The death of former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has been the subject of rampant speculation since his body was discovered at a Texas hunting retreat earlier this month.
Now, new details are emerging that are sure to present more questions than answers for those who are demanding an investigation into Scalia’s death.
When Scalia’s body was found in his bed at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Shafter, TX on February 13, the news sent a shockwave through the American public. The death of a conservative Supreme Court justice during President Barack Obama’s last year in office created an opportunity to swing the entire court to the left.
The timing was suspicious to say the least, even after details emerged that Scalia suffered from a variety of health problems including sleep apnea, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
And the more details that emerge about Scalia’s death, the more material that conspiracy theorists have to work with.
According to a sheriff’s report released this week, local police were ordered to stay away from Scalia’s body after it was initially discovered, and were significantly delayed in responding.
Ranch owner John Poindexter was reportedly initially vague when reporting the death to authorities, which Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez says caused the delay. Poindexter also reportedly would not reveal during a phone call who had died.
“I then advised Poindexter that a death reported in Presidio County was under my jurisdiction and that it should be reported to my office,” Dominguez wrote. “He then stated to me that this death was way beyond my authority and that it should go to the Feds.”
After a series of phone calls, Dominguez met U.S. marshals at the ranch about 190 miles southeast of El Paso, where they were taken to Scalia’s room.
The effort to keep Dominguez away from Scalia’s body until federal officials arrived has spurned questions among those who want an inquiry into Scalia’s death — and the nature of Scalia’s Texas trip has also raised eyebrows.
The Washington Post is reporting that Scalia was a member of a secret society called the International Order of St. Hubertus, a male-only group of elite hunters that dates back to the 1600s. It appears the hunting retreat may have included several group members, which also may have contributed to the secrecy around the trip.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
There should have been an autopsy. It sounds like Texas of the early 1960’s. Too many unanswered questions. There are not supposed to be any secret societies in Catholicism. The “elite” order mentioned in this article and groups like Opus Dei can be said to be contrary to Catholicism. Jesus was of the poor and open to all. He didn’t hang around with elitists. I am a practicing Catholic and think that these groups need to read a Catechism instead of practicing elitism.
I’m sure an autopsy can still be performed if ordered by the right person!
It wouldn’t matter they already embalned him!
NO!, bone marrow and intestines can show multiple things, hair also grows after death and roots can show many things. Some drugs need special test, but a good pathologist will find it/them.
I wish they would do something soon before it’s too late. I believe he was murdered, to many unsolved questions.
Very sad!
The absolutely can still do an autopsy after embalming
The results will be less complete and some of the more complex tests would be skewed, but there can STILL be an autopsy. Who, among the elite, are willing to go against the reigning president, et al? The answer: America. But again, the peoples’ rights and abilities have been usurped. So, will not happen.
He was embalmed.. no autopsy can be preformed after this procedure.
He has been cremated. Conveniently — immediately, and Scalia being a Catholic – they shun cremation.
I think that if Scalia’s family didn’t want an autopsy done everyone should respect their wishes and let the man rest in peace and pray for his departed soul. Everyone should mind there own business. If it was a family member of yours and you didn’t want to have an autopsy performed nobody would interfere in your private family matters I feel if the family knows what happened it is there business not yours or mine. Can’t people just keep their noses out of a private family’s request and respect it and leave it at that.
what a crock of crap he was a sitting supreme court judge who died suddenly an autopsy was 100% necessary..national security superceeds the family wish for a dead man.
I agree. He was a very important person to this country and an investigation should be done. A sitting Supreme Court judge dies suddenly and there is no autopsy. . I thought that in the case of a sudden death an autopsy is always done.
Hey, what is impeding your thinking? A Supreme Court Justice’s death IS NOT a “private” event. There is NO evidence that his medical ailments were the cause of his death…No autopsy = no evidence of cause of death. A juvenile who shoplifts a pack of gum from a bodega gets more of an investigation than the unwitnessed death a Supreme Court Justice? Who is calling the shots here? America has the right to know!
Don’t you realize what the ramifications would be if Judge Scalia WAS murdered? Not allowing an autopsy would cover up any proof, one way or the other. They need to do an autopsy. Our national security depends on it! If he died of natural causes, let’s know for sure. If he was murdered, lets know for sure and then seek justice for the Justice. This is when the Scalia family needs to realize the corruption that will take place, IF Justice Scalia was murdered.
