If anyone still thinks that mass voter fraud isn’t real, they need to see this.
Alan Schulkin, the Manhattan Commissioner of the Board of Elections in New York City, was just caught on tape admitting that election fraud is widespread — and is knowingly done by the Democratic party.
In the shocking video, Schulkin admits the party buses minorities from district to district, and that voter ID laws are a smart idea – because liberals know it would hurt their ability to rig elections.
“It’s absurd,” Shulkin tells the investigative reporter, a member of Project Veritas posing as a representative of the United Federation of Teachers at a holiday party last year. “There is a lot of fraud. Not just voter fraud, all kinds of fraud.”
When asked point black if there should be a national voter ID law, Schulkin — a Democrat — bluntly responds, “Voters? Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there’s a lot of voter fraud.”
See for yourself —
This isn’t the first time Democrats have been accused of busing minority voters from district to district. Just Monday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned of potential voter fraud in heavily African-American Philadelphia.
With less than 30 days until the general election, Schulkin’s confession demands answers from Democrats.
— The Horn editorial team
Brokengirl55 says
No surprise in what he said, surprised he said it.
ruthshull says
all votes in nyc should be held contained as there is a big problem there. how much more do you need to hear the man told how its done The legislatures make the laws . nyc has no id he said people are picked up in bussues and go from polling place to polling place
Maxx says
Democrat controlled Illinois and especially the Chicago area have been bussing Illinois residents that live close to the state borders across the border to adjoining states to take part in “election day registration” for years. Milwaukee Wisconsin, a city close to Chicago has been democrat controlled since 1905. There are as many Illinois plated busses and cars in Milwaukee on election days as Wisconsin plates. Even when they catch these people nothing is done. Voter fraud is a felony but officials in democrat area will not prosecute and even deny it is going on.
John says
If no fraud then why did the demos have over 100 %, don’t remember the exact number, of people votes in the las election
Betty says
I have seen this exact occurrence in other state 8 year ago and 4 year ago!
Cres says
Voter’ ID should be mandatory
Budman says
It is not only New York City doing this. It is on record from the last Presidential election that fraud was found in Ohio (11 districts without one vote for a Republican), Pennsylvania where the heavily Republican districts went to Obama and frankly shocked everyone; Indiana where the election supervisors were caught stuffing the ballot boxes with phony ballots; Nevada where Harry Reid fixed the voting machines where every vote was for him; Florida where one district had a 156 percent vote among registered Democrat voters in that district and 4,000 absentee ballots that came late in the day to upset the Republicans nominee when he was 2400 votes ahead at the time. A check of one third of those ballots were checked after the election and not one was valid and likely all 4,000 were phony. Al Gore went to court to exclude the military vote from overseas soldier citizens from being counted in the State of Florida and went to the Supreme Court to demand a recount and a major portion of those hanging chad ballots that had been set aside to recount favored the Democrats and he still lost. Thank heaven for this because you now see what a weasel he is for this hoax he had about global warming and where several scientists were caught in the scam providing false data about global warming. He was the bag boy as well who was caught receiving illegal contributions from a Chinese official. Also, when Bill Clinton was elected the first time, there were over one million illegals in the State of California that were allowed to vote and guess what, they will do it again as well as the states of Washington and likely Oregon where they are trying to allow illegals to vote. The Governor of Virginia granted blank pardons to all felons residing in his State in order to allow them to vote. This is illegal in itself because the Governor is required to assess each case individually by law and he is breaking the law. This administration is granting immigrants citizenship on a massive scale so they can vote in this election so when they tell you there is little fraud in elections, you have to know it is a bald faced lie.
esther says
Only those who live in the county, and have their name on the registry may vote. Maybe a good law would be that any unlawful vote will count for the other party. Obviously, no illegal may vote. Only citizens who can honestly adhere to our pledge. We may need a lie detector for that one.
