It was long feared that the standoff at Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge between law enforcement and armed protesters would end in bloodshed.
And the first shots came last night.
One man is dead and seven were arrested after the FBI and Oregon State Police performed a traffic stop involving a group of protesters along a remote Oregon highway.
Now, those who remain of the group that has occupied the refuge for three weeks are claiming the death was cold-blooded murder by the police.
They’re alleging that the victim, identified as 55-year-old Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, had his hands raised and was unarmed before state police officers started firing. Finicum was a frequent and public presence at the Oregon reserve, often speaking for the group at news conferences.
“LaVoy Finicum was shot and murdered in cold blood today… by the FBI and State Law enforcement,” according to a statement on the Bundy Ranch Facebook page, which has been disseminating communications from the protesters. “He had his hands up and was shot three times.”
Law enforcement officials, however, are painting a very different picture. Witnesses have claimed that the men were armed and resisted arrest, and there are conflicting reports about whether Finicum may have charged the officers.
Adding to the mystery, Finicum had previously vowed to not be taken alive.
Militant leader Ammon Bundy and his followers were reportedly heading to a community meeting at the senior center in John Day, a Grant County town about 70 miles north of Burns, to address local residents to discuss their views on federal management of public lands.
The confrontation came amid increasing calls for law enforcement to take action against Bundy for the illegal occupation of the wildlife refuge.
Oregon State Police confirmed that its troopers were involved in the traffic-stop shooting. They would not release further information about the death pending identification by the medical examiner.
Those arrested included Ammon Bundy, 40; his brother Ryan Bundy, 43; Brian Cavalier, 44; Shawna Cox, 59; and Ryan Payne, 32, all during a traffic stop on U.S. Highway 395 Tuesday afternoon. Authorities said two others — Joseph Donald O’Shaughnessy, 45, and Peter Santilli, 50 — were arrested separately in Burns, while FBI agents in Arizona arrested another, Jon Eric Ritzheimer, 32.
Each will face a federal felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation or threats, authorities said. Authorities released few other details.
The militants, calling themselves Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, came to the frozen high desert of eastern Oregon to decry what they call onerous federal land restrictions and to object to the prison sentences of two local ranchers convicted of setting fires.
Specifically, the group wanted federal lands turned over to local authorities. The U.S. government controls about half of all land in the West.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
tommy says
The Clintons: is the Oregon standoff really about uranium? by Jon Rappoport
woman in car recounts the Murder of Lavoy Finicum ,
America First says
We are not witnessing another LIE by those paid government lackys. What a bunch of COWARDS !!! When are Americans going to stand up? When? I guess they would rather march to the camps and be used just like the Nazis did with their people ?
Linda says
They tried to stand up and unfortunately look what happened.
Elizabeth says
Sounds like another case of the govt overstepping their bounds. And Obama is looking for a way to call for marshall law. How dumb can the AMerican people be?? Wake up.
PE Kopper says
Mark says
Martial…. not marshall.
Sue says
If the Governor had not issued a demand that the militia be removed by force, this would not have happened. I suspect the Feds were leaning on the Governor, but it was certainly a power play. It will also lead to many militia groups protesting and perhaps more violence.
shirley hemphill says
mary says
well look at obama care Jonathan Gruber told the American people just what they were STUPID other wise they would not have been able to sell it to the American people and that says it all and that tells you just what they think of the American people.they have one goal and that is to KEEP as much POWER over the people as they can get, and if you do your home work you can find this out.
This is a tough one – I believe that the government departments including the BLM push the limits with American farm / ranch owners. But this group really messed up by deciding to squat and take over a U.S. National Wildlife Refuge – that is forbidden and crosses the line. Hell, you cant even hunt in most, if not all wildlife refuges or the DNR will have your ass on a Federal offense(s). These guys took it further by occupying the refuge. The State and Federal Authorities said to then to vacate the area immediately, and that was weeks ago. So that pulled the “forced removal” action.
Again, I understand the occupiers protest, but they screwed up taking the wrong land, and against the wrong authorities – Only bad can happen, and it did.
Lee Lewis says
Elizabeth: Truer than you think. History repeats itself. Hitler promised Germans [hope and change] then deliberately created confusion and division, plus confiscating their guns and of course so much more. Sound familiar? Obviously some one has been reading “Mein Kamf”.
RON says
everyone please google–THE LAST REFUGE– OREGON STORY
Fierce Look says
All of “US” need to stand up! There is strength in numbers but unfortunately ” home of the free and land of the brave” has been replaced by “home of the ENSLAVED and land of the ‘FRAID!” ! This communist, NWO regime is the enemy and to deny this is to be a fool, an enslaved fool at that! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION and the sheeple had better figure this out really quick because they aren’t playing – just let them disarm “US” and the hardcore tyranny will commence – guaranteed! Armr===================================”! mInr, NSA!
Smokey says
So where/do we get involved across the nation with same goals … to prevent the federals?
Allan says
It takes a lot more Americans backing them up and with today’s corrupt administration the law more often than not is the force against the American Populace.
I agree 100%
terence says
“They tried to stand up and unfortunately look what happened.”
As far as I’m aware the only evidence is that the group did not resist arrest, and the dead man had his hands up when shot. I’m afraid given they are all white men this will quickly die a media death – it won’t be seen as sufficiently news worthy to run for long.
Elaine says
True. Something about an “unarmed white man” just doesn’t seem to stir up the media and the race baiters like an “unarmed black teenager”.
Dan Stuart says
It seems that the FBI and the other law officers are shooting without cause as I have personally seen the law-judges and officers doing what they want to do and ignoring the evidence.
C K Johnson says
The Feds have opened a can of worms. That they can not get the lid back on. There are 100 million Patriots living in the United States. Brothers holster up cock and lock but be ready for a revolution!
nj says
I am a 75 year old woman. I seen this country when we proudly saluted the flag and sang the national anthem ALL THE TIME. And people got tears in their eyes as they did. That love of country bound us together. Our country is being invaded.
I just sent in my membership to the NRA. I bought my packpack and am stocking it.
I have never felt the need before, not in 75 years.
Dolores Wieland says
I too am preparing and I’ll be 74 this year. Better to die a free person in our country than be made a prisoner in FEMA camps.
Robert says
Well ain’t that just tough. Go make your own country somewhere else.
Marilyn says
Do you think terrorists or criminals will hand over their guns? If they do confiscate all guns, how will you protect your loved ones when they break into your home or business? If this happens, you will be singing a new tune, and it will be called, “Whoa is Me”. If you don’t like our Constitution, maybe you should move to another country.
Walter Morris says
The Law of the land is the Constitution, if you break the law of the constitution,you have broke the law of the land. So maybe the Government should stop breaking the law of the land.
Allan says
The government is constantly breaking the Laws of the Land. They don’t adhere to the Separation of Church and State and constantly are interfering with Our Religious Rights as set up by Our Founding Fathers. Barry Soetoro and his Muslim pals had absolutely nothing to do with the building of this Great Nation.
Vince says
I wonder if Obama and Hilarity Clinton are aware of the Law of the Land? Crooks, thieves, and murderers both of them.
Bruce Verratti says
The LAW of the LAND is the Constitution which very plainly states that the Federal government has no jurisdiction or authority over the states outside of the District of Columbia. The BLM has been stealing land all throughout the 50 states, acting criminally throwing law abiding citizens off their land. I’m disgusted with this type of behavior whether it comes from the federal government or the misguided criminals with badges in the states or the counties, emptying their weapons into unarmed law abiding citizens. So if you don’t like the law of the land maybe you should take your own advice.
Tammy says
Maybe we should enforce our Rights as well as property rights as we did in the 1800’s and earlier. Naw. No one wants to fight for what is RIGHT any longer, that’s hard!
“I’d rather flop down with a 6-er and a dubbie and moan about it. Let ‘someone else’ do the work.” That is what I hear from people today. I wish I wasn’t 82 and had a car, I’d show these alphabet clowns what a fight means. Their mommies would cry!
Three Corner Hat says
So true! The District was supposed to be a 10 mile square where the politricksters could go crazy! Now the Fed has expanded to 10 Federal Districts! (ILLEGAL!) The Constitution states per Article 1, sec. 8, the District can “exercise like authority over all Places PURCHASED by the consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dock-yards and other needful buildings” (paraphrased) WHERE IS THE “BILL OF SALE” FOR THE FEDERAL LANDS THAT ARE THE CENTER OF CONFLICT? * The Only Federal “Bill of Sale” I’ve witnessed is The “Presidio!” Show Me the “Bill of Sale” for The supposed BLM Land! SHOW ME!
ED says
Screw you, you Liberal.
Paulina says
Ed – reeeellllllly an intelligent remark??????? Is that the best you know how to do?
Tammy says
Who do you think you will satisfy with that little wee-wee, Edie boy? Just yourself right? That’s all you can do, so do it alone, again. As usual, “little” boy. Haaahaaahaaa!!!!!
Richard says
So you are telling us if we don’t like a corrupt government that is dead set on making Nazi Germany look like a visit to a summer camp we should go to the model country that our government is trying to copy? What is wrong with you? have you no feelings at all for the country so many Americans have died to protect?
Gerald says
This should not surprise any one. The hate from our government for any kind of thinking that is not theirs. Ends this way. I am surprised. The only surprise is they didn’t kill them all. That is how are government keeps descent down. Kill us an make an example.
Frances Morris says
it’s “dissent”, not “descent”.
