Maybe trusting the Iranians wasn’t such a good idea after all.
Just as Senate Democrats yesterday were working to defeat a Republican challenge to President Barack Obama’s nuclear pact with Iran, we learned that Iran may not be the peaceful partner Obama has been promising.
The Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, promised in a speech Thursday to destroy Israel and that the country “won’t exist in 25 years.”
Opponents of the deal are pouncing on Khamenei’s words, warning that the same country that chants ‘Death to America’ just might have ill intent toward our nation, too.
Polls show that Americans oppose the Iran deal by a 2-1 margin. Here are the five key reasons why critics say the pact is a bad deal:
The Obama administration has not provided Congress with the text of two so-called “side agreements” that the International Atomic Energy Agency negotiated with Tehran. The law that gave Congress a chance to review the agreement for 60 days required the president to give lawmakers all relevant documents.
Republicans claim the 60-day clock never started and that they can’t cast votes on the deal because they are still waiting for all the documents.
Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., said, “We have members of Congress stand up and demand that they see the text of bills that rename post offices and yet this is a historic agreement and many of my colleagues are saying they are going to vote for it without even knowing what the details are about important components about how we’re going to verify whether the Iranian regime has complied with this agreement,” he said.
Opponents are outraged that Iran, a country that the State Department has labeled a state sponsor of terrorism, will be getting at least $100 billion in relief from economic sanctions that have choked Iran’s economy for years. They worry that Iran will use the money to ramp up its weapons programs and expand military assistance to forces in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and elsewhere that oppose the U.S. and its allies.
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew says that after sanctions are eased, Iran will be able to freely access about half of some $100 billion in foreign reserves. He said more than $20 billion is inaccessible because it is committed to projects with China and tens of billions of other restricted funds are in non-performing loans to Iran’s energy and banking sector.
On top of that, world powers say they’ll eliminate oil, trade and financial restrictions that have severely damaged Iran’s economy. Such action could create hundreds of billions of dollars in economic growth.
Opponents remain skeptical. “What do you think they’re going to do with the $100 billion? Do you think they’re going to build roads and bridges?” asked Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
Critics of the deal have said repeatedly said that the inspection guidelines outlined in the plan will not be rigorous enough to prevent Iran from cheating.
“Rather than anytime/anywhere inspections, the deal creates a process within which Iran can delay inspections for at least 24 days,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
Opponents say that Iran will still be able to develop nuclear weapons in the near future.
Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who was one of just four Democrats in the Senate to oppose the deal, said the deal only manages or works to contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
“My overarching concern is that it requires no dismantling of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and only mothballs that infrastructure for 10 years,” Menendez said.
As Obama neared a deal, Iran insisted that international restrictions be lifted immediately to allow Tehran to import or export conventional weapons and buy ballistic missile technology. In the end, Iran accepted the arms embargo for up to five more years. For ballistic missile technology, the ban expires after no more than eight years.
“The [Iranian] hardliners can use the freed-up funds to build an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) on their own as soon as sanctions are lifted and then augment their ICBM capabilities in eight years after the ban on importing ballistic weaponry is lifted, threatening the United States,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who also opposed the deal.
Even though opponents of the Iran nuclear deal can’t win in Congress, they aren’t going to go quietly.
Conservative Republicans are vowing to take President Barack Obama to court, claiming he has broken the law by not providing Congress with all relevant documents pertinent to the deal.
“This debate is far from over, and frankly, it’s just beginning,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Thursday. “This is a bad deal. … We’ll use every tool at our disposal to stop, slow, and delay this agreement.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
James Jones says
hE SHOULD HAVE PUT HIS TRUST IN THE ANTI-Christ he would be just as trusting so now he better give Israel the same and for someone with a higher ed. he’s not acting like it any body with common sence could see what would happen it’s like spending to much money oh thats ok we’ll just make more that well keep the doller strong.
Ed Balchen says
It’s time for United Statesians (erstwhile Americans) to wake up to the fact that Obama is a closet Muslim, will destroy Israel and the US while leaving Christians & agnostics to the mercies of Islam. Get your Korans & start reading.
Regina says
I won’t read the Koran. My Bible is what I have read and what I will continue to read. BO is pure evil in my book. The first time I ever set eyes on him, I felt he was evil. I can’t stand to look at him.
I truly don’t understand how he was ever voted in the first time and what is worse; those that voted the first time made the same stupid mistake again… They are and were truly blind.
rodney burke says
duh, I have been saying that for 3 years!