Jason Silverman says
I opened a facebook account just to send this video of voter fraud in NY, and telling people to vote and help prevent voter fraud. I did not tell people who to vote for, just vote and help prevent voter fraud. Guess what? Facebook shut me down in just a few moments. I can’t send or receive anything on Facebook. They have already been found guilty of screening out any conservative views, and here they are doing it again. Does anyone know who I should report this to, in order to have Facebook investigated again, although with the liberals in office this complaint may not go very far. Still I want to report it. I’m open to suggestions.
Lupe Sanchez says
I’m with you ruthshull, this is the only way Hillary can get voted as President, there are a lot of people that don’t like her at all, I think because some people want a woman in the white House is the reason their voting for her. In the long run I really think she’s going to lose she’ being to dishonest and people will and should see her for what she is soon. I can’t voting to take place. Come on Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spirit says
The democrats don’t have the ability to win anything by doing it fair,or using their brain. And I will tell you why, they are unfair and their brain turned to dirt from not using it, The old saying prevails If you don’t use it you will sure as s..t lose it. Think about It!
Gerry says
You are right it is not a surprise BUT this is the commissioner of the Board of Elections for NYC and NOT doing anything to prevent it. Must be he just goes along with it. Welcome to the NWO Amerika !!!!
Virgil says
He said he doesn’t make the laws.
CJ says
Amen to that. He better be watching out for drones.
edward g gamils says
Voter ID should be put in place before November 8,2016.
Earlene Hammond says
The problem I’m having with this is why we are only hearing about it
10 months later?
Don Dittmer says
Yep he’s done! He opened his mouth. Either he can’t get fired or he don’t care anymore, as in a conscience?
Good thing to find out this now as the game keeps advancing!
She’s going down and down and down. Chris Wallace should have many a question for her at the next debate!
They don’t want Voter ID either, but I do.
Robert Taylor says
Make a bet with yourself that C.W. will not be biased in favor of Clinton. He does not like Trump and will be trying to make him look bad in any way he can. He is just another one out to keep the status quo in the Party and does not care if the Country is lost.
brenda sinclair says
John Cena says
All this video proves is that that Democrats bus different segments of society to the polling place that they are assigned. There is no bias here, Republicans can bus anyone to the polls that they want to as well. This is 100% legal and if anything, creates a better democracy.
Chucky says
Has anyone seen the report that six large tubs were found in a garage in Ohio that had ballets filled out in advance for, guess who, Clinton! That was some five hundred thousand fake votes for her! Democrats suck! They can only win by cheating. I hope she strokes prior to election!
Millie says
Remember when they found all of those boxes of votes in a back room that were Republican votes for Romney in the state of New Mexico in 2012. Obama got 95% of the vote in Pennsylvania that same year. Does anyone remember any candidate ever getting that percentage of votes before, I don’t!!!
Earlene Hammond says
They found boxes of preprinted absentee ballots recently in Ohio too, all for Clinton of course!
Earlene Hammond says
I did read about that. There was massive election fraud for Clinton in the primaries as well. It is how she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders!
Don Dittmer says
That’s some shit! And people still want to vote for her? They can be committed!
When will the discussions starts with her and the news on this????
brenda sinclair says
Socrates says
It’s disgusting to know that minorities are so easily led into this fraud and it’s sickening to know that the democrats will never suffer for it.
Maxx says
Might be because the only information they get is from watching the MSM TV networks. And after all who would want to bite the hand that feeds, clothes, houses you and indoctrinates your ids?
Maxx says
It could be because the only information they get comes from the MSM TV networks. And besides, who would want to bite the hands that feed, clothe, house and entertain you and indoctrinates your kids.
Randal says
Most people with cable today are on welfare because it is free to them. I cannot afford cable because it is either eat or pay for cable. That is why the democrats control the MSN media outlets. Does anyone knows about what happen to Mochael Savage when he was giving his opinion that Hillary must have a sickness. WABC in New York cut write into his programming in the middle of the program and put in a local talk show in its place. I do not know the reason for sure, but it sounds fishy. The Clinton machine has too many big money supporters that will protect her form any mad press.
