As part of a “Day of Rage,” dozens of Palestinians threw firebombs at a West Bank site revered by many Christians and Jews as the tomb of biblical patriarch Joseph.
Palestinian security forces extinguished the blaze early Friday. Footage on local media shows flames leaping from the small stone structure in the West Bank city of Nablus.
The tomb has become a popular prayer site in recent years among some religious Jews, and is also considered a holy site in Christianity.
The arson comes at a time of heightened tensions between Israel and the Palestinians.
Over the past month, eight Israelis were killed in Palestinian attacks, most of them stabbings. In that time, 31 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire, including 14 labeled by Israel as attackers, and the rest in clashes with Israeli troops.
Overnight #Palestinians set ablaze Joseph’s Tomb, in a blatant violation of the basic value of freedom of worship.
— Peter Lerner (@LTCPeterLerner) October 16, 2015
Why don’t you ever report the vandalism and attacks on churches by militant Israeli settlers?
Because nobody cares about scum
Religion–seems to be at the root of ALL EVIL-sorry if this rubs you-all the wrong way-but let’s face it,and stop hiding behind belief systems that simply do not work-;^))-JM
It is true tha religion has been at the root of most behavior throughout history. What most people do not understand is tha true Christianity is not a religion. It is a personal faith relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for the sins committed by every person so they can put their believing faith in him to change their lives for the better because God forgives us and provides a happy, loving and peacefully productive life under God’s miraculous care. Every true Christian can attest to the truth of these facts because God has provided peace in our hearts beyond our ownabilityto achieve. Try him. You will be happy you did.
Maybe things would change if the United States and other countries stopped flooding the Palestinian government with millions of dollars of aid. Once the money runs out a lot of the problems would disappear. The Palestinians would be left with the choice of becoming productive or they would starve.
90 to 95 % of the billions of dollars of US aid to Palestinians goes to terrorism. We need to cut off all aid to those terrorists
How about the billions Israel gets from the US, our tax money going to kill civilians who just want to live. What the Palestinians get is a very small fraction. End the occupation would be the solution.
If your scum really were interested in living peaceably, Hamas would not be allowed to hide behind them
Considering your last name, you’re not too wise, Liv. But then, atheists aren’t, disbelieving in their Creator, as they do. They’re like the proverbial dog that bites the hand that feeds it. They, like
Lucifer, think they know so much that THEY are their own god. When in fact, they are just common fools.
How foolish it is to think one “knows” that God does not exist. It is just stupidity to think you can know the non-existence os anything. To not be sure … agnosticism, well, THAT’s quite reasonable. All thinking men need to question. But they do so with an open mind.
If you question the existence of God, and leave your honest mind open to the possibilities, it is my experience that God will eventually let you KNOW with certainty, for yourself, that He exists … and that He, the creator of the universe, cares about you, individually. If you stick your head in the sand, he’ll usually let you go ahead and do so. He’s huge on Free Will. That’s why he suffers through letting evil exist, even though His children are harmed, But even the worst happenings in this life are temporal, and do not compare to our eternal future beyond this. It’s like a good parent who lets their children make their own mistakes during fleeting childhood ,,, that’s the ONLY way some dummies learn. Hope that they all will some day. Don’t be a smarty-pants know-it-all. Be a child wise beyond your years.