Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stood before the House Armed Services Committee yesterday and admitted that the Obama administration has “not contained [ISIS].”
And that just may turn out to be the understatement of the year.
According to a new report from the George Washington University Program on Extremism, ISIS is not just unconstrained. The terror group actually has hundreds of members and sympathizers actively operating and recruiting in America.
The program says it has identified at least 300 active, American-based ISIS social media accounts that are patrolling the Internet.
Their goal is, in part, to recruit home-grown terrorists every day, and help these recruits kill and terrorize Americans.
“ISIS-related mobilization in the United States has been unprecedented,” the report states. In addition to the 300-plus ISIS accounts on social media, as of this fall approximately 250 Americans have traveled or attempted to travel to Syria or Iraq to join ISIS.
But with social media, ISIS’ American operatives can make contact with people in every part of the country even with just a few hundred accounts.
“Social media plays a crucial role in the radicalization and, at times, mobilization of U.S.-based ISIS sympathizers,” according to the report. “The Program on Extremism has identified some 300 American and/or U.S.-based ISIS sympathizers active on social media, spreading propaganda, and interacting with like-minded individuals. Some members of this online echo chamber eventually make the leap from keyboard warriors to actual militancy.”
Main street says
Dunford is another yes man. In 3 years and 10 months the U.S. defeated the two mightiest and advanced militaries in the world, Germany and Japan. That was 70 years back. Today we hold back and allow brutal haters in the Middle East to brutalize and conquer. Lack of leadership. The large European nations are to blame to.
Vinny says
We are to blame and the European country’s as well for not simply standing up and disposing them before they had the opportunity to plant their cancer and turn every place they reside into a cesspool of hate and destruction. They will eventually have to be confronted and removed at any cost.
Richard Cunningham says
Simply because our “president” is one of them. He’s made it very obvious both in writing and speeches that when the chips are down he will stand with Islam. I don’t know what those who support Obama don’t understand about numerous acts of treason and treachery he’s committed. He wants to disarm the entire U.S. population when we should all be armed to the teeth since we’re going to have to fight for our very existence in the not too distant future.
Pam Ela says
Here is a quote from the book Barry Soetoro aka Barack Huessin Obama wrote:
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds turn in an ugly direction.” Barrack Obama – Paperback edition of “Audacity of Hope” Page 261
Why would Huessin want to protect our borders? He is ‘not’ with us! Google/or You Tube the head of Homeland Security and I swear he sounds exactly like Huessin Obama and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were related.
John says
That that quote is mild compared with the many, many others he’s spoken over the years:
Mike Gallagher, a radio host and conservative political commentator is the host of The Mike Gallagher Show. Someone wrote an essay entitled “Obama, it was You”. Mike read it on his show, and then posted it on his FB page, at the request of many. It is eye-opening! Here it is:
President Obama:
This is why you didn’t go to France to show solidarity against the Muslim terrorists:
* It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner -“I am one of you.”
* It was you who on ABC News referenced – “My Muslim faith.”
* It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
* It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -“I will stand with the Muslims.”
* It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Muslim.”
* It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
* It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
* It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
* It was you who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
* It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Quran.
* It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
* It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
* It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the WH.
* It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you have visited adjust their decor.
* It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
* It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.
* It was you who said that NASA’ “foremost mission” was an outreach to Muslim communities.
* It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
* It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree.
* It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
* It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
* It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
* It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
* It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
* It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
* It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
* It was you who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.
* It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
* It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
* It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events.
* It was you who was un-characteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, formerly America’s strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.
* It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. The above provides the basis for virtually everything Obama does.
Remember: Distribute this far and wide.
gary putman says
You my friend didn’t need to dig too deep for your information but you are RIGHT
Ed says
correct me if am wrong, did American vote for him including Jews , dumrats and liberals.
Juan TwoThree says
The problem IS Prez. Obongoloid and the ‘hancuffs’ he has put on our military who KNOW how to exterminate ISIS but they can’t becasue of the BS ‘Rules of Engagement’ Obongoloid has ordered our military to follow. What Obongoild has done by announcing dates, months, days ands times our military will be with drawing was an stupid and ignorant move, he tells our Air Force to drop paper leaflets to let the enemy know what and when we are going to strike a particular enemy position. EVERYTHING this BOZO has done in the middle east thus far has been a TOTAL failure!! Does anyone think he will EVER come up with a REAL STRATEGY to destroy ISIS??!! He doesn’t want to hurt any friggin MUSLIM, like he is!
