Oregon bakery owners who denied service to a same-sex couple based on religious grounds have paid $136,000 in state-ordered damages — after refusing to do so for nearly six months.
The Bureau of Labor and Industries said Aaron and Melissa Klein, co-owners of the Portland-area bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa, issued a check Monday for $136,927.07. That includes accrued interest.
The Kleins also paid $7,000 earlier this month.
Damages were awarded in July for emotional suffering caused by Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which two years ago refused to make a wedding cake for Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer.
The bakers said their refusal was prompted by their religious opposition to same-sex marriages. And their supporters have argued that the state should not force Christians to violate their religious beliefs.
However, a 2007 Oregon law protects the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people in employment, housing and public accommodations.
The state ruled it also bars private businesses from discriminating against potential customers.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Main Street says
We have U.S. postage stamps for Muslim holidays. A few years ago, Massachusetts changed the date for a state primary because it fell on a Jewish Holiday. Yet as this story shows, Christian beliefs are frowned upon by our officials. Now people are being fined.
Will says
What is wrong with government ?
Are they anti-christian ?
Does the government ever read the Bible concerning homosexuals ?
Love one another is important to Christianity,BUT, that does not say we have to condone homosexual.
Homo is anti-christian.
eric says
the federal government is to concerned with decisions that could be left up to the citizens themselves . Why don’t they balance the budget instead ? that is their buisness
Diana says
And We the People need to stop this all the way, muslum religion is also a gov. away of life, do you know that our gov. Dose not recognize their marriages so the women live in $400,000.homes and draw food stamps and welfare, on us we really need to stop all this free stuff, put them to work cleaning schools, court houses, roads, fields,and parks if you are truly in need that can be checked out but most are cable of working we would really see a change if they have to earn their food stamps, welfare money, and healthcare.
Bud webster says
Next will be arrest for hate crimes, and after that executions. When is enough, enough
pat jenney says
That’s so wrong its their business and they have the right not to sell to gays. We must follow Gods laws first. Our country needs to get back serving our LORD first.
Len says
Whatever happened to “separation of church and state?”
Wasn’t this country founded on religious freedom?
WTF happened?
Shirley says
I am sorry for this couple. However, I wonder what their religion is, since for Christians, Christ commanded that we love one another as he has loved us……no exceptions. I fully understand that some persons are more difficult to love than others, and we don’t have to approve of a person’s lifestyle in order to accept them as persons whom God loves.
Mike says
as Christians they are supposed to love one another not love or support what is considered a sin in the eyes and teachings of God. So to bake a cake for homosexuals it is a violation of their beliefs since it would show support for what is considered a sin
Bud webster says
Yo mike, are you an idiot? You got it completely backwards pal. Almighty God, and his teachings come first. This is the exact problem with America, and the mind set of the progessive Marxist in government, education, media. The entire democratic machine which includes many progessive republicans known as rinos. I challange any progessive to debate me on this. Mike, everyone@ some point come to a place when they ask…. What does it all mean? God, family, country. And in that order. Who,s gonna take country over family? Only a fool. Please rethink your backwards thinking.
Bud webster says
I may have read your comment wrong, if so, my sincere apologies.
victor says
as James 5:20 states ” let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” Jesus was exhibiting love cleansing the temple, rebuking the Pharisees and Sadducees, acceptance does not always = love, now if the couple made derogatory comments or chased them from the shop shouting ” We don’t want your kind in here” not only would that be behavior unbecoming of a Christian, It would make their profession questionable. Some would hold a bartender responsible for the actions of a patron if the vendor didn’t stop serving him and yet this couple is punished for not serving a union clearly not approved of in scripture, In truth this couple has put their love for God and this couple above their desire for profit and their own personal convenience.
Bud webster says
As eloquent a post as iv,e seen. In some time sir. Your are a great fair and decent American. It,s thoughtful people like you that give America a fighting chance of turning satan away from our counties door. Well said, well done! Cheers
Gary Sharrett says
“as he loved us” He told us we were sinners and headed for hell. He also said homosexuality is an abomination.
