Bettie Jones, known in her Chicago neighborhood for her work with anti-violence community groups, was killed by police responding to a domestic disturbance just hours after she hosted family on Christmas Day.
The fatal shooting of Jones, 55, and 19-year-old Quintonio LeGrier, a college student visiting his father for the holiday, at a West Side home has raised further questions about a police department already under intense scrutiny. Grieving relatives and friends of the two victims gathered Sunday to remember them and criticize city officials who they said had once again failed residents.
And angry Chicago residents are once again calling for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
The shooting happened early Saturday morning at the small two-story home, where Jones lived in a ground-floor apartment and LeGrier’s father in an upstairs unit. Police, who were responding to a 911 call made by LeGrier’s father after an argument with his son, have released few details beyond a brief statement.
It said that officers “were confronted by a combative subject resulting in the discharging of the officer’s weapon” and added that Jones “was accidentally struck.”
Both Jones and LeGrief were black, and their deaths come amid scrutiny of police after a series of deaths of African-Americans at the hands of officers across the country gave rise to the Black Lives Matter movement. It also comes amid a federal civil rights investigation into the Chicago Police Department that was launched after last month’s release of police dashcam video showing white officer Jason Van Dyke shooting black 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times in 2014.
Police did not disclose the race of the officer or officers, saying only that those involved will be placed on administrative duties.
Family spokesman Eric Russell said Jones’ many grandchildren had hoped to thank her for their Christmas gifts over the weekend.
Autopsy findings released Sunday by the Cook County medical examiner’s office say Jones died from a gunshot to the chest and LeGrier from multiple gunshot wounds.
Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi on Sunday said only that the shootings are being investigated by the city’s Independent Police Review Authority, the main police oversight agency.
LeGrier’s cousin, Albert Person, said LeGrier’s father had invited his son to a holiday gathering at another home on Christmas. Person said the son’s refusal to go caused friction, which led to a call to the police.
“What family doesn’t fight on the holidays?” he said.
It’s not clear whether Jones tried to intervene before being shot or if she was hit by gunfire while answering the door.
Sam Adam Jr., a lawyer for the Jones family, said Jones and LeGrier were apparently shot near the doorway of the home, but that shell casings were found some 20 feet away. He said that raised questions about whether police could have perceived LeGrier as a threat at such a distance.
Adam also said police took the hard drive of a home-security camera from across the street, but it was unknown if it or other cameras in the neighborhood captured the shootings.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s office said in a statement Saturday that IPRA would share its evidence with the county prosecutor’s office.
“Anytime an officer uses force the public deserves answers, and regardless of the circumstances, we all grieve anytime there is a loss of life in our city,” Emanuel said in the statement.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
This is what happens when people don’t work out thier own salvation with fear and trembling. People end up becoming become terrorists. God will reduce terrorists to ashes that will never see life again.
This is what happens when people don’t work out thier own salvation with fear and trembling. People end up becoming terrorists. God will reduce terrorists to ashes that will never see life again.
” What family doesn’t fight on the holiday ” — mine for one or families who love each other or families who don’t over indulge in alcohol or drugs or families who think before acting. The fight must have been bad enough for someone to call the police. I, for one, am still sensing some kind of conspiracy to have the police so willing to fire their weapons. There has to be something prompting these actions and I’m sure all these police are not racists or insane killers out to shoot blacks or anyone else. I’m sure this in NOT the whole story and they are only writing the part that will incite violence but the truth will come out. Of course we will only read about the side that creates the most tension which is the media’s intention.
Our family get together’s, usually 35-40, have NEVER had fighting, what a ridiculous statement. They aren’t telling us the race of officers, why?
The media is controlling the people by allowing you to know only what they want to tell you. This was a reply sent to me. Scary and mind boggling!! lexi61
THE MEDIA IS OWNED by SIX corporations who ARE the OWNERS OF ALL CAREER POLITICIANS – the main stream media is a military weapon of brain washing mass destruction & distraction while our military sprays the living out of us with toxic chemical carcinogens – FOR GODS SAKE LOOK UP IN THE SKY AND SEE THE JETS SPRAYING US ALL – WHILE THE MEDIA PLAYS ITS SICK PRODUCTION GAMES OF FAIRY TALES ON THE IDIOT BOX…
Check out this site he sent
HINT: If they were white, that would have been the banner headline.
@Gerry: WELL SAID!! I TOTALLY agree with you, and I will add that it’s not just the ‘media’, but those with whom they are all connected to where ‘they’ are told how to spin stories.
LaGrier`s father called the cops after an argument that must of been real heated as who would call the cops on their son who came from out of town to be with his family for Christmas! I served in the Army with a good many guys from the South side of Chicago AND you couldn’t get a better buch that I knew! BTW yes they were Blacks! I want EVERYBODY to please think of their Grandmother , Mom or Aunt and PLEASE ask yourself how you would react if you were told that ON CHRISTMAS DAY your innocent loved one was gunned down accidentaly ! LORD LORD let it stop, please folks its time to get back to COMMON SENSE VALUES in this country because we are ALL going to die from broken hearts! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I appreciate your view and support it. Something is very sinister about all this “overreacting” by police officers.