Frances Morris says
it’s “dissent”, not “descent”.
phillip says
spelling….. ? what’s the point… you do get the point… right?… or is it wright? read between the lines… DUMMY….JUST SAYING….
spelling buff that’s great spelling don’t make you smart if it did I would be poor and dumb. I have dyslexcian probably miss spelled it . I was CEO we hired women to spell check out out going letters .
b. hicky says
got the point accrost
Tammy says
b. hicky I’ll jump on this one before someone else. ACROSS, not accrost.
Sorry, b!
charles parker says
atleast he was armed when killed
Vince says
With his hands in the air. Too bad white lives don’t matter, unless their is a foreign war, and apparently they don’t matter there also. How many of our troops and sailors would enter the conflict if they could see what the New World Order has done to the USA. It appears that our authorities have salted our good law enforcement with a few eager trigger happy killers. Ruby Ridge and Waco are other examples. Where is the justification for this killing and attempted murder of the other passengers of the vehicle.
Cliff Blake says
Ruby Ridge-Waco -Wounded knee- Illeagal confiscations and phones imminent domaine. On an on and where it stops nobody knows? The dragon is eating it’s tail?????????????
b. hicky says
american’s well rise to the occation when it comes. what the government overlooks is they are far out numbered. they just dont have the man power to stop what they are working to do.
you want stand up,OK how about us law abiding citizens stand up and send rockets red glare up your ass.
Tammy says
The Bundy’s and their friends stood up. America turned their backs on them. Just as they did with Rev. David Koresh and his congregration in their church. Then again, with Mr. Randy Weaver after the F’nATF murdered his wife, young son and their dog. Yep, when this ‘government’ wants anything, the SOBs KILL for it. How terrible and COWARDLY.
Then they wonder why we cheer when it is their’s that Bite the Big One! Their turn to weep is coming fast.
Darl says
I am a Veteran. MY Oath of Enlistment has NO expiration date. MOLON LABE
Constitutionalist says
i really want to thank you for posting the youtube link from the woman who was actually in the car.
Makes me wonder who owns “The Horn News,” though; seems like they’re parroting the government line instead of reporting both sides of the story.
After all, there’s a rather large difference between “we fired 3 shots”(gov’t) and “They fired at least a hundred and twenty rounds into the car, six into Vinicum, 3 more after he was lying down with his hands still up.”
Any pics of their car available, yet? That would certainly point out clearly who is lying and who ain’t – and claims “it’s evidence, so we can’t show you” are likely to be coverup bullshit, especially if the car they produce at trial supports the gov’t story AFTER refusing to show pics of it RIGHT NOW, TO-freakin’-DAY.
Anyone who trusts gov’t agents is not only a fool, but a DAMNED fool, perhaps quite literally. Line up for your tracking chip injection!
Freakin’ morons.
dennis says
I agree the gov’t would like to do another WACO –
Carla McDonald says
The feds and law enforcement lured these Patriots – not “Militants” to a “meeting” and then closed off the highway for miles so that there would be no witnesses. I do believe that Lavoy Finicum was unarmed, and got out of the car with his hands up. The BLM is PAID by ranchers to graze the land that legally belongs to the public, and the size is shrinking – along with the plan to get rid of all ranchers, and turn all land into Agenda 21, wildlands, doing away with all the ranchers. Someone needs to check into the fact that Harry Reid’s son was working with the Chinese to own the land the Bundys owned. And there is a great difference between Martial Law, and the Marshall Plan. Please, look it up.
Allan says
It does appear that this issue comes from several greedy democrats that are operating within a very shady area between what’s legal and what’s illegal. At any Rate the government needs to withdraw and leave Lands that belong to the Public alone. Where did the money Hillary received from selling the uranium mine to Russia actually end up????? We need a government we can TRUST and that is why we need a Great Sweeper to clear all the Corrupt out of offices.
you say patriots i say domestic terrorists.
Sandy says
Agenda 21 has been rewritten as AGENDA @)#). It is a detailed account of what this gov’t intends to do with all the land in the USA. Scary
Tammy says
“Any pics of their car available, yet?”
You can believe they can show you as many pictures of as many different cars as you will look at. The REAL ‘murder car’? Now that is another story. They will refer you to Hil-liar-y, for the truth, the whole truth and everything but The Truth.
Sam says
There is a video on the net showing the car it has so many bullet hits both in the body and glass that’s it is hard to believe they all weren’t killed.
I’Ll bet the Feds Won’t let any body see it .
The Feds are guilty of out right Murder.
Sam says
There is a video on the net showing the car it has so many bullet hits both in the body and glass that’s it is hard to believe they all weren’t killed.
I’Ll bet the Feds Won’t let any body see it .
The Feds are guilty of out right Murder.
It’s been said they were killed before they got to John Day as it in in another county and had a more favorable sheriff.
Robert Dimmock says
once again cowardly sheriff stands behind the FBI to kill a local , who was unarmed with hands in the air. this is typical B.S. from the government.
C K Johnson says
Most of the Sheriffs in the US do not have the Backbone to protect the locals. The Feds do not pay the Sheriff or his deputy’s. They are an Employee of the People not the Government
Richard says
We need to get that pos out of the white house and send him packing back to kenya.He put on his student loan that he was from kenya ,he has lied to the american people two many times.He took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states.So far he has done nothing but to tear our constitution apart.The muslum camel humpers came to the white house and left with billions of honest american workers hard earned dollars.
ENOUGH OF THIS BULSHIT! Send all of his fellow muslems packing out of our country.Every country they have passed trough down through the centuries they have destroyed!
My family has fought in every war this country has been in.And has proudly served amerca faithfully.
If this group of people would build america up it would be another thing.But they destroy countries as they pass through those countries.Bewear america when they start cutting americans heads off! Why does the federal government needs 30,000 guilltines ask yourself that question!
Tammy says
We had our chance in 2012. BUT, some 2.75-3Million Republicans couldn’t get off their duffs to vote. They were all too busy crying “Why should I vote? It doesn’t matter, it don’t count anyway.” The same will occur in November. “Say, hello to your first woman? female? bitch?crack? prez Hil-liar-y, the c-word, Cliton! Oh, oops, Clinton.”
(sarcasm)—BUT can come true if you don’t vote. VOTE TRUMP! or not, but VOTE!
Allan says
Our Country is in retrograde regarding its Cultures; Heritage; Freedoms and ATTITUDES OF DEFENDING OUR RIGHTS. Out of the Mist we are very fortunate to have a person with the abilities to Restore and Re-invigorate Our Nation to where it really should be. Donald Trump; although Gruff and Blunt at times is “truthful’ with all Our Best Interests for Our Country in mind. Years back we had Harry S. Truman bluff and gruff who lead us back to prosperity and manufacturing right after WW11. The similarities of these 2 men are astounding. Let’s make America Great again under President Donald Trump. He definitely is our best Hope.
Dolores Wieland says
Yes Trump will make America great again….
Bryan Kenner says
Trump has proven several times,his ignorance of the “Constitution”,& has also proven himself to be an “authoritarian” bully. He used “eminent domain” to wrest private property from its rightful owner to build parking lots for his casinos. You need to study better,who you plan to vote for. Trump appears to only make himself great ( dictator king), not America. The only candidate who really knows,practices,& honestly adheres to the “Constitution”, is Rand Paul.
charles parker says
this is a far cry when the victim is black vs white with a gun, you are all behind this hoodlum, thug!!
Re says
It’s all about control there are lots of rare minerals in the area . Wait a few years and they will mine this all in the name of civil defense. Other wise why would raise such a fus over a little pasture land ..control..control
Roland says
Were cameras deliberately not required here?
Delmer says
If they were unarmed the police should be charged. If the FBI was involved and did the shooting if they were in the wrong I’m sure Obama will cover them.
Gerald says
How many cops went to jail for ruby ridge, waco, the killing of the sheriff in texas.
Cliff Blake says
The Oriental at Ruby Ridge shot the mother in the back killing the baby she was holding a also killed their dog! Later on he got a transfer and promotion!????????
Cliff Blake says
The Oriental at Ruby Ridge shot the mother in the back killing the baby she was holding a also killed their dog! Later on he got a transfer and promotion!????????
Stewart M Bestwick says
I sincerely doubt local law enforcement pulled the trigger, as is historically demonstrated, the US Federal Law Enforcement and other federal agencies, have a 100% positive record of killing American citizens, especially when they are exercising their “God Given” and Constitutionally insured rights”. It’s time to face the music, the US politicians will always violate our US Constitution when it pleases them. The life od an American means nothing to the government. Americans must read and follow the US Constitution, hold sacred and fight back! Obama and all of the Democrat’s and Republicans are traitors to the nation! They are silver & golden tonged anti-christs. Spawned from their own self value, intelligence and worth! none of them care for the people that elected them, once they are in they are never out!
Allan says
And they think we won’t notice and re-elect them again. Well in actuality the same distrustful ones do keep re-appearing over and over dragging us all down their corrupt pathways. A Wake-Up call to all would be in their Best Interests to form an American Administration with a True Patriot as President
Leslie Fish says
In that case, ignore both Hillary and the GOP circus. “A plague on both their houses” — vote Libertarian.
Becky says
Agree, Mr Bestwick, Hear hear! Well spoken. You are well educated and are the kind of American our forefathers called to help our Nation times of trouble. I come from a family of professionals, doctors mostly, so I know the importance of honesty, friendship, hard work. Good people follow other good people. I was one who stood out our polling station back 2012, educating folks on a man we think could help us turn our Country around. Dr. Ben Carson is an honest, God fearing, mom ma loving man. One marriage to wife Candy and three sons, all married starting families of their own. If he never becomes our President, he with wife Candy have been a force for good in our Country with their Carson’s Reading Rooms in our elementary schools to help enforce a love of reading. Also for 16 yrs he has Scholarship Program to help our youth effected by poverty, who have a dream of a career in medicine. Be Well, Patriot
Ollie Octopus says
White lives don’t matter.
