A Los Angeles County police officer and Marine combat veteran was assassinated in his own car as he was getting off work, said investigators Thursday.
Another officer heard the gunshots and immediately chased the attackers as they jumped into a car and fled into the neighboring city of Montebello.
Investigators said they arrested the getaway driver and other people were detained after SWAT officers stormed the surrounding neighborhoods.
The accused killers from what is being called a botched robbery attempt – two young men and a 16-year-old boy – were arrested within hours by these responding police.
Downey Police Department Officer Ricardo “Ricky” Galvez, 29, was in plainclothes in the driver’s seat of his car at the end of his shift when two men ran up and opened fire late Wednesday, Los Angeles County sheriff’s Lt. John Corina said.
The Marine Corps veteran, who had joined the police force five years ago, died in his car.
Corina said the attackers — aged 21, 18 and 16 — were out looking for someone to rob when they spotted Galvez sitting in his car. Galvez was shot seconds later.
“They were attempting to rob Officer Galvez not realizing he was a police officer,” Corina said. “I don’t even think he saw these guys coming up on him.”
Police also said they had recovered a gun they suspect was used to kill Galvez.
The three suspects were each booked on a charge of murder and expected to appear in court on Monday, Corina said. Prosecutors will decide later whether to charge the 16-year-old as an adult.
A young woman who identified herself as the sister of one of the suspects cried and yelled outside a news conference announcing the arrests that her brother didn’t do it.
She was unavailable for questions after investigators took her inside to interview her.
Detectives knew quickly that Galvez had been shot in a deliberate, targeted attack.
“It appeared to be an ambush style. It happened very quickly,” Corina said after viewing surveillance video of the shooting.
Corina said he wasn’t immediately able to tell if words were exchanged before Galvez was shot.
Downey police Chief Carl Charles praised Galvez’s professionalism and said the officer had an infectious smile and a great attitude.
“Words cannot express the love we have for Ricky,” he said.
Downey police Lt. Mark McDaniel said Galvez “loved serving the city and he loved serving his country.”
“If you could mold a police officer, you would mold that police officer after Ricky Galvez,” McDaniel said. “We have a lot of police officers here who are hurting. We’ll never get over it and we’ll always remember Ricky.”
Dozens of officers wiped away tears and saluted as police carried Galvez’s American flag-draped body from the crime scene to a coroner’s van.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
It happened in LA, in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornica, those scum will not receive what they deserve.
Would love to see an automatic “Death Sentence” for any scumbag who kills a police officer, no matter what the scumbag’s age.
Cold blooded murder (as in this case) should invariably result in execution, no matter who the victim may be.
Agree. Age now-a-days is almost immaterial.
Absolutely! Genesis 9:6.
Getting rid of the death penalty for even the most heinous crimes is a sign of the modern loss of moral courage, in which California led the U.S., and Europe leads the rest of the world. This puts modern murderers on a level even above Socrates who, when found guilty of “misleading the youth of Athens,” was called upon to name an appropriate penalty for his crime. He suggested lifelong support by the Athenian state, but the people demanded death. The modern world, which values the lives of the law-abiding far below those of habitual criminals and repeat murderers, skips the death penalty, goes straight to lifelong support by the state, and deems itself “civilized.”
Oh yes me too. Even though I live in South Africa. We lose scores of our Police Officers – mostly black- every month here and our GVT does SFA about it at all. We have become a “left wing commie” controllede country – where the “suspects’ rights FAR outweigh the victims! We dont even have a death penalty here anymore- just another ploy to bleed the taxpayers to death and keep the “scum bags” alive whilst the family of the victims go to the “poor house”!!
If the democrats get in again we are gone – sold down the river by the Benghazi Witch who is STILL accepting large ($$$$) donations from foreign sources!
Remember the Benghazi Four:
Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods
And she still has the gall to be top dog, of this country? I don`t believe she deserves to live afterwhat she did.
Eleanor, talking points from rush the doper and slanthead hannity won’t make things any better all that talk about HILLARY and none about them refusing to give money for more security. When it is convenient they forget all the facts, did you see the hearing and how for all those hours they could not break her.
We need to get rid of her and the monster in the white house, correction— All the members in the white house.
