It appears to be an effort to rig a crucial swing state for Hillary Clinton — and if Democrats have their way, several other states may roll out the same strategy.
Virginia’s Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton ally, has just given 206,000 convicted felons – including known murderers, rapists, and child molesters – the right to vote in the all-important swing state this November.
Although Virginia law already allows ex-cons to vote after meeting certain conditions, on Friday McAuliffe signed an executive order waving any requirements and granted every felon who is no longer in prison or on parole the right to vote without making any restitution.
And McAuliffe knows those voters will overwhelmingly vote for one candidate…Hillary Clinton.
McAuliffe had the state’s Department of Elections comb through public records to make sure not a single eligible ex-con was left out, regardless of how heinous their crimes. They don’t even have to pay the court costs or fees they owe the state before casting their ballots.
Thanks to McAuliffe’s executive order, “a murder victim won’t get to vote, but the man that killed them will,” said Republican state Delegate Robert B. Bell.
These convicted felons may as well start their own Super PAC, “Cons for Clinton.”
An in-depth study from 2002, funded by George Soros, found that about 70 percent of convicted felons would vote for the Democratic candidate, if they could vote.
That could go a long way to locking the swing state of Virginia, and its 13 electoral votes, behind Hillary Clinton. Most of the modern presidential elections in Virginia have been decided by 150,000 to 300,000 votes.
About 242,000 more Republicans than Democrats voted in this year’s presidential primaries. McAuliffe’s amnesty may go a long way toward making up that gap.
That would suit McAuliffe’s decades-long political ambitions. He was co-chairman of Bill Clinton’s presidential election in 1996, then ran the Democratic National Committee before taking over Hillary’s first presidential campaign in 2008. McAuliffe just hosted a $2 million fundraiser for Hillary’s second presidential run in his mansion in the D.C. suburb of McLean.
When asked about how his move would benefit Hillary’s electoral fortunes, McAuliffe replied, “Honestly, I haven’t thought about it.”
But Republicans don’t buy that. The state’s Speaker of the House William J. Howell, R-Stafford, said, “The singular purpose of Terry McAuliffe’s governorship is to elect Hillary Clinton president of the United States. This office has always been a steppingstone to a job in Hillary Clinton’s cabinet.”
He may not even be done yet. The Washington Post reported that the governor could “sign an identical executive order every month for the remaining two years of his term to cover violent felons who get out of prison each month.”
Responding to objections that this is a transparent political ploy, McAuliffe said Sunday, “I would tell the Republicans quit complaining and go out and earn these folks’ right to vote for you.”
Yes, Terry McAuliffe just advised Donald Trump to try to win the child pornographer vote.
The governor also instructed conservatives to be “very careful of their rhetoric,” signaling that he intends to play the race card against anyone who objects.
Giving felons the right to vote could radically alter the political landscape. The ACLU estimates that there are about 5.85 million ex-felons whose voting rights could be restored nationwide. That could mean up to 4,095,000 new Democratic voters.
Restoring felon voting rights is part of a nationwide plan by the Democratic party to stuff those votes in ballot boxes this November — just in time for Clinton. A similar measure recently passed in Maryland (over a Republican governor’s veto), while lawmakers in both Kentucky and Florida are debating restoring the voting power in those states.
Most people think child molesters, rapists, and murderers deserve to be shot. The Democratic Party thinks they deserve to choose the next leader of the free world.
But McAuliffe draws the line somewhere. Speaking on ABC’s “This Week” program on Sunday, he told those same felons, “I’m not giving you gun rights back.”
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
Sleazy, unethical and selfish.
The Redhawk says
The Clinton JUMNK YARD dogs are unleashed to once more ‘DO THEIR THING”….LIE… CHEAT… BUY VOTES and in Virginia allow over 100,000 Felons to Vote but Not permitted to go DUCK HUNTING…..THEY ARE THE CLINTON FRAUDS after all…
OracleGuy says
If state law says they can vote after serving their time and completing probation, then the Governor is merely observing state law. You seem to think once-a-felon-always-a-felon but Virginia lawmakers disagree with you. Voter suppression affects both progressive and conservative voters but you seem to believe that all free ex-cons are progressives. Why might you want to believe that?
