The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) launched surprise raids of 10 Veterans Affairs Regional Offices (VARO) last summer after receiving a tip from a whistleblower.
And what they found was disturbing.
According to the recently released report, the VA has been methodically destroying hundreds of veterans’ benefits and claim documents at their offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, New Orleans, Philadelphia and Reno.
And those actions “could result in loss of claims and medical evidence, incorrect decisions, and delays in claims processing,” the OIG’s report states.
According to the report, the OIG found the VARO staff had scheduled for destruction documents that either directly affected veterans’ benefits, could have affected them, or should have at least been kept in veterans’ claim folders.
And these were just the documents discovered during the surprise audit, meaning the problem could be much more widespread than the OIG has found.
“The potential effect should not be minimized. Considering that there are 56 VARO, and if weekly shredding is conducted, it is highly likely that claims-related documents at other VAROs are being improperly scheduled for destruction that could result in loss of claims and evidence, incorrect decisions and delays in claims processing,” the report concluded.
The VA has struggled with scandals for nearly three years since news emerged out of Phoenix of chronic delays for veterans seeking medical care, and falsified records covering up the long waits.
Similar problems were soon discovered at VA medical centers nationwide, affecting thousands of veterans and prompting an outcry in Congress.
The “Review of Claims-Related Documents Pending Destruction at VA Regional Offices” report can be found here.
I remember in the Air Force many years ago how some of the drill instructors were filling us with fairy tales of how the government cares and how special they were. I know that they had to instill that into people. However, some were out of line and foolish. Illegal aliens, the lazy and even ex-cons get treated better than those who served. This happens and Congress does little. Today very few politicians are vets. Few if any of their kids join.
unfortunately you are 100% correct hell ILLEGALS even get free hospital care that’s the reason they breed like
roaches get on welfare and a free ride the rest of their lives incredible only in AMERICA with DEMOCRAPS
allowing it criminals well they get to be treated BETTER THAN TAXPAYERS ITS JUST A NIGHTMARE SOON
That why everyone needs to vote for Trump and maybe he can CLEAN this mess up!
I agree totally one good reason why a politician should be not be elected enough is enough
Trump 2016!!!!
Good luck with Trump! I like what the guy says but considering GoP opposition from Congress, how much can he actually do?
I believe he can do a lot. You see how Trump is, just imagine Trump as President and he is trying to fulfill one of his promises he made during his campaign. I can see Trump going on national TV and telling the public this member and that member of Congress is holding up what we (meaning the public) are asking for. Would you want to be named on national TV?
Trump is a big part of the problem. He harbors, aids, and abbets illegal immigrants. That is why he fights TED CRUZ so hard with his lies, because only CRUZ wants to send them back, and if they wish to come, to do it legaly. Trump is blowing smoke up the ‘low education’ folloowers, while wetbacks gallore are working for him. Trump is as big a liar as Hillary.
Have to keep your eyes open, that Mobster will blind you with his falsehoods.
I think you have the names reversed!
You really need to change your medications.
Are you on dope? What you just stated is what Trump has been saying all along. Cruz is the one who is saying little or nothing about the illegals. You really need to come out from under that rock where you are apparently living.
Lemmont Washington, You need to change your drink. Try Pepsi, it doesn’t mess with your mind like whatever you are drinking does.
You better look up some info on Cruz. He and Heidi have been fighting for open borders for years. Heidi is with Goldman Sachs and her job is working towards a central North American bank and open borders, changing our currency and allowing people to cross borders for work any time they want. She and Ted are working towards new worlld order. They are in the pocket of Goldman Sachs, those aren’t loans he received. Trump’s contractors hired illegals not Trump. But you better believe those days are over if Trump is elected. I can’t believe Cruz kept this hidden for so long but it is getting out there now that is why Cruz is in a downward spiral. If the media started covering this Cruz would be gone. But the elites are keeping it down.
