Joe Biden isn’t known for his speaking abilities, but he’s sent one message loud and clear: He’s telling illegal immigrants if you come to the U.S. illegally, there’s a great chance we’re going to let you stay here for years, maybe forever.
Most agents aren’t arresting illegal aliens for border violations. And even if they do, Biden has slowed down the deportation process so badly that it takes forever to see illegals get their day in court.
“The odds of being arrested just for being in the country illegally were always extremely low, and now they’ve basically ruled it out by (Joe Biden’s official) policy,” wrote former ICE Acting Director Ronald Vitiello in The Washington Post.
But even if illegal immigrants actually get arrested, they’ll almost never be deported — if they ever go to trial in the first place.
The reason? The uncontrolled border crisis is flooding U.S. courts and gumming up the gears of the judicial system.
There are so many cases to try that the limited number of immigration judges just can’t get around to them all.
The average deportation trial now takes three years, according to new data from experts at Syracuse University.
There are currently 1.3 million illegal immigrants waiting for a trial — and while they sit out the delay, they get to stay in the United States.
And more illegal immigrants are coming to America every day.
More than 180,000 illegal immigrants tried to enter the U.S. in May — and those are just the ones we know about.
The few who get arrested end up waiting… and waiting… in line to come to court.
The courts are so overwhelmed that the Washington Times reported “even if immigration enforcement was suspended altogether and no new cases were added from either the border or the interior, it would take more than four years to work through the backlog.”
So many illegal immigrants have taken Joe Biden up on his promise of free health care, food stamps, and welfare that even the ones who get arrested have skyrocketed.
The number of illegal immigrants who are waiting for judges to hear their deportation cases, let alone deport them, has almost tripled in three years, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse. There were 550,000 cases in 2018.
Now, they’re sunk in judicial molasses, metaphorically speaking.
And that’s encouraging more people to travel the Rio Grande to America.
“Frankly, most of these cases don’t belong in immigration court, or if they are, it should be on a rocket docket, because they have no legitimate claim to stay,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies. “They are gaming the system.”
Why is this happening? Is it because Biden and his administration officials want illegals to stay in the U.S., so they can make them citizens… and voters?
Whatever his reason, the majority of current Americans oppose it.“Most voters (68 percent) think that Biden’s immigration executive orders encourage illegal immigration, and 55 percent think that his border policies are increasing the flow of drugs and crime into the United States,” wrote a former congressional immigration expert, Nolan Rappaport, at The Hill.
“Sixty seven percent think that illegal crossers should be turned back to Mexico,” he continued.
And 61% of Americans pin the blame for the border crisis on one person: President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
The media smeared President Donald Trump when he signed an Executive Order rushing Justice Department judges to the border to handle the stacks of deportation hearings clogging U.S. courts.
Now we know why he did it — and maybe we know why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris undid it.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”