The massive Panama Papers data leak has already led the prime minister of Iceland to step aside, and has raised major questions about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s overseas fortunes.
Now it looks like the growing scandal could claim another victim — current Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.
Researchers have discovered a scandalous link between Clinton’s campaign and an allegedly corrupt Russian bank — and it could raise serious questions as her presidential campaign rolls forward.
One of the banks named in the Panama Papers is Sberbank, which has been accused of being a personal bank of the Russian elite and even of helping to fund unrest in the Ukraine.
And Sberbank has been employing a lobbying firm linked to both a major Clinton fundraiser and her current campaign manager.
The lobbying firm in question — The Podesta Group — was co-founded by Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and is run by his brother Tony, who is a Clinton fundraiser and confidante.
Just weeks before the Panama Papers leaked, Sberbank had hired The Podesta Group to lobby on behalf of ending sanctions against Russian banks, which were put in place by America and her allies in response to the alleged Russian military intervention in Ukraine.
The fact that the Panama Papers have revealed that Clinton campaign associates have been retained to work on behalf of Russian banks — and against American interests — could spell long-term trouble for her campaign.
In particular, it is certain to revive concerns about massive amounts of foreign money that the Clinton Foundation and former President Bill Clinton received from foreign entities during Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state.
There have long been accusations that the Clintons were essentially offering influence to large foundation donors.
Voters and experts say the Panama Papers documents, which detail how business and political leaders hide vast sums of wealth, validate the frustration felt by supporters of Clinton rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who feel hard work is no longer enough to get ahead in America, as well as the anger of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump voters who want the system dismantled.
“We’ve recently heard the startling revelations about the tax dodge that is taking place in Panama,” Sanders told supporters in Wyoming Tuesday night after his win in the Wisconsin Democratic primary.
Joe Brettell, a Republican strategist based in Houston, doubted whether the public’s fury could get much worse.
“The populist anger being fueled primarily by working-class Americans didn’t need any more fuel,” Brettell said. “They’ve already lived through the financial meltdown. They’ve already lived through the lack of middle class wage increases even as the stock market boomed.”
“[Trump’s] issue is not that these rich people are not playing by the rules. It’s that we need powerful people who will protect Americans,” Postel said. “That’s a different thing that provokes outrage.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
She can do no wrong with the able bodied who’s career choice is to go on WIC, EBT, Sec. 8 housing and other tax paid for subsidies. She can do no wrong with sexists who still sputter early 1970’s rhetoric. She can do no wrong with clueless 18-25 year olds who think that being involved means waiting in line for a new smartphone. She can do no wrong with those who think that checking off the right box at test or hiring time is the key to success. Then she can do no wrong with wealthy elitists who look at the working class with disdain.
Thomas Peavy says
You are truly educated about the corruption of these elitist. Thank you for offering what so many will be afraid to say. This is a Revolutionary time in the US and the corrupt and powerful who thieve from those who work must be stopped. Our purchasing and earning power has diminished beyond what an be afforded.
Tony says
But so few are paying attention. After all, now it’s baseball season!! I’m busy! Right?
Frank Frantz says
Or, they think sending out email chains is getting involved. One sure way to get to know your
Fellow American and witness adults regress to childish behavior, is standing in a protest line.
Sue says
I think More are paying attention than you think..just quietly
karl says
It doesn’t make any difference what is written about Clinton or else. The stupid voter still will vote for the imbeciles as usual.
Bob says
Above the law is why she is still running and not being thrown in jail over Benghazi. I hear Obama is helping in hiding her E-mails. Both cut from the same cloth and the stupid ones who follow for freebies and abortions, etc. Just give me my free cell phone so i can radiate my brain as Obama and the rest laugh behind your backs!!!
bob says
DAvid says
Hate to burst your bubble. the “No child left behind act” was signed by George W. Bush
Rather that be squeezed out of every penny of PROFIT to pay for all the promised ‘FREE’ government programs…the WEALTHY will leave and move to other places….and guess who that leaves behind to pay the bill? Yep. The Great American Taxpayer!
Hollis Stanford says
That is what Hillery said: “What difference does it make now”
Ray says
More sounds like the imbecils are the ones with nothing else to do but read and write shit they know nothing about…oh..they are called hate mungers..and yes you are one. Get to work or go back to school dummy. We need smart people running the country…and keep in mind we have no trustworthy politician; therefore, we have to go by qualifications. Hillary will be in the white me fool…oh, I am writing from Panama where
we are well informed about whats going on and trust me, it’s not
a Panama issue, its a worldwide issue that blew up in Panama.
Sit tight and follow the true story as it unfolds.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Yep! Hillary will get elected, not by your vote, but by the “powers that be” who really control who get elected and who does not. Sort of an Electoral Comittee of people ou never heard of.
Bennie Stephens says
The Clinton’s are still doing there Criminal activities and they actually have been traitors to the USA for many years. It started while William was in the Presidents seat, But Hillary was the leader of the two when it came to the Criminal acts. She did the figuring and covered Williams pedofile ways they’re was always a cover up of some kind. The Clinton Link to the Panama Papers where it shows they were doing business with a Russian Bank. this was set up by a lobbying firm linked to both a major fund raiser and her current Campaign Manager. The banknamed in the Panama Papers is the sberbank. The lobbying Firm in question The Podesta Group was co founded by Clinton Campaign manager John Podesta and is run by his Brother Tony, qho is a Clinton Fundraiser and confidants. The facts that the Panama Papers have reveled that Clinton campaign associates have been retained to work on behalf of the Russian Banks- and against American interest – and could spell long term trouble for her campaign.
David says
Hillary belongs in Jail and it is time.the USA.and the President saw that she pays for her crimes. Any other American would already be in Jail. WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!!
Dagmar says
Obama should be in a cell next to hers. He should be tried for treason. All the other big fat cats on Capitol Hill should also be put away. They all pose a danger to this country.
mrp says
Scandal after scandal after scandal and she just walks away unscathed. When does it all catch up with her? And in the midst of all this corruption, she is running for president of the US. Can’t make this up – it is truly a travesty of justice. Will somebody take her down as she should be. The more she does and you think, this is it, she’s still going strong. As for all the delegates she is amassing, something is not right there either. But proud as a peacock, she continues to move along. No White House for her, just the jailhouse.
Tom Contos says
HRC’s association with the Russian Banks was caused by global warming. YUP is really was ask here.
Fred Richards says
She claims to be fighting, love that expression, for the working class but she never uses the word love to make a difference. Her whole character hinges on fighting for her right to fight. She would never talk that way if she had ever been in combat or a fox hole in Korea being over run by North Koreans and their ally Chinese soldiers.
Don says
Which is EXACTLY why I support Congressman Duncan Hunter’s proposal to allow women in conbat roles in the military. EQUALITY MEANS JUST THAT~~EQUALITY.
In expanding on your list, just think of a few other (in)famous women in politics: Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Claire Catsill, just to name a few.
A few months on the front lines and being shot at MIGHT change their perspective!!
Lincoln w. Sorensen says
I believe women can excel in combat. I also believe women are much more focused than American males of today.
I do not agree with being in combat zones with men, because it is natural for men to feel protective of women they are around. That creates the possibility of men placing themselves in dangerous situations when they percieve a woman they know and have grown protective of in a dangerous situation, which could further place themselves, and others in even more plight. I believe an all woman squad or group of whatever size one wanted to make would be just as effective if not more so than their male counterparts. I am not advocating segregation. I have no problem with them fraternizing if the circumstances arise, but keep them separate on the field.
bob says
Doesn’t work that way Lincoln. In combat women are trouble especially when they get captured by isis and are raped and brutally beaten and now we low life males have to spend all our time searching for your ass. There are many roles that a women can do in combat. Just ask the few that have already spent time in combat roles where they are actually being fired at. Those women are some of the finest soldiers created and they do not want the same roles as their male counterparts.