Pete Van Zyl:
Sir, I’d sincerely, like to be more thoroughly informed as to what is going on in your country. I have the suspicion that drug addiction and trafficking is being a serious (and likely desired to be ignored) problem there. My understanding is that there is still a lot of poorly educate black. Do you see a viable way to change that?
You may contact me at [email protected].
God can deal with anything. I lean to the position that “You will not kill.” in its purest sense means “You cannot kill.” The spiritual reality is that one can only manage erring factors, as the causes that generate it will still be around to do so again. Human’s ideally being intelligent entities, should be using the only real defence system they have to properly address risks to turn troubles aside. Most substance abuse, which usually points it impact straight the the brain, or course is a open door to letting trouble in.
My personal view is that we need to have competing institutions that help guide people to better apply their resources toward a beneficial.end. I’m not trying to say next, that the information noted demands redistribution; rather the info is needed to note where things are not working and also perhaps to see where fixes can occur. And to not denigrate the human minds potential to be applied to better ends when they are better informed may be the most important. That information is, the resource per person potential that is available. This includes material and especially human skill potential. Anyway, with that information, it may be possible to use stable records system to intercede where the monetary system is lacking in its ability to match the actually potential the reality presents to us for the sake of our posterity.
These competing institutions could also use the generalized data to help inform us what is best valued and why. and also review the past expectations against what actually happened and perhaps suggest where rewards should really go
Another factor that may help it that such a system would likely give a survivable foundation to endeavors for that that lean to risk all to evidence a potential for a better future. Plus a means to hold data of failed endeavors so they don’t keep getting repeated. A factor too typical of our present ~insane~ general relationships that our out of most of our hands.
Sincerely, Gregory D. MELLOTT
It SHOULD be an automatic death sentence for killing a law enforcement officer deliberately. These men and women put their lives on the line everyday to protect us and our families. Some go beyond the call of duty to help someone in distress, often without anyone’s knowledge so they can be thanked by the people they serve. I know. I once lived in Downey and Bellflower. I still thank the Bellflower police 40 years later, for protecting me from my former husband.
They deserve a reward!
I agree with an automatic death penalty for killing a police officer. These scumbags do not deserve to live among civilized people. They are like rabid evil satanic animals. No place in our society for their kind!!!
He was never an above-average governor.
california ‘nurtures’ and ‘cultivates’ slime such as this…the perpetrators probably think they will be invited to the WH.
Since I spent most of my life in California, now Mexifornia, I’m not the least bit shocked by what happened. Some liberal judge will probably give the so called adults a week end of house arrest, and of course the minor will no doubt get off with little more than a slap on the fingers. There was a time when those who did things like that were made to pay with a trip to San Quentin and a nice comfy seat in the gas chamber. Too bad we’re so civilized now. Having spent some time in and around Montebello I know some, not by any means all, of the people are really not very nice.
Liberal piece of trash jerry browm gov og california is partially to blame !
This is getting out of hand! Jerry Brown do something and hold the guilty responsible unless you want an invite to the White House.
This is getting out of hand! Jerry Brown do something and hold the guilty responsible unless you want an invite to the White House.
Chris Roberts ignore any posts by “Me”…he is a nutbody. Bless ALL the people who serve our country. RIP, Ricky.
They should have shot the bastards as some commie judge will more than likely find a way to let them off easy!
What were they ? White, Black, Hispanic ????
Because race wasn’t mentioned, I think we have a good idea of what color these monsters are.
ya i highly doubt it was a white male Kailyah… Theres like 6 white men in the whole state!
Probably a combination of the last two you mentioned.
it does not matter we have people all over the place who just spree-kill for the thrill for a few dollars!
You got that right. They look like obozo’s sons.
Marie, I don’t care if they were purple…..what ever happened to Capital punishment if you kill a cop? Let’s forget the
politically correctness and do the right thing.
You are so right Marie. The Race Card has been overplayed. Let’s retire it now as a Joke…a way for the Communist to control people in America.
I agree. You kill a cop, you die. No wasted money on death row & appeal after appeal. Did they give the cop a second chance? Doesn’t matter what race you are. You don’t get to pass go or collect $200. You kill — you die. Very simple and VERY easy to enforce. Takes courage though.
Too bad they didn’t get a few more!
