While President Obama and his family soak up the sun on their taxpayer-funded Hawaiian vacation, yet another scandal is brewing back in Washington.
It looks like the Obama administration has been caught red-handed spying on Congress… again.
As first reported by The Wall Street Journal, the National Security Agency has been spying on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the past several years. The surveillance was initially authorized by both Obama and Congress over concerns that Israel would take unilateral military action against Iranian nuclear facilities.
But it doesn’t look like the spying stopped with Netanyahu.
According to the Journal, the NSA program expanded and included eavesdropping on conversations between members of Congress and Israeli officials and even American Jewish groups.
The private conversations were reportedly used by the NSA in intelligence reports sent to the Obama administration.
The flap comes after Obama promised in 2014 to stop spying on friendly heads of state, and a little more than a year after the Central Intelligence Agency admitted its staff had spied on employees of a Senate intelligence committee.
According to the Journal, the Obama administration is now concerned it is going to be accused of spying on Congress and private American citizens.
And the disclosure that the spying program had spun so badly out of control is causing what one official is calling an “oh, s— moment” for the president.
True Believer says
So what, Congress will do absolutely nothing. Just business as usual.
Arlene Mitcavish says
Congress has NO BALLS!!!!!!!!!
jack cole says
Anne Hogan says
Clinton was almost impeached for lying to Congress over sex…and this guy, obama, gets away w/treason. Congress is impotent – we, the voters, not the “pocketbook” voters, like Trump simply because we are sick of everyone in Washington.
Robert Pescatore says
Obama and his crony Democrats are fortunate that congress doesn’t have the guts to impeach him for all the treason he has committed.
Bill Bumgardner says
Dead on Anne. We
the peaple will not vote for any Carreer Politicians.
anita says
Bama needs to go to Prison ,the average Citizen would be ,but that Bastard gets away with all kinds of crimes ,put the son of a bitch in Prison
Steve says
Dude Clinton was impeached for unworthiness. It’s clear that you didn’t know your facts and or history! Tighten up!
James says
Well said Anne every politician is in bed with each other! All they care about is making sure they have plenty of money and benefits for the rest of their life! All this money is being taken from the working people!
Teeseeree says
Exactly. Obama is the only thing that has stopped Carter from being the worst ever. His numerous crimes are almost as much as Hillary’s, and she’s been at it a lot longer. Why is she even allowed to run, after being a major criminal since the ’60s?
Trump Trumps!!!
Ofra Bendavid says
The problem is we have one big Demo rat party, The Republican Party died with the election of the Muslim in the Oval Office.
Nolan Raborn says
Muslim COMMUNIST in the oval office.
Don Edwards says
I disagree. The Republican Party didn’t die when a Muslim was elected. It was already dead in 1988, and Bush was definitely not a Muslim.
Teeseeree says
NOT “election”! Outright CHEATING his way in, and not even trying to hide his many crimes and misdemeanors.
Annick Stiefel says
They are afraid to lose their pay checks.
Paul Coolidge says
Truth, our government is totally sold out, and corrupt Liars, very last one of them! They sure did not give this much time to Nixon, and he only did a fraction of what this JERK Muslim, has been allowed to get by with!
Sheila says
Amen preach on this prick has gotten away with even murder along with Hilery Clinton and stupid people will still vote for her! They murdered those people in Bengassi and have done so much evil and they just get away with it and they both should be sitting in prison but, instead she’s aloud to run for the most important job in the country! It amazes me how idiots voted a Muslim in and now they want to put a murderer in what’s wrong with this country have they all gone mad?
Teeseeree says
AND, Hillary has been a murderer LONG before the Benghazi thing. She made sure a lot of her sick husband’s enemies wound up dead, “mysteriously”.
Nancy Thomas says
Power, money, and blackmail……They all have something they are hiding……They are nothing but a bunch of thugs! THEY do Not, represent the American middle class, and are doing their best, to destroy what is left of it…….Treasonous….They should all be thrown out!! And they are doing all they can, to keep Trump from getting the nomination…
Terry says
Obama may be spying, but he’s never had any balls….
mike says
Yea I think moochelle has them.
Sam W says
YEP! Michelle wears the pants in that marriage. But why shouldn’t HE……
Yankeelady says
Nolan Raborn says
Gerald Mann says
No His butt buddy Michael/Michelle has the balls in that bedroom , that’s whe the press is not permitted to take pictures of it when it is facing into the wind , Google is Michelle Obama a man ! Several Biology experts explain why it ain’t no lady !! The General Officers are permitted to take Obama into custody if they know Treason has taken place , We all know of several acts of Treason by Obama, Clinton, and that piece of trash Attorney General of Obama’s . Question is why to we have our sworn enemy’s , Muslims in the White House working in critical positions ??
Annick Stiefel says
Do you think Obama is gay? Or bisexual?
Ronald E. Riggs Sr. says
Agree. this thing living in my White House has no balls and congress and all the others up there living off the people are like our ball-less president, otherwise he would have been removed long ago and maybe jailed for splitting this country and supporting all the protesters, and destruction of this country.. America, where are you and our once great leaders and GOD fearing country???