BigBom says
Served for 12 years in the USMC, also a Vietnam Nam vet. Served with many women I would be proud to stand beside on the battle line! Poor thing is there are those not suited (men & women) for this role that I would not want anywhere near me!
don’t forget Maxine waters
Duane says
Thank you; you have made a point we all understand but we all accept as a logical accepted attitude that there are some people suited for some things that others are not.
My feeling though is those who have never stood the trial should not be judging those who have.
Your list if people who feel they have the answers are blind to the facts. They can talk all they want, they can claim all they want, but, with a biased interest and more concern for their own outcomes they will never be positioned to make truly honest decisions. Hillary has a track and well know record of poor decisions. Here failure of doing her job as a U.S. Senator (only elected position she has ever held) includes voting for bills before reading them, letting others tell her how to vote on bills, being absent during the most of her senatorial time. and as usual (in almost every position she has held in public or private sector- questions of integrity, honesty and failures)reading bills without
Putting Hillary Clinton into the list really brings the credibility of them all to an extreme low. Hillary has more dirt in her background than all the rest put together and they should all be the first to admit she does not belong in their category; mater of fact, Hillary should not again be allowed in any political position and certainly no where near the White House.
Clinton had her chance as a Senator and did nothing; no productive output and most often failed to even show up for debates, discussions and votes she should have been involved in. Questions still linger as to where she as and what she was doing when she should have been in session.
AND, as we are now hearing of financial scams throughout the world, I would not be surprised to learn the millions of dollars missing from the Department of State under her watch that was never found is setting in some account with her name on it.
Barry cromer says
When will the general populace around the world say enough is enough? We apparently are happy to be subservient to those who accumulate wealth without a morale code. Trillions of dollars held by a few while millions of our worldwide citizens die from starvation or murder. The least action we have available to us is the vote. If you won’t vote then you are as the ostrich with your head in the sand. Recent “Panama papers”, RNC strangle hold over your preferences, even Trump (not the best choice for a president) opens the door for the opportunity to break those controlling bonds. Don’t vote on the style of verbage but what is our best chance to create change in our American way.
redbaron65 says
What I thought Hillary had already been shot at? Oh i guess she misspoke again!
alex says
She fought under sniper fire she is fighting for her right to be royalty she is fighting for the right to put Willie in position yo reap riches beyond belief. she is arrogant now wait until she is untouchable.GOd help us all.
The Redhawk says
BUT boy can she LIE!!! and who actually acts “SURPRISED” to see the CLINTONS names along with Putin on this list of CROOKS????
John brooks says
That’s her best, when she lies to the public and yet these idiot Clinton
Supporters still stand by her. Of all the candidates, she is the least trusted, so
Why do people want her in office boggles my mind.
Jeff DeWitt says
What really blows my mind is the number of people (all women) who when asked why they support Mrs. Clinton they say it’s because she’s trustworthy.
Hillary Clinton trustworthy?!? It not only takes a special kind of stupid to think that vile woman is trustworthy, but it also takes world class ignorance.
Duane says
I watched “The Sands of Iwo Jima,” an old John Wayne movie of the Marines on Iwo Jima last night. It put me in thought of Hillary Clinton and the loss of Americans in our recent wars.
I spent 27+ years in the Air Force and Army and the movie took me to the thought of the thousands of young men and woman who have died in the wars this country has fought. In addition to those who died, thousands who came home with life time injuries. And not to be forgotten, the families who lost loved ones and will forever feel the loss.
Hillary Clinton, without reading the information or entering into the debates in order to understand the consequences of war voted YES to go to war. Without knowing the reasons, for or against, but because “some others told her she should”, she voted YES.
Thousands of our young men and women lost their lives based in part on her vote and we are still feeling the results of her votes (and others like her – most of whom we can only assume that did read the bill and intelligence).
Following that, as Secretary of State, she failed to take advice to put security at Benghazi and more Americans died.
Hillary as a Senator, was most often absent from debates and discussions on various bills. She missed most votes and left many asking where she was spending her time.
How anyone who lost a family member or had a friend or family member return from war with serious and life long injuries can even think of voting for Hillary Clinton is beyond me.
Her lack of responsible actions, her failed decisions (when she made any) , and her absence when she should have been doing her job says she should never be allowed anywhere in American politics again.
Alan K. Jackson says
Duanne, Thank you for your service. I was in USMC and Air Force. My older brother was on Iwo. 3rd Div/ 9th Reg. He landed the day after the flag went up and was there until all Marines were pulled out. I live in Cape Coral, Fl. and ever day I pass the statue of the Flag raising I think of him. In the 50 years he lived after WW II we only briefly spoke of his experiences 4 times. He was also on Bouganville and Guam. He like the millions of others from WW II, Korea, Viet Nam and later wars are greatly under appreciated. In the Marines I had the honor of serving under a Master Sergeant who was captured on Wake Island and Marines of “The Chosen Few.”
The Redhawk says
iF PODESTA is Involved you can bet that some POWERFUL STINK is in the AIR …..Sooner or Later it will even be smelled by …CNN?? BS NBC?? MSM???? BERNIE SANDERS ????
Alene says
the media will never bad mouth the Clintons. and I don’t even think that the Hillary will ever spend a day in jail for all her crimes. what the fbi is doing is a waste of taxpayers money. if she gets in trouble obumba will have to come to her aid, they are all into robbing the American people.
Maggiemae says
I am always extremely happy when I read other people’s posts that ‘get it’. I’ve felt like a ‘lone wolfe’ for years. I wish that millions more would be informed and understand exactly what we have going on…and it aint’ good! The liberal media always pushes a negative side of conservatives. Sad that so many don’t have the abillity or willingness to actually check out the facts. The sheeple just follow.
Randy Johnson says
President Clinton’s signature on the bill that crippled banking regulations and what that led to is enough for me to never trust a Clinton, without all the many other scandals. FEEL the BERN!!
bob says
Bernie Sanders will burn you if elected. The only difference between him and the Clintons, Sanders lets you know he’s going to take your hard earned money and give it to someone else.
Michele says
Bob is right when he tells you if Sanders is elected your hard earned money will be given to someone else. What do you think a Socialist is! He’s a COMMUNIST!!! When Bernie and his wife went to (what was then the Soviet Union and now is Russia) he loved their government (COMMUNISM) so much he wanted to stay and live there. Too bad for us he didn’t. Check your facts, Socialism has failed around the world. Stop believing all the BS about free this and free that! Nothing’s free in this world and the sooner your realize it and stop believing 10 second sound bites the better off this country will be!
Constitutionalist says
What Socialists like Sanders fail to realize is that the REAL Socialists will KILL HIM as soon as they come in, if history is any indication; their habit has been to murder MILLIONS of innocents, usually those who have college degrees, so that they can “re-educate” the few remaining scared s***less ignorant survivors…and they ALWAYS start with those who helped them get power. They KNOW that no one of any intelligence will trust their failed promises of a “workers paradise,” and long before the “proletariat” wake up to this fact, the Commies will murder all those who betrayed their country FIRST, figuring(rightly) that if they’ll betray their own country’s principles, they’ll have no compunction about betraying them AGAIN by fighting the commie reality – so they’ll just kill ’em and eliminate that worry immediately.
No, the only ones who truly prosper in a Socialist country are those who support “the party.” While ordinary Soviet proles waited in long lines to enter stores that had a pile of bread here, a pile of potatoes there, and a pile of onions somewhere else, the Party members shopped in stores EXCLUSIVE TO THEM which carried the normal variety of goods one sees in typical grocery stores today.
It’s just a different set of elites, that’s all.
A communist looks at a billionaire’s mansion and says “No one should have so much,” then they steal it;
A capitalist looks at a billionaire’s mansion and says “Everyone should have so much,” and works to attain it.
Alan K. Jackson says
Constitutionalist is correct. Years ago I heard a man named Max Cvetik speak. He was a man that the FBI planted in the American Communist Party. On one of his visits to Moscow He asked what will happen to the Americans in the American Communist Party after we take over the US. He was told, “We will kill all of them. If their own country can not trust them how can we!”
lulu says
I know how you feel. When are the “silent majority” and the overtaxed and underpaid middle class going to stand up and say ENOUGH! Everyone else but us has someone to speak for them.