Marge says
He’s not observing state law, he’s writing an EXECUTIVE ORDER. There IS a difference………
Read the article again.
Dr. Mike Reeder says
Two things, he’s creating an executive order and allowing 70% of those felons, many of whom Mr. Obama LET OUT, to vote for the leadership of this country with NO CONDITIONS period. That’s just great. Let’s let convicted felons choose the next president. No conditions, no rights with regards to their victims, no NOTHING! and roughly 11 million ILLEGAL aliens. Hillary already has no pride or honor and this just underscores that! She is a bitch among bitches and Terry McAuliffe is no better. You don’t have to LET them go duck hunting. they’ll do it anyway. Just like before! I hope these two get just what they have coming. A shotgun blast from the blind side. That’s what they’re doing to the people, now!
The Globalizer says
Doc, note that only non-violent offenders are being released. Most of these were low-level drug addicts, incarcerated under President Clinton’s tenure and quite frankly should have been sent to drug rehab, not jail.
Since you are a Doctor, maybe you can comment sometime on the outbreak of addiction among those to whom you and your colleagues have over-prescribed pain-killers. If you really believe that the drug addicts deserved their jail sentences, maybe we should start jailing members of the medical profession too!
Dbled says
Because the deal is, vote for Hillary only, and they will get something, that’s how the Dems operate, especially if one opposes them.
Meand says
If once dead, always dead don’t mean anything to the good folks of America, then the murderers live in the correct country, don’t they?
Ann S says
Look Mr. Oracle Guy, you need to re-read the article… It says Virginia law already allows ex-cons to vote after meeting certain conditions, it doesn’t say felons and it says after meeting certain conditions. To issue an executive order like McAuliffe just did is against Virginia set laws because he gave the right to vote to murderers, child molesters and rapists. We are notified by law when one of these move close to our neighborhood so why give them the right to vote? Do you fit into any one of these categories? To do so to gain votes for a known murderer, liar and evil woman is just as much of an atrocity as these known felons’ crimes. I say, Hillary your days are numbered honey child!!! You WILL ANSWER for you crimes, either here on Earth or on Judgment Day but you will answer and you will be punished.
Gigi says
Go back and read the third paragraph Oracle Guy. It clearly says that these ex-felons did not meet the state requirement to vote. I’m sure each state has different requirements, but obviously these people hadn’t met the requirements or he wouldn’t have to grant them anything. They would have already gotten that right back if they completed the time frame and wanted to be good citizens. Then he might let those that just got out vote and he might continue to do that every month. What does that say to the people who lawfully earned their rights back? Sucker is what it says to them.
PopPop B says
If it is just to go along with the law.why not after the first of the year? Sounds to me that Soros has taken over Virginia and the elections for the people.
Bonnie says
Read the story again. It does not say they get to vote after they are pardoned…The stipulation was they can not be in prison or on parole. The real “slap in the face” is the fact that they do not have to make restitution or pay the fees that they owe. I guess the state of Virginia has plenty of money to just throw all that away. I wonder who he will cry to if the state goes broke or the rape, murder, and other violence increases at an alarming rate. This is one of the most despicable, underhanded acts that a person can pull….just give the election to a murdering, liar that thinks she is above ANY type of punishment. The entire world must really be laughing hard at the United States for all the nonsensical things that are going on during this election. If God does not intercede, I am afraid our nation has NO chance of being restored.
pjt says
What were the people of Virginia thinking when they elected this crook?
Richard R. Saro says
They were not thinking. The liberal establishment in Northern Virginia gave him the election.
Wayne says
So why don’t they impeach him?
