Is this more smoking-gun proof of Clinton Foundation corruption?
Guccifer 2.0, the notorious hacker behind the Democratic National Committee leak, has released another set of damning documents.
This time, the information is allegedly from the Clinton Foundation — and it’s not good for Hillary Clinton.
Guccifer posted images of the documents on his blog Tuesday, saying it proves the Clinton Foundation is guilty of “pay to play” corruption. The hacker bragged, “Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server.”
The Clinton campaign immediately went on the defensive, claiming, “we have no evidence Clinton Foundation systems were breached and have not been notified by law enforcement of an issue. None of these folders or files shown are from the Clinton Foundation.”
Although their public statement is worry-free, recent actions by the Clinton Foundation say otherwise. The foundation hired the computer forensics firm FireEye to investigate a possible breach of their servers, Reuters reported Wednesday.
If the hack turns out to be valid, it could be the end for the Clinton campaign.
The files include spreadsheets tracking donors and screenshots of different folders that were allegedly on the foundation’s server.
An image showing a list of folders, includes one named “Pay to Play,” further reinforcing the concern that Clinton was using her power as Secretary of State to provide government benefits to Clinton Foundation donors.
One of the most damning documents shows that big banks made payouts to Democratic lawmakers following the 2008 bailout bill. “It looks like big banks and corporations agreed to donate to the Democrats a certain percentage of the allocated TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) funds,” Guccifer commented.
While there is speculation that Guccifer is repurposing documents from the DNC and DCCC hacks, his previous history lends him credibility.
He released DNC documents in June and again in September, which showed some party officials favoring Clinton over Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries. That ultimately led to the resignation of the DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz, who was later hired by the Clinton campaign.
— The Horn editorial team
Hondo says
When this becomes “Official” then there should be many who go to trial for criminal offenses….a real trial and not some do nothing “hearing” as we have witnessed.
If not, then kiss this America as you know it Good-Bye!
Peace to all who are in Christ Jesus!
Marlene Hessler says
LOCK ‘EM ALL UP FOR “THEFT BY DECEPTION’ FOR THE DERIVATIVES THEY BUNDLED MOSTLY TRASH WITH A FEW GOOD AND SOLD TO OVERSEAS. Kinda like a sailor’s wad, A $100 on the outside and a wad of $1 and $5s inside. And they bragged about it.
Sam says
Great…….you are right on TARGET!!!
Lawrence J Faulkner Sr says
The offices in D.C. are corrupt from Top to Bottom. If any of us came close to doing anything like this
We’d already in Jail. Why are Government employees exempt fro any of these laws ?? If this is not true then why in the world aren’t they doing time in our Federal Prisons. 48 Suicides directly connected to the Clinton and NO ONE is doing a DAMN THING ABOUT IT. How is that ?? And the
House, Senate, and Congress want the Americans to TRUST the people that DO NOT STAND FOR
PUBLIC. TO MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED FOR THIS COUNTRY AND YOUR CANDY A*SES ARE TO SCARED. Follow the oath that you sworn to or put in your retirement papers and get the HELL
Rich says
I have been saying that all along alot of these so called suicides just don’t add up tell me how 13 plus body guards are dead most w “suicides” and that is just the body guards
Bob Lbo says
Very well put
Them all out and bring back our chance to still be a free nation
Asian Angry patriot says
that’s why we need Trump! Even some Republicans do not want to support him cuz their kick backs will end. so much pay for play…Liberals (Democratic, Hilary) we’ve to follow their government rules…less freedom, which means no freedom of speech; and no freedom of religion. we just have to follow the government rules. we can’t even have a Christmas tree in the office as it is like violating the law of the government due to racism. Conservatives on the other hand, are for the constitution and more freedom..
michaele carvell says
I am surprised all those motherfuckers are not dead yet
Donna says
You know we have snippers that shoot five miles away I’m amazed these people are still here
Maria says
BARNEY FRANK WILL LOVE PRISON …… He’ll make a good wife !!!
Don says
Make that BARNEY FWANK, one of the Democratic ‘Butt Bandits’.
