An interview by one of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s devoted followers, Alaskan super delegate Kim Metcalfe, included admissions so shocking The Huffington Post said they “may make you question our democracy.”
Metcalfe reportedly said that nothing would make her change her primary vote for Clinton — even after Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won a staggering 81.6 percent of her state’s popular vote.
The interview, conducted by a young Alaskan voter named Levi Younger with Metcalfe on Facebook, asks her why she’s so certain she’ll support Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.
“Because I believe Hillary Clinton would be a better president,” Metcalfe says, so that’s who she is casting her primary ballot for — no matter what voters in her area say.
“End of conversation.”
Screenshots of the conversation were transcribed by The Huffington Post as follows:
Younger (Sanders supporter): “While I understand your personal preferences would naturally come first (you are human after all) and conversations with Bernie supporters (not the man himself) would possibly leave a bad taste in your mouth, I believe that the people’s vote should probably have heavier precedent. Unless you were implying that it’s we are in charge of who you vote for, but rather something/someone else. Sanders will only be our nominee if those we’ve chosen to represent us do exactly that.”
Metcalfe (superdelegate): “Again, negative conversations about our candidates do nothing to further Sanders’s cause.”
Younger (Sanders supporter): “I’m not sure how negative it is to question your voting discretion in spite of overwhelming support. If critiquing Hillary or your apprehension to accurately vote for those you represent is negative, then I’m not sure you’re the one I’d like representing me.”
Metcalfe (superdelegate): “Because I believe Hillary Clinton would be a better president. End of conversation.”
Younger (Sanders supporter): “And that’s why people get angry. Bernie supporters can be quite vapid. But voting in opposition to what we voted for is only supporting the idea that Hillary and her supporting super delegates are in the pockets of others… Bernie won in Alaska. End of story. Your personal preferences for president are represented in your vote as a citizen. Not as a representative of your state.”
Metcalfe (superdelegate): “I’m in the pocket of no one. I have no financial connections to Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat. I am a retired union representative. I put in my time in the trenches for 40 years, and I really object to someone like you who has probably done nothing except caucus telling me what to do. I am voting for the best interests of my country. And that would be Hillary Clinton.”
Younger (Sanders supporter): “You’re not making a concerted effort to vote for the public. I am the public. Everyone who ‘did nothing but caucus’ did exactly like we should. We voted. You, ma’m[sic] are the one who is missing the point. You said it yourself, you’re voting for interests. But they’re not mine not the rest of the, what 75% of the state who opposed the Establishment (40 year Democratic veterans content with the status quo) and their choice for us.
Metcalfe (superdelegate): “You know it all.”
Younger (Sanders supporter): “Thank you for your time Kim. You’re stealing this for Hillary. And you’re rubbing it in all our faces. If you find these comments ‘negative’ it’s because what you are doing is wrong. As a citizen you get to vote for your choice. As a rep, you vote for us. In the end, we’ll hold you accountable.”
Metcalfe (superdelegate): “Sure. You’ll be involved after the election?”
Younger (Sanders supporter): “You better believe it now. Having someone tell you your vote doesn’t matter is enough to insight[sic] a riot.”
The conversation first appeared on US Uncut in the following screenshots —
Main Street says
Hillary getting “super delegates” is a corruption of the democratic process. If this “super” delegate scheme ended then Sanders would be in the lead. Sanders is no prize. However, he discusses issues and tells how Hillary is unethical. Trump would easily defeat him in November.
holy grailer says
This information on how the “super-delegates”====thieves in reality should be plastered all over the media in places this happens—when they could care less how the people vote and who they vote for…..over 80% vote for Sanders and they “award” it to Clinton is so downright despicable…its mind boggling. And our politicians have the balls to question how some third world countries run their elections…..they may actually be run better in the long run. It happens on both sides of the aisle as we see what they are doing to Trump. DISGRACEFUL !
Steve says
Stalin said it is enough that the public knows an election was held but it is not they who decide the winner. We need to find our system of these unethical minions
june burgess says
We need elections where the peoples votes are the only ones that count, there should not be an electoral vote with boundries decided by the existing political party.
