While the nation continues to mourn the victims of last week’s mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is already angling to politicize the tragedy.
In fact, she’s promising the greatest crackdown on gun rights in American history if she’s elected president.
Immediately following the shooting in Oregon, Clinton revealed her plans to drastically reduce gun sales in the United States, as well as her strategy for seriously limiting what current owners are allowed to do with their guns.
She vowed to use executive power to expand background checks for sellers at gun shows and possibly prevent Americans from re-selling their own guns.
Clinton also said she will back congressional efforts to stop retailers from selling guns to people with incomplete background checks and would support legislation banning domestic abusers from purchasing guns.
During a day-long campaign swing through New Hampshire this weekend, Clinton’s campaign also said she’s also looking to repeal legislation that shields gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at Umpqua Community College on Thursday.
The proposal marks an effort by Clinton to stake out liberal ground against her closest rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
After the Sandy Hook shooting in 2013, Sanders backed all the Democratic gun bills brought up in Congress. But in 1993, he voted against the landmark Brady handgun bill, which imposed a five-day waiting period for gun purchasers, and he backed the 2005 legislation granting legal immunity to many in the gun industry.
Sanders now says he supports banning assault weapons and closing the so-called “gun show loophole” that exempts private, unlicensed gun sales from background checks.
Not to be outdone, Clinton promised Monday, “I am going to get those guns out of people’s hands.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Heyoka says
I will gladly give her everyone I have, ammo first. But she has to come get them in person. Hell she can even bring her security detail….. 🙂
Pancho Villadeltren says
This is my rifle, this is my gun. Sicko Hillary has wanted everyone’s ‘gun’ ever since she reached puberty.
ChicagoThunder1 says
I think that she may be more interested in the holster.
John says
Now that’s a good one there CT1.
Bill says
Trump has the safety of America in mind by fearing ISIS infiltration.
As a Canadian this is a concern of mine too.
James D. Burke says
Bill, Trumps bluster doesn’t situate him for office. There is one who “speaks softly and carries a big stick.” His approach is well thought out. His answers are accurate and to the point. He speaks softly, but is brilliant and steadfast, accurate and straight forward; his line of duty is to speak truth. His name is Ben Carson. He says what needs to be said and it is resonating with the population at the ground level. Glad to hear from someone from Canada.
F. Godfrey says
She can not have my Derringer .
Jondarmes says
And her no account husband, and the totality of the current administration.
Bud Webster says
What part of the 2nd amendment does the Marxists not understand, the right to bare arms shall NOT be infringed upon. How smart were the framers. ignorant people need to understand, time does not change principles, or government structure. No matter how advanced a Society is, only 5 forms of government have been created thru the annals of human history. Our framers gave us the best with a republic form. The satanic progessive Marxist are pushing for the worse form. Totalitarianism. Which inevitably leads to anarchy. Hang all progressives for the traitors they are.
John says
Hip, Hip there old chap.
James D. Burke says
Bud, they understand it perfectly. Mao Tse “dung” said “power flows out of the end of a gun barrel.” When the government owns all the guns, WE THE PEOPLE will have zero power and government (would be leaders) will have it all. You know, people like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, et.al. and, the Atty General.
merle says
It is interesting how the dems want to take everyone’s guns away . And they talk NWO louder than anyone else . And it is also interesting most of these Mentally ill people who have did such a disgusting act are from DEMOCRATIC families !!!Guess that proves the point that dems are crazy .
James D. Burke says
The duplicity of the socialists/i.e. communists/Nazi’s (all the same) is reflected when they take the oath of office and swear to uphold the constitution and promise to violate the same as soon as they achieve their objective. How stupid can a people be to elect a known, self revealed violator, whose intentions should be immediately known to any one who has a brain. Ben Carson can be trusted in every comment he makes.
James D. Burke says
Power not only corrupts, it also maddens the mind and destroys nations. We’ve had nothing but politicians for the last 85 years and politicians in both parties have brought us to the disastrous place we now find ourselves. Power freezes the mind and sets it toward situating the population into a barn or an oven.
James D. Burke says
“While the nation mourns.” What happened was tragic, but having someone running for president like Hillary Clinton is drastically more tragic.
Robert says
ChicagoThunder1 says
Starting??? They call themselves “The Democratic Socialist Party”! That’s how they started out as then they realized that if they told the truth no one would join them so they just dropped the word “Socialist” and continued to indoctrinate the population through the already indoctrinated educators in the public school systems. They have been a con from day one.
pamela says
Amen to that one
Bud Webster says
They need to be Hung Robert, not voted out, we are well pass the voting out phase. Progressives are a plight on our society, they are unamerican and are opposed to everything American, they despise who we are, what we stand for, and our very existence. We need to rid ourselves of their corrupt ineptitude . And unamerican activities. We can start @ the White House with the militant Marxist known as barrack hussan Obama. What a complete joke of a human being.