Lemmont don’t mind no details. He’s got a job. Stir it up, then find the nicest and nearest neighborhood and burn it to the ground! Why? Because they want respect. And people really have a lot of respect for some one who doesn’t do his own research. You are not the shining star in the conversation with this kind of dribble. But who cares as long as JayZ is waiting at the end of it all for you guys to hand out “C” notes and congratulate you guys for being idiots again. Hey “L”, ever see a horse pulling a cart down the street as it chases a carrot hanging in front of his face? That’s you Bro! Rock on with your bad self! Cuz ur smert!
I Don’t believe The Donald can do everything he says he is going to do because the Progressives in Congress will have to get on board to get anything done. I Gave the R’s my vote to regain the House and then I gave them my vote to regain the Senate and I will Give the Donald my vote to ATTEMPT to finish the Trifecta. If the Congress does not get its act together then the 2020 election will truly see a blood bath at the poles for incumbent Progressives of both Parties and the Speaker of the House and the Leader of the Senate should be prepared to retire or led to the guillotine.
There is no reason to keep kowtowing to the socialist. Grow a pair and restore our Republic.
Yes you are right and that is why they are trying to keep trump form running so Hillary can win and things keep on going the way it has been going and worst Lies, Coverups and Decieving and giving away TAX money and weapons to other nations and taking away our rights and Guns too and you know Hillary was for the U N and Small ARMS treaty google it and she what it is about if not disarming the Public Period
I would love to be the head CEO of VA and let me tell you all the claims that these veterans put in for there benefits and health care I will make sure they will have all their resources that they need and their appointments are made and kept. I will be cleaning house and getting rid of people that don’t need to be in there. Shredding veterans files that’s bullshit. My husband is a Veteran and he chose to take his benefits and let the other veterans have it that really needs it more than he does. A Veterans Wife
You have that statement right. I served four years. In boot camp we were told that if you didn’t have insurance and you got sick you could always go to the VA for care. That we all had VA care for the rest of our life if we needed it.
Now they charge our veterans copays for lab work, copay for prescriptions and they continue to cut healthcare benefits by not funding the VA. They have been destroying veterans healthcare records for years. I made a complete copy of my healthcare records and dental. I was told by former soldiers in my family to never trust the VA when it comes to your health records. Papers will start to disappear on anything that you can claim compensation for. And they were right. My uncles entire medical record was burned and he served during the Vietnam conflict.
Suffered a back injury that he still cannot be compensated for. And the Congress that we have today wants to steal all VA pensions from our disabled veterans. The right wing agenda.
@Brigid………The ‘career politicians’ only care about themselves. How do you think ‘Hell’ary can afford those tailor made dictator jackets she waddles around in. And how do you think the Muslim in Chief can afford to bring the entire ‘Huessin’ Obama Clan to Ireland and around the world for eight years and stay in $2500 a night suites.
‘The Government only cares about themselves and their self-interests’…..
That should be the sign posted in front of every sign up station in the country.
Welcome to the new America, brought to you courtesy of Repug Congress which starves the VA and any program that caters for homeless vets.
Just sayin’
The Dems have been running everything for a long time and the Reps act like they are afraid of them. We need to clean house. Trump wants Vets to be able to choose doctors outaide the vet system and he will do that.
Your without a doubt correct. I served in VietNam in 1667 to 1968, Silver Star, 2 purple hearts, and a broken foot, but my medical record shows only my boot camp shots. What a joke. I have tried for years to straightened out my DD 214 with no success. It actually has me being born in 1967, imagine that I was in Nam in diapers. The government states they do so much for veterans, yea maybe in advertisements. I make very little money and I have to pay co pays even for medications which I can’t afford so I don’t get them. We give more to the illegals, such as free homes, medical, jobs.
We gave 750 billion dollars to the banks, you think they would help us out a little, hell know. In order to get a mortgage your credit scores have to be high, even with HARP. Tell that to the men and women with families that lost there jobs, their houses illegally foreclosed on, by certain banks Now working two jobs like me, just to keep that families alive at 10.00 an hour. WHAT A JOKE.
My vote is Trump, at least he cant be bought, like the corruption we have today.