If things haven’t changed since I left that state and they lived in Montebello they were very likely Mexicans.
If they happen to be Hispanic we will not know, if a White or Black commits a crime we may get their names, if Hispanic we will not know the race or their names!
So sad.
I agree. Take more of God out of our lives, scoff at the Ten Commandments, and ignor our wonderful Judao-Christian foundation,
and look what you have- utter disregard for all that is good. Yes Mr. O., we ARE a CHRISTIAN nation! Margot
Yes, I agree totally. We need more of God today than we did yesterday, and now we don’t have Him at all.
I have GOD in my mind as much of the day as possible, This country will learn He is the only answer to our problems. No mandate will take that away from anyone who brings God with him/her wherever they are.
As long as we as Americans NEVER give up our FAITH and Believe and Trust, God will never leave us. No matter how these liberals try.
Faith; is what being Christian is all about.
Margot –
Barack Insane Obama is trying to change that as quickly as possible. He wants the USA to become a lawless Muslim nation, where pedophiles can marry children as young as nine, kill their wives & children if the wife or child embarrasses them, invoke Sharia law, and of course…behead Christians who don’t believe in Allah or Islam.
Obie only has 14 months left to complete his evil mission of converting Americans to Islam. Tens of thousands of Middle East Refugees must have been a dream come true for him, ramping up his Muslim invasion & takeover.
Isn’t that the way of their Prophet?
I hope voters realize that if Hillary Clinton becomes President, she will allow everyone and anyone into this country because she wants their votes and the Muslim countries have donated millions to The Clinton Foundation. She is just as corrupt as Obama himself. Wake up America. We are losing our country right before your eyes……. This Christian nation is under assault big time.
The Lord says if you get a slap in the cheek, put your other cheek, but remember you only have two cheeks after the second, come out shooting and eliminate period
Violent video games and violent movies are breeding a generation of killers. The makers of such “entertainment” sources should be indicted for promoting such violent behavior among our young people. —
Oh c’mon. What is breeding a generation of killers are people like Obama, the democrats, the courts, and leftist judges who say, oh poor babies, they didn’t know what they were doing. They come from broken homes, they are discriminated against, woe is me.
Amen, Lindy!
To much RACE CARD and BLACK LIVES MATTERS >> ALL LIVES MATTERS >> What makes them special ???
They are animals white, black , hispanic they should get what they deserve
what goes around comes around .. I am sure they are from broken homes , but they are honor students
kill the rapid dogs
The sixteen year old should be tried as an adult! I was in the U.S. Army at sixteen and easily passed for 18. I assure you, they are not children at 16 and damn sure not babies. Give ’em the same thing they gave an innocent victim sitting in his car! The harshest punishment he is likely to get in Mexifornia, 20 to Life and he comes out before he is 40 a more hardened and perverted criminal, to plunder, pillage and rape. Some never learn and I am not talking about the perps, I am talking about the System in Blue States, where minority voting blocks take precedent over public safety. WE REAP WHAT WE SEW.
I’m with you on this one. Parents who don’t parent, school dropouts, no work ethic and a president who pits one race against another. It isn’t going to stop any time soon.
If the courts and the judges would convict the thugs of murder and sentence them to hang in the town that the murder was committed, they would think about commenting a crime of murder. Let the punish fit the crime and there would be a lot less crimes. I watch violent shows, but I don’t go out and murder people. If they started hang them when they killed someone they would think twice before they comment murder. Bring back the gallows, hanging.
When the person is caught commiting a killing, there should be no arrests he should be shot on the spot
Obama and Kerry say everything is in control (?) what control?
.The world is very dangerous now
3700 criminals released under Obama this last summer (HERE): murderers, rapists, other felons: we do not have the capacity to handle any of this! All released by DHS back in June 2015! Over 17,000 known criminals were released since 2014 and could have been kept by homeland security, but their hands were tied by this administration and released! Just setting the record straight here Jay! just setting the record here straight so you know this administration is being a friend to the criminals out there! AND not to us citizens!
Seems like Obama is the real criminal and how this government is not run!
We are only seeing the beginning of sorrows!
Agree with you. Their pants below butts showing underwear. They respect nothing. In the last days they will be lovers of themselves.