Cal yakubik says
Love him or hate him, all the more reason to consider Trump! NOTHING GOOD can come out of Washington any more.
We need to dismantle this corrupt house of cards!
Paul says
When crown Prince Obama overrides, goes behind and flat-out ignores the rules of the game, while media labels Congress “The party of No”, how can Congress be blamed when O plays the tired old white racist card and is given the usual green light by the spineless media?
jer mynor says
Dell Stone says
Keep comments clean or get off the thread.
jerry says
it is what it is. truth hurts
Charles Tilley says
I agree with Gary about Obama , if the truth hurts . Get off the site ,you don’t have to like it .
Marilyn King says
Obama is not a pres. at all, everything he has done has hurt America. I don’t blame BiBi for being upset, Obama is spying on Israel for Iran, but no matter Israel will destroy Iran or any Country that goes up against them, countries have been trying for 4000yrs to destroy Israel because they have God protecting them, Obama is just gonna get a country wiped out!!
Pebodie says
Obama is hoping it is Israel. Israel could take Iran out in 7 days. I know why Obama hates Israel because he is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. BiBi knows how to prepare and carry out a war. Obama is was and will always be a community organizer. NOTHING MORE!
Annick Stiefel says
Exactly right!
Cricky says
Wait…he can’t organize his words of what to say..let alone anything else!
cyndy says
John Warnke says
If you’ve read “Rules for Radicals” by his idol, Sol Alinsky, you’re realize that is a misnomer . He is really a community DISORGANIZER The idea is for him to tear it down, and rebuild it back in the model that he favors > SOCIALISM as in this case. ergo; TREASON .
pam moore says
Marilyn King is absolutely correct….
America should pay attention! Obama has done everything against America and everything he possibly can to promote Muslims (closet Muslim at a minimum)…but God will NOT allow this to stand! America must stand against Obama’s policies now or reap God’s wrath! If you want to be blessed… bless Israel! If you are against Israel… God will be against you! Spiritual truths! I don’t mind God being against Obama, but I sure don’t want Him against me… and I am under the leadership of Obama… that is the problem of having Obama as our so called President.
dizynor says
BO could be impeached, however, the Senate won’t remove him from office without having a super majority, and they don’t.
Jeffrey says
I will never be under obumbler’s leadership! If you notice he is very scarcely referred to as “president “, the media usually just calls him obama or mr. obama, they don’t even recognize him as the President!
Nolan Raborn says
Michael! obummer is not legally the president as he was not legally able to run as predident.
Arnolds Mullins says
You are so true Israel will destroy any nation that try to destroy it.god promise it come again God.they better read God word.obamain for a shock God got is number vengeance is mine say the Lord God Amen
Jim Evans says
God has nothing to do with it.
GK says
Mr. Evans, God has everything to do with it. He controls everything in the world. Nothing happens without his say so. Any nation, including the United States, that goes up against the Land of Israel will answer to the Almighty. Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior will come again and wipe out all nations who goes up against Israel. This is the “Promise Land” given to Israel long ago by God himself. It was foretold that Israel is Gods chosen people and no one can stand or take that away from them. In the “End of Days” there will be Twelve Armies that will go up against Israel and they will all fail before a Mighty God, because of Gods Promise. So, go ahead. Go against the word of God and see what happens. Look at what God did against the armies of Pharaoh.
Linda says
Yes, this is what the Word of God says…… isn’t it ironic that there is so much complaint about the country, the leadership, the government, but the troubles began with the same mentality of Mr Evans….. that ‘God has nothing to do with it’……….. Oh, that blind eyes would be opened!!!
patsy miller says
@Marilyn King: Amen to that!!
Yankeelady says
Israelites’ are God’s chosen people
william g munson says
He should have to step down or be Impeached now I don,t see anything about spying on Muslims or Isis
Annie says
The extent of the US damages should call for HOUSE ARREST, since Amendment XXV- tells us that Obama has already announced to All of America, Congress, The US Supreme Court, the Illegal Aliens
allowed by Obama to invade America, that He never planned to Honor His Presidential Oath, nor was He
going to discharge the American Presidential Duties of Office. He definitely is not on the same lists of
Great American Presidents, and Patriotic Americans. So where is our US Judicial System, which should
have arrested The DNC in the 2012 Corrupt Presidential and VOIDED the entire election. And arrested
Obama for the disgrace He is and The Crimes in the Oval Office, IRS, Benghazi, Common Core brain-washing American children in Muslim chants, Muslim writings, Muslim Mosque visits, and a madman’s
distorted rewriting of the American History Books of CRAP. Then investigate the innocent US Military
members locked in prisons for 26yrs, for doing their jobs in Iraq, and Afghanistan. America got rid of
Saddam Hussein and his torture of His country’s citizens. Do NOT Count on Obama leaving his palace
at the mandatory end of His reign. Soros’s puppet has more plans for America, with Clintons, and the members of Congress who have been recruited by Obama.
patsy miller says
@william g munson: Good point!
