Is it simple government incompetence — or evidence of a cover-up?
Either way, it has critics outraged.
The State Department can find no emails to or from a former Hillary Clinton aide who worked for the agency and also managed Clinton’s private computer server while she served as secretary of state, the government said in a court filing made public yesterday.
The aide — Bryan Pagliano, a key witness in the FBI investigation — had recently received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his full cooperation. This revelation may give insight into why Pagliano wanted protection — and raises questions about whether he was ordered to criminally destroy emails, including his own, during his time as an aide to the former secretary of state.
The government’s revelation in U.S. District Court in Washington came in answer to a lawsuit by the Republican National Committee. The committee had sued over its public records request for all work-related emails sent to or received by Pagliano between 2009 and 2013, the years of Clinton’s tenure. The lawsuit also pressed for other State Department records from the Clinton era.
The RNC’s filing said lawyers for the agency had informed them in discussions that “the State Department has represented that no responsive records exist” for any Pagliano emails. Pagliano was hired at the agency after reportedly setting up Clinton’s server in 2009, but the lack of any official State Department emails raises the question whether he limited his email traffic using a private account, much like Clinton did during her four years as secretary, or whether his government emails were deleted.
A State Department official said Monday that the agency possessed emails from Pagliano from the period after Clinton’s term had ended, when he continued to work as a technology contractor. Agency spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau then added Monday evening that some Pagliano emails dating from Clinton’s tenure had been recovered from agency officials’ files and turned over to other organizations, including Senate investigators.
“We have previously produced through FOIA and to Congress emails sent and received by Mr. Pagliano during Secretary Clinton’s tenure,” Trudeau said in a public statement. At least one email, which was sent in November 2012 to Clinton from Pagliano — but possibly from his private email address — was released as part of 30,000 Clinton emails made public by the agency over the past year.
A spokesman for the RNC said the organization stood by its description of the discussions with lawyers for the State Department. The group said in its filing that “the State Department has represented that no responsive records exist.”
Raj Shah, the RNC spokesman, added, “It’s hard to believe that an IT staffer who set up Hillary Clinton’s reckless email server never sent or received a single work-related email in the four years he worked at the State Department.” Clinton’s campaign officials declined to comment in response to questions from The Associated Press.
Trudeau said the State Department is working with Congress and several public records requesters to provide relevant material. She also said agency officials continue to search for “Mr. Pagliano’s emails, which the department may have otherwise retained.” Trudeau also said the department would respond further to the RNC in court.
State Department officials told Senate investigators last year they could not find a file containing Pagliano’s work emails during Clinton’s tenure, an assertion first reported by Politico.
Pagliano has been offered immunity by the Justice Department in its continuing investigation into Clinton’s server and emails and whether the setup violated national security laws. Pagliano’s lawyer, Mark MacDougall, declined to comment.
The one email sent by Pagliano that surfaced among Clinton’s 30,000 emails was sent to Clinton was a November 2012 birthday greeting. He wished her “Happy Birthday Madam Secretary. To many more!”
Pagliano’s email address was censored, unlike numerous official State Department addresses that are listed in Clinton’s emails — suggesting he may have sent the message from a private address.
Clinton did not reply directly to Pagliano. Instead, she sent a copy of an email to an aide with the instruction “Pls respond.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
A group of bureaucrats who think a government job exempts them from all rules.
WE have a State Dept Staffed by oDUMBO huge Numbers of CRIMINALS!!! Just like w have a DOJ that IGNORES Sanctuary Cities Breaking the US Law being too busy Rearranging TOILET seats in Transgender TOILET rooms…If tey have fifured out who stands and who Squats to PEE
This is called “delay of justice”, as long as they can drag this out, they are hoping the Public will grow immune to this subject. The media with Hillary is only part of that symptom.
This Pagliano is surely in Clinton’s “HIT LIST!” I wonder if he is getting any protection by the Secret Service, as ‘Hilde-Beast’ Killery and ‘Slick Willy’ are getting, for LIFETIME? Pagliano could be DEAD MEAT right now or like the TV show…Dead Man Walking!
I hope trump puts every damn one f them in jail.
If they don’t “find” them and quick…this country should fire them all…charge them with conspiracy to lie, mislead and skirt the laws of our land. We should NEVER let this stand again…We didn’t get satisfaction from the IRS and LOIS Lerner case because Obama was protecting his own butt. It’s time for some Strong citizens to stand up and demand justice or we will all revolt!