Shamu says
Welfare Recipients always vote Democrat! That will never change!
Constitutionalist says
In the immortal words of Ed McMahon, “You are CORRECT, sah!”
There’s also an ancient principle in play here: “He who robs Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul.”
The PtB are well-aware of history; they’re just trying to speed up the process. The same things that destroyed the Roman Empire will destroy the American one(and IMO, it SHOULD be destroyed; America should “trade with all nations, but make alliances with none” like G. Washington said).
Rome fell September 4, 476AD.
It was overrun with illegal immigrants: Visigoths, Franks, Anglos, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Burgundians, Lombards, Jutes and Vandals, who at first assimilated and worked as servants, but then came so fast they did not learn the Latin Language or the Roman form of government.
Highly trained Roman Legions, moving rapidly on their advanced road system, were strained fighting conflicts worldwide. Rome had a trade deficit, having outsourced most of its grain production to North Africa, and when Vandals captured that area, Rome did not have the resources to retaliate. Attila the Hun was committing terrorist attacks. The city of Rome was on welfare with citizens being given free bread. One Roman commented:
“Those who live at the expense of the public funds are more numerous than those who provide them.” Tax collectors were “more terrible than the enemy.”
Gladiators provided violent entertainment in the Coliseum. There was injustice in courts, exposure of unwanted infants, infidelity, immorality and perverted bathhouses. 5th-Century historian Salvian wrote: “O Roman people, be ashamed… Let nobody think otherwise, the vices of our bad lives have alone conquered us.”
~William Federer
Modernize this by supplanting Federer’s examples with what’s happening now, and you can certainly see what’s happening, what HAS happened, and what is likely TO happen unless and until America changes course – but i have some serious doubt that the Ship of State can be turned on a dime, no matter how big the rudder. The PtB have plotted and planned for the downfall of the American Experiment in Self-government for well over 2 hundred years; they want what they’ve always wanted, top-down government and no more nonsense about individual liberty or the Rights of Man. They disguise this Purpose well.
If you’d like a primer on the hidden history of America, i’d suggest googling “The Grand Deception: A Second Look at the War on Terror,” by G. Edward Griffin. You’ll learn a great deal about the overarching plans, how they’ve been accomplished, and how to recognize their dirty handprints. Even now, they’re plotting to get us involved in yet another World War, with either China or Russia or both…in addition to all the Muslims worldwide who despise – and rightfully so – the actions of US gov’t agents in the pockets of these self-same Globalists, you know, the drones that murder more innocents than targets, the bombings, the maimings, the DU which is causing birth defects in the majority of Iraqi children born today(not to mention US vets of Iraq/Afghani war), ad nauseum.
Dave says
‘ SHEEPLE’ (your word) is pretty accurate. However . . please keep in mind that this nation has been “Taken to the Cleaners” from DAY ONE . . 1776 . . BY ALL POLITICIANS AND THE ELITE WHOM THEY “WORK FOR” . “THE ELITE” DOMINATE BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES AND THEIR SUBORDINATE “PRESS” . PLEASE do not make the Fatal Mistake of BELIEVING that “YOU CONSERVATIVES” ARE SOMEHOW “ABOVE IT ALL” . I, as a so called “Progressive”, would NEVER VOTE FOR A CLINTON just as I would never vote for Donald or Ted. “The Best Hope Out There” is Bernie Sanders if you really want to take back Your Country. Not that It’s Ever Been “Your Country or Mine” . The “Elites” Continue to Hoard Power and Wealth. That’s always been “The Game” in this World and, as far as I can see, always will be. Let’s Quit Accepting Labels and Start to STAND-UP FOR the “Common Good”. That’s a “Tall-Order” . . . eh.
Michele says
Hey Dave wake up! Who do you think built this country? It wasn’t Communists like Bernie Sanders! Make no mistake he calls himself a socialist, check it out in the dictionary because I truly believe you don’t know the meaning of the word. Obama put this country in the toilet and Bernie Sanders would complete the job and flush us down the toilet!! As for Clinton, I have never voted for a Clinton and never will. They’re both liars and thieves! Hillary Clinton lied and 4 men died in Benghazi! She would not authorize more security for those poor souls and they paid for it with their lives. As for Cruz he reminds me of Burt Lancaster who played the phony preacher in the film “Elmer Gantry”. I don’t know your age but if you haven’t seen it rent it! I’m disgusted with the ignorance of the American voter! You think this country is in bad shape now elect Bernie Sanders the Communist and you’ll find out just how much worse it will be!!! Wake Up! I’m a former Chicagoan who knows what Obama is: a do nothing Senator, community organizer, whose parents were both declared Communists and set out to destroy this country very methodically, If you didn’t see “Obama 2016 please do, because everything that is in that documentary has or is happening!
Amy M. says
Actually, Dave, this is not true. The parties as we know them today are run by corrupted elites, yes. However, the founders designed this country to run without political parties and without national campaigning to avoid just this sort of corruption. It did not take very long for the people to begin to dismantle their carefully designed system, however, as they interjected political parties of their own devising in 1796. The surviving founders were baffled by this behavior, but it is human nature to rally together into groups of “us” versus “them” and form tribes to which we owe our allegience. It takes a certain level of fundamental intelligence to be able to transcend these baser instincts in favor of an intellectual ideal such as the founders created for us. It is the very democratization of the political process that has brought us to this point. We did this to ourselves. Just look at our history. Sure, the elites have power now, but only because we gave it to them. We could take it back at any time, but it would require the kind of currency our forefathers paid to earn our freedom in the first place; we would have to unify and fight back with our lives, if necessary. This is exactly and explicitly why the second ammendment exists and is so vitally important, and it is also why these same corrupted elites are so insistant upon widespread gun control or outright gun grabs. An armed populace is a populace that can fight back against a tyrranical government, which is exactly what we have, and they know it. This is precisely what the founders fought so hard to prevent, and if you study the vast differences between their vision for our government and the specifics of that vision and the travesty we have today, you will see there have been numerous key changes made that have specifically severed the checks and balances designed to prevent tyranny from developing. To say we have had corruption since 1776 is flatly wrong. Sanders is not the answer. He will only take us further from freedom into greater tyrrany. That’s what socialism is. Besides, the Establishment will never see him elected anyways, especially if he wants to target the Fed and the banks (yet another gross violation of the intentions of the founders, there should be no central bank and certainly not a privately held one owned by foreign interests!). The Rothschilds et. al. will make sure he does not get in. Hillary will get the nomination or there will be a brokered convention on the Democratic side. You are certainly right about the corrupt wealthy elite and the corrupt party system being major problems, but they are not the only problems, and nothing is ever so simplistic or black and white as you make it sound. This is centuries in the making, but the element of “democracy” is also to blame. IQ has dropped 20 points in the last 200 years since the founding of this country. How do you think that affects voting patterns? We are supposed to be a Republic, not a democracy, because democracies end in corruption. The people vote themselves benefits from the treasury. Today we have certain politicians (mainly Democrats) that even use this as a strategy to get votes, have been doing this for decades. This is where “welfare” comes from, and where programs for hispanic immigrants come from. Hence you have two major blocks of people voting not because they believe in the policies or principles of the party but because they get free stuff. When asked, most people don’t even know what the issues are. Yet these people are voting. Does this not also sound like corruption to you?
Constitutionalist says
Amy M.-
It is oft-times quite difficult to sum up a situation as complex as the decline and fall of any Empire concisely, but i do believe you have succeeded with the American one.
i think that we are where we are precisely because of the reasons you have stated, and perhaps a couple more, to wit:
“It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle.”