Me says
Obama is not the problem – it’s the whole government. They were all a part of his illegal installation. Obama’s a Muslim, drug addict, gay hustler at best.
His speeches are written, the questions are controlled, the words are on a teleprompter. He’d be exposed immediately if the media was controlled by the government.
You can thank the past 50 years of all the members of the government for allowing illegals to flow through this country. Half the men married them & the rest would like to – they’d prefer the women in chains again, in this case it will be burkas though.
dovid blinderman says
Gene says
We all knew this was coming!
DixieBelle says
Seventy years ago we had real leadership, but not today. However, we can get it back by electing Donald Trump in 2016. Yo won’t be sorry.
Sher says
Glad I help the country out … and no big recognition from it either…
Barbara Sinelnikoff says
My question is, if they know they are on the internet trying to recruit people, that must mean you know who they are. Why can’t they just arrest them for treason or something like that against the U.S. ? It seems to me that what you print is only stressing out a lot of individuals that read these messages. Just wondering.
Geno Bouwens says
Very good point Barbara,
What the hell is really going on? I said it many times on previous posts in the comments.
We see pictures of ISIS parading in convoys waving their flags on bright sunny days without a cloud in the sky.
Why hasn’t anyone bombed the living shit out of these convoys to destroy them totally?
Now we have them on social media and our Intelligence won’t round them up. WTF am I missing here?
Bud webster says
Geno, don,t forget we gave satellites, they can track their movements even while there organizing these get togethers. The reason they haven,t met their 72 virgins, because they are serving a useful purpose for those who want America done away with and United Nations control over the earth
Rallen says
The new root of all evel is in the White House.The house needs to be cleaned out.The King of crime,smoke and mirrors.
Bud webster says
Barb, what it should tell you is that all this geo-political Isis crap is intensional ! If you know there is a play ground bully, does the principle of that school offer the bully boxing gloves to further insight his behavior?. These parasites live in the dessert. Very simple, drop a nucular devise on them, no foot soldiers, no money,, no more loss treasure, eliminate the threat from abroad .
Eileen Kolesar says
this is all planned out to bring in the new world order… they want to create chaos so they can give you their solution…plus they want to de populate the world so they have these killers going around to chop heads off.
Pete C. says
Eileen — Your point is spot-on!!!
John says
The reason is the same as to why criminals are released early or allowed plea deals. It’s well know that most criminals are career types. Repeat offenders are commit 80% commit or so of violent crime and murder. Yet the system allows them to be released early, only to repeat their crimes.
And yet the politicians illegally infringe on the 2nd amendment for the honest citizens, when they know who is actually causing the trouble. It’s a system designed to divide and conquer…the people.
DixieBelle says
Thy are arresting them Read the article.
They probably already had dinner with the black asses in our white house!!!! muslim pieces of shit out to kill EVERY American…. and the pseudo leader of the free world already replaced with Putin, kisses muslim ass!!!!
joseph muzzillo says
I agree with Deb you could not have said it better
a president that promotes muslim religon as beautiful , his father was muslim, his 1/2 brother is muslim
they blame there status on white America, get off your ass and go to work , get rid of the pie Face Michelle Obama
Her ass can carry a tray of Appetizer’s
Jacquie Johnson says
DEB RODRIGUES and Joseph Muzzillo you two are two of the most despicable “human beings” I have ever read anything from. Just to be upfront I am a black American born and raised in this country, college educated, and tax paying who doesn’t agree with everything that President Obama has done and said. Having said that I still will honor the office that he holds because he is the LEGALLY ELECTED LEADER of our country. For you to refer to him and especially his family shows how degenerate , racist, and bigoted you really are. Rail on him if you must but leave his wife and family out of your sorry postings.
They were not elected to the presidency so that makes them off limits.
Bud webster says
I,d agree with you Jackie, only problem is that is exactly what the progressives did with the bush family years ago. Can,t have it both ways, as far as Obama is concerned, why do all blacks consider Obama black? Since when is a person whom is biracial considered on race over the other? As an educated woman, you respect the doubling of out nations debt? Obama ran his entire campaign on the economy, that he was gonna fix it, not double it has he has, then blame his failures on the previous administration. When will you asshole progessive Marxist take responsibility for your actions? The black race deserves a much better representation as president then this Marxist loser. Ben Carson, Allen keys, Allen west, all Nobel men I,d vote for in a heart beat. Does that have me to be a racist?
rose says
I agree! I have family members that are half Black and half White and I LOVE them very much!
