Nearly two years after it was created, the House Benghazi Committee is nearly done with its work, according to a top Republican lawmaker. And the timing of it couldn’t be worse for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential hopes.
“We’re getting close to wrapping it up,” Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo told The Hill on Friday.
After two years of interviewing witnesses and reviewing documents, the news that the panel is nearly done is certain to have repercussions for Democrat Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency.
According to reports, the committee’s findings will likely be released before July’s Democratic presidential convention.
The announcement echos the panel chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy’s email in March that the committee has made “considerable progress” investigating the deadly 2012 attacks that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.
The Benghazi inquiry has gone on longer than the 9/11 Commission took to investigate the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001, spending more than $6 million in the process, Democrats said. They say the only goal of the investigation is to undermine Clinton’s candidacy.
Republicans say the committee has been hindered by stonewalling by the State Department and other executive branch agencies.
“Because so many of our interviews are classified, behind-closed-door interviews, not open hearings, it has created a vacuum in which other members of Congress have commented on or speculated to what we’re doing or what our motivations are,” said one member of the committee, who asked for anonymity to speak candidly to The Hill. “We remain committed to leaving no stone unturned.”
The panel has interviewed a total of 83 witnesses since its creation in May 2014, including 65 never before questioned by lawmakers, Gowdy said in an email to The Associated Press.
The committee also has gained access to documents from the State Department and CIA and to a cache of emails from Clinton and Stevens, who was killed on Sept. 11, 2012 in twin attacks on the diplomatic outpost and CIA annex in Benghazi.
“The American people and the families of the victims deserve the truth, and I’m confident the value and fairness of our investigation will be abundantly clear to everyone when they see the report for themselves,” Gowdy said in an email.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
What difference does it make? The self absorbed staring into smartphones and the able bodied who made the career choice to go on EBT, WIC, and Sec. 8 housing will vote for her. Here in Massachusetts today it’s a state holiday, Patriot’s Day. It honors Lexington and Concord and the beginning of our nation. In recent years, the media calls it Marathon Day. The meaning of the day is being erased by “progressives”. Up until the early 1990’s, the Boston suburb of Arlington had a 3 hour parade honoring Paul revere’s ride and the start of the American Revolution. It was only behind Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in size. Arling in the past 20 years was transformed from a middle class close suburb to a place now dominated by those who moved there from Cambridge with “progressive” ideals. Last year Arlington didn’t even have a Patriot’s Day Parade due to lack of interest.
Diana says
How truly awful. I could not agree with you more. Disgusting the direction this country has gone to. Our entire coutry and its laws, Constitution, Declaration of Independence and morals have all gone out the window. We have become a nation where anything goes right or wrong and that should not be the case. Are we approaching another Revolution?
One must really wonder for sure. You said it and I agree.
Main Street says
@Diana and Nora: I remember 34 years ago when I just got out of the service taking the subway and bus to Arlington to see the huge Arlington Patriot’s Day Parade with my late parents. It started at 11am and ended by 2. Arlington then was middle class Irish and Italian 2nd or third generation Americans. Middle Class. Then the “progressives” moved up the avenue from Cambridge. Rents rose. The middle class moved. The states 2nd largest parade honoring 1775 got smaller and last year ceased to exist. This year they tried to revive it. Only a few hundred watched. 30 years ago close to 100,000 watched. An example of how quickly America has changed. Here in Boston we still have the 11am Red Sox game, marathon and Lexington/Concord re-enactments. However the media seems to have dropped Patriots Day and call it Marathon Day.
Main Street says
Even on the Red sox game the announcers today refer to the Massachusetts holiday today as Marathon Monday instead of it’s proper name, Patriot’s Day. Very little if anything on the news here about the Lexington & Concord reenactments. Political correctness is causing our history to be forgotten. The Boston Marathon is run on Patriot’s Day .Only recently have “progressives” in the media called it Marathon Monday.
Wendy says
Nope. Not “anything.” Anything that puts you further under government control/depencence passes. Anything that enables the individual/reduces government gets crushed.