Bonnie says
I think that was the problem, they were not thinking at all.
Sad but True says
You are so right! Everything the Democrats and Republican Parties do is to punish the good hard working middle class and reward the criminals and low life and illegals.
Meand says
Or maybe God the father of Jesus will come soon.
PopPop B says
A-men Meand!!!!!
Wayne says
Oh I see, so is it ok to suppress the voters right in Florida and other states in the last elections, or maybe plant that horrible video (what sick mind drummed that up), of what Planned Parenthood does, that was later proven doctored, or maybe it is the hold up to appoint another supreme court judge. There are many pending issues that need to be addressed by the supreme court and now it is in the lower courts, which by the way is a travesty, because 6 past presidents have appointed the judges their last term in office. Waiting till the elections are over to see if your candidate wins to put in a judge that is so far right, that it would make Ted Cruz look like a school boy is just not fair, did I say fair what’s that? You wonder why things didn’t get done while the current party was in office it is so blatantly obvious that congress did absolutely nothing to entertain anything offered to them. You guys are complaining about Trump, well guys you have created this man in your party. He is the voice of the people that is sick and tired of the crap that goes on in politics and I mean that in both parties. Democracy at its finest!
Jake says
Right on Wayne! Harry Reid never blocked anything in a totally partisan way, and certainly Pelosi’s “…read it after you vote on it”, is the perfect embodiment of democracy! I’m not saying the other side is a whole lot better, but whether ex cons or illegals, it is blatantly clear who is making promises that compromise US citizens, in order to get votes.
voncile Fullwood says
Politicians everywhere has become crooked,guess Obama and Hillary has rubbed off on all of them some are just more crooked than others,and I lived in Florida for over forty five years and we have had honest Governors, Senators,State Rep.and when fraud voting happened this last election told me just how crooked Obama really was and some did not like that Florida votes did not even count when it carried the most electoral votes and now the Supreme Courts are just as bad under the Obama who can anyone trust? now in Georgia the Governor is running scared and doing crooked deals vetoing things like Obama to hide the truth when a Judge or DA does something that is dishonest it is hid and then veto—this is what we have today so honesty is not in the policy to run an official office anymore
c whitney says
I am so ashamed of our government why bother with a voting system? it is soooo crooked too bad so many used to believe in our elected officials. no more they do not get my respect. liars thieves what a sad mess we have done to our once beloved country.
Bonnie says
I agree!!!!!!!
Pam says
The Planned Parenthood tapes were not proved doctored. They were proved edited to leave out things like wine orders, etc. That does not mean Planned Parenthood did not sell fetal tissue which is still a crime and they knew it. They were doing criminal things and the tapes proved it. They were edited for time constraints and were edited, in fact, to make Planned Parenthood look as bad as they really are. Read this if you don’t believe it
J B Mackey says
Sad but True, however, when it comes to McAulffe, states he would not give the released criminals the ability to purchase guns!
Why would he, they never needed his permission in the first place. He knows they never registered or purchased a gun legally in their dirty criminal life. Why would they start now, just to vote? They are known criminals who are some of the very worst psychopaths who would murder you for a shot of dope.
For once in my life I am happy to be an elder. I do worry that my adult children, grandchildren and great grand children that have been born already, the kind of world they will be forced to live in creates a fear in me beyond comprehension.
Meand says
Maybe the evildoers will go after the evil releasers. That would be justice.
Leo M McCormick says
“Executive order.” Dictatorship is the new America.
Ai says
executive order, my a……. that is the work of the democrats, stealing votes and so desperate that even the illegals, and the dead vote for them. And this is America? that happens in third world country. well, the way these democrats think and behave, this is a third world country. how greedy!!!!!!
