Former President Bill Clinton’s history of womanizing — and Hillary Clinton’s history of defending him and even attacking his accusers — is quickly becoming a major theme in the 2016 presidential contest.
Now, a woman who has long claimed that she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton said she’s going to do everything it takes to keep the Clintons out of the White House.
And this time, she has some serious help from a major supporter of billionaire Donald Trump.
Kathleen Willey, the former White House volunteer worker who claimed Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her in a White House hallway during his first term, has signed on to be the national spokeswoman for a political action group being run by Roger Stone, a Republican strategist and Trump supporter.
And she plans to make public appearances and be featured in advertisements that will air all across the country during the 2016 campaign.
Willey’s and Stone’s newly revamped super PAC, renamed in January to the Rape Accountability Project for Education PAC, or RAPE PAC, is working to highlight the Clintons’ hypocrisy on issues like women’s rights and sexual assault.
The issue of Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual assaults has a new, sharper edge than it did a generation ago due to heightened awareness of workplace sexual assault and victim’s rights. Ironically, Hillary Clinton has tried to make both issues for her campaign.
But Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has characterized Hillary Clinton as an “enabler” of her husband’s indiscretions and alleged that she had helped to discredit his accusers.
Both Clintons have tried desperately not to engage, each uttering the identical “I have no response” when questioned separately about the matter.
But Hillary Clinton has plopped the question squarely in Americans’ laps not long before the Iowa caucuses opened voting in the 2016 campaign.
“I’m going to let the American voters decide what’s relevant and what’s not relevant,” she said when asked about Trump’s accusations during a recent Democratic debate.
Brad Johnson, a junior at the University of Cincinnati, where he is president of the College Republicans, sees the matter as a character question and thinks he sees hypocrisy.
Clinton is “all about women’s rights,” he says, yet “she was ruthless of women who accused her husband of rape.”
Clinton’s campaign has rejected the notion that she was actively involved in aggressive efforts by her husband’s presidential campaign and the Clinton White House to discredit women who claimed to have had affairs with her husband or to have been sexually assaulted by him.
It’s no small matter for Clinton, who draws a lopsided share of her support from female voters and for decades has made advocacy for women a big part of her persona. It’s especially important as she tries to attract a generation of younger women who only learned about the Clinton presidency in history class and have come of age in a time of different attitudes toward sexual harassment and abuse.
Clinton herself has made the treatment of sexual assault victims a key issue this campaign.
“I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault,” Clinton said in one of her campaign ads last year. “Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard and you have a right to believed. We’re with you.”
When a young woman asked Clinton at a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire whether that message also applies to those who accused her husband of sexual impropriety, though, her answer was more convoluted.
“Everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence,” she said.
Willey’s new super PAC wants to remind voters of that alleged hypocrisy — loudly and repeatedly.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
The Mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh, was on the radio saying that Sanders isn’t smart enough to be elected and Hillary is the one. Then Congressman Joey Kennedy is up in N.H. campaigning for Hillary. He is so “qualified”. Being a Congressman is his first job. He makes Rubio look like Daniel Webster.Then Madeleine Albright was campaigning up in NH for Hillary. She said Hillary is an expert on foreign policy. The middle east is in the worst chaos it’s seen in 4 centuries. Europe is in crisis. U.S. influence is at it’s lowest in a century. Phony old Albright calls that good. Elizabeth Warren has not campaigned for Hillary in NH.I give her some credit for that. Hopefully the people of NH will vote for Sanders and Trump. The establishment elitists are working against Sanders and Trump.
Jim says
That’s all the DEMORATS have to vote for,BENGHAZI KILARY and Socialist/Communist fossil bern! Lol!!
liz says
We have a capitalist economy but ALL our programs are socialist: highways, bridges, libraries, museums, parks unemployment social security, medicare, Medicaid, police/fire, ferries, EPA, VA, pentagon, military, and every elected official is paid with a socialist check. FOR THE COMMON GOOD…WHAT WE FIGHT IS: CORPORATE SOCIALISM…using citizens tax dollars to bail out bankster gangsters, and big corporations like Walmart where we the people pay for food stamps and health care, cuz the multi billionaire company doesn’t…that’s is what social democracy is all about….and its why Sanders message is supported nationwide.
Roland says
The multi billion corporations are going elsewhere and the quality jobs are becoming fewer. You come up with a plan on how to keep the corporations in the US. Instead of looking at the corporations as evil, you should be thinking about a favorable plan to keep them in the US so that our college graduates won’t have to wait in line for public assistance.
Norman says
Obama`s wish to double tax corporations for earnings outside the US is a detriment for more investment and job creation in the US. When corporations hire people the employees contribute in tax contributions as well as other benefits that help the economy. When government forces corporations to pay more and more it deters companies from adding employees, so Obama is a deterent to job creation.
Suzie says
Stop the wastefulness in the States and local governments.
Pay grades for the employees is not what drove the corporations out of America, but taxation. Local and state taxes them out. Look at the waste and folly of the tax employees.
Susan Emberton says
Donald Trump has said he has a way to bring companies back to America, by imposing very high taxes for American companies operating in other countries. He has also said he will work hard to make sure our constitutional rights are not violated. I know the constitution assures us that our government will never be permitted to charge a tax on our citizens’ income. Well we can see how the career politicians have broken that promise, every year from January 15th, through April 15th. We need a real person to champion our needs. Trump is the only one that wants what we want and not what the party and career politicians want, which is to line their pockets with our money, and deprive us of our rights to further their own agendas. He has proven that he can turn a trampled down place into a palace, and we need America to be that palace, again. I can forgive the potty mouth and crude manners, to gain what is best for all of us, instead of what is best for the party elitists, and career politicians, hoping to line their own pockets, and further own agendas, even at the price of our own downfall.
