Retailers that accept food stamps would have to start stocking a wider variety of healthy foods or face the loss of consumers under proposed rules expected to be announced by the Agriculture Department on Tuesday.
The rules are designed to ensure that the more than 46 million Americans who use food stamps have better access to healthy foods although they don’t dictate what people buy or eat. A person using food stamp dollars could still purchase as much junk food as they wanted, but they would at least have more options in the store to buy fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats and bread.
In 2014, Congress required the Agriculture Department to develop regulations to make sure that stores that accept food stamp dollars, now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, stock a wider array of healthy food choices.
Under current rules, SNAP retailers must stock at least three varieties of foods in each of four food groups: fruits and vegetables, dairy, breads and cereals, and meats, poultry and fish. The new rules would require the retailers to stock seven varieties in each food group, and at least three of the food groups would have to include perishable items. In all, the rules would require stores to stock at least 168 items that USDA considers healthy.
The proposal would also require that retailers have enough in stock of each item so that the foods would be continuously available.
The rules could mean that fewer convenience stores qualify to be SNAP retailers. The convenience store industry has argued that it often operates the only stores that serve certain neighborhoods and at certain times, like overnight. Kevin Concannon, USDA undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, said the department would try to ensure that the rules don’t affect SNAP recipients’ access to food retailers, and the department may consider waiving the proposed requirements in some areas.
The rules come as a key House Republican is pushing for drug tests for food stamp recipients and new cuts to the program. Alabama Rep. Robert Aderholt, the chairman of the subcommittee that oversees USDA spending, introduced a bill last Thursday that would allow states to require drug testing. The move is designed to help states like Wisconsin, where Gov. Scott Walker has sued the federal government, to permit screening.
USDA has pushed back on such efforts, as it did when Republicans unsuccessfully attempted to cut 5 percent from the program during negotiations over the 2014 farm bill. The push comes as SNAP use has skyrocketed — the program served more than 46 million Americans and cost $74 billion last year. That’s twice the program’s 2008 cost.
“While I have not seen Rep. Aderholt’s proposed legislation, I have serious concerns about an approach that could deprive a family of access to food and basic necessities simply because a member of the family is struggling with addiction,” Vilsack said after Aderholt introduced the bill.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Jane Evan says
These services are made available to drug addicts and alcholics. These recipients sit on a couch all day, no work and milk off the system. I do not feel sorry for scam artists. They are the lowest of the low.
Johnny Appleseed says
False, but glad you did your research first.
bobby strock says
I totally agree with you, instead of food stamps, give them a job. let them work or starve.
Cliff Blake says
The Dept of Agriiculture insist the food stamper should have better food? Where is the concern to have them do some productive work, perhaps if some got off the couch and moved around they would not be solo fat and lazy!!
Paul Palermo says
why in the HELL do they buy scratch tickets and liquor with the stamps and NOTHING is done about it?
Grandmum says
I had never heard of buying scratch or liquor with stamps but I do think they should allow laundry soap
and kotex. Those are a must have where as you state no need for liquor scratch tickets. Most have
cards you have to run thru like a credit card. That does cut down on such items. If they are still using paper
stamps, that is because of the cashier clerk being a cheat with them. Or even the store.
Kravitz says
I agree with laundry detergent and kotex, but don’t they get cash assistance for those items? They are using their cash assistance for the lottery tickets and booze.
Debbie says
I agree, they seem to get change back, like 10. Or 20. Bucks then buy thier lottery tickets with that.
Cliff Blake says
They trade and bargain their stamps for other “Stuff”
trumpt blast says
by law they can’t buy non food items !!! but some skin the cat by buying certain foods that someone else wants and will pay them back in cash but the last I heard alcohol is still a banned item on snap as is cigarettes paper products clothing ect.
lenati chinook says
some how they get around that to get what they need & want. Did you ever stand behind someone using the access card. I buy food store brands they usually do not.
bill says
I’ve been in line and have seen individuals buy food that I won’t buy because it’s to expensive, use their food stamps and then pay cash for beer and cigs. I have no problem with someone buying beer and cigs, but if they can afford to use their ‘Cash” to buy those things, they don’t need any help in paying for their own food. The taxpayers should not have to pay. Why do the takers get to live as good or better than the givers. The takers should have their lives hard, maybe even go to bed hungry at times. Maybe if their life wasn’t as good with all the handouts, they would educate themselves and get a job
lenati chinook says
Drug testing for all welfare food stamps etc after all most of the people working & paying for this ar e drug tested where they work.
Justin W says
The food stamp program should be limited to healthy foods. If the person wants to buy junk food, coffee, tea or soft drinks they should do it with their own money. The SNAP card should only work for fruits,vegetables and other healthy foods.