Rosech says
Sad, but true. Our representation is an empty hole. Of course, communists spy on any government officials, but years past they just eliminated them in other countries. Don’t suppose that will happen here or could it? Since the Supreme Court and Congress backs the creature in the Executive Office, doubt it.
William I Kirkland says
The Pentagon Generals should take over in a coup and get this country back onto the Constitution and everyone who aided and abetted Obama to violate the laws of this land and the US Constitution should be arrested and tried. An election should be held to elect new officials for
congress and a new president and vice President of the USA and Turn back over to the American People for this is what it will take to get this corruption and failure to govern in the interest of the American People.
Neal says
So what? He is supposedly the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! HIS ACTIONS, if true, make pale WaterGate by NIXON! Congress is a part of the ESTABLISHMENT JUST LIKE THE SEATED PRESIDENT IS! This Jack.. in the White House is NOT above the LAW of this Country regardless of Congress’ past actions! If he did this, IMPEACH HIM!!!!!!
Robert says
Robert Says: Hey Folks, You can’t IMPEACH him and he knows it. that is unless you want a race WAR and he knows it and so do all his buddys.I for one say bring it ON !!!
Maxx says
Has anyone noticed that spying by the U.S. government has exploded exponentially since Oblowhard showed up? Remember when the government mandated all TV’s be converted from analog transmission to digital? According to the government this was done in order to provide “superior TV reception”. Really? The sole reason for the switch to everything digital was because digital is much easier to intercept and compress. And if you believe that Obama’s latest rule to stop the NSA from collecting everything digital, there’s some land in Florida that is a good deal. Government intrusion is like every government program, once in place it is never eliminated.
Samuel Ulsaker says
I have “spied” on muslims. Obama is a muslim and this is what I found out. Don’t forget the levels of secrecy:
1. Secret
2. Top secret
3. Confidential
4. Shoot yourself if you tell
This information is at “level 3.
This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. And send it on to everyone. Maybe this
is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.
Can a good Muslim be a good American?
This question was forwarded to a friend who worked
in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:
Theologically – no.
Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.
Religiously – no.
Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam.
Scripturally – no.
Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the
Geographically – no.
Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns
in prayer five times a day.
Socially – no.
Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make
friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically – no.
Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual
leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and
destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically – no.
Because he is instructed to marry four Women and
beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him.
(Quran 4:34 )
Intellectually – no.
Because he cannot accept the American Constitution
since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes
the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically – no.
Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow
freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam
cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either
dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually – no..
Because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’
The Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is
NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever
called love in the Quran’s 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation…
Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL
MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot
be both ‘good’ Muslims and ‘good’ Americans.
Call it what you wish, it’s still the truth. You had
better believe it.
The more who understand this, the better it will
be for our country and our future.
The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!
The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within.
patsy miller says
@Samuel Ulsaker: WOW!! THANK YOU for sharing all the significant related points, but I would ONLY ADD that this list would only apply to Muslims who follow and practice ISLAM. Not ALL Muslims do.
But EVERY point is TRUTHFULLY LAID-OUT; and those who continue to refuse to face TRUTH, foolishness and deception have overtaken you.
Yankeelady says
Sam well said. You have a great head on your shoulder. You wanna run for President?
Yankeelady says
Sam well said. You have a great head on your shoulder. You wanna run for President?
Jay smith says
Congress may have not been doing anything as far as running the country was concerned because Obama was in a position to blackmail members depending on what his spying revealed about what the congressman was doing.
Cal yakubik says
WORST CRIMINAL (besides Hillary) to ever set foot in the White house! Now – let’s go, Libs, tell us once again how bad Richard Nixon was!
Diana says
They need to demand his resignation now and we as well need to demand it or drag his a$$ out in handcuffs and put in federal prison waiting for trial on Treason, Dereliction of Duty, and all our Constitutional Laws he has broken, much less all his lies he has been caught doing and saying plus his abuse of excitive orders, which if we can should outlaw no one should ever have that kind of power in this Country.
John G. says
You are correct. We have a lame duck Congress, run by Democrats way to far to the left. If Hillary or Saunders get in, it will be true Socialism.
day says
Now you know why congress is in ovomit’s back pocket… HE HAS DIRT ON THEM ALL, AND IS BLACKMAILING THEM,,,,
Jay P. says
Not to mention, 0blama has every name, location of Congress’s, Supreme Court Justices’, etc., family members- including their children…
So much for the concern of ‘the children’.
DJH Truth says
They are not being blackmailed. They sold their souls a long time ago. All of this political turmoil and back and forth with lies and rhetoric is a charade! America is on course irrevocably toward God’s judgement and the world toward satan’s 7 year rule just as proclaimed in the Bible. The New world order the elder Bush declared as succeeding is here and waiting in the wings for their puppets to install it. American’s rights are being stripped daily and the judgement God has ordered, ( The drought in the West) and the chaos that will follow is the excuse Obama will use to stay in power by declaring indefinite martial law. He will imprison millions of citizens under the guise of feeding them and then force them to make a choice between God and lucifer. Starving or dying to proclaim Christ as King or accepting the chip and sacrificing their souls and selling their birthrights as Esau did in the Bible for food! No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast or the number of his name!