Wendy says
Even that wouldn’t work. All you have to do is control a few critical bits on information and you can have the sheeple voting any way you want. Just look at all the times the sheeple have demanded the exact OPPOSITE of what they want (like the $3M polystyrene recycling program McDonald’s abandoned because “environmentally conscious” people demanded unrecyclable waxed paper wrappers) or that (I think it was in CA) referendum that was phrased so that people who thought they were voting against it were actually voting FOR it.
xiomara says
agreeeee i see corruption
Dane says
I am not even a democrat yet this artical discusses me to no end
To miss Metcalf, you should be fired post haste.
The election is about the will of the people whom you represent, not about your personal preferences. It is obvious that you have no business being in the position you are in. You are a fraud to say the very least.
Come after me with your slighted credentials and I will chew you up and spit you out.
As for “riots” not a supporter of such in normal conditions but you are of the exceptions along with the RNC’s disenchantment with Mr Trump that make me believe that the people of America should stand up and overthrow this government as a whole, by force as seemingly such is the only way given that our voices and votes fall on their deaf ears.
Brian says
This lady doesn’t understand, the people are supposed to tell her what to do, she works for them. You would think after 40 years of service, she would get it!
But, he’s right! Nearly every political position in every level of government is in someone’s pocket. She lied about it. There’s no way she was able to campaign without borrowing money to run!
That’s why Trump scares everyone. He doesn’t need money for his campaign. He’s throwing a wrench in the system! American politics have been doing things the same way for so long, they don’t know what to do about someone who comes along and changes the script.
People like Metcafe are doing whatever to stop him. Her hero is headed to prison! Even if she gets to the White House!
It’s going to cost us more money that way, but it will publicly expose the corruption in every level of government in America!
Maybe that’s what needs to happen to open the eyes of the American people. If the actions of president Obama hasn’t, then that’s the only way!
Hillary has been protected by someone since Little Rock, Arkansas. Now, she’s involved the United States president. He needs to be very careful about getting involved with her.
She’s the type who will drag him down with her, and find a way to place everything on him. She will cut your throat in a heartbeat!
She’s dangerous in every sense of the word! She’s incapable of feelings, and has a thirst for power that has been unseen since the days of empires.
She belongs in prison. She’s no different than any cereal killer in prison today, or for any time in history. She’s a devil in disguise!
I hope that this black community doesn’t fall for her plastic, fake concern! She’s chasing history, just like our present president.
Even his true identity is finally showing up. I don’t hear his supporters defending him anymore, wonder why?
They were fooled, and so are the people supporting Hillary! Metcafe doesn’t sound intelligent enough to understand. But, then again, she’s involved with unions. They’re nothing but corruption! I know!!!!! I had to do without because of a union!
Every time a contract year came up, there was a strike! My sums dad would not leave the Teamsters!!!!!! Many people don’t know what it’s like. They also don’t know that during a strike, a union member doesn’t just get to sit home and sleep! Oh no, they have to go to their empoyer’s place of business and sit!
In other words, you still go to work, but you sit there, do nothing, and don’t get paid. All the while your BILLS keep coming! Groceries STILL need to be bought. Your children’s needs STILL have to be met!
But you can’t do any of it because you signed up for the union, and you have to sit there, without pay, and do nothing! You can’t get other work as a member.
You are obligated solely to your union. You are NOT ALLOWED to seek any type of employment from another source while a union member, and especially during a strike.
Now, what does that tell you about her?
nj says
So the electoral college wasn’t enough to skew the real majority.
Now we have “super” delegates!
Who the hell came up with that?
Roger Mann says
Trump can and will crush either of them!
Jeffrey Deneau says
how does someone with a 65% disapproval rating win an election?
Main Street says
Her supporters practice so much censorship. Even one Irish-American newspaper site, Irish Central ,,is shamefully biased towards Hillary . They are quick to degrade anyone with a pro Trump opinion. Or those who simply reject Hillary’s lies. Fortunately the vast majority of Irish-Americans don’t read that paper. Many Irish-Americans are Trump supporters. He got a huge vote in mostly Irish-American areas of Massachusetts. He probably will in NY State too. The Hillary supporters in that Irish-American publication couldn’t fill a minivan with folks they influence. Trump is also popular in Hispanic, Italian and other ethnic communities in the U.S..
holy grailer says
Maybe they are one of the countries who have given vast amounts of money to Clinton for favors to come.