The voters who do not use their brain are contributing also to the demise of this country.
nancy Barberis says
why would even one person would vote for her is beyond me. Are they that desperate to keep their government jobs, that they would sell out our country/ Then where will their jobs be?
diane johnson says
Both parties are involved in election fraud! The delegates are bought and paid for with no consideration of the popular vote. Redistricting, disenfranchised, registration party affiliation changed, it goes on and I have done my homework. Last time I will vote ever. The only reason I voted this time and have no idea if it was counted because there is no paper trail is because I have been following Sanders for around 20 years and have witnessed his votes being taken away in several states..The notice of choice is only an illusions and speculate that the next president was chosen long ago.
dullblade says
Gary Smith says
Well said
Vikki says
Wow…how dirty can you get?…oh how generous…not giving their gun rights back?…yeah, right…because they’re planning on taking gun rights from EVERYONE!!…what sleeze-bags…I thought gerrymandering was against the law?…where is the GOP VOICE!!!!!?????
Gail Doyle says
The whole thing is a disgrace to our Country and Countrymen ! But, go figure when you can’t get what you want CHEAT by all means. Hillary Clinton has zero morals when it comes to what she wants.. and Obviously she badly wants to run this country, she will stoop to any level to gain this election.. Her Ego knows no bounds.
c whitney says
you are exactly right so sad
Bonnie says
She has already stated that she will continue to follow Obama’s policy if she is elected. She is starting before she has been elected by buying her way to being president. Yes, she is following his policy…that is what he did in the last election..He bused in voters from other states to vote. Voters from Illinois went to Florida. They even wore their “Chicago” athletic jackets and bragged about they guess it was time to go back to Chicago after they had voted. The United States no longer has a government or she would have already been indicted for all the things that she has done. The common, hard-working people like us, sure would be dealt with harshly and would not be allowed to even think about running for president. Those that are in power have no backbone or there would be laws in place to prohibit any known criminal or anyone being investigated from running for any government office. I used to believe that those in government were to be held in high esteem but that has all gone down the drain with all the sleazy, immoral things that they do and have no qualms about what they have done.
THE clintons belong in jail , why arnt they in jail ???
OracleGuy says
Because they have not been convicted of any crime, Billy.
Marge says
Yep. They cover up their crimes well……
Roy Fredrichsen says
Billy – The ONLY reason the Clintons are not in jail or prison is because they have something on O’Bummer and he is protecting them. If it was you or me that pulled what Hillary did we’d already been in FT. Leavenworth for 10 years or so.
june burgess says
No we would have been tried for treason and executed.
Bonnie says
I believe you are exactly right about them having something on Obama. Obama might want to keep an eye over his shoulder to be sure that he does not make a mistake and bring out their rage or he might be their next victim. I have a nagging feeling that he is going to “throw her under the bus” before this is all over. He said that he supports her but he has an agenda and he intends to keep it no matter what this looks like on the outside.
Betty Labaya says
Yes why are they not in jail? why don’t we hear this on TV news so every body can here about whats going with all the cheating crimes the Clintons do.?
Ask what you can do for the nation says
Yes ,do something just to put the whole bag away out of sight . You all know what does that mean
If Hilary goes on vacation for a long time ,then the rest of them will go hibernating for good
william says
take that slease bag and hang the son of a bitch. that worthless bastard.
Earl Mock says
YESSSS….I agree 100 and ten percent
wendy says
Clinton’s stop at nothing, in fact the whole democratic party! They write in dead people’s names, Mickey Mouse, etc. and get away with it. They voted in Obama’s dead grandmother as she died several days before election. Pathetic!
Marie,s fire says
Maybe the republicans.can pay these excons to vote republican.all fare in love and war and this is not love.
Marie,s fire says
Maybe the republicans can pay the deacons to vote republican.all’s fair in love and war,and this isn’t love.
Meand says
evildoers will go after the evil releasers. That would be justice.
tom says
You have just described Hillary in a nut schell. Forgot unethical sleaze
Susan says
Kinda shows you where the bad goals for America start, eh?