The antichrist will soon be revealed and everything written in the Bible about these LAST DAYS will come true. Plagues, wars, persecution, beheadings, famine,etc. It sounds good huh? Think these are the ravings of a madman? Think again or even better READ AGAIN. Most importantly make sure you’re in God’s family through his son YESHUA (JESUS) before it’s too late. That’s the smart thing to do!
Gary A. Anderson says
Is it not clear our unilateral, partisan, president believes himself privileged & above the law? Is our “red line” president not beyond “containment?” Has he not re-defined the meaning of “transparency?” Does he not consider himself beyond criticism, beyond surveillance & beyond monitoring from both members of Congress & the public? Are we not the “JV” pawns he hopes to “degrade?” Thus, our puffed up, egotistical, elitist, president continues to live a life of self-gratification. In short, excuse my hiccups, but Obama’s perception of self encourages his one-sided, prerogatives to circumvent our Constitution & the people’s wishes for equal economic opportunity for all.
Rod says
True Believer, look what happened to Nixon for spying on the DNC Headquarters. Congress certainly acted then.
Ed B says
But Nixon was hated by progressives including Hitlery and the LSM. obo is their hero.
Fernleaves says
I bet Congress won`t act on Obama to impeach. Apparently, impeachment is only for white presidents. Racism only seems to work one way – especially if members of Congress are being black-mailed.
Marilyn King says
This group of ppl in the House are afraid too impeach a black man, hopefully Paul Ryan will have him impeached, the House has soul power too have a president impeached, the only reason is, is because Biden will take his place, the whole Obama admin. should be impeached!!
Sue says
I totally ageee with Marilyn King!!!!!
Annick Stiefel says
Greg says
The same Ryan that just gave Obama all he wanted?
Nolan Raborn says
Ryan is a closet democrat (spelled rino) himself.
marcy bernstein says
I have been saying for a long time that the people in Congress are afraid of Obama
because he has too much dirt on them. This is one of the reasons Congress will not
impeach him. Must be a nice feeling for Obama to be able to rule without opposition.
These Representatives in Congress are COWARDS, are they really doing so many
illegal things that they are afraid the American people will vote them out if all of this
dirt came out ?????
Fernleaves says
Yeah! Obama is a threat to them & so they won`t do anything that would upset the apple cart.
Aspergus Hermann says
Obama had the 870 billion set up on the on set
and he use’s it to bribe congressman etc.
You dis agree? well then were is the money
jerry says
this is why Trump is so popular
GenEarly says
Con-gress is just another portion of the Feral Gov.including the Soopreme Ct. Injustice Jesters, they all live in their DC bubble, covering for each other while “squabbling” at sElection time for the sheeples back home. Chamberpot Repubs represent Big International Business/Banksters and Marxist Democrats represent the same, but with more emphasis on Big Gov pogroms for their welfare class voters.
John says
Habitual Liar in Chief
Fernleaves says
Obama & this administration have no respect for anyone who doesn’t wear the same rose colored glasses that they wear. They feel they are above the law & can do whatever they want. It is no wonder that we don’t believe anything Obama says.
Mark Gehrke says
How is this different from Water Gate? We know what that president was forced to do. What is it going to take for people to say enough is enough!
FRED says
You are absolutely right , can some body tell me what’s it going take to get this SOB out , enough, is enough
is enough , is enough of this SOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andy says
I think it’s safe to assume that no one in the Obama administration will spy on any of the 5 million plus Muslim in the country. That’s not going to happen.
jonnie thomas says
Well what can US citizens say? We have been asking Congress to get Obama out of office for over 2 years. We are as upset over Congress as much as Obama.
James says
Is this the opportunity to begin impeachment proceedings to end Caligula incarnate’s reign ?
Judie K Kopfman says
If there are laws to be broken, then it will come from Obama, and Congress will continue to do absolutely nothing about it. It’s about time to replace all of them, to include the president and his cabinet.
Arlene Mitcavish says
Here we go again nothing will be done. What about the Road closed signs due to Marshall Law. He is up to no good. We have to watch him every second he is selling us out. Trader Trader,
Dell Stone says
That’s Martial Law. Do any of you Horn readers go to school?
Randy Brunet says
You missed traitor, maybe you need a refresher course too!
Marilyn King says
The gov’t has bought 7 Wal Mart stores, filled them up with Military equipment, Fema camps all over the place too lock those up that go against the laws!!
Dell Stone says
Oh, you mean “Put a black man in the White House” – your racism is obvious.
Sue Petty says
Pedophiles, thieves and liars don’t want citizens to know their secrets. They will do anything to keep their ill-gotten gains and lifestyle.
gary says
He’s not black completely. Remember his black dad if you can call him that banged his white mother and left them. What a background. If you want a real black president vote for Ben Carson.
