The alleged mastermind behind the 9/11 radical Islamic terror attacks has teamed up with top Democrats to stage an all-out war against President Donald Trump’s CIA director nominee.
Critics say it’s proof that Democrats will do anything to impede Trump — including side with a known radical Islamic terrorist. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has joined Democrats in questioning whether Gina Haspel is fit to lead the CIA because of her role in “enhanced interrogation” while she was a CIA agent.
Mohammed, who is held at Guantanamo Bay, has asked a judge if he can share six paragraphs of information regarding Haspel with top liberals.
The former Al-Qaeda chief was captured in March 2003 and claims he was interrogated using “advanced techniques” during Haspel’s long career as a CIA agent.
The New York Times reported Wednesday that “on the eve of her Senate confirmation hearing, a striking voice is trying to join that fray: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.”
The six paragraph attachment is titled “Additional Facts, Law and Argument in Support” and Mohammed hopes to share it with Democrats on the intelligence committee.
He wrote the paragraphs himself, one of Mohammed’s lawyers said, and he believes this information is important to share.
“I am not able to describe the information,” the laywer said, and also noted that the information in the attachment comes from the detainee, not from files turned over by the government to his defense lawyers.
In 2002, Haspel reportedly ran a black-site prison in Thailand. It is not known whether she was involved in directing so-called “advanced interrogation” of a high-level prisoner detained there.
During that time, Mohammed was held in CIA prisons in Afghanistan and Poland.
The Times reports, “In the weeks after his capture, an Intelligence Committee report said, Mr. Mohammed was subjected to the suffocation technique called waterboarding 183 times over 15 sessions, stripped naked, doused with water, slapped, slammed into a wall, given rectal rehydrations without medical need, shackled into painful stress positions and sleep-deprived for about a week by being forced to stand with his hands chained above his head.”
Democrats rushed to condemn Haspel over her alleged mistreatment of radical Islamic terrorists.
“The American people deserve transparency regarding the background of a nominee who will be asked to represent them, and their values, around the world,” they wrote in a letter to Daniel Coats, director of national intelligence. “Without making this information available to the American people, Ms. Haspel’s nomination cannot be fully and properly considered by the Senate.”
“Multiple Democrats have criticized Haspel’s nomination, with U.S. Sen. Jon Tester of Montana saying he opposes her because he objects to waterboarding, a controversial enhanced interrogation technique deemed torture by many opponents,” Fox News reports.
–The Horn editorial team