Nina814 says
The Ayatollah is predicting their own destiny.
steve edwards says
If the only way to stop this farcical deal is to IMPEACH Obama immediately
then DO IT!
He has used “executive order privilege”, to vastly undermine this country during
his second term. He was born to anti-American parents and is now trying to make
them proud of him.
Why was Congress NOT GIVEN all the related papers?
Why is the vote on this issue a farce since it will go through anyway even if vetoed
by Congress?
Frank Bort says
I am with you impeach this guy Obama;one of my latest thoughts about Obama is that he is acting as a wrecking ball.
Terry says
All of your legislators are idiots, they voted for a budget that none of them had read and approved it now they have done the same thing with this Iran deal. As Nancy Pelosi said before vote for it and wait and see what was in it. It’s time the American people get their heads out of their asses and clean house and I mean a total cleaning both parties, they all need to go and no long term benefits, term limits for everyone.
Regina says
I agree 100%!!!
C J Palmer says
I agree with all said
C J Palmer says
I agree with all you have said.
brad says
The country with nuclear weapons who is the greatest terrorist nation is a toss up at this point. Either the US or Israel. No legitimate denial there. Some say the US because we pull a Hitler all the time and invade under false pretexts – but much of what the rich people in this country get the political whores to DO is Zionist furthering of their old “Greater Israel” plan – to cover the land btwn the Euphrates and the Suez including up the eastern Med.
That plan was in place prior to the invasion of Palestine, and the war against the former, legal occupants. Today they are described as ignorant camel jockeys that even the arabs didn’t support – but that is propaganda. Look for pictures of Palestine in the 30s and early 40s. Looked pretty cool.
Richard Hetherington Sr. says
Perhaps we should erect a permanent “wall of shame” monument in Washington, D.C. that contains the names of those elected officials in our government who worked against the best interests of our country. This wall will be a reminder in perpetuity of the cowards who negotiated this disgraceful document and the dishonor exhibited by those elected officials who agreed to the terms of an agreement of which they knew nothing about. The wall will remind their descendants and all Americans that these individuals placed their own personal interests ahead of the possible destruction of our nation and, in the process, contributed to the needless deaths of millions of American citizens. Shame on all of them!
rodney burke says
I’ll even help build it! the congressional record in the last 20 years is shameful to say the least.
ScarletDove says
There is a price to pay for making a deal with the devil. And terrorist-loving Obama and his democrat traitors has just put a price on the world. The US got nothing but a price on our heads, but I wonder what Obama, the democrat traitors, McConnell and Boehner got financially out of this deal. Traitors all!
delbert chaudoin says
And this surprises who? The white house had that in mind all along. And the Brain Dead Morons( read Democrats) and the Yellow Bellied Cowards( read Republicans) will go along to keep from being called “RACIST” Hell with race. I say “Be an American”.
Viola Perry says
The CIA and the FBI both said they create stories and I believe this is one of them. Why would Iran announce their devious intentions in front of the whole world. I believe this story is created by our war monger so in order to proceed with their riches. Think about it. We have not learned from the lies about Iraq.
get real says
Viola get real, look at iran 30yrs ago, now come to the present and what do you see, the same iran. Obama is muslim and wants to take down America.
Murph says
Am I the only one who remembers Neville Chamberlain and “Peace in our times?”
Murph says
Did I misremember “Peace in our times?”
Seymour Pousey says
This is nothing but another Republican Propaganda campaign of disinformation. Sure the Republican Party who lied about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction, when we were already enveloped in a righteous War in Iran in removing the Taliban from power for giving quarter to Osama Bin Laden & Al-Qaeda. This in large part contributed to the Great Recession as waging these two wars simultaneously at an estimated cost of $24 Billion a month is the kind of leadership you want back in the White House? Face it…most of you who criticize President Barack Obama are racist fools who criticize everything he does, including giving the order to kill Bin Laden, save the country from a Depression with his Fiscal policies that saved the automobile Industry in this country and kept intact FEMA , which the Republican Candidate in 2012 Mitt Romney pledged to discontinue, however, the Republicans Governors who were supporting this policy like the corrupt Chris Christi of New Jersey could grovel any more than they did to get their hands on that FEMA Money so he could than use for political purposes, dole out to his political cronies while turning down 80% of the folks whose homes were destroyed in truly in need. Instead Christie was doling out the FEMA Money to towns inland that weren’t even touched by the Super Storm Sandy. God Bless President Obama & God Bless the United States of America.
