University of Missouri Professor Melissa Click resigned her courtesy title with the School of Journalism Tuesday night after video surfaced of her asking for “more muscle” to remove an MU student journalist from a protest.
The resignation came as the school’s famed journalism program was already apparently taking steps to rescind Click’s appointment.
In an apology letter, Click claimed the day was, “full of emotion and confusion” which influenced her actions.
Missouri students have launched campus-wide protests over ongoing racial issues at the school, which led to the resignation of the school’s president and chancellor.
In the video, which was circulated widely through news outlets and social media, Click can be seen intimidating a student reporter and demanding that he stop covering a protest.
That set off alarms not only among First Amendment and press advocates, but also at Missouri’s journalism school, considered one of the best in the world. The school’s dean announced Click’s appointment was under review shortly after the video surfaced.
The scrutiny the video received has led to threats against Click and campus-wide. The University of Missouri has increased security and is investigating online threats.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Ron Gjoraas says
Sorry that real justice was accomplished with her resignation. Avoid the School of Journalism at that college. They have a philosophy of CONTROL that they wish to project from their bully pulpits. She should be able to get a job in several countries in the world that love to rule over the people.
Fed up says
Her actions and those of the football team were disgusting.. They should have taken away all the schlorships and fired the coach.. They just set the stage to react on every campus across the US. This is what you call for peaceful resolution to problems.. What a shame a student can stand up in front of a adult a ask What the F…. Do you think you are doing.. Absolutely no respect not only for the Professor but for themselves.. Ignorance prevailed all around
Don Morgan says
Melissa Click is a fake journalist who does not want the truth to be known. She needs to be on the activist faculty where she can demonstrate her demonstration skills. Black opinions mater, white opinions mater, all opinions mater. Calmly listen to all and work to increase the ideals we all agree on.
Mike Clark says
A great university , that will never get back its status in this country. I really feel sorry for the Alumni who have no influence on how their college handled their problems with those student athletes . What should have been done , the second string on the team should have been given a chance to play at the next game , with the record they have it didn’t make any difference anyway. The coach should have been the one that resigned , plus the players who thought they were treated bad , when it comes to schools in Missouri for prospective students to go to , Missouri will no longer be on the list , I can see this really having a monetary effect on the School in General . The main problem is most Universities have nothing but liberal professors on staff , the privilege of teaching our students how Big Government is the answer to everything , the majority of them have never had a job to speak of , they are dependent on the taxpayers in the individual states , because that is all they know about having a job is all about. They have been on taxpayer rolls all their lives and don’t know any better what it’s like to work for a company that needs to sell its products or services for a profit in order to pay its employees . College professors don’t produce anything , they have no incentive to actually teach students about how the world works , the majority especially young professors , have gone from high school , through college , get their masters and then their Doctorate, then their ready to teach business courses . Wrong when I went to college and was in a business class with one of these professors , also working full time at nights to get my degree , I would argue with these professors telling them well that’s not how business works . Working for an established company in a managerial position , the professor would insist to me well the book says that this is how it works in business , I would argue with him to the point , how much business experience do you have in the real world , what companies have you worked for that do what you are proposing in management . They would then tell me that they have studied for years , I would tell them what the books say and what happens in the real world of business is totally different. It’s all about the customer , what products you sell , how it will help them in their future , whether it’s a car , a refrigerator , a service anything that people want all sold at a profit in order for that company to continue to stay in business. That’s the problem with the liberal philosophy , when you are on the taxpayers rolls , you don’t produce anything but an education , it’s the students who have to utilize what you teach them so they can go out and get a good paying job . If that’s not accomplished why pay over $200,000.00 and not be able to find a job that you can get so that you can pay that student loan back. It’s the same with government the liberal way of doing things is spen , spend , spend , let the Federal Government take care of you , so what if we are over 20 Trillion dollars in debt , we will not have to worry about paying it back , the next generation will , so what do we care on how the money is spent as long as we get our Federal Check every month , get our health care paid for , get our nice retirement when we are done here stealing taxpayers money . With what happened at Missouri College in the last few days , will influence how the Seniors who are graduating in May 2016 will have an effect on how your interview will go when you are looking for a real job. You will be asked how you feel about what went on on your Campus , what your feelings are and it will have a big effect on whether you get the job or not. All a college diploma gets you is a door to be opened to sell yourself to a company , how you could help that company prosper in the market place , it doesn’t automatically get you a job.
Denis says
Hope she is capable of getting a job at McDonald’s. Maybe not. She is such a hothead she wouldn’t be able to take a customer telling her that the fries ordered are stale and uneatable, that she would be asking for muscle to throw that customer out of the restaurant.
This is the type of individual we do not need teaching our children at any level from kindergarten up.