceedings going by no later than 2151 of the Common Era. That’ll show him he can’t get away with all his shenanigans.
There’s millions of us ‘We the People’ willing to sign it, we just need to have a way to get it to all of us. Then turn it over to the courts, it is the judges and the US Military who would then be responsible to try Obama for TREASON.
And you are still alive??
If I had known there was a petition to impeach Obama I would have been the first to have signed it. I will sign it now.
I’ll sign!
Gary :I agree with you. We need to Impeach him NOW! And appoint a panel Generals that knows what to do and where to start to wipe out our Enemy while most of them are still over there in these foreign countries and not all here with us.
I agree we should have done it when he LIED about being an American Citizen. Yet he said when he applied for College in England he was born in Kenya. By him forcing our military on the borders he will then be able to declare Marshal Law. and be able to stay as President. He has destroyed our Constitution every day yet our Idiots in Washington continue to Kiss his Back side. He has done more for the Muslims and Illegals here in the US then for the American people he swore to PROTECT. Hitler followed the Islamic laws and so does Obama as he was a devote Muslim before running for President. He is a TRAITOR and sadly he has to many Puppets in Washington. We need a STRONG LEADER who is an AMERICAN and LOVES AMERICA not this TRAITOR.
What is a TRATIOR?
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country (OBAMA).TREASON against American and our Constitution stands as a criminal act only so long as criminal consequences are visited upon those found guilty in commission of the act.
Enforcing the law of TREASON requires that we are vigilant in looking for and recognizing those intent on the destruction of the United States, arrest them when we find them, prosecute them, and them punish them as a jury of their peers commands.
TREASON against American and our Constitution ceases to be a crime once we stop enforcing the crime of TREASON
It is past time of letting Obama get away with what he is doing to this Country and it’s people. We had better stop him before he becomes our FIRST DICTATOR
I agree! How do we get this done?
I would love to see Obama impeached for the way he has lead from behind (what ever that means) for the Iran deal that means nothing to Iran except they get billions of dollars from us. and count less other reasons mainly for doing his best to destroy America….. but it will never happen… he is considered black and the racist liberals would never let that happen.
Your on the same page as me! There will be no country left by 2016 if he isn’t made to step down – as far as I am concerned six feet would be fine! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION, Armr============? mInr, NSA!
no burral on American soil!!!!!!
Check out the NEWSWEEK with obama on the cover wearing a rainbow halo. The article includes info on Jeremiah Wright and Jessie Jackson. A statement made by BEN CARSEN, states that there is a PROGRAM for consenting GAY negroes, men and women, to be betrothed to each other for the purposes of getting a job secured for the negro man, representing himself as,”MARRIED” and not GAY. The Christ Trinity Church in Chicago, is the place. Obama and MICH-AEL-ELLE, met there and the problem started. Illegals got them into the WH. The same that will probably occur, God forbid, with HEILLARY. Check out on YOUTUBE the movie, “Hillary Exposed.” Corruptness of the clinton’s and the MURDERS and coertion of government officials under them, put them into jail or into a COFFIN. obama does not remember “How he and Mich(AEL)elle met or the time. UM!!!!? Back to the NEWSWEEK. obama admits to being GAY, and, a muslim out to get AMERICA. In obamas book about his dad, he admits to the same. The birth certificates conflict as to, time, place, and DATES. Barry Seotoro is obamas real name. After his grand mother was ready to expose the FRAUD about Barry, she died. The health dept. official in HAWAII, died in an airplane crash when she was about to uncover obamas FRAUD recently. Research this for yourselves and share. God Bless AMERICA what is left. AMEN!!!
no surprise there I sad before he stooled the first time he is a Muslin here to destroy America people voted for color of skin sorry folks he’s not black he’s Muslim he faked that too ,if we don’t end his rain on America we won’t be here long as I’ve said for years now the son of satin runs America
Reading your two posts, Carol, I hope you are not an American-by-birth American. If you are not, all is forgiven. If you are, then I weep for this country and for what its education system has done and is doing to its native-born children.