An effeminate man is an abomination. Once a person gets saved they should “…GO AND SIN NO MORE”.
Giving in to inordinate lust is a sin. He also said “He who is not with me is against me”.
Nowhere in the bible does Jesus condone perverted lusts. Nowhere in the bible does it command a Christian to keep their mouth shut and not identify sin both in their own life and in society and in others.
Even unsaved heathen nations would not condone the perversion and sickness.
Bud webster says
Keep speaking the truth brother, the Marxist will have you to believe your in the minority, this is the sol alinski vail of deception the progessive like to use, that and ” poll numbers”. The concept of having the majority think they are in the minority can and has worked. You hear people all the time either saying their not gonna vote, or i,m stay home. Or what does it matter their,s nothing I can do. What most people of good conscience don,t realize is you are in the majority! That,s why the progressives rig polls, and elections. How else could one explain Obama getting 110 percent of the vote In Ohio? The most votes a canadate could recieve is 100 percent, I don,t know if that,s every happened in American election history
Kim says
Shirley, Christ was speaking to the Church for brothers and sisters in the Church when he taught us to love one another. I agree that we should care enough for the lost to come to their aid, etc and show love when we can, but if they have rejected the truth and refuse to hear the message, we aren’t under any obligation to go against the truth in order to be accepted by those who reject Christ’s message.
The real point is, by giving people what they want (in this case, a cake), are we agreeing with them or condoning something that isn’t acceptable according to God? Some may feel they aren’t condoning the behavior/actions by giving people a cake. Some feel they are condoning sinful actions by supporting them with a cake.
Irregardless, frankly, another question is this: Should the US or State governments have the right to tell Americans what they can and cannot do with their own businesses, and to what degree can they do this? (Of course, we know you can’t start a business doing something illegal, like “thugs for hire” to kill people, LOL. But…those are unanimously agreed upon laws. )
For example: If I refused to serve anyone who wears a purple shirt in my establishment because I despise purple, should I have a right to do that, since its my business that I own and have created? The reality is, a business owner can shoot themselves in the proverbial foot by limiting access and only serving those they wish to serve and not certain others, and they’re likely to go out of business, anyways. 🙂 But, should it be their right to shoot themselves in the “business foot”, if they so choose? We call it discrimination. But should people have the right to discriminate if they choose, since its *their* business?
Its an interesting dilemma and worth a discussion, but lets talk about the real issue: Up until this time, laws governing the country were laws agreed upon by the vast majority of its citizenry. Laws today are often forced down the citizenry’s throats. When its forced, then the government plays GOD and they can do the same in other areas of our lives…for example: people and their own children; should the government be able to tell parents how to raise their kids? How much freedom are we willing to give up to big daddy Government for the sake of a handful of people who live outside the norm? Who should make the determination of which lifestyles and beliefs are okay, and which are not okay? The Government? Majority vote? Our government is making these decisions without opening it up for discussion by its citizens or a vote. And they’ve been playing GOD a lot lately.
And leaving it to the consensus of the majority can be scary, also. That means there is no real standard that’s hard and fast to live by. So, lets say that the majority eventually became, say, Nazis in their beliefs, then we could end up turning into the Fourth Reich instead of the USA, or another Muslim country instead of the USA, etc, because the majority always rules.
We were not founded as a Christian nation; the US is supposed to be religion-neutral. But our Founders never envisioned a future without Judeo-Christian values. A lot has changed since about the 1920s with the influx of people from non-Christian countries, and also with the growth of the religion of Evolution, the growth of the religion of Atheism, the growth of Secularism and Humanism, etc. This is why we see this battle going on. It really is a battle for the soul of this country.