Dil-Per-Ree says
This is what happens to any country that has the Church interfering in politics. There should and must be a separation of Church & State, along with a free press or we are doomed.
Red Anderson says
I disagree, this country needs God involved more than ever. This country was it’s strongest when God was included in the courts, schools, and government affairs.
Gladys Hurtis says
I agree with you, Red Anderson.
David Helms says
Mr., Anderson, I totally agree with you. we need to put God back into our country, that was when it was beat. Prayer was in schools, count systems, all dept. of the Goverment. why I remember when Preaching was heard on the corners of down town Monroe, NC.Our country was founder on “In God We Trust”., when people turned to God for direction and prayer was not ashamed of.People were more honest back then and more friendly. God says in Cor. that if the people will repent and turn from their evil ways, and call upon the Lord and He will Heal our Land. That is not going to happen till this land does so. I am afraid that the Devil has gotten a foothold into people, all new are bad….good new, if any,are swept under the rug. Hillary is as guilty as can be, but people are greety and can be bought off so easy. God says that you shall not tell a lie…. but people cannot tell the truth these days. So sad that America was once so great, proud and now it is a country that no one has any respect for it. Look at the low president obama that we have, he is so crooked and destroying this country from within. The worse President in History he is and he will always be though of in this way. He is not a President, he is yelllow and the World has not respect on America. The once Head held high American Eagle, now hangs his head very low for disappointment of our leaders. I can’t believe that Hillary is now trying to run for the WH after all the lies, evil and corruption she has done to the American people. Shame!!!!!!
kenneth cameron says
I agree with Mr. Anderson they forgot who made them and be taken out as quick as a flilt
of a finger!!! Put the prey, plage of Al. back that will steston up America PUT some body in the WH. that has some BALLS not to say yes to but, to say NO, not giving in….. TRUMP for
kenneth cameron says
We need some body in th WH. that has BALLS to say No not yes Every time they ask
for something GO “TRUMP”
E M American says
You are right, Red. The kids in school are not taught that the Constitution came out of the Bible. They are taught that it is outdated and needs to be revised. They are in school learning Communism under Common Core. Our great nation is exceedingly becoming doomed to fall like all other Countries that kicked God out. Schools are instituting mind control on our kids, and most parents aren’t smart enough to see it because they came out of the dumbing down of American students era.
Gary Smith says
Remember Hitler
JT says
As tough as it is too say, I too, along with many other Hard Working Americans believe we are headed for another American Revolution. That is why the DEMOCRAPS and others are trying to take away the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Take away our freedom of Speech and then GRAB our Means to defend ourselves.
There is an old saying I learned in History Class, “Those that fail to learn History, are doomed to repeat it!”
WE THE PEOPLE need to get rid of the Democrats and Democratic Party, and become one nation under GOD again.
E M American says
Right JT. If guns are ‘outlawed’, only outlaws will have guns. The Constitution gives us gun rights to protect ourselves – and our families. Mostly from an aggressive and evil government. First, to control us, they have to disarm us…then we are their complete puppets. Plus, all tis ‘politically correct’ language is just another way to muzzle us so we cannot speak truths. It’s garbage, like the people promoting it.
NoraB says
@Main Street
You’re right. We, as a country and as a people, are on a downward spiral to damnation. My mother once said it started with Benjamin Spock, M.D. who said we should stop spanking, or reprimanding our children lest we injure their self-esteem. I can truthfully say, my mother did not follow his thinking. We no longer spank kids for wrongdoings (you don’t have to beat them to get the message across – when they are little, a smack on the back of the hand sometimes does wonders) There are no ramifications of sassing teachers, not respecting elders or authorities, cheating, etc. Going to the Principal’s office is no longer a threat of ramifications of one’s actions. The little urchins do whatever they want with no threat of penalties…and mommy & daddy may even sue the authoritative figure who accused their little princes and princesses of wrongdoing.. They continue into adulthood. Our society is a mess. Yes, there are lots of good kids out there who were raised by parents who cared how they would turn out, but many are not. You see them on TV and read about them in the newspapers all the time.