I’m all in favor of respecting the decision of the family, but in this case, I believe that the safety of our COUNTRY is more important than the wishes of the family. The family should understand this situation and allow the autopsy.
The man was a Supreme Court Justice of the United States! THAT makes it everyone’s business! What country do you live in?
Obama had him killed
In general the family wishes should be abided with, but Judge Scalia is not the average person, and his stature as a Supreme Court Judge, and the balance of power on the Supreme Court, plus his mysterious demise, calls for overriding the family wishes, and an autopsy should have been performed, and should still be performed to ascertain exactly caused the Judge’s death. There is a lot of questions that need to be answered.
Do you mean ObAma too,
Should stay out of peoples business
I hope so?
let the man rest in peace
The man is dead! He won’t mind. In fact, I’m sure he would agree that the American people deserve to know whether he was murdered or not. Do an autopsy and hopefully, we will all be able to rest in peace.
In Texas, we do not do things like you said in the 1960’s!! Have you ever been to Texas? The ranch that Scalis died at is in the middle of nowhere! We go by there each year when we go to Big Bend! He might have been murdered or died in his sleep! But don’t judge us by saying we do things like in the 60’s!!!
remember JFK?
JFK was the president of the U.S.A. he was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald so the story goes and Ruby killed Oswald let them all rest in peace for God’s sake maybe JFK’s family knows the real truth so why dig up the past it will be part of history and you can read it if you are alive in 100 years from now.
…and your point is? Kennedy, Oswald, and Ruby were “witnessed” deaths where the cause of death was clear. The cause of Scalia’s death has not been backed by evidence!
@ Donna. He died in the State of Texas. Even though it’s an isolated area he died at, it’s still under the laws of Texas. Actually, the questions and strange procedures by Texas officials remind many of the disgrace of Dallas of 53 years back.
It was our fexeral government, who STOPPED THE AUTOSPY
OF JFK. IT IS THE LAW OF TEXAS THAT BEFORE THE BODY TO BE REMOVED OUT OF TEXAS, THERE MUST BE AN AUTOPSY. A gun was pointed at the leading medical doctor at the hospital. Get out of the way, we are taking JFK TO WASHINGTON. THERE WAS A STORY going around CIA SHOT JFK, accidentally. We may never know the truth.
If either were killed because of politics, God help us all.
Christian’s of various denominations such as Baptist and Pentacostal do not believe in secret societies either.
Jesus was not a Catholic!!
He picked St. Peter to start his Church. St. Peter was the first Catholic Pope.
When the Catholic Church was formed Sr Peter was long dead and buried. Constantine started catolicism.
According to what I read in the Bible, Jesus was the most kosher Jew who ever walked barefoot on this planet. After His death He was given a proper Hebrew burial (John 19:40).
I just knew something was wrong and I feel awful for his family and Wife left behind. I put nothing against this government.
He has been showing signs of dementia for some years. With some of his rulings and statements reflect that. How else would you explain someone rolling that a name on a piece of paper has the same rights of a living person, Citizens United. Basic test of this is how can you put a Corporation, in reality a name on a piece of paper, in jail. And than his comments that Racism is dead and the “Voting Rights Bill” is not needed? He had only have looked at Congress and the Tea Party controlled states and you would know that Racism is alive and wel and Jim Crow has risen from the grave.
Just the fact of no autopsy (Apparently at his family’s request, but who knows?) is enough to engender questions about it. Every time something else is revealed only adds to the problem. When there is no guilt involved, there is openness.
The media reports gave the impression there was no autopsy because the family didn’t want one. That, in ITSELF is a false impression, and just another example of the corrupt media carrying water for Obama and his equally corrupt crew of minions. The justice who pronounced him dead declined to order an autopsy at that time. Had she ordered one at that time, the family’s wishes would not have been an issue. It was only AFTER his body was hustled off to the funeral home that the family was asked and declined to have an autopsy, likely to avoid delaying his funeral.
he was pronounced dead by the TELEPHONE for G*d’s sake, then hustled to be embalmed…..a travesty and in my opinion a HOMICIDE!
Hey dude,
What brought Obama into this? John Poindexter stymied the local authorities from the start. Didn’t I just read that he was involved in government (NSA, etc) under Bush the original and also DARPA under Bush the “W”? You accuse the media for doing exactly what you seem to be doing…..assuming, jumping to a conclusion not based on any stated fact.
