The 2016 race for the Republican presidential nomination could soon take a hard turn from chaotic to corrupt.
And it’s becoming more likely that the eventual GOP candidate could be chosen through smoky backroom deals where enormous amounts of cash and favors change hands.
With Republican frontrunner Donald Trump headed for a loss in Wisconsin today, it’s becoming more likely that the Republican nominee will be chosen in a “brokered” convention in July, where delegates are free to vote as they choose.
But experts in election law say there’s absolutely nothing preventing these delegates from selling their votes to the highest bidder — and some are expected to do just that.
Delegates at a brokered convention could legally accept payments such as extravagant gifts and travel accommodations from candidates if they pledge their support, and it all appears to be totally legal.
According to a recent CNN report, “There are federal and state laws prohibiting bribery of elected officials — and restrictions on campaigns themselves — but there isn’t much on the books governing what private citizens serving as delegates at their parties’ conventions can take in exchange for their votes on a nominating ballot.”
Given his inside connects, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz may have the advantage in such a scenario.
This is kind of uncharted, but I think a lot of the discussions and deals that are cut are more political in nature rather than monetary,” Michael Toner, a partner at Wiley Rein and former FEC chairman, told CNN.
Cruz insists he still has a “clear path” to winning the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the Republican nomination, but even with a Cruz win in Wisconsin, the likelihood of a brokered convention looms large.
Main Street says
American Democracy?
Robert says
American corruption at it’s finest.
Robert says
This whole election is about the people’s right to choose who they want to be president anybody else interfering or trying to stop that is wrong those people know who they are and if you vote for them this country is going to hell in a handbasket think smart vote to keep your freedom and your rights. There’s only one person out there supporting himself who does that have to lower himself to anyone else and that person deserves to be president and you know who he is
Roy says
Doald Trump.
Tom Scire says
They wanted to end the Mafia, these people are worse. Trump all the qway
Mark says
I think Donald Trump should tell the republican, establishment to go to hell, and run on an independent ticket,I think he can get enough people to go with him to win the election, It is time for the republican party to go down the tubes. The establishment is full of liars,thieves, that will take away from the american people. I will not vote for any other candidate but DONALD TRUMP,
Tom says
Oh, you what? To Hell with Congress, we do NOT need those cowardly muslim-loving money-grubbing scum. The RNC has NO idea what will happen to our Country if they get their way and actually help to have HilLIARy for THEIR prez. I for one will never do anything she would wish, order, or demand. I would tell her, “F you!” just as I did BHO and then would apply to Israel for political asylum! I’d be welcomed with open arms, they don’t like O either.
Let the RNC/GOP give their meaningless nomination to whomever they desire, I DON’T care. Neither should ANY American with half a brain! Why? Something they hope, HOPE!, you don’t remember from high-school. You can Write-in the name of the candidate of YOUR choice. Don’t check/punch/whatever any name, go down the list and there MUST be a place, an empty line, where you PRINT LEGIBLY: Donald John Trump, Sr. Great, you not only fulfilled your Constitutional duty to vote, but may also have assisted in America’s recovery from 8 years of abuse: Constitutionally, economically, militarially, tyrannically, spiritually, racially, ethically and morally to name a few that jumped into my thoughts.
Do not forget, write-in: Donald John Trump, Sr. Be LEGIBLE or they will toss your ballot!
Golden Eagle says
All the way
No surprise there
Masanja says
Well tell that to GOP elites. GOP candidates, their advisers and GOPers as a whole. They are liars, hypocrites, racists, bigots and sexists. They think we the publics are so dumb not to remember what they have been preaching for last 7 years. For instance, Repubs and TPs are whining why Trump will jail women who have abortions. But these are the same GOPers who have been shouting that women should not have right to control their bodies including having abortions. You remember Congress Atkin who said that women should give birth even if pregnancy is result of rape or incest. Recently an African-American doctor was jailed for helping women to have abortions. In fact, the same TPs and Repubs in power have been trying to make it illegal or hard for women to have abortions. They have been picketing at abortion clinics blocking women who want abortions. Many GOP governors have cut funding for National Parenthood including pre-abortion counseling. TPS and Repubs call themselves conservative-dumb. Now here is Trump who wants to execute wish on abortion; but now the same people are cursing why Trump wants to punish women who have abortions. Other issue – TPs and Repubs have been cursing for 7 years why President Obama did not build an electric fence to ensure Mexicans do not come here; and his failure to ship all illegals. Now Trump wants to implement GOP wishes; the same people are crying foul why Trump wants to carry out their plans. GOP members, please know that GOP elites are hypocrites and liars. Please do not vote for Cruz and Kasich in the primary. Vote for Trump a true American. GOP elites think you’re dumb not to remember what they have been telling you for the last 7 years.
Mary says
Masanja – You are so right.
Mary says
Wow, you’ve said it all perfectly. Right on. Thanks for that.
Janice says
I agree 100% with Masanja. And the very idea that a politician can sell my vote to someone else is about as currupt as you can get. What is happening to our country that such dishonesty exist?? Is Washington D.C. getting so racist, bigoted, liars and dishonest that no matter who we vote for, they can turn around and SELL our vote to the highest bidder. Any politician that agrees with this and/or does this should be kicked out of their profit making cushy job. I will do a write-in vote before voting for anyone who will do this. I am beginning to think our politicians don’t give a damn about what the American people want, other than our money. Shame on them!!!.
debdell says
We are seeing more and more that there are corrupt dictators in charge of our country. How can we educate those that need to learn?
Here are some links to spread around that show media lies and propaganda.
Trump – long road to the WH 1980 – 2015 –
11-10-1988 – on Letterman likes Bush –
1990 Trump with Larry King – media is dishonest –
Ann says
Well said.
Joe's wilson says
You have the right to do what you want shoot yourself in the head. That’s fine with me. Just do make me pay for it.
Pauline Windust says
I agree with Masanja 100%. If the “elite group” is successful in the back room corruption and disregard and disrespect the voters’ choice, we have lost a government for the people, by the people & of the people. Our democracy is at stake, Vote Trump. POW
Kathy says
I’m with you all the way. The goo are paying thugs to go to trump conventions and cause trouble because they are so afraid that they will loose their power of owning candidates.
Sharon Cobb says
I believe America will have to answer for all the babies who have been killed as a result of abortion. Did you know there have been more babies killed that Jews in WW 2, and we all think that was awful what happened to the Jews in Germany. So a woman has the right to have an abortion, but what about all those babies that have been killed?
Golden Eagle says
You are so right
Sharon Shelby says
Your 100% right like ALL above!!!,..only problem is(I’m just starting to understand the delegate thing,…the peoples vote really doesn’t mean a thing,..its the DELEGATES that only count. If a delegate hates a candidate from the beginning-no matter if he wins the state are not, the contested convention he can vote against the winner!..AND…as I just read its NOT ILLEGAL for a candidate running for the nomination at the convention (CRUZ,etc.) to BRIBE by MONEY are trips,favors,etc. to cast their delegate vote for the vote that candidate needs!!!! ,…and THIS IS DEMOCRACY??? I wish there was something we the people could do something to stop this election process NOW!!!!… OUR VOTE …THE PEOPLE…US,..doesn’t count at all!!!!!…CRUZ has already got the vote of ALL Colorado deletates even BEFORE we’re there to Vote!!! He happily announced that news this morning!
Janice says
Donald Trump or we can kiss our freedom goodbye.
Ann says
I agree 100%!!