Thank GOD he retired. May Allah visit AIDS upon his miserable, retched life.
wandamurline says
It will not happen as long as Loretta is head of the Department of Injustice or Comey is head of the Federal Bureau of Non Investigation….they are both as crooked as Killary and Slick Willie… many heads in Washington need to roll and so many need to be in Sheriff Joe Arapio’s jail wearing pink prisoner uniforms.
James Crumpton says
There will not be any arrest, because our justice system is crooked.
Nobody tells it but Comey’s brother does Clinton Foundation taxes,
that’s why the foundation is not being investigated. The NSA just
arrested a guy for having 5 Top Secret documents, buy Hillary wasn’t
arrested because there are 2 standards in America. The famed can’t be touched
but the little guy is jerked up as soon as it happens. Yet the CIA was selling
guns to Libia and this is done to cover that up.
Asian Angry patriot says
our government has too much corruption! our country may ended up into a Muslim country for all we know as we will all be mixed with Syrian refugees who are now currently coming in to our American soil, without screening them. for God’s shake, what’s going on in our National security? why do we have to wait for some more killings here?
Sam says
Another TOP SHELF and very valued TRUTH.
Clayton Sibley says
gotta agree with you there
Melanie says
I would love to see Slick Willie and Comey in Pink prison garb. Wouldn’t you? Lol
Marc Goldstone says
To finance the trials a WEB CAM should be placed in each jail cell so that freedom loving Americans could subscribe for a fee and watch both Hillary and her pedophile husband waste away.
Selling our country out to the highest bidder. says
`The American people are so angry at these lying thugs, we feel they have sold out our country in front of our eyes and laughed about it. We have famley members that go back generations that have been in all the wars to build up and defend our nation and now these worshipers of the golden calf is trying to destroy our home land.
Linda reyes says
What will it take to put all these people away so much crime and there people who still want to vote for Hillary our country has lost all moral conscience
Asian Angry patriot says
we need to have a strong leader like Trump! He needs to clean the white house. He speaks from his heart and people who know him personally say he is a good guy, not a fake one.
Bonnie Berry says
Good One yet! So true..praying something strong comes out that they can not weasel her way out of before WE go to the polls in Nov.!! We NEED to make America Stronger Again!
narf66 says
Let’s not forget that it is Obama who is pulling the strings, and who sent a signal to everyone by saying that Hillary is the most qualified person ever to run for president! He succeeded in fooling the American people twice, and he’s counting on the fact that there are still plenty of ignoramuses out there who will buy his bull. Funny, in 2008 he had a completely different opinion of Hillary, which is ironic seeing that since then the Clintons have added even more evil deeds to their long list of crimes.
Mrph says
I agree wholeheartedly. Also think a closer look needs to be taken at Obama. The abuse of power he continues to display is completely unacceptable.
Marianne Lampe says
Peace to you in Christ Jesus. We know God is still on the throne.
sheldon mankes (rickamanus) says
if clinton is elected kiss every thing you own good by. they will rape pillage suck every thing you have and tell you they are giveing it to the poor. bs they are going to make them selves richer you poorer get the blacks against the whites and say we have to help them. yes like abot and costelo 1 for me 1 for you and so on and when it comes short they will take what you have and say that is my share. so vote f9or the hill and you will be under a hill.
Gerry says
Hondo —- By the time this is proven true or false hopefully we have a Trump Administration and new heads of all these now politically corrupt agencies like the dept of injustice, nsa, fbi, irs, s of s or there will never be any prosecutions. Neither holder or lynch have prosecuted anyone obozo didn’t want prosecuted. Most cases were just quietly dropped never to be heard from again — just like the Benghazi tragedy.
Marc Goldstone says
Comey’s term continues into the new president’s administration unless he either resigns or is impeached before them. 10 year term up in September 2023.
Daisy Kazmaier says
Ditto to all ,clearly the government needs to wipe out corruption ,my answer to that is voting Trump,Pence
SM says
Speaking of Holder- what ever happened to the perjury charges??
retired says
all this exposure and still nothing has happened as of yet….. i guess some are waiting for the grim reaper to come in and do the job for them
Stephen Legat says
What ever ails her, I wish it would just hurry up and get it over before the elections.
Gayle says
How do we cange people from voting for Hillary? Post this stuff to Facebook an everyone you know!!! Stop them, America is in trouble, only we can help change this corruption!!!
