Billionaire Donald Trump is licking his wounds after being upset by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the pivotal Iowa caucuses last night.
But at least one candidate is crying foul and accusing the Cruz campaign of using tactics that bordered on cheating and fraud to seal the victory.
In an angry speech last evening, candidate Dr. Ben Carson decried the “dirty tricks” that came to dominate the Iowa caucus voting. And Cruz and his backers seem to be the main culprits.
As first reported by CNN, a Cruz staffer reportedly sent an email to the campaign’s Iowa precinct captains falsely implying that Carson was dropping out of the race after Iowa. The email further instructed the captains to try to recruit the Carson supporters to caucus for Cruz instead.
Iowa Rep. Steve King, a popular Congressman in the Hawkeye State and a Cruz supporter, then tweeted the following:
Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) February 2, 2016
Carson backers at multiple precincts say they were contacted by Cruz captains who provided misinformation about Carson suspending his campaign.
In Muscatine, the Cruz captain allegedly told caucus goers to “rethink” wasting their votes on Carson. There were other, similar reports from other precincts around the state, the Carson camp claims.
Carson ended up finishing with a disappointing 9.3 percent of the vote in a state where he once had high hopes, while Cruz secured a 3-point win over his closest rival, Trump.
“This is really a dirty trick,” Carson said in a speech last evening. “This makes me more determined than ever to keep going.”
Carson’s state director Rob Taylor was even more blunt, calling the Cruz campaign’s move “horses–t, bottom line.”
The scandal won’t do much to further endear Cruz to his GOP rivals, who have tried to make Cruz’s likability and trustworthiness issues in the campaign.
And just last week Cruz took heat in Iowa over a mailer reminding voters that their voting history was public record.
But you can be certain that all Republican candidates will be keeping a close eye on Cruz and his staff as the nomination process rolls on to New Hampshire.
Gerald Kleinstein says
I absolutely don’t believe this story about Cruz!!
sue says
why would carson who wasn’t even close lie about this . he wouldn’t!!!!!!!!
joe shine says
Carson is a non factor and a wimp but Cruz is slimy very slimy. But Iowa is a nothing small farm state that no one cares about anyway. screw Iowa and the poor farmers.
Nuny says
You’re one sick sob.
Jerry says
You really need to grow up and watch your mouth. I think everyones’ vote means something even the farmers and Iowa but people need to resect what others believe. I do not like what joe said but that is just that, I ignore this type of thing without name calling, people like this is just a fact of life.
Bob Marcum, Sr. says
Yes; he’s very, very sick.
James Kaelin says
Screw the Poor Farmers!! Really Dumb A$$! how do you think you eat? did all of your food just fall from Heaven? No Dip Shi$ it didn’t! you should be on your knees thanking those poor farmers who provide you with the food on your table!
Phillip says
Because of big Gov. most of our food comes from Mexico are other parts because of pesticides.
The American people don’t own anything anymore. Government, Banks and Insurance Co.’s
control our country these days are haven’t you noticed?
RIck says
He goes to the store and buys produce from China!…No doubt he was in that movie “dumber than Dumb”!
William Marotz says
Thank you#
John Stephens says
Who do you think sells silage crops to methanol distillers. Does that have anything to do with the insane increase in price of meat? Get on my knees and graciously thank a mega-corporate farm for being kind enough to take my tax money in farm and ethanol subsidies and then lovingly shove higher food prices up my backside? On top of that. What President have they ever, in all of history nominated. One more thing cupcake, California is and has been the biggest ag state in the US for decades. Its primary is last. You losers are pitiful.
Jack Lung says
All the good food is grown in California, all they grow in Iowa is corn for Ethanol you can’t even drink that.
sonny says
There is an old saying: If you’re going to criticize farmers, don’t do it with your mouth full.
Darryl says
Sorry Sonny, buy you need to eat a bunch of that Liquid Corn. Iowans are not 100% stable. Most of them believe Obama is a bad president but also believe 50/50 that Killary and the Bern will help straighten our country out. I am an Independent that looks at the election from the outside. Bible pushers believe that Cruz and Rubio can do THE WASHINGTON TWO STEP and win this election. While on the other side Killiary absolutely has killed more people in the world and will be prosecuted for her crimes. The Bern will legalize marijuana and smoke a fat blunt with all those kids that votes for him. Sorry to hurt his feelings, but he has ZERO chance of winning. So, I hope to god trump wins because I know WE WONT BE STONED OUT OF OUR MINDS (THE BERN). WE WONT BE SENT TO LIBYA (As an American Diplomat) AND KILLED. (KILLIARY). WE WONT BE TAKING MONEY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE DOING THE WASHINGTON TWO STEP. (CRUZ & RUBIO). For the people of Iowa!!! When a Corporation gives you money, you must pay them back in favors. The candidates that do this are just like $20 HO’s and are the reason our Economy sucks and SOON we will become slaves!
Sharon says
James, I agree with you but…. Cruz did y’all dirty. Duped you BIG TIME.. stole your vote
Jackie says
Is that kind of slander suppose to make us think you have superior wisdom? This is nothing but the ad hominem logical fallacy.
Your comments about Iowa were, at best, in poor taste. They represent the lowest levels of politics.
josebear5 says
I have great respect for the Iowa they have great integrity they vote what they feel They are hard working people GOD bless them.
steven l boyd says
Steve says After having read all of the comments below . I’m appalled at the viciousness of some of the contributors . The american public has more to fear from individuals like some of you , than any politico !!! May i suggest that you be honest with yourselves , look inward perhaps you and the way you think are the real problem .
Kenny says
Don’t say that with your mouth full of food
Pkb says
If not for “poor farmers” we would starve.
Jack says
Don’t worry the big corporate farming conglomerates will take care of you. They are the ones producing all the food anyway.
Darryl says
Eat you some of that Ethynol PKB!!!!!!! Poor farmers my ass!
Bill says
You must be one of those stupid new yorkers that say, I don’t care about the farmer, because I get my food at the grocery store.
bobby z says
Didn’t you hear Trump when he said he might buy a farm in IOWA.What a A–hole.
Jack says
Ain’t it the truth. The farmer would be out of luck without the grocery store.
Bob Marcum, Sr. says
I read what joe slime says; He’s one truly, sick, sick puppy.
Christine says
You obviously have no idea what farmers are like. How small your character is. You must be a libtard.
bozzbuck says
Allahu Akbar Praise the Lord one is Arabic the other english no zealots for president
Bud webster says
@ buzz, trying to figure out the post, for the record, the Arab god known as allah is NOT the same GOD as the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is no English version. Theirs only the pagan god allah, and the one true God of the Bible that created the Heavan & the Earth. Period
williaml says
It does not matter how slimy you think Cruz is, he is Much Better than ANYTHING the Democrats have to offer.
Pat says
as much as I want the Republican party to win this election, if they put Cruz up I will vote for Hillary, lesser of two evils. he is a snake in the grass….
Bob says
Joe, Perhaps you should listen to the interview of Dr. Ben Carson about this dirty trick before casting an “it can’t be true”. It really is a pretty dirty trick. At least Trump speaks his mind, makes his crude statements out in the open and not this behind the back kind of crap. To SHAME.
Bud webster says
Wow, what an idiot progressive Marxist you are, every state in America is important fool. Go back to the huffington post and pat your fellow Marxist on the back, they will need it after this landslide victory about to come down on the progressive movement
richard manning says
Joe Shine you are an idiot!!!!!!!! I thank God we have farmers. You ever investigate what the corporate farms are feeding you? I suggest you watch the documentary Food Inc. I guarantee you will change your insulting tune about the Iowa farmers. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan says
It’s true. Iowa is just a joker state. One of the worse economy in the US. There voting system is outdated and remind me from third world countries who does not have technology. Very stupid system that can easily tampered. They select a non-electable candidate. Our great Ronald Reagan loss in Iowa but became the best President. You tell me what kind of people are these????????????
delbert chaudoin says
Without the “Poor Farmers”, your fat ass would be a lot thinner.
Marie Wiese says
It is sad to even see people like you voting. When you can’take be happy that he is so honest, plus many other good things, and call him a wimp because he don’the act like others do toward others who are running, and you can’t see the solid good reasoning he has for our Country and how to help it, is really sad.
You open your mouth and show how little you do know
Donna says
I still tbelieve that Ted Cruz is a man of morals & integrity. My guess is that overzealous staffers did this without his knowledge, but because the campaign bears his name, he has to bear the blame & responsibility.; which isn’t really fair. The same thing happens if you own a business and one of your employees screws up. HE doesn’t pay the price, but YOU do. Before judging Cruz though, one needs to look at the totality of his life; there’s nothing in his background to suggest that he isn’t as principled as folks have said. He has no history of “Clintonian” scandals or anything.This one incident is “IT”, & it is easily attributed to some unreputable aide that was too anxious to pad his resume with successful campaign work. No one wants to work on a loss. (That doesn’t get you hired in the future.)
ellen says
does not surpris eme Cruz is a liar and politician he lied about his amensty voting against it while when the vote came around in congress he voted for amnesty go check for your selves. Why would you believe him in the first place he has lied about being a citizen and lied about amnesty and illegal immigrants giving them road to citizenship iimmediately. he has lied so much and those who voted forhim really doing what they did with Obama. he is just like Obama why do yo think he voted with everything Obama put out there . I guess everyone likes the idea of another illegal in office not remembering what is hapening with this Muslim imposter not an American citizen in the White House now so nw they want to do the same thing put another idiot in office. I can see what is going to happen if he wins the nomination Dems are going to file charges against him in court for not being a legal American citizen and is not eligible to run for presidemt it may happen quicker then then cannot wait for the suits against him already to come down hope he is right but really do not think he will win that as the constitution about running for president ti absolutely positive they changed the one part but never touched the separate part about the running for president qualifications, He is nothing but a bald face liar. Just mark my words if he is elected God help America we will be worse then now probably will be destroyed within his first year . You idiots continue to vote for him. Do yourselves a favor and check out Cruz voting record while in congress and see how he lies just to get elected, We will be over run with illegal immigrants and everyone will be saying why .I will say I told you so.
keepyourpower says
But it is OK, in your brain, that Representative King started this ball rolling?
Remember what President Reagan said ..Trust but Verify! Obviously Cruz, King, and his friends, and crew did not verify.
Who wants a man like that as a President?
I know that Carson had high hopes, because his volunteers have been, on the ground, in Iowa, since 2014, even before he said he would run. I am sure he is upset, that these people worked so hard for have their votes stolen.
Carson should have come in 2nd at least, if his votes had not been stolen. And you can bet those voters who were bamboozled…will NOT vote for Cruz again!
Win! Ben! Win! God is behind you!
Danuta says
I look at me and unemployed friends. We want to work and we can’t find jobs and guess , what? Cruz already sold us by signing 500% more H-visas for foreigners . Rubio did the same.So I will not vote for any of them.
roy channel says
looks like the corn pones needs another out of the country leader corn is about the only thing they got going for them
Susan Emberton says
Don’t kid yourself, he’s a dirty politician, trying to play the “good christian” part, so he can win over the blind faith followers, that turn a blind eye to anything a person does, as long as he SAYS he follows christ. Would christ really want him to send lies to voters, scaring them into believing that they would be violating a voting law, by not attending the caucus, when he very well knows there is NO violation for not attending, or for not voting in elections. Voting is a right and not a law of participation that must be done. He is not even elected yet, and already he’s told 2 lies in the first caucus. First with these untrue lies about caucus attendance, and second, by telling voters, that Carson dropped out, to mislead the people into thinking they should choose him, if they wanted to choose Carson, because Carson was out. That is dirty politics. How can you just close your eyes to that from this self proclaimed “good christian” politician? Not even elected and already telling lies to get votes. Did O’Bama train him, or is he related to the Bush family of politicians, and therefore, above the rules? Think with your brain, and not your devotion to religion. The chosen person will be the one making decisions that will affect us all.
Danuta says
It really happened .My sister call me they ask her to vote for Cruz because Carson will drop after Iowa.She voted Cruz .I help her to decide.
Rosie R Echeverria says
Spoken like a true a Trumprobot. Word by word. And this site is one of Trump ‘s mouth speaker.
John R. Bloxson Jr. says
You can believe whatouwa to u hisond like two things,1Thugs from he Democratic parties smear campaigns attacks against Herman Cain using enuedo and the rumor mill and Falsehood’s to divide the voters .I will not point any fingers we know how some Democrats work they play fast and loose with the truth
So don’t spread this around and don’t believe itwihout proof and if a staffer did this there is no proof that Senator Cruze knew it or orders it so don’t judge eastyo be judged.
C Taylor says
Yeah, buy your groceries from DuPont.
Jan says
What makes you think Carson is a wimp? Anyone who stands up for his principles as firmly as he does has a backbone made of steel and strong moral courage. Definition of a wimp, “a weak person who lacks confidence, courage”. You may not like Dr. Carson, and you have that right, but to call him a wimp considering this definition and the strength and fortitude he has shown time and time again is uncalled for.
Herb Schulz says
What is so surprising about Cruz’s trickery ? He’s a lawyer politician; and while perhaps not as corrupt as his colleagues; “it is what it is”. There’s only candidate I trust is TRUMP; he’s neither a politician nor a lawyer. He buys them when he needs to, but owes them NOTHING.
Glenn Trail says
Hey Joe, if it were not for the” small farmers that don’t matter”. you would not have food on your table to feed your sorry ass.
Masanja Balele says
I told Carson Dr. Carson not to associate himself with Repubs and TPs. GOP is a party of rich White males. I was shocked when Dr. Carson dissociated himself from President Obama. You remember at a party Carson renounced Obamacare in front of President Obama- a fellow African-American. President Obama could not believe it was coming from a fellow African-American. I hope Carson knew Blacks were relegated to poor clinics and hospitals. Not now with Obamacare. Of course White Repubs and TPs loved it a Black man hate Obamacare. Obamacare enables poor Whites and Blacks to have access to preventive medical services. Dr. Carson could be a millionaire for being a successful surgeon. But it seems he forgot he is Black and that Repubs and TPs hate smart Blacks and White women. Remember how TPs and Repubs treated Herman Cain, Michael Steele, Allen Keyes, Michele Buchman and Sarah Palin – like junk. And I have seen quite a few Blacks around my neighborhood who do not want to be seen with other Blacks. Now Carson will find out the hard way. His polls are down. The Iowa Caucus may be his last straw. I wish him to go back as a surgeon not as a politician. He is welcome to us Demos. We will make him US Surgeon General- not President.
rosie6600 says
There’s no question that someone named Masanja Balele speaks for America.
myr says
Masanja Balele keeps playing the same old brain washing tune.
Donna Reed says
Not all Americans, rosie6600. Only the uneducated ones.
Philip says
Must be an Obamanite, Obama the Blowhard is a,
pathological liar. Never heard him tell the truth at any time I have heard him. The SOTU was nothing but lies, I fack checked it (40) lies in one speach, over 400 over the past seven years. Just on the SOTU. No telling how many more. He is a certified LIAR-in-Chief.
bskeef says
LOL yeah and btw I wouldn’t care WHO called ME I would vote for who I wanted too, if a person is dumb enough to believe ANYTHING he/she reads on the internet or from an email without investigating it first then they deserve the outcome!!
That being said I love Ben Carson but lets face it he’s got the chance of winning the top spot as a snowball in hell and WE all know it !! If he would I’d vote for him but he wont so him and others should drop out of the race to give the top 3-4 others a better chance!!
bub says
One thing you probably DO do is watch hollywood’s moronic movies. What comes to mind is “Dumb and Dumber.”
Jack says
Why not. Trump, Cruz, and Rubio don’t speak for America they are all Cubans.
S. Sorrell says
Rosie6600. Not the Americans of my association. So you certainly do not speak for anyone but yourself, actually.
Anna says
Satire, right?? LOL
Guy says
Ann says
Obama is not a fellow African-American of Dr. Carson. He is an African mallatto – 1/2 black and 1/2 white. Although the rest of you so called African-Americans think his sht. doesn’t stink you need to realize that he HATES ALL AMERICANS AND THAT INCLUDES YOU. The only thing that a?? has done for the blacks is create more problems and he certainly has done nothing to improve your lot.
chris says
Philip says
Truer words was never spoken, I agree.
a pathological liar too boot.
Susan says
You hit home base on that one…….Dr. Carson doesn’t lie. Cruz on the other hand, sorry to say, has not been totally honest with the public. He knew he was a citizen of Canada all along, and didn’t turn in his citizenship until 2014. So, all lies come to surface in the end. As far as Obama goes? Well if the people would realize, it wasn’t their vote that got him elected, they would then understand it was what they call a “set up”. He was elected by the Elite. Yes…..that’s right. He was schooled back in 2006 by the Elite and groomed to become the next president. NO LIE. These are the Cold Hard Facts that have been proven. But there was a price that also came with the title………The Total Destruction Of The United States of America. And it doesn’t end there……….so, you the uneducated people……get your dam pig heads out of the sand and take a good look at what has happened……yes…you all helped Obama for-fill is Agenda…..aren’t you all proud of yourselves??? And now, there is Cruz to attend to.
Jack says
How do you know Annie yer white you didn’t experience it.
Will W. says
Poor whites and blacks always had access to medical care even before 0bamacare. I thought maybe you had fallen on your head before you wrote this but I should have figured you were a dimocrap who can’t see reality therefore you only have the ability to believe what your masters tell you you believe.
Your post is full of racist statements too. Dr. Ben Carson is a respectable American and if he isn’t qualified to be president it is not due to his skin color as you suggested.
Philip says
Yes they did, I concur. Obama Care was going to save every family $2,500.00 per year he did say on average but
no one I have talked to hasn’t save one red cent, matter of fact it is way more cost now than any time I can remember.
You like your doctor you can keep your doctor”LIE”
You like your insurance policy, you can keep it too “LIE”
A pathological liar.
Rusty Barnett says
Your a NUT CASE RACIST> Like Charles Barkley said. Poor people have been voting Democrat for 50 years. AND THEY”RE STILL POOR>
Larry Curtis says
Why the hell does it always have to be all about race? I happen to admire Dr. Carson, but I’m one of those wretched rich white males you so readily slam with your attitude. I am usually pretty offended if I hear anyone mention something about poor stupid black assholes, but in this case I am willing to make an exception because not only are you stupid, but you’re a fucking asshole. Put your fucking race card away. Was Carson present in Iowa during the voting? I do not recall seeing him in any interviews during or after the caucuses, and if he wasn’t there, then some of this is on him. That does not excuse the Cruz campaign’s overt deception tactics, but had Carson been on the scene, rubbing elbows with his prospective voters, holding rallies and making speeches…you know, the usual campaign stuff…perhaps someone from Iowa would have called bullshit on this before the voting. By the way, Cruz, nor Rubio, are rich white males. Just thought I would point that out to you in case you are too stupid to notice.
JJ says
Dr. Carson did give one speech at one of the larger caucuses early on Monday evening. Saw it partially and it was reported that he got the largest applause, but it must not have converted to votes sadly.
Alfred says
You Democrats by your own Party Platform believe in unrestricted abortion and same-sex marriage. Dr. Carson is a Christian who is not afraid to speak his mind rather than group-think along with 95 percent of African-Americans. As an African of origin, I strongly resent Obama’s repeated efforts to introduce gay marriage in Africa. It is an abomination and the fact that African-American unemployment is still what it was when Obama took office – twice the national average and one and half times the Hispanic rate – should give plenty of reason for African-Americans to re-think their blind loyalty to the Democrats rather than try to recruit Ben Carson into that mess you have created for yourselves.
Margaret Head says
I appreciate the comment by Alfred. I like the fact that he kept from using gutter language and defended Dr Ben who has done nothing but good. As long as candidates bite and devour one another how can we determine if they are a good candidate? I think the Republicans need to take another look at their attitude and see if they are really seeking the good of their country or are they seeking the good of themselves! In that respect Dr Ben Carson has already WON!
Vietnam vet says
Now they are trying to get what they call out of womb abortion, isn’t that murder too!
mark says
just keep stirring that racial pot.
Pam says
Dr Carson has retired. Running for president is his new hobby. He appears to be a good man, but not ready to be president. The color of his skin is irrelevant. Those of you who play identity politics should understand that most of us are done with that nonsense. Welcome to 2016.
PS: Ted Cruz is a slime ball, all ambition all the time and, like Hillary, will do or say ANYTHING to get elected. Save your distaste for him. HE deserves it.
Rocco says
If Cruz wins Here we go again. THE OLD BOY POLICY LIVES ON. Now he will put in all his cronies. and repay all his donors with titles. Here’s hoping it doesn’t happen. I believe Trump made one big mistake in not showing up for debate. He should have went there and caused a ruckus, if they threw one off the wall question. Just like Cruz did. It kind of made him look like a boy taking his football and going home.
Just Saying.
Phyllis says
You said it all about Cruz, I hope that people wake up to the fact of what he is before he goes any farther. I was very upset when I heard what his group did to Carson. He could never tell the truth even when he was talking before Iowa. I hope he never sends me another email. He is done.
Lois Wenk says
Trump is old too and he is just liking it when people forget he is not a good man. Regan our former president was retired when he was president the first time.
Jan says
Pam, running for president is not Dr. Carson’s new hobby. After he was the speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast a few years ago, he was approached by thousands upon thousands of people to run for president. After much prayer and with so many people encouraging him to run, I’m talking young and old, people from all walks of life, he decided to. Listen to his talk at the prayer breakfast on youtube. It is a fantastic speech….In addition, I think he is most definitely ready and just the type of person we need to help our country on the road to strength and greatness again. We sure aren’t going that way now. Look at all the long term politicians in Washington now. As much “experience” as they have, our country still continues to go downhill financially, our education, our racial divisions, our military. And after all, he doesn’t have to do it by himself. All presidents have plenty of advisors. Sometimes an outsider can see what those who have been there for so long are blinded by.
Emma says
I hope to God you are totally wrong! Please remember that Iowa was for Mr. Obama in 2008.
Clint Hall says
The problem in the US today is that people think more about where they came from than where there at. People that put a country’s name ahead of American is not an American.
There is one word used around the word that is used ahead of American, STUPID.
Have a great day.
MAAJJA39 says
I believe what Carson aid and his team, and very disappointed on Cruz and hes staff
Lois Wenk says
It was intended for Trump, Carson was trying to rally the group together to confront the problem.
Bob Marcum, Sr. says
You’re weird minded, racist-type. I don’t think you likely, remember what your own skin color is.
bobby z says
I think Ben Carson came out a little early on saying he’s dropping out of the race.I think after he heard about the 48,000 GOP coming out for Cruz is when he called it quits.I like Ben myself and
i’m not black.This racial thing has to stop,. a lot of folks include myself has been hurt with Obama care.
Yes,there are a lot of black&whites that i know love Obamacare,there are a few good things that need to be left in Obama care.But, now we have to focus on the right man to run this great country of ours.GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
William South says
Dr. Carson is a Citizen of the United States of America, I respect him as such.