Amen to that.
to Raymond and all the other writers,
to understand the circumstances better, go to “youtube” and have a look for
1) Prof. Walter Veith – Die satanischen Blutlinien auf dem Weg zur Weitherrschaft (the satanic bloodlines on the way to NWO); spoken in gernman and written in english
2.) Dr. Rath – Das Chemie-Pharma-Öl-Kartell und die Polit-Helfer; not neccessary to understand german
HISTORY IS ALWAYS WRITTEN BY THE WINNERS. I now know thats a fact since thousands of years
It will really surprise you
Our goverment is here lying to the people in the same way you see in US
Much love to all people and never give up
Obama does nothing but lie. Why is anyone surprised?
He says, 10,000 Muslims refugees coming to America. Do you believe him?
The best lies are based on truth Obama has been educated by the left elite and obviously learned his lessons well. Every time this gay Muslim opens his mouth he’s lying PERIOD!
well…they could hold a secret ballot for guppie teabaggers only and the guy who wins could be annnointed as ‘god’, and we could be told he is our next president…what could happen?…everybody would go along…
…with their flat tax, no food stamps, no public schools, no WIC, no Medicare, no Obamacare, no Social Security, New War every year for those unemployed people who want to feed their family, no Veteran Department, no Department of Education, all entitlement programs, except farm subsidy programs for congressmen (these would stay) no family leave except for Paul Ryan who needs, must have weekends off to spendwith his family (who gives a rats ass about yours), etc…
then you wouldn’t have to worry about sharia law…
Rogelio Hermosillo: Right on brother! You’re 100% correct! We need a tough nut like Trump in the White House…stop the billions and billions of dollars that Prez. Obongoloid has been sending to the middle-eastern nations to rebuild friggin Muslim mosques that were destroyed by their own terrorist people (i.e. ISIS, Al-Queada, Boko Haram, etc.etc.etc.z) Stop this forieign funding except for FRIENDS of the United States. The billions of savings can be used right here to fix this country that Obongoloid has f’d up for 6+ years! And stop all of the Dem-O-Crap entitlements ((i.e. free cell phones, automobiles, housing, medical benefits, etc.etc.etc.). If able, GO GET A FRIGGIN JOB AND GET OFF YOUR LAZY ARSES!!
Is anyone surprised by anything outlawish that O does next? His pattern/modus operandi is well established. No wonder Baney, oops Bernie claims to be an atheist. Anything to separate himself from Obama. Poor HRC. She is caught in O web with no way out.
Read my post to Gary Cooper. Our government has done a flap jack. It will not end unless WE AS AMERICANS STAND UP for our RIGHTS and FREEDOM. God will INTERVENE when all HELL breaks loose!
Liar in chief is a good description!
all of you are liars and out for your own cause … everyone has their own agenda in mind … lets be real
I’m sure you are speaking from experience about your own character
True word!! Some to not have the intellect to reason. They become Democrats.
Yes, let’s. Most of us will lie usually to protect another’s feelings. However, the president needs to be held to a higher standard. Anyone caught in a lie should automatically be not considered for the most powerful job in the world.
Obama should be impeached for putting our troops in danger.
Go to I started a petition for impeachment and I need signatures. Go to You Tube and watch the movie “Hillary Exposed” and the trailers next to it about her and billy and the seotoros barack and michelle, aka, barry and michael). THEN- if you have not had enough indigestion, look at NEWSWEEK where obama is on the cover wearing a rainbow halo. THEN, read the article inside about the PROGRAM, Jessie Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Ben Carsons statement- CLASSIC about the PROGRAM and the Christ Trinity Church in Chicago where the obamas/seotoros met and got married. Check it out! Please forward/share this and your findings. GOD Bless AMERICA!
There are many reasons he should be impeached. I hope it can be done soon.
Wow !… That’s the very first time he lied or done anything illegal…..(sarc.)
If he has, its not something that hasn’t happened since the beginning of time .. so whats your point .. if he lied, then certainly all the rest have lied too !!
the point is on your head,reach up and touch it once in a while
Excuse me, while I check my drawers for hash marks from laughing so hard!
There is no war anywhere on the planet that “our” government isn’t anxious to send our young people to get killed in.
Like good muslims gotta die for the cause…..NWO
I am a combat wounded veteran.