Bud webster says
A few correction if you please, first America was indeed founded as a Christian nation, you are 100 percent wrong on that account. Jamestown 1620 landing in Virginia, the very first act while landing on it,s shores, was an 9 ft cross buried into the sands and a ceremony to proclaim the land to the Glory of God. With regard to your majority always rules. That proclamation only applies to a democracy. Majority rules. We were never founded as a democracy so majority doesn,t rule. It is individual rights that come from Almighy God that always rules my friend. This is why the framers gave us a constitution republic. Individual rights over majority rule. No one says Jesus was a bad man, yet on the day of his death, a mob majority or ancient polling station condemned the King of King. I can,t give you a more prime example of the tyranny democracies brings. Democracies ever spectacles of spoil are tyrannical in their uprisings as they are tragic in there deaths. Thomas Jefferson federalist papers. When you hear the words democracies, they are coming from a tyrant or @ the very least a fool.
Main Street says
Plymouth was in 1620. Jamestown was years before. St. Augustine Florida is older than both.
Bud webster says
I stand corrected main, 1607 was Jamestown , thankyou
runnindeer says
I know that you use the word growth to mean numbers but as I view it there seems to be stunting or death to any society that has so many negatives as compared to positive. You are correct , it really is a battle for the soul of this nation and every other Nation . Ours isn’t a war against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.
Len says
That’s all fine and dandy but ordering the bakery couple to pay these same sex couple for not baking for them doesn’t make sense.
When is standing up for ones beliefs hateful, a discrimination or unlawful that you are ordered to pay money or jailed without bail.
Something is very wrong here.
Proud to be a American says
Leonard says
It’s a real shame for a country built on religious principles allows the beliefs of apparent non-believers to override the beliefs of others. We as Christians and believers need to start fighting back before we no longer have any rights.
Sara Parker says
Ernest says
That’s correct Leonard, we as Christians have failed as the moral leaders of our country. We have sat on the pews listening to messages and for the most part…doing nothing. We have allowed a non American in the White House, we have allowed so many anti- Christian beliefs into this God fearing nation. This country is falling apart…mostly because of “we Christians”…myself included. Our Government has become so corrupt, it’s appalling.
I urge Christians all over this United States of America to get the message out, to lead in taking our country back… for our children and grand children’s sake. For the cause of Jesus…He died for it.
Richard says
Ok, so those people were ordered to pay $136,000 and change for their regilous beliefs and not do a cake because it went against what they believe, how ever Muslimes who refused to do their job and deliver beer to stores were awarded $240,000 each for violating their religion, I see a Double standard here.
I see local politicians pandering to those who Only bark and sound off causing problems for the rest of us, I’m sure the couple who were suing because the baker would not make their cake were not all that damaged, what? There are no gay bakers in Portland? This was a cash cow for the lesbos, nothing more
Danny Stewart says
Oregon is a place I would NOT live, these liberal bastards are crazy. The people need to vote all the libturds out of office, this will be very difficult due to the penchant for liberals to cheat in EVERY election. They know nothing else.
Todd says
How do these idiot leaders, and the court justify 136,000 dollars in damages just for refusing to bake a cake. The leadership in Oregon should be ashamed of themselves. How are idiots such as these even allowed to operate with any authority, when they have the common sense of door knobs! Also shame on the gay couple for filing a suit over it rather than just going somewhere else for your cake! They are nothing but trouble makers who love to sow discord!
Stanley Head says
In my openion this rule is a travesty of justic. Again the federal government has intervined in a illegal quest. The gays will target any business that does not agree with theit life style. This is part of the one world government; as an free person you have no rights. Thwe rights all belong to the one unconstutitional government.
John Donaghue says
These people did not go before a court of law to show actual damages if any. The Bureau of Labor and Industries made them pay an arbitrary amount of $136,927.07 with out giving them a chance to face their accusers, or have a hearing before a court. Shariah Law will be the U. S. Law after Muslims get a foot hold in running our Government, and gays will be thrown from roofs. Muslim Brotherhoods aim is to spread Islam all over the world, and there will be no separation of church and state. One only has to look to Europe to see how Islam is spreading over there.
