Atheists have delivered a blow to Christianity at a Texas school district, whose high school principal and other teachers are now banned from joining student-run prayer events.
The school district is also considering disbanding their religious, student-run after-school club under the threat of lawsuit.
The pressure comes from the notorious Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), which threatened to tie the school down with expensive legal action unless the district complied to their demands.
The FFRF letter also attacked the religious club, First Priority Club, despite it being student led and formed. In their letter, FFRF also demanded the school district ban all other faculty and adults from joining the students around the school’s flagpole, where students gather after school once a year to pray.
The atheist group’s attack was aimed to stop the See You at the Pole event, a 25-year-old tradition started by students in Texas. The event encourages Christian students to gather together all around the nation around their schools’ flagpoles to pray.
A lawyer for the Prosper Independent School District announced that their High School principal, Greg Wright, will no longer be allowed to pray “in his capacity as District employee at future on-campus, student-led See You at the Pole events.”
You can read more on the See You at the Pole tradition here.
sue johnson says
This impinges on the principal’s freedom. Check with ACLJ in Atlanta.
sagesteve says
This is easily bypassed! You can stand around the pole and pray SILENTLY!! You cannot stop silent pray. You can tell people to come around the pole and not say a thing. They can even hold hands.
Bud Webster says
Yeah that,s it Steve, cave into the maxist that make up than than 2 percent of the populous. I understand your suggesting a way around the satanists. It,s time to make a stand, and not capitulate to the ultra small minority. This is exactly why Thomas Jefferson spoke of democracy as being tyranny rising. Democracy by definition is majority rule, you know Jefferson is right about tyranny when a very small minority segment can make the overwhelming vast majority give up it,s will to cater to the special interest. How completely stupid Americans have become
Beverley D. walker Vet. says
I myself would prefer to round these should I say people instead oif what I would like
to call them. If they do not like our Religion what ever It may be pack the hell up
and move to one one one the country’s that have no religion. I quote a Marine
who said send them to Afganistan and they would learn to pray there
Heath says
What happened to freedom of religion? I would tell these jackasses to f off.
TOM says
Atheists have rights….but NOT THE RIGHT to TAKE AWAY the RIGHTS of THOSE who DO Believe in GOD!!!!!!!
Y O U don’t have the right to Dictate ANYTHING to anyone else !!! Just as no one has the right to make you do what you DO NOT wish to do!!!
Wake up and smell the roses!!! Freedom …IS a 2-WAY STREET…NOT A ONEWAY STREET!!!!
Lisa Brocious says
I do not know how the FFRF has the right to tell Christian people what they are allowed to do and not do as Americans. Do they not know our Constitution? We have the freedom of speech and religion in school out of school wherever we are. Students have the right to meet at the pole, have a Bible study…Teacher have the right to support students who want to share their faith and they have a right to shair their faith. I would tell the FFRF to go away and read the Constitution of the United States of America! The FFRF are spreading their belief of no God and expecting us to submit and believe the same. It sounds like hypocrisy to me!
Ron Gjoraas says
And we wonder why our nation is floundering like a ship without a rudder. Sorry to say, it is only going to get worse. More school shootings, filled mental wards, filled prisons, more sex trafficking and all the result of a culture and society that is egocentric and full of pride. We will be humbled, sorry to say, by our enemies. They don’t need to do anything but wait as we emplode. Then come in and clean up the mess and move forward under socialism and then communism. Great future for a once God-fearing nation. You reap what you plant.
Judy says
The Bible says: “They thought themselves so wise, they became fools.” Sound like anybody you know?
Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease? My advice: Start squeaking!!
Joan K. says
Well said…I couldn’t have said it any better. People need to wake up to what is going on around them. I find it ironic that the biggest changes to our nation have happened in the last seven years….I wonder why? Yes, we will reap what we sow! How sad.
glenn davis says
A note to all Atheists: you should be praying that there is in fact—no God (by whatever name)/vindictive supreme alien/final breath adjudicator or any other eternal arbiter. After all, everyone else has to tolerate your lack of faith in a supreme deity, you should respect the rights of those who believe that there is one.
Ron Paynter says
If all the school districts in the country would refuse to kowtow to the demands of the fools that are against freedom of religion that threaten lawsuits and leave people to continue to follow their God given right to follow their faith,the “Freedom From Religion” a—–s could not afford to generate and follow up on their threats of would bankrupt them very rapidly. Unfortunately there are too many gutless school administrators and districts who are afraid to follow their beliefs and believe money is so much more important than their religion. They should be ashamed of them selves,the cowards.
Bud Webster says
I don,t know if that,s totally the case Ron, the educationional system is filled with progessive Marxist, and not just @ the college level. The Marxist moved themselves into high school, middle school, grade school. Children in the 2nd grade in New England are reading stories about 2 dads, and mommies girlfiend. This is how far the lefts doctrine has gone. Not enough people are standing up to the onslaught on moral charactor
lillian says
Ron Paynter….You are absolutely right….it’s called rebellion against the minority. If we don’t stand up for what’s right, they will take over.
stanley says
This country was based on biblical Judeo-Christian principles. Our prosperity, our growth, our strength, our many blessings, our very survival in perilous times has been because our G-D has respected our continued thanksgiving for his grace demonstrated by our prayers, our thanksgiving and our sharing with others. we have changed. G-D has not. His will for us is to return to him. It may not be too late. Pray always, that his will be acknowledged.