Carol says
Our family owned company makes parts for some manufacturers – no billionaires – but they moved their orders to Mexico & Bulgaria. Labor & materials much cheaper, quality is poor, shipped back here & we rework, Cheaper for them to do business like this.
Rob says
The only “nationwide” message of socialism that is “supported” is from far left and those who rate entitlements higher than earning a paycheck. To get unemployment, you have to pay into the system (at your JOB). Same goes with Social Security — we paid into it, just like a savings account. It was Lyndon Johnson (D) and the Democratically-controlled House and Senate that moved Social Security from a “Trust Fund” (savings account) to the “General Fund” where Congress could spend it themselves. Jimmy Carter and the Democrats went on to give immigrants Social Security benefits when they reached 65 — even though they never paid into the system. Bill Clinton (with Al Gore casting the deciding vote) started taxing Social Security benefits. The point being that the Democrat has a history of giving people’s hard EARNED money to those who never worked for it (and then tell the country that the Republicans want to steal their Social Security benefits). I digress, the main point here is, Communism/Socialism never works — it has been proven. If you doubt it, go to Greece or Europe in general and see how well they fare over there. I think you’re confusing building infrastructure and certain government functions (like the Military) as taxed-funded programs vital for security and functionality versus Socialist hand-outs. Hand-outs never work long term — never have, never will. Fact.
Lei says
Excellent and historically accurate response. Thank you.
FredL says
Absolutely and good points.
If you need a case in point just spoil a child until his adulthood!
judi s says
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! The republicans should bring all this up in their ads instead of going after each other!
Suzie says
Johnson had to dip into social security to fight a totally useless and expensive war to waste tax payer’s money.
That was an industrialist war. It added billions to the pockets of self serving politicians and their friends. They didn’t care about the nations economy and who’s backs they robbed for big self serving plans. Building Nam back. It use to make me fighting mad, TuTu from Nam would come out on the news and ask for more American troops… I would have sent the Enola Gay back in commission and pulled troops.
The key to a nation safety is not how much it spends on a war and giving money to others to not bomb us, it’s how much we can gain from taking that country down, or how much we lose to participate in it… We’re talking about people who pee in one end of the pond and get water to cook and drink from the other end… I don’t see these people as a threat to this country, and building it back as an asset or any gain to the people. It was a great depletion of Ft. Knox gold.
There’s a big stir in the media over a tourist ad from Virginia. Just watch the bombing of the twin towers. Tell me why the Obama Rule made laws that stopped a leader from being prosecuted for war crimes… What was Hillary doing when the Clinton’s sold out America to China.Were they working in America’s interest, did China pay their wages. For too long politicians have had no interest in building America, just self serving.
stephen leonhard says
Social Security is simply a PONZI scheme and FDR was well aware of this fact when he conned all of us and congress to embrace this folly!
Betty says
You are SO right!!!!!!
Rick says
That’s when Democrats turned socialist /Communist and put a Muslim Terrorist sympathazier in the White House and if he and democrats are not stopped they will destroy America!
Henry J. Gilbertson says
I agree 110 %
Carol says
Agree. Student said recently, “why should I have to pay for my education?” That’s the culture being created by the democrats. Big increase in insured? Most are subsidized by the few of the rest us
Ron says
You have to read between the lines with Sanders. A vote for him or Hillary Clinton is a vote against Freedom. How many Sanders supporters can honestly say they’d give up 90% of their hard earned paycheck to a government that has proven time and time again that it is incapable of providing even basic social services? Even if the plan is to go after the top tier earners in this country, what he’s proposing is completely unrealistic and unsustainable. It’s a total sham and would all but kill the American dream. If you’d be happy with that kind of mediocrity, you’d best move to Russia or China and let the Communist leaders tell you everything about how you can live your life.
Main Street says
The rationale of voting for Sanders in a state primary is to take away votes from Hillary. Sanders may be far out a bit, but he tells the truth about Hillary and the corrupt system. I’m voting for Trump in November. At least he and Sanders tell the facts. Hillary is a selfish and unethical hypocrite.
Carol says
Glad you said you were voting for Trump. There is no way we can pay the taxes to support Sanders’ socialist agenda. Look where we are now. You’re kinder to Hilary that I would be.
John Denim says
Trump knows if we all prosper he will also, so whats the plan he going to make sure we prosper.
Sal Belardo says
Hey Liz–We don’t want to be like Europe. Germany, Greece and the rest of Europe will follow.Those who will vote for Sanders don’t know the down side of Socialism. Socialism on the whole is a failure. Kids who want free education have no idea how that will get paid. And we all know that Free Health Care is not free. Forty seven million on food stamps, over 94 million unemployed. Over nine million on disability. Another Democrat gets in and you could say goodbye to America. Our children and our grandchildren will never know the wonderful country that I grew up in. So what would be the incentive to work if everything is free? Them who pays the bills?
rodney says
If anyone wants to know what socialism really is, Winston Churchill has the answer: It is a system of failure! As margaret Thatcher says “Eventually you run out of other people’s money.:” Democratic/communists have not grasped that concept yet. Hilary NEEDS to taste the bitterness of defeat. She needs to understand the reality of her failure. Her continuous failure.