Bud webster says
John,it isn,t the Muslim brotherhood that,s behind this movement, it is the Koran itself that edics this call. Submit to the will of allah or die by the sword. Since we see the actual heads of humans getting cut off, their is no disbuting what is being said and done. The caliphate the Arabs are creating is a world wide movement. They have invaded Europe, Russia, and are starting the process here. Since the first wall was to be built in 1986, how many Arabs have flowed in? I,m told their are over 33 Isis training camps here in America. Islam, is a pagan religion. allah is not the same God as the God of Abraham, Issac& Jacob. Only Christians & Hebrews worship the same God. Muslims/Arabs, Hindu/India buddhists all worship false teaching. Example, Hinduism has over 11 thousand gods, does anyone other than them Believe that? Buddhist pray to a cement rock, and use philosophies to live by. Anyone subscribe to that way of thinking other than Richard Gere?. It is only the Christian & Israelite only that believe in one God. America, is the only country that allows for all religions to be practice, so why is the Christian religion the one being signaled out? And punished?
Diana says
This fine was unconstitutional, per the 8th amendment. They should appeal, big time.
Also, as a professional counselor, I worked at a pro-life Catholic hospital for nine years. On abortion, I’m very pro-religious choice. Does that mean the hospital now has to adopt my belief on the abortion issue?
Robert says
Justin W says
I wish this case would have been taken to court. We are likely to see Christian businessmen targeted around the country. I find it hard to believe the lesbians incurred $136,000 worth of suffering because someone refused to bake them a cake.
This was a money grab by the lesbians and a successful effort to shut down the rights of those who disagree with them. So now, the first amendment takes second place to “fairness” laws. We are living in dangerous times.
ArribaPosts says
It is sad when people going into business don’t really know how to organize it. There is nothing wrong with choosing who your customers will be – IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT BUSINESS LICENSE ! There are ample examples – Costco, Sams Club, BJs and Clubs and Organizations across the Country. It is all a matter of doing it legally. It is so simple. Suck it up and be legal.
Bud webster says
Your a fing idiot Arriba, a libtard Marxist to be sure. What does organizing a business have anything to do with a persons moral convictions. The 2 lesbians knew the bakers, they made no stink when they were told he can,t make the cake for you. They calmly walked out. Then weeks later found out they( the bakers ) were being sued. mexicannations break the law everyday here in America. But I bet with your Marxist views that,s o.k. Right? Fing two faced hypocrete
Manny says
I have no comment on homosexual marriages, but the very same individuals including prosecutors and judges take their oaths of office with a hand on a Bible. How more hypocritical can they be? Why don’t homosexuals use homosexual bakers and give as much respect to others beliefs as THEY expect?
mike says
Don’t refuse them a cake, Just make it with nothing sweet in it and something stinky. Now they can’t say you discriminated against them, Gee must be something wrong with the oven
Bud webster says
63 Marine says
ALL sand ni66ers need to be deported…..Period!!!!
In my business, I have a sign above my “till”. It reads: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, anytime, for any reason”.
In 34 years, no one has challenged it…….And, yes, I “carry” at work….
Bud webster says
Your a great American marine, thanks for your service to our beloved country, when the shit hits the fan, great Americans like you will make the difference in taking some of these unamerican down to meet their god satan.
Anymouse says
Horn People – You’ve done it again! The Kleins are not in trouble for their beliefs; no-one is challenging their right to believe what they wish. What they are in trouble for is discriminating against would-be customers for THEIR beliefs. (The fact that homosexuality is primarily about innate biology and not belief is another issue for another day.) As for the Kleins, if they are licensed to run a business serving the public, they do not get to discriminate against members of the public who do not share their race, religion, sexual orientation, political opinions, or sense of fashion. If they do wish to serve only some subsection of the public that they find personally agreeable, they need to form a legitimate private club and provide services only to its legitimate members. As to the fine, if they were indeed punished without benefit of a trial, that also is a travesty.