The “Leftists” are trying to abolish all the true history of how this country began…I once read that someone came here years ago from another country to study what made America great. He went home with this discovery: “America is great because America is good. When America ceases to be good, it will cease to be great.” So true and that is where we are going folks.
Go Trump!!
Anna says
Frannie Page says
Yes, go Trump!!!! We need to start with someone who has the balls to try to change the mess we are in….heroin addicts everywhere, bratty kids, bad water in many areas and no one knows just what
to do….medicare is going for fast food going to $15 an hour – that will close many places…
We need to again have the government for the people, not by who owes who a favor…and no more lifetime insurance, and private government banks for politicians…..Stop this insanity….
Vote Trump 20016!!!!
Burt Trattner says
SCHOOL – 1950s v 2014
Scenario :
Johnny and Mark get into a fight after school.
1950s – Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.
2016 – Police called, and they arrest Johnny and Mark & charge them with assault.
Both expelled even though Johnny started it.
Both children go to anger management programmes for 3 months.
School governors hold meeting to implement bullying prevention programmes.
Scenario :
Robbie won’t be still in class, disrupts other students.
1950s – Robbie sent to the office and given six of the best by the Principal.
Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.
2016 – Robbie given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADHD – result deemed to be positive. Robbie’s parents get fortnightly disability payments and school gets extra funding from government because Robbie has a disability.
Scenario :
Billy breaks a window in his neighbor’s car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
1950s – Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.
2016 – Billy’s dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care; joins a gang; ends up in jail.
Scenario :
Mark gets a headache and takes some Aspirin to school.
1950s – Mark gets glass of water from Principal to take aspirin with, Passes exams & becomes a solicitor.
2016 – Police called, car searched for drugs and weapons.
Mark expelled from school for drug taking. Ends up as a drop out.
Scenario :
Johnny takes apart leftover fireworks from Guy Fawkes night, puts them in a paint tin & blows up a wasp’s nest.
1950s – Wasps die.
2016- Police & Anti-Terrorism Squad called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, investigate parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated.
Johnny’s Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly in an aeroplane again.
Scenario :
Johnny falls over while playing football during morning break and scrapes his knee.
He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. She hugs him to comfort him.
1950s – In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing football. No damage done.
2016 – Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in prison.
Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy and ends up gay.
This should be sent to every e-mail address you know to remind us how stupid we have become!
Oh! Before I forget; Go Trump! Our last hope. But if Cruz wins the nomination Vote for Cruz
Carl says
Good Post! In my 78 years of wearing blinders to now see how far we have been led away from our founding principles is no longer frightening, it’s what was forecast by a lot of people we looked at and said “doomsday fool.
I am afraid Franklin Graham has it right –We have crossed the point of no return.
Anna says
Due to the Democratic Party and the Republicans that agreed with them for the past 16 years (Clinton’s and Obama’s), more people then ever before are out of jobs. They have lost their homes in foreclosure’s, business has moved out of this country. Seniors who depend on Social Security especially women of my generation post-war WII. Never made equal pay or stayed home to raise a family, work for a husbands corporation without pay only to find them selves deserted for younger women. These women what little they do get is below poverty levels not even on the list.
However, with all of the above, let me just say this about the runner up for the Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton. If that was your son or daughter, husband or wife, grand child, that was killed at Benghazi, would not you want to know the truth why a loved one died and they were brought home in a box, or their torn apart bodies were never found?
Would you want this woman Hillary to be the next President of the United States furthering her agenda from all the way back in the “70’s in her criminal ways when even the then President Richard Nixon, fired her? I know I would
So go ahead and worry about a stupid insignificant parade, where ISIS terrorist which are all over this country statigically placed to strap a bomb to them selves are open fire with sub-machine guns into the crowd, hitting you or a beloved family member.
Obviously, you come from wealth who think this way or your are dirty dealing your self’s. However, there are many of us who desperately need low income housing in safe neigborhoods not where the rioting and constant paid agitators come in and burn, loot and yes kill people.