Carly has it right “She HAS no successes” She HAS no track record of success. She has zero reason to be president or any other office. She has done nothing to warrant us electing her to anything. When Hilary lovers can’t name even ONE success/accomplishment? What’s wrong with this picture? EVERYTHING!!!!
Marcia says
Bernie Sanders is NOT accepted nationwide. Hillary is a liar and she hounded women that had sex with her husband. I do not know why she stayed with him. If it was me I would of kicked it out and done my best to out him
My children were babies when I found out my husband was having an affair and I told me to get out and never come back. I worked 3 jobs to support my children and I would do it again. I would not have a man in my life who has many affairs. They are not worth the powder to blow them up
Susan Emberton says
Hillary stayed will Bill for one reason, she stuck with him, because you can not be elected president if you are not married at the time you take office. The fact that they lived in different homes for a long time, doesn’t matter, as long as they are married. Now, she needs to be married in order to be elected president. There is no way they are getting a divorce, as long as there is still a chance she can be president. The law does not say you have to live together, or love each other, it only says you have to be married. She helped him win election, and now it is his turn to do the same for her. I hope she doesn’t run the country the same way she runs their lives. Whatever helps her get what she wants, and furthers her own agenda, and lines her pockets, and as long as she gets what she wants (Think Benghazi) (Think loyalty to a non citizen, illegal president) all for her own vanity and greed. I’d rather have a potty mouth man with crude manners, doing what is needed for the citizens to be protected and prosperous. I vote for Trump instead of a lying career politician that does what others tell him, instead of doing what is right for those folks that voted for you.
Connie Condra says
Communism was a failure in Russia. Communism has been a failure in China. Why do you think that communism would be a success here? Mr. Sanders is planning to spend more money that ObeyMe has. How will he pay for it? His answer is to tax the “1%.” If I were part of the 1%, I would take my money to Switzerland and tell the socialists and communists to take a flying leap at a Canadian goose.
FredL says
Yet they WILL ??? And most consider themselves intelligent! Or should that be a?
Jay Sadler says
The definition of a low information voter is summed up in two little words: Democratic Party. Just think about it and you’ll understand; daddy and the unions voted Democrat as did his daddy before him ad infinitum. Totally disregarding the greater good for the nation, the only justification for this heritage would have to be “what’s in it for me?” Under no circumstance should modern Democrats consider themselves either informed or intelligent; they live to fire up their liberal hookahs and sing Kumbaya around the international campfire while lining their pockets with entitlement dollars!
Fierce Look says
The useful idiots on the Left will not care one iota! They have been seduced by the Muslim-Marxist jihadist and this ole ugly commie whore!
Well, the sheeple are finally starting to figure out what I have been stating for years: we no longer have a free press but rather a state-run, fifth column propagandists that would put Pravda to shame AND BECAUSE WE NO LONGER HAVE A FREE PRESS WE ARE NO LONGER A FREE COUNTRY ! The sheeple just think so because they can still vote in sham elections, attend the Satanic “Stupor Bowl” and take legal drugs! R.I.P. USA, your ass has been had! We are no longer a nation ruled by law but rather a “Dick-taker-N-Thieve” and are witnessing a candidate that should either be behind bars or only running to the border to escape facing a firing squad, like her former pimp the Muslim-Marxist jihadist! Yes, most definitely there is a NWO conspiracy and it definitely is not a theory! Here are just two illustrations: A former 75 year old French Foriegn Legion hero is facing a year in prison for assisting in an “illegal” anti-immigration protest as he was manhandled by three or four NWO enforcers! How is it that the BLM and Muslims can protest but their is no free speech for those trying to preserve their country? How about Austria where a 10 year old boy was raped because the immigrant/terrorist had a “sexual emergency” that had to be gratified! This story was hushed and now the Satanic Left is ridiculing those on the side of justice and descency and calling them racists! Sheeple ha better get their heads out of their asses while they still have them as this mostly Islamic immigration ruse is being used by the NWO as the sledge hammer to break up the old in order to bring in the new, as in the NWO, one world religion ( State worship ) and one world currency as they are destroying world markets! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION, Armr===================================?, you will be needing them unless you don’t have a problem being slaves of the State and live a life of misery and squalor as the NWO elitists, our regime included, live the life of Kings – Obaa-baa-ma the Muslim-Marxist jihadist and Queens – the ole ugly commie whore Hillary the Pillory!
Art Smith says
Bernie Sanders may be elderly but a lot wiser then Hillary and the would be the greatest President.
Merril says
No liberal deserves to be in office of government in America!
Bill says
ALL Liberals should be jailed, for violating their oath of office, and spend their life jailed for their treasonist acts while in office !!!
George says
18 United States Code 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
do your job attorney general that you´re getting paid so well to do. clinton is guilty and you know it. she IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW.!!!!!
send to the attorney general –
FredL says
On the one hand I agree with your comment entirely.
On the other hand, clearly she is above the law!
Trenton Spears says
What about Hillary Clinton’s memo to her staff of employee’s do not store Government information on private computers was this a Secretary of State order or simply a suggestion? Hillary did not follow her own order did she. My thoughts are that if they found government e-mail’s and classified material on Hillary’s staff’s private computers this would lead to a full blown investigation and Hillary would be further investigated and now she is anyway. That is why Hillary tried to wipe her private servers clean to avoid prosecution for any crime. What would have happened if the investigation would have stopped with Hillary? A clear path to the Democratic nomination for President. I believe that Bernie Sanders is staying away from talking about Hillary’s being investigation for breaking the law with her private and government e-mails co-mingled on a her private servers because Bernie Sanders wants to protect the Democratic party first and the security of this nation second. Trenton Spears
Von Hincher says
Good for you in sending this to the AT. She needs to take the action to put the Killery behind bars in an orange jump suit
william says
I agree with your comment totally!!