Donald says
Anymouse, then why aren’t Muslim bakeries in trouble for doing the SAME EXACT THING? But, I guess their “Business License” allows them to discriminate against people.
Bud webster says
Anymouse, your twisted view is on the premise of our country being a democracy. We were not founded on that principle. And you are an ignorant person. The constitution was founded on the principle of individual rights. The bakers have the right not to service a couple against what they believe. The gay couple, should understand that THEY are in the extreme minority. We’re talking less than 1/100 of a percent of the population is gay. Why does 99 9/10 the of the population bow down to this extreme demented plight on our society ? Even by the rules of the progessive left , a democracy is a majority ruling government. Again I say, how does less than 1 percent govern over the 99 percent. Are we not living in tyranny?
David Jacob says
What a moron bleeding heart you are what if someone went to a Ford dealer with a VW and was turned down to fix it ?
Same difference . I know a very large RV dealer who is closed on Saturdays because they are Jews , Sundays they are open So what !! Chick filet is closed Sundays because they are Christian again So what !!! Wake up people its what America is about AMEN
ron says
getting tired hearing about adnormal people. they remind me of the shakers
timothy rookey says
I’d like to see a Muslim baker suffer the same consequences. But that likely ever happen. The gay mafia steers clear of offending anyone but Christians!
Ed says
The world is as crazy as the devil. The devil don’t care and they don’t care. All they want is the money if the opportunity presents its self. Why should a Christian couple have to pay out that kind of money because of someone else sinful life style.
Donald says
Has anyone every noticed that Muslim Bakeries routinely turn down making wedding cakes for gay and lesbian couples? It appears Christians are the only group government targets here. What happened to Freedom of Religion – – oh wait, it is only for the non-Christians.
ta says
The homosexual agenda is a natural and logical outgrowth of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. “Civil rights” always trumps religious beliefs.
Kevin Beck says
The Kleins should be the ones awarded the damages in this case, and not the state of Oregon. And this would apply for any other case involving fines levied by government agencies.
At no time was the state injured, so what is the logic that should entitle them to collect damages via fines from a business? Instead, it was the business that was injured by the actions of the state, through the harm to their reputation. The state’s only gain was a reputation for difficulty of doing business. And a $136,000 ill-gotten financial reward for their stupid law. And their justification for this ill-gotten theft? “We issued a ticket with a fine attached.”
I can only wonder how much of this windfall will be shared with the couple that started this entire fuss. My guess is that being the greedy statists that the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries is, they won’t share any of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the bonus checks are being handed out as I type this.
WhyWork? says
Has a fund been set up to support the Kleins? I would voluntarily contribute a few dollars to recompense them for their pain and suffering. I’m sure they had lawyers’ fees as well as the fine.
Mike says
When are you guys going to realize that the people running our country and parts of our government are unchristian. It only takes one person to throw a fit about something,right or wrong.They will get their way. We don’t want to hurt their feelings. That’s BS.We need some leaders that have some balls to stand up and say HELL NO that’s not going to happen here.
Proud to be a American says
Bud webster says
the gays won,t stop just to have marriage rights, what,s next? It,s the same analogy with abortion. The Marxist always point to the minute circumstance and have it to seem normal. Take for exampe abortion. They used the argument of rape and incest as being the pillars to build a case. 65 million abortion later, just how many time did those 2 circumstances apply to an abortion? Now their selling baby body parts for profit, their taking a gift from God, and killing that gift for profit. Slippery slope indeed
Bud webster says
Are you trying to sensor my speech ?