OOHRAH! I am an Corpsman and obama’s war is his way of eliminating some of the youth in our armed forces and decreasing the AMERICAN population while he can. Martial law is still a possiblility as it gets closer to 2017/2016. If clinton does not get elected, martial law will be imposed via executive order. This is why part of the funding debt raising bill will give the money to support clinton’s run for president. This was in an article on the internet this a.m. God Bless America! Go to you tube and see “Hillary Exposed.” THEN find a copy of NEWSWEEK with obama on the cover and read the article inside. obama is wearing a rainbow halo. What is inside it and the movie (banned from being shown in theatre’s by the clinton’s) will WAKE YOU UP! share if you please with the internet and friends. I served my country with HONOR and LOYALTY, Viet Nam and the COLD WAR. My faith in our present government is going. God is the ONLY ONE WHO keeps me going in a POSITIVE PATH! AMEN!!!
The most unconstitutional president ever. THE MOST LIES & illegal conduct of any president. WHY HAS’NT HE BEEN IMPEACHED YET???
Nickson did far less & look what he got. This administration are all crooks & need to be in prison. The Constitution & We The People Rule. Not one man thinking that he is the ruler & sets the Laws. He is NOT A US CITIZEN any ways. Where are the back bones of this nation??????????? DEAD & GONE.
As far as you know of …
They impeached Clinton. Did it do any good, NO! He needs to be arrested, tried and convicted of Crimes against humanity.
crazyelf says:They impeached Clinton. Did it do any good, NO! He needs to be arrested, tried and convicted of Crimes against humanity.(Along with his wife before she can get her chance to finish destroying the U.S.A.)
Go to and sign my petition for impeachment. Share with your friends and get them to sign too. God Bless AMERICA!
I sign this petition for Impeachment .
USC says the United States is a corporation. Go on line to State of Deleware Incorporation Section. You will find it there as United States Inc. You get first page free. I did and printed off first page for United States Inc, United States of America Inc., IRS, United States Postal Service, FBI, CIA and a few others. Interesting stuff. With that said and you called it right it is an Administration that administrates. NOT a government that governs. With that said O man is president of a corporation the what you call congress is nothing more than the board of directors and they are all employees to the Crown. They can voice opinions but have no power. The proof is in how they operate. Can you impeach the President of EXON? NO. We have to get ourselves out of the corporation since we are the living feeding the fictional beast. I heard Ron Beck, I think that was his name just before FOX kicked him off, he said we all need to get out of the system. He was spot on. If you will look in Amjur at 63C it states that O man, and all public officials are trustees of the public trust. I believe they are all in breach of that trust and should face the consequences under trust law however we are back to square one. Where to get justice because they are all in on it. Can you say MAFIA?
Our government is full of liars and traitors to our nation….Hillary, Obama, etc., Only to fill their own pockets, Strut around with the power they think they have. God, The creator of our universe is in control.
don’t forget the Bush s and the rest of the republicans while your at it, lets tell the whole truth and not part of it, as a lot of you ppl seem to do … let the truth be the truth and a lie be a lie … and they have all lied and will continue even after the President is gone … what are you planning to do about that part ?
The whole truth is neither party is fit to lead. They both have their agendas and it doesn’t matter what is good for the people. I ask myself what good is it to vote for any of them .
A woman after my own heart. You speak the truth, Irma. Voting to elect officials, especially at the national level, is a hopelessly outmoded method of putting people in power and a complete waste of time. Republicans are just as corrupt as Democrats and when a member of one party replaces a member of the other party in any Washington office, it is little more than one criminal replacing another criminal. There is nothing that can be done about it other than to sit back and enjoy this train ride to doom and oblivion. No great “empire” lasts forever and we are now merely following in the footsteps of the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Mongols, Mayans, Aztecs and all of the other late great empires of long ago. Enjoy it while it lasts, folks, because we are now in the last vestiges of what was once this great kingdom known as the United States of America.
The earth is a stage on which the drama of life
is being played out, and we are in the closing stages
of the final act. God has ordained what is happening.
Jesus is soon coming for His Bride according to the
Jewish custom of betrothal and marriage. All nations military will attack Israel and they will kill
each other in the mountains of Israel, during the mass confusion that will occur, in the greatest tribulation ever,
in which 2/3 of Israel will die, but the rest of Israel will be
saved and become the head of the nations.
NO human will be able to restore America to her once greatness. The tipping point has been passed. Judgment
is certain. The Spiritual wickedness in high places, the
Principalities and Powers are leading the worlds rulers
in bringing about Satan’s goal of One World Government, One World Religion, and One World Economy.