Right Man Street! This is the way our worthless, camp fire girl failure, Obongoloid, has probably instructed the VA to handle this disaster at the VA Administration. He has probably directed them to delete, shred, burn any and all evidence associated with veteran care across the United States. He’s doing the same thing with Hilde-Beast Killary I am sure….” Hillary, this Senate Sub-Committee is serious business…..delete/destroy ALL records associated with Benghazi, your ILLLEGAL Middle-East financial contributions to The Clinton Foundation, your and Bill’s Panama connections and influences. Obongoloid, Killary, Kerry, PIGlosi, Reid, Jeh Johnson, Elijah Cummings are ALL Anti-Military, Anti-Veteran, Anti-Law Enforcement and ANTI-AMERICAN. They should ALL be put in a Federal prison for ‘hiding crucial evidence and fraud!!’
How do you think that these irregularities emerged? By magic?
It was your freak’n Obongoloid who ordered the raids of VA offices that uncovered these scandals.
The VA have been doing this s**t for years but no-one noticed until Obongoloid ordered these raids.
So put responsibility where it belongs.
I’d fire the whole lot of them, but that tales time. Maybe Trump can help 🙂
Yeah, I also served in the USAF and heard all of the same stuff. It’s a travesty of injustice to all of the soldiers who gave all for our freedom. I am so sick of all politicians who do nothing to fix this problem. The current administration couldn’t care less about all of us. Their focus is on themselves, Muslims, and illegal aliens.
How a nation could treat the very best like this is beyond me. Sneak into our country illegally and get better treatment than a soldier coming back wounded fighting for our freedom. No one could write such a horrific story. When will we ever get our priorities straight?
We will get our priorities straight when we get every liberal demoRAT out of our government. Then and only then will we be able to even start on the road to recovery. These sh!tbirds along with the worthless rinos have taken our country from greatness to a cess-pool of corruption.
the last great raised we got in the service was from Pres Jimmy Carter
That’s because they are all cowards and keep their kids out of the Military so the common people go and keep America safe.And just to let you know Oshithead hates America and our Vets
IF the CLOWNS in the VA were to run a Combat mission we’d ALL be DEad due to INCOMPETENCE!!!!
and may be that s what ODUMBO really wants!!!
Semper Fi Redhawk! Right on the VA’s bloody nose!
Yeh – this old problem must be because of Obama, huh?
At least Obama’s administration organized the raids that uncovered this.
I’m reminded of what happened in Russia after ‘Glasnost’, when Gorbachev allowed real news from across Russia – floods, famines, dam breaks. The Russians’ comments … “Who is this man who causes all these problems in our proud country?”
The arrival stats it was Congress who got the ball rolling not Obum
This came out because of a whistle blower not Obama. He most likely is the one who ordered the burning of files just like he is protecting Hillary. Don’t forget Obama started this race war.
The Repuglicans in Congress who starve the VA of funding, remain unable even now to pass a budget that they themselves demand payment on, while criticizing the Pres for over-spending.
Perfect Storm. America – GET EDUCATED.
and again no one will get arrested for this
I am appalled that our veterans have been treated this way. Their contribution to this country is the very reason we are safe and free. Without their service, where would we be? We, as a country, need to do something to make this up to them. Now, we’ve even learned that Wounded Worriers may even be cheating them. I can only imagine how unappreciated they must feel. They should be treated like royalty.
Kathy, look at how Obama handles our military. This should not a be a News Flash, but a confirmation of how corrupt Obama/Clinton visions really are. For the socialists out there … they also have enjoyed the free ride.
Bulls**t. Go educate yourself on Congessional funding.
Thanks Kathy. Us veterans are appreciative of our friend and neighbors concern. Those of us with “Service Connected Disabilities” don’t ask for more than what we deserve to make us “right” again. A concerned veteran.
I have a question for all veterans here. I support several charities such as the VA…… DAV…. Can’t remember name but the one for the blind and a couple of others. My question is do you know which charity supports our vets the most? I do not want to support any charity that does not treat our veterans with dignity and the help they need.
Thank you all for your service to our country .