John says
When does the show begin ?
Bones1941 says
Clinton you better be prepared when you come for my guns .No bitch like you will get them!
Bill says
If guns are taken away because they can be used to kill then how about banning all cars that kill manny times more people.
Irvan says
If hillary wants my guns, she can have them……… what comes out of the end of the barrel first.
Heath says
You will rot in hell before you take guns away.
Athanasios1 says
Phil Sargent says
Criminals always have ways to get guns, so Hitlery should have no problems whatsoever….The Lib’s always know how to take advantage of a catastrophe…….SICKO’S !
Sunwukong68 says
Another Liberal thinking executive overreach is a valid method to overlooking our 2nd Amendment rights. Analysts of these problems know that gun-free zones are the reason people can go so far as to kill. Criminals don’t follow the rules…neither do Liberals. Law abiding people won’t go to these places with the intent to do harm, but you can bet a Veteran or someone else trained with weapons would have stopped this tragedy from occurring if allowed to carry. Even without a defensive firearm, three patriotic Americans stopped this kind of incident in France. Two of them were in the military, the third fellow was a martial artist. More rules about guns will make it even harder for law abiding citizens to defend themselves against madmen like the one in Umpqua College.
Joe Schmo from Idaho... says
I FEEL SORRRRRRRY FOR THE POOR b*****d Idiots that come to my front door – to take my stuff. They want us all naked of our protection and our rights, so the commies can rule their anticipated, ‘harmless world’ and walk all over us…It ain’t happenin’ while I’m still breathing and you can bet on these words – in Vegas……
charles brownlee says
Hillary will do and say anything and join any movement that she thinks will advance her chances to be elected. She cares nothing for America or it’s citizens . How sad it is that we are confronted w/ such as she and those who are so blind [ indoctrinated] as to support her and her kind. Pray for God to bless AMERICA she needs it more now than any time in history!
Ruth says
Jim says
The only thing she will be coming for will be bail money!!!
Dan says
Watch out because the old hag has more testosterone than queen skippy.
Ken Bramwell says
Why do these politicians think that disarming law abiding citizen will stop gun violence and criminals from using guns to commit crimes. Those who support the idea of disarming can turn there guns in when they go to vote and get a sign that says “UNARMED CITIZEN” and post it on there front door or entrance to there property.
Robert says
If gun laws work so well why is it that the states with the toughest gun laws have the highest gun crimes?
Randy says
If all of you are really this strong on keeping you firearms safe, then you should join the NRA and or the National Association for Gun Rights. By joining the NRA, which already has over 5 million members, you voices will carry much more weight. I have been a member for many years now, in fact I am now a Life Member. Just think how powerful all gun owners could be if we all were members of the NRA and other gun rights groups. United, we could maybe even get new legislation passed to keep the Democraps from ever taking any more of our rights away, and maybe even get some of our rights back. Think about it.
John says
I agree 100% with you. I am.
N9VCKdave says
The one thing that I see over and over, is that none of these politicians are addressing the facts of “Illegal” guns. I’m not saying the ones sold during “Gun Shows”, but the ones sold on street corners and back alleys that are prolific. This is a case where any criminal, anyone with evil intent, anyone with mental or moral issues, or anyone with cash in hand can buy a weapon with no questions asked. There are those “Sellers” who are only interested in the cash they get for their products while not having a care what those weapons may be used for. Kinda like “Drug Dealers” selling heroin, knowing that can cause Death. When questioning Law Enforcement officials about that, they say there is no funding for, or that the little they may get is insufficient to investigate and capture “illegal Gun Dealers”, the street corner back alley type. Politicians who are in charge of funding law enforcement say that there is little reward in capturing these “Dealers” because there are only a few doing so. “Out of Touch”, maybe? Maybe this is evidence that they only want to remove “Guns” from the general population so they can have…….More…..?.
Jondarmes says
I absolutely love the current crop of democrat candidates, a Harpy, an avowed communist, and they are looking forward to adding a washed up 2 time losing imbecile to the list. You just can’t make this stuff up.
Becky says
Bring it on _itch.
Jerry says
Sadly we don’t elect our officials. The PTB elect who they wish and the rest is a show. The computers are rigged and have been for years now.
John says
They are all FOOLS also.
James D. Burke says
James, the stupidity goes lie this” “My daddy, he was a democrat; and my grand daddy, he was a democrat, and by jove, I’m a democrat too.” Welll James, that is the inane extent/result, of democrats and republicans imposing their agendas into PUBLIC EDUCATION; and psychologically training the mind into the collective of government hand-out welfare recipients who translate into votes for liars and decievers in both parties. Ben Carson is the only non-candidate in the group running for president. He speaks”softly and carries a big stick.” That “big stick” is truth. HE gets my support.