— James Madison(1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President
Source: “A Memorial and Remonstrance”, 1785: Works 1:163
Constitutionalist says
i believe that had our forbears been intelligent guardians of the public liberty, the FIRST time any CongressCretin voted for(or any SCOTUS judge ruled on, or any president acted on) something not specifically within the Few and Defined powers delegated, the one(s) so doing were IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED and tried for lying under their oaths of office(felony perjury), this country would not be where it is today: all branches of the Federal government exceeding the bounds of the riverbanks the Constitution was to keep them within, and the flood of Unconstitutional “laws,” “statutes,” and “regulations” we’re currently suffering under…and i say “Unconstitutional” because quite a few if not the majority of the “laws” were currently have ARE Unconstitutional, whether SCOTUS says so or not – and NO ONE NEEDS TO OBEY an Unconstitutional law, statute, or regulation:
“The right to defy an unconstitutional statute is basic in our scheme. Even when an ordinance requires a permit to make a speech, to deliver a sermon, to picket, to parade, or to assemble, it need not be honored when it’s invalid on its face.”
— Justice Potter Stewart(1915-1985), U. S. Supreme Court Justice
Source: Walker v. Birmingham, 1967
Constitutionalist says
No one with a lick of sense can read the Preamble to the Bill of Rights(often EXCISED from current copies of the Constitution in the schoolbooks taught from these days, btw, which tells me that someone FEARS this knowledge gaining wide distribution) plus the 9th and 10th Amendments without getting a clear picture of the LIMITED governmental powers the F&F desired for the General government; THEY intended power to be DEcentralized, spread out, the States charged with educating people not only about their God-given Rights, but how to exercise them against every and all forms of tyranny…for in the words of Thomas Paine:
“Reason and Ignorance, the opposites of each other, influence the great bulk of mankind. If either of these can be rendered sufficiently extensive in a country, the machinery of Government goes easily on. Reason obeys itself; and Ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it.”
Constitutionalist says
“No one can read our Constitution without concluding that the people who wrote it wanted their government severely limited; the words ‘no’ and ‘not’ employed in restraint of government power occur 24 times in the first seven articles of the Constitution and 22 more times in the Bill of Rights.”
— Rev. Edmund A. Opitz(1914-2006) American minister, author
Ignorance now rules the day; it is quite difficult to conquer, as many have noted, e.g.:
“Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession — their ignorance.”
— Hendrick Van Loon
What has happened is that TeeVee Talking Heads have engaged the Hitlerian tactic of the Big Lie to convince American Idiots that democracy is a Good Thing(by using “authority figures” to constantly repeat the idea that democracy is not only great, but that it should be exported to poor benighted savages in foreign countries, too), when it is not and never has been; i have a great long list of citations to prove this point, but will use one which i believe most concisely sums up this point, from Benjamin Disraeli:
“If you establish a democracy, you must in due time reap the fruits of a democracy. You will in due season have great impatience of the public burdens, combined in due season with great increase of the public expenditure. You will in due season have wars entered into from passion and not from reason; and you will in due season submit to peace ignominiously sought and ignominiously obtained, which will diminish your authority and perhaps endanger your independence. You will in due season find your property is less valuable, and your freedom less complete.”
Constitutionalist says
In addition, the Socialist/Communist countries, even prior to 1917, have almost ALWAYS sought to first establish a “democracy” in any country they intend to conquer; they consider it an essential first step toward first deceiving, then betraying the people who foolishly embrace not only it, but “paper as money.”
But i see i grow verbose; i’ll leave you with just a few more citations which perhaps illustrate the problem facing Americans quite well, IMO:
“Can the real Constitution be restored? Probably not. Too many Americans depend on government money under programs the Constitution doesn’t authorize, and money talks with an eloquence Shakespeare could only envy. Ignorant people don’t understand The Federalist Papers, but they understand government checks with their names on them.”
~Joseph Sobran
“It would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights… Confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism. Free government is founded in jealousy, and not in confidence. It is jealousy and not confidence which prescribes limited constitutions, to bind down those whom we are obliged to trust with power… Our Constitution has accordingly fixed the limits to which, and no further, our confidence may go… In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
–Thomas Jefferson
Source: Draft Kentucky Resolutions, 1798. ME 17:388
“Your Constitution has been written as if only good men would take office. What will you do when evil men take office? When evil men take office, the whole gang will be in collusion! They will keep the people in utter ignorance and steal their liberty by ambuscade! Your laws on impeachment are a sham and a mockery due to mutual implication of government officials!”
Patrick Henry (American Lawyer, patriot, and orator, symbol of the American struggle for liberty, 1736-1799)
Who's To Say says
2000 % CORRECT—-She is a LOW LIFE who cares only about her self and the power she can attain wield !
Brigid says
Maggiemae, get your facts right. Under Bill Clinton welfare and food stamps were cut by 50% and have continued to be cut ever since. I don’t like Hillary but stop the lying. You are showing how ignorant and uninformed you are.
As far as Hillary being an elitist you have that right. She is doing the dirty work of the global trilateral commission, and the big banks. She will get away with this if it does not get brought out by the media one done real soon. As in today before the New York voters vote. We need Trump and Bernie Sanders to win the POTUS nominations. Cruz is another dirty bag. He invested money in in South America and never disclosed it when he ran for the senate. And I bet he is involved in the Panama scandal as well. He was allegedly Madam DC’s best customer. His 5 extramarital affairs. Trump made up nothing.
rick says
wow some one watches bsnbc
bob says
Brigid you might want to check your fax. Under Bill Clitterus welfare grew 30%. The only reason the budget was balanced was due to the republicans at that time running the senate and congress forced him to sign the bill to which actually back fired and got him reelected. Since Hillary and Obuma 48 million more Americans are on welfare. FACT!!!!!
B. Roger Smith says
Brigid….a little “honest” research would tell you that not all of your facts are straight either. Check on web site called ‘” and you will see that from the entrance of Reagan in 1981 until Clinton came into office in Jan 1993, food stamp usage was on a gradual, but continuing decline. When Clinton took office in Jan 1993 until early 1995 the food stamp usage to a SIGNIFICANT spike. It would have continued that way for sure since the Clintons are now and have always been very liberal except for the fact that for the first time in 40 years the GOP took over the house and senate and under Newt Gingrich Clinton was forced to cut and control spending. You may feel as you like but that is the truthful reason for the decline under Clinton. After he left office and until today food stamp usage CONTINUES TO RISE EVERY YEAR so I don’t know how you can say the they have been cut ever since. Today we are pushing the 50 million mark on food stamp usage!!!! Incidentally, I was a big Clinton supporter in 1992 and after researching their antics over the years including the Arkansas years I have found both the Clintons to be cheats, pathological liars, tremendous “users” and downright scoundrels. They are truly the lowest of the low. Clinton used the Arkansas State Police (who he had complete authority over) to cover many of his escapades and backroom deals and other drug related involvements to keep his public image. Want to see how crooked these people are? Do some googles on subjects like “Whitewater”, “Guaranty Mortgage Corp” , “Dan Lasater” (or Lassater, not sure of spelling) “Boys on the Tracks”, “Mena Airport in Arkansas” and all of these will taken you to more places that you can read in a lifetime.
sandy says
Wow! Thanks for all the good information. I read the “Whitewater” papers.
DAVID says
Sharon Jenkins says
I guess the only thing she can’t do is keep Bill happy. Well, an intern did.
Chuck Parsons says
This liar Hillary needs to be stopped. The media needs to stop their BS and put out the truth about all her lies and how she had 4 people murdered because of her corruption and incompetence. This email situation is a joke she had a illegal server PERIOD !!!. She was sending out top secret emails I don`t give a dam if they were marked or unmarked she knew they were top secret.
hadenuf says
I figured the Clinton name would surface! Nothing too dirty for them.