My obese brother over 400lbs died at 48 and they did an autopsy and he was a nobody and had no money. It is amazing to me that they would not do an autopsy on a judge to determine cause of death. It is just unbelievable!
Because there’s cat ” encerrado “., Alexander
Ordered by who? From the top?
Obama ordered it to be secretives,Obama is the true murderer he ordered the hit on him the judge.
He most likely did.
Stop being an idiot. You guys will say anything to smear Obama. Scalia was 79 and from the medical information released on his health he already had one foot in the grave between heart disease, diabetes and emphysema (COPD). So get real!
better check the clintons they know how it works Years of practice
I agree with Walt above The Clintons probably had Ron’s plane blown up and took care of others as well they never dirty their hands others do it for them pretty sad.
You got that right
If he tromped around hunting he could not have had much copd. The only indication of heart disease I heard was high blood pressure and high cholesterol (very usual for his age). And diabetes which affects the body but not usually a cause for sudden death. His refusal to have a rotorcuff repair at his age ….well that’s a choice. I never really heard anything that indicated there was a concern for sudden death. It could well have been natural death but the actual cause couldn’t be determined without an autopsy. A man in his position in my opinion should have had one.
It was reported that he did NOT go hunting the day before.
Don’t be so sure that his death was health related. There are secret societies that most people are not aware.of. One for sure is The Illuminati that most of these secret societies fall under, and if you don’t do things the way they order it to be done, you automatically show up on their hit list or if you try to leave out from these so called societies they threaten your life or your family.
Thank you for calling them on assumption and accusation without any supporting facts. John Poindexter was the first to stymie the local authorities and he served in 2 Republican administrations (Bush 1 and “W”).
Yes, but I repeat again….there IS NO evidence that his medical ailments were the cause of his death!
Richard: If his age and medical condition were definitely factors in his death, I would think the Government would have INSISTED that every step possible be taken to prove to skeptics that nothing untoward had occurred. Why did they do just the opposite, if they had nothing to hide? Many people, including me, now have good reason to question the circumstances of his death forevermore!
Body not yet became cold and Obama declared constitution obligation of nomination. Where been constitution when Obama was making laws around lawmakers? Who is the winner now? They brake procedures – autopsy should be performed after unexpected death. Period. And again: who is the winner?
Body not yet became cold and Mitch McConnell declared “we will stall”. Not very constitutional for the group who is constantly bringing up the constitution during the Republican Presidential debates. I suggest you tune in tonight. I called Mitch’s office and asked him where in the constitution does it say that the current president should defer to the next president? I’ve looked but still haven’t found what I’m looking for….sounds like a song.
amen, but now watch your own ass?????
amen, now watch your own a??
amen now watch your >>????
I vhad suspicions about vhis sudded death. And the distant location of the death site, and long delay in calling authorities v to the scene. Also that NO AUTOPSY WAS ORDERED , VERY SUSPICIOUS. I think POLITICAL FOUL PLAY INVOLVED IN THE SEDDEN DEATH> I THINK BTHE BODY SHOULD BE EXUNED AND AN AUTOPSY PREFORMED NOW. “Obma is to quick to act on nominating a replacement. LOOKS TO OBVIOUS TO ME.
Obama hated him and he has joked about his death in the day before his funeral Michelle Obama will seen rolling her eyes. And the fact they did not go to his funeral was very disrespectful. Obama already made the comment they did not get along.
I remember reading that they found a pillow over his head. Strange.
It was John Poindexter who prevented the local authorities from coming in. He served in both Bush’s REPUBLICAN administrations. Does anyone out there read? where do you come up with this ____?
Bush – Now that really reaks of ‘secret society’. Do a little research on that one!
Az observer says: More information definately needed on this entire report out of Texas.
JFK 1963…jus’ sayin’
The whole thing sounds funny to me, especially when Obama was mad because of the EPA ruling, They should have at least taken blood. The guy who reported it was a big Donor to Obama. I think he was murdered
Are you sure. I read that John Poindexter reported it. He served in both Bush’s administration. I believe they both ran on the REPUBLICAN Part’s ticket. That doesn’t sound like a big Obama contributor.
Or it was a hooker supplied by the Dems that drugged him to death.
I can see the type of mind you have, in the gutter.!!!
Your opinion is not creditable, so keep it to your own filthy mind, and don’t try to discredit
A passed on great American, that was a credit to his profession.