What we Christians MUST DO is to strive to “snatch everyone out of the fire” (lead to Christ) that we can,
and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and take a
very visible, vocal, public stand for Israel. All else is
vain. The Sovereign God has everything under
control. He is very jealous for Israel.
Obama should have been impeached a long time ago. I admit I voted twice for him, but I bitterly regret both votes. I’ve always said if the old men who decided to send young people into harms way had to be on the front lines, we would never have a war or “police action”. How easy it must be for them to send young people to die and not have to look into their faces. Everyone in politics is looking out for themselves and to hell with the public. Just look at the Clinton’s. He commits perjury and gets away with it. She exposes our secrets to the world through her email scandal and she will get away with it. We need a civil revolution. We need to dump all the idiots in Washington get up a new frame of government that, hopefully, will be more honest. Honesty and integrity are in very short supply anymore. I feel sorry for us. For being “free” people, we have very little control over what is done in our country. What a joke on us, huh?
We the people have very little in common with the elitists that rule DC and try to rule us. The elitists are in big time political trouble since we have been living under political/financial apartheid for some time now. All we need is someone to rise up with the message of cleaning out the establishment, changing directions and rebuilding. And it won’t be a democrat. It would not surprise me if O had to resign because he has lost the ability to govern?
He can’t lose something that he never had to begin with.
but he wasn’t and that’s why most of you ppl are angry … many more besides him should’ve been impeached but they weren’t and no one has said a word, but some things are kept a secret if you happen to be of a particular persuasion….
many people voted for him, even the dead and several times. it would seem the koolade has warn off from you so there is still hope for america but not before hard times come to pass,there is a price to pay for debauchery
I keep reading about the fellow in the WH and I am now, like most of the world I believe, convinced that he is a very dangerous man, bent on destroying on any good that Western civilization has stood for but …so what? Nobody has been able to stop him! The American constitution appears to be a useless document, totally incapable under law, of bringing an end to lawlessness, treachery, perfidy or any other malaise that a lawless dictator could get up to. The majority elected him, by fair means or foul! If by fair good, if by foul, what did anybody do about it, other than bleat? He has shown himself to be weak and petulant, incapable of leading a team of schoolgirls on a hike, but he is the elected president, and maybe that says more about Americans, and their constitution, than it does about him. His nemesis is one Vladimir Putin, a man who has perhaps inspired more respect in more people universally, than any other leader since Churchill, and HO, showing his congenital weakness, seems prepared to provoke a war just to prove himself. .
The Rino’s in congress including the past Speaker of the house has kissed obama’ s butt since the Republicans took control of
the House and Senate. They go along with the SOB and let him do as he pleases, illegal or not. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO AMERICA?
They r all crazy people
What has happened to the great nation, I was brought up to love. Being lied to, arrogrance, greed, self worship, putting their selves above GOD, lack of control by our teachers ( not being able to disabling the students and teaching stuff like there is no GOD )
Has been and continues to be the reasons our great country is in such a mess. We need new leaders with the backbone to stand up for that principles our forefathers found this country on.
You know what I wonder! Do any of these people (Pres.-Congress-etc. )get to read any of these comments ??? Do they?? Or are they for nothing?? Do they fall on deaf ears ?!
Obama is a malignant fraud from the moment of his conception onward. His real “father” was not Obama senior. It was his “uncle” Frank who was a bisexual communist “agent” who along with his homisexual escapades , was bedding White women in Kenya. Do a comparison of Obama senior’s picture and “uncle frank” and see for yourself who Barry looks like. Obama senior is dark and “uncle” frank is light. Obamanation doesn’t look anything like Obama senior but, he looks just like his light skinned “uncle frank. (Small case intended ), obama NEVER went to Columbia University. The reason his records are sealed is because there aren’t any. His entire life is a fabricated lie. There is no truth in him. Period. “Michelle”/Michael Obama is a transvestite. They have that queer very cleverly disguised. Whose kids are the daughters really ? There have been documented expose’s from credible sources that have proven Michelle is a transvestite. Why is that Antichrist walking fecal matter still in office ?