Robby says
Hilliary is not honest enough to be the President. No morals whatsoever! I agree with George
Jan Maccabee says
TRUMP FOR 2016 !!! It may be snowing up there in NH…but is not like you folks are not use to snow !! Please, just go vote TRUMP !!!! You may also like to listen to this link…
Tina Hessel is the first lady to come forth, in the Iowa Caucus telling her story to Americans !!
It is 30 minute long radio interview we posted last night !!
Bud Webster says
Madeline Albright is a council of foriegn relations Marxist. CFR for short. Slick Willie Bill Clinton has been a member of that Marxist team that dates back to 1908. That,s how long the Marxist movement in America was officially organized.
Main Street says
You forgot to mention that many Bush era officials belong to the CFR. America needs new faces. I’m voting for Trump in November.
Jay Sadler says
And, at this point, I’ll vote for the Donald even if I have to write him in. That’s no threat; it’s a promise. I’m mad as hell with Washington insiders doing business as usual on a daily basis and that goes double for the RINO leadership in both houses of congress. If I, and others, split the vote…and a democrat takes office… that’s too bad! Voting for a GOP establishment candidate is really voting Democrat Lite and I finally have gotten tired of “business as usual.” Is anyone out there thinking like me?
DixieBelle says
I just eard it on the news. They both won – Trump and Sanders.
bruce borst says
Madeline is not All bright
Joy says
Hillary Clinton has disgraced this country enough. She doesn’t give a damn about womens rights. She is all about Hillary.
Buster Petersen says
These comment are biased, pumped up and merit less in terms of a Presidential race. These comments are the mumbling of republican voices that have entered a permanent stage of shell shock in the realization that their party is doomed to extinction. Why are republicans so totally unable to recognize reality? The reality is that the reason we as a country are stumbling is due in a great part to the infantile ignorance of the majority of republicans who don’t know how to govern unless it is done with a crazy paranoid schizophrenic approach.
anita says
Marty Walsh is an ahole and expects the Clinton Bitch to give him a Position if she ever God forbid it, would end up in the Whitehouse as first Bitch ,he is a crooked ahole and expects to get a payback for helping her ,
Main Street says
Jeb has ads on with retired generals saying that he is the only one qualified to lead. In the ad they have that you don’t understand attitude. In reality they are probably yes men who rose up the ranks because of Jeb’s daddy or big brother.
Mary Jane says
Send Jeb back to the Florida Everglades????
Jay Sadler says
Alligator bait! We don’t need Bush the Bro as dogcatcher, let alone the President!
Jacs says
Why is Hillary being blamed for Bill’s behavior? Lots of women stay with cheating husbands, it’s their business, drop it.
Milton Lowe says
Ok go hide under the bed & come out in January 2017…duh!
Jethros says
Because she knew about them– all of them– and did nothing about it. She kept him for political gain! Forgot Bengazi, the e-mails and everything else she’s ever lied about– I would say she doesn’t deserve high office just on the basis that she had a wayward husband and did absolutely nothing about it!
,aram says
you hit the nail on the head. she in it for her own personal reasons
Madmarmot says
It may be normally, however, most women don’t have political power to attack and destroy their husband’s accusers. Furthermore, this is a woman who is running for president and will bring her husband with her back into OUR whitehouse. What message does that send to the victims of his previous abuse.
Also, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A “CHEATING HUSBAND” AND A SEXUAL ABUSER, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. this sentence actually should have come first really. One is a question of fidelity and one is criminal who CREATES VICTIMS.
Sue says
Because she allowed it to happen in the White House! Bill Clinton was President of the US at the time and all his bullsh#t took place in the White House! He took an oath to protect our country NOT to bang his staff and anyone else that he felt like. Hilary protected him, so what else is she protecting??
If you agree that he can do whatever he wants in office, then shame on you!! That would make you no better than them! So if the self-righteous b#tch makes it as our next President, she will be able to do anything she wants. Maybe she should have the orgy next time and not dearest hubby!!
Suzie says
And don’t forget the four million dollars from tax payers to prosecute that pervert. Nobody keeps a stinky nasty dress in their closet for two years. That was the media frenzy to get their attention away from the real issue, helping China get nuclear and to get the media off her back on free trade…. Hillary gave China, ////America” ///nobody who remembers the history of the times could possibly vote for a Clinton or a Bush…It took 200 years of good men to build a great nation, it took ten years 1991 to 2001 to tear it down.
In fifty years from now,who will write the book on ” The Fall of America ” it’s history in the making… Just think, an actor Reagan was a better man for president than professional politicians and the croanies who helped them drag America down.
Back then, anybody from Arkansas would tell you that Hillary was president, Bill was a from.
Jimbo says
What bothers me the most about all of this is the women Bill abused were attacked by Hillary calling them liars. One after another, Hillery claimed they were lieing! And she is supposed to be this big advocate for women? Give me a break!
Jackie says
She is not being blamed for Bill’s behavior. She is being blamed for the cover-up and her aggressive intimidation and discrediting of the victims.
Maurice Wood says
GB says
Maybe…until she’s responsible for leading the attack on those abused by her husband…pick it up.