It does pain me to hear folks keep referencing Obama’s racial genetics. The color of the person means nothing with our concerns…it is what is in his heart (if he has one!) and his intentions/actions that is what is my concern! BUT, believe me when I say that I cannot stand him as a man, a muslim, and a traitor himself! I do believe that he and his cronies here in the USA AND EUROPE want nothing more that to institute the “new world order”, and to destroy any nationalism that people believe and are loyal to!!! This includes the craziness of creating such an unbelievable national debt to further their plans! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
I want him impeached as much as the other people on this site!!! He has shown time and again that the safety of the American people means nothing to him!!! It is definitely time to get him out…NOW! Thanks for letting me speak my peace!
Gary says
…and he WAS elected to the Presidency, so that makes him off limits also? Now then, every one “off-limits” can be a racist, (according to you, college educated bigot), but if a Republican so much as opens his mouth to this crap coming down on us, you start your name calling and offer no substance of proof of anything you protest.
You’re the one who should be shamed, Jacquie!!!
Jim says
Deb, Right on! I’m with you. Every muslim/isis idiot should be run out of our country, including their leader, Obama. All the mosques should be destroyed immediately, and our White house should be fumigated before “we the people” get a real America-loving patriot in there to stand up for our country. Please note: this has nothing to do with race! On another thought, Obama, most all of Congress, and 5 Supreme Court Justices should all stand before a firing squad for treason against our nation, especially during this time of war they’ve gotten us into.
Bruce Wood says
I wonder what they are really teaching in the Muslim Musk. I bet their teaching aren’t like they say they are.
Bud webster says
I can tell you Bruce , all infidels must either convert to a world wide califate( world Muslim religion) or die by the sword. It,s just that simple. suri chapter 4 of the kor on. They have been teaching and practicing this ideology for thousands of years, and have put it into practice as well, what do you think the crusades were all about?
Randy says
What would let anyone think they were NOT here in the US? The border is wide open, an estimated 6000 illegals a month cross in to our country every month… At this rate it wont be long till we look like a destabilized Europe. Close the freaking border or you won’t have a country .
Tom says
It is too late to close the borders. Now we need to take out those that are trying to make more ISIS terrorist from Americans. If the borders are closed then we can remove those that are bad.
Bud webster says
Well for one thing that would be trapped like the rats they are. Turn the national gaurd in every state on them, track them down then cut their heads off. Round up the Mexican nationals while your @ it. 2 birds one stone.
Patricia says
36 jihadist camps in America..
Bud webster says
And counting, hanks for the update, I stand corrected thank you
stanley says
if we are spending billions/trillions to “protect” ourselves with cia/nsa/fbi/hsa, etc, do you think they might pick up these terrorist recruiters and send them to guantanamo or? What the heck is going on in this country?
Tom says
Stanley: It does make a difference when our President doesn’t help but hinder anything we do. The borders have to be closed first, then we can cultivate them to pastures that’s where no one is.
Bud webster says
Close the boarders, what a joke, 1986 Reagan gives amnesty to 11 million. Funny that figure has never changed. That how stupid and naive Americans are. 7 years later the boarders were still open in 1992. I read in the New American magizine that between 10 to 13 million illegals were entering the country every year. Do the math, there are well over 200 million here now. That,s the price for not stemming the tide back in 1986, as the provision for the amnesty was the sealing of the boarders. The intension of the pagan Muslims was plan for all to see on 911. That was 14years ago, how many terrorists have come in during that period? And the asshole progressives still chant open boarders? All progressives are enemies of the state, and should be hung as the traitors they are. Start with their leader of the free world.
Burger Guy says
Not to mention that, if congress votes to allow entry to the US of 680,00 refugees from “The Middle East” over 10 years. it will only get worse. Presume that 250,000 of them are male. Sharia law allows each male to have 4 wives. I’m sure that some don’t take 4 wives but if 125,000 of them did and each wife had a child every 12-24 months, that 125,000 would increase to more than 750,000 new Muslims in less than 28 months. Lebanon, in the period of the 60’s and early 70’s left them in, too, and when they became the majority in 1975, they turned on the Lebanese. Our media called it a civil war. That was NOT a civil war, it was one demonized religion destroying another.
And we are asked to turn in our guns? Are we to go buy pitchforks? When ISIS gains enough ground here in the US and we’re needed to protect ourselves and our neighbors, is that all we’ll have to rely on? Bah! Humbug!