Bubba says
This is just an opinion;When the couple opened thier cake baking store they should have posted a sign in the window stating that according to thier religous beliefs they would not bake any cakes for gays or homosexuals.But i didnt know that cake can differentiate between straights and gays.These people did not demonstrate true Christian beliefs in ;judge not’,and love all people but not thier sin.Im tired of CINO’s (christian in name only)declaring biblical doctrine based on thier own interpretation of it.God says we are to love,not be hate mongers.A cake is a cake is a cake,thats what theyre in business for,so in my opinion they got ther just desserts.And thats why people like the Gs and Hs does not and will not accept what the Bible says because of CINO’s like the ones in question.I know what im talking about because ive been a true Christian for 40+ years.I love everybody,and so does God,but he does not like thier sin,and unfortunately for them,if they dont change in this life they’re next one will be hell and torment for ever.Thats Biblical.,read it for yourself
David Jacob says
Our Government is controlled by Progress lunatic politicians will not stop until our country is destroyed and nothing like the founding fathers envisioned it is our own fault for not paying attention to the taking away our liberty to seek out a living and be the masters of our destiny of our own success or failure. This is the last election that we can change the death of our bill of rights and constitution. We have buried our brains in drugs, alcohol,and sports stats . We give the loser types a free ride at the expense of the honest and hard working class .our education system is that of 3 rd world status . Honesty in day to day living is all but gone . It was jefferson who said about every 20 ,30 years we need to clean house in the political system .
Proud to be a American says
you got flower children in government. They are running this country now and we did not do a damn thing about . Including some of the war Hero;s They where standing on corners in Montclair Ca to Praise oBlama and please vote for him and taken Donations. That was not the only corner in this country where these so called war Hero,s where standing collected Monies for O Blama . Now they are hiding behind the real War hero;s I am a veteran my self and deeply ashamed for there treason. I think they were the Pencil pushing slime balls who never saw Combat. They had to be in the service but they got them self in a cushy position . So they would not get hurt And now they where standing on the corners of the streets acting like a war hero. to bad you where not in my outfit scum!!!!
robert says
Life was simple a while back, but mw we have let a government grow to big and get involved in things they should not be period.
A private company or business should have a right to do business as they please period,,, we have big brother in everything we do, but yet they did not put the money up to start the business, or own the business so again they have no right to get involved.
The reason these very things are happening is because just about every one of you reading this has a gay friend or family member that you did not express your true feelings like real people do so in passing time it all comes together to go against the person who have values and morals !!
I have no gay friends or any family that is I will not communicate with period.
As in raising my children I explained to them if you decide one day to change teams, I will not support you in any way.
Its no different then a parent raising a child and telling the child not to ever smoke but yet the parent does, double standard (hypocrite).
If a person wants to be gay or believe in something fine but if your gay keep it behind closed door !!
We do have good people in this world trying to raise good children and besides them its sick to see gays in public holding hands, kissing and so on.
These are sick people !
Just like now we have muslims working in the White House,,, this is all due to all of you stupid people not protesting against this.
And to top off the gay issue,, lets take a look at how many real loving and caring couples that want a child but for whatever reason can not have one between the two of them, they apply for adoption, turned down,,, but the gay couple that applied, Bam they get accepted .
So all you people out in the world that play that double standard are the reasons we have this problem,,,
But it wont be long as very soon the world is about to have a major change in how we all live and all you soft two faced people will not survive!
And to the men that are married and cant stand gays but the wife swings your outcome you are also a coward !! two faced!!!!
Vincie O'Koddy says
Three cheers to Aaron and Melissa Klein! Whats $136,000 compared to godly moral principles you stand for as Christians? We are living in days similar to Sodom and Gomorrah, so folks be warned of the consequences of deviant behavior. Even world governments are perverting fundamentals of moral codes as enshrined in the Bible. I think it is evil to protect rights of moral retards. It only helps promote immorality and anti-Christian attitudes to sex and sexuality. How do these queer folks expect to procreate? Homos, lesbies,or gay couple should not be allowed to adopt kids born through naturally designed pathways. Shame on them to even go to the extent of legal adoption or surrogate parenthood. What moral values would queer people pass on to children. This is a big mockery of Gods natural law of attraction to the opposite sex. The wrath of God is surely imminent. I’d rather promote Christian values through my business than succumb to some sin-enhencing laws that protects immorality and sexual perversion.