Tom says
Just why do you think that the Liberals AND the Conservatives, the Dems and Reps, are trashing him so bad? They are SCARED! Totally afraid he may shake their tree and watch all the nuts and fools fall out. He may, should and hopefully will expose the treacherous, and quite likely treasonous ways they are drafting bills into laws to further enslave us and that they do not need to obey. Example: OBAMACARE. Its great (???) for YOU, but not THEM!
ENOUGH! Please, do some research into who you will vote for. Do NOT rely on what you see on TV. Who do you think owns the TV station? The print media? The radio station? No one you should trust! Listen to the lies spouted daily, its outrageous. Not to mention the World’s #1 LIAR, Barack Hussien Soetoro-Obama. The jerk has Indonesia citizenship, took it to go to school. Never applied FOR American citizenship and still attempts to pass a proven, verified, forged document as ‘his’ birth certificate. Come on, if you will not tell a basic, natural fact without LYING about it, WHAT else does he lie about? My answer, EVERYTHING.
I mean, Would YOU buy a used car from him???
DEATH to all muslims.
Joe's wilson says
Yes and I’m not afreid to say Trump.
Carols says
The GOP is making me sick ! They have proven that they are not worth our time to vote for any of them ever again. For the people and By the people! This is not their personal, one owner business. Let the people decide their fate! Why didn’t they do something when Obama was running? No one has done anything. I will never give on penny to any of these despicable so called men! Shame on all of you. Meddling is not your style! What has happened to you? Were you ever honorable?
Mary says
Trump just lost Wisconsin. I am so sad. He needs to win and if they try to steal votes from him there will be such an uproar. People are so fed up with this stuff. We the people need to have a way to get the republican party out of our faces. We need a new start with a different party.
Rhoda Groff says
I agree with all of you that want trump as the president. I wish he had a lancaster county office ,sanders just opened one in lancaster. I pray that trump wins,I don’t want to think what this country will be if he does not win.
Golden Eagle says
Right on
Golden Eagle says
What happen in Wis? Don’t those people listening to what those people are saying? We are going to lose our freedom .
mark rueckl says
I agree with you Mary. I have voted Rep for most of my adult life. prob voted Dem when I was young and dumb, but I matured and realized that Dems are mostly Communist/Socialist and I was quick enough to pick up on the direction they were going. I love America and have always been very proud of Flag and Country. in early 2000, I started sending donations to certain party affiliations. by 2007, when I realized that this communist non-American man was going to actually run for (and possibly be elected by these un American people) I started really contributing donations to the Rep party. I was praying that this terrible course that America had been put on was a fluke that would be corrected by 2012. I was terribly hurt and concerned when this usurper was then re-elected. I was beginning to question the validity of the Republican party. I did change my affiliation to Independent, but continued to send donations to certain causes. This last year when Mr Trump announced that he was going to run for President, I was really excited. Now that I see how this election is panning out, I realized that the RNC and the Republican party is absolutely corrupt and I will never give one thin dime to them for anything. I do hope (when this corrupt RNC makes their back room deals and prevent Mr Trump from getting the nomination) that he does go third party. I have felt for some time now that a new party be established and that it should be called the “American” party. I do believe that would draw Patriots to the party and weed out the communists and socialist. BTW- I am absolutely dumbfounded that this country would even consider this Bernie Sanders for President as he is a communist/socialist. just goes to show how uneducated and un-American this country has become. really sad. I am 63.
Joanne says
Yes Robert. But the point is that no matter who you vote for now, Both of the parties, republican and democrat are the same, and both are as dirty as pigs in a mud swamp. They have no intention of allowing your vote or mine to count. These politicians have been allowing American tax payers and voters to believe that we matter. that our vote counts. When they get in , they sit on their rear ends and do exactly as they will. Because of the elites that wanted the Bush to win, and the Elite that wanted the immigrants to come in exactly like Obama wants, none of our votes are going to matter in this election. Not without a fight that will make the Civil war look like a Sunday School picnic. America isn’t equipped to go that far and the elites know it.
William Penrose says
I have learned a lot in this campaign. I will vote for TRUMP whether he is on the Ballot or not. I will have a pen with me in the booth. He is either on the Ballot or I will put him there. The republican party has proven to me that this is no longer a Democracy and to vote for a republican is not the answer. Also to vote for a democrat is the end of this country. I feel bad for the younger members of our family but I only have one vote. If they do not wake up it will be the end of the game.
Phyllis Pillow says
It doesn’t matter to them who the people want. They want money. They don’t represent the people. They represent themselves. They sell out the people’s voice if they sell delegates.
ItsJo says
This is correct Robert, as you said, and the sad thing is that BOTH Parties, are Totally CORRUPT, as D.C. is a CESSPOOL, where “All these lifetime, career politicos care about is their ‘cushy jobs/perks/healthcare/their pensions/KICKBACKS from Crooked Lobbyists/Big Business as they ALL continue to Feed Off the Taxpayer’s Public Trough like pigs, and Keep their ability to AMASS THEIR OWN PERSONAL FORTUNES. THEY FEAR THEIR “PRIVATE GOOD OLE BOY’S ELITIST CLUB OF ALL POLITICOS, WILL END IF TRUMP IS ELECTED, AND THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTINUE TO ADD TO THEIR PERSONAL FORTUNES….
Donald Trump KNOWS all about these ‘Corrupt, Career Politicos, and that is why as the “OUTSIDER
THEY WANT TRUMP OUT”…..He has shined a light on all this, as NO ONE in Congress has done a THING TO STOP OBAMA AND HIS CORRUPT REGIME-bought and paid for by Evil, George Soros, who is HIS Puppet Master….and who NOW wants Hillary, the criminal to CONTINUE WITH THE SOROS –“ONE WORLD ORDER, OF ELITISTS/GLOBALISTS, THAT CONTROL AMERICA THAT HE HAS TRIED TO DESTROY FOR OVER 40 YRS.- See:
“SOROS BETS ON U. S. ECONOMIC COLLAPSE” @A.I.M. 1/16/2008 by Cliff Kincaid
David says
The lobbyists are not the whores in these situations! The whores are our politicians that sell our country to the lobbyists. Our politicians need to be exterminated and we can start over with a clean slate! We maybe can make it for 50 years then do it again. The second amendment to the Constitution is precisely for that purpose!
Mary says
Cliff – You are so right –SOROS is bad news, and he’s helping to bring on the U.S.
credit collapse. When the SHTF, we’ll all be in deep doo-doo and it’s going to get
very ugly and unsafe for all citizens, I believe, for a LONG time.
Phyllis says
Im with youjoe trump is the only one to bring to an end to obummers rein and if hillery gets in you can kiss this country goodby
Janice says
AMEN !! As It’s Jo said. All of the above is true. We might as well vote Soros in since he has been pulling Obama’s strings even before he managed to get him in as president. He will continue to do the same with lying Hillary. Wake up people if you don’t want to lose your freedom.
debdell says
We need to show the truth to those that have been sucked in by the dems and Cruz. We can all agree here, but how do we reach the dummies that are not voting for Trump?
