The FBI is expanding its probe into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, and is demanding information from a second data company, Datto, Inc, which has promised to cooperate fully with the investigation.
Even more damning for the Clinton campaign is the letter revealed yesterday by Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.
This letter raised the possibility that many of Clinton’s emails, including some of those she withheld as private, may have been inadvertently kept by Datto, a Connecticut-based provider of email back-up devices and cloud storage.
Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, wrote that Clinton purchased a Datto system in 2013 to provide on-site backup of her emails in case her home server failed.
Though Clinton specifically instructed that copies of her emails not leave the devices under her control, Johnson’s letter says his committee’s investigation has determined that Datto’s system may have automatically sent copies of Clinton’s emails to cloud storage controlled by the company as recently as August 2015.
The Clinton camp also reportedly requested the Datto reduce the number of e-mails it was keeping on its servers — something that may not have sat well with Datto employees.
In the letter released by Johnson, it was revealed that one employee wrote to a coworker that he was, “Starting to think this whole thing really is covering up some shaddy (sic) s**t.”
The employee went on to say, “I just think if we have it in writing that they told us to cut the backups, and that we can go public with our statement saying we have backups since day one, then we were told to trim to 30days (sic), it would make us look a WHOLE LOT better.”
The State Department is now demanding Clinton hand over any additional work-related emails sent or received using private accounts that she may have refused to give up so far.
In a separate letter made public in a court filing Tuesday, Undersecretary Patrick F. Kennedy asked Clinton’s personal lawyer to once again affirm that all federal records in her possession have been provided to the agency.
The Associated Press reported Sept. 25 that the Obama administration recently discovered a chain of 2009 emails between Clinton and former Army Gen. David Petraeus that were not included among the 55,000 pages she had handed over. Their existence challenges the Democratic presidential front-runner’s claim that she has already provided all of her work emails from her tenure as secretary, which are the subject of several public records lawsuits.
Republicans have raised questions about thousands of emails that Clinton says she deleted on grounds that they were private in nature, as well as other undisclosed messages that have recently surfaced from the home-based server she used while at the State Department.
The Petraeus emails, first discovered by the Defense Department and then passed to the State Department’s inspector general, start on Jan. 10, 2009, with Clinton using the older email account. But by Jan. 28 — a week after her swearing in — they show she had switched to the private email address on her homebrew server.
Kennedy urged Kendall to contact “any Internet service and email providers” who might have copies of additional emails not yet provided by Clinton.
Republicans contend that Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary put sensitive government information at risk of being accessed by hackers or foreign intelligence services.
FBI Director James Comey confirmed last week that his agency is also looking into the security of Clinton’s email setup.
The Associated Press contributed to this report
Joe sans says
Wake up, America, stick a fork in her…….she’s done!
Kat Pettyson says
She’s NOT a winner , with all the dirty laundry which stinks , why ???? dosen’t some one with real GUTS slam the hammer down , instead of gossip , gosiip , gossip !!! I am sick of it and the whole corrupt demons party along with the weak yellow belly repubs who have no back bone and a slime bag obma , some one do something???
Ron says
Why is she above the law.????…..any other person would have been prosecuted by now..
Justin Wachin says
Hillary Clinton is corrupt (she violates federal law without regard) and incompetent (she used a system which likely allowed foreign powers to have access to many of our nation’s secrets). The email scandal is a perfect example of what awaits America if this woman becomes president.
It’s worth pointing out that this scandal came to light after Clinton’s prior testimony to Congress on the Benghazi matter. Her time in the hot seat was a display of a poor memory and a general disregard for the lives and safety of those serving our nation under her. If Clinton had been open and answered the questions, this investigation would not have ever got anywhere near her email.
Marie says
Honesty is the best policy, but lots of our elected officials think that COVER-UPS IS THE BEST POLICY. When they think they are above the law, is when people get angry with them and judge them accordingly. She should just quit now and make her health her reason, then maybe they will forgive all her mistakes. At least she will be remembered as a “former first lady.” With her past record in her foundation donations from foreign countries, people are now scared she might sell our security to foreign leaders. When TRUST is lost, everything crumbles…
Zoltar says
Marie! You are absolutley right. The fact that she has been caught in her incessant lies speaks alot about how she will run this country, if voted in as president. She is just a replica of Mr Obama who has lied from the get go and still lies today. If only Congress would grow a pair of you know what! But sadley Mr Obama has already taken care of that and removed any vestige of them. He may have even taken a picture of this just to remind them that he is top dog.