Yale Law School is taking foreign money and using it to establish what school officials hope will become the top center for the study of Sharia law in the world.
Abdallah S. Kamel, a Saudi Arabian businessman, awarded the school $10 million to build the Sharia law center after meetings with university representatives including Yale President Peter Salovey. Kamel, chief executive of the Dallah Albaraka Group banking and real estate enterprise in Saudi Arabia, has sponsored a lecture series on Sharia law for the last three years.
Sharia law carries weight in the legal code of most Muslim countries. Movements to expand Sharia laws influence have been controversial because many interpretations have been used to justify intolerance and harsh punishments. And in some countries, Sharia law is used to deny women rights to everything from voting to getting an education.
But Yale officials say the Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization reflects a growing interest in many American institutions in Sharia law, history and culture.
“The contemporary challenges of Islamic law are broadly relevant to political events throughout the entire Islamic world and those are developments that are watched by a much larger audience of people who in many cases have not much knowledge at all of the history and traditions if Islamic law,” said Professor Anthony Kronman, a co-director of the center who was first introduced to Kamel by a Yale Law graduate who works as an attorney for the Saudi businessman.
Kronman said Yale aims to have one of the best Sharia law program in the country, if not the world, and one objective is to ensure the center’s work is integrated into the life of the law school.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
john duda says
yale law school – sharia law ??? will women be allowed to the classes – what about the separation of church and state –
apparently money can buy any form of oppressive bull that is hell bent on destroying the united states and it’s Christian foundation.
I think we aught to change the commandment of thou shall not kill to thou shall not kill anyone except those who would perpetuate
islam and sharia law, if you don’t like that leave the USA. It’s amazing they want to leave the shit hole they came from and make
their new home, with it’s freedoms – laws – schools – and the right to say no- and turn it into a like hole they came from.
Eva says
I completely agree with u john
Judynz says
Now that’s something to be upset about. In my opinion anyone moving out of their own country into another does so because they prefer their new countrys opportunities offered.
You DO NOT expect your new country to change to the life style you left behind & expect the citizens of your new country to CHANGE TO SUIT YOU.
If you find you don’t like your new country after all, move the hell out.
However, I believe it is the politicians creating the problem (unless these migrants have been especially chosen to cause trouble)
A child of the 40s I have watched politicians create environments for crime & violence to grow & flourish. Losts of money & power to be had.
GMan says
This appears to be A Very Bad Idea Indeed
Eva says
They need to stay in their country! i don’t see how people can come here and try telling us what we can and can’t do they want things their way and that’s not how we do things here. you can’t come here and expect us to change we live in the United states of America not these little sh*thole .countries we are not perfect but we are free for now anyways
You DO NOT expect your new country to change to the life style you left behind & expect the citizens of your new country to CHANGE TO SUIT YOU.
If you find you don’t like your new country after all, move the hell out.>>>>>>MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY SHORT AND TO THE POINT.
Richard Garrett says
If it had been for Western technology,
those Stone Age Apes would still
be riding camels and shooting
flintlock muskets. We made it possible for them
to have money and influence. Folks, we did this to ourselves. Does not
mean we have to accept it.
Louise Cave says
At one point in history middle easterners conquered and occupied southern Europe, remaining there in charge of government and customs until the armies of Spanish rulers Ferdinand and Isabella cast them out in 1492 (yes, the same year that Columbus embarked on his voyage of discovery). It’s well to remember Muslim interference and force exhibited by those people in such long-ago times. Can it be equated with the more subtle form of invasion taking place during the present refugee crisis? The eagerness of scholars to “understand” components of Sharia law should be seen as positive, while acceptance of its tenets are contrary to normal western thinking. I agree that refugees should adapt to the laws and traditions of the country that admits them and not try to impose the culture from which they fled.