Joe Milazzo says
The politicians in this country are so corrupt it makes me sick to my stomach. Trump is trying to do his best to keep this country free. The dictator media we have and all the GOP House, Senate and Washington itself has done nothing but ruin this country. Obama is nothing but a joke, but yet no one stops him from him for example cutting the military, etc. If Trump doesn’t win the White House we’re done. This country has about just become a third world. How can the politicians get all bought off like this? It’s crazy. Everything is black and white with the media when it comes to Trump. No matter what he says, they disagree and make a it a big deal of his good ideas. I don’t see how he can take it because it irritates the hell out of me how they treat him. This country is finished with all the idiot politicians that are in office. They all need to go. Now you can see it more than ever since Trump has been campaigning how crooked the system is. If Trump would not have been running for president, we would have never known how all the other candidates running such as Jeb Bush and Cruz, etc. are so incompetent for presidency. Like Trump says this country is in a mess and boy how true that is. Look how all the GOP is trying to stop him and again the media. It’s ridiculous! They’re doing it right in front our face and getting by with it. I can go on and on about this. I Hope to God some way Trump can get in and fix this country but I don’t see the idiots allowing him to let him win the nomination.
Mary says
Soro’s is the scum of the earth!
.I do have to agree. What is wrong with this picture. Why are we paying their bills. Clean house and get rid of them all
Rhoda Groff says
YES! !!you are completely correct I agree 100 percent it is so sad there are all those thieves in government jobs stealing our money. Trump needs to clean house.
Richard Schwartz says
Will the auction be televised?
Wehms says
Good one…..????????????????
angie giles says
amen to that, they are going to put who they want in there for president no matter who we vote far. I believe they know now who they are going to put in there for the president.
Joan says
There is nothing “American” about the selling of votes and the things that are going on in “back door meetings”, these are called “socialism” and “liberalism”. We can thank Ovomit and his administration/senate/house for all of it. Most of it started when Ovomit got a hold of the Dead Man from Wisconsin’s Social Security Card & Soros bought Ovomit’s way into the WH.
IntegrityAlways says
And we’ve been naive enough to believe our votes actually counted!! Well, I will write in Trump’s name if it comes to that! Meanwhile, I’m totally ignoring the media bias. I’m ignoring the GOP manipulations, Etc. If it come to it, then I will write in his name, period!!
Roger Crews says
Amen you tell that we have to have corruption to win Delegates at the Republician Convention Now if someone has a lead going into convention then I say he’s declared a winner more votes that all of his his opponents he’ the winner . I have never seen just a corrupt Republician side this year. Shame on you all Trump is for sure the winner of this party as of right now quite a few votes ahead and delegates . If goes to the Convention with no elected president . It would be a disgrace to America to think that people would actually try to buy delegates take and pay for delegates that people would have already voted for . That’s not winning votes to win the election . That’s not the United States way.
Marj0120 says
It’s just plain wrong!
Golden Eagle says
This is so sicking. Trump is the right guy for the office. After this is over I’m dropping out of the Repubulican Party.
charles says
ted cruz will do anything too win, lie like a dog and will buy all the votes he can why are his people in az talking to delegates
lemont_washington says
Trump followers are as corrupt, and as big liars, as trump is. One can only hope that there will be enough honest delegates to ‘Thump their rump at Trump’, the mobster, and see that Ted Cruz is the only true salvation for America.
Trump is like the mafias, actually, HE is the mafia, trying to take everything by force. (And by lying). What a despicable pile of garbage Trump is.
joe says
Don’t lose sight of the primary objective ,defeating Hillary ..I am not ready to turn America over to Ted’s NWO .think about that …
Ed Meyer says
Trump is the ONLY candidate who can beat Hellery, Neither Cruz nor Kasich can get the crossover Dem votes. This is a simple fact. Mainstream media is continuously pushing the meme that Cruz beats Hellery on polls….I know that is a lie….YOU know that is a lie…yet they continue with their stacked and outright rigged polls.
Capt. Hook says
s. Rafael Edward Cruz. Rafael and Hussein as Barack Hussein Obama. Beware there may be more to a name than you bargained for. Fidiel and Rafael Castro.
Buster says
Right now I’d take Trump over Obama’s gov’t any day. I trust the Mafia more than I do Obama and the gov’t we have now. Trump and Newt G, 2016.
Marie hoadley says
Trump is the only one that’s got enough guts to stand up to Obama,and HRC.God tAke charge of this election.
MS says
You’re full of BS!
Chelly says
I believe in Trump and HOW DEAR YOU SAY I AM CORRUPTED OR A LIAR? Where do you get have the right to say those things about other people!
You like Cruz and that is okay with me Because God Give Us All Free Mind and Acts.
All I know is this country needs to be ready for the day when THE PEOPLE’S VOTES IN NOVEMBER MEANS NOTHING!!!! THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!
We The People For The People Means Nothing in This Election!
Dee says
Your so full of shit. Im not corrupt at all. Trump is not a career politician so hes the only hope we have. Hes for the people. Some of you are just to blind to see that.
Butch says
You have your head up your a.. !!
S A says
Ted needs to put on his big boy pants and grow up! Was a sad day when he let CARLY answer questions on his personal life instead of answering himself and stood there like a dork AND LET HER….LOL THAT NASAL TALK GETS TO ME….does he have a diaphragm???? WE NEED A MAN!!!!
Janice says
He let Carly lie for him. That would be one less lie he would have to answer to. They knew he would be asked that question. They had their little speeches all rehearsed ahead of time. Him acting like HE wanted to answer. Sure let her do the talking without much (none) argument.
walt boyce says
i guess you Lying Ted is better he Will sell his Mother to win and the money he will use will come from goldman sack and all there big monet crooks who WILL require pay backs cruz in a sorry ass career potlicker crooked as a stick
lbcolorado says
SEE, you just cannot fix stupid. Cruz – OMG, who/what could actually have respect for him. NOPE, TRUMP 20106 A MUST FOR AMERICA. WE NEED STRONG, POWERFULL, NO BS PERSON TO BE PRESIDENT and to make us proud to be Americans again. TRUMP 2016
Geri says
I agree. I’m tired of the lying Ted bullshit. Poor Ben Carson told CNN he was going home before the Iowa results. He went further and said he wouldn’t be at the next two states. CNN reported it. Let me just say Trump and Rubio benefitted from those votes as well. Rubio dodged the question about how his numbers went up too.
Mary says
Gerri, Your comment about T. Cruz & what he did to Ben Carson certainly didn’t demonstrate Christian behavior, did it? Trump is the best bet to direct
our country in the right path.
Judith says
You do realize Cruz’s Sleazy campaign manager Jeff Roe, did the same thing to an opponent in a previous campaign he managed, said the opponent had dropped out but hadn’t. Cruz is NOTHING but A wolf in sheep’s clothing. NO Christian would EVER hire Roe!!
Kurt Robertson says
Pastor Kurt – trump supporter
Meg says
You are truly delusional!
Ann says
Not a chance!
David says
The lobbyists are not the whores in these situations! The whores are our politicians that sell our country to the lobbyists. Our politicians need to be eliminated so we can start over with a clean slate! We maybe can make it for 50 years then do it again. The second amendment to the Constitution is precisely for that purpose!
Henry thirnton says
This comment shows just how informed the writer actually is. I’m not even sure the writer wants to know the truth.
1. Cruz is not a natural born citizen and therefore should not be allowed to run.
2. Cruz lies continuously about policies he will actually do. For instance, he changed his platform in immigration, taxes, foreign policy, correcting the broken foreign trade nightmare, etc. Cruz has throughout this campaign changed his policies based on how people have responded to trump policies on all these issues. This tells me Cruz will say anything to get a vote and just like in the past do nothing to help America if elected.
3. The GOP has consistently stated at a brokered convention they will put someone other than Cruz in for the nominee. This is because the GOP also knows Cruz is not eligible to be president due to being foreign born. Cruz is only on ballot to pull votes away from trump.
