The landslide defeat of a bathroom-rights bill in Houston has “shell shocked” transgender-rights activists according to Houston attorney John LaRue, who ran for the Houston City Council and led a campaign to support the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO).
According to LaRue, the angry HERO activists have started planning to punish Houston voters in retaliation.
“The Super Bowl is slated to come in 2017, and there are rumblings of plans to ask the NFL to move and go elsewhere in support of LGBT people and other groups HERO would have protected,” LaRue said.
By a 61-to-39-percent margin, voters in America’s fourth largest city on Tuesday rejected the wide-reaching ordinance. Aside from giving individuals the right to use whichever bathroom they choose, based on the gender they identify with, the ordinance would have extended legal protections in employment, housing and public spaces on the basis of race, sexual orientation, gender identity and other categories.
Opponents prevailed with a campaign that dubbed the measure “the bathroom ordinance” and raised the specter of male sexual predators invading women’s restrooms.
“This is a national game-changer,” said Jonathan Saenz of Texas Values Action, which opposed the ordinance. He described the result as “a massive victory for common sense, safety, and religious freedom.”
Ordinance supporters, including the Greater Houston Partnership, an influential business group, are now warning that the defeat of the measure might trigger economic boycotts or endanger plans for Houston to host the Super Bowl in 2017 or the NCAA Final Four in 2016.
A proposed federal nondiscrimination law is given no chance of passage any time soon because of Republican opposition, so activists are waging local and state-level campaigns. Frequently, the most visceral issue that arises is transgender people’s access to public restrooms, and in some cases public schools have become the battleground.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Ted says
This is getting really ridiculous! If you were born Male use the Men’s bathroom. If you were born Female use the Women’s bathroom. Why is that so hard to figure out?
And as far as “transgendered” goes, get these clueless wonders into surgery, since they want so badly to be a different gender. Let them see those nasty looking “wienie removal tools” and then we’ll see how many of them want to defy the Laws of Nature!!!
Let’s confront their “hypocrisy” head on for a change, because NORMAL People simply have no time, nor patience, for such foolishness! We have REAL Lives to lead!!!
Roseanna says
Agreed if they want to be female they have to remove thier penises , then they can use the bathrooms with mutilated crotches !!!!
Lisa38 says
brewer says
yea they need to see a dr. there sick… if you want to change gender then have surgery and I hope the dr. doesn’t numb anything… and he starts cutting about the throat and works his way down
Chris Headley says
Well spoken
Lisa38 says
Couldn’t agree with you more 🙂
Randy says
Ruining Sporting Events because 2 people in 100 want us to go along and approve “their” perversion should show everybody how ludicrous, maladjusted, and perverted the combined thought processes are in this group of Queers. They vehemently believe that 98% of the people on this planet are taking away their bathroom privileges. They would like the right to expand this perverted lifestyle… That is so normal now a days. To me, it seems there’s something inherently wrong about a man peeing in the little girls room…PRETENDING to be a woman. Living in a Pretend world and thinking it is a reality, is not a fact based thought process, it’s a mental disorder. Acting queer or gay is the Mental Sickness that went away by proxy, according to the APA around 1973. In other words it was voted out.
John says
Just let me say this, If the NFL so much as listens to this ridiculous request, they apparently have no regard for the voters of Houston and that needs be recognized as well as some even more sanctions, boycotts etc from their true fan base. Anyone want to help me organize this if necessary?
My teenage daughter also has rights too, although I doubt those who demand there own way despite how ridiculous and unpopular it is care about anyone else’s rights. I will defend in any way necessary her right to use a public restroom without fear of any male entering no matter what sex he wants to be or thinks he is. I will make no threats but suggest vehemently you do not try it. I have a right to protect my family, no matter what this devide us and conquer us government says.
Clinton Blossey says
If they want a CHEAP DI*K Removal….Call up Lorena Bobbit….She performs that operation for Free…
Neal Boy says
I think the gays are punting past their coverage if they mess with The Superbowl. Alot more people have,”Gay Fatigue,” than “Super Bowl Fatigue.” “The Gay Card,” is about as worn out as “The Race Card.”
jo says
To do bodily harm to anyone is against God’s Laws with these nasty remarks you are making is directly violating the 10 commandments. What makes you think you will get away with this kind of talk. You are showing your ignorance and are uneducated to talk this way. Shame on you. You are no better than any one on death row in any prison.
Justin W says
If gay rights activists succeed in costing Houston major sporting events, the people of Houston should place the blame squarely on the activists. The city leaders should make sure the activists understand that if they succeed in driving away these sporting tournaments that their movement will be vilified and any hope of passing other gay friendly measures will be gone.
These extremists are basically practicing economic blackmail. If they don’t get their way they are going destroy you economically. The best way to stop this tactic is for cities and states to stop giving in.
The gay rights community is similar to radical Islam. Both ideologies threaten you if you don’t convert to their movement. Islam threatens your physical life. The gay rights activists threaten your economic life. The transgender bathrooms would allow sexual predators unprecedented opportunities to molest innocent people.
Johnnie says
I agree with Ted and Justin!! We have much bigger problems in our country than where someone goes to the bathroom. Imagine a 3-5 year old girl going into the bathroom and sees a man’s “you know what” hanging out. Come on folks, use your creativity for constructive issues.
To want to hurt Houston financially is stupid over where one goes to “pee”.