T Cameron says
I’ll vote for Trump/Pence because they’re the ONLY ONES WHO CAN SAVE AMerica! However, Trump needs to stay OFF his Twitter account. He’s losing thousands of votes because of this. Will he keep Twittering while in the White House? This frightens me.
Levieta Fred says
God is the only one that can save AMERICA. PRAY, PRAY that he overcomes the evil from governing our country.
Barbara says
Amen Hondo!!!
Judy says
Lock them all up and throw away the key. These politicians are a disgrace. ELECT TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT.
k9 says
Its really great that hiLIARy has over 500,000 votes in a warehouse in Ohio,and their early voting doesn’t start until October 15th
ain’t this really great. NO VOTER FRAUD HERE! ! ! ! ! !
SM says
They need to be burned or shredded just before they are used, last minute. Hide cameras so that they can’t load them in car trunks to sneak them out of the warehouse a few at a time without there being a record of it, with lots of backups.
Meir says
I am in. but remember the country has many faiths we call GD by diff names the one GD above for all!
Lupe Sanchez says
I agree with you, if they do wrong with the e-mail etc. they should be put in jail, they aren’t special.
Maxine says
Our God is not the same God as other God’s being brought in… Read the Bible through and one can find whether it is the true God or not. Many don’t know, as haven’t read God’s Word to us so don’t know what He has said to know if it is of Him What will brings blessings or blessings taken away…. Reading the Scripture one can find out whether one can know saved or not, right now. God is great, isn’t He… God waits for us all to repent and recanting of our sins. Keep our hand in His.
John G. says
To hell with her campaign being suspended if the documents prove real – she along with her sleazy husband and obnoxious daughter should all be charges, tried, convicted and jailed.
Oscar lopez says
wandamurline says
Better yet, three horses, three ropes and three trees….make it quick.
tom says
Agreed, it is time someone stands up and says enough is enough. Disqualify her from running. She is a Pig, sorry pigs, didn’t mean to disgrace you. Longtime Clinton fan Barney Frank should go with them, after all it was him and Cris Dodd who started our current housing crisis.
Jim t says
I agree when is this going on t v news or does trump no of this l hope so please
RebNcity says
That would be great! !
JOHN says
We have to make sure that Trump gets into office before any charges are made against any of them or OBO the Shit will remove the charges and let them run free as they are now.
Constitutionalist says
John G.-
I disagree with only one part of your statement. There’s a difference between being jailed and being imprisoned. They should be imprisoned after being heavily fined, oh, say the entirety of the Clinton Foundation’s assets, along with the personal assets of all the Clinton Crime Cabal holdings even remotely akin to their “Global Initiative” crime spree.
But, first things first: elect Trump, then surround him with multiple phalanxes of protection, human and Divine; i would not put it past these globalist bastards to set off a nuke, kill everyone remotely close to Trump, and blame “terrorists.”
As an aside, here’s a phrase coined by Leon Uris, a writer i admire greatly:
“War is the terrorism of the rich; terrorism is the war of the poor.”
DrBob says
The word you used is “sane” person. The US public education system has been brainwashing the students since 1975 and to prove it we are now 28th on the world’s education system. If Hillary is elected, legal or otherwise, we are dead meat as a country. Welcome to the new slave world.
Woopdi says
To Bad there are so many Mentally Ill Idiots, that are going to Vote for the Hag of America … People are so Easily Fooled by Criminals , no wonder Con Artist do so good ripping people off ,, the entire Democratic Party is a CON JOB .. Just look at OBUMFUCK , biggest Joke since the explanation for 9/11 … Conned America right into more Wars than any Country has any business being involved in .. About to Con America into a Race War .. And if the “SHE BEAST” gets Elected , a NUCLEAR WAR , probably with RUSSIA , or CHINA , or BOTH .. Fucking Crazy Googen from the NUT FARM would be a better candidate than that SORRY EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING ,, the PERVERTS WIFE ,, , HIL LIAR Y CLINTON ,, SATAN`S SIDE KICK ,, the first Female to have Latrine Duty in HELL ..
david corbett says
Comey , Lynch and Obama to the recue
John G. says
David, unfortunately you’re probably spot on with a “pardon” to follow to protect his ass.