This country and perhaps half the people have fallen into this obama abyss and may never recover. The people who elected obama have done (possible) un-repairable damage to this once great nation. It is going to take someone like Donald Trump to get America back on track. It is obvious many Americans see that as fact! If, of course, it is possible to get it back on track. obama is the first president elected with the goal of destroying this Constitutional Republic. Sadly he is succeeding.
If the next president cannot recover from the obama damage there will be a war right here in the USA. Millions of Americans will not accept this unexplained but promised fundamental transformation. No one asked for it no one desires it and no one will accept it peacefully, at least.
Debt alone can and may destroy this once great nation. Debt will keep the United States from ever flourishing again. If interest rates were to go up as they did under Carter (and they will, they have to since so many dollars have been printed to fund a phony economy) how would/will anyone get their welfare? It will take all the tax revenue to service the debt. There is not enough money to service the debt we have now if we borrow more for service it will not be long before we are history. Borrowing to pay interest is a death spiral we cannot ever recover from. Make no mistake about it many nations right now, today, would like nothing better then to see America go under.
But the debt alone is not the only thing that can bring down the United States of America. If America cannot, or refuses to, regain its morals and government becomes both truthful and trustworthy (again) the America founded in 1776 will be fundamentally transformed. Even those who cheered wildly when obama announced that fundamental transformation I personally do not think “they” wanted to destroy this nation as is happening right before our eyes. Without question obama is to blame. Placing blame however, fixes nothing it only points out what to avoid in the future. If, of course, we do recover from this obama abyss. Also another if is IF we can learn from our mistakes. That question remains.
Maybe the Black Lives Matter, group…They do not understand that all lives matter, even policemen.. We can lay this at the feet of President Obama and his pack..
Blessing on his family and prayer’s for them getting through their loss.
Police Pukes don’t matter.
I whole heartedly agree!! And , as for the 16 year old……..he definitely should be tried as an adult.
You can not plame TV for the up bring of kids they have parent bont they came on let call for went it is fate
Learn English first, Virginia! THEN say something! Sheesh.
Our prayers and condolences go to his family and fellow officers.
Screw them!
Time to bring back the electric chair.
What difference does it make. They would sit on death row for 20 or so years until their appeals run out, living off of your hard earned money, watching tv, etc, No justice at all.
Or public persecution!!!
Public hanging IS a deterrent to crime. All convicted murderers should have 90 days for appeals and sentence should be carried out on day 91.
Time to bring back the gallows! Then broadcast it on the nightly prime time news! Even a greater time to have a nation-wide revival and returning to the God on Whose principles our fathers founded this once great nation!
Bring back the electric chair and fry all three of them. Such total disregard for human life has to be exterminated. They’re no better than those radical Islamist murderers in Paris last week.
except the islamist murderers were not extremists… They were just muslims following satan’s bible the quran!
Since the racial component of the attackers are not mentioned (as it would have been had the police officer been black and the murderers white) what can be taken away from this?
I am so sorry to hear of this horrific event. My thoughts and Prayers go out to the Officers family, the Precinct he represented and his fellow officers. I Stand with you and support you. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Cop Pigs are scum!
Please help all news networks to tell people the truth without government or other persons omitting news because its offensive. We the people have a right to the news media reporting the news especially in these times of ‘terror threats’ I know democrats and Obama people remove some of the news so public can’t read or see it, this is offensive to me.
Thank You for all your work
Connie Campbell
“Remembering Ricky….”
I didnt know him… But he sounds like
a great guy… The brother we all wish
we had!! THANK YOU for your
service!! God bless and keep you
Armando Guartuche
Service? Yeah, right.
Prayers go out for the family of Ricky Galvez. I hope they have arrested the guys who did this awful crime, and that they be punished for their crime. Life in prison, without parole, or the death chamber. They killed this man in cold blood.
The Pig was probably dealing drug for them and taking bribes.
What were they ? White, Black, Hispanic ? Give an answer please
It is disgusting how society has degenerated these last 7 years. Cops are being ambushed all over the country, in 2014, two NYPD officers were gunned down while sitting in their patrol car. A thug reaches into a cop car in Ferguson, MO to get a cop’s gun and in the ensuing struggle gets killed by the cop (a justified shoot), and the “communities” in and around the St. Louis area break out in rioting. Lately, “Black Lives Matter”, has been at the forefront of hateful race relations, because they got their feelings hurt, or willingly ignore the fact that most people killed by police are in fact criminals and involved in the act of committing a crime.