I hate to say it but it looks like we’re going to do the same thing we did with Hitler: wait until it’s so big that the only means to stop it is to bomb without regard as to who or what is on the ground.
Orris Herland says
The best way to end the problem, is to do what they did here in Dak. years ago when the gophers were taking over the farm land. You could get 3 cents for every gopher tail You turned in. Cut the welfare,and food stamps in half, and offer $100.00 for every right muslim ear problem gone.
frances quinn says
Patricia says
PTTA says
Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood Member. He hates Israel and America. I wonder when Democrats will decide to be Americas again. Is it Humane to ask our enemies, Muslims, inside our country, who will commit acts of terrorism? Or is it humane to protect our own women, kids and citizens inside our boarders who are Americans? Set up safe zones fr these refugees in Lebanon,and Jordan. Keep these terrorist Christian haters out and in heir own homelands. We do not need them, we can not afford them on our welfare programs.
Moe Verner says
Our enemies aren’t “the Muslims”… dear god. I hope you don’t own a gun.
Sal says
Moe, is that short for Mohamed?
Moe Verner says
Is Sal short for Salman? As in, Salman of Saudi Arabia? You folks give me such a chuckle with your comebacks.
Bud webster says
Moe the ahole, God is spelled with a Capitol G you ignorant bastard. And since 99% of all Arabs practice the tennets of the pagan muslim religion, the very one creating the worlds problems going back to the crusades over 1000 years ago, you either are one, or are a silly ignorant fool. I,d say your both.
Moe Verner says
40% of Arabs are Christians, you dope.
Moe Verner says
Pardon me, that’s in Lebanon. Overall it’s between 5 and 10. The power of research, buddy. Either way, you’re obviously not a particularly knowledgeable person on the subject.
Douglas says
The 40% of Muslims that are Christian, once vetted are more than welcome to stay in this country and join the fight against IS terrorists.
Bud webster says
Your mother,s the dope moe, she sired you didn,t she. You are nowhere on the intellectually level I am. The very idea your siding against America, and are a progessive Marxist says all need be said. For @ least 2 thousand years you progressives have tried and failed to build. Progessive utopia. Name on place it has succeeded ? Now who’s the dope besides your mother?
Ed says
Moe you are dreaming.
Orris Herland says
Right on.
Rob says
As I keep saying, look who is in the Whitehouse. Valerie Jarrett Muslim who wants more here. Parents are commies!
Hillary’s personal assistant Huma abedines mother is head of the woman’s division of Muslim brotherhood. John Brennan cia chief true Muslim that has been to Mecca. The whole administration is infested with this crap, plus a Muslim sympathizer Obama.
People are surprised why?
Main street says
I agree with most of what you say. However, Brennan a Muslim? He’s about as Irish-Catholic you can get.
Bud webster says
On the surface it may appear that way, only God Almighty knows what,s in a mans heart.
Jeannette says
Without God it will be virtually impossible to fight these monsters. Let us pray out loud!
Sal says
We’ll recite the Our Father as we kill them!
Moe Verner says
I love your optimism but I think we need a little more than prayer to fight this issue. Education is really the best way to solve any problem. We need to know our enemy, which means going back to the basics. Identify who the enemy is (hint: not all Muslims). Identify what the enemy wants. Read everything you can about the enemy, which especially includes their magazine Dabiq. If you haven’t read a single issue of Dabiq, you don’t know who you’re up against. Trust me… You guys have no clue.
Bud webster says
Your a great American Jeanette . God bless you, and all you hold dear… Dear.
Peter Giger says
Although Islam continues to be a nuisance in the US and a menace elsewhere I think we are taking the wrong approach. Islam is a form of “organized crime” like Neo-fascism, or Communism. The whole premise of their “organized chaos” or militarization is “war of attrition” via genocide like the Third Reich and Communism’s “class warfare” (war of nerves). Hitler gave a galling demonstration of the inevitability of defeat through his personal “last hurrah”: POLITICAL SUICIDE. These “governments” actually do not endeavor to create an environment of “domestic tranquility” which is why the US has endured and will perservere through these “tests”. Ironically, (besides “if it moves kill it”, or “shoot on sight”) I think the best solution is to stay detached, vigilant (armed where necessary) but take care NOT to animate them or predict their movements. This is how these parasites devise their assaults. Alone they are nothing but “spineless windbags”, who can’t even address the concerns of their peers.