Brian Fraser says
The problem is more about angry young men than about guns. In our society, debt is wealth, ignorance is knowledge, and violence is entertainment (even in cartoons). We reap what we sow. Change the values!
James R. Currier says
If you want MY GUNS, please come in person.
Sharon Wrench says
It is hard to conceive that two people who constantly break the law, have no respect for the Constitution and are setting out to destroy American can still walk free on American soil. Why are they not bound to the laws of the land like anyone else? Why have they not been convicted of treason? They threaten to take the guns away from Americans just like Hitler did in Germany. Wake up America, where are the true American’s in this land?
John says
I am awake and I am locked and loaded. Molon Labe.
Angie says
She can go straight to Hell! Oh yeah, she’s headed there anyway!!!
Zoltar says
If you are a true american citizen and beilive our founding fathers were correct about the constitution allowing us freedom to conduct our lives without the constraints of an overbearing comunist govenment. Then it should be quite obvous not to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Wayne Holtzclaw says
I’m 67 years old. Was it not taught that the founding fathers of the constitution included the 2nd Amendment with the sole intention to provide citizens a means of retaliating against our own government in the case of an attack against our constitution and the American way of life?
Is it any surprise that the liberals want to take out the 2nd Amendment?
Tom Smakof says
I am extremely stupid and Hillary should have me put away.
Judith Sumpter says
LOL…She’ll probably get around to that shortly if elected. Because any who vote for her are stark raving mad!
Beano says
She is telling you she will commit TREASON if she gets in office. So she just might because the negro sodomite did the same thing and you put him illegally in twice!
So you must like it.
Rock Halverson says
Another leg licker that wants to be a MAN oh just jelous she wasn’t born with a gun. How I wish she was dumped in the shit with no gun perhaps then she would see she could not lick here way to freedome.
Paul rodriguez says
Get rid of weapons first then bibles just like some dictatorships. Americans, let’s eliminate these stupid politicians and whitehouse leaders by not voting for them. I fought for this country and still love it but oh how I detest a few who pretend to love America and Americans. They could care less about making stupid decisions such as getting rid of our weapons. Weapons are almost impossible to acquire by the common people in Mexico. Look at all the killings in the past year by criminals that do not worry about defense since the common people are not able to procure them. Let’s vote for candidates that will make our country better than what it is. We’ve taken a beating these last 6 years. It has to stop. Taking our private weapons away will not make this country better.
John says
Big ears just wants us to revolt so he can enact Marshell Law and become king A**Hole. Don’t let him do it people. Stand-up for what our fore fathers DIED for.
Terry ford says
all you have to do is see what the socialist Democratic Party in Germany , Russia, France to take the ability to fight back against the government that we’ll tell you haw to live your life .just look around you.anb asshools in black robes are rewriting the costatotion to fit in
Justin Wachin says
Hillary, how would your proposal have prevented this most recent act of gun violence? The Democrats know their gun control laws would do nothing to end these well-publicized shootings. The only thing the Democrats’ gun control laws would do is disarm law-abiding Americans.
If mass murderers are unable to get guns they will switch to other means to kill people and grab headlines. Explosives are relatively easy to obtain and can kill more people, more quickly. Perhaps the lawmakers should look at greater controls on explosives. The possibility some deranged killer could use explosives concerns me more than gun use does.
Andy Jackson says
If you can imagine what it must have been like to have been in the same room as the gunman at Umpqua College, watching helplessly as he shot person after person, just waiting in horror for your turn…. Well, if you can do that, it’s likely you can imagine the one word that they all wanted to scream: “Help!”
But (except for that one rare brave man who took seven bullets) help couldn’t come. Not in time, anyway. “Help” could really only show up in the form of an armed defender. Someone else with a gun who would use it for the right purpose: to save lives. If just one person with a concealed carry – or an open carry – had been present, then those cries for help could have been answered. Regardless of their political inclinations, I would bet anything that in that moment ALL the people in that classroom were hoping that there were other guns present. So sad they were disappointed.
Glenn Bryant says
What she means is your guns…not all guns. The police and government authorities, who are well known for their exemplary behavior, will still have their guns. The logic she is using would also indicate that we should get ride of cars and numerous other items that have contributed to human death as well. This is just more of big government wanting to disarm law abiding citizens for reasons that remain unclear, but suspect to say the least.
Clark says
If you’re a voter who votes for a candidate because of race,(Obama) or sex(Hillary) or vote Democratic because your father did for the past forty years(how’s that working for you) and you know little about the candidate, do America a favor and stay home. Solution; educate yourself, open your thought process in other words WAKE UP. If that’s to hard you are an uneducated ignorant voter , stay home.