Bud webster says
Mel banlee, or whatever your Indian name is….. Have you ever heard the term racist? I know the term is overused mainly by the progressive Marxist leftists. But in this case it is absolutely applicable to you. For the rest of you patriots on this site, these posts that areobviously contrary is a reason and desperate attempt by the progressive Marxist to put doubt in the minds of us Patriots. Unify, our beloved country is @ stake
richard manning says
Another race bating democrat. masanja balele, just because someone is black doesn’t mean they nave to support another black man who is a disgrace as president. Fools like you rush in where wise men fear to tread!! I suppose you would call Ben Carson an Uncle Tom because he is successful too
JoAnn Cramer says
What a crock of shit! Race is always brought up and it’s sickening !! Herman Cain is on Fox news all the time, he is Republican and not complaining, race has nothing to do with this election at all!!Dr. Carson was doing just fine, he was just too soft spoken and kind, more his demeanor then his color!! Get a life!!
Ausra West says
Have you LOOKED at the candidates??? 2 HISPANICS, 1 BLACK, 1 WOMAN. The Democrats are ALL WHITE. I personally don’t think that’s important but what would the media do if there were Hispanics, etc on the Democratic roster. (It has to be the character of the candidates.)
Jane Smith says
Why did you have to make it about black vs white?? obama and his wife have divided the world and set us back 50 years. As long as you cant see bigger issues then the color of you skin you will act like the barbaric radical islamist thats right I said RADICAL who hate everyone except their own inbred race. Since Obama I have noticed a lot more things about black America like why is it alright to shoot a peaceful white protester with his hands up but not to shoot black life matters protesters out looting and rioting or a black preacher calling for 100 men to kill unarmed whites?? I just dont get it You are right SR Carson is great and make a great surgeon general but Trump said that months ago OPen your eyes obama is only half white and 0% American he will over run our (yours and mine) county with terrorists to claim martial law and create a black v white war its not black and white
Danuta says
Do not complain. He still can get V-p.Many people support him.
Vital says
If you learned the basics of the English language you just might make your post seem intelligent!
Herb Schulz says
Masanja, Do you vote ? … legally I mean.
Frightening thought, either way.
Bobby G says
The reporters started these rumors based on Dr. Carson’s statement that he was going home for a “change of clothes”…they read into it, that Carson was quitting…if indeed the Cruz staffers were encouraging Carson’s voters to go for Cruz it was done innocently as if Cruz had made the statement that he was “going home to change clothes” and Carson staffers believed Cruz was out would certainly encourage Cruz supporters to switch to Carson being as to how their spiritual ideals are so similar. There is a strategy to malign Cruz in order to have conservatives like Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee, Santorum, Paul and Jindal not endorse him once they drop out. They know that would give Cruz the nod.
edadmartin says
havent heard yet about reporters planting the seed ,where did you get this info??
Joe says
He’s a slimy weasel and will do anything to win!
Terry says
Cruz will lie like a dog Trump said so and I believe him! Cruz claims to be a Christian but I believe he’s a lying Christian you can’t be in politics without lying!! I still say we need Donald Trump and Ben Carson 2016!!!
Danuta says
You are very right . And we ,American will not have more jobs with Cruz He already gave it to foreigners with H-visas.
Wayne O Evans says
I wonder what happened to issue oriented campaigns
With real issues like social security. failing infrastructure and global warming good minds should focus of solutions to problems and less on fluff such as who did what to who. It is just a smoke screen for lack of a sound policy.
I LIKE IKE was my first memory of politics I seemed a lot more relevant then then
Clint Hall says
Today’s news media spend to much time making up news than reporting the news.
MAAJJA39 says
Endorse Cruz!!!! Oh no, no, no, Endorse Trump or Rubio
Danuta says
Rubio is the second seller of American workers.Like Cruz.
Roberto says
I disagree that Carson and Crud are similar, I think that was lousy low down dirty trick that Crud and his people pull. I’ve said along that Crud and Rubio neither should be President. First Time Senator and do they know, they both have flip flopped on the floor in the Senate, We might as well leave Obammy in office nad let him finish off the U.S. now I have had my Say
Dlrlcr says
So true. Assumptions are not facts as to how this came about and also did Cruz know ahead of time this was taking place. Lots of assumptions here and ready to slam Cruz for what. Wait for the facts.
Terry says
Yes if that’s true I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona for sale!!!
Terry says
Bobby G I’m replying to your comment.
Glenna says
I don’t trust Cruze, he is bought like most of them andwill do what there backers want our votes aren’t worth any thing
Susan Emberton says
The only one hurting Cruz is Cruz. Here’s a partial list of known lies by Cruz and his people. They sent Iowa voters letters stating they would be in violation of a voting law, that doesn’t even exist. There’s lie number 1 to start off with. Lie number 2 is that of telling voters that Carson had dropped out of the race and then pretending that it is what he was told. The man has a moral if not legal obligation to state facts known to be true. He did know that Carson was in Iowa earlier in the day. Lie number 3 is the act of running for president knowing he is not eligible. He is educated in knowing the constitution, and knows full well it states that to be eligible, he must have been born this country, or born of parents (that plural, which means two or more) that were both born in this country. He was born in Canada, by an American mother and Cuban national father. He is trained in the constitution, what he has proudly boasted, and so knows he is not eligible. Lie number 4 is telling people he is a good christian. He surly knows christ did not teach deception and lying as good qualities. Hence he has lied about that also. Lie number 5 happened during a debate, when he said he will not speak anything bad against Donald Trump. We all heard him do it more than once. Lie number 6 is when, as a congressman, he told his people he would vote for them, but then voted for what would best help him. Lie number 7 is when he said he was a candidate we could trust, which I have just proven to be just another dirty politician’s lies. To hell with career politicians, I think I will go with Trump, and I don’t care which PARTY he is affiliated with because I trust nothing either party tells us, and because at least he hasn’t been trained in the art of bankrupting our country and making deals with people to wish to annihilate our own country. Maybe even supply them with the weapons and money to do it.Yes I know he has probably told a lie or 2 as well, but at least he’s willing to help OUR country, become strong and prosperous because it is HIS country also, and that is what he does.
Vivien Peterson says
No, I do NOT believe that Dr. Ben Carson is lying about this !!!????. So Sad !! Why can’t people just be honest? What is so hard about being honest ??? I feel so sorry for Dr. Ben Carson.????. Also, Do you Folks realize, that Donald Trump might have been the winner? What a bunch of dishonest people !!!????. I think they should divide up these votes between Dr. Ben Carson, & Donald Trump !! Or,,,,,,,do the Iowa Caucus over???
Ardis says
Do over’
James Brooks says
Your right they should devide the votes and recount
Nancy Johnson says
What a great idea. Cruz has been dodging bullets for all sorts of wrongdoing. This is the last straw. How can the people of Iowa be proud of their caucus if they permitted cheating and dishonesty. Anything to win is not the ethic I support. I have a new ABC today. ANYBODY BUT CRUZ/
sonny says
Nancy Johnson: I suppose you would rather have Hillary, the lying machine…or BHO.
michaele says
Agree,I always heard this from alot of people,A good politician is a dead one,because they can’t talk
Michael C. Creasman says
Vivien, I totally agree with you. Cruz is supposed to be a Christian. I understand that his father is a pastor. Cruz had all these Family Research Center director, a well known author of Christian best sellers, and many, many more Christian “leaders” endorse Cruz. I am a Christian and I would very much like to hear the above-mentioned folks’ salvation testimony.
MAAJJA39 says
Amen! Vi!!!!
Ardis says
I agree!
marsha says
I agree Carson wouldn’t lie
josebear5 says
If Carson had a problem why did he go see Cruz and till him? and what does out mean?
terri says
EXACTLY josebear5 !!!
Mary Jo Bankard says
No, Carson would not lie. It is not in him to lie. I am surprised he has not gotten upset before this. The media has all but ignored him. Even as he was polling higher than Jeb Bush, Christie, etc. Everyone in the debates got more speaking time than Carson. Now who is being racist? The media??? the pundits??? the other candidates campaigns??? Yes, Yes and Yes!!!!!!
Carolyn says
Cruz lied about Carson and a a lot of thinks because he has lack of morals. He definitely liked about Carson. That’s why Carson was talking about it later. Something is wrong with Cruz who won’t find out if he is eligible or not before he takes on the Democrats.
Lois Wenk says
Trump was the cause of all the media garbage why would Cruz be the one associated as bad? Carson thinks all the time, he was pointing out how the media was unkind to him and truth be told Trump is to be called out on this.
Glenna says
sonny says
Carolyn: Cruz IS eligible, you dimwit. Obama is the one who is NOT eligible. Why don’t you people call HIM OUT??? You HYPOCRITES.
D Lucas says
He and his staffers sent out email, saying that “Carson has dropped out of the race and to vote for him”… that is voter fraud!
shelby elliott says
You are so right I also saw it.
Bob Marcum, Sr. says
Furthermore; I watched the comments he made, myself, to his audience, when he stated “A vote for
Rubio is a vote for amnesty. A vote for Trump is a vote for obamacare”. Anybody who knows anything at all, knows Trump stated, at the initial star of his campaign ( and numerous times, since ), that, he hates
obamacare and will dismantle it, immediately, when he gets in office. I’m not sure about the comments, regarding Rubio; and, didn’t hear the comments about Mr. Carson. But; the comment, about Trump and obamacare, was a flat out lie.
Patriot says
You’re absolutely right, sue. Dr. Carson wouldn’t lie. He’s NOT a politician! I’ll bet Cruz did that along with the other mailing his campaign had sent out stating people weren’t registered so couldn’t caucus. I do not trust Cruz at all.
GMGrace says
Carson has my vote, and if he loses it is not because of me giving up on him because he is not in the lead. That type of voting is wishy washy and put is in the place we are today. Vote for the RIGHT candidate not the candidate you think will win!
Margaret says
clarence inglett says
Well, apparently he did!!
Didith says
Well, Cruz admitted it and apologized. So, it is not a lie. You better know your candidate.
Csmyth says
Just because he apologizes does not mean it is not a lie! That’s just crazy talk.
Susan Emberton says
Cruz only admitted it, AFTER he was called out on it in the media. After the voters voted, it doesn’t matter if Cruz apologizes, because he had already secured the votes of Carson voters, by way of the lie, and could not have them taken back away from him. Win Win for Cruz. He gets to play the winner, and the innocent “good christian” he claims he is. How do you KNOW he didn’t know? Just because he says so? He can say whatever the people want to hear, now, because he already got the votes.
Debbie says
He is such a nice and very true guy! It’s so sad that Cruz did this. I use to like him in the beginning but the last couple of months I have seen and heard too many things I do not like about Cruz. A cheat is not someone I will vote for or a liar!
Mary says
You are so right! No other reason for him to accuse Cruz of that. He is just not that type of guy! In my opinion, Cruz did not win! He is a loser & his true colors are showing! The so-called important Evangelical voters have just been schlonged!!! If he will lie now, just think what you will get if he becomes president!! NOT!!!!
larry says
you i know it how they do it i Iowa but i personalty don’t like it it can be so manipulated and the cheating is way to easy it is like a free for all and any one can say who won but just shifting the numbers or these coin tosses for Hilary you take a coin and try and get 6 same tosses it statistically impossible there way need to change i am sorry but it ripe for abuse
shelby elliott says
I agree with you 100% Ben Carson is a good man. I got a e-mail today from Cruze asking for a donation said he had someone that would match what he got. I don’t trust him I proble would not give him air if he was suffocating.
Terry says
Kathy says
I agree
Rosech says
I agree. Carson has a high level of truth and honesty and no reason to have himself or staff spin this story. Second time Cruz is being called out for something like this.
Dolores Wieland says
Seems like Cruz is just as corrupt as Hitlery. Voting by machine is a farce anyway. They can be programmed to whatever result they want. That is how we got Obama, I believe
Barb says
Cruz admitted email sent to his people at caucus sites to tell Carson people that he was leaving the race after Iowa and that they should not waste their votes and turn to Cruz. And Cruz admitted it and sent an apology to Carson. A little too late.
Susie says
Cruz will lose votes in other states because of this. He has shown himself to be just another Washington politician
Sharon says
Its’ true, they can’t print this without proof ! You know they have the emails !!!!! This is not the first time he has been caught doing something un-scruplious ! True Christians don’t do that.
JoyceDM says
There will always be sore losers & their followers will always be upset however it’s not for you Sharon to know Ted Cruz heart so it’s not for you to determine whether or not he’s a Christian. Even Christians do wrong things….they’re not perfect. If he really did this I’m disappointed in him. I’m sure they’ll print the proof before long.
sonny says
Joyce: YES, they will print the proof before long….even if the “proof” is a lie. LOL
That is the way they operate. “IF” they don’t have some dirt on someone, they will FABRICATE
Kirk Moses says
Totally Agree Sonny, there is nothing but lies, I don’t think Ted Cruz had any thing to do with this, I believe it all started with the Media as always putting out their input which for the most part most of the time is incorrect. Like how they are covering Hilliary’s newest emails which they are not.
James Brooks says
And i am 100% sure that Obama,Hillary,Slick Willy,Biden and all the other demofarts will have a rotten agenda to make Hillary a win.
BJShad says
You are exactly right Sonny and they have fabricated one lie after another against Cruz. The establishment does not want him as the Nominee because he is Honest and would upset their plans for more of the same crap we have had the last 7+years. I suspect another set up against Cruz. I wouldn’t believe that Dr. Carson is the reason for it either. Cruz and Carson are both honest men and the truth will come out as to what happened.
bskeef says
Agree !!
Csmyth says
Just because he apologizes does not mean it is not a lie! That’s just crazy talk.
Elizabeth Groves says
But Mr Cruz is no different than any politician in Washing-ton. They all lie cheat and deceive the people that voted for them. It’s really sad that we can’t elect an honest God fearing true American to any office anymore. America is in real trouble…
sonny says
Elizabeth Groves: You know this how? Do you know Ted Cruz personally? If not then perhaps YOU’RE a liar???
Mary says
I would hope he wouldn’t intentionally lie…he has been accused of that before, though. Should we believe those accusations about him? I think you get the point. I think he might have reacted too quickly to reports, because he has been in the single digits too long and is struggling. I really don’t think he has a chance, realistically. He does not come across as a national leader, but I think he’s a decent guy…just not a strong enough contender.
Many of you are SO negative you would believe almost ANYTHING bad–even about someone honest and decent. I understand that the last 7+ years have been HELL for America, but DON”T GIVE UP. EVERYONE IS NOT EVIL. If you think that, I have to wonder what’s hidden in YOUR heart to suspect EVERYONE. When you hear ALWAYS OR NEVER it might be a good idea to take that with a grain of salt. Just stop being so willing to believe anything negative–especially when it’s said about a man with a clean record. I have followed these guys for years (except the ones never in politics or media spotlight), and I feel confident I have sized them up correctly. This latest accusation against Cruz is so unlike him, it is really an obvious plan to take him down. Unfortunately, because there are so many unscrupulous ones out there, this won’t be the end of the attacks. I just pray that the truth will be known WITHOUT A DOUBT and that you pessimists will learn how to discern matters.
R says
your naivete is what is wrong with America ! We have been taken over by a bunch of money changing Jews and stupid Zionist Christians worship their tormentors!
James Brooks says
Sonny everyone knows how the polititions work that are ALL crooked and liars looking to fill their pockets with GOLD.
Jim Edgemon says
So stupid!
Redfray says
Are you sure true Christians don’t do this? Cruz got the Christian votes.
Lincoln Sorensen says
Cruz got “the Christian vote” when Trump falsely insinuated Dr. Carson lied and was not presidential material and at the same time the media was claiming Dr. Carson lied about his past. When Dr. Carson’s poll numbers began to slip as a result of that avalanche of lies, Cruz then began to promote his own Christianity and many os Dr. Carson’s followers switched to Cruz. Even so, with all that Dr. Carson would have finished with a much higher percentage in the caucus if the word by Cruz at the various Republican polls that Dr. Carson was dropping out and then the senator from Iowa verifying it. When you are at the polls to vote for a candidate and the primary reason id because of his Christianity, and you hear he has dropped out of the campaign, who are you going to vote for? Not the one who falsely caused your candidate to lose numbers in the polls, or the “other” Christian in the campaign. Remarkable, Dr. Carson is quite resilient despite all the media bias, and the crooked and honor devoid competition.
james morin says
seems like cruz is realy afraid of trump I thought there was something fishy about him hpw he rose so fast im a chistian and im calling him out come on trump lol
james morin says
seems like cruz is realy afraid of trump I thought there was something fishy about him hpw he rose so fast im a chistian and im calling him out come on trump lol
e tucker says
they should demand this be made public
Marci says
Trump had nothing to do with Carson’s demise. He started going off on the Pyramids, saying they were built by aliens as grain storage facilities. He also came out in speeches with other weird things. I like Dr. Carson but I was scratching my head at some things he was saying. He too, like Jeb Bush, was low energy. I notice one good thing about Trump, he takes the oxygen out of the room. Isn’t that something we would want in a presence in the White House? I certainly can’t imagine he would bow to the Saudi King…..Do you????
joe shine says
Cruz is hated and a slime ball not to be trusted but is a normal politician. Trump can lead America back to greatness but the one person one vote has to go away. Only those who work and have worked can vote. All welfare and food stamp people on free aid should not be allowed to vote. makes no sense as no one wants these free loaders living in America anyway.
James Brooks says
The Dems is the ones who create these slimballs giving them food housing health insur and everthing else so they dont see a need to work.
sonny says
“Trump can lead America back to greatness.” How can a backstabber lead America to greatness? Trump stabbed Ted Cruz in the back.
Lois Wenk says
Trump is an arrogant (“I never apolligize” “I have nothing to ask forgiveness for”, slanderous (Cruz birther issue, Truth-constitution says natural born citizen, BORN in USA or to parent who is USA citizen, and Carson – making SDA to be bad truth lack of education should be stated as lack of education not “I don’t know, I don’t know” indicating that SDA was bad. Also claiming Magyn Kelly was unfair, and blood coming out of her whatever), Women hater (treatment of Carly F. and Magyn Kelly), racial bigot (Blacks: not giving equal access to them as potential renters, and being a slave owner-buying people and Hispanics: accusing border crossers as mostly being drug cartel and terrorist, Truth most are poor people who want jobs to support their families), economic bigot who is an insider lobbyer, Temper tantrum throwing child (when he does not get his way he insults and slanders), spoiled rotten (people support these temper tantrums) who uses not PC as an excuse for disrespect (Carson, Cruz, Rubio and Carly F are not disrespectful and not PC).
Helma says
Joe I’m with you
Susie says
“…they can’t print this without proof.” Do you honestly believe nothing gets printed that isn’t truth?
Lincoln Sorensen says
Suzie, of course many things that ore not true are printed. In this case, however, there are way too many verifiers of Dr. Carson’s genuine reason for complaint to be ignored and simple say “I don’t believe it”. If you are going to stick with that persona, replace your head in the sand with your butt in the air.
sonny says
And who is going to “investigate” the verifiers???
Sam Tatum says
Your comment is nasty and insulting. Shame on you.
bskeef says
LOL agree 100%
Charlie D says
Are you saying Carson, a 7th Day Adventist, is a TRUE Christian??
walter says
a christian is a follower of Christ,he does that
some people have a different way of doing it
Edwin S says
Are you implying that because he is a 7th Day Adventist that he is NOT a true Christian??
William Simoni says
Charlie For DR Carson religion , if it had not been for the church that happen to be in his naborhood the Carson’s his mother his brother cliff and himself would not have eaten this church feed the Carson because his mother was out of work and had did not have any money for food nor rent and she was to proud to ecsept government aiid. there mother said to Ben And Cliff not to ever turn there back on this church, that’s why this happens to be the Carson’s faith it could have been any church but this happen to be the one to step up to help
valerie ziebarth says
Hey – I thought Carson was a Mormon? That’s what I’ve always heard.
Lois Wenk says
Where did you hear this lie? Mormans are also good citizens.
Danuta says
Yes ,He is !!!
Fred says
He is as dirty as hillary clinton
Just one more crook that should be labled
Albert says
Lois Wenk says
Trump you mean.
sonny says
Sharon: B***S***. “IF” you think “things don’t get printed w/out PROOF,” I have a Brooklyn Bridge I’ll sell you…CHEAP. NOBODY is THAT STUPID, Sharon.
Larry says
Are you judging Cruz?
CJ says
He’s going to tell them not so fast that’s where I think Donald Trump is and I’m 61 years old and I’m sick of the same old politics everybody please I beg you to wake up and smell the stinky politics
Christian says
Actually the media has proven time and time again that half-truths are their SOP
everready says
do you really think the candidate knows everything that everyone does in his campaign????
everready says
for all any of us know…if there was emails sent…. it could very well be the ole rich donald had them sent…Iowa is just the first state…judging from some of the comments regarding ted cruz i think it would be helpful for many of you to read up and study ted cruz’s past accomplishments
Joe says
He’s a slime ball and has been bought by big money!!
Tara Jane says
I’ve read up on Cruz – and after reading about some of his comments – his non-plans since becoming a Senator —– I still will not vote for this slime ball. He’s the most dishonest of all the candidates. I’d love to ask him “When was the last time you were in a church.”
Lois Wenk says
Trumps style is so slanderous, I believe he sent the emails.
Nancy Johnson says
I think a candidate should always know what is going on within his campaign.
Roberto says
I’ll agree with you on that one, If any kind of leader he is on top of what going on in his group. and as far reading up on Cruz check out his voting record and see where he STANDS.
Bobby G says
You are implying that Cruz would send his staffers to do something like this…and that idea is just ludicrous, considering Cruz’s intellect and integrity fighting for the people and the right thing. Staffers may on occasion do something unwise in their zeal for their candidate and which could certainly be expected of Trump supporters who are in a frenzy…if this is indeed true, it is highly unlikely that it was so rampant that it would have impacted the results to any great extent. Dr. Carson may be falling for a frame up job designed to be a hit on Cruz and to sway Carson’s endorsement from Cruz once he does drop out.
BJShad says
I agree with you Bobby G. I don’t believe for a minute that Cruz would be involved in this. If it happened at all it was probably a hyper staffer trying to help and making a mess.
Lisa says
Finally, a sane comment. The media has always been against the strong Christians-I include Cruz, Carson, Rubio and Fiorina etc. I do not believe for one minute Cruz did anything dishonest. He was being attacked unfairly by Rubio and Trump in Iowa…it wasn’t “nice” that is what I call slimy…stick with policy not personal attacks-that is and always has been the Cruz plan. I think others want Carson and the rest to bow out and will do anything they can to keep dividing…the bottom line is to keep the division going within the Republicans so that the country will throw up their hands assume they are political and go with a Hillary or Sanders. We have a really strong field of individuals. I wish all of them could be in the cabinet. I hated to have to pick one I liked those listed above almost equally. Only one can be the President. Cruz is the one who I am going with.
bskeef says
I agree, how many watched the speech Cruz gave after winning last night? Did you notice how FOX NEWS cut him off because his speech was a little longer then they wanted to hear,?? and cut him off to go to of all people The Bern !!! OMG I couldn’t believe that …. neither our govenment or the media WANT Ted Cruz to be the man !! that itself is enough for me to want to give him my vote!!!
btw google the documenatary on Donald Trump done by a BBC reporter (Selena Scott)
done back in the late 90’s hey its not NEW news its been out there for some time and Proof of what type of a person the Donald really is !!!
bobby z says
Time was up at 10pm for Kelly and fox and thats why they cut off Cruz,they wanted to give some time to the Demi’s.OOP’s that was 11pm central time,i’m on MT time.