Hog Farmer says
So, I would think our CIA agents are acting as recruitees and traveling to Syria to pinpoint the whereabouts of their leaders. As much as I hate this administration surely they are doing things behind the scenes we don’t know about.
By the way I think all refugees should be fed McRibs before being allowed to enter the country. If they refuse then send them back. If they don’t refuse then send them half way back.
Sal says
The moron in the White House is a Muslim, when are you going to get it through your head.
Moe Verner says
A) There’s really no proof of this (or reason to believe it, honestly) outside of conspiracy theorist circles, and B) it wouldn’t matter even if he was. Muslims aren’t the problem. Get that through your head. It’s not simple. It’s really complicated. Sorry, but you can’t boil everything down into easy-to-grasp concepts. If you do, we’re going to end up like Nazi Germany labeling, imprisoning, and killing the 2.5 million+ Muslims who live in this country. Don’t be stupid. We need to solve this problem intelligently. Part of that requires that you know thy enemy. ISIS doesn’t really follow much of the Qu’ran’s teachings, but a great source of their beliefs can be found in their magazine Dabiq (conveniently found online). Go learn. Then teach others. Education is the best weapon.
Jeffrey Cahoon says
He has admitted it on many occasions, what more “Proof” do you need?
Bruce says
Admitted what? He’s a Christian and he goes to a Christian Church not a Mosque.
Why do you keep saying that he’s a Muslim.
Bud webster says
You certainly don,t sound educated moe, nothing peaceful about the Arab race. They have been killing each other for thousands of years, and every other nationality as well. That,s what you not getting thru your own skull. History has a way of showing patterns of behavior. Perhaps you should stop telling others to educate themselves, and heed your own advise you hypocritical fool
Douglas says
As during WWII the big one, Japanese in this country were not a threat, however they were put in camps for their own protection as well as the rest of America because the leaders ay that time had no way to discern the patriots from the traitors. I say until we can know who is with us they must be counted as against us. Identify the patriots and shoot the rest.
Sal says
How secret can it be if you know. Death to the recruiters and death to anyone that is recruited.
Douglas says
Trac says
What many people don’t realize is our own CIA. Created, trained and is supplying arms to ISIS. Why do you think we haven’t wiped them out by now ? We could have long since destroyed all of ISIS if we wanted to. Our government doesn’t want to destroy ISIS, they are in league with ISIS. The sooner people realize that the sooner the rest of the story will become evident to them. Wake up America.
Carlos Stoffel says
We should pray and combat ISIS.
However we should not forget that PLANNED PARENTHOOD, kills more people than ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda combined. After killing them they sell body parts. All American children.
Also, don’t forget about DCF, that destroys more families than ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda combined.
The diference is that we finance Planned Parenthood and DCF with our tax dollars.
Let’s pray and ask the Lord to free us from alL this terrorist organizations. (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Planned parenthood and DCF).
Danny Stewart says
Actually, 301, they forgot to count the one in the WH.
Christiane says
So why are these people not deported, arrested or whatever. You can find me if I had a parking ticket but don’t tell me you cannot find those criminals.
Kevin Nicholson says
IS is carrying out Mohammed’s commandments So, yes political Islam is the deadly problem. Koran 47:4; 8:39; 4:157: 3:28
Just war is our duty to protect Christian culture and our constitutional republic. Christ’s followers must be willing to meet this challenge. They must be willing to wage war when it is just and they must be willing to wage it in a just manner. Most Muslims don’t take up jihad – yet most support sharia and IS. The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 51% of Muslim-Americans say that Muslims should have the choice of being judged by Sharia courts rather than courts of the United States (39% disagree). al-Jazeera Poll (2015): 81% of respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS). The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 25% of Muslim-Americans say that violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the “global Jihad (64% disagree). The US enabled, and supports IS as a Satanic geopolitical inspired global government plan. So we patriots must work to reinstall our constitutional republic by spiritual, political, judicial, and military means.