JOHN says
He can’t pardon them from any charges that are not charged
Constitutionalist says
He can’t pardon them from any charges that are not charged
Actually, not true. Google “presidential pardon limitations” and you’ll be better informed.
Or, if old enough, you could recall that Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon of EVERYTHING he’d ever done, just to PREVENT any further charges against him – or lawsuits, for that matter!
The only limitations on presidential pardons is that ONLY Federal crimes can be pardoned; the president has no jurisdiction over any crimes anyone may have committed in any State…or any personal injury, say for assault, drunk driving, or rape, for example. BUT, immense Federal pressure can be brought against any State officer who may wish to pursue such charges – and have, many times, i guarantee it.
Robert Taylor says
Sorry but Obama can pardon them for any crime they have committed or may commit during a specific time or with an open end. When Ford pardoned Nixon it was a blanket pardon. You can look it up via google.
Woopdi says
Yeah , and everybody else , just Bend Over , there`s another Big Banging coming …
Douglas says
Lucifer cannot continue to fool intelligent voters. She is part of the crooked system that has taken over the previously great nation. We must follow 2 Chronicles 7:14 or we are a cooked goose. This could very easily be our last chance to “Make America Great Again”.
Woopdi says
So if you know any Demorats ,, you should Kick they`er Teeth in .. Cause they ain`t gonna Smarten up on they`er own … They can use all the help they can get ..
Douglas says
Come on America, let’s honor our great heritage. Stamp out corruption in govt. work for term limits.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
I agree with you, former Figurehead Jimmy Carter wanted term limits for all elected offices be 3 terms maximum. Congress didn’t like that and doesn’t like that at all. Many states have term limits for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Senator of a maximum of 3 elected terms, and State Assembly a maximum of 6 two year terms, not to exceed 12 years maximum. All elected office term lengths should be 4 years, a maximum of 3 elected terms be the limit for all elected officials, when their third term is up or near the end, they cannot run for that position
again. The House & Senate they can have as many terms as they want, but the Figurehead & Vice Figurehead can have only 2 elected terms not to exceed 10 years maximum.
Irene Mills says
None of them should have more than TWO TERMS!!!
JOHN says
The only way to get this to happen is to have it put on the ballot for the people to vote yes on for they will not vote for it for it is putting them out of an easy job. Trump as President can have it put on the ballot.
Bar-n says
Not surprised anymore as to how corrupt the sleazebags are. I just pray that there would be some real action taken to stop the theft of our tax base. Nobody bailed me out when I had to get out of the dairy business because of policies of globalist that make farming almost impossible for patriot types. If nothing else I believe that God will judge them.
Marvin B. Cohen says
THE CLINTON FAMILY FOUNDATION: MONEY GOES IN – MONEY NEVER COMES OUT! The poorest nation in the world is Haiti. They have had five (5) natural disasters over a seven (7) year period. There were earthquakes and hurricanes. The fund cried for more money to send the Haitians for aid and relief. Hundreds of millions of $$$$ poured into the fund. Want to know how much of the money went to Haiti? Not one dime! Nothing! NADA! This is the help The Clinton Foundation did and they enjoyed one of their finest coups!
Dolfin says
Relief fund that benefitted the Clintons, her brother and the Bush’s which is why the Bush’s are backing Killery.
Southern By Choice says
And none of it will make any difference to the Hillary supporters. The main stream media, on which they rely 99.9% will cover it up, or not cover it at all. Anything done legally would have to be done by the FBI, Just-us Dept, or a judge in New York, none of which will ever happen. They, along with others, including Obama, Lynch and Comey, are in so deep, as well as many RINOs in Congress, t his will blow over in probably a week, or less. You can bet she will not be asked about this in the Debate, by any in her “press conferences”, which are usually just with the reporters on her plane (and you know they are going to ask really tough questions – like what did you do for Labor Day) but still the mainstream media calls them “press conferences”. We might as well face facts, as much as I hate to say it, especially as I sit here and look at my 4 month old granddaughter, but Hillary has been crowned, and I don’t believe anything will change the outcome. I pray every night, but again, we have turned our backs in God, so why should He answer our prayers.
JOHN says
I just love the way that Hitlery has a commercial showing her loving kids when she had abortions and didn’t want Chelsea except to make her and Bill look good as parents.