Earlene Hammond says
+Randall I do not know of and have never heard of cable of cable tv being free for someone on welfare! Can you prove that, or are you making a false statement?
brenda sinclair says
Gerry says
They are probably promised $20. or a white girl to commit fraud. Yeah I know — disgusting but true.
Southern By Choice says
Back in the old days here in Georgia, the brother of one of the candidates, (democrat) a governor, would go all over the state the day of and days before an election with a satchel full of money. This was passed out in the minority communities, along with a promise that they would get another “gift’ if they could show the “I voted” sticker. This was well known and tolerated before Georgians finally had the guts to say ENOUGH, and we became a republican or republican leaning state. I am sure, with inflation don;t ya know, that it is probably more than a $10 or $20 bill now, but it is the same procedure. Funny how you cannot get into the house or senate chambers, on a White House tour, or even check out a library book without ID, much less cash a check, buy a beer, buy a pack of cigarettes, or get on a plane without this ID. But the most important right we have in this Country – the right to vote and have our votes counted fairly and accurately – is looked upon as an inconvenience.. Don’t tell me our nation has not been corrupted by these career self-serving politicians and the liberal Courts . And believe me if Hillary is elected, this will never be corrected, will get worse, and any party ot her than the democrats being in power will be a pipe dream with all of the newly registered “refugee and illegal” citizens. People better wake up and realize Trump, as imperfect and non PC, but this to me is an asset)as he may be is our last and final hope.
Sarah says
Maybe they need National guardsmen and women guarding the polling places. This could be stopped.felonies.
Earlene Hammond says
Unfortunately, the Nat’l Guard works for the Commander-in-Chief who is also the head of the group perpetrating the fraud.
Sarah says
It is a felony to do this and yet it happens. We should get law enforcement checking all these buses,stopping them and making them stay in place until after the election. Get the law involved in this. I figured that was how Obama won. Such heinous crimes.
Christine Cat Woman says
This is the only way many of them can win. A fair election would be the voice of the people—Democrats think that the American public is stupid. This needs to change and change now. There is no way Hillary is going to win with the massive evidence of her corruption unless there is massive fraud involved. Donald Trump is right—this system is rigged.
politicallyincorrect says
The American people are stupid just looking at the Hillary supporters
Gerry says
Exactly 100% correct.
Chucky says
Oblowhole will cheat for her much as he did for himself! We can kiss our country goodbye if that witch wins!
politicallyincorrect says
This does not surprise me and it only adds to speculation that this was done each time Obama ran because seems no one will admit they voted for him.
I will be surprised if any of this is even put out on mainstream media
Errol Cameron, Jr. says
It better not because that would mean that the want to discriminate us from our rights to vote.
John G. says
WOW, anyone surprised has to be a dimwit.
Tom cordell says
Seeking power is a tremendous motivator for the egotist. And once gained is a horrible revealer of the corruption within.
Hopefully Trump can make enough noise about this voter fraud because like he says
“The system is rigged” If something isn’t done to stop voter fraud, he won’t stand a chance in November!!!
Martin says
The TV movie series “House Of Cards” is more true than fiction.
Jim says
Admission!! Chris Matthews proclaimed loudly early Wed am in Nov 2012 that Chyugua ( sp) county Ohio had 114% turn out w/ a straight face. So 14% and more never registered but we’re allowed to vote. The lie told is every vote counts!! If you are in the legal voter pool against the cheater, 14% of you just got your vote nullified
Calvin Harwick says
Whats a bomb shell about this??????It has been going on a long time since the appearance of the Clinton’s an their ilk.Apparently you people have your head in the sand or are a cabbage head.
57girl says
I don’t see anything shocking about rigged elections. Are we forgetting Acorn?
The shocker would be seeing someone going to jail for doing the rigging. I’m sure the entire Nation would be stunned.
angelika griffin says
That’s how Obama “won” TWICE by voter fraud and we were stupid enough to let him reign for 8 years, SHAMEFUL….