Let me just sneak a comment in. I’m a Marine Vet (all peacetime), and I’m living in Minnesota. The Minneapolis VA Hospital is one of the best. You don’t hear those horror stories here. So any Vet living in an area with a lot of VA Hosp. problems think about a move. Yeah, we have delightful winters, but that’s what coats, gloves, boots, and caps are for. Just think about it. Over and out.
this is the lowest the govt has gone. we need. to lean house.bob
three more years of our veterans being mistreateed……………when will it stop? this is disgraceful…..Obama has done nothing but put people in charge to let these policies continue. it is time….i am voting for Trump to take care of my vets. I believe he will and I have two in my family. i hate the way our vets are treated…it is shameful.
We really need a man like Trump or Bernie Sanders. Trump will probably kick the VA in its butt. Once he finds out how bad it is I am sure there will be many CEO’S fired. I am disabled veteran and I have fought with the VA for years to get what is rightfully mine. The Navy and Marine Corps destroyed the lives of our soldiers and their families who were stationed at Camp Lejeune, N.C. and MCAS El Toro California. Contaminated water and millions of vets are still not being compensated. I feel like they used all of us for human experiment guinea pigs. And a big cover up for over 40 years. It was known that the water at Camp Lejeune and El Toro was not safe to drink, to cook or bathe in it.
I agree – get rid of the Repuglicans in Congress who oppose VA funding!
Sir! The last issued list of votes on Veteran Funding, the Democrats out numbered the GOP by 3 to 1 to NOT fund Veterans. Check it out it is free for the asking, you Freedom Of Information!
its been going on for years when we put in a claim we have to take a lawyer with us its bull shit but if your from another country here by obama you don’t need a dam lawyer just sign the papers free everything just go home to your free house the checks in the mail
@Earl; You are right. Another trick the VA and the military had was to falsely state that when a person got sick or disabled in the military that “they had the issue prior to enlistment”. Able bodied freeloaders though get their free benefits . Some upon arrival from foreign lands.
Yeah that is true also. The law says that if the military excepts a person to serve on active duty that means that the individual was found to be in sound and perfect health. Therefore if they get sick with any disease or disorder or wounded in combat while on active duty the illness or wounds are automatically service connected. The laws that were designed to protect veterans have been distorted and thwarted to the point that a veteran now has to find a veterans lawyer to represent them and get their entitlements.
And the U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals is stacked with judges that got appointed as political favors. They have one judge on that court who has a track record of denying all claims no matter what. He only approved two cases after both veterans died. So much for justice.
You are correct. Brigid. It seems that only after WWII and Korea did our nation treat it’s vets well. I served 35 years back and got injured in training. I still have symptoms. I might apply for disability someday. However, I really have little trust for the ones who are paid to help our vets.
Careful there Main Street. Our Military and the VA are two entirely different entities. Let’s not smear one for the iniquities of the other.
It’s a proven fact that Irauqi Veterans. As well as Afgan Veterans with DAV Veterans affairs AMVET VFW are told to I gore VIETNAM veterans complaints they have little or no respect for us I’ve been fighting the VA FOR PAST 12 YEARS got records but get this no MEDICAL RECORDS THAT WOULD BE IMEADATE COMPENSATION go back to them only to find out they filed nothing without medical records where do I stand. ???????? CPL USMC 69-73
@Dane: Proven fact that the military skirts it’s responsibility when a service member becomes disabled by many times falsely stating that the service member had the condition, “prior to enlistment”. They are on the same team as the VA.
@Dane: Not smearing anyone. Just telling the facts about a bunch of hypocrites both civilian and military who disrespect those who serve and get disabled.
Amen Mainstreet and Dane.
The above mentioned whistleblower is a true patriot. He/she deserves a salute from all Americans-especially Veterans!!!
Sad thing is no one will get fired for this. The government needs to stay out of the health care. The VA needs to be privatized. We need to be allowed to see local doctors and not drive an hour to two hours away, set and wait 4 hours for some unsupervised random interns giving multiple different diagnoses on the same person.