Dolfin says
Not to mention she speaks of every child having a future, what about the millions of children that are aborted, even live, viable babies that are murdered when they are aborted late term, Killery approves of this “choice”, the choice to me is keep your legs closed or use protection. Abortion should only be considered in terms of rape or the health and wellbeing of the mother.
Deb says
I really pray that Trump will win!! I think its God giving us one last option and that is Trump/Pence. They are not part of this great corruption and will try to fix it. Greed is evil and is shown by all the establishment and Clintons. I have said before”How can any citizen outside of the corrupt group VOTE Hilliary?” Just doesn’t make sense. Are they ignorant or just not informed? I know the MSM is a big reason, but good gracious, there is some media trying to be fair. Hoping ppl come out to vote Nov.8th. Not sit home. That happened with Romney. Early voting already starting. The debate Sunday is paramount!!! Trump must not take bait. Dems are counting on it.
Pat Travitz says
When, When will this country come to grips with this COUPLE.? Not as long as we have the Lamestream Media and Demorates in CHARGE.
Maurice Striegler says
When you own the highest public servant cop, FBI Director Comey, there is no their there. Obviously, Loretta Lynch Head Justice Department who holds her office at the pleasure of the ineligible Obama has relayed his orders directly to the FBI Director to use the cover “juvenile dreamed up defense INTENT” as his reason not to charge Hillary with the crime of compromising our National Security by ignoring all known security methods required by State Department employees. lee1233
DrBob says
IMF just voted to start increasing the aim to cut the US dollar as a reserve currency. This will help completely destroy our economy. Also thanks to Obama the internet, in the US control from the beginning, is passed on to someone else. There goes the Freedom of Speech. Hillary said she would pick up where Obama leaves off. If there is anything else of the USA.
CJ says
I realize Donald Trump is no choir boy, but his actions have NEVER harmed the American people. When will America wake up & realize he only wants to HELP America become great again.
PattieA says
Roy Sams says
Philip McKee says
david corbett; I agree, Comey, D O J, Barack Hussein Obama the Blowhard will make it all go away.Unless something is done,
to stop these criminals we are done as the Greatest Country in the World. Crooks and LIARS is all they are, prison for the lot of them, what ever it takes to get it done.
JOHN says
Maybe the people will have to go vigilanty to show the f——— politicians who is in charge. Lets protest in their neighborhoods for we have freedom of speech before we lose it.
Sam says
remember – staying at home on election day is a vote for Hillary. Get smart. The worst tragedy this nation could ever face would be Hillary getting elected. Folks, we’re smarter than that. Get to the polls. Take back our country.
Roy Sams says
I fully agree. A non voter staying home is a vote for Hillary. Even if you don’t agree with the politics of today. Vote for FREEDOM FROM TERANY THAT HAS TAKEN THIS COUNTRY DOWN FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS.
clarence lipscomb says
FACT: The Truth Will OUT (as in EXPOSE).
FACT: The Truth Regarding Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Character Is Being Exposed (officially for the first time).
Thank GOD !!!
Ronald Davis says
I disagree. Her sleazy antics and behavior were exposed years ago in a book well written by one of the FBI agents who served in the White House during Slick Willie’s admin whose job was to vet people for access to the White House. Don’t remember the books name but will never forget its content.
joe says
hackers are all we can depend upon because the fbi has been compromised and the doj is also in the tank for hillary. the usa has no law and we are indeed a banana republic, no law, no democracy, dictator with executive orders, greatest investigative force in the world the fbi now a political pawn by comey. the justice department as corrupt as they come, and the president selling america down the river to muslim terrorists, we are history
Zinka says
In America, many such as the fam:Clinton, Obama, Trump….. Which “together are better” and sit the family in order create a better and more rich and the rest of the Americans do not care
“America a better again”
All the same liars and thieves **%%!!! @$$$&$$$
jbg says
I have heard that Obama has ordered the FBI to not bring any charges against Hillary. has anybody else heard this
OracleGuy says
The text says “Big banks made payouts to Democratic lawmakers following the 2008 bailout bill.” This has absolutely nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation as the article’s title suggests. It is just business as usual in the GOP-Banker world and they are apparently jealous that the Dems are being bribed too..