Sandy says
You are so right this
Program is rigged
It’s to keep the population
Quiet so the establishment lives the
Life and misuses our
Tax dollors not for good
But for personal gain
Befor you vote ask did
You ever meet a poor
Politician vote your head
Not your heart. Trump
Arrbuc says
Tea is a healthy food read your facts, it is a food that helps people sleep or have heath issues. And caffeine is used by many people that are on medical to wake up in the morning or help think during the day helps stimulate the heart and brain.. But I can see taking out soda it has to many bad stuff in it.
Kravitz says
I have seen SNAP recipients buy 10# boxes of King Crab legs at warehouse clubs. Then, they go to the food bank and get their staples for free.
Cliff Blake says
YUP!! And the Dept of Agricuture,Wefare Dept have created a life of their own with no incentive to reduce the rolls bilking the Hard working Tax Payer!!
Marlene says
A war Hero was jumped in Washington’s at a McDonald. Shame on our politicians and president. Sorry, read that one of Marines that inspired the saying ” No Man Left Behind ” was the victim and all because of racial discord that Obama has grown. Please let others know. Plus 2 policeman was also shot in Panera”s, and Obama hasn’t commented yet.
Grandmum says
“O” will not comment on this. when will people wake up?? This man hates America . If you have kept
up with the news you know he is not a citizen nor any thing else America requires from non citizenship.
the military is so hurt in every facet that he can come up with. They say it is to late to impeach him as
it takes longer for the process and congress says they do not have enough time. We will be fortunate if
he will step down when he is suppose to. Soro wants him as Americas dictator. We need lots of
prayer for America. by allowing immigrates into the country, check what they are doing in the
other countries. Raping, beating up, have cut heads off. No one is saying NO to any of the horrors we
are facing.
trumpt blast says
although your comment has little to do with snap !! I will say that the attack was done by some black hoodlums that also stole his money and credit cards then spent over 100$$s and broke other laws that finally let the law catch up with them !! but bo is at fault for blasting the law enforcement groups !! and the whole thing started with the perps asking if black lives matter while the marine was trying too eat !!!
Gordon A says
A simple fix. No snack foods , No candy, No sodas. No prime cut of meat.. The card goes invalid if used more than 25 miles from users address on the form when applied for. Put a picture and thumb print of the person that the card i issued to. The ID on the card prevents it from being sold and used by someone else.This will reduce the fraudulent uses by a lot, Many millions of dollars of our money will be saved. Might just piss off the users that do nothing but cheat.
but lets face it. If you can afford tats, smokes,booze and hair extensions you don’t need to be on welfare. .
joeyblu says
Great concept about card misuse.The system needs work!This money is intended to help people from going hungry!Abuse is a slap in the face of people who pay taxes! !But good& healthy- food including prime meat should be a free choice ! No Alc.or ciggs. Sorry we have to work for that money!! If someone is caught abusing the charitable help this country provides-their should be consequences -that goes for retailers also!– only then will this concept be fair & work as intended !
lou says
I’d scrap the whole thing if can’t afford kids don’t have them if your a Democrat go to your nearest Plan parent hold and get rid of a future hood rat or little Thug
L Gray says
Nice comment! What about those of us whose spouses get up and walk away after the children are born, escape child support even when ordered? In sure we planned that!
It seems to me it’s easy to lump everyone on assistance into three abusers group. Sometimes life happens outside your plans.
I received food stamps. I never once bought lottery tickets, name brands, alcohol or smokes. I never sold my benefits for cash AND I did work, just wasn’t high paying but I’m sure i did something wrong for someone despite that fact, like putting my children in subsidized day care and after school programs so i could work.
Yes, there should be more restrictions for abusers. However, stop making it out that everyone on the program is an abuser, and next time you know there’s abuse, report it!
bill says
Lady, maybe you’re the “F”ing 1%. The other 99% should have their precious little money cards cut up.
joeyblu says
Works for Me!!
Eva says
This will increase food costs as there will be more spoiled food. I note much going bad every time I shop. This will really hurt small stores and small town stores. Who comes up with this baloney?
There needs to be forced nutrition training, cooking classes, and purchases for real food only. They can find another way to buy junk food. When are we going to say enough already?
nj says
I think we should go back to communal soup kitchens. Available to all children so they get fed. Adults can eat if they work. It would create jobs which builds self esteem and adults would not be able to use food stamps for everything BUT food for their kids. No junk food, sodas, etc. Plenty of surplus produce and bread gets thrown away every day that could be used.
2 rules.
Kravitz says
Food costs are incredibly high now. It used to be that fuel to transport goods was the culprit…well fuel is down and food costs keep rising. Our local grocery store has really high food prices because a majority of our town population is on Section 8 housing, Medicaid, and food stamps. People who are getting this stuff for free, don’t respect the property that they rent, call the ambulance for transport to the ER because of menstrual cramps, and could care less how much food costs. So, rents are very high because “investor slum landlords” get rents paid by the gov’t, health care costs are sky high for the rest of us, and food is very expensive for those of us who pay cash to make up for what is stolen.