Guntoter says
Constitutionalist says
The exact quote goes like this:
“It is enough that the People know there was an election. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”
The author?
Josef Stalin, insane murdering dictator of the Soviet Union.
Bob ike says
No surprise here. ..voter fraud is in the hands of the courts and liberal judges won’t do any thing.
Karrie says
I am SO discouraged! What is happening to what was once a TRUE and TRUTHFUL country for the people who live here!
People WITHOUT ETHICS should suffer – ESPECIALLY those who are expected to represent us!
Constitutionalist says
Doubt you’ll see this, but i’ll give my answer to your question, anhow.
The Founders of this country gave us a method by which we can hold ALL officeholders to account. It’s called the “Oath of Office.”
Do you think that judges – elected or appointed – have the right and duty to put those who lie under oath in their courtrooms under arrest for perjury?
Why not officeholders? ALL officeholders swear oaths of fealty to the Constitution; why not arrest and try a few, just to keep ’em afraid of the People? After all, Jefferson was right when he said, “When the People fear the government, there is liberty; when the government fears the People, there is Liberty.” The bastards no longer fear us. This is why we suffer the way we do: our parents and grandparents never held officeholders to account. We can and should and MUST change that, or else.
AWM says
It’s time for some grassroots action! Anyone with a hideable camera, if they see such a bus, should film it doing it’s dirty work. If a couple of these videos become public, and go viral even, the Dems will be BUSTED!
Bea Casner says
The Demo’s and some of the Rep’s also lie. I have said for years that we need to “CLEAN OUT ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WHITEHOUSE.”
“BUT WHO’S GOING TO LISTEN TO WE THE PEOPLE.? ” We know that everyone is not perfect because GOD told us so. We’re supposed to learn how to redeem ourselves through God. Many have, and many have not! Those who have not are going to have their way if we don’t stop them. Their GOD is MONEY, and they are determined to rule over us like slaves.
Ronald says
I have voted for 50 years in New York City. I am registered by my assembly district and every time I vote my signature is verified against the signature on record. You folks don’t know what you’re talking about.
Guntoter says
Can you VERIFY that ALL the other voters meet that same criteria????
Chucky says
Sounds like a dumb liberal to me!
Burna J. Hoover says
The only voice “WE THE PEOPLE” have is Donald Trump. He does love this country and will do his best to bring us back from the brink. For those who don’t like this country no one is holding you here. Go go go!!!!!!! I am sick of savages. I am sure I am not alone.
jemb says
It’s time for American to go to a ‘stained finger’ after voting to prevent them from voting more than once. Other countries do this and it does work. What’s wrong with having a purple finger for a day or two to keep American voting honest?
Jana D. says
Pray for that man’s safety, PLEASE!
alex says
For the 2012 elections, radio station in Detroit area was broadcasting live busing of UAW members to different poling stations in Michigan then the buses drove west on I-94 and the s#!theads kept voting along all the way to Wisconsin. I believe the reporter said something like 60 buses loaded with union members. At one point you could hear the dimwits demanding lunch, someone saying: I ain’t paying out of my pocket.” They want me to vote, better buy me lunch.” It was unbelievable. But never heard anything the following days. Total blackout of the subject. The radio station refused to comment , maybe afraid of losing their license. We do live in an american version of communist system, no matter how much everyone tries to deny it. But the noose keeps tightening around our necks and very soon we will lose the last crumbs of freedom. Don’t blame others, it is our own fault.
Rocknboots says
This video should be sent to all New York tv and newspapers and the guy forced to resign
El Tejas says
Of course the Democrats are committing fraud. They are a fraudulent political party. That is why we need valid voter ID.