Jack Kinch says
Yes, all of those. There is not a rotten thing the Clintons and their trash would NOT do.
cliff says
Does this surprise ANYONE??? Welcome to the scumocrat/progressive/communist party It will be Obama all over again. Soros Rigged voting machines, dead people voting, multiple votes, illegal voting, and George Soros companies counting the votes. Like has been said through the years by dictators past, it isn’t the votes, it is WHO is counting the votes that matters.
Deb says
Let’s not forget ACORN, the most disgusting bunch of people kissing obama’s crooked ass!. These people would do this for hillary, those with low morals seem to find each other! No more clinton’s ever they she is a dog and you know what the female ones are cslled, it fits!
Gail Doyle says
Amen to that Cliff!!
diane says
The news media is controlled by corporations that support the republican agenda and Rupert Murdoch who is a avid corporate welfare advocate is right at the top.
Leo M McCormick says
“Executive order.” Dictatorship is the New America: no checks and balances needed.
Genevie Wilkinson says
How can this be legal? I have never seen the Democrats be so sleazy in my life. The are really scared. I just wish we had someone who would be honest and make sure these things do not happen. Only God can do that. So I will be praying hard that they do not succeed in this attempt.
Meand says
Fr. Tom says
Can’t the State Representatives stop this foolish and silly practice? Can’t they censor their Governor? Such an action should be grounds for a RECALL.
Ai says
Terry Mcsleazy!!!!!!!!!
Linda says
He need put out. And the good Peaple of Va can do this.He cheated to be come gov. Impeach the Clinton ass sucker.
Carl Hodges says
governor you need your balls smashed
john says
Maybe one of these murderers could take her place after she gets put in jail
Just think when she gets out she would be able to vote if she moves to Virginia
Joe Blow says
One word for this guv!:RECALL!!! Start the petition!!!!
JEM says
After seeing the article on 60 minutes last night makes you disgusted with politicians and the lying, stealing and greed that has taken over in politics in America, it is time to clean out the system, Clinton is not the answer because she has to much baggage, I think that Trump is worth the gamble because he is not obligated to big business and their ruthless tactics. The politicians and big business have turned against the American people, it is getting close to revolution time before it is to late to take back our country.
Ai says
If people love their country, the United States of America, DO NOT VOTE FOR HELL-LIAR-Y.
william says
the gop and dems are running scared of Donald trump because they will lose there jobs that they don’t take care of anyway.
the people better wake up or same o same o, the people with any brains better make sure the Donald is our next president, tell your friends to vote for Donald trump, he alone will change the country with our help. piss on all crooked politians or use them for target practice that is all they are good for.
Earl Mock says
…..GO TRUMP 2016>>>>
diane says
He is the 1 percent and that is a concern because 66 percent of corporations are paying 0 taxes now and many are getting refunds he would not be concerned with this. Seniors would probably lose their social security to Wall Street also.
Rita Rossi says
Her volunteer cronies did the same unethical procedures when she ran against Obama. This way she can blame the volunteers and not taken responsibility her own game plan! Typical Clinton undermining tactics.
Just John says
Hey Rita, I know you. How’s it going? Go Donald! Stop the madness.
CitizenDavis says
Well well, it is pretty good timing and by no less than a Democrat Governor so what could we expect. This has been a law across the USA for a 150 years if you are a Felon you loose your rights as and American citizen to vote, carry a gun, buy a gun or own a gun. I will have to go back a study why and how this rule came about but in my thoughts even if you are a Felon and use serve you time for your crime you should be given the chance to better yourself with out being branded a criminal. There is no where in the Constitution of the USA that states a Felon should be marked for life for a their crime if you serve the law has prescribed for that crime. My other thought for this governor if you restore their voting rights then you must restore all rights including the right to own a gun/weapon. You must restore those Felons who are sex maniacs to live where they please in your State of Virginia. You can’t do one and not the others. Now I truly believe a man or woman who are one time Felons deserve the rights to be a true American Citizen fully restored when serving the full time of their crime and should not be punished by the public. They did their time and should have a chance to prove themselves. Now if you become a second time Felon well maybe then should the rights of that individual be looked at and removed if so deemed to be a danger to society. But who is to say all Felons will vote at all and who is to say that a Felon won’t vote as a Republican? Not all Felons are dumb/stupid. Look at our elected officials only difference in my opinion is the Felon got caught and those elected officials breaking laws don’t get caught or hide above the law as Hillary, Bill, Obama and his White house does. Be sure your sins will find you out. Sooner or later you will meet your day.
