Former State Department employee Brian Pagliano, who helped Hillary Clinton set up her private email server, is pleading the Fifth after being subpoenaed to appear at a Benghazi hearing that would include questions on Clinton emails. That means that, if Pagliano has something to hide, he can’t be made to testify against himself.
Attorneys for Pagliano sent the committee a letter Monday saying their client would not testify at a hearing planned for next week. The panel had subpoenaed Pagliano last month.
The congressional committee was launched to investigate the Obama administration’s response to the 2012 attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya. That probe has widened to include Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.
Recent emails released by the State Department have shown Clinton and her aides at the State Department were acutely aware of — and occasionally frustrated by — the need to protect sensitive information when discussing international affairs over email and other correspondence.
One example came in a February 2010 message, when an aide noted a draft of innocuous remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was on the State Department’s classified messaging system. Clinton replied: “Just email it.”
In an exchange from Feb. 6, 2010, Clinton asks aide Huma Abedin for talking points for a call she’s about to have with the newly appointed foreign minister of Ecuador. “You are congratulating him on becoming foreign minister, and purpose is to establish a personal relationship with him,” Abedin replied. “Trying to get u call sheet, its classified….”
These messages were among roughly 7,121 pages of emails the State Department released Monday as part of a monthly court-ordered release, including 125 emails censored before their release because they contain information now deemed classified.
The Associated Press contributed to this report
Dave Wilber says
All that one needs to know about Hillary was published by the Associated Press 2/8/99:
“Hillary Clinton lauds those trying to curb population.” She wants us dead!
Vickie Turner says
And they are already quite successful in that endeavor. Abortions are encouraged and free to the women who won’t control themselves or are too lazy to use the birth control that is available, also for free or at a very low cost. The food supply is not safe to consume. Forced, mercury and cancer causing chemicals in vaccinations that are damaging to the health of a body, if not deadly. The U.S. A. is allowing, promoting and mandating the use of chemicals and genetic modification of plants/animals for our food supply that most other industrialized countries have banned. Not only do these foods sicken the consumer, but they are also linked to the increasing instances of infertility. So, yes, they are intentionally killing us off, in any way they can. It’s called genocide! Thank God that I know where I will spend eternity when my body dies!
Common Sense says
“Former State Department employee Brian Pagliano, who helped Hillary Clinton set up her private email server, is pleading the Fifth after being subpoenaed to appear at a Benghazi hearing that would include questions on Clinton emails. That means that, if Pagliano has something to hide, he can’t be made to testify against himself.”
If Brian had nothing to hide, he perjured himself.
marymerritt says
is he serious ? covering up for a known liar is the perfect way to live without paying any living expenses why would you pay when you can live free on the taxpayers and have a clean cell with iron bars and 3 square a day it may not be the waldorf but ask yourself if she will care when you are sent there. based on her knowledge of ways to avoid the law I this fool could potentially be her neighbor in the closest prison act a fool if you want but do everything you can to protect yourselfshe definitely is not worth it take care of yourself and let her squirm out of this on her own.if you think she is your friend THINK AGAIN all she wants is to spend time in the white house and she does not give a damn where you go. my advice is simple tring to hide info to benefit her is just not worth the price you will pay