Tell the Investigating committee to contact the Kremlin. They report that they have hacked and have more than 20,000 emails from crooked Hillary’s private server. They will made a deal with John Kerry if they want them…..
If he lost them or he destroyed them he is still accountable because he was a witness even if he has been given amnesty. The policy of amnesty was to prove Hillary guilty he destroyed the evidence he shouldn’t be given amnesty.
They should be prosecuted for not doing their job or just take their pay for every lost email!
Obama at work! Next he will pardon her!!!
That’s a given Diane. She has way too much dirt on him to let her be imprisoned.
Since there is no proof of her innocence we presume guilt and punis accordingly. We the people assume guilt and could never elect a known felon
It didn’t while I was Federally employed.
You have got to know
that the fix is in for Hillary,
and that nothing will come of any charges
brought against her. Why
do I say that? Consider
that Teflon Donna and slick Willy have been under investigation for
something at all times
since they began their
political careers. While I
would like to see it happen, there is absolutely no way Ms
Socialist/Communist/progressive Clinton will be prosecuted, much less convicted of anything, by
the Obama administration. Her election will simply be an extension of Obama’s failed policies and actions designed to further bankrupt the United States. While the FBI may recommend, by virtue of the results of their investigation, that Hillary be indicted, it will
all come to nothing. The slickest of
Willy’s predicted that outcome almost a year ago. The fix is in; get used to it.
Trump is every bit an ass, in my opinion, as she is.
Neither of them deserves
anyone’s vote.
The only reason I will vote in this election is because I’m more afraid of Hillary than I am of Trump.
It’s not a matter of “the lesser of two evils. This time it’s: Pick your poison. That’s my opinion; you’re entitled to yours.
I’ll just bet they lost them. Even though they are incompetent I’ll bet they had plenty of Clinton help in loosing them. As she isn’t incompetent, she is just a lying stealing conniving bitch, let’s not forget murdering also.
I really cannot believe those fools who wants her as president. If I caught my son with her I kill them both.
Our society-citizenry is being “DUPED big time”!
All that is necessary is a Court Order to the NSA for all e-mails to and from Hillary.
This whole Obama administration has the opinion that they have a moral superiority that exceeds the rule of law. They have a tendency toward criminality from an “end justifies the means” attitude. This situation is very damaging to the country.
You KNOW they are lying.
In my humble opinion the whole O’Bumo administration is just a bunch of lying crooked thugs !!
Chicago politics at it’s finest.
Well said!!
Are you just realizing that?
how come it hasnt been on the fuckin national news yet..time for talk is over
You bet it is, Dusty! Just arrest the Bi*ch and let The People try her ass! Mr. Trump, just issue the order!
It’s been on since early this morning.
Because, as I said earlier, the fix is in. Get used to it. As well, the liberal/progressive media
is an integral part of “the fix”. That’s why you have not, and will not, hear a word about it. I don’t mean any insult, but are you really that naive?
don’t worry somehow the clinton’s are behind this! no wonder she has this smug look on her face about the whole issue. trey sit pagliano down under oath in front of the committee and ask him, by memory if need be how many he can recall sending her? this is one big circus, brought on by the democrats. and they complain about costs. they all lie, that’s how this administration has made eight years. the liars remain, the good ones have left, well not maybe all the good ones. they just couldn’t stand the heat. so before it got to hot and their careers were on the line, they bailed!
you republicans on the committee, have been made to look like fools by those lefties. i wouldn’t play by the rules, they don’t!
I agree with you all the way. Keep looking for the e-mails Hilary shouldn’t get away with it no matter what. She would look good in an orange outfit. Go straight to jail no free pass.
SEND LADDERS and BOOTS for the BSTsunami. Hahaha – oh gawd, the hilarity never stops and yet the buttstupid pukes will support this piece of human excrement all the way to Hades.
REALLY? Yes of course. After all: Who needs truth, when you are a progressive socialist?
And these same “IDIOTS” are worried about Trump?
Russia is selling Obama Ice Cream, i.e.: Russian company debuts chocolate ‘Obama’ ice cream amid chilly U.S. relations. The product, labeled “Obamka” in Russian, comes in packaging with an illustration of a smiling dark-skinned boy with a pierced ear.