Suzie says
Read the news! Some of the girls came forward, one said she kept Lewenski from getting murdered and another talking about her ordeal.. Hillary is about Hillary and lining her pockets, she is about status and Bill was the front that got her status, keeping him was keeping status.
linda says
maybe cause when shes in the oval office do you want Bill in hallways raping more girls
PD says
I don’t believe Hillary is being blamed for Bill’s behavior, what she is being blamed for is trying to cover it up and threatening the victims. I understand that shortly there will be one of Bill’s rape victims coming out to speak against Hillary and explain how she was threatened by her if that victim went to the authorities.
A personal affair is their business but rape and sexual assault is a crime. Threatening a victim is a crime also.
George says
18 United States Code 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
do your job attorney general that you´re getting paid so well to do. clinton is guilty and you know it. she IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW.!!!!!!!
Philip says
How is Hillary being blamed for Bill’s behavior?
She Hillary is to blame for his behavior, because she
supports him in all that stuff, and says she is for women, what a joker she Hillary is.
Sandy Crilly says
Don’t you see that because Hillary actively worked to threaten and discredit the many women that her husband sexually abused, that means that Hilary doesn’t really mean it when she says that she defends women who have being victimized and sexually abused? She has to be consistent in order to be believed. The Clinton are not above the law.
Jimbo says
You are so right and this is such a simple issue! When will people get it! Maybe that explains how people vote so stupidly! They are just beyond comprehention and there is no cure!
Vito Geneovese says
Are you serious? You don’t get it do you, she is not being blamed for her husbands actions she is being criticized for her actions attacking and demeaning the woman who came forth accusing her Husband of the sexual assaults.
She called them liars and tried to humiliate these woman. We should believe that all of the accusations are false and that St Bill is telling the truth? Do you understand the hypocrisy in her campaign? She is stating any woman who has accused a party of rape or sexual harassment should be taken seriously and believed but, her actions speak otherwisr
Jimbo says
Women who are sexually abused should be taken seriously and helped, unless proven otherwise. Oh wait….except for the ones Bill sexually abused! Sorry…slip of the tongue. NOT!
Ed says
Do you recall Hillary’s comment when the Monica affair came to the public’s attention. It was part of a vicious right wing conspiracy… the typical Clinton response rather than taking personal responsibility. Bill should have been tried and punished for his acts! He even said to the American public “I did not have sex with the woman”. Guess he didn’t consider a BJ a form of sex. All of there moves are for personal gain! The IRS should investigate the so called Clinton Foundation, the Clintons personal piggy bank.
gloria says
You are missing the point.
Suzie says
Stop the wastefulness in the States and local governments.
Pay grades for the employees is not what drove the corporations out of America, but taxation. Local and state taxes them out. Look at the waste and folly of the tax employees.
Marsha says
Why should we drop it? It’s a matter of principle!!!! To think that a man of Bill Clinton’s character, and his wife who has no morals or ethics either, would both be in the White House AGAIN is unbelievable to me!!! And as far as women’s right goes, I am appalled at the Democratic women who choose to ignore the kind of person Bill was/is, so his wife can be leader of our country!!!
ramonperez says
so true but that is not the point she did side with he ex president and against the accuser saying she was a lair so much for women rights!.
Peggy says
If the Democrats end up with a brokered convention, does Obama put in his hand picked alternate and just ignore any voting or signing up for the primaries? Biden’s missed out on primaries, as have any others than Sanders. Does Obama care? And while all the “official pundits” slam Trump, it was TRUMP who brought up the Hillary’s actions to protect Bill as a major issue. The Immigration issue, the Veterans, and the fraudulent “womens rights” Hillary — it’s Trump’s talking points.
Anthony R.Catania says
Clinton is a disgrace she is a proven liar and would be even worse than Obama
,aram says
this kind of says it all
F mitchell says
There is one city, Hillary , don’t want to hear brought up, BENGHAZI, the familes are still im morning.Hillary shut down the Jet Fighters station in Italy,, 4 Americans,they could have been saved.No Jets came to help.
Chris says
Dr. Ben Carson is the one man with unquestionable integrity to lead America forward, out of this immoral quagmire. It is imperative that Americans recognize that this election could change America forever. We can become, again, the respected Keeper of Freedom. Please ask yourself who is trustworthy and wise, to lead us forward. I, for one, would put my life, and the lives of those I love, in the hands of Dr. Carson.
Jimbo says
Chris, I agree with you, Mr. Carson is one smart hombre! He just does not have a chance of being elected unless some things very drastic happen with all the other canidates.
HermanK says
It is a good idea to expose Clintons to the generation who were not born or were very young when both Clintons were ruling America like they were King and Queen of the kingdom and could do anything to anybody.
NoraB says
Good for her! I hope she succeeds. HRC should never even enter the White House – ever – for any reason.
I cannot understand why anyone would vote for someone who consistently lies and doesn’t have the common sense to know that what she is reading is “confidential” or “top secret” and protect information that is secret. Even as a young woman (19) dealing with corporate insurance records (beneficiaries, dependents, etc.) and in Labor Relations dealing with labor contract negotiations and arbitration cases, I KNEW what I was looking at should be kept in highest confidence and never divulged anything to anyone. And, SHE is/was an attorney and should know better without having someone stamp a document “confidential” or “classified”. She KNEW BETTER r and yet still put confidential materials on an unprotected server. In her position as Secretary of State, that reeks of TREASONOUS behavior!!!
Philip says
Agreed, very well stated, thank you.!!!!!!!!!!
