A Honduran man who has repeatedly entered the United States illegally allegedly kidnapped his estranged ex-girlfriend and repeatedly sexually assaulted her at knifepoint on a drive from Missouri to New Jersey, according to federal prosecutors.
Because of a weak Obama administration border policy, this is the third time Jose Amaya-Vasquez had sneaked into the United States.
Some illegals like Amaya-Vasquez, 30, continue coming back to the United States even after being deported. This time, Amaya-Vasquez kidnapped the woman at knifepoint in Kansas City, Missouri and sexually assaulted her at a vacant house in Missouri, an Ohio motel and a Bellmawr motel, FBI special agent Nicole Canales wrote in court documents. A 2-year-old child was also brought along on the ride.
Amaya-Vasquez was first accused of entering the country illegally in 2005, but wasn’t deported until July 2014, Canales said in the complaint.
He was stopped again two months later after illegally entering the country from Mexico. After serving only 30 days in jail, he was deported and barred from re-entering the country for 20 years.
But this May, prosecutors said, he came back and encountered his victim in a parking lot in Kansas City and held her against her will with a folding knife and threats that he would kill her three children and mother in Honduras.
He said “she had to decide that night if she wanted to live or die,” Canales wrote. He also “told the victim that she was going to be with him until death” and that they were going to New York.
When police went to the New Jersey motel, the woman told them that he had fled through the ceiling tiles. He was caught a short time later after climbing 25 feet up a nearby tree.
New reports show policies under the Obama administration have emboldened illegals to cross the border. Lengthy backlogs of more than 456,000 cases mean that immigrants can effectively remain in the US for years before a judge decides whether they should leave the country. Also, recent court rulings have complicated the government’s plans to hold families in immigration jails pending deportation proceedings.
Hundreds of immigrant families caught illegally crossing the Mexican border recently admitted to US immigration agents they made the illegal journey in part because they believed they would be permitted to stay in the United States and collect public benefits, according to internal intelligence files the Associated Press obtained from the Homeland Security Department.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
This kind of stuff is why we need Donald Trump in the Whitehouse !!!!! Send them ALL back home where ever that may be.
I was just thinking the same thing, Liz. I’m torn between who I would like most to be President and who appears to have the internal fortitude to battle against impossible odds. I worry that we would elect Trump and then discover that He was a Clinton under cover man. Probably not but they have pulled so many shady deals in the past, and they never seem to be called to account.
I agree 200% we need our borders closed and the illegal mexicans put on the other side of it permanently and all muslams
MAYBE the Government should EXAMINE EACH IMMIGRANT’S CASE first, THEN determine if he or she is just freeloading, or if they are actually CONTRIBUTING to the economy (MOST actually ARE)…
Send them back home? Nah, that’s a Liberal move. Think Russian and catch them, after that castrate them and send them out to sea in shark-infested waters. Sounds right to me.
Really all you can do is enforce the employment laws make it very Illegal to hire these people and not give them free everything
Well they finally admitted that they come here for the freebies. Not for the jobs, not to flee persecution, not for anything but our tax dollars. But our government has no problem stealing our money and giving it to people who have not nor ever will contribute one cent into the system. All the while cutting benefits to people who have given all our lives. Time for a new political party The American Common Sense Party.
I agree. Both of the current are corrupt and out of touch it’s time for a new option.
It looks like you believe the propaganda garbage put out by those that do not want Trump elected. Donald Trump is the ONLY candidate that will save this country. His an honest man who we can trust
If I change my name to Valdez or Ortega Or ruis or something foreign I will get everything for free I will retire in america and laugh all the way to the bank
It’s time to round up the illegals and kick them out of the country. The criminal in this story should be executed and his body should be returned to Honduras.
Illegal aliens are criminals. They all broke the law by entering our country without legal permission. Some are just bigger criminals than others.
No I think that if our government continuously drops the ball on illegals states should step up and write in there own FIAT laws on how to deal with them. Execute them for there crimes, rape & murder draws a death sentence. If they come back across the border illegally its an automatic 5 years hard labor. Even the american criminal is thumbing there nose at law enforcement bring back the death penalty. Its unbeleivable that the criminals family are outraged that the perpetrator of sexual crimes or a home invasion gets killed in the proscess but nothing about the victim or there families. The criminal was wrong but he didnt deserve to die! What kind of backwards thinking is this?? I lay this at Obamas foot steps. He says that Bobby could have been his son? Well if he werent homosexual I would go along with him 300%. Dont need any DNA for this one.
And of course he will still be on the public dole with three hots and a cot in prison.
Justin, Richard, I concur completely. Why is the first African American President so willing to give away taxpayers money to people who do not have any investment in the United States other than eternally open hands? There are dozens of exceedingly under funded programs, (i.e. our schools, our veterans, our elderly) who could seriously use all those millions of dollars. Why do he waste our hard earned dollars on NON Americans? Liberals are so willing to spend other peoples money! I am all for helping the poor, our neighbors and people impacted by disasters, but NOT illegals.
If we don’t wise up and get all the Muslims and illegals out of our country, we are doomed.
I presently live in the “spanish” state of California where 2 of 3 people (of ALL AGES)
speak only Spanish or very limited English. Many have been here legally or illegally
for many, many years.More than half hold jobs and behave properly….. BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,
they are still not citizens, refuse to assimilate (learn English) and most are “TAKERS”
not givers! Europe will now feel the “immigrant” pain as those entering Germany, etc. are
already trying to take over and force their religion on their caregivers!
Maybe 1/3 of CA immigrants have become citizens of the 2/3 majority of the
state population so that leaves about 11, 000, 000 non english speaking , non-citizens
living in this state.
David L,
President Obama is not,African American.the presidents father father was African,
therefor, president Obama is African,African or white man with a black face.not
African American