Road Runner says
I’m VERY, VERY FRUSTRATED with BOTH of our major political parties. Are they so disgustingly incompetent that they cannot (or worse, WILL NOT) give us Americans better choices than the two who are currently clawing tooth and nail to get into the Oval Office on 1/20/17. This business of voter fraud is nothing new at all. The truly sad thing about it all is that NOONE HAS DONE A DAMNED THING TO STOP IT. NOTHING!!!! NICHTS!!!! NADA!!! Our beloved homeland is truly is an unrecoverable tailspin that will see her eventually handed over to our enemies; And the lunatic pseudo-Americans will think that they’ve just done such a bang up job while they’re standing in front of a firing squad made up of those who hate us so passionately.
John Soroka says
Nothing that the democratic party AKA the communist party of America will do to retain power would surprise me. They are the most corrupt bunch of elite globalist bastards that ever lived. It is a full time job just trying to keep up with their dastardly deeds.
Dennis Krug says
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander ! If those “so called people” want to play that game then let it work both ways ! If this isn’t stopped the Republican party needs to respond in the same manner ! There are way more Republican voters to bus around then there are Democrats ! We also need to RIP the throat out of the main stream media and close their doors if they don’t stop trying to BRAIN WASH the American people ! The people of the media don’t know the word “TRUTH” !
cliff says
No surprise here. I have been saying this for YEARS on these comment blogs and called every nasty name in the book, by SCUMOCRAT/PROGRESSIVE/COMMUNIST/GLOBALIST sympathizers.Infesting these comment areas to push their PROPAGANDA. (probably SCUMOCRAT paid TROLLS)
Rick says
THE REPUBLICANS have known this for many years now, that the DEMON – RATS are out there pushing ILLEGAL VOTING in all the major cities in the us of A. ///////////////////////////////////////
Now the truth has finally come out and what wil CONGRESS do about his ILLEGALK FRAUDULENT VOTING,,,, they wil NO Lift one finger to put a stop to this ILLEGALK VOITNG. //////////////////////
CONGRESS is afraid of its won shadow . ////////////////////////
Paul Booth says
ignorance is running wild in the Demoncratic party. The thing that is so astounding is Half of the people in the USA are voting for
Demoncrats That makes America over half stupid. Only God can help us now.
Chucky says
I pray he will!
Chucky says
He will, let’s all pray for his wisdom! You have to believe in something!
Billy says
All demacrats should be eliminated from congress
James Maxwell says
WHY do you think the Democrat Socialist are so against any form of Voter ID. They know they would immediately
lost at least 1/3 of their voters and probably more if they took the “DEAD VOTERS” of the rolls also and made
people prove their citizenship before being allowed to register. Over the past years we have had numerous
instances. PROVEN, that people voted more than once and some even bragged about it knowing that nothing
would be done to them because they were Democrat Socialist and party workers in many cases. The scan the
morgues and graveyards to find unregistered Democrat Socialist all the time and no one pays any mind to that.
The scam the elderly in nursing homes to find even more votes for their party. It is the only way the welfare
system can stay in business and they Democrat Socialist can continue their path of destruction upon our Nation.
Chris says
We have an equally corrupt system in the UK. Margaret Thatcher ‘won’ a general election with 40% of the votes cast, and said she had a mandate from the people. 30% didn’t vote or spoiled their ballot papers. Therefore the turnout was 70%, In other words, 40% of 70 is 28%. Therefore Thatcher had 28% and the other 72% of the electorate ended up with a prime minister the either didn’t want or actually disliked. That is not the way democracy is supposed to work.
The next fly in the ointment is the BBC. It is run by left-wing petty dictators who will do anything except give the other side a fair chance in debates and in the news items. They are every bit as bad as the clintons.
Looking at the US from across the water, remembering the last great president, Ronnie Regan, and the one long before him, the great General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and most the rubbish since Regan, especially the current incumbent, should the White House not be spelt (English spelling, hence not ‘spelled’) with an ‘s’ instead of a ‘W’?
female tax payor says
With such advanced surveillance means its crazy election fraud isn’t blown. Take pictures. When a lot of cameras are running, cheats think twice about committing crime on film.