Nolan Raborn says
Well Dell Stone, you see what “Putting a black man in the White House” got us, right? Maybe racism is justified! It sure would have been this time!
Sue Petty says
Pedophiles, thieves and liars don’t want citizens to know their secrets. They will do anything to keep their ill-gotten gains snd lifestyle.
Ron C says
The biggest thing is…. Federal law enforcement & DOJ won’t do a damn thing about it, because they all want a “police state”….
Lawrence Oravetz says
Those who say ” Oh, well Congress will do nothing ” are part of the problem. Are there laws on the books now that define how the entire government can be replaced ? If so, replaced by whom? If not, why not? Are the citizens of the United States willing to become occupied by a foreign nation? The opportunity is ripe now since our military can’t put up a proper defense. The majority of citizens don’t care to educate themselves about the dangers that exist now. Would there be a citizen resistance to an occupation? These things can happen and too soon for me. Which cities will fall first? Who would defend them? Most of the public only ASSUME there is a plan . Is there? Recall how effective the protection the government supplied after Katrina was. If you become unconcerned or complacent, then your future is well defined. If you get up off your collective asses, then changes will occur, not by the politicians, but by the citizens who see the failure of the present government and make the changes themselves.
Bob Mcallister says
There is a problem with all of this. A Goverment is supposed to be for the people but in contrast the people in the Goverment are there for themselves. What we need is transparity in all sectors of Goverment. If they fail to work for the people then have them removed from office. If they accept money from outside sources put them in jail. We need a Goverment that in fact works for the people and not for themselves or groups that have what they want and not for the people. They take an oath, make them honour it.
Sue says
You are correct with your information. Any idea how to accomplish this?
Diane says
I had voted for Obama the first time, but when things started going poorly; I started researching Obama’s activities about the time he would have graduated college. I have read many things where it appears he has been involved with the International Brotherhood of Muslims since before he was out of college. This would explain why we no longer have a National Day of Prayer but yet he had worshipped in the White House with this organization, his hatred of Jews and Israel. The thing that really got me worried was the Islamic Indoctrination in some of our public schools. I read where the Federal Govt was not going to give the school systems needed grant money unless they signed a document stating that they would include learning Islam in their teachings. I read where 7th graders were being made to recite an Islamic prayer and pray to Allah. Prayer was taken out of the public school systems 30 or 40 years ago. I also have read that in 2012 we have had 100,000 people to become U.S. Citizens and since that time we have allowed 680,000 of the Muslim faith to enter our Country. So my question is “WHY has this Administration allowed this”? I am not against Muslims but something is going on in our Country. Why would Christians be stoned in America at a Muslim event???????????????????????
Greg says
Islam is a world take over cult, masquerading as a religion.
Rosech says
Read this article and will find out what islam really is and from a very credible source: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/12/27/thomas-aquinas-distrusted-islam/
Diane says
Good article on Islam!
Rick Worthngton says
Islam is NOT a religion. It is an ideology, and the pres. real name is Barry Soetoro, born as a Muslim in Indonesia When all Americans look behind the scenes they will find out and realize the real truth. If Donald Trump gets elected (we’re keeping fingers crossed here!!) then America’s gotten a real chance of getting back on track.
Nolan Raborn says
Why has this administration allowed this? Because obummer is a muslim. Why did you vote for him the first time? Because you are industrial grade stupid!
Lawrence Oravetz says
If you compare the present government to Britain at the time the American Revolution took place, then you can see the time for American Revolution 2 is becoming a viable method for the public to deal with a government that is so corrupt that the safety and protection of the citizens is a thing of the past. Read a history book to see how it was handled back then. Remember, there are a lot op people who think history will repeat itself.
Linda says
Very True Lawrence. But then you also have to have people who have become ‘selfless’ in their desire for revolution. American people are very self centered and consumed with power and greed……. just a thought…..
Sue says
The House has started the impeachment of Obama. What additional information is needed to impeach & trial for traitor???? Please…… get him out if office, and let an honest person govern until the election.
Neal says
“Bungling Joe” is not an HONEST MAN and HE IS NEXT IN LINE!!! More ESTABLISHMENT RULE!!
Greg says
Congress won’t use the power of the purse against Obama, so why would they do their duty to impeach?
Bob says
You reap what you sow! The American people keep reelecting the same old boys and expect things to change, WAKE UP America it’s time for term limits. Congress and Senate two terms, President one six(6) year term. New blood is needed the stagnation is smothering.
Jack says
Never forget that there is a bigger warfare going on in the world than what goes on between flesh and blood. That warfare is spiritual. And darkness hates the Light. However, the Light will always prevail because it is Truth. Men freely choose what they want to believe and who they want to follow (Darkness or Light) and that is the whole reason that mankind has been put on this only inhabited planet in this gigantic universe. We are taking a test to see who is going to believe and choose the Light. Those who do, will spend eternity in fellowship with God their Creator. Those who do not will spend eternity in outer darkness where there is no Light.
Linda says
You are right on, Jack. … as it has been from the beginning!!
