The liberal bias of the mainstream media is out of control — and it’s only getting worse.
More than 230 former ABC News correspondents, executives, and producers have signed a letter pressuring the network’s current top executive to fight against President Donald Trump’s push back against media bias — and it also serves as a warning to the Trump administration.
Their message seems to be: get on board, or else.
The letter, which circulated on a Facebook forum for ex-ABC News employees, was written after White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer held an informal briefing last Friday excluding several liberal news organizations that have done stories President Donald Trump and his team have labeled, “fake news” like CNN and The New York Times.
Signees ask ABC News President James Goldston to “take a public stand. Refuse to take part in any future White House briefings based on an invitation list of who’s in / who’s out.”
The petition was due to be delivered on Wednesday.
“We’ve expressed our concerns to the White House that it operates in a way that’s open, transparent and fair,” Goldston said Wednesday. “And we will continue to stand with our colleagues who cover the White House and to protest when any government official fails to live up to those standards.”
Signees include White House correspondent Sam Donaldson and former ABC reporters Ken Kashiwahara, Jeanne Meserve and Lynn Sherr. Among the executives are four former executive producers of “World News Tonight” and top leaders at “Nightline,” ”20/20″ and “Good Morning America.” Prominent news executives Rick Kaplan, Bill Lord, Paul Friedman, Av Westin and Tom Yellin signed, along with documentarian and the late anchor Peter Jennings’ widow, Kayce Freed Jennings.
Trump has included ABC News in his labeling of media organizations that are the “enemy of the American people” and “fake news.” ABC was included in Spicer’s briefing last Friday, where access was denied to corporate media outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, and BuzzFeed.
These news organizations, heavily criticized for their friendly treatment of former President Barack Obama and negative stance toward Trump, reacted to the snub with horror.
The White House has said that with space limited in Spicer’s office, they included “pool” reporters who share information in instances where there isn’t enough room for the entire press corps.
The Associated Press contributed to this article