Maria says
OracleGuy —- go back into the ORIFICE you came out of!! And take Hitlery, Slick WIlley and OBUMMER HUSSEIN with you……
John G. says
OracleGuy – hey numb nuts lets wait and see. Gotta believe where there’s smoke there’s fire especially when it comes to the Clintons, crooks to the bone. I know your knee’s must be knocking thinking their end could be just around the corner.
steven says
there is a special place in hell for scumbags like you sissy liberal
Richard Schwartz says
Who is telling the truth? We get “spin” from the left and the right. Media tells us one thing and fox tells us another. Example, if Hillary has done all the things she is accused of she has committed treason. If the stories about DOJ and Comey are true what has this country become? Who can we trust? We are told unemployment is wonderful yet labor participation is in the dumper. How can this be true? “figures lie and liars figure” Both parties do the same thing. Donald has fought and came back.
I am a grouchy old man and I am sick of both parties. Who cares about me? NO ONE. One fact that has been proven is that our country is in the condition it is is because of lawyers. How many in congress? Hillary? Obama? What future does the country have? Very Bleak Normal people quietly live their lives and are basically truthful and have some honor. Sorry people I have no answers. We are the same as every failed society.
JOHN says
Bill lost his lawyer license and I believe that Hillary and Obo also did. All the corrupt politicians should lose theirs for not doing there job as promised on the bible and not committing treason.
Dorthea says
isn’t it amazing how we are all wanting someone to help … the BEST SOURCE IS GOD … HIS SON AND OUR SAVIOR we need them now more than ever and when we let them know we NEED THEM … they will give us comfort THEY and only THEY know our needs, and we know what needs to happen … get rid of the corruption and try something new NOW … Vote and Vote for they CHANCE FOR CHANGE and then when we get the chance for CHANGE … THANK GOD AND HIS SON FOR THE CHANGE AND CONTINUE TO GIVE THANKS, NOT JUST THE DAY …. BUT FROM THIS DAY ON. Don’t let us sit by and say WOW we are grateful for change … BE GRATEFUL THAT WE ALL TOGETHER THAT LOVE GOD HAD THE OPPERTUNITY TO HELP MAKE THE CHANGE AND THEN CONTINUE TO BE THANKFUL. Donald J Trump needs GOD’S HELP AS MUCH AS WE DO.
lets make sure we ask GOD to HELP him HELP US.
steven says
American tax payer says
Lock ‘n load time.PARTY TIME!!!Get Rope’n and decorate the trees with the lying thieves.Justice is OURS,THE AMERICAN VOTER.
Ike Eickelman says
I still maintain that everyone in Washington D. C. has ties with money people. We need to get rid of all of them and start again. We shouldn’t worry about the present ones experience, a dog or cat could do a better job. They all get their pay-offs and they don’t want to lose them. They don’t understand that what they are doing is making our country weaker and don’t care as long as they get their money. They don’t know or understand that the money they are getting want be worth anything if they continue doing what they are doing. Obama has been trying to destroy the U. S. A. since day one. I never understood how he got elected the first time and I certainly never understood how he got elected the second time. I guess we have a lot so stupid people in the U.N.S.. I’m an ole fart and I hate to see what is going on, but if the people in the U.S.A. are this stupid then they deserve what they get.
Rick says
Finally some one has nailed the coffin shut on this WICKED WITCH from the EAST .
Carolyn says
I think that the people that are against Hillary are all right about her and God will get his avenging done one day soon…..We cannot continue to live this way any longer…..God will have the final say in his own time…..We need to pray that God will forgive our sins and bring America back from the brink of destruction…..Please everyone give your hearts to God and pray for our country……….
rick says
Federal Bureau of Non Investigation….
I LOVE THAT Perfect description of them
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
How about a lot more like Federal Bureau of Idiots. That’s what we have in Washington, DC is a bunch of 600 idiots minimum.
David says
Only a person not living in reality could believe this crap.
It will not make it to “the main stream media” not because there is a conspiracy but rather because it’s bunk.
Get a grip folks and get educated!
portia wadsworth says
brad says
That’s allot more money then any one person is allowed to give.