Ollie Octopus says
White lives don’t matter.
ringostarr1 says
I can’t tell you if this killing was about Uranium or not. I can only point out that while she served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton OK the sale of American Uranium mines to the former KGB agent and current ruler of Russia Vladimir Putin.
Allan says
Exactly ringostarr1: And where the money from that Sale ended up can only be speculated. I speculate however that the Clintons benefitted greatly. From my viewpoint I see the Clintons as devils in disguise.
Robert Early says
It’s time for revolution and to kill all the Gestapo holding public land.
Rise up America. The true murderers are wearing badges these days.
Randy says
Thanks for posting a thought provoking link.
Brian says
Government versions differing with citizens led to the Magna Carta. RIP to the deceased. Research the sagebrush rebellion. The federal lands in the west were to revert to the states. Obviously that did not happen. 60,000,000 dead from abortion since Roe v Wade. Black lives matter, except the aborted ones. Every life matters. As the son of a rancher , long dead, who was part of the sagebrush rebellion and saw this coming, it saddens me to see this death. Living in a land where they tax you on every dollar when alive and again after death, I realize it is about power, force, and grabbing more land, including any private property
The gov wants it all. This man was 60,000,001. When Obamacare is fully implemented
You had better hope your problem is more important than they think it is. Thank you for contributing to the system, now go away and die. All is government. All is control. Margaret Sanger wins. The eugenecists win. We the people lose. I bet you those ranchers who were jailed for burning on federal lands they leased will probably rot until they are broke and some part of gov can own it. Probably fed.
John potter says
I the
I did in cold blood kill man with hands in the air no gun shot him 3 times when he fell
Out of car and on the ground shot him some more !!
f Mitchell says
I think so,,,,these cops don;t know any thing about a rubber bullet
tommy says
they have to silence the words of liberty coming out of live people for their agenda 2030
Marlene says
What was the reason for the ‘traffic stop’? Did it have to do with the overall situation? Was it to stop the militia from reaching their destination? Was it to bring it all to a head?
Mighty coincidental isn’t it?
Gary says
Good observation. The traffic stop was set up because they knew they (the patriots)were heading to John Day, almost 70 miles from Burns. Ammon was going to lay out a plan for negotiations and resolution. The FBI had already denied requests (note, plural) to meet with Ammon and resolve the issue. When Ammon went to meet face to face with the FBI, the FBI refused the “face to face” like cowards, and also would not allow media and public coverage for witness. They are dishonest and only have one plan for resolution.
When a man is unarmed and has his hands up, and gets shot, that is murder. Savoy Finicum did not want violence and neither did any one of the patriots. They were precisely calculated to be within the law and executed every action within the law. The only law breakers are EVERY official all the way to the governor.
The documentation of the BLM unlawful actions is available. There is far more to this story and cover up.
Cynthia Klahn says
Good that they have the information that was disclosed about the BLM and the Clintons. It needs to be put out there and Trump needs to be informed, as he will probably be taking Obama’s place as president. I believe he will look at the facts and is going to want to do something about the thieves of this government, most of them in office now but hopefully not after Disclosure.
TexizzBoy says
Everybody know that terrorists are liars! The cranky old man fired first! End of story AND cranky old man!
Alan Humphries says
And you were there. STFU!
LaDonna says
Were you there? Seriously you can all sit and bash the Police……when one person doesn’t agree you say STFU! TYPICAL LIBERAL IDIOTS!! As long as you agree with us say whatever (mostly nonsense). Walk o e day in the life of the police then complain. I can guarantee that when the terrorists come all you asses are going to be crying “where are the police when I need them?”.
These gun carrying peaceful people took control of a federal government facility and reserve…they should feel blessed that the federal government didn’t immediately stop this crap with the full force of the military.
ken says
no they won’t, because they can protect themselves. You will be the one wanting police and they will not get to you in time. You must be part of the government take over!!! Wake up woman, your government is trying to position its self to take control of us in the near future. You do not have to believe it, but when it starts to happen this year you will wish you would have listen to us!!!
BillM says
Where in the story does it say the “Cranky Old Man” fired first? More liberal BS.
P. Kathy Kleiman says
You really need the support of the community. If you do not have that, then pack up and go home. Leave to them what they wrought for themselves. Now, all lands belong to the people,except for DC and for the ports and forts. If it weren’t for the Governor, who didn’t have the people’s backs, then that governor, they people should make sure he is never elected in that country again, for assuredly, he was paid off. In our Republic of Texas our Governor has a reputation for telling the Federal govt what they can and can’t do in our state. It is not the wild, wild, West, by now even college students and teachers can carry their weapons on to that campus and we can be quite sure, no more gunmen, freaks–I do not mean that in the old way–of lunatic will come onto that campus, they have a tendency to go where they know quite well there will be no guns. I am proud to see men with their weapons on the backs admiring each others hardware, AR15’s are nothing new here. We will have no San Bernadino here. Here our property taxes are going down. We are by far the richest state in the Union (hopefully, when the hammer drops, we can revert back to our prior status as the Nation of Texas, if our GNP was counted as a nation, we would come up just 14th, right behind Canada and Russia. But, excuse me if I do not believe it, but once you begin calling back for something, you have already lost it.
chris beck says
were you there??? dumbass
he was not armed none were….BUNDYS brother who was there,,,and was shot…said he had no gun,,.,,FU.
LaDonna says
Well then it must be true. Lol. Seriously? Lol.
Roseanna says
Stuff your mouth boy with whatever is handy , hey maybe Andy lololol
Jondarmes says
Gary says
Count yourself as a liar, and irresponsible and too lazy to do any research to discover the truth. The Constitution is THE SUPREME LAW of THE LAND!!!
Lavoy Finicum was unarmed as was Bundy. He did not want violence. and YES, I WAS there and met everyone involved so STFU.
Kat says
It is not when it has!
proof it!
wilbert jennings says
Where is the comments Does anyone care unless it’s in your face or being threatened.Just like this muslims thing we are being invaded yet where is the outcry? These guys may have been wrong but murdering an unarmed man is wrong. Waco Texas all over again.
The Equalizer says
Unarmed ?? Hmmm …
walter says
Janet says
Are you a Trump supporter? Have you heard Trump agrees the Federal government should have control of land instead of the States?
Bruce Verratti says
not true
Kat says
Yes it is,
he believes in emmanant domain! Which in burns is to take the ranchers land if they won’t sell it and it could happen to anyone at any time!
USA Grandma says
I am NOT a Trump supporter. I admit that at first believed what he has to say, but the more I listened the more I realized what a dangerous person he is. Sure he says what he knows what we want to hear
But he can’t be trusted to be the president of our country. What will happen the first time congress goes against him, or the Senate, he will overide them. And after his saying that he will not be in the debate tomorrow night because he doesn’t want Megyn kelly there there is something really wrong there.
I hope everybody stops and thinks before they vote for him.
Becky says
Walter, We have been trying to tell folks about those Muslim camps all across our Country, they are already here. You google Militia and you see ,our Military men remove all identification on them to go into the camps and remove their weapons etc. When will we the people take back our Country? Before our Politicians sell us abroad?
Russell says
I know that it is said there is one near Dover. I hunt that area and would like to know where to go to see that for myself. Could you point me in the right direction?
Frank W Brown says
It HAS begun, it’s the feds vs. We the PEOPLE, it won’t end well for the government, it’s past time to throw off tyrannical government before they manage to destroy what’s left of our country!
Alicia Salinas says
Frank Brown you better re-think your dumb thought. We The People also include a majority who don’t think the way YOU do. You will lose, not the government. They are not destroying our country, they are preserving it.
Rob says
You are a blind government boot-licker, but not unlike most people who follow the MSM “Borg” Machine. Grow a brian.
Alicia Salinas says
Rob did you mean grow a brain, if not please attach instructions as to how to grow a brian.
Clint says
Obama (the gov’t) is preserving our country by admitting tens of thousands of illegals, supporting abortion, Iran, Hillary, etc, etc??? What country do you see through your tinted glasses? Better wake up!
Alicia Salinas says
Clint for you dumb a$$es that can’t get it through your thick scull abortion is a legal womans right, and stop blaming President Obama for the people that are running from their drug and gang riddled country. They are trying to escape a dangerous life, and come here to work, and yes even the pennies they get is better then being forced into prostitution or gangs. You wake up, read your bible it tells you to help those in need. My glasses are not rosie or tinted, (fyi) I live in America the beautiful and am thankful for what the Lord provides.
Kat says
Their are no jobs!
linda says
Alicia, you are stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allan says
Yes: And these wonderful people Alicia talks about make menacing gestures the moment they arrive. Alicia you sure are gullible to support the actions of the Soetoro Administration or is it the Obama administration or is it even more far out the “LUDWIG” administration. Obama as most call him has divided the races and is infiltrating Muslims who DEMAND Sharia Law and Islamic culture become the Dominant Culture of our land. I truthfully feel very sorry that you are unaware of the Sinister Plots Obama wishes to use upon America.
Alicia Salinas says
Allan, you are leaning real close to being schizophrenic. Might want to use that medicaid card or Obama care insurance to help you out a little. Conspiracy theories are way out in right field.
stung says
You are an ostrich with your head in the sand. This is the most corrupt government since the Clintons. Do a little research. Look up the Clinton Chronicles and if just half is true we have our hands full. Think about your kids and their kids.