I grew up in the south end of St. Louis City, spent 40 years of my life there. I left 25 years ago to take care of a dying father. I grew up without a mother, not because she did anything wrong or was on drugs. She died of hypertension (stroke) complicated by diabetis mellitus II, at the age of 41. I was 6 yrs. old. I grew up and was working when I was not in school baby sitting for people or oh yes back in the 50’s we did not have combines and my dad was nomadic. We moved a lot and I was picking cotton by the age of 8. I went to work in a factory at the age of 14 and had my own apartment in St. Louis when my dad decided to marry again. Now growing up like that you probably think I am uneducated and illiterate. You could not be further from the truth. I am a writer and a teacher or was after my husband left me but not soon enough. I even got my GED and went onto College in my 40’s. I have been a waitress, bartender, insurance claims adjuster for Blue Cross, a medical assistant trained by the Nephrologist and a trained tax consultant as well as a licensed insurance agent. Oh let me not for get I was also a Deputy Sheriff, Commisssioned by the state in southern MO. and a Dispatcher not only in the southern part but also St. Louis County, two Police Academy’s, St. Louis, County and S.E.MO. State University. Prior to that I attended St. Louis University. I wrote the books you probably know as Medical Billing and Coding, 1995. I named my work Medical Insurance Specialist due to everything that goes on in that field, not just the coding part. Pay rate in the days prior to my vocational schools, mininum wages starting at 75 cents an hour. The eight years I had my schools, yes I worked hard and made good money. However, it was all taken away from me by the good old Democratic trash in this state. They copied my books by delaying my licensing for nearly a year thinking I would not be able to afford to keep a school set up and ready to go. My attorney a new lawyer , Por Bono work, finally took the reigns and told them to give me my license or deny them. Legally they were not suppose to take more then a 4 month period, it was 9 full months. I borrowed money to stay afloat and even opened MO. Pro Temp, placement service to help cover my over head until licensed. My books were on the market for sale the second year, my name was not on those books some stranger was. I found out beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was the Higher Board of Education. Now there ladies is why I need a low income apartment at this time in my life. I have fought and worked hard all my life, alone. I am now 70 years old and BTW. the state ran me out of money to fight them then suspended my school and black listed me so no one would hire me to even teach my own program. I became ill physically and a high stress level will do that to a person when they reach a certain age. I was 50 when I wrote those books and the one thing I am happy about today and not sorry I wrote them. Many women like my self of all races are being educated for what today is a good paying job and a decent one. If God had not of made me with the will power and determination that he did, the absolute “not quit attitude”. I could never have done 1/10th of what I did. Now in my golden years instead of that little antiques shop I wanted to open in the Vue Carre District in New Orleans will never happen, it is to late for me. I was born either to early or to late, you decide. So not all people who need help are bums. We have genuinly fought the best fight anyone can fight and by the grace of God raised our children our sons and daughters to be good professional people in their chosen field, never a day in trouble but worker’s like their mom’s were. So think twice the next time you want to cry over a little parade and who cares attitude. God bless you and have a nice week.
Frannie Page says
Your post touched my heart….bless you for all the things you have done, and the strength to keep on going…..people like you made this country great at one time….but not anymore….best wishes to you to still live your life with pride and you have a nice week also….
Christine says
I respect you and what you have achieved! Unfortunately bad things happen and we don’t always get the recognition and rewards that is due to us.
Please try to start a GO-FUND ME account- tell your story and just maybe you will get the funds to open your little antique shop and paste the link on Facebook as well.
I wish you the best of luck
mike smith says
god bless you my dear , when you look around you do you feel all is lost in humanity , I do and wonder where it will all end but I know we did our bit .if only people cared it would be nice ,
Maxx says
No matter where democrats, progressives, socialists, liberals or communists go they create destruction of the cities, neighborhoods and societies they target. Just look at what has happened to Washington State, Oregon, Colorado, Minnesota and Michigan. They are a “plague” on mankind which was predicted decades ago.
Judy says
Not only was it predicted decades ago , but thousands of years ago. The Bible states as it was in the days of Noah so will it be at the end of times. Those times are now! No Morales, no values, and no compassion for our fellow man. It’s appalling to see it.
