An eighth-grade student was suspended from his school for refusing to remove his patriotic shirt. The vice principal didn’t like it, because it depicted a fallen soldier’s weapon on it with the words, “Standing for those who stood for us”.
That’s according to a report out of Gresham, Oregon, where Alan Holmes’ family has gone public with the story. Holmes’ brother is a Marine, and his family are proud patriots who stood by their son’s decision to keep the shirt on.
The school has not commented on the incident, but has said that displaying weapons on shirts is against school policy.
The shirt in question is seen below. We want to hear your thoughts – Patriotic, or offensive?
This story was first reported by KTPV Fox 12
Sarah Gotter says
It’s absolutely preposterous that the vice principal of this school fails to show sensitivity and concern towards the student who has a brother in the military, risking his life on a daily basis fighting for our freedom. God bless our brave military men and women.
bob onitt says
in the context in which the gun is displayed it’s not a weapon any more ,but a tombstone/grave-marker and that vice principal had ought to pull his head out of his anus
Penny Patterson says
I have a great deal of respect for that young man and his family. Thank God some people are willing to stand up for what they believe…..this family has a member serving our country and the only thing the school officials can do is to harass him. Please know that we are with you.
Huntsville, Alabama
John says
Sounds like the way we Nam vets were treated when we came back “home”. It just never stops – does it?
Harley says
I think that when a school principal or classified employees can’t tell the difference between a weapon and marker for fallen soldiers, then they are probably making a personal statement here. Someone had to turn this boy in because its not likely the vice principal, who’s job is discipline, just happened to notice it. Therefore, what sort of moron teacher would do that. This child, with the story of his brother, clearly felt strongly about supporting our military in this way. We are becoming sheep, dictated and controlled, and people better start realizing if they don’t take a stand somewhere, this world we live in will not be a pleasant place any longer.
Vickie says
This world is not a pleasant place now! And it is set to get even worse. Genocide on a global scale, including the U.S. The sitting POTUS and many of the politicians are in favor of reducing the population of our country and the world. Legal, federally funded (our tax dollars at work!) abortion is on the rise. The POS we have as president and the representatives are doing their level best to bankrupt our country, kill us with our food and medications. The corruption of those who were put into office to represent us and our best interests is across the board, We may have a few who think of us first, but the majority are only thinking of their interests and wallets first and foremost. The arrogance of the Clintons, who seem to feel that they are above the law and won’t be prosecuted and have to pay for their crimes is the attitude of most of the others. How dare we even mention that they messed up big time. They feel they have a right to do whatever they please and every one of us should just ignore their stupidity. God help us!
Joe Simonelli says
Americans have allowed our schools to be hijacked by leftists and their only intent is to brainwash our children with leftist views in order to destroy our history and culture and replace it with their far left views. They don’t believe in our constitution or freedom of speech. Politically correctness is nothing more than censorship of dissenting views camouflaged in in nice words. The affect however is to silence anyone who disagrees with their radical views of a one world utopia led by their choice of a totalitarian maniac. Their sick thinking has never worked anywhere it has been tried and simply doesn’t work. Cuba, North Korea, the USSR and former eastern block countries were all tun by leftist dictators and had police states many millions of people killed by their own governments or imprisoned and their economies never worked. Governments are inherently evil and always will be because power hungry, greedy people tend to rise to the top in most countries and will do anything to remain in power. That includes here in America as well. But being told how to live ones life by the so called left elitists and being afraid to speak ones own mind is not compatible with American ideals.
Joe Simonelli says
My comment is my comment. If you don’t like it then don’t post it! Why ask for comments and then try to force me to change my opinion?
Roger says
Well said Joe…and so many have been blinded to that truth.
Joseph Roginski says
Well said Joe!
Mark Young says
It’s not displaying a weapon. It’s displaying a hat and boots, military symbols with, what appears to be an AR, in the background.
Kevin says
The political correctness movement in this country has gone too far and it’s time for us to stand up and take back our freedom of speech, which includes the right to make statements in support of our troops. As for the whole “zero tolerance” policy on guns in most of the schools, do administrators really think that kids displaying pictures of guns or making gun gestures with their hands are the root cause of violence in schools? Do they, really?? Anyone who believes that should have their own head examined and then have a frank conversation with themselves to determine if that belief is sincere and free from political bias or if they are just regurgitating the some old tired line that they’ve been fed for years. Wake up and think for yourselves!! Two generations ago, kids freely and openly brought guns to school, so they could go shooting after school. It wasn’t until the modern age of pharmacology that this current wave of hysteria began. Also, at what point are we going to stop punishing everyone and only address the actions of the minuscule few who perpetrate these heinous acts? If we criminalize every act of self-expression, then all we are doing is creating a society of criminals.
Roger says
Right on Kevin…This country has traded the truth for political correctness and the citizens are like lambs being led
to the slaughter….
gospelmidi says
The school policy is, “no weapons portrayed on clothing,” and it would require a decision by the school board to change it. To make an exception to the rule requires the teacher or the principal to color outside the lines. The education establishment regards conformity and “not making waves” as essential to “good order,” which is even more to be desired than a good education, and certainly more important than nice but non-essential pleasantries like Constitutional rights and personal freedom. Common sense, to which individuals appeal for interpreting the rules, just makes administration more complicated, fending complaints more tricky, and sacred flowcharts less universal in their application. If the student had just LET IT GO, the seas would have been calm, all would have been peaceful, and trouble would have been once again turned away at the gate. So that makes it the student’s fault and his parents’ fault. / SARC
Not So Free says
Just another bunch of idiotic liberals who don’t have a clue.
Curtis Mills says
Another compelling argument for home schooling.
Rick Worthngton says
And to think we’ve gotten it bad in Australia! Having lived years ago in the United States and come to love your country (and it’s people) I’m saddened and disappointed how much it has changed for what appears to be the worst over the last 30 or 40 years!
My sincere hope is that it doesn’t get any worse in the United States – but it seems to me that our former freedoms and free speech are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Whoever is responsible at that school, whether it be the vice principal or a teacher, he/she should be severely remanded and made to apologize to the boy and his parents – if not, fired ! Hey! What happened to freedom of speech, anyway?