The latest release of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private emails has revealed that a shocking amount of classified data was shared through her private email server, a fact that may bolster an ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton.
One in 20 of the latest Clinton emails released by the State Department contained or referenced classified information in some way, bringing the total Clinton emails to just under under a 1,000 that contained such sensitive information — including information about the Benghazi crisis.
Disclosing classified information through an unsecured email server could amount to criminal activity, under current U.S. laws.
The roughly 7,800 pages of emails released Monday were part of a court-ordered disclosure of correspondence sent from the private server Clinton used while she was secretary of state.
Also included in the most recent batch was an email that Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III and State Department Inspector General Steve Linick deemed classified in July.
At least two Senate committees are still investigating Clinton’s email arrangement and seeking the release of correspondence from her top aides.
Two-thirds of Clinton’s 30,000 work-related emails are now at least partially in the public eye — minus numerous redactions by the State Department.
At least a few of the messages have come back to haunt Clinton during her presidential bid. Shortly before 9 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, Clinton sent an email asking her daughter to call her at her office about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The email was addressed to an account under the name “Diane Reynolds,” an alias Chelsea Clinton used for personal messages.
“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al-Qaida-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked, and a young communications officer on temporary duty w(ith) a wife and two young children,” Hillary Clinton later wrote to her daughter.
In October, that email was trumpeted by Republicans on the House Benghazi committee as evidence that Clinton knew very quickly the attack on the consulate was the work of Islamic terrorists, not a spontaneous street protest triggered by the release of a video considered an insult to the Prophet Mohammed.
In a later television interview, then-United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice suggested the video, which did spark anti-American protests that day in several Muslim countries, was the primary motivation for the attack. Republicans have suggested the Obama administration downplayed the terror threat to avoid stoking public safety concerns in the weeks leading up to the 2012 presidential election.
Some of the messages show that Clinton worried about how her own remarks after the attacks would later be perceived.
The FBI is currently investigating Clinton’s handling of classified information while secretary of state. There is currently no timetable for when that investigation may conclude.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main street says
A proven liar and selfish power hungry person. Yet, she may be elected. A sad commentary on modern day Americans.
TParks says
Agreed. Hillary Clinton serves as a primary shameful icon of the absence of truth, honor, justice and accountability on the quickly sinking USA Titanic.
steve h says
I agree. What a truly sad state of affairs when American citizens would purposely put a criminal into the office of President. I know our country is going to “hell in a hand basket.”
Nick Muich says
We already have a criminal in office!!
Peter Joffe says
The USA public have already got one probable criminal in the White House so now we are going to have another?? The wolves have moved in and Americas will die.
Sal says
The country put a Socialist Muslim Traitor in the White House how far of a stretch is it to put a lying criminal bitch in the White House. There are those who will vote for her even though they know she’s a lying bitch, that’s just the way it is. I know Democrats who would vote for Hitler if he were a Democrat. Stupid is as stupid does.
Connie Webb says
She does NOT deserve to be in office of President???? she would be worse than Obama!!???? bad carma????????
Masanja Balele says
Repubs and TPs are angry and scared Hillary will be next President. But I do not know why they are angry for they do not have a viable candidate. Trump is making fun of Repubs and TPs-he calls them stupid. Repubs hate Dr. Carson because he is Black; and hate to see another Black in the WH. These morons were brain-washed to believe the WH was for Whites only. They make me sick.
Chaz says
And that trustworthy Hillary doesn’t !
Bud webster says
Masjunga, Obama is not black, he,s biracial you idiot. And your comments make you a racist. Your assuming all repulicans are white. That in of itself shows your intellectually dishonest. I,m voting for Ben Carson, and my skin is Lilly white. You make me sick with your uneducated propaganda. Go back to your 3rd world country. You don,t deserve the liberties American has offered you or the savage line of off spring you come from. How do I know this? By your rhetoric , you obviously were raised in a cage. Since your Not principled, your parents are ignorant savages too
steve h says
Masjunga, excuse me but your a f@#king idiot.