Main Street says
@Maxx: Democrats 50 years back were criticized for spending too much on defense and have too many right wingers.
Anna says
You are right on target.
Larry says
This country is under condemnation by God and those who persist in their Godless actions will have to stand and explain to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lies and tall tails will be exposed before all. I recoment with my testimony that you repent and change the way you live, the God you follow, and the road you are on.
Judy says
Amen, we are in the days of Noah ,as the Bible states we will be in the end times. Pray that our leaders will repent and start acting and living as Christians should.
Philip says
I believe it’s too late for a whole lot of the people, because so many have NO Christian values anymore.
And it’s getting worse with the Obama the Blowhard’s Administration,
Nothing Christian about Obama, says he is christian but his actions speak a lot louder than words.
No one knows when God will end it all, but he will in his time not man’s.
Andy says
Obama isn’t a Christian. There’s a prayer rug pointed towards Mecca in the private residence of the White House.
JCS says
I can believe that.
Red Anderson says
Mikeyavelli says
We’ll see how much it took to buy Gowdy and his committee off.
You see, obama hizzelf is involved, and nobody, nobody has ever attempted to even criticize obama for anything.
Aint nuthin gonna happen. Not enough EVIDENCE.
Gerry says
I hope not Mike but I fear you are right. obozo has to protect himself and in doing that he has to protect clinton. With people like cummings on the panel it seems pretty hopeless that any justice will be accomplished.
Judy says
I’m afraid that obozo is going to declare martial law so that he can remain our president forever. I think that is why people are being paid to cause problems at all the ralleys so that a civil resolution will take place and Obozo can rule us forever!
Gar says
I agree Gerry. Cummings is just another corrupt dirt bag! Judy, you also are on track. I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees the hand writing on the wall! There are so many people in our country, that walk around with blind folds on.
Maxx says
No matter where democrats, progressives, socialists, liberals, communists go they create destruction and chaos. Look at what has happened to Washington State, Oregon, Colorado, Minnesota and Michigan. They are a plague on the cities, neighborhoods and societies they infiltrate. They leave places that have already been damaged by their ideology only to export that ideology and destruction to another place.
Gerry says
I truly hope it is a ” jacknammer ” that falls squarely on her head and then finds it’s way to the oval office.
Awake says
Not a damn thing will Happen to these filthy disgusting pigs
The CLINTONS will be corrupt even when they are long gone off the face of the earth. They leave their darling Chelsea and her corrupt husband and their children etc.
the country is corrupt and not a damn thing will be done. No one in the higher ups cares. Cuz they are Reaping benefits
Stupid Americans keep voting for stupid filthy corrupt slime.
I have absolutely no faith in our system.
Hilary has a chance of Paying for her crimes, about as much as Cruz has a chance of abolishing the IRS. It will NEVER EVER EVER…..HAPPEN!!!! The IRS is where all these crooked shenanigans get their money to wine and dine and 69. They are all filthy. All of them!!!!
Sick sick sick
I don’t know why they even bother telling we the people what is going on. It just pisses us off and we can’t do a damn thing about it.
Red Anderson says
I keep praying for a few “Lightning Bolts” to end a few peoples days of corruption.
me says
This is just my opinion….I am so glad that this is happening now, before the Convention. I think this is the first step towards healing our country because hillary nor obama is ABOVE the law!!!!!! TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dennodog says
The “timing” is all clinton and her enablers’ fault. They delayed, destroyed evidence and were uncooperative with the
investigation. Had a special prosecutor been enabled, the tentacles of her and obama’s criminal enterprises would have
been disclosed and RICO statutes enforced and an obstructive DOJ would have been rendered impotent.
Aachmed Hazmat says
Some either bribed or is black mailing Gowdy. I had high hopes for him.I am not very optimistic.
stevenl says
Nothing even “G-D words” will change the mind of the “Socialists/democrats”!
stevenl says
The difference between an MD and a politician: At 3:00AM an MD must respond to the call!