It was an assassination, plain and simple.
Our wet work agents in our intelligence services are well versed in killing anyone, but especially an overweight elderly gent, and leaving no evidence. There are many chemical agents that are swiftly metabolized and leave no obvious trace even on the most rigorous tox screening. There are also any number of binary agents – a chemical innocuous in and of itself, is administered via food or drink (or even through fabrics in clothing) at some pint, and then within a certain timeframe, the followup agent is administered in similar fashion. Neither agent is by itself toxic, but metabolized together they can cause cardiac arrest or fatal hemorrhage. 79 year old man with history of heart issues? A piece of cake.
This hit was the DimocRATs desperate effort to create a political theater in which they can blame the Republicans for judicial gridlock and even racism when they shoot down Owebama’s Marxist/baby killer nominee, plain and simple.
Unless and until out military leadership takes matters in hands and OBEYS their oaths to uphold the Constitution and defend this nation against ALL enemies, DOMESTIC in particular, we are doomed.
Ah, the constitution. That is the document that Republicans bring up often but ignore when it suggest that the president (i.e. the CURRENT and ONLY PRESIDENT at ALL times) do something they don’t like (e.g. nominate a supreme court justice).
An autopsy should have been preformed. What about the unions?
A major case is coming in front of the court and could impact the unions big time
Where was his family, why did they not deman an autopsy, why no inquest, it’s suspicious to say the least. The family connection I find to be very worry some.
Now Repubs and TPs are agreeing with me Scalia death is murder. First of all it is in Texas. Texas is known to hate politicians and judges. I cannot believe Justice Scalia to leave his wife home for a luxury trip alone. She would like to eat luxury food and enjoy the ranch too. I hope Scalia did not believe in Sharia law where men are masters. Second Scalia as judge was not supposed to accept free luxury gifts from anybody. It was a conflict with his job as a judge and justice. What if a case involved those rich morons were to come before the Supreme Court; would he recuse himself? I doubt with Scalia so stubborn. Third, I believe those who invited him had sinister plot to make sure he was not alive back to DC. They tricked him-to leave his wife home. Had his wife been together, she would have called 911 when he got heart attack and saved his life. Attorney General Lynch should appoint special investigator for Scalia death. For now all who invited Scalia should be arrested and put in jail. This is not funny.
There is nothing wrong with Texas!!! We do not hate politicians & judges! How in the world did you come up with that stupid idea? You are probably a democrat!!!
Some of my best friends come from Texas,Never heard them say bad about the politicians until Bush left office,even he done some good for the American people.Now, let’s get Cruz elected with Rubio as his VP.We all know how our Goverment can hide the truth,some day we will find the truth about Kennedy getting killed in Dallas.Scalia death does sound like they are hiding the cause,but, someone will get out the truth.
Not with Cruz he is deceitful and lies to much.
He might have been there without his wife if it was some kind of meeting he was conned in to going to.
If you are not a TV fiction writer, you missed your calling!
Because they were all threatened. They all had way too much to loose if they tried to get an autopsy or even spoke out a out anything.
Pam, Pam, Pam…the CORRECT spelling is LOSE…LOOSE is the opposite of TIGHT…you make the same common error of many. Sorry – but I just couldn’t let that one pass! But what you were saying is, in my opinion quite correct! Any unusual death is usually followed by an autopsy…end of story.
I can understand the desire for U.S. Marshals to handle the investigation rather than the local sheriff’s office since Justice Scalia was a high ranking government official. The last thing the Scalia family needs is to be victimized by having a local law enforcement agency’s death scene photos leaked to the public. There is also no mention that the sheriff’s investigators have any training in examining a body beyond a general look for bullet holes, stab wounds, etc.
This may be more about a sheriff’s ego than a cover-up of a Supreme Court justice’s death.
You,er sick…..I just bet you,er a liberal.
Right after Judge Scalia’s death I was speaking with a friend, and we both agreed that it was probably a definite that there would be an autopsy because of some of the apparently strange facts about how the Judge’s body was found, and the huge political implications it had. We were both certain the law would have insisted on an autopsy, regardless of what the family wanted. Not ordering one begs these conspiracy theories.
The pillow over the face is a dead giveaway for H2S poisoning. So to me, it looks like murder. H2S, or as it is better known, sour gas in the oil and gas industry smells pretty bad. But it can kill you even in small amounts. It would have been pretty simple to stream in some through the ventilation system in Scalia’s room. And then exhaust it the same way. No extra pressure would be needed in the room. No smell anywhere else, and just a few hours of normal venting would have the room back to normal.