Main Street says
Good comments holy grailer. The ones I mentioned are based in NYC. Just a few self servers looking to get “in” with Ms. unethical.
Gregory Foster says
Clinton= corporation why is this bitch even allowed to even run? WTF, I didn’t serve in the Army to defend this.This is a farce to our democracy.
Linda says
Good for this young reporter. She didn’t back down. This just proves that the system for voting is wrong. It is time to listen to the people and do away with superdelegates and regular delegates and let the Citizens pick their president.
Mike says
I vote repulican in the presidential election and my vote gets switched to democratic in the midnight blue state of NY via the Electoral College. I think the Electoral College is a bunch of bull! My vote is used against me, because the Electoral College applies it towards electing someone I did not vote for. I want my vote to count towards the candidate I voted for. Apparently, my vote doesn’t count! Get rid of the Electoral College!!! The people should elect the president, not the states.
Gary says
AMEN!!! The bottom line is everyone’s vote should count and a popular vote is the only way to go. Electoral College was set up before the days of mass media and internet. Many states voting had never even seen the people they were voting for and it was set up as a protection in case the wrong person was voted in. Now the people voting have the ability to not only see and hear the candidates, but can make an informed decision with all the information out there if they take the time to read and learn who they vote for.
Wendy says
Yeah. That’s why so many people just check the “R” or “D” box, or whoever’s got the biggest smile.
Bill says
The Electoral College has its virtues. If you went to strictly a popular vote; wouldn’t the 5 or 6 largest urban areas decide the outcome of every election? Would a candidate even need to campaign outside of those areas? In other words, what would be the real influence of states that have a small population as compared to those that have the vast majority of legal voters? Having made that point; an electorate that does not vote in accordance with the majority in their state is saying that they know better than the voters. They do have that right, but it takes a very arrogant individual that exercises that right when the outcome was so lopsided. Kim Metcalfe appears to be that type of individual.
JeffersonLives says
“Shut up,” she explained.
john says
You’ve got to be joking – your as much of the problem as she and her womanizing husband are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
john says
What a jackass comment.
holy grailer says
I also am a NYer and see it the same way….most all of the state is Republican-but the city controls the overall politics and we are just in the game to funnel our money south to the city so Big Bird DeBlasio can give it away…literally!
Gary says
When are both the Republican and Democrat party elite going to realize that WE THE PEOPLE ( As our constitution recognizes), are the ones that elect the government offices. Regardless which party, it should be the one with the most votes. As far as primaries, what is happening to the super delegate votes for Hillary overall and the delegates for Trump such as in Louisiana where he won and Cruz got more delegate votes, is not a reflection of what the people want. Our country is made up for the purpose of the states controlling there own destiny with the Federal Government to provide smaller functions such as defense, trade etc. When a representative does not abide by the popular vote of the states citizens, it now becomes a socialist state where only a few have the full say for everyone. Regardless the party, I hope all delegates look at the final vote and cast their vote the way the citizens and voters of their state have voted and mandated their vote for a particular candidate. Remember the United States came about because of a Monarchy. This is why the Constitution of the United States starts out as “WE THE PEOPLE”.
holy grailer says
They would lose control-power and the money if we actually got a say in the game.
Gary says
Amen to your comment! I could not said it any better Gary. As a veteran, I also believed in protecting the constitution against foreign and domestic ( our crony government under this administration ) enemies.
Wendy says
They’ve realized that “WE THE PEOPLE” is an aggregate term, and with some clever statistics and gerrymandering, can be manipulated to be supporting anything they want. They individual who ends up in the Oval Office is the one who’s backed by the best manipulators.
Troy says
Its time to get off your asses and take back what is ours. This country belongs to the people. Not the politicians.