Leo J. Kolfschoten says
The main problem is that due to weak political leadership of USA there’s chaos in the Middle East. The worse is that even the world peace comes into danger more and more as a result of the forming of political blocks. Obama is on the side of Erdogan because both want the resignation of Assad. Why? Erdogan dreams of a great sunnite islamic Middle East and Europe, he don’t tolerate any opposition and take the chance to beat all enemies like the defenders of our freedom the Kurds obviously with permission of Obama. Mr. Obama thinks he can achieve peace when Assad resigned. The real problem is that Syria is attacked by IS and many groups of rebels. If the USA want to intervene than It’s the duty of an USA-president to respect and help to defend the legal rights of a souvereign country. There exist no ‘good’ and ‘bad rebels’. There only exist rebels who are deadly wrong, devilish wrong. This bloc is responsible for the destroying of Syria and the many deads. The NAVO and EU lend their willing ears to the meighty USA only and therewith they are also wrong. I admire Mr Putin and Russia, they follow with some allies the right policy and make the right actions.
Robert says
I think that Moe has an intelligent approach when he suggests reading their magazine online. My problem with that would be since nothing is hidden anymore, would reading that magazine then make me a target of our “intelligence” services? Sometimes I don’t know who our enemy is. I know who my enemy should not be, starting at the top, but I have to wonder. Being politically correct is part of the reason we are faced with the enemy from within. I used to be a Democrat, but the party left me when they deserted Israel, in favor of Israel’s enemies and our nation’s.
Bud webster says
Thank you Robert for your good candor, the idea that you saw what is happening and changed your own thought process tells me there maybe hope. I wish more people would look @ what’s going on and put country before party affiliations, if they don,t, not only will we be subservient to the United nations, but there won,t be any parties to be affiliated with
Matt R says
A demographic that is never published is ‘who’ is being recruited. All you get is 300+ people got recruited to ISIS. Are they Native American’s, Japanese American, Muslim American (you get the drift)? If it’s the race of people with Muslim ties, maybe we do have to profile people just to protect ourselves. If you’re an innocent Muslim, I’m sorry. But the question to you (Muslim American) is WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Tell us how American you are by riding America of this trash out to destroy Western Civilization.
A.W. says
Justin W says
The federal government’s handling of this threat seems to be one of total incompetence. Hopefully that is an act. Hopefully the government is using ISIS’s social media outreach to monitor and infiltrate the group. Hopefully they are able to identify and neutralize ISIS sympathizers before they have a chance to wreak havoc here in the U.S.
Bud webster says
Havoc is exactly what Obama and the puppet masters pulling his strings want to happen, this way Marshall law can be implemented, control over America can be handed to the United nation, and the entire world could then be under control by the puppeteers. Who,s Behind the puppeteers? Satan of course, who else could be come up with a plan so devilish?
Memaw says
Bud Webster is absolutely correct!! Why aren’t we, as Christians, standing against Satan and standing for truth and our Creator of the Universe and all that is in it, Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD. We may not as individuals be able to do much against this cancer of Satan, but we can pray, speak out, and testify (witness for Christ). As a nation, we have turned our backs on Almighty God. Can He be using our adversaries against us to wake us up to repentance as he did in the Old Testament. God Help Us!!
Lawrence J Nicvklemother says
Obama is a idiot who thinks he’s bright. Based on Americas policy of freedom and equality has to make some changes because there forms of Islam that is radical and who’s principals are savage and violent. This countries by book war rules are idiotic because the ISIS and other radicals have no rules at all and in addition trying to control ISIS by bombing is not doing anything buy causing more problems and additional recruits. Since the radical attacks in Paris All Europe and us are in danger of there is also us. Why don’t we use the war principals of Isreal Military that know how to deal with them and most of the Middle Eastern countries that are doing little. What the radical Islam group is doing is re-fighting the Historic Crusade and the most endangered is Europe.
tdarty says
Get your ammo ready dip them in pigs blood and reach out and give isis some pork blood they want get 72 virgins it will send then stright to hell
jo says
bruce, when did you ever hear of Obama going to a Christian church how can he be a Christian if he is a muslim?
I have never heard if him or his family going to church.
george richter says
Rumple Stiltskin says
ALL persons, whether foreign or domestic, who commit sedition or treason against our beloved country and our Constitution should be Killed. Kill them all before they kill us.
Keith says
It just like the Neo Nazi movement here in the U.S. during the war, once they are in the Country they have a Right to do what they do because of the Constitution. Arm yourselves and stand by; hell is coming soon.
David says
If you see one, shoot it.
Gary says
Hold your fire, it’s me again.
All we need is a “Tri-state Coalition” Read ‘Out of the Ashes’ by William Johnstone.
Keep your powder dry. G
Memaw says
I do not recall having ever written this before. If so, would you please inform me when and where??? In any instance, it deserves repeating. God Bless You, also.