Dianna says
U r full of shi+ if that’s what u think!
Richard Claro says
Everybody wants to look the other way when it comes to the clintons.After our ambassador stevens was murdered.Hillary clinton had the nerve to to throw up her hands in congress and say what does it matter he’s dead.Such an uncaring bitch.Ambassador stevens family cared about him.We ought to have term limits in congress and the supreme courts and that should filter down into the state goverments.And elmore county county lawman stole drugs and a gun out of a locker in the elmore county alabama sheriffs office.This officer even slapped around a inmate trying to obtain a confession,the sheriff department ended having to throw out more then a 100 charges. about such shameful acts that elmore county sheriffs are doing under the so called law.The FEDS needs to come into elmore county alabama and clean the sheriffs department up!My neighbor warned me not to write about the crookness that is going on in the sheriffs office in elmore county alabama.Its about time such crook-ness comes to light about the elmore county sheriffs office!
AK Johnny 1 says
HAHAHA! Alicia Salinas, if you REALLY think that, then you trust this govt WAY more than you should. Score one for gullibility….
Alicia Salinas says
AK Johnny I don’t trust anyone, but I vote for stupid and try to stay away from stupider. Not gullible just know better.
Dave says
Spoken like a brain washed liberal sheep. Whens the last time you studied U.S. history. I certainly know you don’t know the Constitution, because there are remedies for things like this in it. And by the way, keeping lying to yourself, your not the majority, never have been, never will.
Alicia Salinas says
Oh Dave you are sooooo wrong, we are the majority and the constitution is for all, not just some gun toting, bible thumping fools that think they are better then the government. And as for history I know it very well, especially Texas history, I know it a lot better then what the books try to teach you.
Roseanna says
Yep preserving it for Islam moslem trash stupid Alicia !!!
Alicia Salinas says
Roseanna you know me well enough to call me stupid. Well, back at ya baby. Yes, preserving it from the destruction for the betterment of all your children and future grands, not the muslims, that’s just in your head.
Dave says
110 plus million gun owners, with all the militias in this country, ha ha ha, woman your a joke.
Alicia Salinas says
I’m a gun owner as many US citizen are, they are not part of a militia, nor intend to be, but can defend ourselves just as good, of not better.
Kat says
This was not an militia just protesters who believe in their rights and the towns peoples rights now the town will live with the results as if they have land in the way say BY-BY! They had their weapons where you could see them not hiding in bushes or tearing down an town or burning it! Or setting up meetings to ambush anyone! To the Hammonds and all caught up in this mess my heart goes out to you and prayers for all for safety and God’s will in all of this! The media was no help in this situation as they made them a militia group unlike Black Lives matter who go after Whites to take their jobs for being white,steal,trash a town,burns down the establishments saying it is their right to protest because of discrimination! What about the orientals that had to leave town due to Michae’ls to stand for his rights to push clerks around steal cigars and leave store (if you noticed his friend but the cigar Michael gave him back on the counter. Yes, I feel for the family as their son made a wrong choice that cost him his life as I know their hearts are broken but it does not make this right! I still say as we are children of God all lives matter of all races and colors as well as nations! And, we all have to choose between right and wrong! NO One needed to die here in burns or be shot! Bring the Hammond’s home and if needed do community service as this is the right thing to do! Prayers for the family of Michael’s as well as Robert “LaVoy” Finicum who fought for the rights of the people and died for it may His family feel God’s love and may their be peace in Burns and our government do the right thing! May the right of protest and worked out with no more deaths!
Lil Smith says
You need to get your head out of your ass. If you can’t see whats really going on you are more than just blind. STUPID….
Alicia Salinas says
Lil pray do tell.
Mare says
are you really that stupid?
Alicia Salinas says
Mare, to the contrary, not stupid at all.
Dennis says
Alicia ,from the tone of your reply;you sound like someone who has been drinking water from the Obama and Clinton liberal well. The U.S. Constitution gives the Federal Govt. 10 acres of land for the US Capitol. It does not allow for the Feds to control any other land in the U.S.. The military bases and ports are owned by the states they are in not the Feds.
Raincroft77 says
Right Dennis. The Government should not have control of State’s Land. That goes against the true U. S. Constitution…but idiots do not read it any more. The majority of Americans do not know what it really says. Keep speaking the truth, Dennis.
Alicia Salinas says
Dennis, you are wrong the constitution affords Federal Government rights to military bases. The states have jurisdiction on land, but it’s the states decision, not the right of a gun toting throwback.
shirley hemphill says
You are one stupid woman take your head out of the sand and learn what is happening in our country
Alicia Salinas says
shirley, you’re not any brighter, or less stupid.
Bruce Verratti says
Could not agree you more. I believe it’s time for we the people to record the names and addresses of these murderous criminals so when the smoke clears after we the people regain control of our counties, states and federal government we know exactly who most needs prosecution.
Patriot says
They are already starting to silence christians and patriots! Oregon is leading the pack in big government take over. God bless the Patriots that were jailed and take care of the family who just lost a father. Big Brother is watching.
Sharon says
quiltenlady says
May his soul REST IN PEACE….Amen
The Equalizer says
Sharon – You may be right, but I would like to hear more protests about everyone who gets shot by the cops. The police don’t need to be armed, but let’s face it, the ubiquity of guns makes every encounter of police with the public a life-or-death situation, so it is hardly surprising that police over-reaction often occurs resulting in yet more needless deaths. By all accounts, LaVoy was a kind, considerate guy. But his statement that he’d rather die than go to jail is disturbing. And for what … occupation of a public Wildlife Preserve held in trust by the Federal Government for the people. The ranchers’ issues should be addressed in the courtroom and NOT by a bunch of self-proclaimed heavily-armed ‘patriots’. If you take the law into your own hands, you bear the consequences.
Dave says
Unfortunately Equalizer, a courtroom would be rigged. When you play on the governments playground you play by their rules. It came to an occupation simply because the redress of grievances was ignored by the feds. And only a small portion were armed, which by the way is a right in our Constitution. And you might want to look up the meaning of militia, because these people were not, I repeat were not militia. They were occupiers on OUR and THEIR land protesting government overreach and tyranny. The same as the occupiers in the wall street deal and elsewhere. I see where the 1rst Amendment gives the people the right to protest and petition cor grievances, that’s all they were doing. This wasn’t Ferguson, or Baltimore, but because they aren’t black they are ( supposed ) terrorists. I say horsehockey to that.
LaDonna says
It does not give anyone the right to take over Federal land with guns and threaten law enforcement. Not on any level. What is really funny about all of this is that the family of the 2 guys in jail aren’t even involved in this takeover.
I personally feel that the perception is that these are bully’s using guns to get their way because they don’t like boundaries. We all have boundaries. Grown ups learn to handle conflicts without using violence.
They are lucky more didn’t get killed.
You can not threaten law enforcement without consequences.
This is GROWNUPS 101 in college.
I am amazed at the name calling, attacks and garbage that is being directed at individuals for having a difference of opinions.
Again. GROWUP 101….learn how to communicate as adults. Bring facts not all of this childish name calling and attacks.
Educate those that disagree instead of attack.
Unless the entire goal is to have NO ONE LISTEN. As long as people try to communicate through violence their voices will never be heard.
These occupiers accomplished nothing other than to look like bullys.
The Equalizer says
I respect your views Dave, but I never called them ‘militia’. However, my point about guns needs to be reiterated. It may be a ‘right’, but the Wall Street occupiers didn’t feel the need to exercise that right which is why no-one got shot. Anyone who fails to fulfill their God-given ‘responsibilities’ before their ‘rights’ have their heads on backwards. As I said previously, the mere presence of guns sets the police into over-reaction mode which is not a good situation for them nor for us 🙂
Cliff Blake says
Right on the mark,
Gary says
Why is there such ignorance?
The patriots assembled peaceably according to the laws given and protecting the right to assemble, any weapons out of sight.. Even so, there is a law that gives people the right to bear so shut the fuc- up about guns. Anyone who has done any research of the actions of our elected criminals in the last 30 years would know this. It is the ones who took an oath to DEFEND the CONSTITU.TION and FAILED to do so and even worse ATTACK it and are actively trying to discard it as law
The patriots did NOT “take the law into their own hands” and you are lying for saying so.. Every legal avenue available was taken with no action and even ignored over 100,000 signatures. There is a thing called DUE PROCESS and the criminals in charge are violating it over and over again. So STOP criminalizing people for following the SUPREME LAW of the LAND. Criminalize the traitors who are elected to DEFEND the Constitution and violate their oath of office.
ken says
You will not wake her up. She’ll be one of the people that find out the hard way!!!!!!!!!
Mike Dempsey says
Feds are expected to clear the Hammonds off the land by globalist mining interests. A recent geological survey has found the swath of land they occupy to be rich in gold, silver and molybdenum. Destroying the Hammond family clears the path for globalists. Feds are just following orders from their masters.
The Equalizer says
With mineral prices at an all-time low, I’m sure the Feds are eager to exploit those (imagined!) resources as soon as they can. Oh Yeah !
AK Johnny 1 says
They’re low NOW, but so WHAT? That’s not going to keep; it never DOES! There’s a MINT under the soil out there, and the feds want to confiscate that from the rightful owners…. THE PEOPLE.
The BLM? Nothing but managing landlords for the globalists.