I also think that their is some validity to the article mentioning that the mayor is friends with Obama. It’s also curious as to the heritage of his (the mayor) name.
Chicago is more like a totalitarian government than any other state. Why won’t the Federal government step in and calm down the arrogance of the city officials?
When the blacks in Chicago start directing there anger toward their own failure to stop the “thug” culture then they will have to expect the law to act as thugs as well. I do not think that is right but sometimes reality is harsh!
The only thing I question, was it necessary to have a weapon out ?
If the police report by the father indicated a weapon was involved, I don’t blame the officers from entering a crime scene with guns ready. Family disputes are one of the most dangerous calls they receive. If the son was high on drugs, drunk, or mentally ill, he was a direct threat to everyone.
Well said. Police have to protect themselves. No one else will.
jackel you weren’t there and the press isn’t giving the whole story! If I were the police I wouldn’t even respond or at the most take my time getting there and let them take care of themselves!
Rahm needs to step down ,he is a big part of the problem .
As we’ve seen so many times in the recent past, we’ve only heard one side of the story so far. I’ll reserve my judgment about this horrible event until after all the facts from both sides have been presented to us. More often then not, as things have turn out recently, there was sufficient cause to discharge a weapon, which yet remains to be seen by the general public. More likely than not, the police probably had a damn good reason for shooting LeGrier and Jones was probably killed by accident. I’ll wait until I hear the police side of this story. I was a Marine Military Policeman, without any doubt, the militant black panther, black Muslims, were always acting like the thugs they are; and always started trouble first. When brought to task by a superior police force that wouldn’t put up with their cockamamie shenanigans and stop them dead in their tracks, they’d cry Racism and it wasn’t their fault, that is was the fault of the white man for putting their ancestors in slavery. What total hooey, I didn’t believe it 30 years ago and I don’t believe it now. I want to see all the facts before I offer my sympathy Mr. LeGrier for getting-his-damn-self shot by the police man! Ughh As for Mrs. Jones what a shame her death is, it shouldn’t of ever happened, that’s my opinion.
I whole heartedly agree with your statement! Wait until all of the facts are in. The troubles start when people start jumping the gun and accusing this one & that one before they have any of the facts! I don’t believe anyone that says they were a first hand witness, as they are usually wrong!
we really don’t know what happened, just to pick on the Chicago police seems to show that they’re not really interested in the truth, agrees me to see that innocent person became a victim, such a tragedy, but I’m sure the Chicago police would not pull their weapons unless they had felt threatened.and needed to react to a threat.
and I’m not saying that all the police officers are perfect, but they do deal with these kind of problems every day and are well trained in matters of family violence, so let’s wait for the real facts to emerge before we judge anyone!
Concerning this matter, again my heart goes out to the family of the innocent mother, through no fault of her own was in the wrong place at the wrong time. So very sad!
Black lives White lives………………All lives matter !!!!
if god will reduce terrorists TO ASHES, why didnt he just do that to the devil angel, instead of slamming him to earth, for us to deal with, or be tempted by?why did he piss on his own creation, seems reckless and eresponsible to me.
Dbl.d really? Blaming the stupidity of man on God? Good grief!
Here’s a detailed answer as to why God didn’t destroy Satan. Did you really want an answer to your question? Well here it is anyway.
God can do that sure……But what would we (as mankind) learn?
Actually HIS creation decided to “piss” first…..God gave us all the “free will” to piss on HIM or ourselves. Guess which side is winning.
There’s nothing like winnowing out the truth and the “overcomer”.
Divide and conquer. Over the past seven years respect for authority has almost vanished due to the never ending agitation by the race baiters. Their message is “if your skin is black you don’t have to obey the laws.” Violence, rioting, and disobeying police orders is the new norm Perhaps the violence will soon escalate to a point wherein the appointed president will decide to implement martial law using the executive order which he signed giving himself that power. Mission accomplished. We all lose because of the useful idiots created by paid puppets such as al sharpton, jesse jackson, louis farrahkan, and the liars in the corporate media. Then we can all say good bye to our freedoms.
It is a shame that Americans are killed by police officers which I don’t think they are looking to kill black Americans but are trying to do their jobs of protecting citizens of the community.
If there is a real problem with the police force then a complete change of the whole police force has to be changed or stronger restraint as to when an officer can and should pull their weapon.My question in this case were the police officers in danger of losing their lives at the time of their shootings. My military experiences of killing a human being was never pleasant,but a life threatening need .This should be the only criteria for any shootings.of any kind.
don’t let them forget that this is a city that has been turned over to democrats 50 years and this is how they don’t care about the blacks, just as long as you keep them in power. Kill yourself’s but blame oboma and the mayor of the city, who is a oboma butt licker.
Why on earth did this happen? Has this always gone on or is it something new? I cannot believe the number of black Americans who have been killed by police in the last two years. I wish the media would disclose how many white Americans have been shot and killed. Report it every time it happens for all races, we could very well have a much bigger problem than we all realize. I am not saying this to be racist I am saying this as a confused citizen that would like to know if all of our people are at risk. This is not Russia, we do not have the KGB so what the hell is going on here. Not one media outlet reports on any killings of other races and this could be one hell of an eye opener.