Mike says
All you hard workers work harder to pay for those 46 million. Who are on food stamps, I asked a Winco Checker what percent go thru with food stamps she said 65 to 75 percent. so you folks need to work harder !
Gary says
How about eating out ? EBT cards allow that. Then sue because they are to fat. The hole program needs to be revamped.
How about the Obama phone,section 8 housing I could go on and on but I’m getting sick!!!!!!
trumpt blast says
where did you see someone using food stamps SNP cards to eat out I know for fact that any food bought with those cards must not be hot no big macs no medium rare stakes it must be ready too cook not ready too eat!!! ( I listened in on a few that tried to buy ready to eat food or fresh from the oven roast chicken in the stores that sell both ways and the cashier had to tell them they needed cash for the hot food !! there is a code put on the price tags that tells the computers weather it is snap buy-able or not !! so there can not be any eating out on snap / food stamps )
Putnam says
You are 100% correct some of these rabble-rousers on here have not had it too difficult in life!!!! But there time is coming believe me for all of us watch and listen open your eyes and ears folks you might just learn something!!!!
bill says
I believe he’s talking about a “Different” government handout that us taxpayers pay for. You see the signs in front of jack in the box, mcdonalds, burger king and all the independent fast food places that say XXX card accepted (don’t remember what the 3 letters are)
Richard says
Food stamp purchases should be limited to staple food groups such as fruit, vegetables, meat, milk, flour, rice and cheese. No support should be provided for tobacco products, liquor, lottery tickets, snack foods, soda or entertainment.
No support should be available for anyone physically able to work who refuse to work either in the private sector or in community service. There is no free lunch for anyone not willing to assist in their own support to the extent they are able.
Harry says
A correction here SNAP can not be used for alcohol, cigarettes, or any money food item, and it must be cold no hot food. The only exception to that is eldely who can get hot food under special program. What we need to do is get the illegals off and do not put another problem by having Stand on this program as they come here not even earning it probably was fighting against us now we give them a reward. Hell most veteran do not get such service. America first
Harry says
Auto complete messed the post up darn
Isabella says
Go, and check , many people who needs Gov. help,like Electricity bill,water,etc. Sadly, almost 80-90% of those, have the ultimate fancy-phones, MIchael Kors. handbags, expensive lather jackets, boots, and many expensive thinks. Those, who work hard, can’t afford to have all this expensie thinks. One other think, 80 % of this recipiens, are Obama people. One more think: they are many out there, who really need help. They can’t get it, because they don’t feet in a certain category. If you want to see the truth, go to any Gov, Agency, and verify.
bill says
Jamie Foxx says
O Bummer is a self centered jerk, as of this date he has spent 74.5 million on vacations of our money,none of his
Being the president has been a real lark for him and his relatives and his wife’s family,trips to the home country. Africa
Bypassing congress,like the Supreme ruler he would like to become
Now he wants to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court with a lifetime job,of who else. Himself
How much more do we have to suffer this jerk
He’s cost our children about 14 trillion dollars to repay in the national debt.
Stephen Russell says
Then ban liquor, smokes, wine, too since the poor will BUY them vs smoothies, or say 1% poor may Buy.
trumpt blast says
you are dense snap can not be used to buy anything but cold foods , uncooked meat , unbaked / frozen pies most non alcoholics drinks !! in other words cook your own meals drink soft drinks ( koolaid , tea , coffee , or yes soda )
Gary says
Correction,in 7 years he only spent 9 trillion but he just asked for 4.1 trillion to get him through the year. The gimmydats need it.
joeyblu says
Great! More dept…where does it end…maybe Trump will shake thing up so we can stop some of this crap! Rob the rich is only going to go so far then no-bodywillhave jobs or money!! Their is a special place for those who spend money thats not really available..its called Prison!!
Jeannette says
Had nobody else seen users of the EBT cards get cash back? I’ve seen it several times. Here in Washington state users of government assistance can get cash back to spend in whatever they want, then go down to a store that makes take and bake pizza, and get a pizza or two. The kicker is a woman at a dollar store buying $80 worth of candy for her kids at Christmas. I was behind her in line and saw the whole thing. Those poor children. Do you know what $80 worth of candy at a dollar store looks like? What favors is this program really doing for our citizens? Yes they are eating but mostly processed junk. I agree with an earlier comment about putting limits on things. Allowing only cheese, bread, milk, fresh vegetables, soups, etc. and no cash back for booze and other things that won’t sustain life.
trumpt blast but the snap debit cards says
if they are getting cash back then either they are using paper coupons and the 1$ coupon was more that the total bill !! as for any other cash back that is fraud and WHEN aught they will both lose their rights to food stamps and see a fine or jail time !! now the snap debit cards there is no change to give back but some food stamp user also get some money ( mostly the women with children ) to buy house hold goods !!!
Me says
They don’t have food stamp coupons anymore. It’s debit card now, to not shame the welfares.