Baloney. To privatize VA is what will really destroy the veterans claims. First of all we will end up just like our soldiers today who have to buy Tri-Care for their health coverage. When I served healthcare was on base and free. They went from Champus to Tri-Care privatizing our soldiers medical care. The government was ripped off by billions from Tri-Care. If they privatize the VA the same thing will happen to our veterans that are disabled. And who is going to pay for their insurance premiums??? Most veterans are to ill to work more than a part time job if even that. And then you have health professionals that hate the fact that the veterans get a compensation pension for their injuries and illnesses. And do you think for one minute that they will be honest and admit that the soldier got sick in the service. Not on your life! They will be a veteran soldiers nightmare just to save on the taxes that they have to pay. And Privatizing the VA is just to put the money into the hands of rotten corporations who are already ripping off our taxpayers and running off into foreign countries so they don’t have to pay taxes. The next thing that will happen is there will be no money to take care of our veterans. We already have the Choice card so if VA doesn’t have a doctor to take care of us then we get a choice to see an outside doctor and the VA will pay them. That’s good enough! Lets not go any further with this. Privatizing the VA is not for the benefit of the veterans! Its for the benefit of scamming capitalists like Tri-Care is. That insurance is just as bad as the VA is. In fact worse!
Welcome to the new America, brought to you courtesy of Repug Congress which starves the VA and any program that caters for homeless vets.
Privatization will lead to more screwing of vets like us !!
Just sayin’
Brigid, you are absolutely correct. I have had an appeal in for the past five years because of hip and back problems. The VA sent me a letter saying that they saw in my medical records where fluid was aspirated from my hip because of a parachute jump in Panama. In the same paragraph it stated “not service connected”. I have had back surgery and now I am set for another so that rods can be put into my back. In my area it has gotten worse in the last few years.
Senator John McCain and Rep. Tammy Duckworth can not be heard saying a word to protect Veterans.
Obama continues to allow illegal aliens to come to this country to get free benefits instead of giving them
to our Veterans, Senior Citizens, and Poor Disabled. Obama has made this country a world joke.
Thanks to O’BAMA CARE, it is getting to the point where you have to call a bureaucrat in Washington to make an appointment to see a local doctor. A lot of doctors are forced out of private practice due to the requirements of “Affordable Health Care” aka
O’Bama Care administered and controlled by the I.R.S. Isn’t that great? Now we are subjected to Socialized Medicine whether we want it or not.
Personally speaking, I would welcome Universal Healthcare given the idiocy of the so-called Health Insurance companies. And to think we still spend 18% of GNP to cover 2/3 of the population instead of a far better French/German/Swedish system costing 12-13% of GNP to cover 100%.
Are we stupider, or are we just being short-changed?
You stole my comment lol that is what I was going to say no one ever gets fired usually the worse failure , Get’s promoted ,The horse trainer, that GW Bush put over Fema,had no experience the Fema failure in new orlings was a joke. But Bush said good job browney. I think they know to much about the corruption . They take a promotion.
I personally have been treated fine by the V.A.! Just want to put my two cents in, I wish our government treated our Veterans better than they do the illegal aliens!
I have had excellent care by the VA. I admit I have had some long wait periods to get in. But if it is an emergency I have been able to go to a local hospital and the VA has paid the ER bill in full. Senator McCain is the man who introduced the bill that created the Choice Card for all veterans who have to long of a wait period to see a doctor. The VA gets 30 days to get you in. If they fail you get to say I want Choice and they have to find an outside doctor who will accept you as a patient. I will soon find out by the end of this month just how well this program is going to work out. Some disabled veterans have told me that they love it. Time will tell.
Freedom of speech doesn’t work here!
Join the club Edwin – I keep getting rejected … just like Repug Congress does in funding us vets.
F’ em
I got drafted during the viet nam war. But today people inlist knowing how they will be treated on return home. I think people inlist because there is no jobs out there anymore. So do some research the military bases provide lots of civilian work. The air force base is the only thing keeping the area I live in afloat . If it closed all the towns near by would be like a gold mine town after the mine closed Ghost Towns. Fact.