I know many out there will not agree with above but you can not help or put someone back into the system using their pass against them. One time Felon as any one time crime committed by a person should be reviewed and given a chance. We all make mistakes in life some more severe than others. I also think this should be up to the States to deal with this and not the Feds. If a Federal crime then I guess they have that privilege to set the rules for those who commit a Federal crime.
Now what this Governor did I truly believe was politically motivated if not bribed in to doing what he did. You know George Soros has long arms and use the only influence he has and that is the almighty dollar and sure he along with others were behind this decision.
Now this is a crime eh?
Ann S says
I took a survey the other day that addressed this very thing. The survey wanted to know if you supported that 150 year old law or not. But of course!!!! Criminals who become felons should never have a say in how our country is run! If we let them do that, before long every criminal will be running the country! Hey, that is what is going on now…we have criminals in politics who have college degrees! The world is doomed if we don’t stand up to their practices
Solo says
And people want her to be president after everything she has done….a lot of people in high places are hiding and trying to protect what they have, and it is at the expense of the people and this Nation…shame on them!
Grover Flint says
What kind of Governor do we have in Virginia to give convicted felons the right to vote. He can not be serious! We do not need this type of corruption in the United States. Send him back to the mountains as he is deemed an uneducated monster. Perhaps him and Clinton belong in the same cage under lock and key. They are both idiots to think up this enormous criteria. Neither one deserves to be allowed in the United States. They are Criminals. .
Justin W says
This story shows the importance of electing candidates of high moral value. Anyone who associates with the Clintons or has helped keep the Clintons in power probably lacks the morality, ethics or judgment ability to be capable of leading anything in a respectable fashion.
McAuliffe is very similar to Clinton. He has no concern over how his decisions affect anyone outside his own greedy ambitions. Like the Clintons, he would have no problem selling out his state or country if the selling price goes into his personal bank account.
Ron C says
Why would anyone one be surprised at that….that is what the democrat party is….its has become the party of government…steal from producers and give to government….period. They will lie, cheat, steal. and are totally devoid of ethics…and the courts are all in with it….that is why only producers are taken to task, for breaking the law!
gaston vezina says
we steal leave in good country whit some good people but we are been use like we are stupide its time people wake up dont vote for that crock women she will run the country like obama he is a dictator not a presidenti hope the one ho vote for him last time learn by there mistake lets clean that mess show to them then we are the power on this country both party are not better then one to the other one . its always the same song always blame on side or the other. lets stop that mafia women prove to me then you care for the future to your kid
LOU says
Mike B says
New state slogan: Virginia Is For Felons
Steve Hyatt says
Another good reason to vote for Trump.
Kimberly Porter says
I call bullshit. But then again as a Clinton supporter, I can see how rapists, child molestors, and murderers would vote for her.
Cbujan says
Cheating, lying , crooked, sleazy scam bag that she is only knows that’s the only way she can win.
Steve says
Birds of a feather !!!
Don King says
Demos think it’s ok..?
Slimmery Hill and the Governor of Virginia can vote then.
The two despise the millions of Americans who honorably work for a decent life,
something they cannot brag about.
This executive order includes themselves, fugitives of justice if not convicted felons.
Suffer a little longer America, when Divine Justice strikes, who wants to be in that number?