4. The politicians or establishment loves people who listen to news rather than doing their own research so the establishment can keep more money in their pockets.
5. The establishment is so bad they would be just as happy letting Hillary in so their pockets wil not get empty.
6. Very few elected officials including Cruz have ever been successful with any private business enterprise and have not hired anyone in their life. Yet these sane people will tell you they know how to run this country which is a huge corporation.
7. The media will have the black and Hispanic believing they se for the minority when really they only want their votes. If the establishment can keep jobs out and allow only jobs here that pay low wages so they own the slaves they created and keep them on government assurances.
SLB says
How old are you? You sound like you are still wet behind the ears. Cruz is a man that is a puppet and only started to change his tune when he started hearing what people wanted and not before. He had nothing to stand on before that. He gives lip service to the American people like Obama and did what he wanted to do he lied and does not care about the American people. Trump is the only one who has a plan in how to tax people no one else mentions taxing the rich more then they are already are. Trump said those who make 25,000 and under does not pay tax. Then he would have 10%, 15% and 25%. The elite does not want Trump in because he would make them finally pay the amount they are suppose to pay. The top 1% combined their wealth have the same total amount they control that the 99% have combined and Trump would do something about it not to mention gives a dam about American lives and wants to protect them not to mention the lives of the immigrants. I have never cared about Trump not one bit but I know he gives a dame about this country and the Americans that live here. He is not selling us out like everyone else is. Our lives and freedoms are at stake. The GOP and Demys are only thinking about the elite. I know what Trump is taking about because I work in retail and I have seen the down fall and our jobs being sent to other countries. W e started getting junk from China in 1992 when Sam Walton died because that is where their junk starting coming through Wal-mart and Bill Clinton signed the trade agreement with China where he had made his fortune. I worked at Wal-Mart so I have seen everything unfold from the beginning. I worked with a lady who had a nephew who worked on the air landing strip at the white house and he was only able to share a few things that he said as he witness the belongings of the Clintons where they were moving out of the White House. One of the belongings given to Bill Clinton from a foreign diplomat from the middle east a Solid gold bed headboard he told his aunt you would be amazed what was brought out when they left. He said he was not suppose to tell her anything but could not believe what he saw coming out of the White House and had to share a little. He said if this got out on what he shared with her they both would be jailed. He told her not to tell anyone what he told her but she did to me because we worked together in the same department and she had to tell someone. Our Government is so corrupt and everyone is seeing it first hand that is normally done behind closed doors and how our government really feels about the American people. This is why people want Trump he is fighting for us because we are not able to fight the establishment. It started in the 1940’s for a one world government and continued with each president. But we as the American people starting to lose our voice was when Ronold Reg. was in and Carl Rove single handily destroyed this country and he still is involved in the destruction of our country. He is now behind the scenes of the GOP convention. I know you mean well but you don’t know or understand what we are fighting for and against.
tony says
thank you Mr. Cruz
Golden Eagle says
Where in hell did you come from? Because you sure in hell don’t have a brain. Or your afraid of losting your welfare and have to work for a living.
Terry says
You can’t vote for who you want to because of crooked politics that’s the very reason those elected RINOS don’t want TRUMP to win he will stop their dirty games they play they’re not for the people they are for themselves that includes CRUZ for you that’s supporting him!!!!!
Phyllis says
Ditto to that comment!
Ann says
You’re right, Charles!
Rosemarie says
Rosemarie says
No vote
lemont_washington says
More cowardly Trump, the queen of corruption, threats.
Arildo Santos says
You are 100% right ,
no Trump no vote
No more Republican party for me
William parker says
you may sale your vote but would you sale your soul Trump just might be the answer to stop all the corrupt people in washington read here not what the people want but theynsale us for money do you honestely think this is right i know i work i paytaxes it hurts me tothink all the money we pay goes in the pockets of bad politicans and think about it Hillery does what the clintions wants and no one cares the one that had debated and worked so hard for so long to be President noe the republicans will breing in a new comer so they can go on stealing and takeing bribes is that the right thing to do maybe our creator has the answer i know one daqy when we cross over we will go to a better Home Apache
Capt. Hook says
Looks like the people’s choice so for is Mr. Trump. Sorry but you said it, the people’s choice.
Ann says
We The People!
Ann says
We The People!
Terry says
I can see a REVOLUTION coming!!!!
sooz22 says
Plan on it. It’s inevitable!! We The People will be pissed.
Sue says
Well sell away, then Donald Trump can run as an Independent. Every dumb a__ that spent money for there freedom will have gotten what they deserve but everyone accepting the money needs to be put out to pasture. Fried or neutered.
Dee says
Right on
Bill says
Well, if “Lyin’ Ted” can buy the delegates he needs to win, he ought to have at it, you phony four-flushing yellow-bellied girly-man, because The Donald is coming for you, you snake, he’s pissed and he’s going to kick your a$$ at the convention. In fact, now that I think about it, “Lyin’ Ted”; the Trumpster has 10,000 times more money then you do, enough to buy you, give you away as a sexual party favor then buy your dumbass back only to kick you to the curb at the end of the day. “Lyin’ Ted” owes 1 1/2 million dollars to the bank, which he borrowed to run for President, which he’ll either have to repay or file bankruptcy, I believe bankruptcy will be his first and only choice after Mr. Donald J. Trump gets finished with this poser!
Barbara Miller says
Trump all the way
Thomas E Stanley says
Teddy has spent much more than that, come the Nevada caucus he already spent in triple digests of millions.
Deanna says
ugh???????????????Trump yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deanna says
GOP liars and deceive OOPs no one is suppose to know they are the bottom of the barrel trash
Dee says
Democrats are no longer for the people. Wake up
R.J. WINGO says
( QUESTION ) WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE VOTERS OF THIS COUNTRY ?. for years and years we have nothing more to choose from than ( life time corrupt politicians ) TO CHOSE FROM. NOW we have a strong business man who is not controlled by the media, the lobbyist , and foreign governments. ( LIKE THE CLINTONS ). AND WE ARE THROWING AWAY THE OPERTUNITY TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM A.H. like OBAMA & HILLARY. IF WE don’t make DONALD TRUMP THE NEXT COMMANDER IN CHIEF, WE WILL HAVE 8 MORE YEARS OF MUSLIM, RACIST, OBAMA. think about it. ( take our country back or let Hillary follow in Obama foot steps. YOU BE THE JUDGE of what our future holds for our country.
Ann says
People who do not follow the political news are bound to make the wrong decision in the polls. The climate changes, the dirty tricks lay bare the pallid remains of what was to be, or not to be.
Perhaps, we should look at our past, realize it has always been a corruption of our reality, and vote forward for a chance to bring on a clear slate for our future.
Now is the time!
What could an outsider like Trump do that could be worse? Pause and think about that. The past is over, let’s see how we can shape our future together!
Deborah scalisi says
What has this country come too we the people should elect who we want we voted these people to vote whom we chose them to do not fit them to chg their mind and be paid to vote fir someone else
Ron says
As an 84 year old I have watched a lot of change in this country, mostly for the worse. The more time goes by the worse it gets. And the main reason is that people are lazy and/or apathetic and don’t vote, or they vote on emotions or knee-jerk reactions, like this election. If you want to elect good people into government you need to take the time to listen to the candidates and DO RESEARCH! Look into the background of the candidates, learn what their motives and goals actually are, not just what they say. Past performance predicts future performance. And in this election ANY CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IS BETTER THAN HILLARY OR BERNIE! But I am voting for Ted Cruz, who has a proven conservative record in the senate, and who is an anti-establishment candidate who can beat Hillary, and who was never Hillary’s friend. Think hard about it.