She is like a stuck record .what next will she deleate. women are still buying into her lies. How can people still support this lier. Maybe the devil is a she.
People will vote for Hillary. They are voting themselves more money – period. They don’t care about honesty or integrity.
This is so true.
If people believe that a vote for Hillary will somehow get them more money then they are deceived. A vote for Hillary is a vote for more unemployment and higher taxes on those that still have a job. That would mean less money, not more money. A vote for Hillary is a vote for an even larger federal deficit.
How could we expect any less from an administration touted as the most transparent – their all liars and crooks as evidenced by the recent admissions of covering up Iranian discussions which supposedly never took place and most currently the North Carolina debacle – Obozo needs to be impeached and thrown out of office without a pension or a Secret Service detail for life. Let he and his family function as the rest of us do.
Only legitimate presidents can be impeached; they should just arrest and try his azz, for any of the following crimes he’s clearly committed:
1. Fraud(for lying about having ever been Barry Soetoro or other aliases)
2. Personation(for pretending he’s qualified for an office he’s NOT qualified for)
3. Felony Perjury(for repeatedly lying under his oath of office, easily demonstrated by a review of virtually any EO he’s written)
4. Treason(for supplying training, arms, munitions, vehicles and money to sworn enemies of the United States, as well as allowing the immigration of the same)
If D’OweBama is impeached, this will be a tacit acknowledgement that he DOES sit the office lawfully – but being as he’s NEVER been “natural born,” that should never happen. Just arrest, try, and convict his behind. That’d also stop the SS protection and his lifetime stipend at taxpayer expense.
When i send emails, a copy is saved to my “sent” folder; why didn’t the FBI simply either a) take the emails from Pagliano’s computer, or b) talk to the NSA, who saves everything everyone ever types on any computer anywhere, and get them that way?
Lyin’ Pieces of S*** gov’t m-f-ers.
Anyone who trusts any agent of the USG about ANYthing is not only a damn fool, but very likely a DAMNED fool, to boot.
The deaths of 4 men still hang over her and obamas heads , thats a fact so finish your job and get the both of them already
Vote you Representative out of office. It is his duty and obligation to file articles of impeachment and/or support the one that does. AI have written mine and if I see no action I will be voting against him. His name is Kenny Marchant of Texas.
Well, surprise, surprise!!! These people can get away with anything. They can’t continue for ever getting away
with thief, murder and multitudes of lies. I think the Clinton’s are a disgrace to America along with Obama.
All I can say and, that I’m sure of when their day of reckoning comes they will stand before God and all theirs
lies and conniving won’t help them. I’m glad it will be them and not me…..In the mean time GO TRUMP!!!!
Well, let e get this straight: They can lose her emails, lose Lerner’s emails and they are competent enough to give IRAN Nukes, but want to make the world NUKE FREE?
“Ah, so desa ku” which has become my most recent favorite expression: “The HYPOCRISY of the morons, the haters, the biased, the intolerant, the backstabbers, the treasonous Traitors” AH – I see, said the Blind
I have instructed my representative Kenny Marchant of Texas to support Articles of impeachment. It is his duty under the constitution and his oath. If he does not I will work to remove him from office. I suggest that you advise you representative to do the same or work to vote him out of office.
Haha…imagine that…pathetic!
With a bit of luck the many hackers and foreign countries will have better record keeping than this shower of corrupt excrement. Just got to get them to release it back to the good guys so these feckin world order reprobates can be put permanently
down out of harms way. Come on guys give us the information back for a good cause at least.
How very convenient (wink,wink).All these Government employees under this administration records being lost . Not one of them arrested let alone charged with obstruction.18 minutes of missing recordings helps impeach a Potus but thousands of missing emails does nothing .All these criminals need to go away.
Well, well, well…isn’t that convenient? Ooops! Sorry, we seem to have lost all of the emails that you needed.
I remember seeing this before OH YES IT was the Mafia, seems that the entire federal government now is the mafia
HRC says “Brian Pagliano, I’d like you to meet Vince Foster, Don Adams, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, Ron Brown, James Bunch, Eric Butera, James McDougal, and others and others….