Doug – I am in total agreement. Like me, you probably got no credit for the skills you learned in the Forces. No employer seemed to have a clue. I had to get some serious retraining at college but still little help. My heart bleeds for the Nam vets who were treated like dirt when they got home. While McNamara got accolades, we got spat on. I still hate the b****ds who exploited us, yet I am grateful to them for helping open up a small town kid to a much bigger world. Bitter-sweet ? You bet !
The entire VA needs to be shut down. Every veteran should be allowed to go to the hospital of their or their doctors choice. They deserve whatever treatment then need and the government pays directly to the servicing hospital. God knows it would be far less expensive and abusive than the current system. We treat criminals in prison and illegals far far better than the ladies and gentlemen that offered up their lives for this country. Closing the VA would free up enough money to take care of every veteran at any private hospital in the country. PERIOD. Knowing the love and respect that Trump has shown for veterans he is most likely to take care of them in the way they deserve.
They bring in Ronald McDonald to turn things around at the VA and clean house. What did we get? Stale cold FF and a dried up hamburger.
This insanity will never stop unless we get a leader that will drop a sledge hammer on the head of the snake.
I don’t care for some of the things Trump has said but I believe he will make every effort possible to bring the sledge hammer down on these snakes.
Trump or Bernie are the only two that will bring a sledge hammer down on the VA and maybe even on corrupt congress. However shutting down the VA is not going to save taxpayer dollars. That is another lying scam. The VA clinics and hospitals are completely paid for before they are built. All doctors are paid a flat handsome salary to take care of our veterans. It doesn’t matter if they treat one or a thousand, they get the same paycheck. Surgeries do not cost because the VA hospitals are paid for. All the medical supplies are up to date standards and cost the VA less money. To send all vets out for private care will kill the taxpayers pocket book. The government owns all of the VA facilities and not private capitalists. The capitalists just want to steal the veterans medical care money. That money is distributed in millions of dollars at a time and the greedy capitalists know it. And there is no one watching them.
If you think that the old goat. Bernie will do the VET. Any help you are barking up the wrong. Leg after he
Give every one the free welfare and money for their votes there be no money for the VET. Recived any money to Give to the VET to get any health care I Do. Belived that but I hate to say this but I do. Think that you been dranking Bernie kool aids and its has fried your brains
Why do you keep equating Sanders with Trump? Are you high? I’m not ready for my taxes to skyrocket! Sanders is a socialist f*ck! We the people pay too much for a crooked government. Go have some more obummer cool aid!
I only wish any person even considering voting for a democrat[ especially one as corrupt as Hillary] could be presented with the facts of this past 7 years, forced to actually listen to the facts, see the results, & be shown the future circumstance for the future of this country, their children & their children’s children. Not be able to scream racist & run from the room & the facts but have to actually see & hear what they have done by voting for the so called free stuff, now we’re beginning to have to pay for that free stuff, & it’s bankrupting us. There should be a test given to anyone about to vote, thousands of those questioned didn’t know the difference between Obama & Osama, they may have been right, we’ve found out there’s not a lot of difference.
I served during Vietnam, am applying for my benefits now, and it is nothing but a red tape beaurocracy that have learned from the best (Osama Obama, the Clintons, Bloomberg, and many others) about how to corrupt anything. Corruption is running rampant in this country today with no signs of change. I know Trump is not perfect, but none of us are. How many others are paying for their own campaign. He is also for taxing the rich, which takes a tremendous amount of money out of his pocket. This tells me that his main focus is making this country great again. Please when you vote, vote Trump for President if he is nominated, because I think he is our last hope for we the people. God Bless America in this great time of need.
Why do we still ALLOW Obama to be president? This has been brought up time and time again under his administration and does nothing to fix it!! We have a Congress that allows this president to do nothing, and our VETS deserve the best. They should be given a VA CARD of HEALTH COVERAGE. This card should be good for any doctor, any hospital in the USA and we should shut down these costly VA’s across the country Yep unemployment alright but those good people will have no problem getting a job at the hospitals taking in the extra flow of VA patients. Those buildings should be given to those hospitals that need the rooms and that are not falling apart. Tear the down.