Phyllis says
Take your blinders off Bobby.
bobby z says
Thanks Phyllis!!Have a great day!!
lilij says
The media publishes things constantly without proof! The media will publish almost anything and then a day or week later publish a recant or apology in tiny letters hidden somewhere on a page. But rarely does the public ever hear about these…
coleche says
Bull! The media prints lies all the time. there are no honorable journalist left!
Carolyn says
True. They are only gossip mongers and opinionators.
CRA says
Because everything printed is true? That’s wrong and I apologize if I sound crass, but come on. There is so much lying in politics, it’s pathetic. I don’t know what’s true and what isn’t, but I wouldn’t put it past any of them to lie for their own benefit. I think Carson’s team put out the word that he was heading home and Cruz’s team jumped on that word to take it and run, letting people think he was dropping out. Did they intentionally mean to deceive the voters? Who knows.
Lois Wenk says
Carson did not put it out. As a supporter we were told he was going all the way. I still believe Trump is to blame he is slanderous. This slanders both Carson and Cruz at the same time.
marlene says
This is not the first time, as the Iowa polls have been proven to be rigged by cruz’s own pastors who sponsored them. You need to RESEARCH the facts before you vote for the most dangerous candidate in this race/ You can read my comment on Right Side News today “Disaster For Donald Trump In Iowa And The Probability Of A Brokered Convention Just Went Up” where i give you a half page full of articles and websites that expose cruz for the rino globalist liar and cheat he really is. Don’t be another dumb obama voter and KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE.
Mary says
Did it ever occur to you that Cruz’s campaign did not start this? I read that CNN said Cruz was leaving. You all should know that the most honest people will be trashed by others…even Ben Carson was attacked before, and people said he lied. Do you believe EVERYTHING you read so quickly. I know Cruz campaign expects these kinds of attacks, and the liberals will be behind it. I have seen them on MANY websites posing as conservatives and trashing conservatives, trying to cause division in the Party.
Mary says
I meant to say it was reported that Carson was leaving.
Jackie says
I agree. It doesn’t seem right. Why would they do that when they know it would be disputed the next day.
Hugiaino says
Thank you for your post, Mary. You’re at least one voice of sense in all this raucous condemnation based only on assumptions.
Thank you! And please pray for Ted.
R.A. says
WE are in deep trouble in this country and need to focus on why that is, any of the republican candidates will be better than the murderous liar or the socialist currently running on the Democratic ticket. We will hear all kinds of lies during this process. Do your home work and pay attention to what they have done in their past. Cruz, Trump, Rubio, & Carson are currently the top four, this could change next Tuesday or the following Caucuses, whom ever becomes the Republican Candidate will need all our support
Dolores Tamoria says
Cruz and Rubio are bought and paid for Politicians exactly what We The People are against. This to me smells like the RINO GOP has got their hands in this pot. They have manipulated the votes for Cruz and
boosted those for Rubio who they will now use to defeat Cruz. I will stick with Trump to the bitter end.
DixieBelle says
I agree Delores. If they have all of the emails, its easy to see where they originated. I was surprised at how he could have beaten Trump with the great distance in their poll numbers. It looks like Cruz is using Obama tactics to win. If he is that deceptive, we certainly don’t need him as our leader. I had placed Cruz as my second choice, but not if he is showing his ability to cheat the public even before the election is over. I am very disappointed to hear this.
Bobby G says
The polls were conducted by people who don’t want Cruz in and wanted people to believe that Trump was actually favored by conservatives…what a ridiculous idea. It didn’t work plain and simple, the people of Iowa are smarter than that. They didn’t even listen to their governor and the ethanol rhetoric but clung to their values and voted accordingly.
Patti says
I agree. Trump should have won! But it is not over. Not yet for Donald. He WILL be the winner in the end!
Patti says
I agree. Trump should have won! But it is not over. Not yet for Donald. He WILL be the winner in the end!
CRA says
Cruz is definitely not bought by any politicians. In fact, he’s a tea party member, has no political party support from any government officials whatsoever so to suggest he is bought and paid for by any GOP affiliation is ludicrous and naive at best. He is anti-GOP all the way and the party wants nothing to do with him and Trump. They are all for establishment men like Bush, who has the money behind him but can’t garner the support of the voters unfortunately. While Rubio has more support of GOP officials like Tim Scott, he is young and the GOP is concerned that won’t play well for him, though that doesn’t seem to be a concern for those voters who support him. He doesn’t have the financial backing of the GOP super pacs like Bush does however. I suggest you do the research on this because you may see things differently and Bobby G is very much correct.
Albert says
These Rino’s CRUZ & RUBIO need to go they will get nothing done They owe the superpac. Donald Trump is a non Politican if we pass by Trump this time we may never ever see this happend. VOTE DONALD TRUMP 2016 YR
Tara Jane says
I totally agree. I am through with voting for all of these clowns who are bought and paid for. And, sorry all you Cruz lovers but I believe that Cruz and his “ground game” really did jump on this to get more votes.
Pastor David Welch says
So trump is a real republican? He says only what people want to hear. If Cruz has cheated show me. I was A captain last night and there was no message in our area about Carson. How ever there was a lot of people trying to get people to change there vote. We even had Democrats tell us they switched parties to vote for Trump. Then this fall will switch back to the Democrat party isn’t that cheating but it’s legal. Cruz is an up stand person. I believe him to be a man of his word. The votes last night were counted in front of everyone then verified. Get over it Trump lost Cruz won.
Albert says
new year says
Wait/wait white rich men & allmost all women put Obama in the white house. Cruz just called Dr Carson would like to be the fly on that wall or phone.
new year says
Only round one. If this about Cruz is true? Then Trump is not so bad after all Trump did not play this dirty & Cruz did at voting time?. WoW just what we need again in the white house.l
Rocco says
you were a Captain huh. were u captain of the shit house Get lost u fucin jerk Captain, I got u beat I was the General, what a joke. who was the sargent Mickey mouse ??
Tara Jane says
Remember, this was Iowa – the first of many contests. And, most of the rest are “primaries” which is the best way to pick a candidate. Maybe some day the people of Iowa will follow the leaders. I realize that the State of Iowa makes money off this boring-too long experience, however, they have made a 800 pound Gorilla out of a free voting system. They take two of the core principals of a free system – your secret ballot and one-person-vote and throw it in the trash can. And, a candidate like Cruz is going to do his best to screw with that system. Just like he has screwed the people of Texas since he was elected.
Rocco says
I see now that u are Pastor. Do u belong to the Congregation of Bona Fide Bull Shit Artists also known as ( CBFBSA )
Rosech says
Actually, neither won because with the plus and minus difference, they are actually equal. So don’t raved about a big win when it was not. When you consider that Trump was near the bottom in Iowa, he must be doing something right to rise to quickly. If you think either is crooked or lying, then start re-vetting them. I do know Cruz does not how to negotiate and that is why he didn’t win friends to his side in Congress. Good ideas but no support because he hadn’t read The Art of the Deal. However, that is Trumps forte no matter if he is negotiating with Democrats, or cities, states, whatever. He goes for all but will negotiate to get almost all and that is the Art of the Deal. AND that is what we need. I can see Cruz as VP and learning a lot more from Trump. In any case, NO RUBIO as folks in FL can’t stand him, he is for amnesty, etc. The latinos I know and have as friends are going for Trump, as are many Democrats and blacks. Why? Because they, too, are fed up with the same old, same old about conservatives when in today’s America that is actually a dirty word because we elected supposed “conservatives” who quickly betrayed their oaths and turned their backs on us, and ignored what we the PEOPLE wanted. So, I have made the transition to Nationalist rather than call myself a disgusting name such as conservative because very few real conservatives exist in America. I want my nation back and thanks to Dr. Savage I am a Nationalist and you may call Trump not a Republican and he isn’t because he is a Nationalist as well and that is why he wants to Make America Great Again, and he is not owned by the establishment (who always call themselves conservatives to confound the non-thinking in America) and I thank God for this big favor. Trump speaks like a NYer – loud, sometimes insulting (and let’s face it Fiorina does have a horsy face), but in general truthful and fighting for you and me, while the other so-called establishment candidates are fighting for power and how to get richer on our backs. Don’t be a Demolite Republican because America is on the brink of being overtaken by Sanders and Hillary, both who are truly communists and only look to suck more out of us. Example: Could you live on 10% after Sanders takes 90% of your income? Do you think Hillary is trustworthy with all the garbage that come down from her lying, cheating, bribing, changing classification of emails and actually asking via email to do so? She will suck America dry but if we are lucky, since she is extremely physically ill, but also mentally, we might be spared if she drops dead of a much more serious stroke, and only the young who do not even know what socialism is or that Sander have billionaire supports (against whom these idiots are) will not get Sanders in office where he has spent his years living off the teets of taxpayers. We need fresh air, fresh views, fresh business management skills and someone who has friends all over the world, in spite of Obama insulting most of them. THINK AMERICA FIRST and quit bickering and work to get our country back! That is the first and most important move any of us can make. I see childishness against this candidate or that. I do agree most of the original group were losers from the state and we will see more dropping off. What we have to fear is if the Electrol College is bought out again! Think about that! and do NOT ALLOW OUR VOTES TO BE COUNTED OUT OF YOUR DISTRICT AND IN SOROS’ COMPANY IN SPAIN. We count our own votes, thank you.
Bobby G says
My my…are we a Trumpette or what?
Emma says
Bobby, please be cool… Not everything is about GOD, there are some other very important issues.
Danuta says
And Cruz will not give you job. He sign it to H-visas foreigners.
Denise says
I m glad that Dr. Carson is just not going to lie down and call it quits!! We need a fighter, a good honest fighter, finally in the White House, regardless of the race. I for one am glad he is taking his fight, to the voters.
Bobby G says
If Carson surges and Cruz drops out, you can bet he will support Dr. Carson, they are birds of a feather and whoever started this ruse about fraud you can bet the liberals are behind it trying to throw a wrench into the works.
Joe says
It will be proven to be true! You lie about Cruz and his standing! He has been bought by big money! Check it out!! I did!!!
Cynthia Gandy says
I so agree. One more thing: I have been reading the comments about Cruz and Carson and I am of the opinion that if Trump stood in the middle of the road and shot and killed someone, he wouldn’t have all the same love and loyalty he believes that he has. As far as the attack against Ted Cruz from Carson’s group: I like Dr. Ben Carson and he would definitely be my second choice (not Rubio) I will have nothing to do with any of the RINOs in the gang of eight. Dr. Carson would be a good candidate further down the line; using this campaign to get his feet wet will help him when it comes his time to shine! If all that can be said about Cruz is he is crafted, calculated, and ambitious then try again not enough to make me jump the Cruz Train! My vote for POTUS has been carefully, prayed upon, and researched. Cruz’s loyalty to the people has been played out and delivered so well that this is the reason for the establishment along with the Liberal Left Democrats attacks regarding him. I am so glad that this election is at least one that is showing signs of the People’s request to fair elections and the media and establishment seemed to be reigned in. Push back from “We the People” have something else to say: It’s our money that is paying the salary; of this POTUS; not Washington and the National Media.
In my mind, this has got to be the most serious and important election we have ever had. We are at a point in time where this election and the vote may be very well the only thing that will keep us from becoming as similar a third world country. We are the land of the Free and the Brave! The real question is how long will we be?
bskeef says
Well Said !!
Danuta says
I would see him as V-President. We need him somewhere in high position in government. He is good ,I think nobody can buy him , he has common sense and he is not afraid of telling the true .
Eve says
why not? Cruz was a Canadian citizen all his life yet is running for President here. Can/\’t get lower than that.
ACTSmom says
He was also an American citizen all his life. SMH…
Jim says
But … Cruz is NOT a “natural-born” citizen as required by the Constitution!
Albert says
Why aren’t they doing anything about CRUZ born a non citizen of the USA. He needs out of the race. we this matter taking care of. Trump 2016 YR
Helma says
Well here we go again.a non born american citizen….for president.
Oh well ,Obama made it
Donna says
Read the Constitution, Jim. A “Natural born American” defined both by it & future laws concernning this status in 1940 & again in l952 & l986were put into play to prevent rich foreignors from coming to the newly formed land by our Framers & buying leadership positions. They all make clear that any child born to an native born American citizen wherever that may be will be considered a “natural born American.” Laws like this had to be established, especially as the years & decades passed & Americans became more mobile, traveling both for business & pleasure, not to mention military deployments. It was this law that allowed John McCain to run for President despite being born in Panama while his parents were on military deployment there & would have covered BHO even if he HAD been born in Kenya – his Mother, was an American citizen. Likewise, Ted Cruz’s Mother was born & raised in Delaware, making her a native born American who just happened to be in Canada when baby boy Ted was born in l970, but regardless of your opinion or preference, the law says he’s as “natural born American & therefore quaified to run for CIC of this great land. Considering he’s had the Constitution memorized since he was 16, I’m sure he was aware of his eligibility (or not) before he ever paid the first state fee to enter the race. If anyone is already a Senator, you can bet, they’re probably a US cities. Most states frown on electing someone who is not.
Danuta says
That is right .But what money can do ??
R says
You can’t serve two masters Christian Crook!
Danuta says
sonny says
Eve: “IF” he was to “get lower than that,” he would be keeping company with YOU wouldn’t he??
DixieBelle says
Cruz needs to be taken our of the race altogether.
Danuta says
He is not eligible .
Roseann says
LOL I attention!!
Madeline says
Why not? Because you do not want to?
Arnold Kezsbom says
Check Twitter it’s true!
Ron says
It is a sad state when anyone would check “social media” for their “truth”. Are you kidding?
justme35 says
Really??? One thing about Ben Carson he is not a liar. I believe he is the most honest person running for the Presidency! This could have changed the whole election. Giving Ben Carson more votes and Cruz less votes. Maybe Donald Trump would have been the winner. What people won’t do to be elected. He’s a true Christian? I am also disgusted with the whole process. The candidates and media lying to get their agenda in place. Sad state of affairs!!!!
ACTSmom says
My goodness! Even if it’s true, it was sent by a staffer. Cruz likely didn’t know anything about it until hearing it on CNN…he will hold that staffer accountable for the email. And btw, it was probably suggested because Carson didn’t even stay in Iowa for the results. If he cared and believed he’d come in 3 or a strong 4, he’d have stayed.
Lil Smith says
It doesn’t matter who did it, it was wrong. If you can’t win honestly then don’t run. Cruz is as dishonest as the rest and he won’t take the blame. This election is suppose to be for “The People” US Citizens to decide who they want as President. It’s time that all the big money and bad politics
are removed from Washington. They have almost destroyed this country and it’s time we all put a stop to it. It is gonna take a lot of working together to bring us back to the RESPECTED Country that we have been. We are the ones who let those in Washington destroy us. So now use your heads and get out and VOTE for the person who is going to work for us, THE PEOPLE. We have lost enough.
Larry says
Carson is not a liar? What about the lies in his book? Carson is just a soar loser.
Edwin S says
What lies? What anyone says can be twisted if the motive is there. That does not mean that the original speaker meant to deceive.
Newnana says
I absolutely have to agree with you! I think they should have to vote all over again with Carson’s votes included and then see who the real winner is. It has been said that Cruz is not a well liked man in Washington and that is flip-flops a lot. I for one don’t want another deceitful, lying person as our next President!
Bobby G says
Cruz is a true Christian also and would never do this to Dr. Carson…remember he is the only one who has not disparaged any of the other candidates and if Carson were the leader and Cruz were to drop out, I believe he would endorse Dr. Carson in place of either Trump, Bush OR Rubio.
Carolyn says
Cruz is an unChristian Christian. He is a politician who lies and scares people into doing his will.
Danuta says
Perfectly said .
Rosech says
I like Carson but he does not have what we need at this juncture in America. I would like to see him in the Cabinet and learn more about business and management and making friends in foreign lands and then have him run again. Yes, there are cheap points and lies all over the place because we have had way too many candidates, unfortunately most bought and paid for establishment because the old and stale GOP/Demolites are scared to death, which is good We don’t need them; they need us and we are calling the shots this time. I would like to see Rubio gone because he was part of the Gang of 8 and still wants amnesty and acceptance on our welfare system of invaders on our soil, and I gather that a lot of Floridians don’t want him either. Would rather see Santorum come up because he is also a good man.
The Truth Will Set You Free! says
E-mails can be spoofed. Many years ago I experimented in this and could send anyone a e-mail from anyone. Dont trust e-mails.
Joe says
They can be traced!!!
mary martin says
well he is doomed……Trump is going to win, Cruz is not an american and not illegal to run……he needs to shut his ugly mouth…..
Du says
What about Obama we really don’t know he’s real ground he s lied so much. And still got elected twice
Susan says
Yaaaay Mary M. Amen. I do believe that Trump will win as well and what will he lie about or scam about or mislead about then? (Mr. sovereign) So sick of him uses that word. You need to wonder when someone is always trying to convince you that they are Christian. As Joyce would say “just because you sit in a garage, it doesn’t make you a car”. I will keep praying for Trump.
Larry says
Wow, you are a sad excuse for a Christian. Yeah, lets show we are mean and hateful like the Devil.
Susan says
Yaaaay Mary M. Amen. I do believe that Trump will win as well and what will he lie about or scam about or mislead about then? (Mr. sovereign) So sick of him uses that word. You need to wonder when someone is always trying to convince you that they are Christian. As Joyce would say “just because you sit in a garage, it doesn’t make you a car”. I will keep praying for Trump.
Bobby G says
I will say this Mary…you certainly share Trump’s affinity for “colorful” vocabulary.
Patti says
I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danuta says
Trump with V-P Carson
Roseann says
Something about this guy.. Don’t trust him..seems be causing the problems than a problem they’re right not many people like him..what he did to Dr Carson was WRONG!! What other BS does he say Mr flip/flop hopefully this will be your Only win
Larry says
Dream again Rose.
Carolyn says
You are right, Rose.
Arnie Kezsbom says
Check Tweeter, It’s true!
Rosemary Dennis says
Didn’t you read the emails sent by the Cruz people? What’s not to be believed?
BJShad says
No Rose I did not read the e-mails and neither did you. They haven’t even come out yet. If you would do the research you would find that Cruz is an honest man and a Christian. People on the left and the republican establishment are trying to smear him because he is honest and doesn’t go along with their corruption. He has worked hard on Congress as a Constitutional Conservative unlike so many of them. Please don’t jump to conclusions….do the research.
bskeef says
Agree !! but its like talking to a rock !! you may as well forget it !
NO body goes and checks things out anymore they just believe what they
read from any source if its what they want to hear or already believe!!
Julie Johnson says
It was announced early on that Dr. Carson left to go home and get clean clothes so there wasn’t time for any contacting anyone that he was dropping out of the race. It was really stupid anyway for him to take that exact time in the middle of a very important caucus to go home for “clean clothes”. I smell a rat on his part. Who does that. Clean clothes was more important than being at the caucus that could determine his fate? Megan Kelly said it right on the air that he went home for “clean clothes”. There was no question whatsoever that he dropped out. I watched the whole coverage on TV and had my computer on showing the number of votes as each precinct came in. I don’t go by gossip and innuendo. I see for myself and never miss any of the events.
William Simoni says
Julie have you ever had a accident and had to change your clothes , if you have not your lucky.
Bobby G says
When you’re as rich as Carson…you don’t “go home for fresh clothes” …you buy new ones on the spot. Something is very fishy and it has nothing to do with Cruz….somebody is trying to kill two birds with one stone. Accuse Cruz of fraud and make people believe Carson is out. Rubio SURGES “suddenly”.
Danuta says
Rubio got many millions from Wall Street .
Daniel Conway says
michael zitterman says
Then you are a victim of the greatest human frailty, i.e., one has the tendency to believe that which one wants and needs to believe.
In memory of Peewee
michael zitterman says
Rosemary Dennis,
Then you are a victim of the greatest human frailty, i.e., one has the tendency to believe that which one wants and needs to believe.
In memory of Peewee
al says
you live a sheltered life
William Simoni says
Gerald we all know candidates will say or do any thing to win. Now fior Cruz when I donated for his campaign he emailed me and it said Qoute . If I can see fit to give another donation , I have some verry generous donors that have step up to double the the amount you would give. Well that kind of cooled lt with Cruz for me because he allowed himself to get in bed with big money he is pulling the same tackleds he did to win the Texas Senate. All his backing came from the big money Bank were hiis wife is a executive . But I will not mention the name of the bank. To find out Google and it will tell you were she works. I liked Cruz but his big money backer scare me.. If elected he will have to take care of his big backers first before to see the needs of our nations problem. When I lived in Texas for 10 years lvoted for Ted when he ran for the senate then he egnored us. Since then I moved to California to be.close to my children and I thought he might have changed but he is back to his old tackled, great debater and making him self look like what this country need.but beware.
Bobby G says
All candidates have to repay any money that they have borrowed…that’s the American way and not corrupt at all. I lived in Houston for 45 years and Cruz has done everything he promised his constituents he would do. It is not his fault the gutless RINOS sided with the liberals and Obama rather than with the people who elected them. Even if Cruz doesn’t become president, he will win reelection after reelection based on his record and integrity.
BJShad says
Your are right Bobby G, Cruz is one of the very few that lives up to his promises. He does exactly what he says he will do.
William Simoni says
Bobby the email I recived did not say borrowed it said ihave some very generous donors that will stepped up to double all donations match Let me explain how special this is they will match two fold for any amount you will give. to me it says yes I will pay it back big tjme with favors or what do you need Bobby just like you I’m from Texas , but not in a liberal town like you leave in . I’m from the best part of Texas THE PINE WOODS WERE WE HAVE GOOD CNSERVITINES LIKE CONGRESS MAN LOUIE GOMEPT l m still waiting for The promises Cruz said if elected I will stop all the crossing of ellegales instead he changed his mind
Daniel Conway says
Your wright
William Simoni says
Gerald we all know candidates will say or do any thing to win. Now fior Cruz when I donated for his campaign he emailed me and it said Qoute . If I can see fit to give another donation , I have some verry generous donors that have step up to double the the amount you would give. Well that kind of cooled lt with Cruz for me because he allowed himself to get in bed with big money he is pulling the same tackleds he did to win the Texas Senate. All his backing came from the big money Bank were hiis wife is a executive . But I will not mention the name of the bank. To find out Google and it will tell you were she works. I liked Cruz but his big money backer scare me.. If elected he will have to take care of his big backers first before to see the needs of our nations problem. When I lived in Texas for 10 years lvoted for Ted when he ran for the senate then he egnored us. Since then I moved to California to be.close to my children and I thought he might have changed but he is back to his old tackled, great debater and making him self look like what this country need.but beware.
holy grailer says
We got snookered by Obamma–we cannot allow this to happen again…what a phony-liar-typical career politician who OWES the secret donors who are trying to slither their way to the top.