They don’t lose any email, but they want to cover some bad things they did. Any government agency is not like a small business to excuse that it doesn’t have enough money to keep up with technology. THAT IS A BIG FAT LIER. I am really furious to hear that. Whoever is in charged in the state department emails must be procecuted to make a good example for any future politician other governmental officers.
let’s just tell the truth ok as everyone knows that it’s all bullshit. we need to send both Obama and the two Clinton’s to jail ,before it is to late. for every one that is trying to get the truth out thank you for being real American ‘s,
Fat chance of that happening, regardless of how much we all wish it, and how much good it would do if it did.
Why do you think he was given immunity? so that he can lie under oath and not have to pay the price. There is no way that Loretta Lynch will go forward with charges even if the FBI recommends it. This administration disgusts me. They all need to fall off a cliff.
Why do you think he was given immunity?
If you’re talking about Brian Pagliano, then he was given immunity so that he’d be exempt from prosecution for his OWN crimes in facilitating the mishandling of classified documents by The Liar and her staff. You don’t have to believe me when i tell you, but i can guarantee that the agreement Pagliano signed says that he’s toast if he lies even one time. They’ll tear up that agreement and prosecute the hell out of him if he lies after having been given immunity…and the FBI guys are VERY, VERY good at discovering whether or not someone’s lying.
When Trump said “lying Ted” I felt a little bad, but when he will be saying “lying Hillary” I will cheer. I still remember the papers at White Water missing for years and Hillary found them on their dining room table when the heat was turned down. Lost emails? They can be reconstructed by a good hack I’m sure.
How convenient the e-mails were lost especially that she is running for the President of the U.S. she and Bill Clinton have already gotten away plenty of murders in the past and if they got away with all the murders that they had someone do for them including blow up a plane that Ron was on years ago don’t think for one minute they didn’t have a hand in that to get rid of the man because he knew plenty about The Clintons. God help this country if she is elected.
I would have liked to see Ted Cruz as our next President, but the GOP didn’t like him so they got Donald Trump instead and don’t like him either, have they ever looked at themselves in the mirror I mean all of the rest of GOP party members they cannot have there cake and eat it too. The GOP aren’t listening to the people they are more interested in what they want and who they want to be President, All GOPs should be careful what they wish for and get off their duffs and put there dislikes ahead of our country because in the end they will destroy themselves and there careers and the House/Senate will be loaded with Dems watch and see.
What a crock of Killary crap, every damn politician who has been in office in the last 10 years, needs to be removed from office if still active and charged with High crimes and misdemeanors, this would also go for non-active personnel. The corruption at the highest levels of government are beyond any leniency or pardons of any kind, the Supreme Court will also fall into that category.
What our government has done to the people, is shameful and disgusting, and no way for any, what was a five star credit rating nation, until obassturd came along with his Communist manifesto and Bull shit. We should find a way to some how unite the people and demand complete restoration of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, impose the death penalty on the fraud and phony Barry Sotoroe aka; Hussein obuma, that he shall hang by the neck until death. That would not be punishment enough for what he and his co-conspirators have done against the American people.
Correction: What our government has done to the people, is shameful and disgusting, and no way is it how a country with a five star credit rating should be viewed, though we were not perfect we conducted ourselves as a nation with pride, that is until o-bassturd came along with his Communist manifesto and Bull shet.
It’s amazing how many coincidences happen around Hillary Clinton. If elected president, Ms. Clinton will continue to ignore the law and do whatever she wants to do. It seems there is no end to the criminal activity surrounding Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.
I said something to this degree in January.
This is typical Federal Government cover up. Are you really surprised? If you are. Your a fool. Hillary is your next president. I hope I’m still alive when this country gets sliced up like a pie for the world to take. Your country will have happen to it what you did to mine.
The emails aren’t lost.
The NSA has them, just like they have all of ours.
The issue is much bigger than that… this point
No matter who wins…..America loses!!!!
Obama will pardon her on his last day of office. People will act surprised.
So the E-mails have been lost? How convenient! But what about his backup files and his hard drive? And if they have been destroyed he can still offer his own testimony. Besides there is still a lot of other evidence to be considered to include the hacking that was done. Of course when she is interviewed she will attempt to evade the questions, have a coughing fit or a dizzy spell. or profess a loss of memory. If all else fails she will try to justify it by claiming that others did the same thing before she did and got away with it. So why shouldn’t she? What does it matter if she put national security in jeopardy?
OMG WTF this is what the Clinton’s do best.