Ann says
We all have opinions of who they want in the GOP slot for President, let’s hope that all the research we do is from the right places……
Research is “total” background research.
Thomas E Stanley says
And don’t forget to get their opinion of the NAU, again Trump is a loner.
Jeffrey Lee says
Maybe you should look in to your man and his wife before you run off at the mouth.NOW. I think not.
Terry says
You vote for lying Cruz I’ll vote for TRUMP to get this country back on track!!!
Thomas E Stanley says
I’ll foll him wherever he goes
Thomas E Stanley says
By all means vote for a proven controlled liar who doesn’t know what he thinks till he runs a poll or his wife tells him instead of a proven successful entrepreneur whos goal is to save America. I just hope I live long enough to vote for Trump. I’ve voted in every election from Nixon on. The only time I was able to vote for whom I wanted was for Reagan and now for Trump.
Al Williams says
This is never going to happen Ron. Ted Cruz will never beat Hillary and you’re just throwing your vote away. If you want the Rep. to win ….vote for Trump!
SLB says
Ted Cruz is not an anti-establishment politician and is an unpopular governor despite he won his state. Same as the governor of Ohio. I live in Ohio I know. He has done nothing for this state except take things away and took money from the towns so he would look good when he ran and bragging about how much money he built up and he saved. Towns in Ohio are hurting bad under his watch. He too is a liar and a self interest person like Cruz. No matter who gets in this country is in trouble but we need to get a fighter for the people and get back the country that you remember and I remember but we need a fighter not a push over.
Shirlene says
You are correct ! I am always Leary on people who flaunt their religion too much I researched the top runners on that subject and it opened my eyes. I noticed too when a certain candidate is lying or tripped up a stutter appears.
Constitutionalist says
But I am voting for Ted Cruz, who has a proven conservative record in the senate, and who is an anti-establishment candidate who can beat Hillary, and who was never Hillary’s friend. Think hard about it.
Indeed, thinking hard about a Bush operative married to a former CFR member who worked with Condoleeza Rice at the NSA, then took a job with Goldman Sachs(as a VP, no less) who wrote in praise of the NAU, which would dissolve borders between Mexico and Canada.
Do you believe that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land? Have you familiarized yourself with Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5?
Do you know what the phrase “natural born” means, or why this status was made a REQUIREMENT for the presidential office?
Where was Cruz born, and under what circumstances?
When did Cruz give up his Canadian Citizenship?
When Cruz was born, was it possible to hold dual citizenship in Canada?
When did Cruz acquire his US citizenship, and by whom or what means?
Should Cruz be considered as natural born? 14th Amendment “native born”? Naturalized?
Can 14th Amendment or Naturalized citizens be president? Why or why not?
Did Cruz’s mom ever vote in Canadian elections?
Can non-Canadian citizens vote in Canadian elections?
Why has Cruz consistently observed the reactions of our People to Trump’s proposals, then adopted them as his own?
Why did Cruz apologize to Carson for stealing his Iowa delegates, but not give them back?
Why did Cruz seek and accept endorsement from the Bush crime family? Why have multi-millions from the Oil cartel been pumped into his Super-Pacs?
Why was Cruz VERY careful not to outright deny that he’s had affairs on his wife?
So yeah, thinking “long and hard” about Cruz is VERY advisable…after all, the Current Occupant wasn’t qualified for the office, either; you want more of the same?
If you don’t get satisfactory answers to these questions, if you don’t want any more complaisant, Quisling, sycophantic, NWO/OWG ass-kissing betrayers of America in the office of the presidency, you may wish to do a SERIOUS re-think of your position.
David says
America is certainly appearing bad isn’t it! I mourn for all those young boys who died and were horribly maimed in places like VietNam, Korea, and Europe. They didn’t die for freedom at all. They died so some political power broker could get richer than before. I don’t feel the shivers go through my body when they play the “Star Spangled Banner” any longer. I don’t feel anything. I mourn that also!
Thomas E Stanley says
I hear ya David. I’m loosing the patriotism I grew up and old with.
sooz22 says
Please, Thomas and David – don’t abandon your patriotism. Without us patriots, we give away the farm without even firing a shot. Stand up for the USA – where’s your patriotic FIGHT??!!!!
Cynthia Marven says
Shocking that people would do such thing! Where’s democracy? I still believe that God is in control whatever happens. If wickedness abounds that means Jesus is coming back soon!
geranium says
I agree with you. Sooner than we think, hopefully.
Constitutionalist says
If you are speaking in FAVOR of democracy, then you are giving evidence that you have succumbed to TeeVee programming; democracy was DESPISED by the Founders, and for very good reasons.
Read the Constitution, stem to stern; show me the word “democracy” in it anywhere.
Recite the Pledge of Allegiance; tell me where you find the word “democracy” – you won’t – then tell me what form of governance you DO find.
Next, use the internet to figure out the differences between democracy and the other form of government you find; if you do, you’ll be better-educated on the subject than 99% of Americans!
Thomas E Stanley says
I have not paid the GOP this year or last and will never again, infact I am leaving the party
Thomas E Stanley says
Grow up – it’s been gone for decades – but now we have a chance to get it back with Trump
Marie says
My husband and I are watching this all very closely. The Republicans are causing more and more trouble against Trump on Purpose. We will not even go out to vote this time if this continues against TRUMP. In fact, we will change our party. The Republicans have cause all these problems to themselves once again
Betty Ong says
It is the delegates from brokered or contested republican convention that will sell their votes not the common registered voters. It is better, there is no illegal on this matter.
Robeat Ewing says
That behavior will earn them a 30 ccalube to the head, or a rope.
I was so enraged hearing the RNC Chairman today in his snarky CONDESCENDING VOICE tell the American People that THEY ARE GOING TO STEAL THE ELECTION IN A CONTESTED CONVENTION, this TYRANT while talking to Shaun Hannity, changed the rules of the convention every other sentence!
America, it is time for a REVOLT AGAINST THE RNC! We are going to have to go to the Nuclear Option and Destroy these Despots that are stealing our Votes and telling us to SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP LIKE GOOD LITTLE MINDLESS SLAVES!
If they steal it from Trump, we are going to have to vote a independent ticket and vote out every currently seated Republican in the House and Senate that are up for re-election and get the rest next cycle! When you no longer have honest elections that count the votes of the people you are NO LONGER LIVING IN A FREE NATION, BUT AN OLIGARCHY! Stand up my fellow Americans, we are on a very slippery slope to Tyranny!
sooz22 says
We are not going to let “them” steal the election (again!), NOT WITHOUT A FIGHT!!! Whatever it takes – write in votes or a third party – WHATEVER IT TAKES!!
Constitutionalist says
Unless more Americans take a deep, STRONG interest in who is counting the votes and how to secure the electronic voting machines against tampering(especially remotely), “who” is voted for won’t be worth a plugged nickel.
“It is enough that the People know there was an election. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide EVERYthing.”
Know who said that? You should find out the easy way before you find out the hard way.
Susanne says
The electoral college vote and all other voting groups except for the popular vote should be eliminated. All voters must show identification and only US citizens should be able to vote. Bribery, intimidation and all other attempts to eliminate to directive from “we the people”, should not be accepted and those preforming those actions should be eliminated from citizenship and the country. We can not afford any more assaults on our Constitution and must protect our remaining rights, especially the right to have “we the people” choose our leaders.