I’m not sure how this is Rahm Emanuel’s fault. Before people get worked up about this incident there needs to be an investigation to determine what happened. Part of the blame goes to those who were part of the disturbance. The police were called to the scene of a domestic dispute.
So agree, so what would the blacks say if the police don’t show on the seen and the son goes and kills his dad or others. Are the police still to blame. Most likely it would come out that the police didn’t do their jobs and would be there fault as some how being rasist. Again how about taking the blame for your own stupidity as now control of your on habits as thugs and drunks . That’s not rasist that just no bring up to respect everyone’s rights and not Just your black heritage.
What we are dealing with here is the out of control corporate Blue Gang which is the biggest street gang in this corporate slave plantation we call a country. Hitler would be proud. Then you talk about resignation? WTF! Get a lot of rope and start taking care of business. These Blue Gang thugs will continue to murder innocent sheeple until they are stopped along with their superiors who justify and condone this murdering agenda. Over 1200 fatal shootings last year, all justified by these Blue Gang murders and just now over 1100 fatal shootings this year so far. Looks like they are going for a record before this year is over. 4 days left. Will they make it?
They are U.S. Gestapo!
This article doesn’t give enough information to get riled up about! The press get their kicks pissing people off and keeping the hate going! Why not wait until all the information comes out and then come to a conclusion? As for the Mayor who Indint happen to be a fan of, how is he responsible for this and people who can’t control their kids? The police should just turn in their badges and let everyone fend for themselves because they are damned if they do and damed if they don’t! And whoever wrote this story needs to give more facts so people don’t go on a rampage. But then again that is what the media and the press want so they can get their ratings and sell newspapers! When will people finally figure out that everytime people march and riot they become the puppets for entertainment!
Why was the police called and why did they shoot from the street without identifying the assailant . The father called the police was he threatened by a weapon or did he imply there was one and when the son stood at the door did he brandish a weapon?To shoot into a home knowing others were there and to shoot multiple times shows uncontrolled results. Did the son shoot at them and if so where are the expert marksmen on the police force that can wound and not kill. Too many people being shot down as if they were a target and not a human making the wrong decision . An innocent woman is dead,, not by accident those bullets didn’t just fall into her without someone pulling a trigger of a gun.
The whole “black lives matter.” movement, makes me want to Yak!! ALL life matters to some degree or another. not just black lives. I’m so tired of the Black communitay, riding the race card every chance they get. They want to be treated as equals to white americans. Maybe they should rethink their idea of fair. becareful,what you wish for. obviously white lives don’t matter. Or WE would have a “White lives matter,” movement, and we don’t. I guess if you want to matter, you have to be black. THINK ABOUT IT.
Unfortunately, a lot of black women feel compelled to carry guns for self-defense and the defense of their relatives and friends. Bettie Jones was likely trying to intervene to protect the old man, when the police burst on the scene. That is the most likely scenario. Police officers understand that they have less than a second to respond to drawn weapons or risk getting blown away themselves. A very sad, sad situation. RIP, Bettie Jones.
Police deserve to get blown away!
Of course the shell casings would be found some 20 feet from the door they don’t drop straight to the ground. I wish people writing about gun crimes were the least bit educated about how a gun works.
I find it interesting that they don’t divulge the race of the cops. Could it be that they are black also?
Issue no pistrols to Police, thats right, might stop cops pulling triger.Pepper spray & rubber bullets, is all.They want to hear that bullets leave the pistrol. so it has to be fired.
Now that’s an idea!
Issue no pistrols to Police, thats right, might stop cops pulling triger.Pepper spray & rubber bullets, is all.They want to hear that bullets leave the pistrol. so it has to be fired.
Police Officers are not Peace Officers, as the work for The Corp. U.S. Inc. State and not the people!
Where is Obama? By now he should be sticking his 2 cents in. Must still be on vacation.
This is a tragedy. The shame of this comes from certain people that decided to start a type war on races because they knew there were some that had hidden hates, and because of that, they also knew there would be those that wouldn’t look at the real culprits that were using them as their puppets. The game that is being played here is to further destroy this country and its people. So look what happens when good men see nothing [ psychological doings ] and evil strikes good people. This older lady was a doer of good and God will smile upon her for doing so. The so, called black lives matter, are not looking at the real source that’s behind much of what is going on…and they need to. In stead of spouting off, they need to become wise and look into some things. Then they need to use the proper action…not rioting, calling names, making threats, but use the knowledge they could arm themselves with and fight back in court with the Constitution in hand. I feel for that lady’s friends and family and especially the children.
News Flash for the people of Chicago!!!! Rahm is not the problem. He is just a product of the real problem which is common knowledge to everybody in Chicago; a political culture of corruption enabled by the people who have given one party, the Democrats, rule over the city for the last 84 years in a row. Chicago’s rulers really believe they are invincible because no matter how bad it gets, they know “their people” will be in office after the next election. Perhaps Chicago needs to think beyond Rahm Emmanuel and throw them all out in the next election. Get some fresh ideas and a new way running the government that is really for and by the people.