Frank G. Shineman says
Hondo says it very well as also other supporting comments. My question is- Why do we have to lay down and take this? We need some strong leaders to stand up and take back our country. I say talk to everybody you know, family, friends,neighbors, co- workers. If they don’t believe you or refuse to do their part to save our country by voting Trump they are just as guilty! I suggest you checking into and offer your time to make calls into swing states for Trump.
Betty Lowery says
Washington Mafia!!!!!!
Al Hernandez says
The Hillary emails and Clinton Foundtn investigation is apparently on hold before the Senate Juciciary Cmtee waitting for Trump to appoint new AG & Dirtetor of FBI to INDICT Dir Comey, AG Lynch, Hillary, Bill, their attprneys, etc.. @alfredanchor
krmueller says
Best 13 minutes + you’ll ever spend. Enough said.
warren says
Those who vote for Hillary are most likely just as crooked. Birds of a feather flock together
Al Hernandez says
If Hillary, Bill, Obama and their globalists counterparts had their inmoral ways they would clone perfect men & women to build perfect artificial intellegence robots so the send common people to hell.
iris cross says
Hillary she seem to be above the law. She does not play by the rules Dirty campaign money. she belongs to the communist party.Crooked Hillary lied about Benghazi the family of people who lost there life in Libya should sue Hillary
Charles Masterson says
This we know is true !! Now it’s time the people of this country wake the hell up and force these sorry SONSABITCHES to be prosecuted by the lip wer courts !!! Let Sheriff Joe arrest every POS from the top down to Comey !! The power of governing should be taken from the Feds and be given back to the states as was intended by our constitution and Bill of rights !! The federal government has gotten two damn. Big !! GEORGE SOROS SHOULD BE DEPORTED FROM THE US !! THE UN IS A COMMUNIST ORGANIZATION AND MUST BE MADE LEAVE THE US ANS THE US MUST GET OUT OF THE UN !! THE UN’S INTENTION IS TO CONTROL THE WORLD THROUGH THE NEW WORLD ORDER, WHICH MUST FOR THE SAKE OF THE UNITED STATES BE STOPPED !! IT’S ALL GONE TO SH*T !!!
Jeanne M. Schuth says
The “Founding Fathers” are rolling in their respective graves over what is happening to our country.
Politically incorrect says
There is way to much power that will keep Obama’s so-called legacy going and all the election machines that are suppose to be under surveillance before being put out to use have already been tampered with so it would not surprise me that for every 3 votes Trump gets at least 1 will be counted for Hillary.
At this point there is nothing that she can do that will result in charges, Hell you could have a video of her selling guns to the ISIS and it will be pushed under the rug. If Trump is not at least 10 points ahead in all the polls it will be to easy for Obama and Hillary to rig it. That is the reality of it but you can bet I will still vote for Trump just to know I did my part. If she wins I probably will never vote again because this election will prove it doesn’t matter.
This is America’s last chance to make some changes we need to help get Trumps numbers up to leave no doubt when it comes to the election
John says
Obama – Traitor
Bill Clinton Rapist, pedophile, thief , accessory to murder, traitor
Hillary Liar, traitor, thief, accessory to murder, serial violator of oath
Holder Liar, accessory to homicide, serial violator of oath
Lynch, liar, accessory to treason and homicides
Is there any democrat who has any ethics of sense of what is right?. They all cover and support the scum at the top. Democrats are the ENEMY of the working American and will sell you down the river for a vote. I can hardly wait for the day when we hunt these enemies of the people .
Mike W says
They have the first African-American President and they are doing everything they can so he does not look bad. Unfortunately for them when they pick Obama they started at the bottom of the barrel. There were much better people who should have had that role.
aw says
HIL LIAR Y is a “RADICALIZED-EXTREMIST POLITICIAN” who strayed from American values…………very dangerous woman!
Frances Shannon says
What does it take to put the corrupt Clintons in jail? It has been proven over and over how disgusting corrupt they are and they are still at it. The American people do not deserve to have this corruption. Rotten Clinton, Billy Boy and Obuma and horseface belong behind bars. Do something Washington.
Mike W says
Notice whose name was at the top of the list – Barney “I see no problem here ” Frank. The FAT POS screwed the country over and slipped into the shadows. He was directly responsible for a lot of the “Bubble” and the meltdown of the housing industry and has managed to escape blame. He is and always will be a crook. I hope they get him before he slips off overseas somewhere.