NO EXCUSE for this and every elected official should be put on alert for this. President and his administration should be impeached and fired.. This is a disgrace and most criminal thing I can think of. THIS IS A CRIME against our US MILITARY VETERAN one who lost much to keep us alive and free, even those who seem to be OK when back still lost something a part of their young life is gone to keep us safe and free.
God Bless our USA….
Problems existed long before Obama … just look at history.
No one gives a sh*t about us vets !
I cannot for the life of me imagine why anyone would want to go to the private sector for health care if they are eligible for VA services. I have had a good experience with doctors, dentist and surgeons. I am a totally disabled veteran, and I sure don’t to be out there and have to deal with Obama (doesn’t) Care.
I personally think if you don’t work at least 9 months out of a year and you are capable of working you should not be eligible to vote and if you are illegal you don’t vote at all, That would pretty much destroy the democrat regime, that way democrats can’t sit back and vote free money…! Bible Quote: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either. let him sit in shame 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Not true Jamie! Most Demo support is based in major metro areas where unemployment is very low. Your proposal would hollow-out the GoP rural supporters who have suffered since 2008. You listen too much to L.Rush Limbaugh who pontificates but still hasn’t learned squat.
John McCain is a piece of shit he doesn’t care about anybody except for himself just like he did when he was a prisoner of war.BTW I am a decorated Viet Nam Veteran.
I felt this needed to be stated again! I wanted to stress his point about convicts and illegals getting better treatment than our men and women of the military, it’s sickening. Look who is leading our government, people who have never served and even some who protested and spat on our military, John Kerry with Hanoi Jane for instance. Bill and Hillary, when our military was fighting, doing what they were told to do these people were having group sex “make love, not war” mingling with the likes of terrorist/communist Bill Ayers.
Main Street says
April 19, 2016 at 10:18 am
I remember in the Air Force many years ago how some of the drill instructors were filling us with fairy tales of how the government cares and how special they were. I know that they had to instill that into people. However, some were out of line and foolish. Illegal aliens, the lazy and even ex-cons get treated better than those who served. This happens and Congress does little. Today very few politicians are vets. Few if any of their kids join.
Relax … illegals don’t get healthcare. The kids do but the parents are on their own.
Don’t believe everything you read 🙂
What a shame on the Feds shredding the Veterans Claims they should be ashamed of themselves and the government for allowing such a thing those men/women who are filing claims have served our armed forces that they gave their limbs and lives for what to be denied what our country owes the,. Shame on them and the people that are doing such a horrific injustice to our veterans.
The time has come to shut the VA hospitals down. The government should pay for their stays in hospitals used by the general public. The VA hospitals show what happens when the government is allowed to run anything–they fail miserably.
Once the VA hospitals are closed the government should begin to privatize the other things it runs. Amtrak, the Post Office and public radio should all be freed from their ties to the government.
OK, Define politician. The the establishment,the elite, career politicians, bush kasich, cruz, obama,hiillary Bill, someone greedy, all politicians who have served over 4 years. Who does that leave use to vote for? DONALD TRUMP…..
Good luck with his promises … I am just as cynical about the Donald as I am about the opposition.
These bastards should be brought up on charges and thrown in the slammer
I have a friend that used to give money once a month to the veterans org. until his brother (an FBI employee) told him we take such good care of our veterans. I was outraged! We treat these wonderful people worse than dogs. Have u ever noticed when you drive through a city, how many homeless people are veterans? They can’t afford housing, food or medical help. Piece of garbage medical help that is in place right now! I’m embarrassed that our country treats the very people that fought for us like they are just a pain in the butt. So this story makes me even more sick. Jerks!!!!!!
I am a disabled female veteran – they care even LESS about us.
I truly pray that we get someone in the white house that gives a damn. So sorry Vail that our country let you down.