The Texan says
The Democrat party is now the socialist party of fraud.
Bobgonow says
The smug weasel faced smiles you saw on Zerobama during the 2012 election ‘debates” were there because he knew the fix was in for him to win. Over 70,000 official complaints were made about the voting machines changing Romney votes to Obama . That was probably only a fraction of the times it actually happened, in voting precincts across 5 states in the north and midwest. And the Governor of Pennsylvania , (if I remember right) refused to have an investigation. Shillery has that same smug weaselly smile on h)er face in each
‘debate.’ She knows the fix is in. Anyone who is either not going to vote, vote for a third party, or just to refuse to vote for Trump should have sense enough to know that they are actually giving 2 votes to Shillery- one that they don’t give to Trump and another they don’t prevent Shillery from having. Even some high office Reublicans will do that and be too dumb to realize what they are doing!!! (They will say their “principles” won’t allow them to vote for Trjump!!! -Thereby screwing over all of us loyal Americans/
Also in one Miami precinct there were 120 percent of the registered voters who voted???
Nlobdy cared,. And I saw ;pictures of the buses carrying people from Chicago to Ohio ;precincts to vote. Nobody cared enough to investigate that… Thanks to Zerobama and his Rich buddies who buy off all the news media, TV, (except Fox) radio, newspapers and magazines, we have become no better than the foreign countries where fraud and Government corruption is common all the time.
If the election shows Shillery as the winner a lot of people will be ready for a real revolution.
enforcermj says
Everyone keeps saying “why doesn’t someone do something about this?”. It’s time to wake up and realize NO ONE IS GOING TO DO ANYTHING, unless YOU do something!!! How many of you who are frustrated and piping off about this actually CARE enough to GO OUT TO TOWN HALL MEETINGS??? How many of you even care enough to PICK UP YOUR PHONE and call your congressmen??? How many of you go to your local town meetings and SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS for something to be done in YOUR DISTRICT???? Wake up people, everything starts with YOU!!! If YOU are willing to take a stand and do something, why do you think someone ELSE will, or even SHOULD? YOU are the rulers of this nation!!! It is a government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people!! STAND UP and make the leaders accountable for choices and actions, and that starts by attending LOCAL DISTRICT TOWNHALL MEETINGS and making your voice heard, and then go a step further and CALL, FAX and EMAIL your senators and congressmen!! There are certainly way more things that can be done, but if you are not doing THESE SIMPLE THINGS, then you are JUST AS MUCH a part of the problem as all the other people you like to point your finger at and complain about!!!
Cissy says
I agree that there needs to be some type of a mark to signify that a person has voted. Whether it is a red, blue, green or purple dipped finger. If YOU are a “BELIEVER” there should be no way you would vote for HC. If you are a Democrat, look at what has happened to our country, families, jobs, morals for the past 8 years. We cannot continue this path that she is so obligated to. Stand up & fight for our nation.
Texas gal says
I would like to know what kind of hold or information the people who control the puppet strings of BO and HC have over Democrats of the house and senate. It’s like a Mafia control of ” I know where you live and where your kids go to school” mentality if you don’t vote as I say. Do they all live in fear of retaliation?
james says
why can’t some one stop these crooks. Hillary & Obama.
Richard Ferebee says
When voting no ld fingerprint and take picture so no one could vote twice. You vote twice then both would be thrown out and fraud charges applied. Plus u have ID for future elections. To easy to do.
Justin W says
The Democrats have no problem cheating or breaking the law in their quest for power. The best thing law-abiding citizens can do is go to the polls early on election day and vote for the Republicans. We need to get the corrupt Democrat party completely out of power.
