A federal judge will not immediately block a California law that requires all schoolchildren to be vaccinated and is one of the strictest in the nation for eliminating exemptions based on religious and personal beliefs.
The ruling Friday by U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw in San Diego comes as the law faces its first test with the end of summer break.
A lawsuit filed by 17 families and two foundations sought an injunction while the lawsuit works its way through the courts. The law went into effect July 1 and eliminated religious and personal beliefs as reasons for opting out of the state’s mandatory immunizations.
It requires all children to be vaccinated before attending private or public schools or day care facilities unless doctors determine medical reasons for not doing so.
Sabraw wrote in his ruling that “case law makes clear that states may impose mandatory vaccination requirements without providing for religious or conscientious objections.”
He also noted it was not the court’s place to decide on the “wisdom” of the Legislature.
Attorney Jim Turner, representing the plaintiffs, said their children will not be allowed to attend school except for home schooling while the suit proceeds.
“The lawsuit could carry on for a period time, probably a year or two,” he said.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Born in South and proud of it says
I guess most of these parents are not older enough to remember when parents lost children by diseases that are now largely controlled by vaccine. Like measles, whooping cough, flu, polio, mumps, chicken pox and several other ailments. I very well remember the yearly summer outbreaks of polio. Polio was effectively eliminated in the USA and most of the world. Now we see isolated cases pop up every year in the USA with almost all in the south west and west coast. Which I understand are the areas with the biggest stance against vaccines. I personally would not want my child in school with other children that have not been vaccinated. I have see what these diseases do to children and its not pretty. If you have never lost a child you are lucky and blessed, it is the most painful thing a parent can endure and you never get over it. So use every thing available to protect the health of not only your children but also the children around them. I can speak on a personal level to the horrors of polio. My wife of 53 years is a polio survivor, she has also managed to survive a nasty thing called post polio syndrome. As a result of the latter she has been in a wheelchair for the past 15 plus years.
Cindy says
I have to say I disagree with your comment. I will further my comment of knowledge later.
Zola Webster says
As an R.N. and having lived through more than one Polio epidemics I would think parents would want to have their children to have the best of health care and have them vaccinated so they won’t have to go though all the diseases. My brother had polio in the 30’s epidemic. The disease has been almost eradicated because of the vaccine.. I understand there some religious beliefs that regard it as wrong.
I hope parents would get their children vaccinated, All school children will be healthier.
Aline says
we are not talking about polio, measles and what ever else! We are talking about giving infants up to 60 vaccs! What is wrong with you people????? It’s always about MONEY! NOT prevention! Keeping government, big pharmas in large, very large funds! Why do you think, genius, that a med that cost $ 20.00 a pill, turns into a $ 500.00 pill? Meds don’t CURE ANYTHING! They put a band aid over a problem, which will resurface in more ways than one, in time!
So, again, we don’t have too many polio cases these days, what we got are diseases that meds, vaccines DON”T heal! Isn’t it great? You can go and get a carton of milk at the market, and get a flu shot (or what ever is fitting at the time)! It is pure GREED!
Jon S says
My friend Rich was given polio by the vaccine something they don’t inform the public of. They also don’t inform the public of the liability issue that could cost a family millions just so the drug companies can make money on their snake oil concoctions.
Gail says
Polio affected my family, too, and I believe in vaccines. However, today’s vaccines have more many times more Mercury than the vaccines did a generation ago. There is evidence that there is a direct correlation between the vaccines and autism and other learning problems. (Many of us remember the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland and as people knew back then Mercury was used in hat making and made the hatters mad.) Also, the pharmaceutical companies have been known to use aborted baby parts in the vaccines that have been documented to cause health issues. The pharmaceutical companies and government are well aware of this but their God is money and that’s all they are concerned with. Vaccines are currently almost as bad as Russian roulette depending on a child’s susceptibility to the side effects.
The current vaccine to protect children from getting or spreading cervical cancer is one of the most dangerous. It has caused many girls to stop menstrating. The doctors then prescribe birth control pills, a known carcegenen, and not used in countries such as Japan. However, the real problem is that the vaccine killed the girl’s eggs and the pills are covering up the problem. There are currently law suits against the manufacturer in Australia.