Nick Muich says
Right, you are sick!!
Sal says
Any Republican running right now will be better than the Muslim Traitor we have in the White House. I defy you to prove he is not a Muslim. I’m not running for President but I know I could do a better job than Obama. My wife has bigger balls than this Socialist Muslim. Obama put us in the toilette and if Hillary gets in she’ll pull the handle. A Republican is the only one who can save this country.
Stanley M. says
If none of these messages are classified then they should all be released to the public, If not and they are classified, then JAIL HER.
sharol says
I wholeheartedly agree with that.
anita says
only God can help us and save us now ,
sharol says
God is in control!
And he is punishing us for our sins, we need to put him back in our lives! And
Back in our school’s.
Connie Webb says
She would be just as bad as Obama????. We need someone in office who is honest, a hard worker, and cares about America!! Killary Is not that person????????????????????
Connie Webb says
Jail is where she belongs! Habitual liar- I don’t believe a word she says????
Arthur says
Who else still believes she is still “as pure as the driven snow.” and the republicans are picking on her and “beating a dead horse.”?
There are really a bunch of idiotic fools in this country if they answered, Yes. They couldn’t recognize a liar if they were talking with one. How sad.
My only comfort is that, as my wife and daughter passed on, I will not live to see MY beloved Country fall to a treasonous, un-documented, illegal alien like Barack Hussien Soetoro-Obama.
If you had read his book (I bet YOU didn’t) “Dreams From My Father” you would have gained an insight to this hateful, abused and now a ‘super-treasonous’ foolk that hates anything, EVERYTHING, that spells sucess. Especially, INDIVIDUAL sucess. Under muslim law this is unacceptable. Anyone trying to suceed must be dealt with very severely, DEATH is the usual penality for most everything. It works, “Mess up, we kill you. You never will mess up again.
daniel says
put her in jail
sharol says
Jail iswhat she deserves.
Arthur says
I still believe in the deterent effect of the firing squad! They see it, they don’t wanna be in it.
Jim Lewis says
Yes it is a reflection on why we cannot elect sound honest leaders. It is also disparaging to see a successful person like Warren Buffet supporting such disgusting character. It is not like the information has not been emphatically made public recently and over the years, that one would not know exactly who she is. If we continue to support such people of poor character, then we will continue to see that type of leadership in all of our government. Leadership is from the top and when we choose liars and unethical people to lead, we will eventually destroy the entire character and structure of this great country. Have we become about hiding and distorting the facts and playing power politics? With such clean description, this election will be our countries statement about what the nation wants in the character of our leaders.
Nick Muich says
This is what our colleges are giving us these days!!!
Arthur says
And the ignorant sobs now want it to be free! No wonder we ave a bunch of over-educated idiots running around in this country. Tell them the ISIS Ice Cream Factory is hiring and giving preference to jerks that love Obama. Then, do as the Nazi’s did, take them to a field and shoot all their dumb azzes.
Lisa says
This is no different than Petraeus; she should be stripped of any title and not be allowed to run for President. What has this country come to.
kent powers says
If a Republican any Republican committed 10% of the crimes we all know for a fact Hitlery has committed they would now & would have been incarcerated long ago. From fraud, theft, insider trading, treason, taking & distribution of bribes, illegal tax evading corporations, funds, pergury, as well as a suspect in numerous high crimes, misrepresentations, failure to comply to regulations of the State Dept., discrimination, sexist pay practices , the list goes on for page after page, and this low life criminal is the best the Democratic party can put forth. My God how bad can it be among their ranks? THis is not only a failed administration it is a failed party & it’s horrible agenda.