Lilly says
People we all know how corrupt they are but what do we do about? Mr Trump signed a pledge that he would not
run on a h. I wish we could start a third party. I would vote for him. I won’t support Kascih Cruz or Paul Ryan and definately Romeny. He had his chance and blew it so why did he start all of this crap? It’s time for Mr Trump to start thinking about a run for a third party. I’d rather lose Trump than win with any one else. They are so afraid of Trump and what he can do that is why all the crap.
sooz22 says
The RNC and GOP are trying to shaft Trump – why shouldn’t he run on a third ticket? We The People are not happy with our votes being railroaded and will get even by voting for Trump any way we can – write in vote or third party – whatever it takes.
sooz22 says
Add the DNC to that roster.
Constitutionalist says
You “wish we could start a third party”?
Has teevee got you so hypmotized you that you think there are only Republicans and Democrats to “choose” from? Really?
There are at least a dozen political parties in America; what’s happening is exemplified by the following:
“One of our best-kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of huge corporations control the flow of information in the United States. Whether it is television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books or the Internet, a few giant conglomerates are determining what we see, hear and read. And the situation is likely to become much worse as a result of radical deregulation efforts by the Bush administration and some horrendous court decisions. Television is the means by which most Americans get their “news.” Without exception, every major network is owned by a huge conglomerate that has enormous conflicts of interest. … The bottom line is that fewer and fewer huge conglomerates are controlling virtually everything that the ordinary American sees, hears and reads. This is an issue that Congress can no longer ignore.”
— Bernie Sanders(1941-) US Senator VT, former US Congressman VT
Source: “Congress Can No Longer Ignore Corporate Control of the Media,” The Hill (12 June 2002)
These same corporate entities are preventing you from learning about any other parties, that’s all – or at least, they certainly ain’t saying anything about them AT ALL. Once you learn this well, you’ll begin to understand that what you see on teevee is NOT REAL, no matter how persuasive it may seem. The “news” has been transformed into “infotainment,” mostly. They throw in just enough truth – like weather forecasts – to make you think they’re to be trusted – but they ain’t. Did you know that the CIA has an agent in almost every MSM outlet?
“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
— William Colby(1920-1996) former Director of the CIA
Source: in Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don’t Want You to See (2000), by Dave McGowan
And by “owns,” here, he means those who have been bought, blackmailed, “persuaded,” or threatened into compliance.
Azrajo says
The head of the Republican Party said tonight , ” The Party decides and if the Trump supporters don’t like it they can sit down.
Julia Cate says
The GOP better knock it off!!!! So many Republicans are saying they are not going to vote/support a candidate that isn’t chosen by the people!!!! Don’t they get it?
Sandra Campbell says
It will take a miracle from God to make this right for America!!! Please pray because only God can take care of this!
Jim Marlett says
So the “establishment” is making a lot of citizens, “mad as hell” by their unpatriotic duty to give the people the “clear” choice of who they want!! Trump ” will” end their “club” mentality!! No more fun for bribe takers who think their “above” the normal citizenry!!!
James tibbs says
This is the USSR revived, or made visible. The republican party elites are the apolite beauro of the soviet union. No Trump, no vote, the republican party can kiss my arse after more then 50yrs. If they go against the will of the people, I’m done with them all the way around.
R.J. WINGO says
David says
RJ, who are you to tell someone to move to the USSR? A person can have different political views than you. I certainly have different views than you!
Firstly, please lean to spell! Secondly, you do not understand that we must stand against these tyrants,A VOTE FOR THE RNC CANDIDATE WILL BE A VOTE FOR HILLARY!
BOTH PARTIES ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME PEOPLE. However, they did not expect Trump to run because the RNC and the Democrats have their marching orders and are going to throw the election to Hillary at all cost!
Sandra Campbell says
Yes if we all stand together for Trump & vote for him no matter what we can vote them out either by writing his name in or voting for him as an independent. Our country is in an emergency & we had better pray & stand strong.
mjtomaino says
well, knock me over with a feather {sarcasm} a career politician selling out their country, selling their votes to the highest bidder.. sickens me!
John says
Their all crooks and should go (both sides of the isle) – we’ve got Dingy Harry Reid here in Nevada and unfortunately he’s leaving of his own accord, but should have been voted out of office based on his non-record – biggest loser of all time.
Kathy says
You are completely correct. Slizzy Harry has been a horrible Senator. If Trump wins with 1237 or close and they don’t make him the presidential running mate I don’t know if I will vote for s Republican or just write in his name
James tibbs says
He needs another visit with the excersize machine, only this time he needs to stay with it a little longer. Can we get one for the murder queen, and Kasich?
DockyWocky says
So, what’s new about this?
Minor political hacks like delegates have been selling their votes since the beginning of nominating conventions.
John says
President Obozo is an embarrassment to humanity – maybe he should consider allowing a felon to live next door to her and his family when he leaves the White House and should insist his daughters serve in the military. Preferably in combat positions to feel the emotions we “regular” people experience on a daily basis.
This guy and his family including the Mother-In-Law are too insulated and need doses of reality.
Awake says
John. Obozo is a felon. Anyone lucky enough to have him for a neighbor may as well be living in a pile of dog feces. I’m sure the stench will be mind boggling. Let alone, having THAT tranny of his next door to look at.
Bob says
Bernie Sanders is not alone being a Socialist it seems the ( Republican Establishment) has partnered with him
R.J. WINGO says
iola says
I can’t believe that we vote for people to run out country and they turn out to bigger losers than the average American no wonder our country is in such trouble it is a disgrace to God plus the American people
iola says
Ok I understand if what is printed you don’t like it you tell me i already said it
Irene says
I have lost all respect for both parties. Trump is going to reveal how they’re ALL on the “take” & that’s why they try to “smear him! The panic among them is hilarious!! Lol! I may not like the way Trump expresses himself, but that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize his qualities & talents in the private sector which is what this country needs! Away with the politicians & let a businessman run this country! Politicians are NOT business people! They don’t know how to MAKE money, they only know how to TAKE money, from us!!
Francine says
I agree with you 100% We need Trump, not these corrupt politicians.
Joe C says
How sad. Are country is about to go to hell in a hand basket. “WE THE PEOPLE” WHAT PEOPLE? If this is allowed to happen and it appears it is or will then what is the difference of not allowing me to vote or just disregarding my vote. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA, AS WE TRULY NEED HIM TOO. This is what I served 24 years in the military to protect?
fra conn says
bring back TAR AND FEATHERING for CORRUPT pols
Awake says
More flea bag Commies in America.
Wow. How disgusting.
Trump 2016.
Dave Elson says
Again more unsubstantiated preemptive accusations and innuendo “Trumped” up by a campaign that is afraid of losing, with good reason, because the candidate is unfocused and seems to have no knowledge of the Constitution. The delegates to the Republican Party are chosen by their local friends and neighbors and are almost universally honorable people. The reason there are no laws regarding vote-buying is because it is a nonexistent problem!
Lynne says
WAS a non existent problem……….The GOP wants Business as usual…….with its Career politicians……Trump isn’t playing that game…so now they are NOT getting their way… instead of respecting the PEOPLES CHOICE……(the ONE man who cant be bought and sold) they are trying to divide the voters into 3 groups………The Democrats, The Republicans and Trump as an Independent…..This division will undoubtedly give the win to Hillary. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT??????????? I sure as hell DONT !! The GOP needs to support the PEOPLES CHOICE no matter WHO that is !!