Constitutionalist says
A couple of things you should probably know, if you don’t already:
“I have the highest veneration of those Gentleman, — but, Sir, give me leave to demand, what right had they to say, We, the People? My political curiosity, exclusive of my anxious solicitude for the public welfare, leads me to ask who authorized them to speak the language of, We, the People, instead of We, the States? States are the characteristics, and the soul of the confederation. If the States be not the agents of this compact, it must be one of great consolidated National Government of the people of all the States.”
— Patrick Henry(1736-1799) US Founding Father
Source: in Debates in the 1788 Virginia debates, stated on June 4, 1788
“But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it. The States are the parties to it. And they may complain. If they do, they are entitled to redress. Or they may waive the right to complain. ”
Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520
In a nutshell, that’s why so many lawsuits against gov’t officials are “dismissed for lack of standing.” D’OweBama might well have been arrested and driven from office long ago, had discerning individuals raised petitions to have their STATE reps sue, instead.
More on-topic, i agree with those who are hating on this woman for ignoring the majority vote and favoring the Kriminal Klinton Klingon Klown over the express desire of the People’s majority vote; i also agree that the 12th Amendment needs to be repealed. Unfortunately, hardly anyone even THINKS about the Electoral College EXCEPT when there’s an election year – and as soon as the election’s over, they “forget” again…just like the sad shirking of duty concerning the accurate COUNTING of votes, and the routine stealing of them every election which seldom gets attention…and again, the majority “forget” about it until the next election.
In most OTHER countries, if voting fraud is even SUSPECTED, major RIOTS break out; but not here, not in the Untied States of Anemia, where the sheeple line up to push buttons on the touch-screen, collect their “I’m Stupid” sticker, and go home.
CHET says
How can we find out who the delegates are in our State of County?? Then we could give them a call or drop them a line. We could even drop by where they work or live and ask them in person, WHO ARE YOU GOING TO SUPPORT.
Terry says
You can’t and you are not supposed to. After all if we don’t even now who the prez is because of sealed records what chance is there of knowing a delegate.
dee says
This is big government at its best!!! If the people of this country don’t stand up and demand our votes count the way we have voted then we are doomed! AMERICA better wake up and stop the illegal voting and the super votes before it is to late and we are stuck with a dead beat for another 4 years!!!!!
Raazor says
The last two presidential elections were rigged with overwhelming voter fraud, does anyone with an ounce of common sense think this one will be any different.
Clifford Adkins says
No it won’t money talks and BS and voters don’t. It is very apparent that both parties are don’t their best to eliminate Sanders and Trump! Money Money Money
peewee henson says
well, when all the bad things in the world become everyday occurrence i hope the perpetrators go to ms. superdelegate’s house first
Wendy says
It is, and they haven’t.
DustyFae says
Do these People who want Hillary follow the same ideology as Hillary This woman, Hillary is evil
Terry says
The Constitution and representative govt be damned. Full self serving voting ahead. This is classic dim party voting regs. Vote early vote often, End of conversation! .
Ric Lutz says
When elected officials don’t do what the voters want, VOTE THEM OUT
Wendy says
And just vote in more of the same.
Arthur Hartsock says
The Republican ‘establishment’ is equally opposed to the two leading Republican candidates. At least this delegate was 100% honest about what is going on.
steve edwards says
Why, why, why do the press and tv news refuse to even mention this “super delegate” nonsense
that is corrupting our so-called “for the people, by the people” election process??
I am over 70 years old and never heard of this nonsense until this year.
If our votes do not count then we are no longer in a “democracy” and should line in N. Korea!
The Republicans do not (I believe) have the same process.
Too bad Rubio quit.
Constitutionalist says
The United States was founded as a Republic, and those who wrote the Constitution despised democracy…for VERY good reasons. Oh, and not JUST a Republic, either, but a Constitutional one. Do you remember the Pledge of Allegiance? Recite it. Is the word “democracy” in there anywhere? Do you have a copy of the Constitution or can dl one? Do so, then look through the whole thing for the word “democracy.” Tell me what form of governance you DO find. For homework, try to figure out what the essential differences between a Republic and a Democracy are; virtually NO one knows, which just speaks to how well the psy-op has worked on American Idiots.
