by Frank Holmes, reporter
Tuesday’s midterms gave the Democrats control of the House of Representatives, and now they’re lining up a leadership team of extremists, unhinged ideologues, and loons.
Here’s are just a few people who will try to wreck the president and ruin our country for the next two years….
Nancy Pelosi: The San Francisco Democrat made no bones about the fact that she wants to be Speaker of the House again, no matter what. “I am best qualified to take us into the future,” she said – but Pelosi has one of the most liberal, anti-Trump voting records in Congress. Her tax-raising, open borders, anti-jobs agenda, will cost Americans their prosperity.
Pelosi plays dirty – and she brags about it. She admitted to using what she calls the “wrap-up smear” against her opponents and said that she’s willing to turn people into “collateral damage” if they get in her way.
The 78-year-old has had humiliating meltdowns on camera, where her spouting gibberish and struggle to find simple words has made people ask if she’s senile. That may be the reason why President Donald Trump tweeted support for her after the votes were counted.
Maxine Waters: The California Representative is in line to become chair of the House Financial Services Committee. Yes, that Maxine Waters – the 80-year-old Bay-area radical who told angry crowds to “get in the face” of Republicans everywhere. The one who says “impeachment, impeachment, impeachment…” is her top priority, and who has one of the most far-left voting records in Congress.
Waters is already the top Democrat on the committee – and she’s already abused that position to try to spy on the president and the entire Trump family.
She sued a German bank to pry into “the personal accounts of the President and his family,” hoping to find any shred of evidence that Russia bribed him.
“I am focused on making sure that our financial system is fair,” she said – but for Democrats, “fair” means “socialist.”
Jerrold Nadler: The New York Representative will step into leadership in the House Judiciary Committee – and that’s bad news for anyone who’s against judges making law from the bench. He’s has made promises to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The reason behind his promises of impeachment? Because he says Kavanaugh lied to Congress about teenage slang written in his high school yearbook regarding whether he vomited from drinking.
Nadler’s got a lifelong hatred of the president, as well. “Nadler and President Trump have been at each other’s throats since the 1990s,” according to the New York Times.
He’s let it slip that he plans to open up an investigation into whether Trump is trying to shut down the phony investigation into “Russian collusion.”
And if Nadler thinks he can get away with it, impeachment will follow. “If the president perjured himself about colluding with Russians, that would be worthy of impeachment,” Nadler has said.
Nadler’s also a confirmed gun-grabber who wants to tie all mass shootings to “white supremacy” and push for gun control legislation.
Elijah Cummings: The Maryland Representative is the main Democrat on the House Oversight Committee. He plans to push every possible investigation into the president – anywhere “I can get documents,” he’s said. “I damn sure don’t want to waste my time.”
Cummings, who is part of the far-left Congressional Black Caucus, holds a leftist position on every issue the radicals care about. He has a 100% voting record from Planned Parenthood, 88% from the ACLU, and 0% from the pro-business group Americans for Prosperity.
Richard Neal: The Massachusetts Representative is the favorite to head up the powerful Ways and Means Committee. He announced to liberal networks on election night that his first order of business will be using an obscure 1924 tax law to get a copy of Trump’s tax returns.
Voters in rural districts had thought they voted for moderate-sounding Democrats this week — and assumed the party had turned over a new leaf.
But, top Democrats like Pelosi and Water had another plan in mind.
When voters elected the most aggressive liberals to run their Congressional agenda, top Democrats showed Americans how the party used their votes and betrayed them – just like they will the whole country.
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”