People returning to the God that Blessed America and made it strong is the only ‘salvation’ for the American Government. But…. even those that call themselves ‘believers’….. can they really lay down their own agendas of power and greed to do what is Right(eous) and restore this once mighty nation? I believe in the Power of Prayer. If all who are burdened for this nation will pray, yes, we could have a ‘revival’ of TRUE “CHANGE” in this Country. May it be so, Lord God!
Meriam says
Amen. The truth is that Great Controversy between Good and Evil is raging from the beginning of this earth’s history. There is a greater power behind the scences.The Dragon is enraged w/ the woman. We are all participants in this big drama. The end of this earth’s history is coming to a close and we have to choose who do we follow,Christ who Created the heaven and earth? or the Devil the Destroyer of this world and humanity. God gives us freedom to choose because He is love but the Dragon oppresses ,but many will be beguiled to his company because the Dragon is the Great Deceiver. But Christ is the Conqueror. His principles are based on Love ,His true character .Soon and very soon He is coming again and his reward is w/ him and give to everyone according to their works. obama and his cronies are already rallying themselves behind the banner of the Dragon that are soon to be destroyed. So Choose you this day whom you will serve.
Spion says
It’s like that piece in Stratego that can kill the marshall
mar says
Shelia Minor says
What ever is going to be done with the White House like impeachment the best thing to do is pick his a_ _ up and throw him out and the rest of his puppets, if it doesn’t get done soon we are not going to have a United States of America by the time the elections come around and yaw know exactly what is going to happen and as fast as he is moving to get crap done that yaw know is wrong they had better get something done quick , so if its going to be impeachment time is running out , America wake up look and see what is going on , I Love my Country and I want to keep it , how about it do yaw want to keep it or do you want to lose it ( think about it but not to long )
milton says
like i have said before they (the military) needs to take action and put them all from president to congress & senate & F.D.A. E.P.A. D.E.A. etc. on Guantanamo bay and sort them out and give them the appropriate sentence for their involvement for each case that has broken the constitution . and for treason life imprisonment. which is exactly what this administration has done treason. because they swore under oath (of course the Koran allows lying in certain cases I’ve read a lot of it ) to uphold the constitution the law of the this land. the military has fought and died for this. what is wrong with them? they are our last line of protection from these guys. our generals are going soft … they don’t need to ask to do their jobs. i think the white house has stacked the cards against the people and the people may have to take it back the hard way. that’s why the constitution says we need a strong militia which is what they have been dismantling.
Robert says
Right on, They need to put him in Gitmo with the rest of the Muslim radicals.
Mark says
Why would anyone be surprised by this? He is a community organizer from Chicago! I’m only surprised that he actually got caught.
Diane says
If you all will really research Obama, you will come to a conclusion of why things are the way they are. We were all tricked. The Democratic Party should have done a better screening on him but I guess they saw they could win. I was a Democrat at that time and I thought he was great. I have since turned to Republican just to get all of those people out of the White House. I guess that I’m more in the middle of both parties now. But, if both parties are rigged then why bother to vote. I will vote this time but both parties are making me ill.
Robert says
We welcome you switching over, But it was all out there about this guy before the first election and even more by the second one, He hung with socialist, went to the church of “God Dam America” That his favorite preacher ran.
Had his College records sealed. Why was that? that was so no one would see he applied for scholarship’s as a foreign student.
There were so much reasons out there to not vote for this guy.
Ginny says
They won’t impeach Obama or do anything else because we all know that would cause an uprising from the blacks. America can’t afford that either. The president has done nothing to help the blacks and they have the highest unemployment record. Obama could have helped low income families by giving them training for a good paying job. But instead he has divided the blacks & whites more than ever. When is our government going to help the citizens of the USA instead of sending taxpayers dollars to other countries that hate us. Use that money for our own people for a change, no more homeless people, no more seniors having to decide whether to buy food or medicine. And no more children going hungry here in USA. Instead of sending that money to other countries, it’s time our government took care of American’s.
Linda says
Good Observation, Ginny!
Annick Stiefel says
Another great comment.
Sculpty says
It makes me sick, to see what, Obama has gotten away with, in the last 7+ years..No other president in the USA, would have gotten away with it..Why???? he is just as much white as he is black….So, go figure?
Joe Cilc says
Congress is a joke, Obama owns them, Our new speaker of the house lied to us to become speaker. I have been a Rep. for 47 years and i am fed up with the leadership of the party. It is time to throw them out.
Joe says
Congress is a joke! Obama owns them. Our new speaker lied to us to become speaker. We need to throw the bums out.
Jim says
It really is a shame that there aren’t at least 3 or 4 good, patriotic congressmen who care enough for the U.S.A., and have enough balls to literally toss that traitor down the White House steps, along with all the rest of the candy-asses in Congress, followed by at
least 5 Supreme Court Justices. Then just maybe, we could come up with enough real, country-loving men and women to get our
nation back to the God-fearing nation that it started out as. (The real God that is; not the one the muslims are bowing down to).
gary says
Odumbo is going to be the worst piece of shit president to go down in history.