Daniel Conway says
Lorna says
I got the email in New Hampshire. It IS TRUE!!!
Janice Kolacy says
Everything is on the record pictures of the fliers Cruz saying he will not apologize to the people he sent them too Mrs Ben Carson was at a caucus when it was announced he was no longer running and tried to get his workers to swing over to Cruz…Dirty Politics
Gary Stewart says
Somebody on Cruz’s team put out those Tweets, That Buck stops with Cruz…
William Simoni says
Gary your right on like I said before Cruz is useing the same campaign tacted as he did in Texas to win the senate with big money from the place his wife’s employed . I know because I lived in Texas when he ran for the senate all his promises went down the drain and he started to go after the establishment in Washington to gain his agenda . Yes he is a great debater but that does not Make a great president look what good debater has given us .yes he’s in office know
Barbara says
I agree with you, and I’m sure that nothing goes out without Cruz knowing about it. I liked him very much but not anymore. I feel bad for the people in Iowa that their vote didn’t count for the candidate that they wanted and trusted. This should show you what it would be like if he is president. Just another Obama. All lies.
holy grailer says
Its 100 % truth..something I have been saying about this phony politician whom knows all of the dirty tricks in the book and is using everyone of them..last week it was the mail issue…this Cuban Canadian is no better than ..say Clinton who will do anything to get what they want. His day of reckoning is about to come to him. What a piece of chit.
Danuta says
And we ,American workers have to pay all price .
phyllis harris says
I absolutely believe it! I always knew Cruz is a liar and a cheating politician! Does not surprise me a bit. If he wins the Presidency it will be like having Bill and Hillary back in the White House because they are just alike!!
Carolyn says
It’s true. I head Dr. Carson talk about it last night. I believe Dr. Carson. Bet he never expected this!!!
Dolores Tamoria says
Dr. Carson is not a Lair. This action he is accused of should be thoroughly investigated.
Danuta says
Carson for Vice president!!!
Robert K Doerler says
Believe it, he isn’t even American Born as the Constitution requires, regardless of how it is spun by his people.
It’s the fault of the AMERICAN people that he is allowed to run, because they accept it without question and don’t challenge his claims and should demand a VERY, VERY close investigation, BEFORE he can put his name in to run.
Daniel Conway says
Cheryl says
Me neither Dr Carson only had 9.3 percent of the vote in Iowa I can’t believe this early in the vote somebody is already making allegations of fraud ohhh Lord it’s only going to get uglier..
mlrimer says
Then you should do some vetting on Cruz. Which you wont
Bobby G says
The vetting was done on Cruz long before the debates even started and people were desperate to find dirt on him but couldn’t, so they resort to setting him up as a fraud…can’t you people see what’s going on here. Carson will be out, Cruz will be accused of fraud, Trump is not as liked as many people think he is and will drop rapidly…opening the gates for the establishment boy to come in…Rubio…who will get endorsements from Bush (as VP) Christie (Sec of State) and Kasick as Ambassador to Rome :-)…this is the “Get Rubio in early” ploy folks don’t fall for it or we’ll just have another 4 years of the same.
Joe says
He gets his money from the big money people!!!
William Simoni says
Bobby I’m not a Rubio Bush Christie Kasick or trump fan. But Cruz is a good debater just like what we have in office now and a friends of big money. Just like what what we have in office now. example, the oil pipe line OB stopped it was not ithe envierment or any of his off the wall reasons it was for big money backer MR Buffet why , he happens to move that oil with his railroad that’s what happen when your in bed with big money . Like I said the email I recived from Cruz said I have some generous donors we don’t need candidate that claim they big backers we already have one. Now we don’t another
Danuta says
Cruz and Rubio are not eligible . So Carson was second in Iowa .
noni says
believe it, Cruz will do anything to win , maybe he can shut down the government again, Trump , might have gone after all of them , in and out of the debates , but he said it out in the open, and they could defend them selves, Cruz did it , when the game was being played, that’s cheating
Masanja Balele says
I told you –Repubs and TPs are dumb. They have voted for Cruz who is not born on American soil and left Trump our son born here. Please ask Ted Cruz to withdraw as WH candidate before he is arrested for faking American. In fact I do not understand brains of Repubs and TPs. In 2012 they wanted to change the US Constitution to allow Arnold to run for the WH job. I am not surprised Trump calls them names such as stupid. GOP morons know Ted is a foreigner ineligible for the WH job; still they are keeping him in GOP line-up. I believe these TPS and Repubs do not know Republican Texas attorneys have already filed lawsuit to remove Ted Cruz from the Senate and GOP WH line-up. He cheated on his Senate papers that he was from Delaware; when actually he is from Canada or Cuba. They should ask Cruz to slither away to avoid arrest for faking American.
Bobby G says
Trump does not qualify…you have to have two American born parents…his mother was born in Scotland
Joe says
You just destroyed all of your comments!! You don’t know the law!! One parent a citizen and born on American soil! He qualifies! cruz has the at least one parent stipulation covered, but was born on Canadian soil! Done deal, not eligible!!!
Janet says
I guess Cruz doesn’the either. Who is left? Lol
Daniel Conway says
Danuta says
His father was Cuban.His mom in time of Ted birth time was not American because she voted in Canada that time. So ….
thomas says
to all cruz assholes, he’s not a natural born citizen and i heard he only became a citizen about 18 months ago and that’s pure fraud, if he rigged iowa that’s a federal offense and he should not only be disqualified but incarcerated! i do believe some fould play may have been involved in his victory for donald trump as about 5% points ahead by caucus time so i think cruz knows what he did, and i say “your fired cruz”!
CRA says
Actually, if you read the Constitution, Article II Section 1 somewhere around clause 5, it states EXACTLY who can become President. Based on what it says (here’s the link to the Constitution text Cruz, (whom I do not support to be President, by the way) does qualify. This is just another way for the riff-raff to create media hype and a problem so attention is diverted and the real issues are not address. Here is what that section states. Read it and do the math yourself.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Amendment XIV Section 1:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
Joe says
Natural born is the crux of the matter! Natural born means on American soil!! That is why there are additional stipulations concerning what is American soil!
Daniel Conway says
Danuta says
Like Cruz and Rubio.We are destroying our constitution.
Danuta says
Also Rubio is an Anker baby .Should not run for president . Any parent was not American citizen. Just it is mockery from American Presidency. We have Kenian president Now we want Cuban-Canadian or only Cuban ( Rubio ) It is shame.We don’t have any more American citizens to run for presidency ??? So we are not longer AMERICA .
paul rathman says
dirty tricks texas horse trader can’t be trusted
N Ruiz says
I agree!
Susie says
I do believe it..voter fraud happens all the time!
Daniel Conway says
Maxx says
This sounds more like something Clintons people or more likely the GOP Establishment would do to make it look like Cruz’s people did it. Look how in 2014 Thad Cochran enlisted democrats to illegally cross-over and vote for him in MS when only two weeks prior to the election he was way way way behind since the democrat race was a lock anyway. The GOP has been operating against conservatives for decades. Why would they not keep it up?
Kirkland Byars says
This is the way real politicians screw honest people. Cruz is a Cuban-Canadian who needs a nose job. Amen
Danuta says
Rubio also anker baby .
Eunice Stevens says
You can verify the truth by reading his statement on his own letterhead. Also, check out Tweet from his campaign manager.
karenmcelroy says
Of course he would do that. The only ones I would vote for would have been Trump or Mike Huckabee.. They are all dishonest except Huckabee and Trump. Go Trump!
Danuta says
Most honest candidate is Carson. Most Americans agree.
Barbara says
Trump president – Mike Huckabee vice president. I like Ben Carson very much but I don’t think that he would be strong enough.
Ralph says
read the story cruz was buying votes
Nancy Evins says
I am replying to this only because I cannot find a place to write my comment.
If this is true, wouldn’t Carson’s supporters be a bit foolish not to check this out with Carson before any other activity on their part.
Actually, I thought Carson had already pulled out, but I don’t know when I heard or thought I heard it. Certainly before the caucus.
Jackson Willetts says
Very true, Cruz is crooked. Just ask his former staff members who have proof of his past lies and broken promised. Vote Trump 2016 not Cruz, we need a real American in the White House, not some crooked punk.
Danuta says
Trump ,take Carson as V-President .
Joe says
Why not? He sent those mailers out! He’s a snake oil salesman and will do anything to win! He will get clobbered in the next one!!!
Susan says
I have a copy of one of the letters sent by the TedCruz 2016 campaign on my computer. It reads:
Press Reporting Carson to Take a Break After Iowa
Breaking News. The press is reporting that Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week.
Please inform any Carson caucus goers of this news and urge them to caucus for Ted Cruz.
For Liberty,
Spence Rogers
If you want a copy of that I’ll send it, I just can not import a photo into this area.
Mark says
I guess you must have better information than Carson?
Danny Cranfill says
Cruz is nothing but another dirty lying politician.
Confoundmeonce says
Delores T. Of course it is True. As for Carson “”Only Garnering 9.3 percent of the Vote in Iowa ( THINK about WHY that WAS !! ) It is Too Obvious Not to be The Truth. BUT..To ..learn WHY That WAS .”.After.”.. the Vote in Iowa was all over with , but for the Shouting By T.Cruz “”I WON !!”’ It is A Bit too Hard to IGNORE > Truths Do have a way of Surfacing, Sooner or Later. But THIS is one That Can`t Be ignored ! Cruz Did NOT Win A D. Thing. ”The Donald ” Knows IT, as well as All of his FAITHFUL “fans ?” Know IT. I do Agree with Dr. Carson, Tho.. It is Pretty Obvious That He Cannot Win This Election ”No matter Which WAY the Wind Blows’ for Trump OR Cruz,,,,,He just Does Not Come across To The Citizens In A Very Strong Way. He Knows It, too.
John says
This was reported by CNN?
What more do we need to know?
Frank says
If it were reported by Fox, then it would have been ok, wake up
Beverly Eysenring says
I do used to be for Cruz but the more I find out about him I don’t think he is what he says he is plus he is not qualified to run for president Not born here an neither was his father
Frank says
Of course because you are an Idiot, the end
Danny Cranfill says
So guess you are fresh off the turnip wagon to believe anything cruz says
henry frederick says
Yeh Gerald your head is so far up yourass you couldn’t see it or hear it if it smacked you in your mouth
Janet says
Cruz will do anything to get elected. He has been campaigning for years. If he would have lost Iowa, he would have been ddevastated. Rick santorium, Huckabee won Iowa. What does that tell you?
Elizabeth says
Why not? Politics are dirty!
JIM C says
this is a lie I live in Muscatine and I went to the caucas and they did not say that carson was out of the race they did have someone there trying to get you to vote for him
Jackie says
This doesn’t sound right to me either. Why would the Cruz campaign do something like this when they would know that the next day it would come out. Something else is going on.
Dr. Carson’s reaction is honest and to be expected.
Pat says
I believe it probably happened but I really doubt Cruz knew he was being “helped” out. He is capable and smart and has no need to cheat to win. I do believe there is something else going on here.
Roberto says
Here Again like old Harry said THE BUCK STOPS HERE. If you are their Leader then you are responsible for what your People do in your NAME
Mike says
I am absolutely sure about Carson’s honesty and integrity, and DOUBT very much Cruz integrity. Cruz dishonesty is coming from years being a wicked politician!!!
Pancho Villadeltren says
What else is the mentally challenged BEAN Cursing going to come up with next? Is he not the crazy Jackleg that claims the sun is cold and square, the Pyramids were made by Motel 6 to house future kings, and that he was a deadly knife fighter? This kook need to be locked up in a padded cell. He is making his tribesmen look like they are not so dumb, with him being dumber.
marilyn says
I saw the tweet myself and one of the women running on caucus told Carson’s wife when she showed up what had happened it happened, and if Cruz wouldn’t have gotten those extra votes, who knows, Trump might have won. Cruz is a liar and a cheat. Trust me. I’m from Texas and we know his reputation here.
jerrymotak says
Was he a American citizen or Canadian citizen.
Peg Stoodley says
Neither do I.
jack says
Cruz did use trickery. He is that type.
Diana says
Cruz is not fit to be in our gov. Period and you better believe it, no Canadian should be Mi. Would not listen and put granhome in office as governor and she was very bad for America much less Mi., she allowed Canada to bring their contaminated garbage across the river to Mi., and pushed for deep well injection which ended up leaching in to our soil, and most likely our water, people better wake up we are losing our country to perverts, foreigners, athletes, who want this country distroid and turn into a third world country, Cruz is a slimy worm, don’t like him or Rubio can’t trust ether one in any way, and if the rebulicans elite don’t stop pushing for Rubio I will not vote republican, tired of political parties that don’t do their job lie and steal from the people to pad their pockets.
Jeannette says
I read an article where Ben Carson said himself that he was going to suspend his campaign after Iowa out of deference to his campaign worker who was killed in an auto accident.So, his games don’t wash, if the article is true.
Quiltenlady says
Carson is a big cry baby. All is fair in political scene just not fraud. Which he had nothing to do with but it is true why waste your vote on someone on their way out the door.
thomas jenkins says
cruz is a warmed over dumacrat and acrooked shitass
JJ says
It has been reported in multiple places as being true and Cruz did apologize for a portion of this…not a good thing
D says
I absolutely do believe it! He’s as dishonest as they come
AW says
I believe it…….lying politicians!!!
Harry Fisher says
You calling my man Carson a liar?
Gary Meeks says
This is what Cruz has done from day one Plus he had help from state people helping him do it. Trump would of won. Carson would of done better
Quiltenlady says
This is made up because Cruz would not go this low. He’s a breath of fresh air and an honest person. Now Trump I don’t trust and he would go this low and try to cause another scene to distract so all you hear is TRUMP’s loud mouth yelling. Ted is calm and very easy to understand if some people would be quite and listen.Carson is a mouse but Trump would and has proven he is evil enough to just do this. Carson don’t have a back bone sounds like a mouse. Then loud mouth Trump would and probably did do it.
Lou says
Not Cruz his staffers
Cynthia Gandy says
I don’t believe Cruz or Carson to be liars! It seems that assumptions were made, that may have set the ball rolling not because someone outwardly mean’t to be untruthful. Again, if ambition, calculated, or mistaken assumptions are a reason to bale on Cruz, you need to try again. Not jumping the Cruz Train 2016! Go Ted! Americans believed in your efforts and you stood for us Ted. Keep Cruzin 2016 if you want to be governed by a Leader whom observes, seeks to follow, and admires the Constitution!
Joel Garcia says
Remember that Carson did suspend his campaign last week due to the death of one of his staffers in a car accident. Someone probably picked up on it and passed it along.
nj says
Not only should this man not even be running but all along there have been allegations that people don’t like him personally and I certainly don’t believe that even IF he met the requirements of “natural born” citizen that he has the credentials to run a country.
Obama did not either! Are people so stupid as to continue to do stupid over and over and over and over…..
debdell says
I guess you can’t handle the truth.
weary conservative says
Here either, but we know very well that if they can’t find anything legitimate to attack him for, they’ll make something up.
asian lady says
Frank Klimekoski says
You can believe it!! The first thing Cruz did today, on the news networks,was to say he was sorry to Dr. Carson for doing it. Do you believe Cruz?
Darryl says
I can assure you, Ben Carson is not a liar! You must be one of those bleeding hearts that I warned people about.
Janice says
These accusations are 100% true a friend of mine thAT lives in Iowa told me about
pjt says
And why wouldn’t you? The people in Iowa were reporting that they received the mailings about their voting records last week.
kent says
why wouldnt he lie about this he has been caught in lies before on the republican debates
noooo chhhhit!!
Main Street says
The Iowa caucus is not democracy. It’s a bunch of folks in halls pressuring people. N.H.’s REAL election will put Trump and Sanders back in the driver’s seat. Iowa should join the 21st century and have an American secret ballot election instead of a chaotic caucus.
Nancy Rodibaugh says
Cruz admitted it in an apology to Carson publicly
al Edwards says
Like a true Dem. No brains
Jc says
If he went so far as to threaten the voters with shaming them publicly to their neighbors if they didn’t vote, why would this seem so out of his methodology? He’s just proven himself to be a crooked establishment politician. Just like Hitlery.
karen graves says
Oh believe it. Fox reported it last night when it was happening , that they were saying Carson was leaving and going home to drop out when in fact he was leaving to go home and come back the next day! I heard it! I am surprised that they have not brought that out. I think it was Megan that was announcing it. I have been shocked that they in turn were pretty silent about it up until now. Carson said he did not know if Cruz knew about it . Even Carson’s wife who went to one of the locations was approached by someone who had heard that he was dropping out and she was able to set the record straight there but it was being spread from location to location. Many others were told the same things. It will come out. Carson said if Cruz did not know about it, he needed to at least fire those who were involved. Why do you not believe this when the twiitter is proof and that was only one. There were others. Trump has been silent so far about it. It is possible that had this not happened , Cruz would not have gotten any of Carson’s votes and Trump might have won. Additionally, Carson could have come in with many more votes. This is actually quite awful. I do not know how it can be rectified. I think Trump is busy pondering what he is going to do about it. He certainly lost votes because of it. Cruz should have commented on it by now. I am in shock that there is so much dishonesty going on. If it takes Carson to expose it than so be it.
Allard Jacobsen says
I don’t think you can denie the tweet. Here it is:
Steve King ✔ @SteveKingIA
Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope. …
7:20 PM – 1 Feb 2016
Lola Staples says
I believe this was a very dirty trick by Kruz.
Carson is a very truthful and good man.
Leslie Burks says
This is one of the many reasons people who know Cruz don’t like Cruz.
This makes him no better than Obama and Reid. He will do and say anything win the presidency. He has lost my vote. He has put a dark cloud over the state of Texas. This is not how we work.
Sal Belardo says
Ed says
You must be a Dimocrat..
aspergus hermann says
I believe this is the fraud -accusing Cruz of the first
aspergus Hermann
Neal says
You better believe it!. If Steven King tweeted his response there was a reason. The buck stops at the top! Cruz can’t be elected!!!!
GERALD. says
We have not had a great President since ‘HONEST ABE AND J.F.K.
All career politicians know how to do is spend Billions of tax payers money. Biggest con ever.
They get the people to pay their way into office by making empty promises.
Now a real Business man pays his own way because he loves his country. He did not question the voting. BUT THE CAREER POLITICIANS ARE AFRAID OF HIM! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!
livefree ordie says
Cruz would not be involved in this. I happen to know him. He is aboveboard. I’d like to find out the REAL story before people start slinging $hit. First it was a Congressman giving his opinion. It looks like maybe some people involved in the campaign took it as gospel and spread it. THIS IS TYPICAL B.S. TO THROW MUD ON A CANDIDATE WHO IS MAKING HUGE GAINS. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was actually the Trump people that did it. That is HIS kind of dirty trick, not Ted Cruz’s.
Barbara says
Just like most people. It’s always someone else’s fault. Most people are afraid to take responsibility. Ted already admitted to it and apologized. Sometimes saying your sorry doesn’t cut it. Wake up.
Laura says
Believe it bc he “apologized.” Too little, too late. He already screwed up the process. I’m done with Cruz.
Connie Cox says
I believe it. And I am so sorry.
i do
Joel Garcia says
Remember that a couple of weeks ago, there were tweets going around supposedly by Trump. Glenn Beck even received one and it caused a stir because he forwarded it and then had to apologize to Trump. Maybe the same thing happened this time. Word of caution: anytime any of the candidates receive an email or tweet of this nature, they need to verify it before acting or responding on it.
Terry says
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dam republicans are doing everything to hurt Trump any way they can I don’t trust King!!!!! TRUMP and Carson 2016!!!!!
Virginia McFarland says
According to what I have read, the media first published the idea that Carson may be dropping out, and it was picked up from there by some of Cruz’ people. When Cruz discovered what happened, he apologized to Carson and said it was a mistake.
Susan Emberton says
Wrong! Cruz approved his people doing this, even though Carson was there earlier, and Cruz knew he was. Trump did not go after Cruz, until Cruz went after Trump in their campaign ads because Cruz got better poll numbers, and thought if he went after Trump, even after saying he would NOT say anything negative about Trump, but because he figured his numbers were getting better, and he didn’t need to be nice to Trump anymore, he went back on his word and did the first mudslinging against Trump. Then, after the first mud was slung, Trump pointed out that Cruz is NOT eligible to even be the president due to his birth not being in this country, or being born elsewhere, but to 2 people that WERE born in this country, as the constitution states. He has neither of those 2 credentials, and he knows it, as he studied constitution law at college. Now we must remember that if he has already lied, manipulated and outright went forward, knowing it was NOT legal for him to be president, what kind of person is he? He claims to be a good christian, but I doubt christ would have approved of his methods of lie, cheat, and steal to get what you want. Did O’Bama and Hillary train him or what? He only HOPES he is so much smarter than the voters, that he can get away with the religion card, and play the innocent victim of his own campaign people’s mistakes. He knew what was being done. He was in charge of everything he did. CBS news even shows him saying he sent out the fraudulent letters about the violation of the non-existing voting law. Voting is a right, and not a mandatory action. Cruz knows the law, and admitted that he himself ordered these letters to be sent to get more people to participate in the caucus, with no regard to honesty. Just use fear, and ridicule by neighbors to get them in, and also remove one of the other candidates, by lying about him dropping out. Do you really think Cruz is so innocent? He even uses religion to try to warm us over to him. He is calculating and wicked to do this. Just watch his decisions for the elections, and think about who you are voting for. If Cruz was really innocent, then he certainly cannot control our country, if he cannot control his own employees to work in the art of honesty. Is he really what we want in the most important job in this country. He will be making our decisions for us if put in the white house. He will be making our laws, and is this really the kind of man we want.
anything is possible, these damn fools are hungry and will do anything they can get away with . Look how ted and trump used to talk all buddy buddy with one another until the polls started to show numbers then they started to cut each others throat just for the vote. It’s all about power tripping. Who is going to run the strongest country in the world . POWER HUNGRY
Harry Katz says
Dirty trick indeed. Anybody doubting that it is true, look around and it is easy to find copies of the e-mail. If not true, then why would Cruz apologize for it?
Terrie Savage says
He’s a liar. His voting record is for all to see. Rubio busted him and Meagan Kelley busted him. Have you ever seen a debate where they actually showed a video of Cruz himself in the Senate to discredit his honesty? Thank God he doesn’t have a chance to be President!
Penny says
I do he is a snake in the grass . He’ll strike when your back is trun.
noemi rodriguez says
Me ether sound little kid talk.
John Macdonald says
I believe it. Cruz is a phony and a liar. I can’t believe I used to like him. Trump is the only one who will make America great again .
John Macdonald says
Cruz voter fraud allegations go mainstream!
Lorraine says
he admitted his people did this
Karen Heath says
How do you feel now that Cruz has apilogized?
me too don’t believe this
John says
Well, you should. Did you hear his disgustingly long speech? “mother, I love you.” His voice inflections, pauses. It’s all for show.. Who uses God to win votes? Hint: not a Christian.