Sounds very mysterious as to why an autopsy wasn’t ordered! Anytime a person dies in a home an autopsy is performed to see the cause & rule out murder or foul play!!!
Good point Sharon, most people who die mysteriously have an autopsy done. I have always thought it was a hit on Scalia and who is the expert on hits…..hill…maybe?
The Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement official in any county and should have asserted his authority to the U.S. Marshals, who have no jurisdiction in a death investigation. The Sheriff dropped the ball on not conducting a full and complete investigation and autopsy. As such, what actually happened to Justice Scalia will never be known, natural death or otherwise.
Good point Sharon, an autopsy is always done on a mysterious death even on an ordinary person. A Supreme Court Justice would be no doubt. I have always thought it was a Hit on Scalia……an who is the best person in America to do that…..maybe hill…?
Here’s what i remember reading about the circumstances surrounding Scalia’s death:
He was found with a pillow under his head AND on his face.
A coroner called in refused to come, and pronounced him dead without ever seeing him!
Texas State law requires an autopsy when anyone allegedly dies alone.
There were “red marks” on Scalia’s chest.
“The family” didn’t want an autopsy.
Scalia’s body was taken, escorted by approx. 30 State and Federal police agents, to a mortuary where embalming was IMMEDIATELY begun, thus potentially destroying any blood toxicology evidence(unless someone used their f’in’ brain and KEPT A SAMPLE).
Yep, this whole thing has a stench of RFK and JFK, as well as 911; perhaps, after stonewalling as long as possible(just like the Shrub did), a “Warren Commission” or “911 Commission” will be set up, filled with Scalia’s ideological enemies, and they’ll eventually say that there’s “Nothing to see here, folks, it was a heart attack, move along” just like the Quislings, traitors and sycophants on the aforementioned Commissions did with their “investigations.”
i’m getting too cynical, after seeing far too many of these “commissions” and “investigations” merely parrot the Establishment line(or should i say “lie”). These people hate the Truth, and they hate to see any Light cast upon their skullduggery and deceptiveness.
I think several people that have written here are right, I think the judge was killed. Doesn’t it seem really strange that Obama did not attend the funeral?. I think his death was planned, I also think Obama was in on the plan. if not the planner !! And, I go further, I think there will be another happening to another judge that is not a Democrat. I have read too much about Obama, what he did in his high school years and since then to put any trust in him. No thank you, I don’t believe a word he says, and I will be so glad to see him gone, I just wish he would go back to Africa and stay there until he dies
I agree with everything you said Nancy!
This statement by the Sheriff of the County is correct and Poindexter’s statement is not correct with an exception, if this incident happened on a Federal Reservation such as a military base, the ‘FEDS’ would have jurisdiction!…The US Supreme Court has already upheld that a Sheriff of a county is the ‘Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the County’ as he/she is an ‘Elected’ official to that position: “I then advised Poindexter that a death reported in Presidio County was under my jurisdiction and that it should be reported to my office,” Dominguez wrote. “He then stated to me that this death was way beyond my authority and that it should go to the Feds.”
The position Scalia held I believe because of his importance to our nation should have demanded an autopsy should have been done. The handling has the earmarks of a massive cover up. The pillow over the face was clearly suspicious in perhaps a message being sent to silence. Nobody should be above suspicion.My condolences to the family but even they should be suspect as well as staff friends and security.Obama has already injected picking a left leaning activist judge into the media using it as a bully pulpit to influence outcomes. I say not so fast Scalia was a originalist constitutionist. I firmly believe the next appointment should be a originalist constitutionist to replace government is the mandate of our constitution.Not decree by dictator and mob rule , that is repugnent to the American people.we should be with respect and honor of SCALIAS contribution of preserving our great nation respecting and honoring his memory.The next president should make that choice because he will be serving under that president. Someone needs to inform Obama his days of creating chaos and leading from behind are over. And his furthur disruption to preserve a nonexistant pile of dung legacy is More BS served on a shovel to a country he hates except for the perks he can exploit for his own benifit.
From what I had read and heard, Scalia was murdered. Period. No doubt about it. What amazes me is how the family did not order an autopsy. They might have been threatened. Who knows? However,they still can hire a private detective to investigate it. I hope they do. The family needs to tell the public why they did not have an autopsy. Were they happy to get rid of him too?