Chelly says
Just another way of Getting Rid of Donald Trump! Republicans like Cruz and Rubio! The Democrates Are Totally Against Someone That Is Not A Yes Person!
Frustrated as being a Voting American
Dave says
So we the people will have to write in who we vote fore because our ( I use our loosely ) government is too corrupt to go with who the people have voted for. We need to cut the wages of all the fat cats in washington and maybe, just maybe they will start to pay attention to us.
Charles says
They can’t stop the write in vote they can print any name
on it and you can still write in TRUMP
Dbrcfe says
40 years ago I and my family were fortunate to escape the communist country and made it to America. The first question asked was if we ever joined the communist party, if yes, you will never enter or get the visa to stay. Now, it’s like they’re proud to be communists or socialists. I don’t understand how come the people don’t learn by example. We should never send the kids to Liberal colleges to be brainwashed and become Liberals or socialists. The government should not fund a college that doesn’t allow freedom of speech. If Donald Trump or Ted Cruz are not elected we should call for a revolutionary reform of electoral practices. The Democrats votes are already sold to Hillary. What a shame. I feel like moving back to my old country.
Justin W says
The eventual Republican nominee will have to win the general election in order to become president. In these days of social media and microelectronics, the campaigns should realize any sleazy deals are likely to become public. They need to keep their campaigns above board and full of integrity.
Our nation is too important to squander its future in exchange for a vacation, some cash or an iPad.
Hildegarde says
Cruz is in bed with the big boys and his wife is also. If Cruz gets in it will be no different than it is now. Cruz is just like Clinton and Cruz is there CALL GIRL. Cruz is not a Christian and if we want the Lord to Bless the USA we need a Christian in the White house. No another OBAMA.
Jeanette Beaty says
Gary Jamerson says
Where is Democracy? Where is trueth? Where is honesty? Maybe it is time rules need to be in the books where buying or selling your votes is not legal the penalty should be jail time. So the presidency can be bought?? That is not right. Where is Freedom like our countries Fathers had planned for this great nation ” A Beacon On A Hill.” That we can be an example to other nations for the better.. I am a Proud American and Love This Country. My Father served in World War ll . He is 92 years old and proud of his country that he served. He says it was an honor for him to Serve. My Father was an U.S. Army Medic during World War ll. campaign’s: Africa, Italy, Siegfried line,Nomandy, Battle of the Bulge etc.
Peg says
As a former democrat who refuses to vote for bad choices such as Obama, Clinton, or Sanders; I looked closely at the “huge” republican candidate field. They turned out to be a bunch of Establishment Career Politicians (no different than the demos who had also sold their souls) who are only interested in lining their own pockets. The ONLY viable person IMO to be selected as President is Trump. He has lots of flaws but he is not a traitor, and actually loves our country. Perhaps his worst fault is that he tells it like it is and that marks him for every “poisoned arrow” in the Career Politicians’ quivers… they can’t accept that they may be removed from the taxpayers’ feeding trough. There are no GOOD choices; ONLY “WHO WILL DO THE LEAST DAMAGE?” Any intelligent voter who cares for our country will vote for Trump.
Lynne says
Ann says
Yes, Peg, you are right in my opinion. I care about my country and that is why I will vote for TRUMP. And I am encouraged to see the majority posting here are intelligent voters supporting TRUMP. To all those who support TRUMP…you made my day…but we have to help him get the 1237 or the establishment will take it away from him.
AW says
gail says
See there. It doesn’t matter who the people vote for. This corrupt, manipulating, law breaking government has no intention of “we the people” running this country. Politicians need to be a thing of the past. They all need to go get a job at mickey d’s.
Benjamin says
The sheer number of posts FOR Trump says that the RNC and the GOP are extremely wrong about Trump not reaching 1237. The only way they’re going to stop that is to stab him.
Solo says
That is one reason why America has become what it is…PATHETIC!
Jim D says
The whole point of the story is the corruption that could be levied onto the civil delegates at the convention. The solution would be very simple to take care of and will result in legal actions against any person, organization or entity involved in the swaying of votes.
If every delegate participating in the political arena are sworn in as representatives of the people governed by federal regulations covering employment by the people, then there would be laws to prohibit such things.
The only catch would be the RNC, DNC would have to provide funds for travel, housing, and food for these volunteers which would eliminate any gifting to take place.
Ernie Enax says
And they talk about the Mafia. The GOP are the biggest gansters going. They all sold out America.
Jeanette Beaty says
AGAIN i repeat shame on you all the only reasons the gop don’t care for Crus is they can’t control him he is his own man
Virginia Caminer says
Virginia Caminer If anyone is unAmerican enough to sell their vote, they should be like “a man without a country”. That’s a terrible thought. Horrible. Not only is that Terrible but it would certainly be going against their constituents.
Lauren Montz-Nugent says
Instead of fighting back and forth, we as Americans have the right to say whom we support and why. It’s ok to disagree without being nasty about it. I am 100% behind Donald Trump for President. That being said and how corrupt our voting can get..I would stand behind the REPUBLICAN candidate regardless. I am so done with the Clintons and the Obamas..and not even close to being a potential Sanders supporter.
Buddy says
Financial chaos is coming all my brothers and sisters of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and there is nobody that cares, I myself smell a revolution, if this corruption does not stop, Remember this name UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I love this country, I am a Viet-Nam Veteran, the nam war was all a political gain,of all the blood that was spilt from our fathers brothers and sisters of all the wars, they still don’t care and we the people suffered greatly because of it, just as all the fighting we are involved in this very day. to many of our sons and daughters who are suffering for nothing, obama has not been impeached because they are all afraid, a bunch of pure bred cowards, who only care about there own personal gain, I am so furious but yet afraid of our future of this once Mighty Country, its hard to believe the amount of evil people in this country who have absolutely no f====== brains, and are just pure F—— stupid, I believe when all hell breaks loose they will be first to die, so so sad what this all has amounted to, Look up the BILDERBERGS I BELIEVE THIS IS HOW IT IS SPELLED, RULERS OF OUR COUNTRY AND OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER, all jokes aside we are simply in trouble, We the people of this great nation need to rise up as one and defeat this beast before we all get swallowed up, Maybe its time for GABRIEL,the ruler of all angels to start blowing his HORN, got,it get, it good.
steve edwards says
I am now, ugh, 74 years young and NEVER, in all my many adult years , can i remember
such B.S. as this election campaign!
The Democrats have “super delegates” that vote for whomever they want no matter their
state’s popular vote and now the Republicans are selling their vote?!!
Carson and/or Rubio would have made decent Presidents but the immigrant, non-eligible
Cruz is buying votes. Like Obuma (black) Cruz can win because of his (Spanish) surname
(although he is Canadian)!
What is this country coming to??
P.S. The Cuba thingee with Obuma is a ploy to get more of his “blow-up-the-U.S.” boys
into our country with Cuban passports!
mrp says
The super delegate designation has the corrupt taint of the Clintons all over it. That’s how they continue to win; only last time they were outsmarted by someone as devious and corrupt as they are so they lost. This whole scheme should be investigated thoroughly so that the winner is the choice of the people as it should be.
Time to find out how much money is required to BUY a delegate.
I sure TRUMP can buy a lot of them. Just a question for all you HONEST people.
Would you sell your vote for $10,000? Cost to buy nomination 12,760,000!! Maybe $100,000?
Cost to BUY nomination $127,600,000 OK you cannot buy my vote. One more try ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR YOUR VOTE!!