RJ says
Cruz’s own people owned up to it…Steve King, a congressman from Iowa and Cruz’s suppoter in Iowa said it himself…
nj says
Not only should this man not even be running but all along there have been allegations that people don’t like him personally and I certainly don’t believe that even IF he met the requirements of “natural born” citizen that he has the credentials to run a country.
Obama did not either! Are people so stupid as to continue to do stupid over and over and over and over…..
Steve says
Cruz admitted it and apologized so I am not sure why you choose not to believe it.
Azrajo says
Believe it or not. The proof is all over the Internet which is why Red Cruz ” the good Christian” had to apologize today.
Susan Emberton says
Yes, I’m afraid you’ve chosen to believe in another dirty politician, who is not even eligible, according to the constitution, (which he claims to be educated in knowing) which states that to be eligible, the candidate must either be born in this country, or be born of parents (that is plural, which means BOTH parents must be born here) in order to be eligible to become president. Cruz is neither of these, and so, is not qualified to be elected to the position of president. Now, on the other hand, if you are related to the BUSH presidential family, as Clinton, and O’Bama are, the rules don’t apply to you, and you can still get what you want even if it IS illegal, I suppose. No wonder that while George H. W. Bush was president, he wanted to be known as the “education” president. Yet, while he was president, the laws of the constitution stopped being taught in public schools, I guess it’s just a coin toss away, if we are still able to remember that we do HAVE a constitution.
Ron Lane says
Why, check out Cruz for yourself.
gary vogt says
Why not…. Cruz did.
Bill says
Well I do!!
Augustus says
I absolutely do believe this story about Cruz.
June W. Gannaway says
If several of them would drop out, we might have a chance of not spaylitting the vote, and getting a good man in office.
joella says
I believe it!
Charlotte says
He’s a liar and cheat should be kicked out this isn’t first time he was caught lying
patrice says
I agree. There’s a lot more to this than the media has reported. I don’t believe this story one iota.
tlmunc says
He admitted to it…. What more do you need. So much for Christian values!
Kathy Diamond says
Timunc, You’re right. He did admit it but he blamed it on his people. He not only did this to Carson, but these same people told voters in Iowa that Trump was pro Obama Care & Pro Abortion. Looks like IF HE WINS we will have more dirt in the White House. God Forbid
TRUMP 2016
Lee Fisher says
Trump has repeatedly said he likes “Single Payer” Medical care and he is Pro-Choice which is a nice way of saying Pro-Abortion. Don’t you listen to what the man says?
He also has repeatedly said (recently and in the past) that politically, he is more aligned with the Democrat agenda then the Republican ideology.
The one statement that worries me about Trump is his claim that as soon as he is elected President of the US, people will find he is a completely different person than what the see now. (I forget the exact words, but I do have the meaning correct.)
It is kind of like what we got from Obama, huh?
Kathy Diamond says
BELIEVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!
Darl says
Cruz’s own campaign manager admitted to the email. TRUMP 2016
Lee Fisher says
Not all the facts are reported about this “scam” supposed to defraud Carson.
First: the first note said Carson was leaving, and the note was sent from the Carson staff.
A second note, minutes later, said Carson was going to get a change of clothes.
In the meanwhile: the Cruz staff, not seeing the second note yet, jumped at the chance to collect some Carson votes, believing Carson was out of the race. BIG MISTAKE, NOT FRAUD.
The biggest mistake is the Cruz staff did not alert everyone that Carson was still in the race. WHY? Who knows, but I would surmise that no one thought about reporting the mistake, not knowing what others were doing.
You get an exhausted bunch of people running things and lots of stuff will get messed up or forgotten.
BUT, we all know a whole bunch of media and political pundits are going to tear Cruz up for being such a cheater, while, if you know the real facts, it just is not what happened.
Charles Laughton says
If you look at Cruz’s side profile you will notice his nose has grown in small centimeters. Politicians from Texas (Cruz really from Canada) are unreliable notorious lier’s to begin with. Can’t have these types of sneaky underhand type people running the country.
jophoenix says
Cruz and his backers Goldman Sacks would be up to dirty tricks, and what planet do you live on????
brooke says
For those who don’t believe these allegations about Cruz- you obv. didn’t hear Cruz’s Campaign manager admitting they spread a public CNN report about Carson and tweets from a Cruz supporter stating- “It appears Carson is pulling out of the race”- and that they emailed all ground workers to spread the word to voters at all centers. If Carson was indeed dropping out he would have announced it himself. Cruz’s Campaign Manager appeared on Fox news last night saying “Well, we were only passing on what we heard”. Supporters of Carson were mislead by Cruz’s ground team to vote for Cruz instead of Carson. Plain and Simple. Get your head out of the sand. Cruz is no saint.
Cece says
Wow, you are gullible. This is only part of the cheating cruz story… Trump was ahead and the slimebags who run cruz’s campaign couldn’t have that, so they sent 3 separate messages to 1500 precinct captains- not the one on king’s tweet above either) telling them Carson was out, when Carson never said he was out. As a matter of fact, Carson said just the opposite. But thr Cruz campaign lied, and sent 3 similar messages to 1500 precincts captains telling them Carson was out and Carson wants voters to coalesce for Cruz! Lies!!!!! Then the cruz campaign sent out thousands of flyers that looked like government issue, with each voters name on it, and a message telling them to vote for cruz! This is deliberate lying, cheating and basically stealing the election from Trump with these slimy tactics! Yeah, sure cruz didn’t know… And you believe that I’ve got a bridge I can sell you-cheap! C’mon people your fake so-called Christian, so-called conservative knew, and is an accomplished liar. Now we find out, he’s also a cheater! What kind of a Christian would do something so deceitful? Ask yourselves that.
Linda says
Well you better believe it because it is true. If you were following the cascus you would know what was going. Cruz is nothing more than a smooth talking lier and cheat. He did a great injustice to Dr. Carson and also Trump. Had he not used dirty tricks you would have seen a different out come. And he has continued his dirty tactic into NH, SC and NJ. To many postings from people in these states receiving faux checks and shaming letters.
Spike says
I’m doubting the details surrounding these allegations. However, what does it say about the self doubts of Carson supporters that they would readily believe suggestions that Carson had suspended his campaign. I like Dr. Carson and I wouldn’t be surprised if he temporarily suspended his campaign. He did for the book tour, he did when a tragedy struck some of his young supporters. I think an examination of the facts and timeline will show little malice by Cruz supporters. I think they simply said he isn’t a serious candidate and urge his supporters to make their vote count.
Dorothy says
It was a dirty trick by any stretch of the imagination. Guess he learned well as a senator in the cesspool called DC.
Billy says
It might be wise to wait until this is nailed down as TRUTH before you start casting stones at anyone. Politics is a nasty game so do not take anything as truth until it is proven fact.
noni says
Dr.Carson , is telling you the Cruz campaign lied about his status, his workers told Carson , cruz’s representatives told that to the voters
aw, COME ON MAN!!!
Jeff says
Yes I agree with you he’s another politician what do you expect.
Jeff says
Yes I agree with you he’s another politician what do you expect.
al says
oh Dorothy gets it , to clean it up in DC you need EPA ,Waste management, and a large scum sucker.
holy grailer says
know you can see why he is hated by all others in the senate.
karenmcelroy says
Good he is honest. He will also do what he says he will do. America lets not give up on Trump. He the man for a difficult job.
Beverly Eysenring says
So do I Trump the next president
Quiltenlady says
My vote wipes yours out cause I have supported Ted Cruz from the day he ran for the senate. What an honest Christian person he is a breath of fresh air and he is a CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE Lawyer ! Which Trump don’t know even how to spell(CONSTITUTION) it or even what is in it. Oh wait, he’ll get is spelling dude to show him. After all he doesn’t do anything for himself he has people do it for him. He sits in a office that is bigger than most people’s homes and dictates. If it don’t make him money it’s out. He has no platform for running for office just yelling what you want to hear. Once when in office the the sheep clothing is off then the wolf is in charge continuing Ovomit’s tearing up of America. Cause it had been noted that if Hillary don’t get the nominated Ovomit and her( Hillary) have already let Trump know they will back him. Cause evil minds think a like. You don’t this kind of news on liberal tv only on conservative web sites. A bunch of them not just one.I am speaking the truth nothing but the truth.
weary conservative says
Good post.
debdell says
If you think Cruz is honest you better do some research. Also, for a constitutional lawyer he can’t even say for sure if he is eligible to run for president.
The question is, what if you were born in Japan of an American mother and lived your entire life in Japan then 1 year ago you came to the USA. Then you ran for president. Do you think the “natural” in natural born citizen is there for no reason. You think it would be a good idea to be elected for president only living in the USA for 1 year of your life? What if your American mother went to Iran and you were born there and were raised by the ayatollah, who is your dad, lived in Iran your whole life and then you came to the USA 4 years ago and are running for president? It is just common sense that a “natural” born citizen is different than any other type of citizen and natural means to be born on American soil with at least 1 US citizen parent.
Nancy Rodibaugh says
An honest Christian that admits after the fact he lied to Carson and would give him some delegates which is not legally possible and he knows it, this swung the vote in Cruz favor.
Ed says
You must be a Dimocrat
Neal says
The truth is Cruz can not carry the Electrial College count necessary to capture the Presidency. To much fanaticism for the vast majority of people who actually vote. Same with Rubio. Watch!
Jc says
I’m with YOU!!!!
Augustus says
Yes, is absolutely a dirty trick.
thomas jenkins says
that’s what happens when you hang around with dumacrats
Quiltenlady says
That is what Trump real is dumacrats or democraps how even you spell it that him
Jc says
Whatever you were trying to say, you didn’t come close. Are you illiterate?
Darryl says
DC is where they learn how to do those things. They also learn that WASHINGTON TWO STEP in which they receive money on both sides of an issue. Cruz and Rubio are the best at that Washington Two Step!!!
Jc says
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Neal says
Totally agree!
Kathy Diamond says
On his TV interview this morning he apologized and also mentioned that when Carsons people heard this, they immediatelly e mailed Cruze’s people telling them this was not true. Cruz people never put that e mail out. THIS IS FILTHY POLITICS
Charles Laughton says
I bypass any positive spin written about him. And watch him only when forced to when he’s on the news.
Dorothy says
It was a dirty trick by any stretch of the imagination. Guess he learned well as a senator in the cesspool called DC.
Valerie Carnahan says
They published the e mail the Cruz campaign sent out. There was definitely malice intended.
cowboy56 says
Cruz is just another Obama in sheep clothing.
Honora Simon says
Bravo! We should be able to identify the manipulators after 7 years of Obama. Cruz uses the bible to get power not to be spiritual and honest like Dr. Carson. Maybe Carson is too good for American and we get what we deserve in a Cruz. Let’s lern from past errors and use good judgement. Let the cream rise to the top.
holy grailer says
Exactly as I’ve been telling people who do not pay attention.
thomas says
i couldn’t agree more for cruz sucks and he should go back to calgary and run for office there
henry frederick says
Cowboy 56 you nailed it right on the head.He isn’t even supposed to be able to run ,but if they disallow him ,thet have to admit Odimmo got in illegally
weary conservative says
debdell says
The establishment runs both parties. If a democrat wins or a republican wins the establishment wins and the corruption continues. Trump is the only candidate that will run things and has a chance to change things. All the rest are puppets of the establishment. They all took the money to run for office and are owned. That is how Cruz is like Obama – they both work for the establishment elite that are ruining our country with greed and corruption.
Just like Obama, if Cruz is elected as president then church will fall by the wayside.
Kathy Diamond says
DONALD TRUMP, ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE 2016. At least he is not a dirty Politician.
Charles Laughton says
He’s another ‘George W.’ type. We don’t that again for the U.S.A.
Charles Laughton says
I prayed very hard asking God to forbid this lying Non – American Canadian from entering The Oval Office.
Augustus says
My father was born in China and mom was born in Ireland. Does that mean I am ChIrish. Also I was born in a plane over the Atlantic Ocean. What am I, a mutt? I have to scratch my head all the time pantsuit Clinton sounds like a bag of cats thrown in a wood chipper.
Jonnathan says
You are a lowdown POS that is responsible for the honest Dr. Carson mishap. But you know cheaters never win. You may have cheated your way to this point but Canadian Cruz is ineligible to run; not seal will keep that secret hidden for the duration of this process.
Lynne says
Yes, cheaters DO win. Look at that piece of worm that is occupying the Oval Office now. Talk about a cheater!! I don’t think Dr. Carson would imply foul play if it weren’t true. I’m a Trump person myself, but I have a lot of respect and like Dr. Carson. To me, Cruz isn’t even an American. Reminds me of the status of the above mentioned piece of worm.
Darlene says
Well said!!!!
Janice Kolacy says
I agree Ben. Carson is a good Christian man as his wife a good Christian..I 100% believe him..I hope he stays In and changes all opinions of Cruz
Kathy Diamond says
Trump is fighting for Carson in this matter, and, the Cruz people also did the same thing to trump in Iowa. They told voters that Trump was Pro Obama Care & Pro Abortion. This changed the dynamics of the voting. Who knows if Trump/Carson would have prevailed
Augustus says
Kathy Diamond says
thomas says
cruz is pure dogshit and a killary liar and i had a gut feelng he may have rigged the iowa caucus due trump as aroung 5% ahead
Carol Lennard says
Cruz admitted his staff sent info on Carson to CNN. Dirty poolAmen
Leslie Burks says
Because Cruz admitted to the fact that he did it.
Laura says
That’s ridiculous. I can’t believe the lengths people will go to justify actions. Cruz messed with the process. He was wrong. A simple apology is just too little, too late. He may not have even won if this hadn’t happened. Is Ted really willing to lie to get the presidency? Why not let it play out? I am sorely disappointed in him.
Harry Katz says
Then explain why Cruz apologized.
June W. Gannaway says
Yes, I agree.
jophoenix says
the very old trick blames the victim this has gotten very old, don’t you think we do
D Elsdon says
In a Drudge online poll, it is:
Trump – 54.5%,
Cruz – 21.6%,
Rubio – 8.7% and
Paul 8.4%. …
And ‘Who Is Ted Cruz Really?‘
Mary says
I checked out your link and began to wonder….I believe in fighting fire with fire. Where is Cruz going to get help with
his campaign unless he goes to people who have always done it? Who is running the other candidates campaigns?
I’ll bet each of them have hired “old guard” types because those types know how to do the work.
Hugiaino says
Where does Cruz get help with his campaign? Cruz prays. Our help comes from God. Read the Old Testament where God fought for Israel and gave them very specific, physical help.
So many here are condemning him without knowing all the facts. I don’t believe Cruz or anyone on his staff started the rumor. I also don’t believe Carson lied. I’ll wait for the facts to be sure. But there are many who would lie and deceive so that both good men would do worse!
weary conservative says
jophoenix says
here we go with the Israel card again, well this might come as a big surprise to some but Israel is not America and this election is about American and Americans not about Israel
debdell says
Cruz has no money, so he begs, borrows, and steals. Just check and see where his money comes from. That is the main reason to vote Trump. When you don’t have the money you have to sell out to get it, just like all the politicians before Cruz have. You should put aside all the Christian stuff and just follow the money. It will show who has attained it with integrity and who is a sell out. Cruz will sell you and your Christian values down the river faster than you can say, Cruz is a sell out. I believe Cruz has good intentions, but when you take the money you have to sell out your constituents.
Penny says
Well if he is already doing the stuff people are he doing that not very Chistian like. So hopefully God will take care of him! He’s been paid off. God help him!!!
Laura says
Cruz already admitted it started w his staff and apologized. I just don’t think an apology is enough. He tampered w the system. He was irresponsible for not checking this out before he promulgated it.
Harry Katz says
May not have started it but they did spread it without verifying it was true.
Augustus says
CNN had a lot to do with it.
Harry Katz says
The sad part, it is only the beginning and both parties are playing. 1 state down, 49 to go. Then the Clinton’s are in their element.
paul says
Oh, Ted! You were my hope. Too many negatives are piling up against you–and if only SOME of them are true, I am going to have to go back to Rand Paul–someone who seems to have not yet lost his integrity.
Mary says
Watch for more to pile up as the establishment has settled on their guy – Marco Rubio.
Hugiaino says
Paul, were you unaware that the attacks would come? And look how quickly most people here are condemning Ted on assumptions! I’ll reserve my judgement until the facts come out. It is quite probable that someone not a part of Ted’s organization started the rumor of Ben’s dropping out to cause both Ted and Ben to lose the nomination.
debdell says
Rand Paul is an honest candidate. I believed in Ron Paul also. Too bad he does not have the Charisma to continue and win. Paul would not be a sell out and for that reason he will never get the establishment behind him. When the establishment is against you then you get a vote like in Iowa. Trump is the only one with the possibility of beating the establishment. Time will tell.
Roberto says
This why All of the canidates with one (1) and two (2) per cent of the votes should bail out all they are doing is muddying up the Water
Keith Jenkins says
I wish everyone loved the Constitution and our Country enough to align with Sen. Paul – he’s the only consistent, principled, Constitutional candidate in the field. That’s probably enough to keep him from getting elected, since most folks have no idea what the Constitution – the highest law in the land – actually says. As a Christian American I’ll support him until the end.
Harry Katz says
What does being a Christian have to do with it and if you weren’t a Christian would you vote for him.
Augustus says
Sen. Paul withdrew
Clint Edwards says
Well, why would any Carson supporter believe he folded BEFORE the votes were taken and results confirmed ? That is nonsense. I can see Cruz supporters saying Carson wasn’t doing well and there viewpoint had a better chance of carrying with Cruz. A non story. if Carson’s supporters are that dumb…………………………………..More sliming of Cruz, nothing more
darrell burkhart says
they sent out emails this isn’t a false claim the only slime here is falling off of the godly cruz his mom and dad should be proud I wonder what phil Robertson thinks now about his godly man
Patricia Kessler says
Couldn’t have said it better Clint.
William Simoni says
Clint I guess I’m a dumb one this is only one vote but I’m still donating to Carson if you have a tme read this book One Nation it may change you mind
Cecilia says
You know, I refuse to take this at face value. How do we know it was actually Cruz people who called and not the people of another candidate claiming to be from the Cruz campaign? Sorry, but I don’t put anything past losing politicians. A good trick is to paint the winner with dirty deeds, anything to make him look bad. Moreover, why would they pick on a candidate who is down in the polls? It makes no sense at all.
Lynne says
Problem with that is WHY would they (Carson folks) cry foul if it weren’t true? He is so far down in t he poll that t wouldn’t really help him that much anyway. My take is that Cruz has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and Dr. Carson’s folks caught the Cruz folks at it.
Hugiaino says
Lynne, I believe Carson was telling the truth. But I don’t believe Cruz started the rumor that Carson was dropping out. There are many, other people who would benefit from both Cruz and Carson losing the nomination over this. (The Left springs to mind.) Or perhaps it was just some reporter who didn’t understand that Ben was only going home for a change of clothes.
Augustus says
Everyone is overlooking the part CNN played in
M.L.K. says
You obviously don’t understand how this works. Cruz and his cronies convince Dr. Carson voters he is out, those votes have to go some where. If they think Carson is out (hence the emails) then Cruz and his cronies want those votes. Also in regards to not knowing if Cruz’s team sent the emails, it’s possible to trace them back to point of origin.
jophoenix says
They admitted it and it is traceable that is the only reason they admitted it so keep dreaming it what Americans have become good at dreaming while we have taken a first world v=country to a third world country and just because you might be doing fine we are a third world nation in far too many ways where you like it or not facts are facts but keep dreaming Trump knows this and fighting to get us back and save his real estate in the process…
Gerald Kleinstein says
I just don ‘t believe this story about Cruz.! Let’s hear what does Cruz has to say about this story.
Carol says
There is photo copies out there if you do your research and Ted Crus knew about it. Ben Carson wife actually confronted some at the caucus she was at. Carson also said Ted Cruz had them smear Donald Trump. I think if he does drop out his supporters will go to Trump as Cruz attacked both Carson and Trump. Also look for Trump to get Huckabee support which will boost Trump. There is also the Debate this weekend which will be interesting. I think Trump will be making a comeback there. His tweet today was smart. Iowa was never Trumps and his hard push kept Cruz from having a landslide and 24% is excellent coming out of Iowa.
Alan says
Like Hillary would say: “What difference does it make?”
Cliff says
I would hope that if this is true, Ted Cruz will fire the instigator of this disgusting action. Honor and integrity, however rare in politics, should be the hallmark of the campaign of one who professes to be a Christian.
Even though I am a fellow Texan, I will withhold my decision to vote for Cruz until this situation is resolved. There are, after all, other candidates in the running.
DS says
Saying Carson was dropping out was kinda like when O bought votes with cell phones!
“Quick! Carson is dropping out! Vote for me, NOW!”
What a ploy!
Pat says
I am a Cruz supporter. I have supported him every since he ran for the Senate here in Texas. If this is true and there is no CNN report then I will be disappointed and will re-
Exam all the conservative candidates again.
I hate politics.
Lynne says
I hate politicians and their greedy, slimy ways. That’s why we don’t need another one leading this country.
Julie Johnson says
Again – who in the hell goes home for clean clothes in the middle of a very important (to Carson) caucus; the very first one. I think this was a ploy on Carson’s part to cry foul. He makes out like he is this calm; cool person but I’ve heard a few things that he has said that puts a different light on his demeanor. It makes no sense and I do not believe a word of it. Cruz has had the dirt thrown at him from all sides (including his own party). He is NOT a Washington “go along – to get along”. I wouldn’t put it past Trump’s people to have pulled this stunt in the name of Carson’s people. Trump is a poor loser and you will hear that in the days to come – attacks intensifying over Cruz. Whoever is gaining ground is “fair game” for Trump.
Carol says
Really you reaching a lot with your unfounded accusations concerning Trump. Trump did not lose anything and what he got was 24% that many never expected him to get plus 1 less delegate than Ted Cruz stole from Ben Carson.
Hugiaino says
Carol, many here are “reaching a lot” with their assumptions that Cruz started the rumor that Ben was dropping out. The investigation is not complete. The facts are not in yet. I’ll withhold my judgement until they are. However, I would suspect someone else is using this to get both Ben and Ted out of the race.
Carol says
The report is there. I saw it last night and it also had the photo copies.
Mary says
I’ll believe Cruz is guilty when Megyn Kelly says so.
Sharon Inman says
Please run for Canadian Prime Minister! Leave us alone and go home!
Al says
After his two term is up as president of USA he will run for PM of Canada. By then a change from the beloved Justin Trudeau might ran out of steam!
Carol says
Then he can run in Cuba.
Mary says
Interesting – a Kenyan, a Cuban, a Canadian.
Donna Hayes says
I’m surprised Ben Carson would stoop this low. He is a good man and he did say he was through and going home. He failed to say, to change clothes. Cruz has no control what some of his staffers do at all times. He should get rid of the one that created all this. Ted Cruz is the right man for the job. I guess now Trump will start all his mud slinging!!! Leave Cruz alone……????????
Marty says
Trump people are probable the one’s who made the call.