Jim says
Don’t forget that Obama had the film maker of that video put in jail for a year when it had nothing to do with the attack.He should sue this liar in chief. That’s under false pretenses.
anita says
Obama and Clinton should be in Prison already for lying about Benghazi ,I bet you and I would be if we did what both of them have done ,our corrupt Bunch of Senators and Congressmen also should join them for letting them get away with it ,it shows they are all covering each other because the huge Benefits they get ,and they can”t do the job that we elect them to do ,
Jay Bell says
Now, wouldn’t that be something–she gets elected and then promptly hauled off to jail? Hillary knew well what she was doing and that it was illegal–when will the Justice Department do their jobs and indict her?
Rick Thompson says
Hillary for Prison 2016
The sign stands proudly in my front yard.
Mindy Zumba says
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have done so much for this country in their accomplishments
listed below:
Stimulus bill
Dodd-Frank Act
Executive action to curb greenhouse gas emissions
Executive action to protect 6 million undocumented immigrants from deportation.
Ended ban on gays and lesbians serving in the military.
Made it easier for women and minorities to fight wage discrimination
Cut out private sector involvement in student loans
Hiked top income tax rate
reopened relations with Cuba
Iran Nuclear deal (tentative)
Re-professionalized the Department of Justice
Refashioned National Labor Relations Board
Refashioned the Wage & Hour Division of Labor Department
Marriage Equality for all
the rest of the field is lacking on so many levels!
Zxuser says
What did you just say? (In English please)
anita says
learn English or go back where you came from ,if you live in America and don’t want to learn our English then you need to be shipped back to where you came from
Sir Herbert Plumer says
Tough crowd. Jeez.
Moe Verner says
Guess I gotta be shipped back to New Jersey.
But really, it’s so hard to read these caps-locked comments. It really strains the eyes. And the brain, but that’s besides the point.
As Secretary of State Clinton should have been SCHOOLED in how to property classify documents she penned. Even emails as with letters or other documents of state… have one thing in common CLASSIFICATION of different levels and those levels are REQUIRED to be part of the over-all content description of the document.
Even if ONE sentence in any document has a classification, regardless of level, that signifies the classification of the ENTIRE DOCUMENT.
SoS Clinton wrote her on letters & mentioned a classified topic… SHE had to know to make that level known ….
Perhaps this is continuing proof HRC is not equipped to hold a high office .. she failed as SoS how can she be responsible for sensitive knowledge as POTUS?
Raincroft77 says
Hitlary was the Prosecutor in the Impeachment of Nixon for the very same thing. She knows the rules inside and out.
Larry says
This just reenforces the moral decay of the American society and there is nothing in-which to put America back on track. Be it republican or Democrat, they are all power hungry crooks. I am gald I have a limited amount of time to spend on the earth, do to my age.
Jarhead says
She belongs in GITMO charged with treason.
Of course the Clinton Crime Foundation will allocate Millions to set her free?
Richard says
This is no longer the America that I grew up in and my forefathers envisioned or intended it to be. My life is in in its twilight years and I pray every day for the future of my children and grandchildren. This country is a damaged battleship sinking fast. We had better wake up and take this election year very serious. We need a leader who puts God first and foremost in their lives and it’s apparent that’S definitely not Hillary Clinton nor a lot of other candidates either. If we don’t then this country as it was originally meant to be is history. It saddens me deeply to have to witness what is happening yet I’m labeled a hater and bigot.
Jo says
I’m with you all the way. I too am a very senior citizen and really worry about my kids and grand kids. Wish I could do something about OUR country. Voting used to be the way, but with all the fraud, money and greed involved you have to wonder. We had in hard in my days as a young person. BUT we worked together. Wars, food rations, riots, yes I’ve seen it all. WE NEED NEW blood in our government! The same old, same old or go along to get along does NOT cut it!
Jeanine Robbins says
SEND HER TO PRISON BEFORE ELECTIONS. We CANNOT have a leak, unfit, liar, unmoral person in the office of president. I don’t care if she wants to be the first woman, her record has already convicted her. Why did you jump on others so hard for just one wrong doing and yet you allow her to continue running for office and to walk free like she did nothing wrong. WAKE UP, SHE BELONGS IN PRISON AND SO DOES OBAMA.
