Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are getting sick and tired of media bias — and internet savvy conservatives are starting to hold the corporate media accountable.
One Trump backer has compiled nearly ten minutes of CNN and MSNBC hosts shouting down guests, claiming technical difficulties for dropped Trump supporter interviews, and flat out cutting off conservative guests.
Warning: This will make you FURIOUS
Main Street says
Yesterday ONLY CBS & Fox gave detailed headlines about Judicial Watch exposing the e-mails that show that Hillary used her position as Sec. of State to benefit the Clinton Foundation. WBZ Radio News station in Boston which reaches 34 states and Canada has turned into a shameless biased voice of Hillary. European papers portray Trump as the biggest threat to the world today.
Kris S. says
Yes! CNN with Don Lemon is getting really bad, I’m so disappointed on how much they are against Trump and supporting Clinton. I’m watching FOX from now on for truthful news! Last night I was shocked about how one of the women on the panel was yelling, shouting, and screaming at Kaylie who is a Trump supporter. They need to get her off of this panel, she is so wrong acting this way on national TV.
michael says
If Jesus was a republican, the media would crucify him. They don’t even pretend to be non-biased anymore they openly show it because they think we are stupid and need to be told how to vote. The problem is they are the morons. I have to filter out all their bullcrap to figure out the real news. They need to just quote the people, not paraphrase what was said to make it worse than it was and keep their opinions to themselves. People do not want your opinion, they have their own. CNN, ABC, NBC, and all the others need to go back to being real reporters and not journalists. The facts, nothing but the facts. Not your dam interpretation or opinion. That’s why I stopped watching your stations and your programming. You so called news people would not know how to report the news if it bit you in the _ss. You are as bad as the British rag mags the print only sensationalism and call it news. In other words you are crap.
Mark Horner says
I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I am an independent. But what I have seen CNN and, CBS and, MSNBC do in the name of Media reporting makes me want to vote for Trump just to tell these media outlets that what they are doing is just flat out WRONG !!! Your job is to report the facts, PERIOD !!! It is then up to me to decide for myself which candidate best fits my wants and needs. You don’t get to decide this for me. I don’t need your help. MY IQ is higher than 99.9% of you.
I will no longer be watching any of your channels. The only two channels that even come close to unbiased reporting is Fox and One America News Network. But even they are not perfect. But they are a hell of a lot closer to the middle than any of you.
Morena Lopez says
if every american held the media accountable as you are…..the left wing liberal media will shape up or die!!! THANK YOU FOR HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE!!! One at a time…..tell your friends and family
CJ says
Trump IS a threat to the other countries. He’s threatening to shut off their gravy train
Constitutionalist says
Trump IS a threat to the other countries. He’s threatening to shut off their gravy train
That too, but here’s what you should know about EU “news” agencies:
“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
— William Colby(1920-1996) former Director of the CIA
Source: in Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don’t Want You to See (2000), by Dave McGowan
Colby did NOT mean “only in America.”
GClark says
That’s because he will cut off their gravy train.
Jack says
At the GOP gala in New York City the candidates addressed the crowd. Donald Trump was late to the event, pushing Ted Cruz’s speech into the dinner service, so he was forced to speak over waiters clanging plates and people eating and chatting as their meals arrived. The live feed became inaudible and one station (Fox) cut completely away. But that was ok, right? That’s why trump will gain no sympathy, what goes around comes around.
Charles Hood says
Jack says,,, Jack says very little that makes sense. So Trump was late. I bet you have been late for some reason in your life unless you just sit in your mother’s basement and post stupid posts all day..
leon franco says
CNN is the devil’s advocate. One have to be mentally ill to vote for Hillary Clinton after all her lies and incompetence and evilness have been exposed. I can’t imagine how grotesque the image of Hillary and Clinton back living in the White House would be. What’s is wrong with the Clintons’ fanatics? Oh, yeah, mentally disturbed, who would vote for the devil itself.
Arthur Hartsock says
I haven’t watched CNN for a long time. For local news I watch KSTP in St. Paul, and I watch Fox-and a lot of Fox Business Channel.