Barbara says
The people better wake up faster or they won’t have a country in the end. Here we have the elites who have been in control far too long and need to get removed from our sight. To finally see just how dirty and corrupt these people are and lying and dragging us along in these hidden corruption of theirs makes me sick. We were blindly led around by the nose as their work horses not realizing that we were used and them laughing behind our backs is disgusting. We were to busy working raising our families and not seeing the evil they were doing behind us. People it is time to fight and remove the dirty disgusting lot of them . they all belong in prison. They are only a few that have been trying to clean it up.!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave says
And the lack of commen sense will put this traitor in the White House. I just cannot believe the ignorance of so many Americans. How did they become so brainwashed? I personally feel there are no good candidates to choose from in this election, but I do know that Hillary is going to really sell us out even more than the phony that is in office now.
bob says
Bill Clinton ” No Child Left Behind Programs”
DAvid says
bob, go re-read your history book.
The NCLB legislation was proposed by President George W. Bush on January 23, 2001.
Coauthored by Representatives John Boehner (R-OH), George Miller (D-CA), and Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Judd Gregg (R-NH). The House of Representatives passed the bill on May 23, 2001 and the Senate passed it on June 14, 2001.
President Bush signed it into law on January 8, 2002.
Norma says
“We are a village” Hillary’s perversion in order to indoctrinate our children as early as possible…big difference.
Claughrun says
Why can’t someone DO something about her? Because it’s all up to SOMEOne ELSE we can’t do anything about.
How have we shot ourselves in the foot like this? Is there NO recovery?
Len says
Unfortunately, to those of us who CHOOSES on the positive ie truth, morals and common decency etc. this is not our world. This is the world of Hillary, the lying elites and those that want to deceive, a world of the wicked, the unrighteous, a world without common sense or decency, a world without morals.
donna sherwood says
how is anyone “shocked” by anything they hear about the arch limousine liberal hypocrites of all times. I dont mind attempting to avoid the tax man but not when one is a bleeding heart liberal who feels the gov. should take care of all needs people have. At least pay top marginal rate to IRS as gov. social programs is what you support.
Another one is buffett who has been known to say he does anything he can to reduce his taxes.
tom says
Just one more Clinton scandal, I mean it is almost daily that someone or something is said about this viral person. She is not fit to run this country, has no record to stand on, is corrupt, Lies like a rug, just a mean old person. Hey Clinton Puppets, take notice on who you are following, I see you at her campaign stop, and you all look like you have the deer in the headlights, syndrome . Wake up before you curse us another 4 years
Alan Humphries says
As soon as I read the story I knew it was only a matter of time before the Clinton Crime Syndicate would be tied to this. They are as corrupt as the Gotti clan including murder. If there was integrity in the DOJ The Clinton’s would be perp walking.
jim says
The Panama papers are interesting , when slick billy boy was first elected I told friends that they were communists and as time goes on more and more proof comes to lightthat being said take the clintons obamas and most democrats out back and throw them in the trash bin forever JUST GET RID OF THEM
Brigid says
Lets just get rid of the right wing idiots hiding under the guise of the word Conservatism instead of calling them what they really are. Nazi Fascists the equivalent of Adolf Hitlers. Fascists! I’ll take Socialists and Communism over Fascists any day of the week. I don’t like the Clintons and I hate the Koch brother. The Koch brothers were fueling Hitlers planes in World War Two. The Koch-Winkler oil refinery located in Berlin Germany and somehow those making decision on where to bomb the Nazi’s missed that oil refinery.
Hitler’s major fuel supply. So keep voting for dirty Republicans. And they all know this.
Sharon Jenkins says
Get all the dirt out of WH, Congress & SC regardless of party affiliation.
Roy S. Mallmann says
The KOCH BROTHERS were 10 years old at the most during World War II. I am 71 and was born six months before it ended, so you figure it out. Calling Republican Conservatives or any Conservatives fascists just does not hold water at all. The key word in Facism is a “Dictatorship” which would fit Obama more than any Republican. Also the third defining word in the definition is racism, which you have the wrong party for that. People who vilify or try to marginalize their opponents or those who disagree with them are the ones guilty of racism and it darn sure is not the Republicans or conservatives as we are on the receiving end from the liberal progressive’s.
Michele says
Brigid you are just plain ignorant!! You don’t have a clue as to what is happening in this country! You take Communists and Socialists over Fascists? In the first place we don’t have fascists in either party. I wish I could say the same for Communists and Socialists, fortunately for us they are both in the Democratic party and have done nothing but bring this country down! Don’t know your age but your ignorance of what is going on in this Country under Democrats is ABSOLUTELY BLINDING!!!!
I’m a former Chicago Democrat and worked elections in Chicago for years and you have no idea what they stooped to in getting candidates elected! I saw it first hand! There’s a saying, please take note of it: ” If when you’re 20 and not a Democrat, you have no heart” – If when you’re 40 and not a Republican, you have no BRAIN”. Truer words were never spoken!
Constitutionalist says
The words “fascist” and “fascism” derive from the Roman Empire’s symbol of the “fasces,” which is an axe-head with a bundle of sticks around the axe-shaft, held together with a vine…a representation of the strength of many sticks together as opposed to one alone, a symbol akin to “E Plurbus Unum”(out of many, One).
In America, it first appeared(afaik) on the reverse of the Mercury dime; in addition, if you look to the left and right of the dais in the House of Representatives, you’ll see that symbol prominently displayed. i don’t know when those fascist symbols appeared in the House, but i’d certainly like to see them both removed.
There’s a REASON why some call the US “mystery babylon” and “the image of the Beast,” the “kinder, gentler machine-gun hand” of New Rome, slated for destruction just like the original Empire. Hell, you don’t have to look any farther than DC’s architecture to get a clue-by-four.
Alan Humphries says
Lady what rock did you climb from under? Nazi facist disguised as Conservatives? The Koch brothers fueling Hitlers planes? Sure they had children working during that time frame but I highly doubt the Koch brothers were fueling planes. It’s easy to see your indoctrination hasn’t worked so well go back to your handlers and tell them you’re confused. They’ll straighten you out.
Rocco says
At least with Gotti you knew where you stood. you have to give the Clintons credit though They managed to fool the majority of the people for quite a while, and still fooling some real assholes right now. My god how dumb can people be.
Who's To Say says
The Clintons make Al Capone look like a novice criminal and a piker compared to their professional approach to criminality !
Sharon Jenkins says
Al Capone went to prison for tax evasion, however, Al Sharpton has never been arrested for the same crime. Colorful, isn’t it?
hadenuf says
We have a black judge her in Ky. who is way behind on his taxes too, and I cannot figure out how he sits on the bench while avoiding taxes to the tune of over $500,000,
Bob says
That’s the race card doing it’s work next will be the gender card.
John brooks says
Obama and Lynch will do all they can to protect the lying Clinton. As
For Loretta Lynch she was introduced to politics by Bill Clinton so what
Does that tell you. There is NO INTEGRITY IN POLITICS.
hadenuf says
IMO, they are afraid Oblahblah’s name will surface too.
Brads says
I don’t who is as dirty Hilary or Trump. They both have been liars,cheaters,ego maniacs that thrive on power and money. While Bill got Lynch involved with Trump’s buddy both called Pecker!
Michele says
Brad were you sober when you posted this? Doesn’t look like it!!
Awake says
When you lie with dogs- you get fleas
What a filthy family. The clintons are just filthy.
Trump president 2016
Hillary prison 2016 or sooner!!!
John says
An orange pants suit and a cell at Gitmo would be more appropriate for Hillary the Hun.
Gary Smith says
The Redhawk says
BUT first some of those famous ‘GITMO WATER SPORTS” just to find out IF either CLINTON can actually tell the TRUTH about anything…..
Bobbi says
Just imagine Clinton getting a waterboarding!! Just the thought of her having that done to her mades me smile.
Nancy says
If you want our wonderful America to continue on its downhill slide vote Dem, But if you want our country saved by the one and only one who is strong enough, knows all the right people for help if he needs it, the only one who TRULY loves America and is running for President to HELP AMERICA, VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP. He can save America , he has the right answers to do so and has the ability to get it done. He is working FOR us — not to raise his prestige but FOR AMERICA. He CAN do it.!!! PLEASE help America survive by voting “TRUMP”. He’s our only chance. Please open your eyes and see what would happen if we had someone who was already being looked into to go to prison. We need someone who will help us and not , someone who is FOR America not for themselves.