Dave says
Then you have never been to that part of Oregon. There’s a boatload of uranium and gold in the ground there. Before you keep sticking your foot in your mouth, you might want to look up Steen Mountain, and the Hammonds on youtube and other sources. The same Mountain that’s adjacent to the Malhuer National Wildlife Refuge. Where the Hammonds own and lease land. It’s all about the countless riches the government wants that they can’t take legally. Do your homework and quit listening to biased, hyperbole put out by the liberal media you tool.
Allan says
Dave: Sometimes you can’t convince a person no matter what you do. You and I know both know that area is loaded with uranium and other valuable resources.
The Equalizer says
They’ll never build another Uranium fueled-reactor in the U.S.A. or anywhere else for that matter. The current reactors will all be closed in 10-15 years. Solar and wind power is considerably less expensive these days that nuclear. And BTW – the government gets very little for mining claims – the risk and the profit go to the mining companies. There’s no advantage to the Feds taking over the land – the mining companies can do that today and even open a mine in your back yard. Eminent domain … and the Donald loves the concept 🙂
Gary says
“Imagined” resources??? Look up the Geological survey on record. Shut up and do some research.
The Equalizer says
Gary – It is evident that you have little experience actually mining for gold, uranium or any other precious metal. I was on the board of a mining company a few years back that had a lease on a property in Arizona with at least $2 billion in gold, copper and rare earth elements. Problem was we would have had to move 5 cubic kms of schist (hard rock) to get at the good stuff. And then the crushing, separation, purification of those elements. It would have required a huge investment – several $billion. Not all precious metal resources are viable despite favorable geological surveys, and quite frankly, who wants to tear up our wilderness areas for such paltry returns. Maybe Glenn Beck (ha-ha) and those who unwisely advocate a return to the gold standard, but we’d have to turn most of planet earth into a huge mining camp to do so. Not a good move, I’d say!
Kathie says
Ruby Ridge again? No one under the age of fifty understands the generation and mind-set of the militia members. I believe this was “murder” and how amazing that the “Hands up, Don’t shoot” defense will be shot down in the case of an honorable white rancher. We’ve reached the point of tyranny, because I do fear our sadistic government.
Robert says
And trust me your not alone
Pamela says
This was murder and after they get all of the ranchers lands, they are coming for YOUR houses and guns. I HATE this country now and NONE of the presidential candidates are saying a thing!!!! WE are just screwed unless someone starts organizing a Citizen army and fast where we can take down this government or who ever! Where is our military and Vets to help take out these demon s**ts! I’m so mad about this. It is too sad. God Bless his family and I pray that the Lord gives them Peace and Comfort and SAFETY
Alicia Salinas says
Pamela, a little fear mongering, a true Christian fears nothing, but God. Really take your house and guns, LOL!
Rob says
You still here, moron troll?
Ray says
We all must take up arms. Because we need solidarity among citizens. Yes the government wants total NEW WORD ORDER.
The Equalizer says
No argument about ranchers’ lands, but why are these yahoos occupying public land owned by the people … the Feds keep it in trust and maintain it for WE the people. Ranchers graze their cattle on public lands at a very low tax-payer subsidized cost but it is NOT the ranchers’ lands.
Rob says
There is video showing the BLM deliberately setting fires on the Hammonds’ ranch, killing cattle and a building being burned to the ground. Wake up and get all the info before you open your stupid mouth!
The Equalizer says
Rob – back on your meds buddy before you burst a blood-vessel.
It would seem that you have scant regard for the rule of law in this country, so I would suggest emigrating to Mexico asap.
If there is proof that the BLM did set the fire, then that should be addressed in a court of law, not by a bunch of heavily-armed ‘patriots’. If you take the law into your own hands, you bear the consequences.
Robert says
What ever happened to the rule of the constitution? You know that founding document that you and this government ignore you big mouth fool.
Papa Bear says
Hey Equalizer: “occupying public land owned by the people”? I guess according to your way of thinking the Bundys and the fella killed by police, ether state of federal, weren’t people, huh? Some where along the line Lincoln’s government of the people, by the people and for the people has been bastardized to them against us. A perfect example of this fact is only about 1 mile from where l live here in Ohio. There is a State facility with a large sign that says ” Property of the State of Ohio. No Trespassing.” Since as you say the people own the public land, l’d like to know who that sign is for. Some one who wanders over here from Pa.?
Dianna says
U r EXACTLY RIGHT AND IM MAD AS HE!! ALSO!This was straight up MURDER- he gad his hands up and they shot him n the face! That is what his daughter said- they said they fired 6 shots- his daughter said more like 120!
coleche says
Pamela, you have the right to say what ever you want. None of us know what really happened in Oregon. That said, I too fear our government, but I still love our country, just not those elected to represent us. It is up to us to do whatever is necessary to insure your elected official keeps to the Constitution. If not vote for someone else in their place. Get involved at the local level. We have a great country, let’s take care of it.
Jack says
If you hate this country pack your bags and get the hell out here.
Dennis says
Hey Jack, You sound like a good candidate for employment with the Department of Homeland Security. I am sure they are hiring your types.
james pearce says
Pamela, I don’t hate the land we live in I hate the govment and all dumb uneducated americans that don’t know the constitution, I can say this because I fought for this country and I know right and wrong. Jimmy USNavy 1965-71
Larry says
Well I guess it’s started and the Fed’s and State (liberal) Oregon police have proved that they will murder their own fellow Americans when told to by Liberal thugs. I thought that we had a right to complain and demand the citizen elected officials do the biddings of their constituancies. I guess American freedom has been distroyed by the liberal thugs.
Dennis says
Larry, this truth came out with Ruby Ridge, Waco, and other anti-goverment “terrorist” acts years back.
Alan Humphries says
Hands up don’t shoot only works if your black. If those in the stand off would have had BLM posters and banners,donned in BLM or Black Panther T-shirts the feds wouldn’t have bothered them. Trigger happy Jack booted THUGS. Any witness to this murder better go into hiding or they’ll get the Killery treatment.
Lou says
Okay here’s what I have a problem with Blacks can burn cities down but the FBI is never called Whites protest their labeled Ring Wing Terrorist and everyone but the Army is called
George westenbarger says
The goverment is no longer for the people
j says
Louise Anglin says
The fox is watching the hen house. The ‘federal” government is wrong when using strong armed tactics to push hundreds of ranchers to sell land to the control of the BLM. The FBI killed one and arrested others in Burns for “interfering with their investigation” of the protesters protesting against how hundreds of ranches over the last few decades were strong armed to sell land to the Bureau of Land Management. Thank you Mr. Bundy for standing up! By the way, the Constitution says that the US Government cannot even own land (except in DC and some ports). That pesky Constitution!!
dan miller says
Why does the fed contol so much land mainly out west? .
Remeber the 5th adendmemt where the loca city or state comes to a land owner and takes his propecrty the government must buy the land at a FAIR PRICE, WHY THE STATES DO THE SAME EVER TIME THE FEDS DECIDE TO THEIR STATE LAND WITHOUT A RETURN
Gram says
I think this was set up by this administration and former secretary of state because of those minerals were sold to Russia years ago (like 20). Then they collect the money to push their wealth/worth up higher to get more in their pockets. Like this administration leader said ” I don’t need any laws that tells me what I can and can not do ” .
Ted Cruz knows what he is talking about.
NT says
All anyone has to do is watch the documentary “American Outrage” and see how the BLM and the federal government treats American citizens. It had all to do about stealing treaty land from two Shoshone grandmothers.
Scott Gwyn says
NT says
By the way BLM above is NOT”black lives matter”
Jerry Doyle says
It is an absolutely stupid premise that the police murdered that criminal (malitiaman) in Oregon. They should have immediately moved in to stop the problem. We cannot have armed criminals taking over government facilities.
Charles Schmidt says
AS CITIZENS WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEFULL PROTEST.TtHEY HAD ALREADY LEFT THE PROTEST . So if you think the FBI can stop you and even shoot you without probable cause. I hope you meet up with them wheN you go to vote. After when you vote you are protesting someone or something in making your decision. And for Gods say protsting remarks that you dont like paying taxes or the FBI will storm your house and violate your rights.
It sounds like murder to me
Rob says
Oh, right, YOU know ALL about the issues because you sit behind your computer and mindlessly spew ignorant comments about your own citizens that are protesting about a government that is obviously out of control and using hired thugs to do their harassing and killing of people who disagree with them. You’re a pathetic excuse for an American or a patriot. Piss off, low-life jerk-weed!
Bruce Verratti says
Wake up OUR government was taken over by armed criminals decades ago.
James Maddry says
If he had his hands raised it was murder. Waco and Ruby Ridge didn’t work out well either and yet no one was charged with anything. Should we expect less?
Girard says
need to wait for all the facts, don’t judge anyone with the facts
docmeb says
You run around waving guns talking roughly you will get shot sooner or later.
Chuck Dawes says
They were going to a meeting. It sounds like the FBI ambushed them on the way. Why was ABC News there at the time of the shooting? They knew in advance what was going to happen. Obama was behind all of this so he can say I told you so and try to take all of our guns.
Dennis Berg says
Where is the dash-cam video of this? all “traffic stops” are supposed to be recorded. I would be highly surprised if somebody wasn’t recording this. Highly suspicious.
Lester Fox says
All I have to say is, where is the dash cam video. All law enforcement vehicles have them now. Let’s see it.
Kevin Beck says
One of the original functions of the Bureau of Land Management was to allow for an orderly distribution of the lands owned by the federal government that did not fit its proper purpose.
Obviously, the bureau has forgotten that part of its mission. Instead, it has decided that its job is to maintain and increase the landholdings of the federal government.