Lei says
Totally agree.
George says
18 United States Code 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
do your job attorney general that you´re getting paid so well to do. clinton is guilty and you know it. she IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW.!!!!!!
Don says
According to Jennifer Flowers in a radio interview in Tampa in ’96 or ’97 Hillary isn’t exactly a stranger to the ladies either.
,aram says
this is very belivable
mama bear says
YEP , even Bill said she had more women than he did. last night I heard people say that trump did not want to build the milatary an help our troops, , he did not say that, he said he would help our troops in all ways. Hillary is a monster and doesn’t need to look bad on the bill sex thing. she has so much blood on her hands pure evil. and has a special place in hell. how can anyone even want to hear her or look at her..unreal..must be the GMO food
Merry says
4 Americans died and Hillary lied. Is that what we want running our country? She will through this country under the bus.
She was a terrible Secretary of State. I can’t even imagine her as President. Wake up people!!!!
Suzie says
Stop the wastefulness in the States and local governments.
Pay grades for the employees is not what drove the corporations out of America, but taxation. Local and state taxes them out. Look at the waste and folly of the tax employees.
Ron says
We treat sexual offenders and victims alike!
This is no small problem and is getting worse each decade.
The Clintons suffer from amnesia and Teflon hearts!
Don’t trust them
LARRY says
Jimbo says
Lol, I was not aware that White Water was still being investigated, but that is where the bodies first started piling up.
Peggy says
Our Government is broken because of ALL the corruption that’s in there now. GET THEM OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! They will do any thing to get elected. Take millions of dollars and owe the donners every thing and Lobbiest doing what ever they have to to get government do what they want. I’m 75, born in NC 1940, love Jesus, LOVE AMERICA. God says, ” The LOVE OF MONEY is the ROOT TO ALL EVIL” . This is what this government has created. Let the DEVIL take over. GET THEM ALL out. They have no idea how to run this country in a Godly, LAWFULL way. All for their own self satisfaction and not for WE THE PEOPLE. God will judge you and after your last breath HEAVEN or HELL. If your actions are not LOVE, PRACE, JOY them it looks like HELL for eternity FOR YOU.
Trump is paying his way. Will not owe any one any thing and look how successful he is all over this world. Yes he does have people who don’t like him, BUT he is the only one I see that can make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
ljb says
It has been said that Hillary is a lesbian which could account for Bill’s actions. Either way, they don’t belong in the White House.
Lucille Joyner says
It is very disheartening to see how people like Bill & Hillary Clinton have tarnished the high offices of government. Government used to be an honored service FOR THE PEOPLE. When you look at this notorious couple, you don’t see any of the noble qualities you would hope compelled them to go into this field in the first lace. It degenerated into getting what they can or THEMSELVES.
What you see with these two is an inordinate drive for power and money, accompanied by lust and lies and cover-ups. These two have long since sold their souls for filthy lucre, costing them every ounce of dignity they may have started out with. I look forward to the day their faces are erased from the screens.
John Furlong says
This slimy bitch is kissing the ass of every pervert, black, illegal alien and mental midget she can, hoping to get elected. Bad for America, bad for the human race. Trump 2016!
James says
Hillary and bill clenton are the two most lothsum distrusting lieing humans on the face of this earth because they operate in the darkness of evil and deceat and are under the cover of the mighty satin the devil him self and seak only for them selves no matter who it hurts or destroys. This great once GODLY country can not allow satin and the clintons to occupy the peoples white house for one second for it will continue the destruction and bringing down of the once great america.
Page says
I no longer trust Hillary Clinton and have not for awhile. I do not trust Donald Trump either. I cannot believe he is the front runner on the Republican side. We need to have a different front runner, or we are going to end up with another Democrat as president. Donald Trump has done many sleazy and questionable things over the years. Please, not another Mitt Romney situation. The Republicans need a good, honest, not crazy, front runner to compete against Hillary or Bernie Sanders. Come on people! Let’s be smart about this or the Republicans and America will lose once again.
gerald gardner says
I cannot disagree with any single comment made about the Clintons. Complete slim. Anyone who supports them has a special place in HELL reserved for them.
TheDrudge says
““I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault,” Clinton said in one of her campaign ads last year. “Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard and you have a right to believed. We’re with you.””
Is that the sound of chickens coming home to roost that I hear in the ner distance?
Username*Gordon A says
No more life time pay checks and benefits for any congressman or senator.Serve the term go back to the job you had. You did your time. Now go away. This is costing taxpayers far too much for a part time worker and that is what most of them are “were”. It needs to be changed. Term limits, retirement limits, medical benefits. Use the obama care like he wants us to use. They are now just plain old citizens .
Jerry says
I agree . . . there should definitely be term limits and no more “life time” career politicians anymore! They can vote themselves unbelievable pay raises, retirement and health benefits like non of us could ever imagine having. I say; after they serve one term or possibly even two terms – they should be turned out to pasture and free to go back home to their former jobs or to sit around and do nothing – so they’re unable to do anymore damage to our country OR to the American people. Then they can take their Socialist beliefs or whatever back home and live as wish without forcing their insane beliefs on the rest of us! I’m so sick of the politicians who want us to give them all our money (higher taxes) and them telling us they’ll take care of us and that’s BECAUSE we should trust them! Why they say? Because they tell us they know what’s best and good for us all! Actually, it seems the longer our politicians remain in Congress or in the Senate, the more conniving, deceitful, dishonest and corrupt they get! We should actually think about throwing them all out and start all over again!
