As Americans celebrated the inauguration of Donald Trump last month, Hillary Clinton’s political allies came together for a secret meeting.
The ink was still wet on the new president’s inauguration speech last month when top liberal donors met at a swank Florida resort to plot their revenge.
At the meeting, Clinton attack dog David Brock started collecting checks for a $40 million mega-project aimed entirely at seizing control of the media narrative to block Trump at every turn and even plot to have him impeached.
Brock is already claiming victory despite the massive defeat at the polls in November. Before (and even after) Clinton’s defeat, his American Bridge SuperPAC pumped out negative Trump stories nonstop.
And the leftist media ate it up, repeating many of them almost word-for-word.
“I believe American Bridge accomplished its mission 100 percent in defining Trump negatively,” Brock boasted to the Daily Beast. “[It’s part of the reason] why Trump took office as the most unpopular president in the history of polling.”
The millions he’s raising in new funds will presumably go toward continuing that work and fueling his multiple left-wing news outlets including Media Matters and Blue Nation Review.
But he knows he has his work cut out for him.
“Breitbart and the others just kicked our butts,” Brock confessed, according to the Washington Post.
So he is going to fight back in the most un-American way possible.
In a presentation he delivered at that chichi Florida resort obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Brock said right-leaning news would be “exposed,” “punished” and “halted” on social media by Media Matters and even delivered an ominous threat aimed at Facebook and Google.
“Internet and social media platforms, like Google and Facebook, will no longer uncritically and without consequence host and enrich fake news sites and propagandists,” he said, according to his presentation, using those disparaging terms to discredit conservative media.
He didn’t say what the “consequences” would be, but admitted he was already working “behind the scenes” with Facebook to “share our expertise and offer input on developing meaningful solutions.”
No doubt, Facebook is well aware of the fact that Media Matters could start feeding negative stories about the company to the leftist media, which would reprint them almost verbatim.
Or as he called it in his presentation in absolutely Orwellian terms, “helping the news media.”
The Washington Free Beacon obtained the confidential memo from his presentation, which you can read here.
But not everyone wants Brock’s help.
To some, he represents everything wrong with decades of Clinton corruption and excess – and all the reasons Trump won the election.
Some are practically BEGGING him to stop “helping.”
“His ability to produce wins for Democrats is nonexistent,” Jeff Weaver, who managed Bernie Sanders’ failed presidential effort, told The Daily Beast. “He does not have the kind of understanding of what kind of coalition you have to bring together to win national races — that’s his fundamental problem.”
In other words, the dysfunctional Democrats are still spending more time fighting themselves than they are fighting Trump.
— The Horn editorial team