Annick Stiefel says
I agree with you Jeanine Robbins. What are they waiting for to put the liar Hillary Clinton in jail. She is a communist and a danger to this country.
Obama is protected and he knows he can take his pen and his phone and continue to destroy America.
Only a miracle could save this country from these hateful evils.
SJ Jolly says
Anyone who has worked with classified material knows that, quite often, material in open source gets classified. “If in doubt, classify.” In particular, a few decades back information on US nuclear weapons, in open source for years, was re-classified. If government security people went through this thread, for example, much of it might be redacted. Clinton haters are quite eager to label her guilty of leaking classified material. to the point of treason. I prefer to await the FBI and State Department reports.
Justin W says
Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama should face treason charges. Their incompetent handling of foreign affairs rises to the level of aiding and abetting our enemies. Their initial attempts to blame the Benghazi attacks on a YouTube video is disgusting. At the time I thought the president had the first amendment on his target list along with the second amendment due to his remarks about Benghazi. We now know the YouTube video was nothing more than a con job perpetrated by a White House full of criminals and traitors.
todd says
What all this proves is, she clearly does not know what she is doing, and wants to do what she wants to do, and is willing to do it sneakingly, behind everyone’s back. Whats stupid about her is that she really does think shes fooling everyone.She clearly is not President material, and would more than likely be indicted within the first year of her term, then we would be stuck with crazy Bernie Sanders for four years,Im guessing that’s who she will pick, oh night mare!! what if she picks nutty Carly Fiornea, or what ever her name is. two crazy B; otches at ounce, oh my god we are doomed!!
Mindy Zumba says
the rest of the field is lacking on so many levels!
Roseanna says
anita says
you must be a real Idiot !
anita says
Mindy Zumba must be a real Idiot for wanting Clinton and Castro to be elected
Sir Herbert Plumer says
Mindy, doesn’t it bother you that the SECRETARY OF STATE, our representative to the rest of the world, would even use a personal server to conduct business? Do you understand the implications of that? Think about that position and the classified US government information that officer must conduct. What reason to do that?? Do you not care? Either she was trying to hide something or she is really not smart. We all know that she is definitely smart.
There’s just too much bad stuff around her for too long. Not to mention, I really don’t want her sexual scandal of a husband living in the white house again. Please, please. I am a republican and I could live with another democrat in office if I had to. Just not them. I just don’t think they are nice people. And it scares me how her followers refuse to see even one pimple on her image. Something really weird there. Even most republicans are willing to admit the bushes weren’t great. Not so with Hillary fans. I believe that her followers could watch a video of her strangling a baby and they would not believe it. Tell me I’m wrong.
No more Bushes and no more Clinton’s please.
I personally like Ben Carson. But that’s just me.
anita says
what difference does it make? Obama is not qualified to be our President either ,he can not run an Outhouse let alone the White House ,we are a disgrace to the rest of the World because of the Idiots that the Majority of Voters put in Office ,People wake up ,it is still not too late ,GOD BLESS AMERICA ,
Grover Syck says
Case closed, only if you are a Fox News (NOT) watching teatard.
Fox News (NOT) is not a news channel, it is a miss information, distortions, half truths, and out right lies.
Mindy Zumba says
the rest of the field is lacking on so many levels!
Roseanna says
Moe Verner says
YAAAWWWN oh man that’s contagious
jimbo says
A she devil.Did just what Obama wanted her too. She should be put to death.
Arthur says
I totally agree! Follow that act with Obama dancing in mid-air! Levitation will be supplied courtesy of a rope.
Dance long, Barry and Hilliary. Dance long.
Thought that would sound better to the censors than, “Die, bass tard, die! Or something worse. Lots worse!
anita says
no Jimbo ,you are wrong ,she should be send to Quantanamo
Arthur says
I, and lots others would perfer Gitmo.
anita says
why is Clinton allowed to be campaigning and run for President with all the bulls…he has done ?
dave mueller says
Gilbert Weissler says
The Democrat party is doing to America what the Nazi party did to Germany. Brainwash the people into ignoring all your misdeeds and allowing them to be at the mercy of leaders who are above the law. From the responses it seems our present generation is as gullible as the Germans were in 1936.