Mildred says
Stanley: I agree with every word you said, but I ask that you respect our GOD by spelling His name correctly. It is spelled GOD, not G-D. Thank you.–
Les Bergman says
Obama is acting like a rat that found our Constitution and is chewing it up to make a net for himself in the Whitehouse. If Washington was alive he would rally an army around him and throw the liar out of the
Whitehouse. We were missionaries to Jamaica and they are 95 % black. I taught those young men to drive a car and how to get a job. They were like my own sons. They told the truth and would have given their life to protect us. This president has committed TREASON TO OUR CONSTITUTION and so have a number of those in our Supreme Court.
Obama is the one that signed an order to kill babies in the mother up to nine months. When those babies have a heart beating in them they have their rights too. NOW he wants to let CRIMNALS TO GO FREE so they get out of jail and KILL more people. He is doing this to get our minds off of his pets, called PLANNED PARENHOOD and their selling of baby parts.
RobertSwank says
Ghandi made a great comment….. “Isn’t it strange that an atheist will fight so hard against a GOD that they do not believe exists”
Steve says
If the judges would only throw cases like this out at the first hearing then these nuts would lose their power to threaten our schools and cities.
wallace says
like sodom & gomora you will be brought to nothing…with judges & leaders who are gutless mushie sponge
soaked in crap who let satan influenced idiots make like their somebody & take advange of us.injustice
Fon says
Why do atheists care if someone prays?? They don’t believe God exists. So if he doesn’t exist why are they so upset?? If he doesn’t exist how can he answer prayers?? What are they afraid of?? I know God does exist!!!!!!! God is Real and alive!!!!!!! I will always believe and no one and nothing will ever change the way I feel!!!! GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!!! 😀
Frank stines says
FFRF go fly a kite i will not be ashame of the Lord Jesus christ. Just ask him to be your Lord and he will change your evil heart.
Anymouse says
If students choose to come together for a religious observance, that is one thing. However, when a principal or teacher joins in, that is another thing entirely. These people are not only role models but authority figures to their students. When they participate in a religious observance — on campus and in their official roles — this constitutes official, tax sponsored support for that religion. Not only is this is inappropriate in itself but It also sends a message to students that the powers that be support that religion over all other religions and over no religion. And this doesn’t even begin to address the “mission creep” that will occur once these people realize they are allowed to use their position of influence on campus to advocate for their personal religious beliefs.
Like all Americans, school personnel have the right and freedom to practice the religion of their choice — on their own time.
W Williamson says
Check out
Justin Wachin says
The Freedom From Religion extremists need to realize that the Constitution gives everyone the freedom of religion. These wackos do not get to decide who gets to practice their first amendment rights. This anti-freedom group is doing the very thing they think people are trying to do to them.
If the FFR people don’t want to worship God or believe in God, that’s their business. The Constitution doesn’t give them the right to force atheism on the rest of us. They are more about destroying freedom than anything else.
Dianne Creamer says
As a student from the 1960’s and 70’s, go ahead and pray, invite the entire state to join in, and then let them arrest all of you. Ha-ha-ha. Let the athiests make horses rears of themselves, but NEVER,NEVER, back down from practicing freedom of religion. STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS,
wayne says
Why even bother giving them a place in the media ? Answer because the media is behind them . The day will come when this country will once again rise up and hang all traitors just like our founding fathers would have done. God is not dead he’s just getting angry. The Jewish people were abused for what I understand to be 400 years and Egypt paid the price never to rise up again.
andrew says
judging from the happenings around us, no matter which part of the world.. i believe the prophetic words are coming to fulfillment..
“in the later day, the faith of those will grow cold, and we see anti Christ forces increases rampage.. the leaders are gathering together to take counsel on how to escape from the bond of God…. disaster on disaster, disaster that has never happen before… (and it will more and more) until the end of the world.
blessing in physical item such as richness, wellbeing is not always good, it leads people and younger generation astray..
we need the light before us to know what is JUST and what is UNJUST before God. Fear God more than fear men and laws…
I praise Lord God who lets me short not of guidance and direction in my life.
I praise the Lord for HE is forever standing firm in His Promises toward His children (even though many a time we commit terrible sins before HIM).
We should love what GOD loves (not what we love or what we think we should love), we should all the more hate what GOD hates. Because loving our enermy (now, this enermy is not your neigbour whom got problem with you; but rather the enermy of God’s children [no room for private vendetta here] – which is also God’s Kingdom’s enermy, it is the enermy who are threatening to destroy the faith of God’s children toward God) is cruelty to our life.
I am glad to see my brothers and sisters in Christ here still have faith and love toward God.
But we need more than that, we need to recognise God more than mere words… we need to live the life that God wants us to live, put the faith into action. and for that we need the Lamp Post to shine our way.
Hallelujah to Him who is Alpha and who is also Omega, for He is the Beginning and He is also the End.
Patricia says
Praise Yahweh. He is the Alpha and the Omega.
John says
Wow, I’m awed by all the good postings. We’re [the Christians] are made to feel like the minority in this country; which we are not at all the minority. They’re many great points made but I would hope that we can come together to inprove our situation. Maybe a 100 million Christian walk to the capital. Washington dc. Or start 100,000 people marches to each state capital. Well I’m just one person, a baby boomer with a lot of life yet to live. God bless you.
Michael .D says
You all are very awesome In your words your ideas and your beliefsI really appreciated reading these comments and I enjoyed myselfCompletely with All that was said I wish more people would make more comments About the radicalsThat are trying to run our government And push these good people around Stand for your rights Stand for what you believe Grab your neighbor’s hand And stand out its only way to get it done we have done it for 200 years let’s get it done