by Frank Holmes, reporter
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wants revenge.
The leader of the Senate Democratic opposition was boiling mad after President Donald Trump successfully confirmed his third Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett, to the bench this Monday.
“Generations yet unborn will suffer the consequences of this nomination,” said Sen. Schumer, a staunch supporter of abortion rights.
He predicted Justice Barrett’s fidelity to the Constitution will literally destroy the world.
“As the globe gets warmer, as workers continue to fall behind, as unlimited, dark money floods our politics, as reactionary state legislatures curtail a woman’s right to choose, gerrymander districts, and limit the rights of minorities to vote, my deepest, greatest, and most abiding sadness tonight is for the American people, and what this nomination to the Supreme Court will mean for their lives, their freedoms, their fundamental rights,” he said.
With all the doom and gloom, he wasn’t done. Schumer continued his tirade on Twitter.
“Today will go down as one of the darkest days in the Senate’s 231-year history,” he tweeted. “The Senate GOP is thwarting the will of the people and confirming a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court in the middle of a presidential election.”
Actually, Gallup polls showed 51% of Americans wanted Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court, but Schumer was on a roll.
Schumer closed by threatening, “Democrats will never stop fighting for Americans.”
Today will go down as one of the darkest days in the Senate's 231-year history
The Senate GOP is thwarting the will of the people and confirming a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court in the middle of a presidential election
Democrats will never stop fighting for Americans
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) October 26, 2020
Schumer is so confident that Democrats will take control of the Senate away from Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell next Tuesday that he’s already making plans—and issuing threats.
“The Republican majority is lighting its credibility on fire,” said Schumer, who represents New York, around the time that Barrett took the oath of office. “The next time the American people give Democrats a majority in this chamber, you will have forfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority.”
Then he targeted Republicans on the other side of the aisle.
“My colleagues may regret this for a lot longer than they think,” Schumer said.
Schumer has spoken with glee about taking revenge on the three independent justices named to the Supreme Court by Donald Trump, as well as the Republican senators who voted to confirm them, and the U.S. Constitution that set the whole system in order.
Earlier this month, he promised that “everything” from court packing to abolishing the filibuster would be on the docket if he becomes Senate Majority Leader.
“If we win back the Senate, we’ll sit down and discuss things,” he told MSNBC host Ari Melber. “And I’ll say this to you, Ari, everything—everything—is on the table. I’m not taking anything off.”
As Republicans voted to confirm Barrett 52-48, other Senate liberals backed up Schumer.
“Nothing less than everything is at stake,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., before warning about unspecified “appropriate measures that should be considered.”
“There inevitably are consequences when one person breaks his or her word to another,” he said.
Some took that as a threat to impeach Amy Coney Barrett.
The latest threats just double down on Schumer’s not-so-veiled threat against Supreme Court justices in March, if they voted to uphold a pro-life law.
“I wanna tell you, Gorsuch. I wanna tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Chuck Schumer is the last person who should be talking about unity.
Democrats like him will stop at nothing, even threatening Supreme Court justices.
They only want power!
— Ronna McDaniel (@RonnaMcDaniel) August 19, 2020
But that was then.
Now, Schumer may have much, much bigger plans in mind.
Sen. Schumer has talked about abolishing the filibuster, which demands that legislation have a 60-vote majority in order to pass. That would strip Senate Republicans of the ability to block legislation.
That paves the way for a real transformation of America.
Biden promises, if he’s elected, he will set up a “bipartisan commission” to study court packing—the plan to add as many as six new justices to the court, tilting the balance of the court firmly to judicial activists he will appoint.
Socialist congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib greeted Barrett’s confirmation by telling Biden and Harris to “expand the court.”
Then, Schumer would use his new majority to add four new Democratic senators—by creating two new, ultra-liberal states.
“Believe me, on D.C. and Puerto Rico…I’d love to make them states,” Schumer said.
That gives Democrats a permanent governing majority in Congress and the Supreme Court and—with the two new states’ electoral votes, a leg up on locking in the presidential vote in the Electoral College.
Then, America’s descent into socialist tyranny can really begin.
But there’s one thing voters can do to stop the process, Schumer told Ari Melber.
“I’m doing everything we can to win the majority because if we don’t, it’s all moot,” he said.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”