Arthur Hartsock says
There are many reasons to hate the Clintons. But Bill Clinton did one thing right-although with pressure/support from Newt’s Congress. They actually came close to balancing the budget!!! I know Ms. Clinton is a conniving, dirty, low-down bleeped-bleep, but her husband actually got our fiscal house in order temporarily. Ms. Clinton is a known entity. We know who she is-and a lot is bad. But she wouldn’t surprise us. Maybe we could survive with that. Polls have her leading Republican candidates. We may have to accept her as President.
Emi says
Hillary and Bill are both shady and crooked. Everything they have done has been to surround themselves with people who will protect them for something in return. Their pursuit of money thruout their careers is well documented. The Clinton Foundation was set up to conceal shady bribes. On close scrutiny Hillarys stint as SOS was a dismal failure. As a wife she was a cold case preferring to go out and act like she was co,president. No wonder Bill had wandering eyes and hands. Too bad other women had to,pay by being sexually assaulted by Bill. But the feminists who support Hillary today seems to forget that part….how inconvenient! The whole story on the Clinton’s is shameful. Hillary supporters should do their due deligence and look more closely at Hillary and Bills backgrounds. Our country doesn’t need these shysters back in the White House.
michael Barrett says
I just HOPE there enough voters that SEE what kind of president SHE WOULD MAKE LIE, cheat, take money from foreign countries no doubt with PROMISES of consideration for them IF SHE is elected ! she is less a AMERICAN supporter than barry she is a citizen just has the morals and values of an EARTH WORM IF elected see will finish making AMERICA a third world nation QUEEN HILLARY is what that OLD LADY is up to, with the help of corrupt BILL it is time to get their kind of politician OUT of government not in WHITE HOUSE
Duane Petersen says
At this rate the only way to get a DemocRAT out of office in Virginia will be by assassination or the normal way for the DemocRATs, stuff the ballot boxes.
Arthur Hartsock says
Watch yourself, Duane. The men with badges might be scared of charging Hillary, but you’re a different story.
Marcia says
when I was growing up in the 40’s and 50’s felons lost their right to vote or carry fire arms. What has happened
If the dummies vote for Hillary we are done for. Trump is the answer.
WhiskeyMan says
So-called ‘Clinton pals’ should be wearing orange ‘jump-suits’ in prison with Hitlary and Oblamo!
Rosalie Nadeau says
I don’t know what VA.’s voting laws are as pertains to criminals, but in my State, there are differences in the rights returned following incarceration depending on the crime for which the individual was convicted. Some felons have relatively minor, low-level crimes while others, murder, child-abuse, etc. have much longer sentences including time that must be spent under State control post incarceration. It is difficult to decide what the rightness of the Governor’s action are without knowing what the parameters used for restoring rights were. Most of us would agree that there are differences in the severity of the crime that should impact punishment including things like voting rights.
mike dar says
I really don’t believe this is at all about some 200K common criminals getting to vote.. sure, most will go Dem, some will go Rep,,
What this is about is setting up where politicians that have been convicted, can still run for office…..
Essentially meaning the voters may never be able to get rid of openly criminal politicians by simple disqualification.
Enter Hillary. or a following candidate as there will be cases going to a Supreme Court decision where a Liberal delivery will make it so that even if found guilty, there is no bearing on being eligible for office. To serve in office, then simply requires a form of sentence like probation or minor guilt.
Gotta hand it to the Politicians on this one, they are going to be with us come hellor highwater or guilty of breaking the law.. FOREVVERRR!
debdell says
I wonder how many x-cons would actually care enough to vote? The dem party will probably offer them money to vote. I wouldn’t put any voter fraud past either party or the corrupt establishment. You know if the gov is a dem that allowing the x-cons to vote would have to be in the dems favor otherwise he would not have done the executive order.
AW says
Kevin Beck says
The one problem I see with these “progressive” Democrat-party ideas is that no one has discussed a plan to build a wall around them so they won’t spill into the rest of America, with the ultimate goal of destroying America.