drbhelthi says
Leaders of iran have repeated this chant for many years, BUT without taking action. Meanwhile, leaders of Israel had the UN create the 1948 land-grant, fraudulently named Israel, continues to conduct semi-genocide on Palestinians, and the MOSSAD-CIA conduct subterfuge throughout the Western World, the Mid-East and the Ukraine. Older CIA agents are whistle-blowing the truth, the closer they get to death, similar to death-bed confessions. In his seminal work, “The Secret Team, the CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World,” former USAF colonel, L. Fletcher Prouty unravelled and explained the truth in the 1980s. The CIA bought all copies of the 1st edition, delaying its publication for ten years. Colonel Prouty did not explain that more recently, that the CIA has been overtaken by the Israeli MOSSAD. A recent email hack of Netanyahu´s chief of staff revealed that Israel exercises control of the activities of ISIS, which is being used to spark another religious war between Moslems and Christians. Details at
Rumple Stiltskin says
Dear Mr. drbhelthi
Me thinks that the ‘doctor’ doth self-medicate too much!!. Time for you to find another doctor and ask him, “What the Hell is wrong with me?”
No other People on Earth have treated the self-named and appointed, “Palestinians” with more understanding, kindness and charity than the Israeli People. When is the last time the, ‘P’s were attacked or rocketed by Israelis ?? When is the last time the ‘P”s were threatened by Israel to be, “wiped off the face of the Earth ??”
As usual you quote Propaganda instead of facts.
SOON, God will deal with ALL of those who hate His chosen people both in the Mid-East and OBAMA and America as well. I Dread the Day!!
drbhelthi says
Your repetition of Israeli-Judaism propaganda is stale. The world has tired of the Apartheid of Judaism, and the fraudulent, incessant trumpeting of the chant, “we are God´s chosen people, and you may kiss our ass !”
When God decides, you will learn who God´s chosen children are. Remember what Jesus, whom you rejected, said about your religious society? “Ye workers of iniquity.”
Jacob Miller says
God is in control of everything. So I think the reason Obama is getting away with everything, and is doing what he’s doing, is that he’s being used as an instrument to usher in the “End Times”. That’s the only reasoning I can come up with. So we must repent of our sins and get right with God who is sending his Son Jesus to retrieve his own,.who have been save through the blood of the Lamb! Get your life in order. He’s coming soon! just look around and see the shape the world!
Jean says
You are so right. God puts people and nations in power and removes them at will, whatever he needs to accomplish His will. He uses our mistakes and our right choices to accomplish His will. Obama may think he is in control. Our government leaders may think they are in control but they aren’t. Praise God!! The bible says we do not know the day or the hour that Jesus will return so we only have now to get ready. There are only two choices life or death. Choose life accept Jesus now. We have the victory already through the power of Jesus blood. But, continue to pray for all of our leaders, because there is nothing like the power of prayer
JIC says
The Ancient Maps called Palestine Israel. A Roman General change the name to Palestine to get even with Israel; “Do the Research.” (DTR)
The Abrahamic Covenant from the God of the Bible, cannot be broken and will be fulfilled. (DTR) The God of the Bible did make a Covenant with the descendants of Ishmael; it includes other land that is not in the Abrahamic Covenant.(DTR)
There are up to 200,000 rockets pointed at Israel presently. (DTR)
The End Times and the Second Coming are “Our Blessed Hope” and the “Global Body of Christ” will be “Raptured” before the “Seven Years of Tribulation Starts,” In fact the Rapture will cause the Tribulation to start. (DTR)
One is led by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, to stay open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, tempered with Scripture and Prayer 24/7 and so one can only say that this is where they stand so far.
The End Times does not have to happen, 2Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (KJV) Falling way is the denial of the “Truth.” It is the Holy Spirit that leads one into all truth, helps them to gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding. John 16:13 (KJV) Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. The Holy Spirit hears from The God of the Bible; don’t try to totally understand all this because we can’t totally understand the Unfathomable God of the Bible, Deuteronomy 29:29 (KJV) The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. 1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV) 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Remember, when the End Times becomes irreversible, if it wasn’t for Jesus Christ coming back and stopping it all, “No Flesh would be saved!” Matthew 24:22 – And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
drbhelthi says
Yes. And, remember that Judaism rejected Jesus and continues to reject Jesus the Christ, while chanting that they are the special children of God.
GRE says
(ps.33:10)–the LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nought; he makes the thoughts and plans of the peoples of no effect.(ps.66:7) he rules by his might forever, his eyes observe and keeps watch over the nations.