Texas Mak says
Totally agree!
Jerry says
Are all you Hillary supporters just plain “NUTS”! Why in the hell are you looking to put the same sort of incompetence back in the Whitehouse once again! Do you really enjoy more lies and cover ups? Do you really like higher taxes? higher unemployment? Do you like seeing more Illegal unidentified immigrants coming across unsecured borders and no one doing anything about it? So, how about a few more Random Terrorist bombings right here in the U.S. resulting in the killing of thousands more of our citizens? Do you really support a weaker United States Military that’s no longer being feared as it once was and is now being disrespected around the world? How about all the Jobs that have been disappearing to other countries overseas because our businesses are not being encouraged to stay right here in the USA? We should know that It takes good business people (not a bunch of hack politicians) to know how to keep these industries right here in the USA! Don’t you care about the ridiculous National debt that has skyrocketed under the past few administrations to well over 20 trillion dollars with no end in sight? Do you understand that China owns about everything in this country now? OR do you enjoy being lied to by politicians who claim that Unemployment is only at 4.5% when in reality it is closer to 25%? (really . . . if it were only at 4.5% , do you really think there would ever be hundreds of people standing in a line for just only one job?) IS THIS THE SORT OF NONSENSE YOU WANT TO SEE OVER AND OVER AGAIN? If you’re anything like me (and yes, I am a disgruntled former Democrat) and if you’re as sick of this mess and all the selfish politicians as I am, then you should seriously consider join with me and support Donald Trump in 2016 . . . I say this primarily because Trump isn’t another one of those hack politicians we’ve been putting up with for way too many years. . . He represents a new beginning for our Country and hopefully the building of a much stronger America. An America that will be respected once again all around the world! AND I’m sure you will never see him representing us as the most powerful leader in the free world, ever “bowing down” to a Muslim leader as did our current President Barack Obama once did in the recent past! This incident was so disgraceful and I was never so ashamed of a U.S. President! This incident was the one that almost convinced me he was one of them! I could never imagine – ever seeing
John F. Kennedy or Franklyn D. Roosevelt, OR Harry Truman OR even Teddy Roosevelt bowing down to anyone? I’m sure that old “Give ’em Hell” Harry Truman would have told them to kiss his ass! Even tough he can be just as brash – I say; support Trump 2016!
Gary Smith says
Her worst enemy is Bill
rottenrollin says
Justice is served.
Billy’s Willi is killing Hillary.
The ORIGINAL Democrat War on Women.
c erickson says
I only saw one person stick up for Hillary in this entire comment section. So who has gotten her this far to be running for president? Obviously uninformed people who shut their eyes to the truth. Hillary and Bill have over 26 mysterious deaths in their past. They were people who knew too much and they had them eliminated. But they have so much dirt on others in government that the Clintons have gotten away with it and the legal system looked the other way. She has so much as come out and said that if she gets prosecuted, she will bring a lot of others down with her in both parties. What a lime ball she is! Anyone voting for her has to deaf and dumb. Oh, excuse me…even a deaf and dumb person would catch on to her evil ways. DON’T vote for someone because they are a woman. That is just stupid. She is the worse thing that could happen to the women of the U.S. She is a liar, a cheat, a thief, and a murderer. Why would you want that in office? Did you know she stole furniture from the White House when her and Bill moved out. And their staff removed all the “B” keys off all the computers because Bush was moving into office. Now isn’t that nice. She got fired from the Rose law firm for stealing important papers during the Watergate trials. Try reading some of the books that people who know her have written. The security people called her plane “Broomstick One” when she was the first lady. She swore at people who were there to help and protect her and she was an overall nasty person. She is like a rat…just corner her and she will start snarling.
Charles A says
This woman is a liar, a cheater, thief and a hypocrite in the worst way
Henry says
Bill Clinton raped women. Hillary Clinton would rape America.
Tom Salter says
Bill Clinton should be castrated. hillary ROHDAM clinton is just as big a liar and cheat as Obama, and when you meet her, she looks right past you to some other person or whatever. She is a corrupt politician, she should be indited and jailed at Guantanamo.
One dam thing we don’t need another Clinton, or Bush in office they are both POTUS if you don’t know what POTUS is it means PIECE OF TOTALLY USELESS SHIT/////////////////////////////////////////////
Bernie says
I don’t know what all the crap is about Bill and Hillary.They are just the lowest scum on earth and should not even be considered for president material..
Charles A says
The hypocrites is open for business and severe punishment and Hillary’s could not be any better than the hypocrite she is.
Randy says
I think all the women he abused should come forward and especially those who have knowledge of how Hillary reacted and tried to quiet them.
Eleanor says
How many people died before they collected their SOCIAL SECURITY ?
THE ONLY THING WRONG WITH THE GOVERNMENT’S CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE SOCIAL SECURITY IS THEY FORGOT TO FIGURE IN THE PEOPLE WHO DIED BEFORE THEY EVER COLLECTED A SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK!!! And what about the people who did not get their 40 quarters in before they got a Government job and did not pay Social Security anymore.
Who and how many died before they collected Social Security?
Remember, not only did you and I contribute to Social Security but your employer did, too. It totaled 15% of your income before taxes. Your money! If you averaged only $30K over your working life, that’s close to $220,500.
Read that again.
Did you see where the Government paid in one single penny? We are talking about the money you and your employer put in a Government bank to insure you and me that we would have a retirement check from the money WE put in, not the Government. The Government did not put in a single penny!