All democracies degenerate into tyrannies, eventually – so says Plato – so perhaps you can now understand why so many teevee talking heads for so many years have been planting and reinforcing the Big Lie that democracy is a Good Thing, and that we should not only do it ourselves, but teach(or force) other countries to run democracies, too. What most do not realize is that the Communists consider the establishment of a democracy to be an essential step toward their tyrannical, top-down form of governance that has NEVER worked…well, except for the Party members, that is, and then only the elites thereof.
dawg# says
Amen Constitutionalist and may I go further with another quote from Plato? It seems that few people realize that our western culture is based upon the Socratic system. FYI: Plato was a pupal of Socrates and Aristotle was a pupal of Plato:
Democracy… is a charming form of government,
full of variety and disorder; and dispensing a sort
of equality to equals and unequals alike. (Plato)
In this quote taken from “The Republic”, one can feel the disdain and contempt that Plato had for Democracy.
molliesmom says
SUPER DELEGATES are an affront to democracy and fairness as well as the legalities of elections! There shouldn’t be any such thing as super delegates. Leave it to a Clinton! All they know about winning is to cheat!!!! They are the MOST despicable politicians possible in a sea of despicable politicians.
Clintons have no more loyalty to the U.S. Constitution than does ISIS! Hillary should be serving time in prison for treason rather than running for office, anyway!
George Professionl Engineer says
Votes are the most important measure but are they really counted properly?
Last election one precinct in Philadelphia counted 17,300+ – votes for Obama, the traitor,and 0 for Romney.
The chances of that, even by mistakes in the booth are impossible.Nothing was done so there will be 13500votes or more for Clinton.
Tommy Jones says
To vote for a very unstable,arogant,
and power hungry communist,is like
saying,take my Freedom,take my Life,
take my Money.Just lock me up in a
FEMA CAMP and starve me into deep
crowded grave and stack my coffin
filled with three or four other’s in it
and make room for the rest of the other
idiot’s who sold there sold to believe
the government was going to help them!
William T Barry says
These Super Delegates go against everything our country was founded on. To Blatently disregard the will of the people and cast her vote based on her personal opinion. Why the woman Kim Metcalf is a Bloody Communist plain and simple. Since when does the peoples vote not count. Appaently only if Hillary gets elected with these no brained Super Delegates who would elect confirmed habitual Liar. No wounder the country is on the verge of revolt………..Something needs to be done about this miscarriage of justice. There needs to be clear cut rules laid out by congress not the party bosses…..
Joe Flo says
The FBI has been closing in on Hillary for quite sometime, they would not spend this much time unless they had strong evidence against her. She iis going down.
Constitutionalist says
Joe Flo-
i sure hope you’re right; i just saw an old Jeannine Pirro youtube vid where she was saying last SEPTEMBER that the guy who built H “I Liar” Y’s home server was taking the 5th and refusing to give the FBI info; since then, i think it was February, the guy was given immunity and now he’s talking. In addition, H “I Liar” Y’s long-time lesbian lover, Huma Abedin, has been indicted.
My guess is that they’re doing their best to make an airtight, ironclad case against this sorry excuse for a female so that no matter what, she’ll be convicted and removed from the democrat ticket…but all the FBI can do is turn over the results of their investigation and give that Lynch woman of the (IN)Justice department an opportunity to indict. Personally, i’d get the NSA involved so as to track every communication Lynch makes with anyone directly connected with the case(e.g. her “friends” D’OweBama and H ‘I Liar”) so that they can expose and remove HER from office if she refuses to indict or continues to delay. “Malfeasance of office” or “Dereliction of Duty” come to mind as 2 potential charges, should she try to stonewall.
But then again, i suspect certain eschelons within the FBI to have been compromised, too, who are working for the Globalists(NWO/OWG), and who have betrayed their oaths to the Constitution, figuring that their “new friends” in the shadow government will protect them against the righteous indignation and searing wrath of the American People they are busily betraying.