Betty L. Smith says
I’m sure it is wide spread. 2012 my state Florida was rigged to elect Obama again. I voted for Romney, and they stated Romney didn’t get one vote in several Florida cities, and of course that was crooked and rigged, so I’m hoping my vote for Trump will be counted this year. Which I’m sure it won’t. The Democrats are a sorry bunch of liar’s and crooked politician’s. The media has gone out of it’s way to get behind crooked Hillary, anybody in their right mind should know all of this that has come out about her is true and they should be ashamed if they continue to get behind her. We lost 4 good men in Benghazi because of her, and she hates women, but they seem to think she is beyond doing anything wrong. What is wrong with them? Don’t they watch TV. Fox News seems to be the only TV station that will bring out all of these terrible things she has done. Lied about the emails. Called us all deplorables, and now her husband who is a lecher is calling all of us rednecks. Wonder where all of that money went that Clinton and Bush raised when Haiti was hit before. Right into the Clinton Foundation, I’m sure. Why doesn’t the media bring all of that out? Also, about the black young man who is said to be his son, by a black prostitute in Arkansas.
Sammythbull says
If thats the case then Trump was right to ask people to watch for voter fraud,,,,
trumpt blast says
Everyone keeps asking why doesn’t anyone stop this ??? MIGHT I REMINDERS YOU ALL ARE SOMEBODY !!! DEMANDING ALL VOTE G MACHINES ARE AT ZERO VOTES AT 8 AM NEXT DEMANDING A PAPER RECORD OF ALL VOTES THEN DEMANDING A HEAD COUNTRIES AND A VOTE COUNTRIES AT EACH PRECINCT !!! And if the vote count is higher than the head cut deduct the difference from the democrats as they are the ones cheating !!!
warren says
Every voter should have to register his social security card at the voting booth and if it shows up anymore times than once it would be voided and the person jailed for a year.
warren says
Massive video cameras placed all around voting districts could film and prove voter fraud by bussing.
Tarheel says
2 points. First a biometric thump print of every voter. This could never be conceived as racist. It would recognize the voter as well as be able to eliminate multiple voting by same in a different precinct. Secondly, until the 1st point is implemented, if a precinct is caught in voter fraud, it forfeits ALL votes and the precinct employees face arrest, jail, and fines.
Buckeye012 says
bussing in voters has been done by the LIberals for years, this is a known fact. voting more than once is a known fact throughout the Obama election.
Joseph says
The video shows only what goes on in NYC. If the facts were brought to light it’s happening all over the country to some degree. If the election process was run properly and IDs were required I dare say the Democrats, as they are now, wouldn’t win 10% of the races they run in. We had an ID law in our state but after a lawsuit by the NAACP if was struck down as being discriminatory towards minorities when really it was discriminatory only towards fraudulent voting. It would never have been struck down if it were not for our liberal Federal Court system because, in our state, our laws provided free state IDs to all legal citizens who properly apply. Even with the easy and free access to ID’s the Federal Court decided it would be discriminatory because they said some people may not be able to get transportation to a DMV office which are numerous and within fifteen minutes of any person in the state. The same people who can get transportation to their churches , Laundromats, Walmart, Liquor Stores, and hundreds of other places. This ruling not only made fraudulent voting available to the Democratic machine in or state but also blared out the leftist and unconstitutional bias of our Federal Court system. When Donald Trump is elected this will cease fairly quickly. If Donald Trump is defeated by the fraudulent system there may be and rightfully should be an uproar against this injustice unlike any heard of in this hemisphere and the consequences may not be a pretty thing.
Mary says
Of course that should not be allowed. Is that the only way the democrats can win for themselves?
Buckeye012 says
obviously! or else why bother doing this ?
carol says
Why isn’t this tape being sent to TV stations or other media sites to get this info before the general public and before the next debate? There must be some newspapers who would print this.
Buckeye012 says
in Ohio they are using dead people’s social security numbers and casting ballots. This is like a fairytale book! It is something you would see in a movie or in a fiction book. They have so much leaway and will not get into trouble because of the Liberal Media and others protecting them. THIS IS DOWN RIGHT SCARY!!!
Buckeye012 says
I do not see why we are having the election if the polls ae rigged!