Carol says
You people are in denial and Carson is the victim here.
Lynne says
Leave him alone? If he can’t take the heat he doesn’t need to be in the kitchen.
Sonia says
You confirm the story. They make questions about everything else. that is opportunistic crap, and I am not a Carson supporter, but I like the doctor. We just need a CEO for president.
Mary says
we need a Constitutional restorer.
Vincent Ardolino says
I agree with you. Regardless of the factuality of the story, Carson was finished and its time for other candidates not in the top 3 to coalesce behind a strong candidate so we can focus our fire on the real evil. The Democrats are intentionally destroying our country. They are pushing a career criminal vs a Communist as the next President. That’s so unacceptable words don’t properly describe the depravity that is the Democrats.
Jo Ann Fonzone says
if Cruz was born in canada , he is not eligible. he does not seem trustworthy he’s a politician. vote for Trump.
glenn davis says
Obama said that he visited all 57 states. I humbly submit that Canada is state number 51.
Lynne says
I’m with you Jo Ann. Trump has my vote. Someone who knows which end is up, tough as nails, a true American and who truly loves this country.
Mary says
Trump cannot be a billionaire and in such big business all these years without cutting some very
shady deals but none of the candidates will bring them up because Trump will insult them and they
will drop in the polls. Everybody is afraid of Trump who is a bully.
Pam meeker says
Why are the news media stations not reporting this. I have had fox on and heard nothing
Carol says
Because it would take away from their big win for Cruz Think about it Carson got 9% and that is an expectable percentage in itself coming out of Iowa. Now add in the votes someone stole from him and he could have bumped Rubio out of 3rd place.
JJ says
they did report on it this AM
John says
Got news for ya… A hoard of fat blue hairs in Iowa means Nothing!!!… They were dropping the ballots on the floor, miscounting, removed some of Trumps and added some to Cruz….yea this is accurate :(…. and …they picked Huckabee in 2008…seriously??…WTF???
Mary says
That is an OBVIOUS lie. God help you for being so deceitful. Sickening.
Awake says
The whole debacle last night was completely ridiculous! I watched some of The “voting” and was shocked at how backwards and “dark ages” this “caucus” was. It reminded me of picking names out of a hat for Christmas gifts at the office.
After hearing that one of Marcos biggest endorsers MICROSOFT “volunteered” to tally the votes, I KNEW there was corruption.
The American people are really naive. When you see them still voting for a woman we KNOW is corrupt- it proves that you can NOT fix stupid
As far as cruz cheating? It wouldn’t surprise me. I can see right through that “Christian raised” hypocrit People better wise up. This isn’t the office Christmas party!!
holy grailer says
lets remember that cruz has been into politics for his entire adult life and knows all of the tricks–and the ones he doesn’t–his big donors will help him with. You are so right on this.
Vikki says
Sue says
Cruz is the only constitutional candidate that has stood up to the Rinos in the establishment. Attacks on him are constant but bogus. All you haters better hope he wins, he may be our last best hope to stop the socialist democrats who are buying votes with illegal importation of Democrat voters.
lisa says
I agree
Janice says
No our only hope is Trump who is NOT bought and paid for like deceitful Cruz!~
Darryl Douglass says
How about names, names on the Cruz side and Carson side. Whom is this Cruz staffer and those at the Carson campaign that took the call. I’m sure as names are brought forward, the noise will die down very quickly. It’s bunk, a false story and there is nothing behind it close to the truth.
jason george says
This is more than a CNN Story- Dr Carson seemed to corroborate the report with his press conference afterwards- and I don’t think Dr Carson would lie about it.
Carol says
I would believe Carson about this before Cruz to be honest.
JB says
Rubio accused Cruz for doing anything to win votes,
Iowa is just one state and not significant. There is way too much emphasis on Iowa. The top three is what matters regardless of the outcome. We have a very long way to go.
jason george says
I like Ted Cruz but If this was a Cruz staffer- as CNN is reporting, it would be very disappointing. We need to hear more from Ted Cruz on this.
Dot says
Mary says
Trump was my white Obama. He used emotion. Just like Obama. I hope he loses. He’s already warming up his phone and pen. Just like Obama.
Larry says
I knew the Republican elites would try something if Cruz won. He was the best candidate followed by Trump, but the Rino’s will begin to lie and rag on the best conservative. Go get them TED.
Pharilda Galloway says
I believe it was Cruz who “tried something.
bob mcmillan says
this suprises some people? crus is a politician and most lie,lie.and lie. vote trump if you want change.
Lynne says
DITTO Bob, DITTO! We need a leader, not a crooked politician.
Tom says
This sort of action is typical in the reality of the liberal party, it saddens me deeply that any conservative candidate would resort to such tactics. I truly believe that Cruz wants to win the nomination badly. Unfortunately history has shown us that anyone who wants to do something badly will badly do the job. I am from Texas and by all rights should be supporting Cruz in his efforts to win the nomination but in all honesty, I feel what our nation needs now is someone from outside of the political system with the guts to take on the establishment and stop the foolishness that is going on in our government. Can one person make a difference? I hope and pray that it is so. The fate of our nation depends on it…
Diane says
Ted Cruz has done badly for Texas. He flip flops his decisions and he barely shows up for voting on things plus he OK the Omnibus Bill. He didn’t stand up for Texas. Plus he’s bought and paid for by Goldman Sachs.
I’m from Texas.
Mary says
Why do you consider Trump an outsider? He has been wining and dining the establishment all his life.
BJShad says
You are absolutely right Mary.
Until very recently Trump was a Democrat….actually all his adult life. Now he is running on the Republican ticket? Why? He has supported Hillary in campaign after campaign and given millions to the Democrat party. Not at all like Reagan who was a Democrat and slowly evolved into a Republican conservative.
The country voted for Change with Obama…I’m not willing to take that chance with Trump who has yet to prove he is a Republican in any shape or form. I want someone who is for America first and her people NOT Big Business!!!
Barbara says
I was a Democrat most of my life, but I’m not happy with what they are doing to our country. So should I evolve slowly into a Republican conservative. No I don’t think so. When I see something wrong I try to make a better decision right away. I don’t wait years. I liked Reagan but maybe he was a slow thinker.
lisa says
your want a man that pouts when he doesn’t get his way has a rally with no one else around to put him on the spot to answer questions that he doesn’t want to answer.. doesn’t show up to a debate because he was afraid of answers that he could not answer again. that flip flops to meet the needs of himself to rise. 3 yrs ago he was for everything opposite that he is standing for now. how does one change his ways so fast. look up the past of trump and see if you feel the same way about him. look up Cruz resume. impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carol says
Not doing a debate should never have been an issue and if he soooo scared why is Trump going to this weekend debate? I think Trump got a plan and it includes this debate, his showing in New Hampshire and Carolina.
Mary says
Sometimes I think all the Trump supporters think he will give each of them big time jobs when he is president.
Roberto says
Marta Reyes says
Answer to Prayer won the victory for Senator and future President of the United States, Ted Cruz! He is a True Conservative, a gentleman of integrity, but above all, humble! Satan has always attacked the Christan and excellent at pointing out our sins to our Lord. Praying for Ted Cruz and his family because the Satanic attacks have started. God has great plans for our country “2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
[14] If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” LET GOD!
lisa says
totally agree with you
JohnLamb says
Yet Christ himself slammed the money changers physically out of the temple!!!
With those types even he knew that physical force is the only answer!!!!
So don’t fall for these false Christians who represent the modern pharisees (Banksters) and take their money to enslave us.
BJShad says
Thank You Marta Reyes
Excellent Post!!!
connie says
I think Cruz did not even know what was happening on the field if it was true. Perhaps a supporter of Ben Carson might have misunderstood the intention of the person working for Cruz. Then this was brought to a massive attack on Cruz with no idea how it happened. Dr. Carson no matter how he stay on the race is a fact to say that he would not have a chance. But anyway now his defeat will all be blamed for Ted Cruz. No “R” to be used?
lisa says
I agree
Wendy says
I have thought all along that Ted Cruz and NOT be trusTED. Dirty politics to
snake Carson votes is just the icing on the cake.
lisa says
do you believe everything you read. do your research and look at what Cruz stands for. your going to take one news broadcast to believe what is really going on.
Jack McWain says
Let’s not forget that CNN is a liberal entity for Hillary ( notice the small h)
G williams says
oh come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know it was really Obama.Isn’t it always?
Pharilda Galloway says
I guess the bottom line is don’t believe anything you hear from the Cruz Campaign. I didn’t anyway. I had already decided he is a conniver and I don’t trust him. He didn’t waste any time looking for dollars from Carson supporters either. I got my first e-mail from him this morning asking for a donation. Sorry Ted you won’t be seeing any dollars from me – or any votes either.
Neil T. says
Cruz has shown himself to be unworthy and ineligible for the Office he seeks:
He lies about his citizenship, being unable or unwilling to produce proof of U.S. Citizenship (which would be on the passport he’s hiding … like Obumma);
He knows that he is not a natural born (U.S.) Citizen (since he was born on foreign soil, and since both his parents were not U.S. citizens when Ted was born), so he is therefore perpetuating the lie that Obumma could possibly be eligible. He’s no better than Obumma himself.
How’s that for a so-called ‘Christian Constitutionalist’! DISGUSTING. TREASON.
Tom says
I am truly saddened that this type of action, if true, is happening from any conservative candidate. this type of action is typical in liberal politics. I am from Texas and I suppose I should be supporting Cruz but n my heart and from my own perspective I believe we should have a candidate from outside of the existing political system. Our government is broken. Surely everyone can see that. We need someone from outside of the system to make any real change in the system. Whomever, can convince me that they are the one who can make the difference, then they will get my vote and support. Rest assured that it will NOT be somebody from inside a corrupt system making false promises just to get elected and then do nothing. If we have not learned anything over the last seven plus years, we are doomed to failure as a free people.
lisa says
we need someone that is educated on how the goverment works. trump knows nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!! when cruz is president he will be able to do conservative actions that will be followed through with and no the ins and outs of the system
JohnLamb says
Nor did Reagan, yet he proved the “best” by beating the Soviets. Notice I didn’t say Russians, who have changed their ways and are now even more Christian than we’re allowed to be in our Christian country!!!
Go see how they celebrate Christmas and Easter. Putin is in Church, not hosting nonsense like Oby boy. Get Trump in, we need someone fresh who can ask questions and change policies. Not sameold, sameold.
Joanne says
I don’ trust Cruz. Take a good look at his face particularly his SHIFTY eyes. His entire being is filled with LIES. Go back to Canada Cruz. You are not quality POTUS material. TRUMP is still the one for me and I believe he’ll win the nomination.
lisa says
what do you mean go back to Canada he was born there thats all. trump is the liar. he is a flip flopper. 3 yrs ago he was against everything that he is standing for now. how can someone change their views that quickly. do your research.
JohnLamb says
They get educated, listen to top specialists and use common sense to discern what has not worked and try and change it. (Know what discern means?)
frank mcdonald says
does anyone know if cruz was boren in canada or the united states
lisa says
his mother is a citizen and cruz was born in Canada. so if one of the parents is a united state citizen then the child is considered a citizen
Arnie Kezsbom says
Check Tweeter, it’s true!!
DHR says
Sounds like something Richard Nixon would do. This does not happen without the candidate being responsible weather he knew beforehand or not.
lisa says
that is so not true. Cruz has not done anything or has bad talked anybody in the campaign just stating the facts about trump and people are just trying anything I mean anything to crush him. god is on his side and he will lead this country like it should be lead once again.
Nick says
All in All..this just a Dog and Pony show (disambiguation).
We think we make a difference…we are given an Illusion…oue choices of whom we vote for
are gonna make a difference …as the status quo goes on…
Corporate..machine keeps grinding…
Shirley says
The closer it gets to election time, the more lies get spread about Cruz! I KNOW the family and Cruz is an honorable man, a brilliant man, a constitutional scholar and someone who loves his country and is putting up with all the BS comments just because he wants to make a difference in the lives of those of us who are sick of gov’t intervention in every area of our lives. He was BORN in Canada because that’s where his AMERICAN mother and NATURALIZED father went to work. And you would too were you in need of money to live. He didn’t stay long and was raised in the U.S. I hate seeing sore losers bad-mouthing such a man just because of sour grapes (your guy didn’t win). He needs to spank any staff member who may have participated in any illegal scheme. Candidates don’t always know what their staff is doing, but they are still responsible. I’m disappointed in Dr. Carson. Even with 10%, he didn’t have a Chinaman’s Chance at being elected Prez!!
JohnLamb says
Imagine if he was Prez, he wouldn’t know or take responsibility for WWIII because one of his staff inadvertedly started it!!! God preserve us from incompetents!!! go TRUMP.
Faye says
Cruz us a crook. Look at those voter letters he sent out making it seem as though the voter would be reported and all their neighbors would know if they didn’t go out and vote for Cruz. Then the Ben Carson thing. Also, am very suspicious of how the votes were counted by Google.
holy grailer says
Exactly–he’s a complete PHONY who worked for GWBush and knows how the dirty politic game works–his motto is” it doesn’t matter how I get to be the president as long as I get to be president”–he needs to go back to Canada.
Sonia says
Oh, my God!!! I did not expect this from the Cruz campaign. Steve king can be slimy. Desperate people will do desperate things.
Trump 2106!!
banjo girard says
this is just another part of the cesspool of government that we need to change! The people of the US better get out and vote for a new president. NOT A POLITICIAN.
Masanja Balele says
Trump should have not accepted endorsement from this woman from Alaska –they call her Sarah Palin. Look how she was dressed at endorsing and promoting Trump. That dress is for sleazy girls not for President of TPs and Repubs or governor. And Repubs and TPs talk about family values. Is that family value-dressed like that! That was fake family value. I am told last December her family got in a brawl in a tavern and they were thrown out. I wonder if it’s true she had 5 guns each with 25 rounds and carries them in her vehicle. Well, she may be right. I am told Alaska has a lot of grizzly bears and coyotes. This woman poisoned Trump campaign in Iowa. He should stay away from Palin.
Bonnadee says
I am sad to see so many negatives piling up against Senator Cruz. I have some doubt that Ben Carson instigated this latest one, though. Trump is the one that resorts to scandalous accusations and personal insults. I am not ruling out Trump as the instigator of this especially since he didn’t do so well in Iowa. Trump is a dangerous man.
Patrick says
During the Fox news coverage early last night, the commentators mentioned this very thing about Ben Carson dropping. The polls were still open and it seemed to be common knowledge, so it would seem logical people would not want to ‘WASTE” their vote on someone dropping out of the campaign. So, who put out the misinformation and had something to gain from it?
lilij says
See my post below please. It addresses ALL these things. 1) Yes, there was a journalist post about a vote for any one other than Cruz is a vote for Trump. 2) I have received an email about Carson taking a vacation from the campaign… and it was from Carson..
Peggy Richter says
like the threatening mailer. I expect better from Cruz and am disappointed in that. Wonder if Levin, who has been an attack dog against Trump for the last 2 weeks will notice?
Sarika Snelson says
I have always liked Dr. Carson. He has shown us all that his faith is solid and he does not compromise on His walk with His God. If what Cruz’s people are doing what Dr. Carson reported, shame on them! This country needs a strong leader that will stay true to not only his faith, but to ‘we the people’. Keep up the good fight Dr.Carson! I hope and pray Cruz does not know what his people did, or he will loose the Presidency. I will not be voteing for him.
lilij says
1) I appreciate and LOVE Carson!
2) Do not always believe everything you read. Research ALL the facts first. Don’t jump to conclusions… Several things happened yesterday and the day before to make this seem credible, but…..
Keenan says
Keep Calm Carson On
Martin says
Real Cruz comes out he lied about being a big christian only went to church twice a year before. Election. Creation if the Koch brothers who brought you other Texas oil men like gw1,gw2,jeb,ricj perry say no to koch brothers candidate s
GG says
Dirty politics, as usual.
4Watt says
@Spike, I respect your opinion but that’s all that it is. Like you said, an examination of the facts and the timeline will divulge the truth. As far as the “self doubt” of Carson supporters, they are few and far between. I know a few. It was primarily the “undecideds” that were leaning toward Dr. Carson, who probably don’t really know him and what he’s all about, that were swayed by the supposed misinformation being pushed on them. I like Dr. Carson too. And as far as a “serious candidate” goes, Cruz certainly didn’t sound very presidential in his victory speech. What happened to “We the people” and the direction of “Our Nation”? It sounded more all about him with a few accolades here and there for those in Iowa that supported him. Rubio sounded more presidential, a patriot and leader of a nation. Trump was not happy with the outcome either.
Keenan says
I just sent Carson another donation KCCO
JACK3889 says
It’s all true people. I received a copy of the mailer they put out over the weekend. A violation of Iowa voter law. Ted and his wife Heidi are two sneaky little weasels. He’s guilty of fraud in Iowa, and for soliciting funds for an office he is ineligible to hold. I could post much more, but those who buy his glib BS would still deny it. Wait until Secretaries of the various states vet him should he be the candidate. He will be excluded from their ballots which will be a real mess.
Then there’s that lawsuit in Texas filed and pending against him. Do your own search on it.
holy grailer says
Not to mention the fact that the wife works for Goldman Sachs in NY and they forgot to mention the 1 million dollar loan…and the citigroup loan of a 1/2 million….sneaky rascal that Cruz is–no different then Clinton. Trump better be paying attention to these hipocrites as he is our only real hope.
BJShad says
Really Holy Grailer?
You can believe all the smears against Cruz but you’ll vote for a man who has been a Democrat all his life and poured millions into the Democrat machine? He has only claimed to be a Republican for a few months when he decided to run for President. NOPE! Not voting for that Hope and Change.
Russ says
This was the first Iowa caucus I’ve ever watched. “Dark ages” puts it mildly. Like a ‘choose-your-partner’ barn dance….or a 1st grade ‘musical chairs’ game during recess. ‘Woo’ voters over to your side??? We’re looking for a president…not a date.
Imagine voting by a show of hands, or paper ballots, that change hands several times, for something as important as this.
I watched a lady counting hands while another lady behind her waved at someone….when the wavee waved back did he/she also get counted? Did the counter remember all the hands so none would get counted twice?
The ‘instructor’ for the Democrat vote appointed counters for Sanders and Clinton votes and picked asked a total stranger to count the uncommitted votes.
As for Cruz…In all the Republican debates, I could count on one hand, how many times he made any reference to religion…. However, his first words in his acceptance speech were “GOD BLESS IOWA”. Now really!!!
W.Fielden says
A member of the 2008 Iowa Caucus described the procedure in use at that time on TV. She related how the members interested in one candidate met in a corner or other confined area, discussed the possible candidate(s) and then voted. The winning group then joined other winning groups and another similar meeting and vote(s) were taken until the polling numbers revealed the next winning candidate. This process continued until a single candidate emerged as the winner for that precinct. Apparently, the votes at each stage were determined by a public show of hands.. No mention was made concerning how the voters were qualified to vote. I remembered thinking how people concerned about political correctness may have voted differently if their votes had been by secret ballots The sword of religious dogma, racism, school grades or their job prospects could be affected if the wrong public display in voting were exercised. That is my reaction why votes need to be a private matter.
Voter qualification is another sore spot, especially after hearing someone (Rush or a TV newscaster) relating that Sanders had suggested using the Obama method of importing voters into the caucus area as the Demo’s had in 2008. Perhaps Sanders knew something about adding to the vote tally.
You can make up your own mind how the 2004 and 2008 came about but Iowa and any other caucus state need better supervision in conducting their candidacy selection. To think that this is the correct way to elect a candidate is insane. From media comments it appears efforts have been conducted to prevent unscrupulous people from affecting the 2016 campaign. Did your participation or viewing reveal any justification in allowing Iowa to continue this procedure?
Mike Hansen says
Politics is a struggle for power. War is politics with the guns and bullets. Elections are politics with out the guns and bullets.
As the saying goes, “All is fair in love and war, including deception”. The motto of the Mossad, is “By deception, we make war”. Cruz is the candidate of the Mossad and by deception he makes war on the other Republican candidates. If elected he has
said he will carpet bomb ISIS into oblivion, ie the stone age. So it is no wonder Mossad supports him. He is a dual national who
puts Israel first and America second. Let’s all pray for Trump in New Hampshire.
jacky says
I have all ways been a pretty good judge of people and i believe ted Cruz is a phony;. he say’s things and if he thinks it might hurt him he then try’s to convince people that he did not say it or mean it that way;. watch that video of him and Bret Baier on fox about immigration
f Mitchell says
Nothing is past , for a way to win, thats what it is all about,Cruz’z staffers will pull any any, if they can get away with it.If there is any thing about any fraud, it will come to light.may not have to wait till the cows come home, to hear it,
Jim says
Neither Cruz or Rubio are “Native-Born Citizens”, do not qualify to be President of the United States, and should hang their heads in shame while withdrawing their candidacies.
Lynn says
Yes. What in your mind would make a Seventh Day Adventist NOT a Christian? Do a little research.
lilij says
A couple of observations before things get crazy.
1) Just yesterday there was an article: Dear Iowa Conservatives, Don’t Waste Your Vote and Let Trump Win! It went on to explain how a vote for anyone other than Cruz would instead be a vote for Trump..
2) I DID receive an article stating that Carson was taking a “vacation” from the campaign trail…
3) Of course Trump would initiate something like this! Look at how he responds to people who do not agree with or like him…
Consider that many times someone or womething that gets exaggerated and then sparks begin.
Pamala says
I read an article that trump is collecting private social security payments from canada. I wish some would verify this.
From what i understand Canada’s social security program went bankrupt and a large conglomerate took over and this is their social security program now. I was sent an email saying i could collect ss payments from usa and canada. I deleted email because it sounded suspicious and not right.
lilij says
Once again, billionaire, egocentric Trump stirs things up because he didn’t get his way…
Carol says
Trump did not have anything to do with this. It is all on Ted Cruz
Bonnie says
Ben Carson is a good man and so is Ted Cruz! I was watching the results on Fox and they had announced that Ben Carson was going home to Florida and wanted to get out of the snow storm. The polls were still open and I would say that may have been misinterpreted rather than gossip about Cruz campaign. By the way I do have a Ben Carson sticker on my car and I like him because he is a honest man and hasn’t put down other ones in the race. So I am disappointed with the gossip and media fight against Ted Cruz. Fox’s last debate tried to do him in and in none of the debates did any of them give Ben Carson a equal chance to be part of the debate. Enough of this divisive stuff to try to divide the party!!!
U Herbst says
What is wrong with you all? I have no problem with anyone stating their opinions. But why the name calling and horrible language? That solves absolutely nothing. I am very much against Hillary and Bernie Sanders. They would be a disaster for our country, just like Obama. The Republicans (my party of choice) have several very good candidates. Vote for whoever you feel will beat Hillary (or Sanders) That is the MOST important issue! May God help us!