Joe Flo says
This democrat is voting for Trump
Gerri says
No to Clinton
diana says
Hillary super delegates are bought and paid for people! They are as corrupt as she is!
fra conn says
you have 4 major nut jobs running killary burnie crap im mean cruz and the donald he,s the sanenist one and only one WHO IS ELECTABLE the only non candidate who could do a great job is condie rice shes black a women is not corrupt but shes too smart to be associated with the sleaze we have to vote for the country is DOOMED
Constitutionalist says
fra conn-
Really? Condaleeza Rice, the shill who dared say on teevee many times that “no one thought that planes would be used to attack targets”? THAT Condaleeza is NOT corrupt? She didn’t LIE HER ASS OFF about that?
Y’know, i was born at night, but not LAST night….
Amy M. says
Despite widespread misconceptions, the United States government is NOT A DEMOCRACY. It is a Constitutional Republic.
Yes, it has elements of democracy, but the founders were very careful to structure the Constitution such that we would avoid the perils and pitfalls of pure democracy, and despite all the hype, they are many. Pure democracy is just a fancy name for mob rule. In a democracy, the majority rules, period, which means the minority, and the individual, effectively have no rights at all. The people are free to elect despots and vote themselves heaps of cash from the treasuries and bankrupt the nation, while voting to strip anyone the don’t like of their money, their property, their rights, whatever they want for any reason or no reason at all. Besides this, most people do not know much at all about politics or government or economics, etc. These are complex issues and all of our lives and well-being are at stake. Do you really want somebody off the street who doesn’t even know what kind of government we have to take over and run the place, or decide who does? How do you think that would turn out in a year, or five, or ten? This is already happening to a much greater degree than would have been possible under the original founding government. Many problems we are having with the corruption in our government have come about because corrupt, power-hungry politicians have been eroding the complex and delicate system of checks and balances the founders placed on our federal government in an effort to further centralize power. They sweet-talk the citizens with propaganda and tell them what they want to hear, whether or not it is true or even possible, anything to get elected, then they do whatever they want. Rinse and repeat for the last hundred or so years. As to the Electoral College, it was created to serve an important purpose in a government that was intended to function without political parties (wouldn’t that be great!) and without national campaigns. We were never supposed to have political parties at all. They are a monumental source of corruption on both sides. I am running out of physical steam but this excellent article gives a great account of the history and purpose of the electoral college and what it’s about. Knowledge is power.
Jan says
What a bunch of garbage. This is making me not want to ever vote again!!
Constitutionalist says
Don’t blame ya, but if you want to know what you CAN do, have a visit to Bev Harris’ website,; be prepared to do a good deal of reading and maybe writing with questions, too.
You see, the problem isn’t so much with voting, though a lot of people will try to convince you that it’s the “illegal voters” that skew things; that’s not really true…or only to a very small degree.
No, the real problem is illustrated by the following quote:
“It is enough that the People know there was an election. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide EVERYthing.”
Know who said that?
Josef Stalin.
Most American Idiots consider their “civic duty” done when they push the buttons, collect their “I’m Stupid” sticker, and go home – in OTHER countries, if vote-counting fraud is merely SUSPECTED, riots ensue! But in America? Most simply don’t care enough about whether or not their votes were counted accurately, or even have the slightest idea WHO counts them or how such voting results are verified. Most have NO idea that the electronic voting machines are EASILY and ROUTINELY hacked, and the results changed remotely. Bev Harris told a story of finding proof that a particular voting machine in Florida recorded 10,000 NEGATIVE votes for Gore during that Bush/Gore “selection.” You would do well to ask yourself “How can anyone cast a negative vote?” because no one CAN. Nevertheless, the results were that this machine SUBTRACTED 10,000 votes from Gore. Nice racket, eh?
Justin W says
The super delegates are designed to protect the establishment choice from the will of the people. We need to remember that Bernie Sanders is a fringe candidate. Hillary is having trouble beating him. If Hillary had a mainstream challenger she would have been sent to the sidelines by now. In 2008 the Democrats chose a little-known senator from Illinois over the well-known former first lady.
Hopefully Hillary will lead the Democrats to a landslide defeat in November. Only when the Democrats experience a complete loss due to their radical candidates will they move back toward the center.
Troy says
It’s ashamed people just sit back and let their country be destroyed. It’s time to stand up to these shit bags. Wake up !