Personally I believe the VA should be shut down completely. Every veteran should be given a card so they may walk into ANY healthcare facility of their choosing and be treated, free of charge, compliments of the US government and its citizens. I am not a vet however I am sick of the fact that our gov’t gives more attention to worthless wastes of skin and people that are not Evan citizens than those that chose to serve.
Just remember the following… ABC… anybody but Clinton…
I’ve been waiting 8 years for a decision. Seventeen back surgeries later and I’m still waiting.
Had to go to Sen Rubio’s office to get help!!! Still waiting hum wonder if they shredded mine too!!!
There were several things that you must understand,
the Civil War wasn’t because they’re going to free the slaves actually when Buchanan was Pres. were trying to get money for the government. The government could only tax certain things, not like today even though that man meant for the Constitution was not passed but Hall lied and said that he did! But doesn’t make any difference because the government does whatever it wants to do they make the loss and they make them in their favor. But the government wanted to have more revenue so they decided that because the South claimed that slaves were property, well the government can tax property so they had a bill that Buchanan signed to tax slaves. Now it bothered no one that only the South had slaves basically those slaves in the North were called slaves they were called in indentured servants so there liabilities were ordered from the court and although an indigent servant was really a slave you didn’t call it. So the government was going to start taxing slaves and this would have really crippled the economy of the South because their economy was based upon cheap labor. That’s why the South rebelled, I don’t know if you could find that in the Congressional archives because I imagine it’s been greeted that out by this time, but if you went to the South and find these old family Bibles now find the story, you see in those days everything was put in the Bible marriages deaths adventures anything that was remembering. So look some of the old family Bibles from the South and you’ll find that the slave tax was real. Actually leaving the slaves free was two years after the award started and it was really a military tactic use we can the South had nothing to do with right or wrong for the slaves!
Now what’s wrong with our system today is that the lawyers are in charge this is not a country by the people for the people whatever but it’s the government of the lawyers by the lawyers and for the lawyers… The lawyers have a different interpretation of things like lie for most people a lie is not something that is true but for lawyers a lie is only when you are under oath and then only if somebody couldn’t prove that you are lie. Lawyers have screwed up our voting rights, under the Constitution you should have candidates for president, and the one who puts first becomes Pres. and the one that comes second becomes vice president which was good sense because if you had both candidates you have the majority of the people in mind. This business of the VP being see chosen instead of elected by the people so that’s unconstitutional. Now were talking about all these problems with the elections this year well if say said crews was elected by the electric Republicans there just a party they have no legal standing in the Constitution. Trump can still have his name on the ballot or Pres. and guess what then the people not the Republicans were the party but the people would elect the president. But then this business of all winter take all for states is totally unconstitutional what that based the does is 49% of the population gets no voice. See the problem with law is the law was supposed to be the intent not the letter and what lawyers do is they’re trying to make it a letter the law which can’t be done even God couldn’t do that. The law supposed to be the intent and that’s why you have juries and jury judges in this business of people getting away with it because of some little new loophole would go away. But the lawyers would like that they’re running the place they want to run and to hell with the rest of us and until we do something about that is not going to change. Fact I think that the president could be elected by the people say Trump and the parties with our system would make Jeb present. But anyway this last thing that you should remember!!!
If our government says anything it’s a lie, not because people are exactly lying but our system makes a lie.!!!
But believe me the government lies and lies and lies!!!
For 60 years I paid Social Security taxes and that is the biggest scam the world has ever known, now you get the money was supposed to go into a fund but there’s no fun all of the money went into the government and they spent it’s that simple. Social Security is paid out of normal funds because there is no fund for the Social Security. It was a scam now all of a sudden were having a lot of people going into Social Security and the jig is up. When it started Social Security was not going to be taxed as long as you to have a job employment now their taxing Social Security regardless, yes we’ve been duped again . Actually I think the government never figured at they would ever have to pay up that’s why the Supreme Court says that the government doesn’t have to pay your Social Security even though you are because the government can do whatever they want to do because they make the law. It’s the old thing of Dora and the unicorn and the owl! Look it up you get the idea!!!