Bill says
Nancy, you got it right! Cruz and Kasick are both pimps of the elite, who can rig elections to get who they want. GO TRUMP!!! Let’s not allow the crooks to steal another election!
Brigid says
Trump does need to win. The GOP is doing everything they can to block Trump. They are deliberately keeping Kasich in this race so they can steal votes from Trump and dirty rotten Cruz. Cruz needs to be kicked out because he was not born here. A Constitutional violation. Cruz is a dirt back and wants the North America Union which is the equivalent to the EU. And he won’t stop illegals. We either have a country or we don’t have one. America the only nation being taken over without firing a shot. Rotten illegal immigration.
Tracy noles says
I can assure you that Mr. Trump is neck deep in corruption and admitted it so far as buying support from the Clintons and many others
So I don,t understand how a person this corrupt and all he has to do is call someone a name and his sheep just follow art they stupid or just brainwashed. When a person tells the truth and you don,t want to hear it does not make it a lie nor does it make the person a lier
But it seems that all Mr. Trump has to do is say someone is a lier and he is labeled one. I have followed Mr. Cruz since he was running for
Senate in Tx. He promised to fight Obama care and that he did to the point of shutting down the federal Gvt. And the rest of the gop would not join him and fell in line with the obamacrats and the obamareps.and sweep over him, also when someone tries to fool America he will
Expose them. Is it not time we actually elected someone that says what he means and means what he says and does it. I have heard Mr.
Trump call Mr. Cruz a lier and the liberal news media blow it all out of per portion, and start repeating it. Ted is the most honest person I have heard in politics in a very long time. I watched for a long time as this country voted in an anti American not ones but 2 times never will
Understand that. We are now less respected than since the beginning of America because of the people please wake up America .
And that brings me to the point that people call themselves Christians and go out and vote for a man that believes in abortions and owns
Strip clubs and gambling operations linked to prostitution and such. That is not my beliefs. I just wish we would wake up
kenneth copeland says
tracy if you believe every thing says cruz says you need to take off the blinders and get a hearing aid so you can see and hear him. one of the best con artist that ever crapped between two heels!!!!!!
Michele says
Tracy you too are totally ignorant about politics and have proven it with your ridiculous posts! In the first place Mr. Trump did not buy support from Clinton. He stated he contributed to her campaign as he did to many other candidates and he stated his reasons why. Please stop proving you ignorance by stating false facts. By the way the word is LIAR not LIER! For your information Mr. Trump is against abortions! He does not own strip clubs either and is NOT linked to prostitution. You too should rent the movie “Elmer Gantry” Burt Lancaster played the phony preacher and was great! However he could have taken lessons from Ted Cruz, who in my opinion is no better than the phony preacher in “Elmer Gantry”
Phyllis says
You think that Ted Cruz is whiter than snow?????
Why not look up the very recent scandal that wi be breaking soon about Ted Cruz and his five mistresses. One I believe is a lobbiest in Washington DC. There is proof of his sexual escapades
Records of stays at a nice
Hotel in a couple of different states where grand his mistresses would meet. Stop voting for
Lying Ted. He is not the type of conservative that would get ghd approval of real born again Christians who know that adultery is a sin that will put you in Hell. He just like Bill Clinton are both whoremongers
Jeff says
I will vote for any republican who runs for not to is a vote for Hillary the Killer. Trump is belligerent and bombastic if that would stop I would feel better about him. And as far as the thing with Heidi Cruz he owes her an apology. He has had three of the most beautiful wives that money and citizenship can buy but he does it in the open! Cruz is more aware of what he is facing. Can anybody clone Regan?
Sherry says
We should have known she was mixed up in this stuff too….
Commander/USA Veterans Combat Broup says
Honest and strong leadership is vital to the success of any potential agenda. We are totally dissatisfied with the bull the Clinton s in portraying their image. They and their partners know the truth and will not be set
free. They will always be entrench in darkness until they repent and ask forgiveness from the American public.
Stop Government Corruption says
It is not just the Clintons. The U.S. politician’s less than positive relationship with Panama prevents them from using this particular system, but there are other venues out there. Also, check out the tax safe havens and tax inversion laws that keep money off-shore. They create the laws, so they could argue what they are doing is “legal”. I call it “the fox guarding the hen house”.
whistleblower22 says
Surprise, surprise (in a Gomer Pyle voice), the clintons have poo on their feet and all over AGAIN!
Take those corrupt beasts out of all things political forever!
Mark Mathews says
Corruption, greed, self-serving motivations … should we expect anything less from our leaders?
Randy Johnson says
Yes! FEEL THE BERN!! Support him and the good Democrats minority to help him get good things done for the country. Decades of GOP and DEM corruption have weakened this country beyond all imagining. Vote for the Warren Wing candidates with Bernie as leader to get back justice, infrastructure, healthy food, energy independence without pollution, fair wages, affordable quality health care, well paid jobs, good education of all by good teachers, fair voting rights, unbought politicians, clean Earthly environments, progress instead of disintegration, trickle down instead of accelerating trickle up and squash down, separation of church and state, government by the people and for the majority of the people who play fairly with integrity and honesty. Down with Machiavelian manipulation and false propaganda and up with decency and awareness! Do your duly diligent research and vote as responsible citizens instead of inflamed mobs of fooled fools!
Michele says
Randy, you’re the INFLAMED FOOL if you believe all the BS you’ve just posted. Wake up! Bernie Sanders is a Communist!!! Stop displaying your ignorance, you should be the one checking facts!
Hoyt Higgins says
The elitist politicians from both parties are scared to death of Donald Trump, for fear that he will expose all of them for their lies and deceit against the american people. That folks is why they are ganging up on Trump with every piece of ammunition they can muster. Wake up, rally your friends to support Trump, he may be the only one who can save this Nation.
R Tillotson says
To all Americans (and dead people who still vote, and illegal aliens who vote, and all other voters who are not qualified), if you want “Business as Usual,” go ahead and elect Cruz or Kasich. They are bought and paid for with big money given to them by people and organizations that want something. In other words, they don’t want anyone crapping in their nest. Both of these 2 elite gentlemen will see that nothing changes. God help us if Hillary gets elected. Our ONLY hope is Trump. He may be annoying and blustering and speak before he thinks things out, and lets himself get cornered by reporters in his face, but he IS learning, and he has guts, and the best of intentions. He knows his limitations and is smart enough (above genius I.Q.) to surround himself with the most intelligent and experienced, TRUSTWORTHY advisors in the world. He will kick down doors and knock over tables and get to the bottom of the crime, self-interest and outright rape and imprisonment of the American people. We have absolutely no one else. Let’s give him a try. At least, he has some backbone.
Michele says
Right on Tillotson, Trump doesn’t need anybody’s money. We need Donald Trump as President to get this country back on track. We don’t need anymore Obama’s or Clinton’s or the Communists like Bernie Sanders! At least Trump has the backbone so tell it like it is!
Lincoln w. Sorensen says
Hoyt, you are correct. I was promoting Dr. Ben Carson long before he announced. He was the only person I had ever state publicly that PC and special interests had to be eliminated for america to come back from the edge of the cliff. His message resonated with all us old people who had lost hope and were disenfranchised. He was leading in the polls. Then a louder voice came along and began voicing some of the same points as Dr. Carson had been saying quietly for almost 3 years. Other politicians saw other issues Dr. Carson had made good ground with and stole those also.
Carson took no money from large entities or PAC’s but he was getting millions from small donors all across the country. He used the social media to get his message across. There has been talk every election about campaign finance reform for the last 3 decades. No one ever intended to reform it. The simple truth is that as long as there is money involved anywhere in politics, there will never be any interest in doing what is right for America and ‘we the people”. Trump is the only one left who can change the ruination of this country. He will not eliminate the corruption because he is the only one powerful enough to get the job done while the crooks are still there. He will buy them like he has done all along. The establishment does not like Trump because they will no longer be in control of all the money and power that comes with the party establishment. Have you heard the unadulterated arrogance of the GOP party leader stating that we pick the nominee, not the voters” ! How arrogant can one possibly get!!! We are arriving very close to a time for revolt!!