John says
Hillary the “Hun” is so deserving of whatever happens to her – she is the most deceitful, lying a _ _ h _ _ _ of all time.
She and Slick Willie have a special place in HELL ready for them and good ole’ timid Chelsea isn’t far behind them.
Don says
To hear Hitlery tell the story, it’s not an investigation, it’s only a little “security review”.
I suspect the FBI investigation will be released close behind~~unless blocked by the Obama Administration.
I hope the lying b*tch gets fried!!!!
She is NOT worthy (or even trustworthy) of even being a janitor cleaning the toilets in the Capitol.
joel says
Obozo is going to pardon Hillary, so nothing will be done.
JCS says
I think anyone with 1/2 a brain knew that was going to be the case. I still think if they wait for a republican president and a new DOJ then indite Killary. Less likely to get a pardon and more likely to be prosecuted.
Peggy says
When ILLIGALS sign up their new baby born in US they are given a Voter Registration Card and a paper telling them if they don’t have a Social Security number they will help them get one and will not report them to ICE. This is true I have papers to prove it. Now you know how ILLIGALS get to vote. Easy , Government provides for them when ancor baby is born in US. See how corrupt voting is and Government is guilty. No wonder Democrats win. and voters Frud is not reported? Picture ID needed and cannot vote if not Legal. TRUMP 2016
Awake says
Being illegal is ILLEGAL
How hard is it for the lame brained people. (Anyone) to understand this?
Go to a foreign country- ANY COUNTRY and commit an ILLEGAL CRIME- or just try to live there ILLEGALLY and see what happens.
Americans are STUPID. Damn MAMBY PAMBY WIMPS. Just look at our limp wrist president. It’s sickening.
Illegal is illegal. But then, Americans don’t understand. They continue to vote for idiots, and illegals. Let’s look at the WH. That looter in there now is most likely ILLEGAL and if CRUZ gets in there- he is illegal
name b free says
JCS says
For someone to deny extra security from multiple request from Stevens in Benghazi and just let the 4 men be murdered; she has a lot of nerve to think Americans should put her back in the WH.
name b free says
If the revolution is kept off social media outlets . It will be over before 95% of America knows it happened.
richard wallace says
it took no time for the findings against general david petraeus to come out and find him guilty and pass down a harsh sentence for what he had done. i feel that what they had done to this fine american in no way was near as serious as h. clintons . i do not understand why it has taken so long to bring charges to her. she knowingly broke the law and new dam well she was doing wrong. she felt nobody could ever bring any charges against her. thank god we have TREY GROWDY and his aids to work very hard and i hope nothing or anybody trys to hinder him. it is a shame TREY GROWDY is not running for president. he could wipe his feet on (i have a VERY BAD TIME EVEN STATING HER OR SLICKS NAME) h.c. and his shoes would not come out clean. she belongs in prison!!
Bud says
I think we have another ace in our corner and I don’t think ever the azz hole in the off white house or his illegal law offices in DC can stop.
That will be the group.
These good people are going to put a stop on Hillary,slick Willy and any other illeagle corrupt going on in our Fed.Gov.but it takes money,Do yourself and others in our Country a favor, please go to their Web sight and read everything you can find on all of the Crimes against the USA and the people here.
There is slot of good hope there.
Please chech it out and pass it on to all of your contacts,Please
dprato says
You can see many of the facts on the Judical Watch website which has information that proves Hillary lied under oath at the Benghazi hearing. She should be indicted, tried and locked up where she belongs in jail.
dprato says
I want to state at the outset that this comment has nothing to do with this article in particular. I am interested in sharing some bipartisan thoughts about the topic, We Are The Party, and address it to both Democrats and Republicans alike.
This election cycle has focused my thinking about the process we go through in both parties to select a candidate to represent us in the November elections. During the Democratic primaries Democrats vote for their choice but the “Party” has super delegates who are not beholding to the rank and file Democratic voter. On the Republican side it is apparent that when they don’t like who the rank and file Republicans are voting for “they” the “Party” try to decide who is going to be the nominee over the choice of the majority of their members. In both cases the Democratic and Republican parties forget that in reality you and I “Are the Party” and we should be the ones that ultimately decide who represents us.