Diane says
What I want to know is how did all of these things in our Country go wrong and nobody was noticing? The things that are happening today, I just can’t believe they are happening. Americans really need to get out and vote this time.
Meriam says
Yes, we all nèed to go out and vote, but who do you think will be the best among them? Trump, who has a loud and dirty mouth? He is the type who can do executive orders everyday whenever he wants to may be worse than obama. His speeches are shallow. He is just like a shallow water that runs noisy. I doubt his conservativeness as he claims. What about Ted and Marco? They are part of that useless Senate. Look closely who are their supporters.? They are those who have vested interest to corrupt our government or who already are corrupt.Marco? His supporters are for Open Borders, support illegals and refugees. Jeb, he too is for illegals before the citizens. Christie ? He hugs Democrats. Hilary? The liars of all liars. She wears face mask to hide her true identity but truly she is not a people person. Once she gets your vote, your done, Goodbye. I’ m on my way to round you all up like Bisons and dump you to all the empty wal-marts that obama prepared , the FEMA concentration camps or Guantanamo. Fiorina seems to bè sincere and strong. I hope she is true to her words. What about Ben Carson? He does not ask monetary support from crooks but to the lowly citizens. He seems to be sincere,his words resonate the peoples’ cry, cause he had been there. His campaign words go deeper in the thoughts of people. He wants to solve the nations’ problems from its roots and not just slamming a bandaid over the wound. He wants the people to parcipate in the healing of this nation. He does not claim to be expert as president, but he is open minded, he could use the expertice of advisers but not bully his subordinates and ignore their advices just like what obama does. So, let’ s all vote wisely and let our our voices be heard otherwise suffer the consequence of our silence.
Nolan Raborn says
Diane, that is a good question! Why did you vote for that criminal without researching him first? There were thousands of people like you who just voted for who the democrat/communist party told you to vote for. You are just as much to blame for this shit as anyone!
Charles Tilley says
Obama has broken about every law we have in America , He violates our Constitution , he Violates Americans rights . He has tried to disarm all Americans . Americans need to deport Obama out of this country . Maybe to a Muslim Terrorist country where he feel comfortable . After all he has been protecting ISIS for years . Obama need to be removed from Congress at once .
Annick Stiefel says
Excellent comment.
I agree completely with the majority consensus, Obama should be impeached and it should have happened long ago. Unfortunately it won’t happen because of the corrupt administration we are under. He has put our great AMERICA in a very vulnerable position. It’s a disgrace and humiliation to know so many ignorant, morons here in America voted for hiim. BilL Clinton and Nixon were saints compared to the treasonous Obama administration were currently have and that includes , Mrs Hillary Clinton.
Linda says
Obama and a ‘Promise’?!?! A total Oxymoron. We all know his ‘fingers are crossed behind his back’ anytime his mouth is moving…….
David says
Cowards in the House and Senate have allowed this “Thing” to remain in the white house. Spineless bunch of liberal trash. All should be tried as treasonous enemies of the Constitution and hung.
John polacek says
Congress is definitely a big JOKE on the American people. They are elected by the people and are supposed to work for the American people that elected them. They all say exactly what the voters want to hear so they get themselves elected and after that, they feel they are the privileged few who are there to pursue their own personal agendas to enrich themselves and the heck with the voters(at least until the next election). They are a pathetic, phony bunch of greedy humans.
Justin W says
Congress is getting what it deserves. They have allowed this lawless president to trample the Constitution and overstep his bounds with only token resistance. The president should be impeached and removed from office. President Obama’s incompetence and corruption are legendary.
Inauguration Day 2017 can’t arrive fast enough.
Thomas says
Im guessing that as long as the media is corrupt there is nothing the democrats cant get away with doing all the while republicans will resign if implicated in the same kind of bad behavior, if you don’t hold the media and those that support the media accountable then nothing will ever change.
Texas Son says
The president is a Marxist….no surprise to me. ( Remember the former East Germany? This is what they did.) He has done this in the past. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. I am counting down to Jan. 20, 2017, our country’s next Inauguration Day. His term will finally expire, I hope we don’t have a continuation of the Communist Party.
Nolan Raborn says
They are this close to putting the USA under the new world order and under sharia law! Do you really think they are going to say “Well, we tried!” as they haul their shit out of the White House? I do not expect them to go easily!
Robert says
If he don’t go easy then our Military needs to do something about him.
Galen Crandall says
Folks forgot that Obama once declared in his book “Audacity of Hope” that if “political winds shift he will stand with the Muslims”. By remembering his own words one realizes why he is so reluctant to go against ISIS and also wants to castrate our military and disarm the citizens. Even though he is one half white and 3/8 Arab he stresses his 1/8 black and lives by that and his Muslim faith that he became indoctrinated in while going to school as a youngster in Indonesia with his step father.
Nolan Raborn says
Congratulations Galen! I believe that you are one of the few who get it!
