The mainstream media headlines claim their polls show President Donald Trump’s approval rating has taken a hit.
But as always, don’t believe the headlines!
All the latest poll numbers really show is that the people who never supported him in the first place like him even less.
Among his supporters – among the Republicans and independents who swept him into office along with GOP majorities in BOTH houses of Congress – his support is at an all-time high.
The proof is in a second new survey that goes beyond Gallup’s shallow approval ratings, which shows that almost no voters on Team Trump regret casting their ballots for him.
Just 3.5 percent of those who voted for Trump in November say they regret that choice – but they’re not exactly tossing out their “Make America Great Again” hats and stocking up on “I’m With Her” buttons (if you can find them outside of a landfill, that is).
Almost none of them – less than 1 percent – say they’d vote for Clinton if they could go back in time and change their ballots.
Even the left-leaning Washington Post was forced to conclude: “In short, the 45th president’s electoral coalition remains intact.”
In other words, if the election were held all over again, Trump would almost certainly win all over again.
The left might find it hard to believe, but there’s a reason Trump voters still support him: He’s doing EVERYTHING they asked of him!
“He’s ruffling every feather in Washington that he can ruffle. These guys are scrambling,” James Cassidy, an out-of-work Trump voter in Ohio, told The Toronto Star. “So: yeah! I like it. I think it’s a good thing. I want to see them jump around a little bit.”
Folks like Cassidy don’t see the failure of Obamacare repeal as a failure by Trump.
If anything, it only reinforces what he’s up against. It’s another sign of a broken system he was sent to fix… and while Dems are already wagging their I-told-you-so fingers, Trump voters are willing to give him time.
After all, his presidency is barely two months old.
Even Trump’s supposedly “record low” approval ratings from Gallup aren’t all bad news.
At 36 percent, it’s only a hair below the 38 percent recorded at the lowest point in the Barack Obama presidency and the 37 percent Bill Clinton had when he hit bottom.
And it’s leaps and bound ahead of the 25 percent George W. Bush registered at his all-time low!
In fact, Trump’s approval ratings are still well above the record lows recorded by a number of iconic presidents including Ronald Reagan, who once recorded a 35 percent.
Today, Reagan is one of the most popular ex-presidents of all time.
Liberals may hate hearing it, but Trump still has nearly 3 years and 10 months left to set things right – and if he does the job, there’s something else Democrats will hate to hear even more: He’ll be given another four years to finish the job.
— The Horn editorial team