It needs to get back to its original intent, sell off the land, and then dissolve itself.
Robert says
Your funny. Have you ever seen any part of state or federal government shrink or dissolve itself? NEVER HAPPENS! Every time a conservative cuts government a little the liberals duble or triple it.
The system is broken . Nobody needed to get shot for protesting on PUBLIC LANDS. We the PEOPLE own that land government was designed to be an extinction of the people not a all controlling force that it has become.
If somehow we make it to the end of this year and the people don’t deny liberals control over everything just head north or south across the borders as this country will not survive as a free country.
A-Roy says
The truth needs to be told on “All” media what happen— was he on his knees with his hands up or not.And why is the News media putting out the story on one side without putting both sides of the story, until the real truth is told one way or another. Is the. Leberal media told what to say by “ONE” side Hummm….
Cliff Blake says
I hope the family of the deceased and the wounded will file for a major law suit and hire a re known Lawyer from New Wyork or Boston ,Ma.
Cliff Blake says
IE: Like Alan Dersaech, sorry MP ????????p
Tom says
All the facts have not been released. When Blacks protest they are not armed. As a NRA endowment member I think these jerk were looking for trouble by being armed.As Johnny Cash said leave your Guns at home Boys, don’t bring your guns to town boys.
Rich says
Who got murdered?
drbhelthi says
Thanks, Rich.
That The Horn News published the link is a pleasant surprise.
The order that was given, “get the women out of the car -” explains that it was a set up with nurderous intent.
twykes says
Didnt see nor heard of any gov. Official even
Try to talk to these men. Another of harry reids attempt to control all the water in the nation. Cant believe an american could shoot
A fellow american without talking things out. If i were the gonernor i would have myself
Talked and let the press in. People think this is a joke. Wait until they have to pay twenty dollars for a pound of ground meat.
Oyaji says
It was just a matter of time before a small group could get isolated from the rest, charged with some minor statutory “crime,” then either be arrested and/or killed. Sure smells of a set-up, and if you don’t believe that the FBI are “political,” then you are sadly mistaken. Isn’t it interesting that these individuals were stopped in an isolated area (which probably had no cell phone reception), and things seemingly got out of hand, only to have an FBI spokesman talk about the incident rather than the Oregon State Police. Since when does the FBI give traffic tickets?
Charles Schmidt says
Remember the murders of women and children at Ruby Ridge and at the Branch Dividian compound in Waco.
The FBI practices how to kill people, disrespect the law and doesn’t follow the constitution as much as the president.
The military must follow their rules of engagement yet the FBI does not have the same rules. The car would not have been stopped if the occupants were someone else. They were profiled by a government hit man. Do not let the investigation be done by the police of the Justice Department..
I might add that the federal government has taken so much land from the states that they cannot properly take care of it and most is not even open to the citizens. I dont like protesters but this timeI am on their side. THIS WAS MURDER.
Justin W says
It will be interesting to see if any police dashcam videos surface of this confrontation. Law enforcement officers knew that armed conflict was possible; hopefully they made sure to record the showdown on video so they can cover for the brutality charges which are likely to come.
Watch out. Here comes White Lives Matter.
coleche says
Question? Is there any video from the shooting? Surely, the cops cars had cameras in them.
DustyFae says
To answer that question, YES ,THEY did over the land and resources, Hillary agreement she suppose to have made with Russia or one of the other Nations.
Jim Evans says
It seems to me that if it was government property, then it is owned by every American citizen.
Gary says
Film, film, film – FBI & State Troopers stopped them going to a meeting ? It was a set up ! All officers are required to have Body Cameras as are their vehicles ! Where is the films showing their innocents? How did they magically pick out which vehicle these people were in ? They just got set up ! Fact !
ELSIE says
Just let Police man do the job In this world their too many fools, Officers need to protect themselves or Who Will PROTECT THE OFFICERS from FOOLS. WHY DO PEOPLE PROTEST THINGS WILL NEVER CHANGE IF YOU PROTEST DO IT FOR THE RIGHT REASON GOD SPEED
Robert says
So you don’t think the use of public land for grazing is worth protesting for ? You don’t think that keeping government from forcing farmers off their land is worth protesting for ? Then you are truly a liberal moron!!!
Jondarmes says
I find it amazing that the blacks can burn down whole towns(Ferguson, Baltimore, etc.), loot them dry, and the cops don’t shoot anyone, let alone kill them. If they arrest several hundred 99% get turned loose the next day so they can continue rioting the next night.
Let a handful of whites take control of an abandoned federal cabin in the middle of nowhere, no burning, no rioting, no looting, and they get killed. Justifiably of course, just like Randy Weavers wife when she was holding her baby, just like all those poor bastards in Waco, the Branch Davidians. Justified. More Kool Aid anyone??
Bev says
Please, no one is coming for the Rancher’s Lands. This is not about the rancher’s lands, it is about the public lands which the rancher’s like to think of as their own to use as they see fit, boiled down, this is about the Yellowstone to Alaska wild animal corridor which has pssd off the ranchers since the inception of the germ of the idea. People don’t think in terms of animals having to rove to seek food, animals don’t live in one place, they rove and must be able to access food, the rancher’s think it is their cattle that the animals are after, not necessarily so. You people own those lands.
Eidolon says
Why the Republic has the Second Amendment. Gov’t should not be in the ranching/farm business and not shooting citizens who disagree with their policies. We do not live in a police state yet, but if allow the Feds to shoot citizens like this we will be soon! Call your Congress person…
Harney County sheriff busts feds posing as militiamen harassing locals, hanging near the armory
The Equalizer says
Eidolon: Government is NOT in the ranching business. The Feds encourage ranching on marginal lands because it enriches the soil and limits the spread of noxious weeds just as the Buffalo did in the old days. In return, the ranchers pay the government (i.e. us tax-payers) a very modest amount to graze their cattle. However, the amount collected is far less than that needed to maintain the land. There is a net transfer of money from cities especially on the coasts to the mid-west and mountain states to help maintain that land. The government holds these areas in trust for WE the PEOPLE so we can periodically go camping and hunting.
Yeah – Freedom is not free and neither is land maintenance!
Jondarmes says
The ranchers lease it, and have for over 100 years. GO TRUMP!!!
alan says
More government bullshit. Why were all these people pulled over in different places if they weren’t targeted by the feds??? Coincidense? I don’t think so. And why would an old man pull a gun against so many cops??? Suicide by cop?? I doubt it. Just another Waco. The government trying to keep the MAN down. It’s time to revolt. Real soon. I don’t think we can make it til another president is elected. And if we do, hopefully it’s Trump, not a DUMMY DEM. Otherwise we are doomed for sure.
Philip Allen says
The Federal Government and the FBI will let our President Obama get away with treason by releasing terrorist from Gitmo prison and supporting Iran a terrorist country and supporter of terrorism, They will stand by and let him violate the US Constitution by making laws he cannot legally make, not even with executive orders. Only Congress can make laws. We have a stupid Congress that want to spend the American Economy into financial ruins and give the dictator Obama anything and everything he wants. Obama will let terrorist, thugs, and drug dealers come into the United States illegally and will even let young boys as young as 8 years old be raped by grown men on our military bases in Afghanastan. When it comes to our citizens he wants to take away our guns, land, property, freedoms and our liberty. Two standards of the laws apply here one for the big politicians such as the President and Congress and even the FBI and the Federal Government and the other for the American Citizen. The President, Congress, FBI, And the Federal Government gets to break the law and get away with it while the US Citizen get put in jail for the same thing. I say id the law doesn’t apply to everyone equally then there is no law because then it applies to no one. All you stupid Congress people answer me one question…how come the President gets away with treason and the people who help Isis get charged with a crime?…isn’t the President Mr. Obama doing the same thing aiding and abetting the enemy? How come he gets away with it?
Robert says
First how can a Muslim that doesn’t believe in the bible swear to uphold the constitution that he doesn’t believe in on the bible? That is a false oath and as such does NOT guide him in anyway.
Carmine says
I am amazed that police forces were able to mass against this group, that were involved in a peaceful, albeit armed demonstration, and not only arrest some of the demonstrators, but also kill one, when on the other hand the police were either told to stand down or were incapable of enforcing the law on wild groups of blacklivesmatter rioting, looting law breaking thugs! Makes you wonder , ( does it pay to be civil) seems like you get plenty of atta boys if you are black and run wild in the streets, the president even gives you a high five!
Drew says
I think the best action here is, Congress abolish the BLM, US Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Reclamation. These lands belong to the People of the States they surround, not to the rest of us. Otherwise, the 10th Amendment is not only null and void but the Rights of the People in those States are violated.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Bernie says
Isn’t it strange that they go out and murder a unarmed white man for doing nothing and yet when the blacks are rioting and looting and destroying other peoples property they don’t do anything.I think it’s time for the white man to lock and load and be prepared to protect our property and our rights. The blacks are always claiming they have rights that they don’t even have and getting away with it and we even don’t protect the rights we have with our Constitution anymore.
Lois Wenk says
First of all the problem is states rights and outsiders are mega managing things. Police were called in by the govenor of Oregon and the militia were sent away.
Greg says
The first rule of a confrontation is go after the leaders.
Lois says
The satan/serpent seed is alive causing the world’s people turmoil. The enemy within has infiltrated our government, institutions. For those that can see and hear, heed the warnings. Our government is not working for us, the citizens.