Too many want the government to support them and are willing to accept in return to be servants of the government rather than working and having a government serving them. We need to start on Washington for July 4, 2016 and get so many bus loads of people into Washington that the newspapers will have to report it and not ignore it as they do with the walk for life in January. Gil
Arthur says
Exactly, Gilbert. We should, we MUST rid ourselves of this ‘Obama flu’. It is deadly, but destroys the brain’s higher functions first. It manlipilates ones mind to think Obama is doing a good, no, GREAT job, while the opposite is fact. Only one cure to end this madness, kill the cause.
Good bye, Barry. You treacherous, treasonous fool. I think death is too good for you right now. You should languish in a nasty prison for a few years–I heard Mexico has a couple of nice ones, we will let you try one for a bit. Then, when we feel sorry for you (never gonna happen, traitor), we may transfer you to the Golden Prez Suite at Gitmo. I am sure they have all sorts of divices to make you comfortable. Oops. I ment, Very UN-comfortable. But, you deserve it. I hope they will keep you in exquisite, intense pain. If they don’t, let me know, ASAP!
joe says
The Justice DEPT has not said their final word.
Arthur says
Like the past in this adminstration it will likely be, ‘Not Guilty.’ The spineless, paid-off jerks.
Patricia Needhm says
It is unfortunate that people like the Clintons, and our current President, if you wish to call him that, are allowed to manipulate, lie, corrupt the American values, and remain in this country without being prosecuted and punished, and or be deported. No one in their right mind would allow refugees to stampede in this country given our current world situation and the threat of being attacked again. Once was once to many. A real President would have long ago taken steps, thru intelligence, CIA and FBI to wipe out Isis. However it takes guts to do that, and Obama doesn’t have the guts nor the desire to protect our country, despite the fact that he claims he does. I agree, he is a liar, a non citizen, and traitor to the American people. The sooner he is taken out of office, I believe the safer we will be.
Hasim Cosovic says
The author of this article should learn that there is NO Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorists because Islam does NOT teach terrorism. If some Muslims do terrorism then you can call them Muslim terrorists. Muslim is an Arabic word which means the one who practices Islam. Those who are true followers of Islam never commit any acts of terrorism. Some Muslims are committing acts of terrorism but they are choosing to do that themselves. Islam is not teaching them to do that. They are a very small percentage of all Muslims. Saying Islamic terrorism and/or Islamic terrorists implies that Islam teaches terrorism. Using these terms is wrong and it is doing great injustice to Islam because Islam does not teach terrorism.
If anyone disagrees with me, then present me some proof from the 2 original sources of Islamic teachings Qur’an and the sayings of the prophet Muhammed. You can’t b/c there isn’t any.
Stephen Russell says
& how many more emails will we find out too that are Classified, Jail time for Hillary BY Govt codes & stds alone.
Felony & Treason time for Clintons
David says
Commenters need to calm down about who is, or is going to be President and focus on the real “Guiding Force” that will control any person we elect, as the presidency is just a puppet of big money! All this election hoopla, ON ALL SIDES, is being manipulated and controlled by the best press and judicial system money can buy. We are all pawns being intentionally torn apart by loads conflicting data and opinions, in an attempt to “divide and conquer” the populous while taking more and more control of our lives and money through lousy legislation and corporate welfare. Stand up straight, declare your fear, stop dividing this country with trash rhetoric and let stop this “Fascist B/S”. Fascism is where corporations co-run the government!!! Sound familiar? A true Christian, Jew or American can not be a “staunch” Republican or Democrat as both parties have views that run counter to these beliefs. Where the hell is the “America” party?
Ralph says
Hey, You Will Have A Private Room In Leavenworth And Just Maybe You Can “Lick A Slit” Every Now And Than…