Jo says
Hillary belongs behind bars and she should take the rest of her dear friends with her. She and Bill hated Richard Nixon and helped in destroying him now from his grave he is doing a number on her and he is justified in getting his revenge. Nixon may have been somewhat of a crook, but tell me in Washington who isn’t. Nixon never betrayed our country. She deserves to be locked up for the crimes she has committed against our country she has betrayed our men/women who are keeping our country safe.
Brigid says
Nixon did betray our country. He made the first free trade deal with China while China was still a communist country.
He didn’t negotiate with the Russians. The Cold War could have ended in 1973. But the War Hawks didn’t want to get out of Vietnam, a conflict that should have never started.
Michele says
Oh Brigid! Nixon made the first free trade deal with China while China WAS STILL A COMMUNIST COUNTRY? Where have you been? CHINA IS STILL A COMMUNIST COUNTRY!!! By the way the Cold War was not the Vietnam War! PLEASE CONTINUE TO POST COMMENTS AND DISPLAY FOR EVERYONE TO SEE JUST HOW TRULY UNINFORMED AND IGNORANT YOU TRULY ARE!!!!!
Rocco says
You know Donald may not be the normal smooth talking person that most politicians are. He may be a little crude sometimes by not saying the right political correct statement. That is why is so popular, he has the ability to learn real quick about everything, He will have the best people around him. If that’s the case what the fuck did Obama know, My God Wise up America, GO TRUMP
Brigid says
Yes America. Get off your fannies and start supporting Trump. He will save this country and no other!
Jan says
Business as usual with the Clintons. Nothing has been done to stop her and I doubt anything will ever be done. Nothing surprises me with those power hungry people. They have a lot of corrupt people in their pocket and can wiggle their way out of anything. I’ve lost all hope of any justice being done.
Kay says
Why has she not been arrested if it was us they would have us under the jail don’t trust her at all
Deb Miller says
People who think that Hillary can be trusted and actually vote for her, are “sheep being led to the slaughter”! Our country and citizens will be in a world of misery if she is elected. The only person she is “fighting for” is HERSELF, and her desire to get away with as many crimes as possible and not get punished for them! She has learned how to be “slick” from her husband, and their obsession with “getting and staying rich” no matter how illegal the means, is what is motivating her to become president! She will continue to let America go down the tubes as long as she can make deals with foreign countries that make HER richer! She only cares about HER bank account, not with improving the living conditions of the working class, who NEVER got paid $250,000 to make a speech! The Democrats are all a bunch of “kiss her a..” politicians so that they can keep their overpaid, over-rated, do-nothing jobs! VOTE REPUBLICAN for a change in government so that the working class can finally move ahead, and get what we deserve for our hard work to raise and feed our families, and build a little “nest egg” for retirement, and maybe be able to send our kids to college without a lifetime of debt for them to pay off! DON”T VOTE FOR A CRIMINAL TO BE OUR PRESIDENT, IT WILL BE THE DEATH OF OUR COUNTRY! VOTE REPUBLICAN FOR A GREATER AMERICA AND A BETTER LIFE FOR EVERYONE!
Arthur Hartsock says
The greatest majority of the Wall Street investment bigwigs are virtually guaranteeing Hillary’s election this November. As if we needed any more good news?
Deb Miller says
By the way, when I say vote REPUBLICAN…..I mean…..VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP!
R M says
Nothing is going to happen to HilBilly and it wont matter to her supporters because they just want a women president no matter how corrupt she may be. They don’t care about the security violations with her private servers or that because of her actions 4 people got killed including an ambassador (but no Americans are dead according to her) so why would they care if foreign interest are financing her campaign. Just think if she wins Slick Willy will be able to play with the interns again and maybe he wont get caught this time.
Sharon Jenkins says
The DOJ will never convict Hillary. I guess she has something on all of them or they are afraid of disappearing.
Jan says
RM, being a woman I’d like to see a woman in the white house in my lifetime. But how sad that these women are supporting Hillary just so they can see a woman as president. They are settling for the devil. Creepy. I hate to think that women are so stupid.
Dave says
The entire Clinton Foundation was specially designed for them as a tax dodge and a money laundering scheme. Even Al Sharpton asked for the particulars so he could have one. Without complicity by most of the current regime and the two phony Attorneys General, both appointed by the President and approved by the spineless Senate, the Clintons would have been history long ago. Pne can only imagine the payoff to the Obamas after/if HilLIARy would be elected. The past 16 years have been awful for the working Americans and the future looks bleak.
Marvin Foster says
Hillary and Billy will stop at absolutely nothing to obtain power and more wealth. If she were to win the nomination it will be “katy bar the door”. Busy people refuse to take the time to vet these “evil” people that they are willing to vote for. Some will vote for her simply because she claims to be a “woman”. Many more couch potatoes will vote for her simply because she promises a lot more “FREEBIES”. It’s such a shame that the uneducated population thinks that there is no end to what Washington can promise for producing no effort to obtain it. GOD help the ignorant – they are in so much need.
Lewis William Sowles says
She’ll get voted in only because of her genitalia.
Justin W says
The Democrats are stuck between a chronically corrupt politician and a fringe candidate. Many Democrats seem to be willing to choose the fringe candidate over the corrupt Hillary Clinton. If the Republicans don’t self destruct they should be able to win this election by a landslide. I suspect many of the Bernie Sanders voters will not vote for Hillary in the fall. They have enough sense to realize Hillary is going to win the primary thanks to party rules she helped write and the “super” delegates who represent no one but themselves.
Hillary and Bill Clinton are crooks. Their foundation is nothing more than a money laundering scheme that has made them rich by selling influence and American secrets. The foundation should be audited.
oren says
I don’t understand why this is so shocking. This is business as usual for the Clinton Crime Family.
John brooks says
It’s time that these CLINTONS are brought to justice for all their lies scams and
All the other illegal activities they have and are involved in. Disparage Trump, but
He’s a cream puff compared to these crooks. NO MORE CLINTONS IN THE WHITE
HOUSE. WE have lost enough over the past seven plus years, we don’t need another
Round with the she-Obama. She has already admitted that she wants to carry on
The Obama questionable legacy.
Mark says
Hillary belongs in prison.
frank says
I am Canadian, people in U S A need to wake up
Swede says
Don’t you just know the ACORN or their replacements reps are spending all their time in black churches telling them if they do not vote for Hillery their government benefits (food stamps, free housing, WIC,EBT, and all other government freebies) will be stopped. Why do you think she is getting nearly all the black vote.
Terry says
Communist are socialists. Islam is the mother of all socialism, The Nazis were socialists. The dimocrats and RINOs are socialists. Good grief. Is everyone a socialist? Or is just that every form of govt is socialist? Except one. Our establishment, the banking empire that funds elections and keeps the people they want to stay in office in office are socialists A socialist is one that considers govt their god. God being a higher power from which all good things flow. Take allah. You are rewarded by allah with sex in heaven if only you become a martyr for the cause. For jihad. Money is the govt’s “grace” and it, the govt, the people that operate the govt and make the decisions, is particular who they bestow this grace on? And far too many times their grace is handed out to purchase votes in the name of “helping the poor”. Evolution is the scientific “biological fact” that time is their god. We are all here because enough time has passed for everything to be descended from a cell that flipped instead of flopped as it exited a primordial soup. How nice our remote ancestor knew how to flip otherwise I guess all life would be a flop?? The real God, aka the Creator, created many things, including the laws of physics but never created money nor did He create a govt. However He seemed to have heard the cry of the poor, the persecuted in Europe who were suffering under the tyranny of royalty forms of govt and enabled an exodus to an undeveloped land which led to the formation of a non-socialist form of govt. A govt made in the image of God with three branches instead of three Persons. The nation has been drifting towards where we are now, a govt for the govt, by the socialists, and under the control of socialists with a lot of money? Someone mentioned above there is a revolution animating this election. I am more inclined to think that this a massive rejection of what our elected officials are doing and have been doing for decades. This admin is sort of like the icing on the cake of govt for the govt, for the elite since he did not start the mess known as PC DC. The govt needs to turn away from political sin, PC, and return to constitutional govt! Wasn’t every elected official elected to represent the voters in the process called govt? Not represent the party to the voters? Surely no one voted because they expected significant patronage to be sent their way? That is un-American?