Now they are calling the money we put in an “entitlement” when we reach the age to take it back. It is NOT an “entitlement.” My employer and I paid cash for my social security insurance! It is our hard-earned money – every bit of it. If you calculate the future invested value of $4,500 per year (yours & your employer’s contribution) at a simple 5% interest (less than what the Government pays on the money that it borrows), after 49 years of working you’d have $892,919.98. If you took out only 3% per year, you’d receive $26,787.60 per year and it would last better than 30 years (until you’re 95 if you retire at age 65) and that’s with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit!
If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you’d have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month.
Just because they borrowed the money for other government spending, doesn’t make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!!
Remember the benefits for members of Congress?
+ free healthcare, (ours is not free)
+ outrageous retirement packages, (some of us get retirement and some don’t)
+ 67 paid holidays, (luckey if we get a week)
+ three weeks paid vacation,
+ unlimited paid sick days. (most people get 3 days to a week at most)
Now that’s welfare, and they have the nerve to call my social security retirement payments “entitlements”?
They call Social Security and Medicare an “entitlement” even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives, and now, when it’s time for us to collect, the government is running out of our SS money.
Why did the government borrow from it in the first place? It was supposed to be in a locked box, not part of the general fund.
Sad isn’t it? 99% of people won’t have the guts to forward this.
I’m in the 1%. — I JUST DID!
Charles Tilley says
Now women who was raped by Bill Clinton , now hitting the Campaign trail . This will really show the American People ,what kind of people the Clintons really are .
tchr says
The Clinton family and the Bush family are members of the Bilderbergs.
Ron Meyer says
Could someone tell me who stopped the review of the Democrat caucus results in Iowa and why? If just reviewing a small number has already given Sanders a boost and Clinton a fall, what might an entire review bring to light? And if it can be stopped in Iowa, might not there be forces at work to repeat that procedure in other States? The more we know now, the less we will regret later.
Sick of politicians and spoiled, sexist loud-mouths! says
Ben Carson is the only man for the office of President. He is a level headed, professional, dipomatic, intelligent, humble, self controlled, willing learner And a servant leader. What else could anybody ask of a”public servant”???
Constitutionalist says
Nice rant on the Socialist (In)Security Ponzi Scheme, but wtf does that have to do with a woman hitting the campaign trail to tell the truth about HiLIARy? Did you know that the whole thing was just a plot to collect every scrap of information about everyone possible and keep it in a centralized location so it can be retrieved instantly? Did anyone EVER TELL YOU that participation in that scheme was COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY, and that NO LAW exists to require you to participate?
The thing about both Klintons is that they’re both fucking criminals who should have been in jail for YEARS. Like a previous poster said, they BOTH have been guilty of some VERY slimy and pernicious evils for a VERY long time, intimidating witnesses, suborning perjury, destroying documents, likely facilitating drug trafficking in and out of Mina Arkansas, taking bribes to pervert Justice – and all of that BEFORE Slick Willy ever running for Presnit! Once actually IN office, quite a number of his staff and others who were perceived as being the slightest threat were eliminated, e.g. Vince Foster(office rifled and docs stolen after his “suicide”) and Ron Brown(press secretary whose plane crashed in Bosnia on approach in clear weather).
Why would anyone want not just criminals, but EGREGIOUS criminals, in the highest political office in the land?
Maybe what some say about fluoride in the water is true: it DOES make you stoopit and easily manipulated!
Paul says
What is relevant to Hillary Rotten Clinton that she is a lying felon and won’t admit to her crimes. Secondly, she is the champion against women’s rights and ALL religious freedom and a warrior fighting to tax and destroy the middle class families and working poor. She and Jokey Bill are nasty criminals that must pay for their crimes by ALL the money in their foundation.
fedup says
Bill “W.C. Fields” Clinton. What a piece of work. Sorry W.C.
W says
W says
Constitutionalist says
Let me ask you this:
If someone steals an IOU from you, what have you lost?
That’s what Federal Reserve notes are – and not just IOU’s, but LYING IOU’s, to boot.
They’re debt-notes, and you(well, all of us, really) are a debt slave. Have been since birth, especially if you have a birth certificate(because these certificates are “collateralized” and traded internationally as a set-off to the completely unpayable debts of the bankrupt UNITED STATES government, Inc.).
FRN’s are “color of money,” not real money. They’re called “dollar BILLS” because that’s what they are: bills for dollars. BUT, the FRB cleverly got CongressCretins to make “laws” which say that they NEVER HAVE TO PAY OFF on those promises.
ALL the real money is gone, long gone. In the private vaults of banksters, mostly, i’d say, and likely a majority being held in Switzerland by members of the International Bank of Settlements, an unincorporated entity not subject to being audited by anyone, ever.
So if you want to sue somebody, you should start with FDR, who secretly declared the bankruptcy of the USG in 1932 as well as making “law” which required Americans to turn in their private property gold in exchange for FRNs which got devalued over 30% in less than 3 years(at that time, the greatest single theft in the history of mankind, and Americans were so damned dumb they re-elected the thieving son of a bitch 3 more times) – or maybe you should start with Woodrow Wilson, who signed the Federal Reserve act in 1913, and so sealed our country’s fate. i have a quote of his on file that says that Wilson, on his deathbed, said “i have betrayed my country,” and that these were almost his last words.
So unless you “paid” into the Social Security scheme with nickels(the only unadulterated metal still in general circulation), all you did was hand over Federal Reserve debt notes. So you really think you (or anyone else) can make a legitimate claim on them?