“On the Holmes Front,” with Frank Holmes
Yet another prominent Democratic donor is caught up in a disgusting scandal of prostitution, drugs, and murder—and it threatens to expose former President Barack Obama, the Clinton family, and the most prominent players in the Democratic Party.
Two young black men have been found dead in the apartment of Ed Buck, a 64-year-old who made millions in insurance before he went into politics more than 30 years ago.
Buck already had a dark history of arrests for sex and drugs when he started the effort to impeach conservative Republican Arizona Governor Evan Meacham in 1987.
The high-powered political donor moved to California and spread his cash through every level of the Democratic Party—and greased some important palms along the way.
He’s given Democrats more than $116,000 over the last 10 years or so—including $1,500 to Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns and $4,850 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 bid.
But as his donations piled up, so did the bodies.
Almost two years ago Buck flew a 26-year-old man named Gemmel Moore from Texas to his apartment in West Hollywood. Within 24-hours, Moore had died of an overdose.
The police said the death was an accident—but Moore’s mom, La Tisha Nixon, rolled out some shocking evidence.
Several gay prostitutes said that Buck would lure poor black men back to his apartment, force men to put on white long johns, then inject them — or force them to inject themselves — with dangerous levels of crystal meth.
Then Buck would watch them “cling to life”… and masturbate, Nixon said.
Buck “would excitedly encourage (Gemmel) to increase his dosage by saying, ‘more, more, and I’ll give you $500 more,’” she added.
In the middle of the 2016 election, Gemmel called his mom to tell her that one of Hillary’s donors “shot me up with something I don’t even know what it is.”
Gemmel showed her a journal that said, “I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that. Ed Buck is the one to thank, he gave me my first injection.”
Moore was so depressed, he wrote, “If it didn’t hurt so bad I’d kill myself but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for now.”
Immediately after Moore died, police ruled that Buck—who had plied local politicians with cash, too—had nothing to do with the “accidental overdose.”
Then, less than 18 months later, another man died in Buck’s apartment the exact same way.
In January Buck paid another dead black man, Timothy Dean, to go on a sex and drugs bender that ended with Dean dying of an overdose.
Dean’s roommate told authorities, “I’ve never seen him on drugs, ever.”
But the Democratic District Attorney refused to press charges, saying Dean had OD’d on his own.
The office reopened Moore’s death—but ruled all the best evidence was “inadmissible” and let Buck go, again.
“I just think they don’t care,” Nixon said.
Is there anything more symbolic of the modern Democratic Party than a rich, white donorsr using America’s most vulnerable for their own sick pleasure… and then discarding of their corpses once they’re no longer useful?
Nixon isn’t giving up. She sued Buck for wrongful death—and she just charged Buck with human trafficking and revenge porn.
Nixon said Buck would record his victims…and even shared a sick porn video of her son with people after Moore died.
But Nixon asked the unthinkable: Did Buck’s ties to national political figures, even a president, let him get away with murder?
The heat is on the Democratic Party—and a few politicians are trying to get out of the meth kitchen.
California Congressman Ted Lieu decided to cut ties with Buck—the minute Buck was accused of a second possible killing.
“I am deeply disturbed by the latest revelations of a second death by overdose at the home of Ed Buck,” Lieu said in January.
Lieu said he gave away the $7,900 Buck had donated to his campaign as a donation to LGBT groups and black political organizations.
Senator Krysten Sinema of Arizona said she wanted to give the money back, too.
Over the years, Buck gave Sinema 10 donations, totaling $26,100. She returned three of the donations, totaling $7,800.
No word on what happened to the rest of the cash.
But Democrats all over the country got their hands on Buck’s bucks.
Buck gave $2,700 to Adam Schiff, the Democrat who kept the phony Russian collusion story alive and well through selective leaks to the media.
Former Congressman Barney Frank and former Senator Joe Donelly rode on Buck’s gravy train.
So did national and state Democratic Party organs like the main group that flipped the House blue, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Will they give back Buck’s filthy money?
Will they demand justice?
Or did the Democrats help a rich, white man cover up the deaths of at least two vulnerable, poor black men?
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”