Republican leaders have decided to delay their funding attack until January, pushing back a House vote to unravel President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul and block federal money for Planned Parenthood. GOP leadership is hoping to increase attention on their drive against two of conservatives’ favorite targets with the delay.
The measure has already cleared the Senate, and House passage seems assured.
Congress is ready to tackle major budget bills this week and adjourn for the year. GOP aides and lawmakers said they didn’t want those measures to overshadow their assault on Obama’s health law and Planned Parenthood.
Though the House and Senate have voted dozens of times to repeal all or part of Obama’s 2010 health care law, this measure would be the first to reach the president’s desk and be vetoed. That’s because this time, Republicans used a budget procedure that let them push the bill through the Senate with a simple majority vote and prevented Democrats from derailing it with a filibuster.
Republicans have solidly opposed Obama’s health law since its inception. They stepped up their usual attacks against Planned Parenthood this year because of the group’s role in sometimes supplying fetal tissue to researchers.
Aides say they are planning for a House vote against the health law and Planned Parenthood on Jan. 6, days before Obama’s State of the Union address to Congress. Obama would have 10 days, excluding Sundays, to veto the bill, which the White House has promised he will do.
Republicans said a vote to override the veto, which is certain to fail but also attract public attention, would occur on Jan. 26.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
marlene says
There’s no difference between the liberal GOP and the liberal democrats – they both take th bribes. We don’t need no stinking political parties – our Founding Fathers warned us against them. Smell their coffee yet? WAKE UP!
Rose says
GOP is WH secret weapon to wipeout
USA States And Citizens Constitutional Rights &Economic stability
Diana says
The gop is as crooked as obama and his minions we need to throw them all out, and make darn sure no more lawyers in our gov. we have enough of these crooks on payroll we don’t Don’t need them in congress senate, it should be people with common sense I know I know they are hard to fine, well let’s make sure they know and understand the Constitution, believe in it, and know the bill of rights, and the rest of our laws, and believe in our Country, and while we are at it get rid of excitive order put in place term limits, no retirement benefits and a pay cut with no way for them to raise it, if they don’t show up for votes like Rubio they are fired, they can hold down a full time job when not in session like it use to be, we should save a lot money not paying these outrageous payrolls and we should not be supporting them anyway, it is civic duty not a way of life getting rich on the workers back.
Joe Sanchez says
The GOP have been around so long they know how to sabotage someone they don’t like, that is going to be bad news for Mr. Trump, and it looks like we can call Ryan (Boehner Jr.) to do a better job then Boehner did but it looks like he’s caving in already. Unless we get a stronger Conservative base, we are in serious trouble, Satanobuma seems to have put his mojoe on Ryan, how is it that Republicans are as Dirty as Democrats against their own party when push comes to shove.
I’m willing to bet obuma can’t wait for his next Republican victim, and at the end of the day he puts his nasty feet up on our desk just laughing his ass off. The corruption runs all the way up to the Supreme Court, then trickles all the way down on the government organizational chart. Whats it going to take for someone or someones to Stop the destruction that these career politicians made for themselves, and the Hell with the American people. Come January we are going to see how much of a pussy Ryan really is, He’s caved in on giving obarry sotoroe 6 Billion dollars, that satan will give to the United Nations of which we should not even belong to. People you have got to get angry.
Jay Bell says
The RINOs are exactly like the Dems–struggling to pull the U.S. into a socialist, NWO and the U.N. is their biggest cheerleader. If you think Washington is full of crooks, wait till you get a load of the politicos at the U.N. One of the past honchos at the U.N. Boutros Boutros-Ghali was so bad, that NYPD said that diplomatic immunity or not, they were going to bust him and throw him in the klink if the U.S. didn’t do something about getting him replaced. Remember the “oil for food program” administered by the U.N.? An incredibly crooked operation. Billionaire, Maurice Strong was heavily involved and was fortunate that he made it to China because he would have been busted had he been in any Western nation. By the way, Strong’s darling project, the IPCC has run the whole “climate change” scam (with the full cooperation of the U.N.). The media has obediently parroted the socialist’s ridiculous henny-penny scenario. The earth is warming–but it is part of a normal cycle. A top climate scientist testified to the U.S. Senate as to just exactly how the IPCC manipulated the data and the “consensus of climate scientists”. A bureaucrat at the U.N. generally hinted several years ago that “climate change” was simply a ploy to get money from the rich nations and distribute it to the poorer nations. I think there is probably a darker agenda in play as well. Socialism must suppress the wealth of the West in order to make us more likely to accept world-wide socialism (with the elites, of course, at the top of the heap).
Steve Dolyniuk says
It looks like Paul Ryan is nothing but another Wimp !! The Republican Party has gone to Hell in a hand basket, by trying to be more like the Democrats.
Jean says
This guy is Catholic what a disgrace he is shame on you Mr. Ryan.