It saddens me to see What he has done to so many. Our nation , military, all of it. We are completely broke as a nation and barely able to put food on our tables or keep a roof over our heads. . God help us all , no one else will. The white house and congress we elected to protect our country and do the right thing for the people of this country… Oh yeah , lets not leave out the IRS, SS.
WHY, are We the People allowing this Lying Fraud to do whatever he/she wants to do, and whenever he/she wants? Is this Muslim above our Laws?
All the above comments are very believable and I believe are very true. I have been saying these things for the past 5 years. I also believe he has no intention of leaving the White House and will bring about Marshall Law to stay as DICTATOR. These are very scary times and we need to come together and take our country back. Remove all from their offices thru out the entire government, as they are all corrupt and liars. Start over with new people without any government experience, just great business sense. Build our country back where we are the best and all fear us once again. Small, Small, Small Government again please. Let us control our own lives.
A thought just struck me on this issue. With O bringing in all the Syrians, Libyans, etc as refugees, they will take over our country without firing a shot and with all of their benefits are taking over and getting paid for it besides. How easy is that. They (the muslims) have already taken over Europe and the UK.
And the Europeans are scrambling to buy guns. this from
“A Czech TV report confirms that long guns – shotguns and rifles
have been flying off the shelves in Austria, and Austrians who
haven’t already purchased a gun may not have a chance to get
one for some time. They’re all sold out.
And those arming themselves are primarily women.
‘If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them,” the Czech newscaster says. “All of them are currently sold out.’ “
Since when did Obama ever care if he was violating the law? It’s become standard procedure. Worse, however, is what this means for the long run. Does anyone remember the beginnings of our involvement in Vietnam? It began when John Kennedy was President. The terminology may have been a bit different, but the method was the same: we embedded advisors to train and help the South Vietnamese fight the Viet Cong and North Vietnam. There was a slow trickle of escalation until Johnson and McNamara came along and started sending in more and more troops. Before long, we had nearly 600,000 military men and woman “in country.” We all know the outcome of that. This situation, once again being conducted by a Democrat president is Deja Vu. It will not end well.
Dear President Obama
It was you who told an Islamic dinner – “I am one of you.”
It was you who on ABC News referenced – “My Moooslim faith.”
It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -“I will stand with the Moooslims.”
It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Moooslim.”
It was you who bowed in submission before the guardian of Mecca, the Saudi King of Islam, but not to the British Queen, head of the Christian Church of England.
It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
It was you who exempted Moooslims who adhere to Sharia Law from penalties under ObamaCare that the rest of us have to pay.
It was you who purposefully omitted “endowed by our Creator” from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s “Sermon On The Mount” while repeatedly referring to the “HOLY” Quran.
It was you who traveled the Islamic world apologizing for the United States Of America.
Right on Ralph! Nicely documented!
I think the congress and judges are afraid to impeach Obama, for fear of riots and maybe war with blacks even the law can’t do its job right because of this crap, I’m sorry to say that this is the case but it sure looks that way to me. We have to do something but what.
The gay Marxist Muslim POS president is reading DIRECTLY from the Hugo Chavez manual. “Establishing a Marxist State for Dummies.” American citizens don’t have a clue as to the brutal assault On our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Our freedoms and liberties have been attacked on a daily basis. “The Dreams from my Father” are formost his mission. Our military has been crippled. The National debt is beginning to make Greece’s debt look tiny. President obama’s Puppet Master Valerie Jarrett, of Iranian descent, keeps him focused daily on the their mission. That is the “fundamental transformation” of the USA to the MSA. The Marxist State of America. What is the last nail in the coffin of the USA? By edict/Executive Order, in one fell swoop, legalize ever illegal imagrant. Millions (Twenty? Thirty? Fifty million illegals will immediate receive full voting rights. Add in the number of dead voters. Included in the mix are the George Soros manufactured voting machines. The ghost of Hugo Chavez smiles. Lights out.
Why haven’t I heard any of this on the Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck shows? It is believable but without documentation of the claims made by Ralph, it would be hard to report as truth. It has been reported that George Stephanopoulos corrected the Pres. B.O. on saying that he was a Muslim, it was in context of a question asked by John McCain about his Muslim faith. Has anyone checked to see if the Rev. J. Wright.. is a Muslim or a Marxist? Both philosophies believe that lying and deception is desirable when necessary.