Still not tempted?? How much would the nomination cost DONALD TRUMP. ($1,276,000,000)
mrp says
We need to clean house of all the incumbents. And if the newly elected turn out to be as corrupt as those currently in office, we need to throw them out also and not allow business as usual anymore. When elected they should be working for we the people, not for their own enrichment. Enough of that. Time for things to change and that’s what good about Donald Trump.
wanda says
in will go trump my husband served 30 years for our country and was a proud a proud american and he is no longer with me but this would be a disgrace to him if he was alive to see how some of these people dont under the bad ones i pull for trump and have alot here that will help out and i talk to the army people here also close to alot that knew my husband hilary can be put in jail any givin day i hope may god bless the usa and all people helping trump
Jim says
If you think the liberal media and the bought and paid for crooks in the democrat party are not going to have a field day with this your nuts !!!! If Trump gets the nomination they will spin the tale that he bought the nomination and if he doesn’t they will spin the tail that the GOP establishment stole the nomination from the people. Then of course they will toss those delagates under the bus and publish who got kickbacks for thier votes !!!! The end result is to make the republican nominee look like a crook !!!!
The liberal media will make a reality show out of the investigations and every liberal TV lie caster will be on board with exclusive interviews of crooked republican delegates and candidates.
Hillary is already talking about it and using catch words like “prison” and “prosecution” for women that seek medical abortions. “Bought and paid for” votes and one or the other candidate.
Its sad that the GOP establishment is willing to sell the party and the American people down the river to save thier kickbacks and lobby graft for themselves.
Susan says
A politician selling out for a vote! What a novel idea. That’s never happened before.
Me says
Off Topic: Stick it to Big-Pharma & The Medical Mafia if you or someone you know has cancer, sign up to watch the entire series for free (nothing to buy) coming mid-April and help to spread the word and you can even earn prizes –
Ann says
Thanks for this link. My friend’s child has cancer …melanoma that went to the brain and all the treatments from Big Pharma and conventional doctors took a huge toll, and the cancer meds made him go blind.
barry says
Women should have a right to choose in cases of rape or incest, but to use abortion
as a means of birth control is wrong. They also have a right to take the happy little
butts to any one of hundred’s of clinics that would provide free birth control.
I am not a expert on anything, I am able to look questions up on Google, and as
per Google Bin Laden was responsible for between 30000 and 40000 deaths
Saddam Hussein was responsible for somewhere around 182000 deaths
and here in the USA we abort somewhere around 1 million babies each year
so that being said who are the monsters??
Eric says
I think big money introduced into politics and big corporations along with greed is what’s driving Washington. Nothing is going to change until America removes lobbyist, and corporate greed, otherwise we as America continue to lose…I hope ALL incumbent politician’s are voted out next election and we see a revolt.
rosie6600 says
The article, “Corruption! GOP delegates may sell their votes” is nothing more than an attack on the Republican Party, and on Trump in particular. For the reason surprisingly included in a “hatchet-job” article, “there isn’t much on the books governing what private citizens serving as delegates at their parties’ conventions can take in exchange for their votes on a nominating ballot,” a “bound” delegate is not really bound.
And “bound” delegates do not have to take anything “in exchange for their votes” as asserted in the article, which portrays the issue as a sell-out within a disreputable party.
For there is absolutely no need for bound delegates to “sell” their votes. If no candidate has the required number of delegates to clinch the nomination, the convention’s first vote is just a formality, with no winner. After that, “bound” delegates are no longer bound and are free to vote for whomever they please.
And will the Horn News present another article, “Corruption! Democratic Party delegates have already sold their votes”? For the Democratic Party has “superdelegates,” who are never bound by a vote of the people and so are always available to follow the orders of the party bosses.
Frank Conover says
The whole voting process is as corrupt as all the politicians plus the president that we now have in Washington. Your vote does not count. Do not believe that bullshit. This is why we now need Donald Trump as our leader. He will clean the corrupt Washington establishment. This is why both the Republicans and Dumb O Craps do not want Trump as a president. They all will lose there paychecks that they are robbing from the working taxpayers. The low life on welfare do not care they are getting there shear for sitting on there fat asses..
Jo says
If the GOP sells there votes they are selling America down the river what a crying shame they have no pride or dignity in themselves and don’t care about the rest of solid American citizens. No guts no glory. We haven’t had good times since World War II maybe things were hard then, but we as a country always held our heads up high with promise.
dianne says
Time to get rid of the delegate system. We all know it would have to be corrupted, right? This time it matters too much to the country to have another corrupt president. We are getting out of an 8 years from hell president. Trump really needs to win here everyone.
dawg# says
Come On Wisconsin, Don’t fail us now!
Go Trump!
Linda Hamilton says
What need to be done for everyone of them that change their vote, when it comes time for their re ‘election we just will not vote them back in. I know in Nov, there are 88 set that need new people in them and Mitch Mcconnell is one of them. All this is so underhanded just because someone really want to work for the people and Mr.Trump is the one that is for us not against us. He want to make the military strong again, he has help the vet’s and he will bring back jobs to the states where Obama has not done any of that but tax them to death, and the healthcare is a farce for me it 600.00 and i have to pay 8000. 00 before it will start to pay on the other and what i make a year just will not cut it so i gave up on the inc, so don’t have any. And who every they pick i guess I’ll stay home and not vote for anyone and I will be changing party and it will not be a Democrat that is for sure.
Arthur Hartsock says
I saw a detailed account on Fox News showing how Mr. Trump could end up 50-100 delegates shy of the 1237 needed for nomination on first ballot. And we see ‘Little Rubio’ (Trump’s words) on the sidelines with about 170 delegates. Can I predict a MAJOR PUBLIC APOLOGY and serious ass-kissing from the Trump team to obtain these delegates? Keep watching.
Constitutionalist says
The Trump campaign has a strategy in place, part of which includes challenging several State’s assignments of delegates in Court, where evidence of cheating can be introduced and ruled upon(e.g. Cruz’s stealing of Carson votes in Iowa, the Trump win in Louisiana where Cruz got more delegates, and etc.)
If you wish to learn more about this, have a visit to; if you don’t find enough info there, i can provide other links. Roger Stone says that the guy Trump has hired to oversee and implement plans is VERY experienced and “the best in the business,” yet more evidence that Trump KNOWS who to employ. Of course, if it’s TRUE that delegates can be bought, perhaps both Bush AND Clinton/Soros money can combine to subvert the will of the People…we’ll see.
Timothy says
This country is teetering on the edge of a revolt against a the pieces of shit that call themselves politicians !!!
They are the scum of the earth, worse than isis !!!
They could care less about the general population, all they want to do is line their pockets at the general public’s work !!!
Do I hear history repeats itself, Nazi ring a bell with anyone who had any history in school ???
cliff says
This is just awful someone should do some thing, don’t you all agree.
Dawg# says
Amen! I most certainly agree. This is why we need to elect trump. Every politician in Washington has had a lifetime to fix these darn problems, but the facts show that they none want them fixed. Instead the problems keep escalating. Therefore, we now have an Islamic terriorist in the Whitehouse and a lying murdering criminal or a communist that want to replace him. On the other side we have a bunch of greedy crapheads that don’t give two hoots in Hades about losing our Nation, all they care about is lining their pockets by selling delegates to the highest bidder. America! Are you sure that you want to trust these lowlife politicians any further? If not, then Donald Trump is the last hope.
Vote Trump or lose your Country, it’s up to you!