Uteyank says
Living in Salt Lake City, and growing up on a ranch where we had to pay grazing fees every year, these people think they are above paying for grazing rights. Now they owe over a million dollars and they are trying to blame it on the Feds, or on someone else so that they don’t have to lose their property. At this point they deserve whatever they get
drbhelthi says
Traffic stop ? Why ? What had the driver done to require a “traffic stop”?
Sounds like the FBI and Delta Force dressed as Oregon State Police way-laid, stopped and murdered the group spokesman.
Where did the Horn News get this information ? From the FBI or the Oregon State Police ?
“We´re not afraid to step on some toes – ” says The Horn News. O.K. Sounds good. Prove it – .
Bill Jones says
Welcome to NWO, Police State, Martial Law ! Or should I say, Communism !
drbhelthi says
Sounds to me more like DICTATORSHIP.
Nuny says
Little by little “IT’S ABOUT TO BLOW”
Chesty says
Evidence is mounting that the killing was intentional, abusive use of police power and planned.
Constitutionalist says
It may be a great idea to first read/watch the info Tommy posted to start this thread. The woman being interviewed is the ONLY one not arrested, and she was IN THE CAR when it happened.
She says there were snipers IN THE TREES, and that not only did NO ONE from their car fire ANY shots, but that ALL the shots were fired by gov’t agents…well over 120 of them. In addition, she says that EVERYONE put their hands outside the car windows to prove they were not “resisting arrest,” and although they had firearms(handguns) with them, no one even touched their arms, much less drew down on anyone or anything.
If i had to guess(and believe me, it ain’t much of a noggin-stretch) any and all video, audio, and even the car itself will be claimed as “evidence” which can’t be released prior to trial, which to anyone with at least a couple of brain cells to rub together is CLEARLY patent nonsense, either bullshit or horseshit, take your pick.
A previous poster said that no gov’t agent got any punishment whatsoever for what were obvious and blatant murders at both Ruby Ridge and Waco, so why should there be any difference this time?
I certainly hope and pray that this is NOT the case; IMO, FOI requests should be filed immediately to release not only the names of every agent involved(it’s possible that there were ZERO Oregon State or local police in on this op, btw), but at the very least, pictures of the shot-up militiamen vehicle they were driving BEFORE the evidence-tampering begins. Once these names are released, a Grand Jury should be convened and every one of these trigger-happy bastards should be brought up on murder and attempted murder charges(assuming the woman’s testimony is absolutely true), then ALSO charged with felony perjury(lying under oath) for egregious violation of their oaths of office, to wit “Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC,” and upon conviction, be fined an amount equivalent to every penny they received on the public dime(salary, medical/dental, retirement, every damn thing), a jail term for perjury added to their assault-with-deadly-weapons/attempted murder/murder convictions, then permanently barred from any position of public trust with any American government for the remainder of their natural lives, as a lesson to the rest of these murdering, sycophantic, toadying weasels for the NWO: you can’t be so stupid as to take an Oath and think no one gives a damn whether you keep it or not.
And one last thing, if anyone else ever finds themselves in a similar situation: Any and EVERY illegal act by ANY and EVERY LEO can be resisted WITH FORCE, even DEADLY force, by any and every Citizen. SCOTUS said so. Wanna see? Ok:
“Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer’s life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529. The Court stated: “Where the officer is killed in the course of the disorder which naturally accompanies an attempted arrest that is resisted, the law looks with very different eyes upon the transaction, when the officer had the right to make the arrest, from what it does if the officer had no right. What may be murder in the first case might be nothing more than manslaughter in the other, or the facts might show that no offense had been committed.”
i have lots more citations similar to this one, but the remaining ones are all State cases, not Federal. If anyone wants to see ’em, let me know, and i’ll post ’em. They all say the same thing, more or less: any illegal arrest may be resisted with force, up to and including the death of the officer attempting to make said arrest.
twykes says
Obama is anti american..anti constitution..
Anti production..anti capitalism..
Anti opinion..anti christ.
He causes hatred mistrust ignores our
Friends and pays our enemies. He causes
Chaos. And you know what they say…
Chaos thy name is satan..
bob mcmillan says
it’s all government land what a joke the government don’t have any money themselves it’t all taxpayers money, so the land belongs to the people.they are the ones who foot the bill.
Phil Galiano says
Cold Blooded Murder!
The man was unarmed! His hands were in the air!
No shots were fired by the Ranchers, I repeat, NO SHOTS fired by the Ranchers!
Those officers, federal, county and/or state, How will you sleep tonight?
Let’s see if anyone Hangs for this?
We no longer live in a peaceful Society.
I heard the whole telephone audio from a woman eye witness, on You tube, listen to it yourself if you can stand it, it’s how this man was MURDERED in COLD BLOOD, and more shots fired into him after he fell down dead and NO GUN even near him, except those used to kill him by “OUR BRAVE GANG of PEACE FULL, MURDERING, Supposed LAW Enforcement Criminals!
Tom says
This should have never gotten this far. Whenever the feds get involved someone is going to die. Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge? No one needed to die there either. The feds get a bit itchy on their trigger fingers.
Jim says
This is a demonstration of the IDIOTS that we have in CITY, COUNTY, STATE and FEDERAL so call GOVERNMENT .
Peter Krzywicki says
WACO all over again.
Steve Holcomb says
Live by the gun die by the gun. These jerks think they are the Taliban. They should have shot them on the first day. Armed occupation results in death to someone. Don’t blame the govt. brandishing weapons and acting like a bully will get you killed. I don’t like everything the govt. does either, but trying to out gun them is just stupid. How do you think the employees of the park service felt when confronted by armed thugs, yes thugs, telling them to get out or be shot. Do you really think they said please leave……or we will tell your mommy!
Papa Bear says
Steve: The place was closed down for the winter, so there was not any Park Service employees confronted and being told to get out or be shot. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get your facts straight before you start typing. Either that or don’t type at all. Sometimes it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Viet Vet says
All I can say is: Ruby Ridge, Waco. Need I say more?
Drew says
Sure looking that way …
Snowy Rivers says
This entire scenario could have been avoided.
The Government thugs should have release the Hammonds and the militia would have gone home
Release the Hammonds with an oppolgy and a waiver of all outstanding fines fees and other monetary encumberances along with expunging their records of all these false charges.
Wake up America, this is only going to get worse ir its not stopped.
John Zoslocki says
What happen to the 1 st amendment rights to peaceable assembly? , I am outraged that the media is not up in arms about the killing of a White farmer in Oregon for wanting to go to a town hall meeting to express his concerns with the Government specially the BLM. Yet, Blacks can destroy govt. vehicles and loot private businesses and not one shot fired, White lives don’t matter according to Obama. This is not going away and I hope a huge law suit is filed.
Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, was Assassination
Steve Holcomb says
Yeah, the Bundys are Mormons, a cult founded by a charismatic womanizer, wherein women are treated as second class members, unable to hold the most influential offices, who had sex with other people’s wives and under-aged daughters, as their ticket to the “celestial Kingdom” ,who emptied his pistol into the crowd coming to lynch him. And when his confused “followers” were being run out of Missouri, they were hoodwinked by an opportunistic sociopath, and his sidekick gun fighter, who told them he knew the way to the promised land and it would only cost them “10% of their gross adjusted income” (how creative). So they came to Utah, stole the land from the native Americans, and bullied all their followers even to the [point of massacring and entire wagon train of innocent people from Arkansas and blaming it on the “indians”. Is it any wonder that he thinks he is hot stuff? If you are following the Constitution as they say, this a country governed by laws, not guns and bullys. They should have asked them to surrender and give up their arms, if not shoot them.
Benjamin Flanagan says
Man I hate a LIAR. Especially one who twists the truth. Get your facts straight!!
sgtxray says
I am a former state police trooper. I was not there therefore cannot take either side. I have arrested other officers for violating various laws and excessive force. I have also arrested militant groups for various violations of laws. The only way to resolve this is to have the law enforcement officers involved is to be administered polygraphs as well as any witnesses to the shooting. If the officers did shoot this man with hands up then charge them with capital murder. However if this man charged the officers or presented a weapon then too bad for him. Also for what reason did the troopers stop the vehicle. Did they have a legitimate reason (traffic violation, etc.) or perhaps it was a setup by the federal authorities?? I have worked with some federal officers and some you can trust and some you cannot trust. Yes there are good officers and there are bad ones. We don’t need the bad ones. We all take an oath to uphold the constitution and some take that oath seriously and some do not.
Michael says
Yes they did murder him!!!
Drew says
Where are the “hands up, don’t shoot” people on this?
Me says
It’s time to shoot police & feds in their faces on sight!
dprato says
I have said from the outset that while I believe in standing up for what you believe in is important, one needs to pick their fights with care particularly when you are telling everyone you will fight to the death. You don’t get complacent when you have taken over a Federal Refuge and then go traveling all over the place to make your point. You also don’t go somewhere where you don’t have the backing to make your stand. This entire scenario was ill conceived and doomed to failure from the outset.
It is a real tragedy that these patriotic Americans put themselves in this no win situation where they would either be killed or serve long jail sentences. Its a sad day for sure.
flamestar says
A bunch of terrorists kept up their unending war on the American people. It time to start blowing up those right wingers with gasoline bombs that take away their oxygen. Kill them all.
Jack says
The Fed Gov, under law (constitutional) is only allowed ownership of 10 acres of land. And that is in Washington DC. That makes the last sentence in the above statement correct. They control it and that should have been at the approval of the states wherein that land sits. The land is property of the states or individuals and the Fed should have contracts to manage it. If not, they are in violation of the constitution. They CANNOT claim ownership of it. That is a violation of the constitution. the violation penalty and who is responsible is foggy to me. The sattes and owners should be able to cancel the management contract and thus remove management of the Fed. Legal eagles (Attorneys) will need to wrangle it out.