Somewhere over the rainbow says
If the presidency depends on popular vote, then only California, Texas, Florida and New York will control the country. Yes their is corruption in all of politics but removing state rights from the people is not the way. Clean up corruption, don’t take our state rights from us, popular votes would hurt 2/3 of the country.
fra conn says
no not that POS rice the one that worked for gwbush absolutely ANYTHING THAT THIS WHT HOUSE PUTS OUT Is BS >
fra conn says
bring back TAR AND FEATHERING for corrupt officials starting with o”turd
Beano McReano says
THIS is why you do not want women voters much less a women president. They are a disaster to a nation!
Jason miller says
The super delegates has nothing to do with it at this time. Hillary is ahead and winning before we count them. I have seen people saying Bernie can still win. But did you know that in 2008 Obama passed Hillary on Feb 9th in regular delegates and the super followed him shortly after and by March 11th. Obama had 1385 pledged delegates to Hillary’s 1229. Then if you look at the super delegates added to it. Obama had 1610 to Hillary’s 1480 on march 11th. Now if we look at the current election Hillary has 1243 pledged delegates to Bernie’s 980. So she is ahead more then Obama was in 2008. now we add the super it goes up even higher for Hillary. But if we only count the Pledge delegates Hillary is winning anyway. Bernie supporters don’t like to admit it. They keep saying she is cheating or what not when I don’t believe she is. The elections are ran by the states not by Hillary or the DNC.
Keifer says
Hillary has a lot of people who will cheat or do anything else for her just to get her elected. If she does become the candidate you know there will be wide spread cheating on her behalf.
dawg# says
Please allow me to leave you with a voice from long ago:
Charley Reese’s Final column!
Charley Reese (January 29, 1937 – May 21, 2013) was an American syndicated columnist known for his conservative views.[1] He was associated with the Orlando Sentinel from 1971 to 2001, both as a writer and in various editorial capacities.
545 vs. 300,000,000 People
-By Charlie Reese
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?
Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?
You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The President does.
You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.
You and I don’t write the tax code, Congress does.
You and I don’t set fiscal policy, Congress does.
You and I don’t control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank. I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes.
Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.
dawg# says
Sorry I missed part of it, see below.
dawg# says
The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House now? He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted — by present facts — of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can’t think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.
If the tax code is unfair, it’s because they want it unfair.
If the budget is in the red, it’s because they want it in the red.
If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it’s because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan ..
If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it’s because they want it that way.
There are no insoluble government problems.
Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like “the economy,” “inflation,” or “politics” that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.
Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.
They, and they alone, have the power.
They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses. Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees…
We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!
dawg# says
Kevin Beck says
Once again, further evidence that there is nothing democratic about the Democrat party. And no matter how they continue to spin it, they are properly the Democrat party, not the Democratic party.
JerryD says
The only reason the young people are voting for Sanders is his promise for free college and legalizing marijuana nothing else. Where is this money going to come from for college? Sanders say Wall Street is going to pay for it I am sure those people will stand in line Jan. 20 2017 to give Sanders there money if he is elected. I have fought and shed blood for this country in Vietnam I am not going to surrender to loosing anymore of my rights being taken away under and extension of the Obama administration by Clinton or Sanders. If you enjoy socialism then by all means move to one of those countries and live the life they live. I am not sure if Clinton is a socialist or a converted muslim I don’t want either of them in control of this soon to be a better country. Take pride in your country why would anyone want to elect a woman that has the blood of 4 Americans in Benghazi that she allowed to get killed. Or a woman that disseminate classified information that could have cost American and other nations lives. A woman that has a foundation of her family that is being investigated. This woman has two on going investigations being conducted on her by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and it is beyond me why she is even still in the running. How is she going to acquire a Security Clearance? She has already proven she can not be trusted with classified information how many more American lives is she going to be allowed to get killed THAT IS KILLED NOT DIE, Her friends Obama and Lynch will keep this investigation going till after the election. The right thing should be done and political affiliation should be put aside we are Americans first.
ray says
ray says
I can see it now….. if Hillary finally gets indicted and convicted of all charges….. after getting cuffed she will start barking like a dog and plead insanity !