Rosebud1Play says
She is also useing women and young kids to get votes.I heard 2 young guys say on TV that as long as she pays me money i will vote for her.She will finish what Obama ends off.She will not help anyone but herself.I have no idea why they her in to be president in the first place.She has been lieing about alot of things from day one.
Sharp Sword says
The extra marital affairs of Clinton are not as outrageous as any wrongdoing of Hilary. After all, it was his private life and bad taste with Monica. What the real enragement is that the Panama leak has failed to make public any American companies or politicians involved. I am sure we have plenty of those. Cough them up!
Frank says
What ever happen to the law of the land. We american are all created equally and that no one should be treat above the law. The Clinton’s should be put in jail if that was one of up we would be put under the jail. So that all tells you if you have money then you can be above the law.
Who me? says
America is doomed! Can’t you see that?
Clint Hall says
Face it, anyone connected to the white house are untouchable. I remember that after WW2 the elite had offshore accounts to dodge taxes. If the panama list it correct, there will be a lot of red faces from the white house down.
armydadtexas says
AMERICA and AMERICAN have been fleeced by the men and women, we have entrusted with our government. Time to feed and water the TREE OF LIBERTY. Time for another 1776
Steve Mullins says
If half of the American people simply watched many You Tube videos on “Hillary Exposed”, and a ton of related videos, and sent those links to everyone they know, she would be exposed for her murderous/drug running co-record with Bill in Arkansas, and she would probably not be elected. The media has done a masterful job of covering for her and Bill.
Steve Mullins says
If even half of the American people watched You Tube videos on “Hillary Exposed”, along with many related videos on her murderous/drug running record along with co-conspirator Bill in Arkansas, and sent those links to everyone they know, she would probably never be elected. The American public press has done a masterful job of stuffing the Clinton’s real crimes down the news hole.
ron says
we’re sunk
Deb Miller says
When your state primary comes up, if you’re a Democrat, vote for Bernie so it is a vote AGAINST the Hillabitch! Leave her crawling away from the primary with the realization that people are FINALLY believing the truth that she’s a CRIMINAL! Anybody who actually votes for her is out of their minds! The money she spends on her ugly pantsuits would probably send 20 kids through a 4 year college! She is shameless and shameful, trying to “smile” her way through the campaign and act like she is the one who can make life better for everyone in America. Her screetching voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard, eek! And her face would make even Pinocchio jealous with her fast growing nose with every lie she tells! Come on people, use your brains, she’s NOT the person to lead this country. Her marriage is a sham, and she’ll make a mess of the country too! Does anyone REALLY want these two lying, cheating Clintons in the White House AGAIN!!! STOP THEM NOW! They’ll just laugh all the way back to the White House at how STUPID the people were to vote for them again! Don’t let them win again!
Joseph Lacapruccia says
Is there an honest thing this fat bitch has ever done
Bud says
Mr.Trump is the only candidate with enough balls to call a SPADE a SPADE.
American people have no balls.
Just sit on our hands and let everyone walk all over us.We had better wake up, 4 years is a long time when your watching someone destroy our country like that azz has been doing for the last 7 years….
cliff says
This is not a problem, Mrs. Clinton “WILL NOT” be punished in any way, she may even become our next President of this GREAT and Mighty Nation of peace loving Americans,, God save the Queen, Putin 2016, long live Castro,
have a great day you Morons,
dprato says
These types of articles mean absolutely nothing to the mindless people who like Hillary Clinton. She is a degenerate, pathological liar and megalomanic with no sense of ethics or morality and yet the folks who support her really don’t give a hoot which says alot about them.
Bud says
This is just one paragraph in this story, Please read the complete story:
Speaking at a press conference on March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said, “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real.” He went on to say that if companies are committing fraud by “lying” about the dangers of climate change, they will “pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.”
What about your lying good for nothing Female candidate for President, Hillary Clinton?
Seems you should be pursuing her to the fullest extent of the law also.
Don’t you agree?
BV says
Brigid please go live in a communist country before you want to turn our country into one . Our college students need to go live in one too , they are being brain washed. You must not enjoy your freedom. I have grandchildren and they are not going to grow up in a free country the way I did. It’s hard to believe that we live In a country that is going to become a third world country . The country we love and grew up in is no longer going to be the same when people think the way they do.. My father told us if we wanted anything we had to get a job and work, where are the parents they need to teach their kids to work for a living. We want our freedom , so think long and hard before you vote on what kind of country you want to live in.
Ed Meyer says
“Could be”, “Would be”, “Might be”…This is not reporting, this is grasping at hopeful straws…This is the kind of thing that liberals use against the conservatives, calling it a “witch hunt” and various other names. I cannot stand Hellery or Wilbur, and think they should both be rotting in a dark dank cell somewhere for all of eternity, but when stories like this are printed without any even semi concrete evidence, it damages the cause… Please folks, make accusations ONLY after you have serious evidence of wrongdoing.
Don Hornish says
Keep’m coming because it really doesn’t matter! This lying, criminal woman can and will get away no matter what she does because she’s a Clinton! The Clintons are protected by the media and several left-wing congresspersons and billionaires. Also, they, like Ovomit, had far too many Americans and illegals hood-winked they can do nothing wrong! But go ahead and see how many you can come up with! It would be interesting to see how many lies and criminal things they have gotten away with from the time they began in politics up to the present, including during this present Democratic campaign.
Stephen Russell says
Can this & email scandal bring her down?? Blessings from allah, Yes.
Amen if done.
Rick W says
Minor point in the article: “alleged Russian interference in Ukraine”? How many dead Russians, Russian tanks, aircraft and guns of all sizes must we see before we understand Russia wants Crimea back into its “fold”?
John Furlong says
Allowing that scum to walk free is the greatest miscarriage of justice in recent history.
CowOnHead says
You know, who didn’t see this happening? Global-scale corruption and her name isn’t even 1 degree away from this…a company she founded that manages her campaign funds.
As always, she’ll weasel her way out and this Podesta fella will most likely end up dead.
Ten Regiones says
This is so funny… I clicked on this link and I landed here and the first thing I thought was, “Is this a real news site”? I almost died with laughter. I can’t explain it, but I am blown away with how much this site looks like a news site. You guys are amazing. You’ve actually have other news sites citing your work as real stories. This April Fools trick was brilliant. APRILS FOOLS!!!!!!
JAM says
I’ve been following Hillary Dillary Dork since Mina Arkansas. She was convicted of corruption there, and paid a huge fine rather than imprisonment, and I have tapes from that time. It was odd how anyone who confronted her corruption wound up dead. Brown publicly stated, “If I go down, I’m not going down alone.” He was shot in the back of his head. Her Attorney General wound up running and in hiding for her life. She knew too much. Vince Foster, he knew too much, and was shot dead on a hillside. Let’s not forget the two little boys who had spotted a drug carrying aircraft coming in, and committed suicide with their hands tied behind their backs, on the railroad tracks.
Then we have Ovomit who is selling this Country down the river, and no one is confronting either traitor. I am Ex Military, USAF, and was willing to put my life on the line for my Country. Now, for the first time in my life, I am ashamed of what My Country has become. Back to Hillary. It’s no wonder Bill Clinton had affairs. His wife was so cold he was probably afraid that, if he had sex with her, his man parts would freeze and break off. Maybe they did. Maybe she got them, and convinced herself that now she could become Madam President. God forbid!