Marcia says
I used to watch Newsmax as I like Steve Malsburg and David Michael Lynch on Unfiltered the name of hhis show but now he as stated that he will not be on that show as he is being told what to say and how to say it. he is his own man and will not let other people put words in his mouth. So he quit.
By the way ole Hillary took a lot of funds going to Hatie as they need the funds very badly but she put these funds in her checking account and told us the funds went to Haiti so I am voting for Trump no matter what people say on the news it is biased
Maplel eaves says
yes it’s all over the world. media biASS. here in Japan the media took the mainstream pro Democrat interpretation of Donald appealing to the 2nd Ammendment people to keep Hillary out unless they want the constitution tampered with; and twisted my wife’s image of Trump even more. she thinks he had sent out a poli-assasin message. Now I’m a Canadian (mother is from SD and a Rep) so imagin how hard it is to explain the meaning of the 2nd to people who cant fathom what it means to people living in a country where throughout its history the citizens have sacrificed their lives for independence and freedom (Japanese have never fought for their independence). the Japanese either think Americans are unreasonably fetish about guns and violence and that is the image. the contradiction is when they go to Hawaii they always brag about going to the shooting range where they fired some machinegun or 45. After many years of not understanding why the American nation doesn’t try to get the world straight on the 2nd I now see that its been this BS liberal establishment that has screwed the picture and twisted everything around. Obviously to keep the means to defend oneself out of the hands that oppose them.
Is that a fair estimate for a Canuck?
Dawg# says
The powers of hell are being unleashed in our Country. I do not mean that in a flippant sense, but in a sober, realistic sense of the phrase. I am a Donald Trump supporter as many Christians are, but I also know that the system is rigged and biased toward the evil that is inundating our society. Not only so, but rational people have become mesmerized and no longer have control of any cognitive rational. For example: People are more concerned with Trump using PC language than they are with Hillary’s destructive actions against our Nation and it’s Diplomats. They are more concerned about a personal insult from Trump than the fact that Hillary brags about defending a pedifile. They condemn Donald Trump and refuse to vote for him because he doesn’t fit into their mold of religious legalities, while at the same time unknowingly, promoting the escalation of the demonic forces in our Government by taking support from DT for prideful, religiously legalistic reasoning. Matthew 23:24 comes to mind as I write this post: “Matthew 23:24 (KJV) Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel”. It seems that Jesus also had the same problems with the Pharisees that we are contending with today and I sincerely believe that it will be the downfall of our Nation, because people are so blinded to the big picture and are concerned only with their own selves and selfish pride. It’s all about “ME” in today’s world and people cannot see beyond their own selfish pride…….
TBA44 says
Morena Lopez says
we must pray that 55% see the light or we are doom. Spread the word. Keep up the good word. Don’t let evil win
Eddy P says
All Networks are depending on viewer’s, so, do NOT turn on CNN, MSNBC, CBS and others. If we ALL do this together they will get the message because the money will eventually dry out.
Dee says
Deborah Carder says
I have been boycotting for a long time do not watch any of the networks especially CNN and MSNBC I have even stopped watching most shows on Fox they are not better than the other biased networks. Don’t believe a word any of them say..
Morena Lopez says
amen!!! right on!!!
BV says
Amen Dee
Marycos says
I used to watch CNN faithfully. Then when they started mudslinging Mr Trump. When they know Clinton is a rogue democrat.
I loved Wolfe, Anderson,and John king. I watched Don lemon lie, accuse the TRUMP campaign of all kind of things.
I sent feedback messages about the yelling TRUMP supporters down.
I now only watch Fox, and then only a few of them
Now the owner or whatever he is under indictment . The news media has gotten terrible.
Hannity tells it the way it is, he did the same in the elections of 2008 and 2012. . He warned his viewers, that Obama was going to ruin our America, and he did.
TBA44 says
Not So Free says
There is a reason that CNN was called the Clinton News Network.
Looks like things haven’t changed.