Pamala says
I agree with Jacky about cruz. I saw the interview with Brett Baier and it was just so bad. If cruz was the only one running for president, i wouldn’t vote for him. And i also believe Carson, about Cruz campaign email telling voters to not to vote for him. Ugh!!! Such nasty business from presidental nominee candidate.
veteran tired of the B.S. says
What Cruz and his cronies did was deceitful. I am finding it difficult to believe people still want a politician in the White House. They (Senators and House Representatives) and allowing bam bam to sell us down the river, are to blame for what is wrong with our country. Politicians have always looked out for their own interest by bestowing favors to those in return for campaign funding.
We need and must get rid of politicians before our country is in complete ruins and in the hands of ISIS (Muslim Terrorist). Myself being a veteran (NAM) am ashamed and distrustful of the way the politicians have handled our government allowing Obama to ruin our country. If the current trend with politicians handling government nothing is going to change. It’s not going to get any better. Change is not going to happen when they keep doing the same thing day in and day out and expect different results.
We need someone who is not nor has been a politician and is not afraid to speak out about what’s wrong and what is needed to be done to change the course of our country for the better. A man (sorry Hillary) with BALLS not afraid to step on toes getting something done. Too many wishy washy politicians (yes men) in Washington with no backbone.
Donie says
Amazing! All you breast beaters, name callers, politician despisers watch out – OUR ENEMY IS HILLARY CLINTON! Don’t forget that and the other pissant is still in the White House tearing up this country some more. Be mindful. Trump has the business sense not Cruz or Rubio. Reagan was the first to say that the country needed to cared for like a business and boy we need to be cared for. We have had too much double talk since 2008 so Cruz and Rubio are not for the betterment of the U.S.. Please vote for Donald Trump.
Kathleen says
The truth will prevail
Let it play out
TO QUOTE TED CRUZ: “Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee for the presidency of the United States will not be chosen by the media,” an exultant Cruz told his supporters here. “Will not be chosen by the media; will not be chosen by the Washington establishment; will not be chosen by the lobbyists, but will be decided … by ‘We the people.’”
Iowa is a baby step in the process, and as Ted Cruz accurately said; “We The People” will decide, and ultimately that selection will be DONALD TRUMP after the 50 States and U.S. territory commonwealth’s have their say. No doubt about it.
alan says
I’ve been trying to tell people via social media that Cruz is like a used car salesman, a snake oil salesman. He looks like a scammer. Just look at his face. There’s something wrong with his facial expressions. And after I heard about his people mailing, thru the post office(which makes it a federal offense) supposedly report cards of each voter, and how bad they were. He was trying to get people to vote for him as his name was on top of the cards. He tried to coerce, and intimidate people into voting for him. He’s a disgrace. I hope this gets out about the emails more and he is thrown out of the elections.
scott wellington says
I’M more for the integrity of the caucus and the election. So far I have heard many interpretation’s of who is eligible and who isn’t. They have come from both sides of the line! I have questioned Cruz’s integrity because he didn’t get a ruling before he began his run for the Presidency. I stated that we have a Cuban/Canadian/US citizen, Texas Senator that was born in Canada that has served less than one term and has virtually no business experience. He has just renounced (which shows a real lack of loyalty and integrity all in it self!!!) his Canadian citizenship so he can run for president of the United States of America. If Ben Carson’s allegation’s are found to be true, I would say that Ted’s best interest’s are for Canada and the North American Union and not the United States of America. I would also say that he is also the same kind of usurper that we now have in Obama and he would certainly be no better!!! Watch to see if Carson’s accusations are true and if they are proven, then I would tell ALL Cruz supporters to jump ship IMMEDIATELY!!!!!
steve says
GET RID OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! Obama Admin was the one who fought against voter ID. This id why we should call for stricter voter ID cards. Second,,Put cops at all precints. If a cop tells you you cant vote and if you argue or fight with him you get arrested for failing to obey a police officer. Thats how you get rid of voter fraud.
Peg Stoodley says
Beyond doubt, I know that Ted Cruz would not do this. Nor would he authorize anyone in his campaign to do anything remotely like this. Beyond doubt.
Bobbie says
Everybody calm down. Let’s stop attacking each other. This is only the first step
in this process. There has been more than one person who went on to become
president after losing in Iowa… Iowa has not picked a winner in many years, so let’s
just relax a little and follow the rest of the process as it continues to unfold… No
matter who your candidate is, they have an awful long way to go…
alex says
i have yet to meet a Cruz supporter online or in the Real world,,, Trump was winning by a landslide in the pre-polling in Iowa,,, Yesterdays Caucus was a total fraud. there is no way in hell Cruz won.
April says
Every candidate (or their chosen spokesman) speaks to every registered caucus attendee during the caucus, making it clear where each stands regardless of what a captain says. There is no dirty trick in stating a vote is wasted on the low percentage candidates, its the truth.
Judy Lee says
Farmers are not dumb or poor. Farmers are part of the backbone that built this once great country! They are wealthy and successful business people!
Dave says
Ted Cruz is too smooth for me.
He finally has a makeup artist that is better than the undertaker one of past. Promising anything, doing anything, he is slick Willy reincarnated. He will only be more of the same. CARSON, RUBIO or TRUMP would all be better Shame on Iowa, Shame on fox news and shame on Steve King .
David says
i think when the majority of Republicans wake up and not support Cruz,Trump, or Rubio they might have a chance of winning an election. Cruz and Rubio are far right Tea Party nuts. Trump talks the walk, doesn’t seem to know how to do the walk.
Confoundmeonce says
I Believe we can All agree to One Thing !! Donald Trump Succeeded in stirring up A Lot Of “Stuff’ That has been kept at the bottom of the “”barrel”’ For Way too Long ! Thank You, Donald . I Have no doubt that YOU Will be Our President. If it is ONE thing This Country does NOT Need..It is Yet Another Money-hungry… Power-struck , lying Politician In our White House. What WE Are in Desperate Need of IS a Man Who Knows His Business.. One Who CAN Bring OUR country OUT OF This Hole These Past Presidents Have Thrown Us.
And That Cannot be Yet Another one of Same. This IS Where Donald Trump Comes IN !! He is NOT After Anything but What He Says…” To Make America Great Again, And Respected In the World. “” I Know His Candidacy Has Brought That Thought TO The Forefront for The Citizens Of this Country. ( You Know >> especially The Hurting Ones who Can`t make A living for Their Families .due to the fact that Our ‘ decent paying Jobs’ have been “Routed OUT of This Country” ) Yes, He Will be Our President… Not Some Double=dealing Politician who has no other means of supporting himself..’ .of Cruz`s ilk..
David says
Vote to Loose, vote Trump.
AW says
Don Eaves says
Wow? you put a admitted Muslim in charge of our country and are shocked when he supported his brotherhood. Now you would select a Cuban to run the country. Hope if he makes president he doesn’t change the colors or design of our flag or we have to learn a new language to go to the store and buy something. Racist ? No, just a realist,
Barbara says
You are so right. It’s sad that the average person doesn’t see it.
Derk says
Past Texas Presidents–Lyndon B Johnston(communist), George Bush Sr.(good ole boy oil company club), George Bush Jr(good ole boy defense contractor club)…..bottom line is we don’t need anymore Presidents from Texas.
Carol says
Windham, New Hampshire (CNN)—The day after winning the Iowa caucuses, Ted Cruz issued an apology to Republican rival Ben Carson for falsely telling Iowa caucusgoers that the retired neurosurgeon planned to quit the race, calling it a “mistake.”
Cruz said in a statement Tuesday that his campaign staff saw a CNN report that Carson was dropping out, although CNN had not characterized Carson’s actions that way.
“Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying that Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story,” Cruz said in a statement first shared with CNN. “That’s fair game. What the team then should have done was send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out.”
CNN reported that the retired neurosurgeon planned to go home to Florida after the Iowa caucuses, rather than flying straight to New Hampshire or South Carolina, where the next primary contests are held. His aides have emphasized that he is not suspending his campaign — rather, just briefly going home to “get a fresh set of clothes.”
But the Cruz campaign reacted to the news by incorrectly telling precinct captains — while the caucuses were still taking place — that the move signaled Carson would be dropping out of the race.
Twenty minutes after the caucuses began in Iowa, Rep. Steve King, the Cruz campaign’s national co-chair, retweeted CNN’s Chris Moody about Carson’s break from the campaign trail before New Hampshire’s primary.
“Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope,” King tweeted. In another tweet, the congressman said Carson’s next steps were “equivalent of suspending.”
Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) February 2, 2016
Cruz Iowa staffer Spence Rogers also suggested in an email to precinct captains that Carson may be announcing the end of his campaign next week.
“Breaking News. The press is reporting that Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week,” the email read. “Please inform any Carson caucus goers of this news and urge them to caucus for Ted Cruz.”
Carson has criticized Cruz for the incident, saying the senator should fire the staffers responsible for the mistake.
Carson released a statement directed at the Cruz campaign early Tuesday morning decrying the “lies and dirty tricks from opponents.”
“For months, my campaign has survived the lies and dirty tricks from opponents who profess to detest the games of the political class, but in reality are masters at it,” Carson said. “Even tonight, my opponents resorted to political tricks by tweeting, texting and telling precinct captains to announce that I had suspended my campaign – in some cases asking caucus goers to change their votes,” Carson said.
David says
AW says
Beth says
CNN STARTED THE STORY. Carson’s campaign told CNN he was going home and would not be in NH or SC. CNN ran with the story. the Cruz campaign picked up the story. It wasn’t until after CNN reported the incorrect story that the Carson campaign then said he was “getting a change of clothes.” CARSON’S POLLING NUMBERS WERE IN THE 10% RANGE PRIOR TO THE CAUCUS…GUESS WHERE HE FINISHED?!?!?! IN THAT SAME RANGE!!!!!
AW says
CMC12966 says
Gary McKinley says
I think that Ted Cruz should put under microscope to find out what he is real like as far I’m concern he is just as bad as any one else and way they treated Donald Trump and Ben Carson in this election season and the dirty trick has pulled he was Canada Citizen just 15 month and now he is American citizen 15 months later does not make you wonder about our country any way does me think this country need to be punished by God to correct us instead on going on in our stupidity think about religion will solve the problem and the person tell you he is Christian they natural voter that person without weighing the facts out.
Lou says
There you have it had to cheat to beat the Donald
David says
Typical liberal whining. True colors shown at last. If they can’t win they whine and call racism. Hey Carson! run as a democrat and you will be a shoe in!
Derk says
While I am at it–All Rubio wants to do is too fight ISIS and kick ISIS butt. The truth is, we will never again fight a war the way it should be fought. Ask Rubio what he did about beating Taliban jihadists. We fought them for years and beat them back, but not conquered them. They still live, exist, and thrive in northern Afghanistan, still spreading their terror. What is Rubio going to do about the Taliban, much less ISIS? Tough talk only by Rubio, he has already forgotten past history with the Taliban extremists and is only spinning ISIS because it is a new different flavor of terrorism, popular with media. Rubio=just talk, no action, much like most establishment politicians. Good thing our next President will be a non-estab guy! Trump or Cruz or Carson is always better than an established politician.
John says
What a Shame ! If we can’t find an honest human being , to become our leader, how much worse can our country become.Hopefully
It will be Trump, Rubio or Carson. Hillary should be locked up and key lost !!
Pat says
Most of the people commenting here shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Talk about ignorant. I believe I won’t waste time on the comment section again. You can’t change an idiot’s mind anyway. Facts don’t matter. And don’t bother trying to insult me. I won’t be reading it.
John says
To all of you diehard Cruise supporters,you got to admit it with a slimy tactics ,is definitely afraid of Donald Trump , let’s see what the slime bag can do in New Hampshire when he’s away from You tree hugging ,) cross bering procrastinating so good preachers , Who say one thing and do the outher guess if it’s about farm subsidies they’ll be right there , just look at his voting record ,it’s time to wake up Iowa , One good chance that you had you blew it. Far as I’m concerned he’s in the same class As the Clintons ,all that I know is watch New Hampshire, always remember this it’s the people who elect the president it is not you people just in Iowa that’s why we are all in this together ,there is no room to pass the blame let’s just continue electing a president remember we the people not the slimeballs Who are running.I for one believe the whole Corcus was a joke.Who the hell ever thought you could elect someone with the Flip of a coin, Guess that’s the way you people think ha ha good luck
CMC12966 says
Well I’m looking forward to Karma Coming back to bite all the Cruz/Rubio Supporters in Iowa if either gets to the Presidency!
Let’s see what happens when Cruz shuts down the government and they don’t receive their Farm subsidies and Social Security Checks. Better yet, when their kids move away because Cruz killed jobs working on Alternate Fuels.
I’m sure Rubio and Cruz will be right there with you, to stop your farm from being foreclosed on and auctioned off.. oh wait… Cruz will be in Texas at the Oil Billionaires’ club laughing all the way to the bank and Rubio at one of the SuperPac’s houses dining on Caviar and drinking Dom!
Silly, Silly little Iowa people. I’m sure you can earn cover the 19% tax increase Rubio wants to put on everything produced in the USA from your Unemployment check.. oh Wait.. sorry that branch of the Gov’t is closed… No check for you!
Richard Cunningham says
It’s been said that some don’t believe the allegations against Cruz. Well think again. Cruz is an establishment type career politician the same as the others in spite of what he says. They’ll ALL do exactly what it takes to win. That includes cheating and fraud. And we had all better be very sure about who we vote for. Take Rubio for instance. He’s made the statement more than once about what he’ll do when he’s elected COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES. I was under the impression they were all running for the presidential nomination and not dictator. They’re all very smooth talkers and when cornered say, “Oh, I just misspoke.” A better term for that is they’re a bunch of damn crooked liars. On the other hand, both Trump and Carson are definitely not career politicians. Cruz MIGHT be OK if elected but after this I have my serious doubts. On the other hand Trump has spent his life in the rough and tumble business world where there’s always someone ready to stab a person in the back and not the boy’s and girl’s club in our nation’s Capital. I’d trust both Trump and Carson a damn site sooner than I would any of the others.
Swhise says
Big old Joes a BIG old Troll…Bet ya!
Ralph says
You voted for a non American with Obama how did that work for you now you are voting for another non American Cruz so all that I can think is that Iowa is in support of ISIS.
John. 2 says
Gary, lue, pat and David ,Derek I read your comments I agree with all of you first let’s work to defeat cruise second we will work to elect the Donald
Allen Benge says
Well, I absolutely don’t put it past him. After all, Cruz is just another professional politician. He is strutting around like a peacock over a three point win? I hasten to point out that three points is well within the margin of error. It is because Cruz is a professional politician I would not doubt it is true, If he wins, it is four or eight more years of business as usual, the characters remain the same, only the actors change. Trump is not a professional politician, but a business man used to running a large corporation, he has all the tools to run this country as it should be, as a business.
Terry says
If Cruise did this he must be a democrat since dirty politics is something they are good at. Unfortunately it is he said, she said and likely not enforceable by legal means?
But native born really means a president has to be an anchor baby, which was not a term in use in 1776 I don’t imagine. So why was it put in there and was it just a mistake or whim? I imagine there were plenty of English subjects here born in England at that time but stayed on. Possibly never becoming citizens? So this requirement was put in to prevent a person born in England that had allegiance to the king instead of the Constitution from being eligible for the office of prez? Sort of like now, a person that might have allegiance to islam and the koran, where they have a state religion, instead of the Constitution? Or someone that was born and raised in say a communist country with an allegiance to the political party, even due to financial consideration, to not be elected? None of this probably has anything to do with Cruise, Cruzing in IA. But it is the law. And a law that applies to politicians trying to get elected. Failure to enforce the law of the land on the pols, which is unfortunately self enforcement means we will slide further down the slippery road to being a Banana Republic type govt. A banana republic type govt is one where the pols think of themselves as “we are divine”, getting elected is a license to spend, spend, spend, the laws that make the govt the govt don’t apply to them once elected. And they are our rulers instead of public servants. Well, you get the idea. And should be alarmed. And the liberals use current N words to describe those they don’t like and want to discredit. Such as birthers, homophobias, infidels, and even racist. Can you imagine being called a racist because you want voter ID to prevent voting fraud?
Personally I don’t have much of an opinion about Cruise and have no idea if he is a conservative or a liberal since I am actually interested in candidates that think and do what is in the best interests of the nation. Not the best interest of the party, of any special interest group including illegal immigrants and refugees that have proven in Europe to be trouble makers. How can any of this stuff be helpful for America? Plus the law is the law. And the Constitution seems to be an air tight legal system to make sure no one is above the law. Especially those that are empowered to enforce it! Our nation has received a concussion to it’s head, the govt, by this admin and over the past several decades.
Darryl says
I thought it was odd when Cruz hugged his wife for longer that he has sex with her. Shame on the Canadian! She was liking it because she was rubbing and patting him on the back.
Mike says
I have had enough of all this crap from those who say they love this country. Cruz is the only candidate who knows the Constitution and supports it. If we are going to attack each other like this, there is no use being a Republican. I see no other Republican I can vote for, and I am a life-long constitutional Republican. I guess I will just go down to the elections office and change my party registration. Just tired of all the hatred and nastiness.
Darryl says
Mike!!! I bet you know how to shake hands with everyone at the church, then you talk shit behind they’re backs. You love Cruz because you know how to do that WASHINGTON TWO STEP. Taking money on both sides of an issue seems to be THE WASHINGTON WAY! Wake up and vote for Trump so we can get things done.
Dr Lou says
If that slim Ted Cruz would win the primary….I will vote Democrat…and I am a Republican …..Cruz and his slimmy people that work for him are terrible what he did to Dr Carson…already he is lying his a.. off… Trump, Rubio….Dr. Lou
Darryl says
John, SR. says
Why are people shocked? Cruz has always been a liar until he gets caught. Mr I had to take Obamacare. Liar. Where’s your dad Gepato hanging out? Did he fix your nose? Your brother Pinochle became a Democrat Socialist so he doesn’t have to lie like you, Cruzzie. Liar Liar Obamacare taker.
Earl Mock says
Just Remember folks….from Trumps own mouth…(when I am hit…I hit back harder)BELIEVE IT…
…and yes I believe the DemocRATS are ready to place suit on Cruz….HE IS NOT A NATURAL
BORN U S CITIZEN…IE>>>advantage DEmocRATS<<<
However Cruz just might be a Natural Born Liar….in many areas…
Justin W says
I still question Ted Cruz’s eligibility to serve as president if elected. If he continues to rack up wins one of his Republican challengers may head to court to get Cruz ruled ineligible due to the fact he was born in Canada. This sort of antic is common in politics. The best thing to do is vote for your candidate and ignore the news sent out of the opponent’s camp.