The legislatures have no business forcing parents to have their children vaccinated. Health choices belong to the parents. The governments sole duty would be to advise the parents of consequences and risks if they choose not to vaccinate. Also, as a more expensive option it is possible to obtain some organic vaccines.
We can no longer trust doctors who are either ignorant of the truth or at the mercy of pharmaceutical companies.
BV says
I know of families who’s children were vaccinated and are now autistic , they were not before the vaccinations, you will never get the medical doctors to admit it . If your children are vaccinated then, why should you worry about the ones who are not , your children should be protected .. How many diseases have come from those coming from other countries? I grew up and never had a shot because my father didnt believe in them . Look at the health problems children have today.
drbhelthi says
The myth of vaccination was created by the physician fraud, Edward Jenner over 200 years ago, even though genuine physicians notified him that his “cowpox” theory did not work. The medical industry has brainwashed the public into believing the 200-yr-old fraudulent myth of “vaccination”, that has prevented no one from acquiring a communicable illness. The former chief virologist of Merck pharmaceutical, Dr. Maurice Hillerman, stated that ” all vaccines are contaminated, every last one of them “. http://salem-news.com/articles/november292011/vaccines-contaminated-se.php
The history of “vaccines” and “vaccination” reveals that vaccines do not vaccinate, and for over 200 years have perpetuated the illnesses they are alleged to have stifled. Statistics demonstrate that outbreaks of contageous illnesses have occurred in areas that were most heavily vaccinated. Vaccines contain heavy metals, oil and diseased tissue all of which is foreign to the body into which it is injected. Vaccination disables and harms the immune system, often causes nerve damage with partial paralysis, mental retardation in some children, and is noted for the geometric increase in various forms of minimal brain damage and autism since 1980. The practice of injecting these poisons into an infant is criminal, and in cases of damage to the infant, criminal charges should be made against the practitioners who are responsible.
Dr Neville Wilson says
Absolutely correct Drbhelthi ! But these facts are ignored by the majority of medical practitioners. I recommend a good read which looks at the forgotten history of vaccines and provides solid documentary evidence for the great harm caused by many vaccines. Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, MD, and Roman Bystrianyk.
Neville Wilson, MD
Justin W says
I remember the host of vaccinations I had to receive. It wasn’t pleasant but it protected me from a variety of diseases. I still consider a tetanus vaccination preferable to the chance of getting lockjaw.
The problem is that as fewer people in the population get vaccinated there is a chance for some of these diseases to make a comeback. Once the disease makes the national news it may be too late for some of the old treatments to work. It also costs more to treat a disease than to give a vaccination.
USMale says
@ Aline, Where in the world did u come up with the number 60 vacs? As of Aug. 22, 2014, all 50 states and DC require vaccinations for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; polio; and measles and rubella (49 states and DC also require mumps vaccination). 48 states and DC require varicella (chickenpox) vaccination (Montana and Pennsylvania do not); and 45 states and DC require hepatitis B vaccination (Alabama, Maine, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota do not) to enter kindergarten. Some states require Hib, PCV, flu, Hep A, and meningococcal (Men) vaccines to enter kindergarten. Connecticut is the only state to require 10 vaccinations, while Montana has the fewest requirements at three. Oh yeah, Do you know anyone who has any of these diseases? No?… Ummmmm,… Ever wonder why?… Idiot!
BV says
I had some of the childhood diseases and all our friends did too and we survived . Measles mumps and chicken pox. They put to many toxins in an infant, some children can’t handle that many at once that’s why they have health problems . I have two granddaughters one has had shots the other one hasn’t guess which ones the healthiest , the one that hasn’t had the shots . The HPV shot they want to give kids now caused a friend of ours to end up in the hospital after the shot , now she’s having health issues . Her mom wishes now she hadn’t gotten her daughter the shot.. So you give your kids shot and take the risk one way or the other .
P`tar says
Any person who refuses to vaccinate themselves and their family without a valid medical reason should be charged with public endangerment.
They are a danger to themselves, their families, their communities, and their countries. Quarantine.