Lisa38 says
Yep I totally agree. This is rediculous. With everything that’s going on in this country who cares. I certainly don’t 😉
Jeff says
Way to go Houston! We need to confront these perverse totalitarians every time they rear their ugly heads. Ignoring them put us where we are now!
Frank W Brown says
Tyranny of the MINORITY? Too bad LOSERS, the people are onto your bullshit, and the SuperBowl WILL be held in Houston, deal with it crybabies!
Judy says
If you have a penis, go to the men’s bathroom. If you have a vagina, go to the women’s. If you are serious enough about “feeling like you are a girl”, then get the thing that proves you are male, removed. I think a law like that would settle everything.
Chris Headley says
If you have a dick and you think your a girl there is a mental concern here. Many of these shootings across the country have been caused by people with mental Issues. So I don’t believe that society should be expecting these crazed ideas to be the Norm. Normalcy is the rule of nature. When out of balance there’s nothing but kayous.
bob onitt says
Moe Verner says
Lisa38 says
With everything that’s happening in this country why can’t people use the restrooms that are gender specific? What’s the big deal? This is nothing compared to world events. It’s obvious that you people do not care that nut jobs will follow little girls into restrooms and do God awful things to the little innocent children. You’ve already proven that you only care about yourselves.
I’ve got a feeling that if you do something crazy during the super bowl you’ll be sorry. Go ahead I hope you do something stupid to get attention. I hope you end up in jail. Which is where you need to be.
Rick says
These – so called people – are WIRED WRONG – if you are plumbed a MALE then you use the boys or MENS ROOM . //////////
IF this offends you – tough luck – figure out what gender you are plumbed as . //////////////////////////////////////
Lisa38 says
Completely agree with you. I get offended from time to time over things that happen in life and guess what? I get over and move on. Which is what these people should do. I can’t help it if they’re “wired” wrong. Not my fault. Maybe they need to see a good psychiatrist.
bob onitt says
does obama care pay for the surgery for either gender if not then their all phoneys liberals and lgbt-ers
Chuck says
This has nothing to do with gay rights. It is an agenda that can be summed up in a single word: DESTROY!! All across the planet there are those among us who are compelled to destroy and have gained the tacit and sometimes not-so-tacit approval of the media. Those who are behind this crap remain hidden from sight, but nevertheless quite active in promoting attacks on civilization, religion, rational sexuality and a host of other actions and standards that hold civilization together. These brain-dead, spiritual mutations are, on a more elevated level, married to DESTROY. Many civilizations have fallen to their forebears. As these freaks continue to pull the plug on a great civilization, bringing it down on their own heads as well as ours, in their warped perceptions believe they are carrying out divine will (or a perversion of same). The sheeple MUST WAKE UP!!
rodney says
they want to interrupt the Super bowl, then we interrupt them with clubs, bayonets and guns. The VAST minority is NOT going to tell the VAST majority what to do. they need to ge BACK in that closet they came OUT of.
BillZ says
Let make asses of themselves. This will wake up the general public that they will have one hard time getting any more bills passed in their favor. I had first hand experience with this they act like spoiled children if they do not get their way just like rebelling against their perants.
Robert Hagedorn says
Intelligent comments! I endorse each and every one of them. Thanks to all of you for making my day. I just hope a wing nut doesn’t come along after me and negate what I just posted.
Joy Ann Roberts says
NO ONE is going to negate your comment, least of all ME !!! I am so sick & tired of the ”gay agenda” that it makes me want to scream !! THEY think they have the right to do ANY DAMNED THING THEY WANT TO, and we are supposed to allow their perversions !!! Anyone who THINKS they are of the opposite sex should suck it up, buttercup, and use the bathroom that their GENITALS dictate. A man stands up in the men’s room, a woman sits down in the women’s room !! It is truly a no-brainer, unless you are the kind who will FORCE yourself in where you are NOT wanted, just to get your jollies out of seeing little girls in the bathroom where you CLAIM to belong just because you SAY SO !!! And in Illinois, there is a teenage BOY who claims to be a ”girl” in his head, so he demands to use the girls’ locker room. HE gets his way, but has to change behind a curtain, so that the GIRLS in that locker room aren’t exposed to his exposed penis. THEN he screams discrimination, because he can’t see the girls and they can’s see him !!! THEN the ”president” says that school MUST allow him to be able to see the naked girls or he will stop all federal monies from going to that school …. same damned this as this !!! JUST because they say so, doesn’t make it so !!! THAT teen BOY wants unlimited access to naked teen girls … these perverts in Houston want access to EVERYTHING they want !!! WHEN will this perversion end ??? bruce jenner and chastity bono are two examples of twisted logic …”I woke up this morning and realized that I am really a woman/man, and I want ALL of the perks that I should be given just because of how I FEEL … now GIVE THEM TO ME OR ELSE !!!!!” NOTHING can change their DNA, but they WILL force US to believe that they are the opposite sex from what they were born as !!! I wonder how long it will be before bruce gets his penis removed ??? AFTER he decides his ”transformation” has helped the kkkardashes ratings to go up ??? Or, will he just get the breast implants taken back out and stop with the hormone shots, and then go back to normal !??!?!
Lisa38 says
WOW…….are you going to be running for any political office anytime soon. I LOVE the way you think 🙂
Steve says
Why don’t the lgbters install single person private restrooms for their use that way everybody is happy.