From what I had read and heard, Scalia was murdered. Period. No doubt about it. What amazes me is how the family did not order an autopsy. They might have been threatened. Who knows? However,they still can hire a private detective to investigate it. I hope they do. The family needs to tell the public why they did not have an autopsy. Were they happy to get rid of him too?
The family does not owe an explanation for their reason however I think they were threatened. It all smells of foul play.
My first thought when I heard Justice Scalia had died wasthat he was murdered. I was a Private Investigator and an unattended death always indicates possible foul play and autopsy is mandatory. Of course, we are dealing with Texas. Donald Trump must be careful of the democrats and republicans. Et tu, Brute?????
What in the world do you mean “we are dealing with Texas?” Yeah, you are a democrat! Leave our wonderful state of Texas out of your stupid ideas!!!
She isn’t even elected yet and people are starting to drop.
If there is anyone in D.C. with a target on his back ,it was Judge Scalia. Not because he was a bad guy but because he was a good guy.
There should be an autopsy & investigation, for God’s sake, has no one read the “The Pelican Brief”??????? Sometimes life does imitate art.
The Sheriff put off on seeing the body in His jurisdiction. Body nearly immediately embalmed. Secret Society. Gives BHO a Supreme Court appointment. Feds called in and still nobody called for an autopsy.
Gee how could you possibly see a cover-up? The following is my opinion, which for at least a while, I am entitled to: What BHO wants BHO gets, ANY way he can. He promised hope and change. The hope is that he leaves office before being able to create any more of his change. Trouble is, the RINOs are working with him. Not a full set anywhere to be seen in the “Republican (and I use the following VERY loosely) Leadership”.
My instinct says foul play. We’ll never know unless someone blows the whistle which probably will not ever happen. You can get away with murder. No truth yet to Who was really behind Kennedy assassination just to show you.
Couple interesting things to ponder. Several weeks back, Hillary stated she would elect Obama to the Supreme Court. Also, if an illegal immigrants, die in TX, a autopsy is performed as a matter of course.
It has been reported that there were bruises on the body & a puncture to his chest.
All very suspect, when you consider all the cases before the Supreme Court, resulting from Execution Orders that defy The Constitution..
Point of interest, the Pres. who ignores many of the amendments of The Constitution, feels compelled to follow his obligation to appoint. Scalias’ replacement.
Obama through out some bait, to entrap the GOP, with a Republican candidate,
The candidate, not wanting to be a pawn, declined the nomination.
It is my understanding he was cremated. Which means no autopsy
That was why there was an uproar an autopsy should have been done but they rushed to cremate him so no autopsy could be done.
maybe his death was ordered by someone so a new judge could be put in place NOW befor the king leaves office. no he wouldn’t do a thing like that………….like he wouldn’t
My questions:
Why didnt anyone from TX Ranch appear to media IE hotel spokesman
Why didnt his wife come forward?
Why the delay?
Who benefits by his ” natural death”.
(aside Dems controlling USSC)
& no word from his kin on his death or close friends (non Court).
Or ex court employees.
Hearing Nothing.
& any illegal drug or other can make one appear to die “naturally”.
So I dont buy this BS.
Just re-read the article, and it has me curious: just WHO “ordered the local police to stay away,” and WHO “ordered the Sheriff to stay out of it”? Unless the Sheriff’s orders came from Texas’ Governor(which i doubt), said orders must have come from some Federal official who has no jurisdiction in any part of Texas that is not federal property, unless he/she/they got specific permission from the Governor, FIRST…and/or were called in, like to investigate a town where police are suspected of criminality.
FMO, few Sheriffs know the full extent of their powers in the areas over which they have legal authority; one of these powers is to DENY Federal officials/agents/LEO’s access unless he permits it…or to THROW ‘EM OUT if he decides to, as well.
I AGREE he was murdered.
Most of us know there was a hit in this judge. As every time before, when someone gets in the way or is a threat to the anti-gun agenda, that person or persons end up dead. The 15 witnesses, the woman that was coming here to DC to testify she was the person that forged Obullshit’s birth certificate and the list goes on. The real question is who has more blood on their hands, him or Kilary . It’s a fact Senitor Blumbungler is personal friends and I believe hit man for both Clintons.
Money can prevent autopsies