by Frank Holmes, reporter
Liberals spent four years protesting against President Donald Trump because he kept “kids in cages” and forced illegal aliens to live in subhuman conditions should turn their full hatred against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, according to…the Biden administration.
According to a new report, the Biden administration has housed illegals in a “migrant jail” so filthy that toilets are clogged with human waste and a lot of the cells don’t have hot water.
Things are so bad for the poor illegal aliens that — for the first time in U.S. history — the Biden administration wants to move everyone out of the Torrance County Detention Center in New Mexico so they can be housed in a place decent enough to be called a prison!
“During our inspection, we found such egregious conditions in the facility that we are issuing this management alert to notify ICE. We have determined that ICE must take immediate steps to address the critical facility staffing shortages and unsanitary living conditions that have led to health and safety risks for detainees at Torrance,” the Office of Inspector General, the government office that oversees the federal government, wrote in a new report.
The office recommended that all the illegal immigrants being kept in the facility be removed immediately. That’s unheard of…but so are a lot of the complaints listed in their report.
The report shows pictures of a “non-functioning, moldy sink” in one unit and a “clogged toilet full of human waste” in another…and it wasn’t just a cell or two that was neglected. The majority of sinks in this Estancia, New Mexico, holding facility had “clogged” toilets or “non-functioning” plumbing of some kind, inspectors said.
When inmates’ complaints made their way up to management, the facility sat on them for weeks. Routine maintenance requests “went unresolved for 12 or more days,” the report said.
Things are so bad that the prisoners are leaving their cells and filling up their water cups from a sink that’s meant for cleaning mops.
The facility “has not been able to demonstrate the ability to provide a safe environment for staff and noncitizens, provide the necessary security for proper facility security and control measures, and care necessary to ensure proper facility maintenance, overall cleanliness, and personal hygiene needs described in the (federal government’s) standards,” the report said.
Those are just the physical problems at the detention facility; it also has a human problem—there aren’t enough of them. The Torrance County facility has just 54 percent of the staff it’s supposed to employ: It has 133 employees but is supposed to have 245.
The inspectors wrote that the “Torrance staff acknowledged the understaffing problem” but played it off because they’re so far from the nearest town. And that’s keeping them from letting people live in the kind of decency you’d associate with a prison.
Remember when Democrats showed up at illegal alien facilities screaming and crying, accusing the Trump administration of violating human rights and operating literal concentration camps?
So, now that the Biden administration is keeping illegal aliens in a facility that’s so disgusting that clogged toilets overflow onto the cell and people can’t even maintain their “personal hygiene” or “cleanliness,” where are they?
Where’s the outrage? Where’s Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez livestreaming her visit to this facility? Where is Nancy Pelosi, calling for an immediate fix for these poor illegal aliens who were created with a “spark of divinity”?
They might be keeping their powder dry for a few reasons: First of all, they’ll never demonstrate against one of their own. Human rights violations happen in Republican administrations. When Democrats do the same thing, it disappears from the media—like Ted Cruz found out when he tried to broadcast the inside of detention facilities for unaccompanied minors during the Wuhan flu. This is pure hypocrisy based on the political party of the man in the Oval Office.
But there’s something else: The report might be a lie.
The facility and Immigration and Customs Enforcement both say the inspector general staged the photos and overstated almost every complaint in the report.
The Biden administration has shut down a few other detention facilities, too… so, who knows what its real agenda is.
But we know this much: Something fishy is happening here, and no one is looking at it, except The Horn.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”