Bombings in New York and New Jersey — and a stabbing attack in Minnesota the same day — underscore that homegrown attacks inspired by violent extremists are as much a threat to the United States as those directed by terrorists, the nation’s Homeland Security chief says.
While all attacks are difficult to detect and prevent, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the United States and its allies continue to “take the fight militarily to terrorist organizations overseas” 15 years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.
In prepared testimony before a Senate committee Tuesday, Johnson said air strikes and special operations against the so-called Islamic State terror group have led to the deaths of a number of its leaders. While it remains a threat, the Islamic State has lost nearly half the populated areas it once controlled in Iraq and thousands of square miles in Syria, Johnson said.
At the same time it loses territory, the group has “increased its plotting on targets outside of Iraq and Syria and continues to encourage attacks in the United States,” Johnson said.
Johnson, FBI Director James Comey and Nicholas Rasmussen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, are set to testify Tuesday as the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee looks at security threats 15 years after 9/11.
The panel’s chairman, Sen. Ron Johnson said the threat of “militant Islamic terrorist attacks to the United States remains significant,” citing the Sept. 17 attacks in the New York region and Minnesota, as well as deadly attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., and Orlando.
“In all, Islamic extremist terrorist have killed 63 people on U.S. soil since our committee last held its annual hearing to consider threats to the homeland,” Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said in a prepared statement.
Two years after President Barack Obama stated a goal of defeating the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, “we have made little progress,” said Johnson, who is not related to the Homeland Security chief.
Ahmad Khan Rahami, the main suspect in the New York bombing, faces federal terrorism charges after a shootout with police.
Prosecutors say Rahami, 28, planned the explosions for months as he bought components for his bombs online and set off a backyard blast. They say he wrote a journal that praised Osama bin Laden and other Muslim extremists, fumed about what he saw as the U.S. government’s killing of Muslim holy warriors and declared “death to your oppression.”
While Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has suggested a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants, Jeh Johnson said the U.S. should focus on “building bridges to diverse communities” to defend the homeland.
Lawmakers also may focus on police shootings in Tulsa, Okla., and Charlotte, N.C., as well as Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
Republicans have assailed Comey’s decision not to prosecute Clinton, now the Democratic nominee for president. Several have demanded the Justice Department investigate whether Clinton lied during testimony last year on the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Democrats call the claims partisan and intended to hurt Clinton’s candidacy.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Justin W says
Homegrown terror will always pose a serious threat to America. Many of us are more likely to notice and report strange behavior from someone that appears to be Muslim or of Middle Eastern descent than from someone of European or African descent. Those most familiar with American culture have the potential to do the greatest harm.
Don says
The greatest home grown terror is setting in the White House. Thank God he will be gone soon, that is if Hillary doesn’t win.
william pollard says
I could recite the list of problems that cite the relationships of every other country, religion and what not with muslems VS the rest of the world. I could note the many times that Mr Jeh Johnson express a lack of knowledge of what I think his job is, and mainly think of the peter principle. I realize this whole Democratic administration if fraught with gross incompetence and lack of honesty and personal integrity. They have created PC policies that have enabled those that do not want to be part of the USA and the beacon of freedom; created programs that are on track to bankrupt the country; divided the social structure of of the country and have failed to uphold and adhere to the Constitution to a level I consider to be treasonous.
Ron Lindsey says
The Moslem Obama and staff will not not even use the Moslem jihadi terrorist term! It doesn’t even take a rocket scientist to figure out who is attempting to kill Americans at will!
Ron Lindsey says
Aw, snap! Those Amish are at it again!
Rob c says
Terrorists are cowards period they look for gun free zones to commit crimes as well as soft targets knowing women and children can’t fight back. They probably sit around a table talking to each other about how badass they are because no one else would believe their bullshit. A bunch of low life pussy’s one and all. Let them walk into a building where people utilize their second amendment rights and it’s game over for the chicken shits. If they are stupid enough to believe they will get 72 virgins then they are stuck on stupid.
Vickie T says
We are the victims of DOMESTIC terrorism. And the top offender/enabler/encourager is sitting in the top seat at the White House. His policies have set us up for death and destruction, both for our people and our country. It breaks my heart to see what has happened to our country. It’s also sad that their depopulation agenda is being spread all over the world, as well as here at home. I pray every day for those who are a part of this genocide in our country be properly taken care of. I pray that our people become aware of what is happening before it is too late and actually be willing to do something about it. The majority of people are clueless. They believe the propaganda being put out by the MSM. Satan, I’m sure is laughing his fool head off. But, he at least knows what his ultimate fate will be and is bound and determined to have his fun while he still can. At some point, which will be decided by God, he and all of his followers will head for their eternal home in hell. Not a place I would wish upon my worst enemy. But everyone has a choice and I pray that everyone makes the right choice before they draw their last breath. After that, there fate is sealed. I pray many blessings on the faithful. I pray that those who aren’t there yet, make the decision to follow the narrow path with Jesus. Be a blessing and be blessed!