Marc says
Big brother stepped on his junk again, this will only infuriate every sensible person in the U.S. and it guarantees a bad ending to this protest. These protesters gained supporters ten fold in one day. Obamar will try too impose martial law know and should be impeached the same day he tries.
Frank Klimekoski says
The FBI said that they could leave in peace, these eight men did just that. The FBI had won !!! All that was left to do was preventing them, from returning. .It appears that they wanted Headlines so they confronted the eight men which resulted in the death of one of the former protesters,
DixieBelle says
I wonder if Obama plans to set an example by giving up his armed protection, since he is in no more danger from criminals than the rest of us – right ? Why does he need armed guards to protect him, when he thinks we don’t even need a gun in our homes to protect ourselves from home invasion ? What a hypocrite.
Randy says
The eyewitnesses stated he was murdered. I for one am deeply concerned about this story despite all the critical comments on both aol news blog and huffington post. What first concerned me is that Bundy harmed absolutely no one by burning some sage brush on Federal land and yet the full force of the Government came down on him. That alone should raise concerns for all Americans.
Constitutionalist says
There is some question about whether or not an Unconstitutional agency called the BLM CAN hold land. Show me any part of the Constitution which would allow for any agency to defy how the Federal Government is to acquire land IAW and suboordinate to the Constitution, ok?
Besides, Finicum bought his grazing rights from those who had the right to sell them, when no such agency as the BLM ever existed. On top of all that, they act as if they are the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch rolled into one, a bunch of Washington bureaucrats dictating how, when, if, and where ranchers who lawfully acquired grazing rights might actually exercise them.
i will certainly be following developments in this case with great interest; someone-maybe a whole BUNCH of someones – need to be held to account for their actions, especially if what the only non-arrested occupant of that car says is true…and once the remainder make bail and can speak freely, too.
dan zip says
constitutionalist !!!!!!! WE the people need you and hope that we can aide you,,,,,,,,,,weeeee need to know exactly what happen and why that man was shot,,,, and why our Sheriff wasn’t there to intervene ! ?
Constitutionalist says
Thanks for your confidence in me, but no doubt it is misplaced. You Oregonians need but first, read the Constitution with a law dictiionary ready to hand; study it!
Next, know that all employees of the Federal government – shoot, ALL employees of EVERY government in America – all of them swear oaths of fealty to the Constitution.
Now, let me ask you this:
Do judges have a right to get mad and prosecute anyone who gives sworn testimony then is caught lying?
IF so, why does not the same standard apply to all gov’t employees? Are they NOT pubic servants? Are they NOT employees, not employers?
IMO, every oathtaker needs to have their feet held to the fire of the oath they swore to the Constitution, and should be as routinely arrested, tried and convicted as perjurers, and for the exact same reason, too: lying under oath.
Any and every Citizen is empowered to make an arrest of any employee violating their oath of office. Just prepare yourself as to exactly what statutes and criminal codes you are certain they have committed, then place them under Citizen’s arrest, ESPECIALLY if your local Sheriff is too terrified of them to do so.
Have your evidence ready to present, and go for it – preferably with lots of your neighbors concurring.
Ever hear the expression “Don’t go off half-cocked?” That meant that you didn’t have enough force to ignite the powder in your flash pan, and your gun wouldn’t shoot. In this case, it can mean that you want to get your ducks in a row before you act, for if your presentment is flawed, the oathbreakers will skate.
But remember, you don’t need me; first, i’m far away; i’m also old, and poor. i can just read plain English and have a good comprehension of what the F&F intended – as well as how far we’ve slothfully allowed gov’t agents to exceed the bounds of their lawful authority. Here’s what judges have to say about this:
“It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.”
-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, 1950
“Persons dealing with the government are charged with knowing government statutes and regulations, and they assume the risk that government agents may exceed their authority and provide misinformation.”
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Lavin v Marsh, 644 f.2d 1378(1981)
So you see, the courts throw it back on us, We the People. The short story is “Know Rights, or no rights,” or as one of my favorite James Madison quotes goes:
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; those who mean to be their OWN governors will, therefore, arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” (emphasis mine)
Here’s the consequences of NOT being your own governors:
“To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, and commanded by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction: noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is it’s justice; that is it’s morality.”
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon(1809-1865) French mutualist political philosopher
Source: The General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century, 1851
catherinebrown says
What a shame they had to die.Our prayers go out to the family’s.
Constitutionalist says
At this time, to the best of my knowledge and belief, only Robert LaVoy Finicum that has died at the hands of criminal oathbreaking federal agents…though it is likely that the only non-arrested witness fears for her life, now.
My prayers for his family and ranch go up, as well as my cries for justice against liars, thieves, and tyrants.
Freda says
Don”t like this at all, very sad;control over one’s rights.
Obama says
Face it folks, the government owns both you and this land. You will do exactly as we tell you.
Charlie Powell says
Two comments to comments.
1. .Mr Holcomb has the wrong Church. What he said is not true. The Mormons do not practice what he said but the members of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints do.
2. According to the U.S. Constitution the Feds can control only 10 square mile where the not stands. All of the other so-called federal are really state lands. The feds never relinquished control, as agreed, when Nevada, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, and Arizona were allowed to join the union. Now only 17% of Arizona are state lands. The people in those states should and can take control. of those so-called federal lands.
Linda says
I do not believe that the first alternative to resolving ANY conflict is armed resistance. Go through the court system FIRST. We are indeed in a philosophical and spiritual battle to maintain our way of life. However, because there are conflicting reports, we don’t know if the man threatened law enforcement. We don’t know if for certain how the power play went down. If armed resistance is absolutely necessary to maintain our laws, then so be it. But arguing with guns (men seem not to know how to negotiate but feel the need to destroy the opponent) over who governs what is over the top in this case. Occupying land that belongs not to the Feds or the State or Local govenrment but to all of us who pay for the maintenance of the land is NOT the way to make a political statement. Students at universities tried it in the 1960s: people died. Is it really worth human life to approach these issues with guns and warfare?
joyce says
lets see if i got this right we kill us citizens for occuping goverment land but we do nothing about 20 million mexicans occuping the whole USA law inforcement turns there heads on these law breakers they have guns they get to kill people they do not get ambushed what happen in this country?
Dave says
It’s called martial law, (not marshall) what idiot would call it marshall law? And yes, martial law is approaching for the citizens of the U.S. That is why they want our guns, it’ll make it a lot easier to take over if the people are unarmed, I can assure you if they try to take our guns away there will be war and a call for martial law by Obama, he is going to try to cancel the election in November just so he can stay in power! The so called government owns us (the people) lock stock and barrel!
John Furlong says
If they were black, they would be sending in fried chicken to keep em happy, what total bullshit when white man can’t protest government wrong doing. Damned right they are murders.
Paul says
The wicked Fed’s along with the Beelzebub Land Ministry ordered the Police to NOT only shoot to kill the militia men but also kill ALL the ranchers in the region to plunder the natural resources and and destroy the rest. In addition the Fed’s will implement martial law upon the rest of the people in that area to scapegoat them in a costly lawsuit for more revenue.
Richard Cunningham says
The United States of America is no longer that thanks to a bunch of brain dead people who don’t take the trouble to understand our Constitution and what our country used to stand for. In case those who voted the present people we have running our entire country, from D.C. down to the city level don’t know, we’re living in a virtual dictatorship and it most definitely will get worse as time goes by. Many should study their history. In the early ’30s there was a man in Germany named Adolph Hitler. He did exactly what’s being done here. And that resulted in World War II. Now it’s come to the point that since the man in Oregon who was killed by State Police was white there will very likely be no investigation. If he were black, Mexican or Islamic there would be BILLY BLUE HELL raised and there’d be a federal investigation. We had ALL better wake up to the fact that we are being taken over by people who want to destroy our government, our Constitution and our way of life. We no longer have a say in what’s being done.
Keith says
You have a say. In fact, you have an obligation to speak up work through the system to achieve justice. Armed law breakers are the issue. The father of the Constitution wrote specifically in Federalist #10, that the federal government exists to “break and control the violence of factions.” That has been accomplished. The republic endures.
august mezzetta says
You only get attention i.e. justice in America if you are black, since Obama and his henchmen and women moved into the White House. This is another Waco, Texas. My advice to gun holding Americans is to resist any attempt to take your weapons. And to those who don’t own a firearm, buy one now.
Keith says
Rant on. The law has been equitably and fairly served to people who lack republican virtue.
ilonka says
R. "Bob" Odom says
The government thinks they can do anything…law enforcement thinks once they put a badge on it gives them the right to murder anyone, as long as we have the Obama’s the Clintons, the Bush’s. the Rubio’s and a corrupt government, it will continue. it’s time to send all the incumbents home, if they spent the time protecting “We the People” instead of ripping us off and stuffing their pockets, things would be a lot different. They STOLE $150 Billion out of the Social Security Fund in October 2015 when and how are they going to pay that back that’s our money.
Keith says
LaVoy Vinicum and his ilk want freedom without responsibility. They lack the virtue to live in a republic and deserve what they get. There is no freedom without responsibility. Thanks to the brave local, state, and federal law officers who risked their lives to bring the culprits to justice and protect the rest of us from people who only care about themselves.
Constitutionalist says
So it appears that Keith will take his stand supporting oathbreaking criminals who shoot and murder an unarmed man standing still with his hands raised.
Good luck with that one come Judgement Day, bub!