Denny says
Those of you who talk about impeachment, let me quote Rand Paul ” Have you met Joe Biden” ? We would have to have a double impeachment, one for treason and one for stupidity.
Steven says
What can you say, no honor among criminals. LOL
Johnny B says
If ever there was a time to impeach that lying bastard it is now, but the Republicans must have a set of balls and backbone before that will happen….. In fact this will never happen as long as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are leaders….
Terry Germain says
OObama has balls, if he does little about something he doesn’t want to do it, as in fighting isill. Look at his unconstitutional executive actions regarding illegals coming in & also on not deporting. OObama is a closet muslimm & a radical funded by George Soros, mentored by Bill Ayres. Lies are acceptable to further OObama causes. Note: don’t be scared of Trumps retoric & rants, he’s trying to wake up the 60% of people who don’t vote. The Judicial branch & Congress won’t let him do anything they disagree with. He knows it’s over the top, this is why he acts this way, it’s mostly an act, a public act, In private he’s much different, a lot quieter, not a shouter, acts serious, low key & intelligently, even more low key than in his tv show.
Rick Worthngton says
Those who voted for B.Obama actually voted for a Muslim, an Indonesian by birth, with his correct name of Barry Soetoro – his real Indonesian Birth Certificate reveals that!
In a way, Barry Soetoro is a kind of Trojan Horse – getting Islam into the White House and the beginning of getting Islam and the Muslims into America…it’s gradual, b ut it’s the beginning. Remember, it is said that B.O. has managed to get other Muslims into the W.H…. In less than twenty years, much less in fact, I’ll bet that there’ll be some kind of up-rising in the U.S….already there’s foment in other countries….so let’s Hope Trump can come to the rescue!
Questionman says
Yep, it’s been official. Anyone who hates Obama is a racist, bigoted, black-hating
scumbag….and as of today, a dumbass!
no it isn’t. Want to know why? Because House Intelligence was briefed after the fact and they didn’t start impeachment proceedings. They don’t need a super majority to start impeachment proceedings. The problem is, they have nothing to impeach him for. That stuff is only in the delusional world you right wingers live in.
Why are you a white supremacist on here just saying dumb sh*t just to say it. You have the nerve to call Obama a traitor terrorist? Umm, you might wanna take a look at the history of this country.
Isn’t this what Conservatives want? The NSA to have the power to spy on anyone at anytime to be able to prevent terrorist attacks? the Conservative wet dream of the Patriot Act — and FISA laws — allows phone calls originating outside the U.S. to be monitored. Israel is outside the U.S. last I checked. Necessary because terrorism. Now all of sudden it’s an outrage.
The merchants of betrayal (paid agents for Israel serving in congress) were applauding Prime Monster Netanyahu in our Hallowed Halls of Congress as he used information from spying on America to attempt to undermine President Obama and the P5+1 Iran Diplomacy! He served only to diminish Jews and Israel!
Now Prime Monster Netanyahu has the audacity to come to our country and beg for $50 billion of our hard-earned tax dollars over ten years for Israel’s security. Oh, those money-grubbing Jews. They have no shame, at long last, they have no decency. Not one penny of our tax dollars should be looted for Israel. Americans don’t want our tax dollars used for Israeli’s pernicious, vile, evil abuse of the Palestinians.
America should have taken Israel off the map when Israel committed the ‘war crime’ on the USS LIBERTY, brutally murdering 34 patriotic Americans who were serving their country and wounded 172.
The president knows that King Netanyahoo represents a clear and present danger to the safety of the citizens of the USA. Seems to me like he is keeping us safe. I know no one will agree, but that’s how I see it.
Why call him a “anti-semite” when people on the right can also see whats going on in the world with the jewish banking system and don’t like what they see
Richard Charles says
This muslim is a plant by the leaders of islamic terriost to seek and destroy all the FREEDOMS Americans have.
America can not stand another year of this !!!
Robert says
This sonofa bitch has broken more laws then anyone, and the cowardly News Media and Congress keep giving him a pass because he is Black.
He is way more a criminal then was Nixon and he gets away with it, Nixon had so much media and Congressional pressure that he had to resign, but they let this jerk get away with everything.
You need to tell the story of this Constitutional menace NEWS MEDIA and Congress needs to impeach him or they should all resign.
Robert says
Nixon spied on one office and was gone, This guy spies on everyone and nothing happens.
AW says
Zoltar says
Questionman! Everyone can see you have been standing to close to Obummer while he is bending over, the brown stuff on the end of your nose is a big give-away. Please find yourself another forum to spread your crap and don’t forget to wipe your nose!
William J Marsico says
Why are we tolerating this unethical POS in our White House. He should have been ridden out of Washington on a rail, a long long time ago.
c a Panek says
c a Panek says
since the elected officials won’t stop Obama, We can. And lets see who is left standing when election time comes for THEM.
IMPEACH OBAMA. In every state. Call the news, your state officials, the internet. or right to the capitals of your state….I for one will exercise my first amendment. If you have phone numbers of all above people in the state of Illinois, please share, and I will do the same..