Kim Lapara says
Fox News Reported: Several Polls ran out of Ballots & Registration forms. That’s impossible! Someone stole them & used them for their candidate. Voter Fraud is very common in USA. Her’s some of the convicted in last 5 yrs. google for more
New Jersey
Assemblyman Alberto Coutinho (D) convicted of theft and falsifying records. (2013)[64]
Assemblyman Neil M. Cohen (D) jailed for child pornography. (2010)[64]
Assemblyman Anthony Chiappone (D) jailed for filing false campaign finance reports. (2010)[64]
Mayor of Trenton Tony F. Mack (D) was convicted of bribery, fraud, extortion and money laundering. His trial began on January 6, 2014, and on February 7, 2014 he was convicted on all counts. (2014)[65] He was sentenced to nearly five years in prison.[64]
Mayor of Hamilton John Bencivengo (R) was sentenced to 38 months in prison for corruption (2013) [66][67]
Mayor of Perth Amboy Joseph Vas (D) and his longtime top mayoral aide, Melvin Ramos, were indicted by a federal grand jury for mail fraud, misapplication of funds, and making false statements to the Federal Election Commission.[68] sentenced to 6 and a half years for federal corruption. (2011)[69]
New Hampshire[edit]
State Representative Albert ‘Max’ Abramson (R) was found guilty in 2012 of one felony count of reckless conduct for shooting a firearm during a party at his home in 2010 and was removed from the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee by NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper (R). He received a suspended jail sentence and was ordered to pay a fine and complete community service. (2012)[70][71]
New Mexico[edit]
Secretary of State of New Mexico Dianna Duran (R) convicted of fraud. (2015)[72] Sentencing is scheduled for December 14, 2015.[73]
New York[edit]
Majority Leader of the New York State Senate Dean Skelos (R) convicted of federal corruption charges. (2015)
Speaker of the New York State Assembly Sheldon Silver (D) convicted of federal corruption. (2015)
Depuy Majority Leader of the New York Senate Tom Libous (R) was convicted of lying to FBI. (2015)
Minority Leader of the New York State Senate John L. Sampson (D) was convicted of obstructing justice and making false statement. (2015)
Majority Leader of the New York State Senate Malcolm Smith (D) was found guilty in federal court of conspiracy, wire fraud, bribery and extortion for trying to bribe a Republican Party official to let him onto the Republican ballot in the 2013 New York City mayoral race. (2014) [74]
State Assemblywoman Gabriela Rosa (D) sentenced to a year in jail for entering into a sham marriage in order to gain U.S. citizenship. (2014)[75]
State Assemblyman William Boyland, Jr. (D) convicted of bribery (2014)[76]
State Assemblyman Eric Stevenson (D) found guilty of bribery, conspiracy and other related charges. (2014)[77]
State Assemblyman Nelson Castro (D) convicted of perjury (2013)[78]
State Senator Shirley Huntley (D) convicted of mail fraud.[79] She was sentenced to one year and a day in prison. (2013)[80][81]
Majority Leader of the New York State Senate Pedro Espada Jr. (D) On May 14, 2012 a federal jury found Espada guilty of embezzling money from federally funded healthcare clinics, after 11 days of deliberation. (2012)[82]
State Senator Vincent Leibell (R) found guilty of felony bribery, tax evasion, and obstruction of justice charges related to $43,000 in cash kickbacks he took from 2003 to 2006. (2012)[83][84]
State Senator Nicholas Spano (R), convicted of federal income tax evasion. Spano pleaded guilty to the single felony. He was sentenced to 12 to 18 months in federal prison. (2012)[85]
New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi (D), was convicted on charges surrounding a “pay to play” scheme regarding the New York State Pension Fund, and was sentenced to 1–4 years. (2011) [86]
State Senator Carl Kruger (D) resigned his seat and pled guilty to charges of corruption and bribery. (2011)[87]
State Senator Efrain Gonzalez Jr. (D) was convicted of fraud and embezzling $400,000 from the West Bronx Neighborhood Association Inc. and was sentenced to seven years in federal prison (2010) [88]
State Health Commissioner Antonia Novello (R) pled guilty to costing the taxpayers $48,000 by making her staff carry out personal chores for her such as taking her shopping and picking up her dry cleaning. Her plea deal calls for 250 hours of community service at an Albany health clinic, $22,500 in restitution and a $5,000 fine. (2009)[89][90]
Mayor of Mount Vernon Ernie Davis (D) was convicted on federal misdemeanor tax evasion. (2014)[91]
New York City Councillor Dan Halloran (R) convicted of taking bribes and orchestrating payoffs. (2014)
New York City Councillor Larry Seabrook (D) On February 9, 2010, a federal grand jury indicted Seabrook on 13 counts of money laundering, extortion, and fraud.[92] Seabrook was convicted on 9 charges (2012).[93]
President of the New York City council Andrew Stein (D) was convicted of tax evasion regarding a Ponzi scheme (2010).[94]
North Carolina[edit]
State Representative Stephen LaRoque (R) convicted on 12 counts including theft, money laundering and filing false tax returns. (2013)[95][96]
Governor of North Carolina Mike Easley (D) was convicted of a federal campaign law felony (2010).[97]
Mayor of Charlotte Patrick Cannon (D) charged with accepting bribes (2014)[98]
Mayor of High Point Bernita Sims (D) convicted of a worthless check charge. (2014)[98]
State Representative Ron Gerberry (D) found guilty of charge of unlawful compensation of a public official. (2015)
State Representative Steve Kraus (R) convicted of a fifth-degree felony. (2015)
State Representative Peter Beck (R) convicted of perjury. (2015)
State Representative Dale Mallory (D) found guilty to a first-degree misdemeanor count of filing a false disclosure form and a fourth-degree misdemeanor charge of improper gratuities and was sentenced to a total of $600 in fines and 1 year of probation. (2014) [99]
State Representative Sandra Williams (D) convicted of filing a false report. (2014)
State Representative Clayton Luckie (D) convicted of corruption. (2013)
State Representative W. Carlton Weddington (D) was convicted on bribery charges and sentenced to three years in prison. (2012)[100]
State Representative Rick Brinkley (R) was convicted of fraud. (2015)
State Representative Randy Terrill (R) was found guilty of bribery in connection with the 2010 Oklahoma political corruption investigation. Terrill was sentenced to one year in prison. (2013)[101]
President pro tempore of the Oklahoma Senate Mike Morgan (D) as found guilty of accepting $12,000 in bribes (2012)[102]
State Representative Michelle Brownlee (D) was convicted of a conflict of interest. (2015)[103]
State Representative Harold James (D) was convicted of corruption. (2015)[104]
State Representative Ronald Waters (D) was convicted of bribery. (2015)[104]
State Representative Cherelle Parker (D) lost her appeal of a drunk driving conviction and began serving her sentence of 3 days in jail, a $1000 fine, and a 1-year license suspension. (2015)[105]
Treasurer of Pennsylvania Rob McCord (D) pleaded guilty to two counts of extortion. (2015)[106][107]
State Senator LeAnna Washington (D) was convicted of conflict of interest. (2014)[108]
Turnpike Commission CEO Joe Brimmeier (D) pleaded guilty to felony conflict of interest charges. (2014) [109]
Turnpike Commission Chief Operating Officer George Hatalowich (D) pleaded guilty to felony conflict of interest charges. (2014) [109]
Turnpike Commission Chairman Mitchell Rubin (D) was sentenced to 24 months of probation for his plea to commercial bribery. (2014) [110]
State Representative Jose Miranda (D) was convicted of fraud. (2013)[111]
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin (R) was convicted in February 2013, on six of seven corruption charges including theft of services, criminal conspiracy, and misappropriation of state property. (2013)[112]
State Senator and Republican Majority Whip of the Pennsylvania Senate Jane Orie (R) was convicted in March 2012, of 14 counts of forgery, conflict of interest and theft of services, which included five felonies. (2012)[113]
State Senator and Democratic Minority Floor Leader of the Pennsylvania Senate Bob Mellow (D) pleaded guilty to using Senate staffers for campaigns. (2012)[114]
State Representative and Democratic Minority Whip of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Bill DeWeese (D) sentenced to 30 to 60 months in state prison for theft. (2012)[115]
State Representative Joseph F. Brennan (D) announced that he was withdrawing his reelection bid after allegations that he assaulted his wife and then drove drunk from the scene of the incident.[116] He was later convicted on both the DUI and assault charges.[117] (2012)
State Representative John M. Perzel (R), pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges, including two counts of conflict of interest, two counts of theft, and four counts of conspiracy, concerning a scheme to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on computer technology from Aristotle, Inc. for the benefit of Republican political campaigns. (2011)[118][119]
State Representative Brett Feese (R) sentenced to 4 to 12 years in state prison, an additional 2 years of probation, a $25,000 fine, and $1 million in restitution for his role in the Computergate state government corruption scandal. (2011)[120]
Mayor of the City of Harrisburg Stephen R. Reed (D) was charged with charges on nearly 500 counts of theft, fraud and corruption. (2015)[121][122]
Philadelphia Traffic Court Judge Michael Lowry (D) was convicted of tax evasion and was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. (2015)[121][122]
Philadelphia Traffic Court Judge Willie Singletary (D) was convicted of lying to the FBI and sentenced to two years in prison. (2015) [123]
Philadelphia Traffic Court Judge Thomasine Tynes (D) was convicted of bribery and sentenced to two years in prison. (2014) [123]
Philadelphia Traffic Court Judge Robert Mulgrew (D) was convicted of fraud and tax evasion and was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. (2014)[123]
Rhode Island[edit]
Speaker of the Rhode Island House of Representatives Gordon Fox (D) plead guilty to wire fraud, bribery and filing a false tax return. Fox used $108,000 from his campaign account for personal expenses, accepted a $52,000 bribe to push for the issuance of a liquor license for a Providence restaurant in his role as a member of the Board of Licenses, and failed to declare these illegal sources income on his tax returns. (2015)[124]
South Carolina[edit]
Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives Bobby Harrell (R) pled guilty to illegally using campaign funds for his own use. He was sentenced to a one-year prison term. (2014)[125]
State Representative Kristopher Crawford (R) was convicted by a jury of four misdemeanor counts of failure to file his taxes. (2012) fined $10,000.[126]
Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina Ken Ard (R) resigned his position and pled guilty to 7 counts of mis-use of campaign funds. He was sentenced to five years probation, fined $5,000 and required to work 300 hours of community service. (2011)[127]
State Senator Jim Summerville (R) was arrested for stalking and assault. He had already been charged with public intoxication. (2014)[128]
State Representative Naomi Gonzalez (D) convicted of drunken driving, sentenced to 15 days in jail. (2014)[129]
State Delegate Joe Morrissey (D) resigned his seat after he was convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2014.[130][131]
Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell (R) On January 21, 2014, McDonnell and his wife, Maureen were indicted on federal corruption charges. They were convicted of 11 counts of corruption for accepting $165,000 in gifts and loans in exchange for official government favors. McDonnell is the first Virginia governor to be indicted – and the first Virginia governor to be convicted of a felony and was sentenced to two years in prison, two years of supervision and 6000 hours of community service.(2015) [132][133]
State Delegate Phil Hamilton (R) sentenced to 9 1/2 years in prison for federal bribery and extortion.[134]
Washington, D.C.[edit]
Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia Kwame R. Brown (D) was convicted of bank fraud. (2012)[135]
District of Columbia Councillor Harry Thomas, Jr. (D) was convicted of felony counts of theft of government funds and falsifying tax returns. (2012)[135]
State Representative Bill Kramer (R) was sentenced to five months in jail, after pleading no contest to two charges of sexual assault with three years probation. (2014)[136][137]
State Representative Jeff Wood, (R), has pleaded no contest to fifth-offense OWI charge which is a felony. He has been sentenced to spend nine months in jail, with three years probation. (2011)[138]
Mayor of Racine Gary Becker (D) was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes.[
Eleanor says
Now the hounds of hell are getting dirtier and using fouler tactics against the three best republican men running. Trump and Cruz feuding and now they’re pulling Carson in. Hey, all you “white trash” Trump followers out there, as Rubio calls us, HEADS UP! Liberals are sneaky and can’t be trusted, so don’t get too confident. Trump HAS to win by a landslide. Lindsey Graham has dropped out, but that’s not to say he’s not still fighting Trump – behind the scenes – or Trump’s back!! The liberals are at it again, Trumpsters, along with the dirty GOP and other oath-breaking RINO politicians.. ALL TRUMP FANS NEED TO BE AWARE OF THIS **** The negative ads against Trump, all the ads for Bush paid for by the PAC Pimps, all of the hype by the media that Hillary can beat Trump, all the GOP candidates staying in the race with single digit % numbers, all the low polling GOP Candidates spewing negative comments about Trump, the media constantly bringing the low polling candidates on air to comment on anything and everything…..this is all a plan by the GOP Establishment to keep Trumps percentages below 50% in every state. This will allow the GOP establishment the opportunity to hand pick who the delegates will go to at the GOP National Convention even if Trump wins the popular vote. All popular votes must come in above the 50% mark in every state which will prevent the GOP from assigning that states delegates to whomever they want. Why do you think Jeb Bush keeps saying that Trump isn’t going to win the nomination? It is because he is in on this GOP Conspiracy to keep Trump from getting the GOP nomination. Bush is pretty sure that Trump will not make the 50% mark and already knows that those delegates will go to him making him the nominee. WAKE UP TRUMP SUPPORTERS AND SPREAD THIS TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE!!!!! This is sickening and no one is talking about it..the media isn’t talking about it, the GOP is banking no one starts talking about it. VOTE VOTE VOTE FOR TRUMP. Keep the GOP from bringing him down right before the National Convention. The GOP is banking on the Trump supporters not getting wind of this. They are banking on this so that after the primary elections are over it will be too late for us to do anything about it. They literally do not care if Hillary gets into office as all of them are sleeping together and are terrified if Trump gets into office all of their gravy trains will disappear. Obamacare, the Trade Agreement, Common Core all things that are making the PAC Pimps LOTS OF MONEY!! It is up to Trump Supporters to start to bring this to the forefront. The media never will as they are part of the PAC Pimps. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!! FOR TRUMP!!! The GOP does not care if anyone runs 3rd party because they do not care if Hillary wins. If Trump runs 3rd party and loses and causes Hillary to win, the GOP doesn’t care. The GOP will take Hillary over Trump.” (Either way, they’d still get to ride their gravy trains – at the taxpayers expense. They intend for Trump to lose, using every foul trick they can come up with.)
These are the three men the hell hounds have to force out in order to get Jeb or Rubio selected #1. Trump #2. Cruz #3. Carson
Don’t let them do it
sonja says
Very will said Eleanor. Trump will do great. I am so sick and tired of people saying the Trump has no expedience to be in office. He is like everyone else when they start “no expedience”. I am proud of Trump, he woke up America. They don’t want him in office cause like you said they are afraid that they will loose the gravy train ride and he might say to them “You are fired”. As for Clinton, we had 8 years of the Clintons, 8 years of Obama (she worked with him and did terrible) and she gets in she would run the 2nd term, that makes 24 years of this mess.
Darryl says
If the GOP has this stupid ass plan, then they are going to be losers again to the DEMODUMMIES!!!!!!
DonnaR says
I want to thank everone for voting in the Iowa primary, especially all the young adults……this is great. I enjoy election year watching everything thats happening. I feel many of the candidates of both parties would do a good job if elected president. I am hoping whom ever it is that they will finally do something with the many important issues at hand. The young college people and the working poor are desperate for some relief from college debt and the high cost of living for them and the middle class. We really need GOOD paying jobs….and a lot of them! Please get out and vote for the candidate of your choice. WE ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
L.Stacey says
Carson has not done anything wrong, and has a right to make public the dirty dealings. We need to listen and make our decisions carefully. Undercutting a fellow American is not decent behavior for Cruz.
Dan says
Trump should consider suing Ted Cruz before it’s too late like what happened to Barack Hussein Obama. Obama’s genuine birth records are gone and nobody knows where after he became President. If Ted is not natural born in any land or territorial of United States then Ted is disqualified….
This is one of the reason why Ted don’t like him in the senate because of this issue of credibility and eligibility.
Patricia Blair says
My goodness what a bunch of hateful people. Why? Does it make us Great Americans when we say the things that have been printed here. We all have a right to say and do as we please but don’t you think it would be more adult if we said it nicer. We have young people that read the things that we say and do so we need to do it better, RIGHT? Thank you for your time.
karen says
I’m so sick of this kind of media…You people love to stir up strife and garbage. Maybe a helper of Cruz’es campaign may have spoken those words…but give me a break! People can make up their own minds without YOU MEDIA PEOPLE ALWAYS writing inflamed headlines to stir up people and keep them in an agitated state. WE VOTERS CAN READ AND SEARCH OUT THE TRUTH WITHOUT SLIMY MEDIA BOMBARDING US DAILY WITH SENSATIONALIZED HEADLINES MEANT TO SHOCK AND TANTALIZE PEOPLE TO VIEW OR READ…
I’M SURE CAMPAIGNS (VOLUNTEERS CAN GET IN THE FRO OF THINGS…AND GARBAGE HAPPENS…)Media isn’t about reporting news anymore it wields it’s power to manipulate viewers and listeners to their agenda/opinion.Media has a dog pile attitude. One person rises to the top; let’s take him down. I hear another slime ball media has bought a story about Trump that they’re waiting to air if Trump becomes front runner in the caucuses so they can tear him down..
LINDA says
Leonard Granger says
I am an Iowa farmer transplanted to California and fully support Ted Cruz. He did a fine job cruising in Iowa and pray that he will be our next president. This is a local newspaper column I write and goes world wide to 200 countries. even to Russia.
LEN’S LINES — A Little Religion On A Positive Note By Len Granger
Christians Need A Backbone
Christians are told by our gracious and loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that we are to be the ” light of the world” . Matthew 5:14 ” Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” Over the centuries since our God-fearing country was founded, many faithful believers have honored our Lord and followed God’s Word the Bible. However, in the past 60 years we have forsaken the LORD as did Israel; we have forgotten our manifold blessings and God has begun to withhold his blessings from our nation.
As a child during the Second World War, I recall our President FDR was a bold Christian leader. During his Fireside Chats, to the American people and the world, he would offer up a prayer to God asking for guidance and protection in the time of trials and tribulations. We had confidence in our leaders, many of our leaders demonstrated faith in God, and our churches were filled every Sunday, giving honor and worship to our Lord.
What has happen since those days as our nation has turned away from God? We abolished prayer in our public schools in 1962, in 1973 we legalized abortion with the result of over 58 million unborn babies denied their right to live. The gay lifestyle was sanctioned by government mandate in June 2015 by same sex marriages.
When the Christian community is silent, the Devil has free reign over our country. When the Christian community is silent, we succumb to political correctness. The time has come for Christians to follow the words of 2 Chron, 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
The Christian community must unite around the Gospel and focus on spreading the Good News to a sinful world. We are saved as Christian first then attend the church of our choice. In past years, churches of all denominations united in Tent Revival Meetings, had sport teams for the young, visitation to Senior Citizens Rest Homes, and spread the Gospel throughout the community.
Christian leadership in government is the outgrowth of having Christian character in our churches. God’s Word the Bible tells us in Proverbs 29-2, ” When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Let us pray, worship, and build men and women of character who love the LORD and pray for God-fearing leadership in this country, so we can return our nation to the Biblical principals upon which it was founded.
With this nation under attack from within and by terrorists groups, we as Christians need to remember our Lord’s words in 1 Peter 3:12,” For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”
Trust we will all be in the church of our choice this Sunday, as we honor and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
God Bless America
Constitutionalist says
Sorry, Charlie(or Leonard Granger):
If you’re promoting FDR as a paragon of “Christian virtue,” you’ve been totally led astray, bamboozled, bewildered, hornswoggled, deceived, tricked, conned, and confused. FDR was an elitist straight out of the 1%, who set his Oath of Office at naught, and created dozens if not HUNDREDS of bureaucracies that have ZERO lawful(that is, IAW with the Constitution, the SUPREME Law of the Land) authority to exist ANYway. He not only presided over the bankruptcy of the United States, he also stole the gold from Americans(making it “illegal” to own it, again an arrogation of powers NOT DELEGATED by the Constitution), then gave it all to his international banking buddies. Just google “Thief of America’s Gold” for an eye and earful.
If you are sure – as am i – that the Constitution for the United States is the Supreme Law of the Land(see Article 6), then Cruz, not being born of two(count ’em, 2) American Citizens, is NOT “natural born,” and is therefore completely ineligible to BE president.
So any support you give that guy immediately blasts and brands you as an ignoramus who thinks that the Constitution can be ignored with impunity, and further, that you don’t give a fig for the Supreme Law of the Land…which makes you an ENEMY of the Constitution, and therefore an enemy of everyone who’s ever sworn to “preserve, protect, and defend” it “against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC”(which would mean every soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine, including all police officers of whatever stripe). Further, any aid you give Cruz whatsoever can be construed as Treason, for aiding/comforting an enemy of the United States, for it would not exist without the framework the Constitution provides.
To the poster that ascribes sainthood to Cruz? The notion that Cruz is some saint is utterly ludicrous if not COMPLETELY INSANE, especially a “reincarnated” one – but let’s assume for the moment that you’re right, and that Cruz is indeed some saint: don’t matter. He was NOT BORN OF TWO(count ’em, 2) American Citizens, and is therefore NOT “natural born,” so he’s DIS-FUCKING-QUALIFIED! He CAN’T run, and if he wins(un-bloody-loikley), he CAN’T SERVE as President – because HE’s NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED! Get that through your thick heads; if someone is NOT “natural born,” he does NOT meet the requirements for the office. PERIOD!
This is also why no “impeachment” hearings need to be held for D’ohbama; just send in Federal Marshals to evict his lying, conniving, deceitful, oathbreaking ass, and set his crap on the curb @ 1600 Penns. Ave., just like someone who lied on their rental app….or what i would prefer, that he get thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and arrested for committing fraud against the entire American People.
Earl Mock says
Every word good and TRUE Eleanor.
I believe a winning ticket would be TRUMP/FIORINIA
Gene says
Whoever wins the Republican Party nomination, let’s remember we Republicans stand for cheap labor and well compensated management. I started my involvement in politics by voting for Alf Landon for President in 1936 when I was 5 years old (our landlady held me up to pull the lever), and cheap labor has always been what it’s about.
Darryl says
Yes Sir! Soon we will be slaves in the USA. Its sad if TRUMP does not win the election. Gene, you are like the energizer bunny and my father. YOU KEEP GOING AND GOING AND GOING. Hats off to you sir!!!!!
Constitutionalist says
If you have a birth certificate, you were a slave from the moment your parents signed it. Di you know that prior to 1920 in this country, ther ewas NO SUCH THING as a birth certificate? Why is that, do YOU think? You should check into who actually owns it and what they do with it; doing so might awaken you to your current status as chattel property, pledged as collateral for the forever unpayable debts of the UNITED STATES, Inc., surety for the “loans” the USG has taken over the long years.
If you call yourself after Christ’s name, you should check 2Peter for the phrase “make merchandise of you.”
Peggy Richter says
Like the fake “voter violation notices” this “mistaken” passing on false information about Carson dropping out and suggesting his supporters vote Cruz may have made the difference between Trump and Cruz. It’s convenient and popular to diss Trump, but the one who didn’t come up to ethical expectations was Cruz.
Sam says
You need to get your facts straight before commenting.
Tony says
The point is…if Cruz and/or his people lied and profit from that lie, they should stop claiming a win. For honest Americans – of which there are still a few, there is a BIG difference between a “winner” and “cheater.” I try not to vote for CHEATERS!
Theodore Hastings says
Cruz is a RINO, look at his record, and never forget, he is a RINO.
Ernst Hall says
Nothing new here. Convincing voters that another candidate will leave the race has been done many, many times. And it is true here. Carson has no chance of actually getting the nomination.
JerryD says
My problem with farmers and ranchers is they are allowed to use all kinds of steroids and other chemicals to make the animals gain weight for slaughter and the farmers do the same things anything to grow fruits and vegetables bigger and faster. Just an example I remember a loaf of bread or a quart of milk used to last you a few days , now there are so many preservatives in them they last weeks or a month. Farmer and Ranchers are not what they used to be they both have turned into chemist, the days of fresh foods is gone.
Geegee says
Well I have to say this. Ted Cruz sounds exactly like LBJ did back in the sixties. That is Lyndon Baines Johnson, the guy that took over when Kennedy was shot. LBJ was a Texan too, and his nose was as long as Cruz’s nose, and he talked THROUGH it. Please don’t elect this man president ( Ted Cruz) I can’t stand to listen to his Texan nasal twang for 4 years !!! I also don’t trust evangelicals that much. Vote for Marco Rubio. He is young, brilliant and knows American foreign policy. He is the best choice. Carly would make a great VP !!!
Esther says
OK people listen up please ! This story is FALSE !! Senator Ted Cruz as many of you have not been able to work out is a reincarnated SAINT ! That’s right he is a saint and that is why people talk evil about him because he has a very bright aura, (because saints are holy) !
Do you really think that God will elevate any other Christian or any other candidate for that matter, when a reincarnated saint in the race ? Be reasonable, God is not a fool ! Look don’t take my word for it, go and see and hear Senator Ted Cruz for yourself. Go and meet him if you can get close enough to him and see his bright aura for yourself ! See if he really is BRIGHTER than all other humans. If he is, then you know he is a reincarnated saint ! As they say, do not believe everything you hear, do not believe everything your read, but believe everything you SEE with your own eyes !
I do not know which saint he is. All I know is that he is not St Thomas, or St Peter (the Rock) or St Anthony of Padua or St John the Baptist or the Archangel St Gabriel or St Joan of Arc or St Therese. PRAY and ask the Lord to revel to you the truth about Senator Ted Cruz and who you should vote for, because the Lord has revealed to me LAST YEAR that Senator Ted Cruz will be the next president of the USA ! Peace be with you ! Senator Ted Cruz will ‘ go marching in ‘ to the White House ( he can’t help it – he was born a reincarnated saint) Believe it ! P.S. You have 2 famous reincarnated saints in the USA. 1 is an actor ( St Peter ) and the other is a singer songwriter ( St Thomas ). People either love them or hate them, I believe because they are saints ! Have a great day USA !
Sam says
This story is sheer idiocy. Jake Tapper said the info for CNN’s story came from Carson’s campaign.
Sounds like a miscommunication from his staff, who told CNN Carson was returning to Florida.
Cruz campaign simply reported what CNN were reporting, and it didn’t get very far.
Steve King’s tweet went out at 7:20pm, & caucuses were already underway.
Carson had polled at 10% going into the caucus, & he got 9.3%, close to what he’d been polling at for some time.
IF the story had gotten any currency, it apparently didn’t affect his results much.
If there had been a widespread reporting at the caucuses that Carson had pulled out, the whole state would have heard about it at the time, given the ubiquitous news reporters covering the proceedings. My caucus never heard anything about it, nor did most. Today was the big uproar. You can see the real story here:
joe says
I for one absolutely believe Cruz did this. I have watched this guy pull every trick in the political book in the last 2 weeks including outright lies. If I have to, I would vote for him in the presidential election but, this guy is a real snake and is out to win no matter what it takes. His commercials ride on the edge of criminal slander.
jess says
Above Comments. This is why America is a disaster mode. The ignorance and fighting between the American people. The American people are destroying this great country. there are less than 40% know their Constitution, and or American History. You have put people in office, not knowing the full concept of Progressive, Socialist, Fascist Doctrine. God help you all
John says
Cruz is a good man. If someone or some PAC did something untoward, how much did that affect Carson, who seems to be always crying fowl. To Carson’s credit he has not pulled out the race card,YET.