To this end I am suggesting a voter “Revolution” where people push back hard on their respective parties and remind those in charge that you and I are the party and we really don’t care for these rules that take the ultimate say away from those of us who are also registered Democrats and Republicans. I would urge those of you who agree to write and call your respective Congressional, State and Local representatives to complain about the “process” in addition to the DNC and RNC depending on your party affiliation.
I think its time that the people involved in the political process understand that they only derive their authority from the People when we give it to them and WE need to recognize that when we acquiesce and let them do as they wish we are abrogating our individual prerogatives to have them represent us as we would like to be represented.
Those of you who feel you agree with my sentiments are free to use this statement in any comments or letters or conversations you have. It is my intention to insert this statement in the comments of every article I read online and to hopefully start a movement that will hold both political parties accountable to their members.
Thanks for reading this whether you agree or not.
James says
None of the committee’s findings will mean a thing because Obama is going to cover it up white wash it and once again keep the American people in the dark and give us the Jack Nicholson you cain’t handle the truth answer. Top secret the American people don’t need to know snow job.maby Edward Snowdon will cut loose a whole new batch of tell the American people the truth except for our military operations that’s a no no.
Constitutionalist says
The Snowden release detailed thousands upon thousands of crimes committed by agents of the USG.
i want you to tell me just how many prosecutions for any of these crimes have come about.
Instead, the full weight of American power has been trained on finding and stopping the leaks, especially from agents of the USG and their corporate butt-buddies, CCMSM. “Crimes? What crimes? The CRIME was TELLING on us!”
John Emery says
drop a piano on her while you’re at it.
Connie says
To get started on this road to the GREAT AMERICA. Use our right to write in votes on election day, to show them where we really stand.
Not to just not go to the polls but to go in big ###s. Make it a long line to even get in.
John W. says
Elect Donald Trump for president and all the crooked lobbyists will demand repayment from the “DO NOTHING Congressional People” who received their DONATIONS who only watch out for their own welfare and offer social programs to undeserving (Cheaters) people at the expense of honest American People
Jay Bell says
Where’s Dorothy of Oz when you need her?
Constitutionalist says
That was Dorothy’s aunt’s house that killed the wicked witch of the east; it was water that destroyed the wicked witch of the west. It would be interesting to me to have a priest bless a glass of water, then get close enough to The Liar to toss it on her, just to a) watch her expression and b) see if it makes her melt.
But while it is my sincere hope that this long-delayed and costly gov’t report will not be similar to those of the Warren Commission and later, the 911 Commission – both whitewashes filled with lies that got no gov’t agent whatsoever so much as arrested, let alone prosecuted to a sentence – i strongly suspect that, once again, gov’t agents will protect their own.
To me, THE most pressing question to have answered is this: Who issued the Stand-down order? If THAT question is NOT answered, they did NOT do their job(s) properly, but intended to – once again – deceive and lead astray. But we shall soon see. After all, the recent movie about Benghazi has THREE stand-down orders being issued before the bravest men i’ve ever heard of said “Screw those a-holes, i’m going to HELP the ambassador and our People there!” (well, if i recall correctly, that is.)
Confoundmeonce says
When the People gives up even making Comments when you will know this country is finished, for sure. SO.. keep right on having Opinions and Don`t hesitate to put them Out THERE ( whether well received, Or not ! This Country has to Gnaw its` way back out of the Blunders Our “”sic. .Leaders ”Have Thrown us ..And It is going to Take a While To gain back what has been Lost Over the Last Three Generations. But.. WE Will. Long as we have Brave souls such as Trump who Is not Afraid of Anything. He will Do What is Best and Right FOR this Countries` Citizens.. ( Not Just work for The “”wealthy Ones Who Don`t give a Fig What Happens to This Country AS Long as They can continue Racking UP The Goodies For Themselves. HE Has Seen Clearly, First-hand.. how This Works.. and Where it has headed this Country…Down Hill. He Wants TO Lead us Up and Out of This Morass we Find ourselves Drowning in. Thank YOU, Donald Trump ! And May God Continue Keeping you SAFE.. a nd Well. WE Do need YOU, and So many Others Such as YOURSELF. But THEY come ‘Few and Far Between ! ‘ I`m certain I am not Alone in my Evaluation. .and In my honest Opinion of Donald Trump.
Stephen Russell says
& the Panama Papers alone should expose more of the Clintons.
Down she goes
Constitutionalist says
& the Panama Papers alone should expose more of the Clintons.
Down she goes
One would hope so, but iirc, exactly ZERO information implicating ANY American was released – and the ex-owner of McAfee, the billionaire Libertarian candidate – says that the release of these papers was via one of THE most CIA-infiltrated newspapers EVER, through several different US orgs, all tied into the USAID program.
i would say that it’s LIKELY that DETAILED info on the Klintons is immediately available and actually could have been released years AGO, but for a likely agreement between the spooks and the Klintons; the latter will be exposed only if they don’t hold up their end of the bargain – or the PtB decide that a sop must be thrown to the populace to satisfy their blood-lust, and H “I Liar” is sacrificed on that altar. i’m pulling for the latter, which will a) get rid of THE most unsuitable candidate for the presidency EVER put forward and b) prove to the rest of the NWO/OWN sycophant/toadies/lickspittles/klowns that the Shadow gov’t people won’t hesitate to sacrifice THEM, too, if/when it becomes expedient to do so…which will encourage more defections and whistleblowers, which will hopefully take down the entire scheme and ruin their plans for us. (See Georgia Guidestones, especially for their “desirable” population-levels, to get a clue-by-four.)
Justin W says
America’s embassy staff was murdered and it appears nothing was done to try to save them. Yes, this needs to be investigated.
The Benghazi attack became a scandal after Obama administration officials lied about it in the fall of 2012. In time the truth began to seep out. I’m glad to see that these people’s tragic deaths were not ignored for the sake of political expedience.
DanS says
I been reading headlines like this for a year now. Enough already. The lying murdering pos should have been in prison a long time ago but the bleeding heart liberals choose to ignore all her lies and crimes as long as they think can get the free stuff they are being promised. I see it every day. The younger generation has been brainwashed into believing that they deserve a piece of what other intelligent people worked hard to get. They have no clue that when they start hurting the people who support the economy by creating jobs for the masses they are just hurting themselves. Just yesterday I overheard a young girl working in the local convenience store telling a guy she liked his “Bernie” shirt. It’s a sad state of affairs when so many Americans would support a murdering, treasonous liar or a self proclaimed socialist to lead the country. King Obama has done so much damage to the way the USA is perceived by the rest of the world that it will take years to undo. That is if we can manage to get a leader who will stop with the stupid “politically correct” way of running things and get back to the common sense approaches outlined in the constitution. Balance the budget, secure the borders and stop pandering to groups that have nothing better to do then create controversy about things like “gender neutral” restrooms. We need to get some sanity and morals back in this country asap!
Chad says
Anyone contemplating voting for Hillary should research her background.
Sufficient information is available online that the mainstream media will not
divulge. Her and Bill’s criminal activities from Arkansas to Washington are so
excessive that they both should be incarcerated. Their offshore money
activities just revealed in the Pananra Papers, the foreign leaders who have
donated huge sums of money to the supposedly “Clinton Foundation” in
return for political favors. Her complete denial of her responsibility, as
Secretary of State that led to the massacre of four Americans, including
Ambassador Stevens. To which she later stated “What Difference Does It
Make”. Also, doing nothing to stop the overthrow of Libya , the savage
murder of Gaddafi , and the taking over of the oil fields and gold by the
insurgents. Prior to this,’Libya was stabilized under the rule of Gaddafi, even
thou he was a dictator. This led to the overtaking of Syria and other Mid-
Eastern nations by Isis, which now pose a threat to American. As Secretary
of state Hillary’s score is ZERO.