Blue Lives Matter, too, so do White Lives, Brown Lives, Yellow Lives, Red Lives, etc. ALL LIVES MATTER!!!
Sorry, but, I’m not buying the theory that Officer Galvez’ assignation was an armed robbery gone bad. I’m guessing Galvez’s car was parked in the PD parking lot, maybe even an employee only parking lot. Criminals know that even off duty cops carry guns. This was a deliberate assignation, ambush style. It is to bad that this happened in California, as even if the perps get the death penalty, they won’t be executed. They will live in an air conditioned prison, with free cable TV, weight lifting gyms, free health care (to include a sex change if they want one), free cooked meals, free legal services, and almost anything else they want, all taxpayer provided.
At least Texas prisons are not air conditioned.
Actually Police Puke deaths are down.
This is so sad to have good police officers lives taken away because of some off the wall kids who needed to make a raise…what is this world coming to……….In my opinion the 16 year old should be tried as an adult…….he made a bad and deadly decision and played a role in the deaths of the officers….LET HIM BE TRIED AS AN ADULT….lock them all up and throw away the key !!!!!!!!
This killing of our Police Officers has to stop. Our officers are being attacked because people do not respect them. Parents are not teaching their children respect, honer and the need to obey the laws set forth for everyone. The three people who killed this officer should have been home and not out on the streets. Too many people shift the blame for the deaths of their children and the things they do to the police, when in fact it is the parents who have not done their jobs as parents. They have taught their kids to hate and to believe the world owes them something. You are owed nothing, it is up to you to make good choices. Like the man who ran from the police and his child was killed,that was not a good choice, it was the fathers fault, if he had just stopped his child would have been alive today. It was not the fault of the police he did not stop. I do not excuse the police for their part in the death of a child, but I also see how different this would have went if the father had stopped. The police are there to protect people from the scum of the world and to do that they have make arrests , not break off when people run. My heart go’s out to this officers family.
Police Pigs don’t earn respect.
Regardless of their skin color age at the background religion they should be put to death the same way they killed that officer we need to go back to the firing squads it cost a lot less a $0.10 bullet over 20 years in prison
Those asking for full description of the suspects are right. I am a long retired big city reporter. What news the readers get today is a mix of sloppy journalism and censorship, and we won’t have to put up with it much longer; no laws or political action can change the fact that these providers are working themselves into oblivion.
Except, this was an assassination type, murder..He was targeted according to the piece.
He was as much a hero as Nazi Gestapo were heroes.
White people better wake up and learn the truth …. the war is on whether the news tells it or not…. stay alert and lock and load because no one is going to help us but ourselves. Rats and snakes never have an intelligent conversation to work things out… that is why we shoot snakes and trap rats.
You are correct. I also think that vulnerable disabled and seniors are at great risk with these young thugs. I pray for the rapture to happen soon.
(Insert Looney Tunes music here for destiny’s entry into the “rapture.”)
It may take awhile but they will get theirs. Eternity is a long time and there is no electric chair that will hold a candle to HELL.
The race of these murders was conveniently omitted. The Suggs are taking over this nation and killing anyone it will with no conscience at all. President Bahma, the Democrats, Al Sharpton, Mayor Deblasio and the black lives matter movement I’m sure arched cheering at the death of this latest police officer. They had declared war on the police throughout this nation and it’s beyond disgraceful. Then they can have the unmitigated gall to blame police more crime and murders are happening. Wake up America. We are all at the point in our lives where we must arm ourselves for our own protection. We are literally living in a war zone in the United States of America. This is the atmosphere President Obama has created.
I cheer too!
One report says all the suspects were Hispanic: http://ktla.com/2015/11/19/police-officer-found-shot-dead-in-downey-pd-parking-lot/
This is what you/we get when we put a progressive liberal MAGGOT in our white house an then give him a second term to spread his rejection ogf American values on our kids. Those who are at falt are the assholes who supported and votted to MAGGOT Obama because they want more free struff paid for by the few people left who work for a living. What are you freeloaders going to do when there’s nobody left to pay taxes? That day is coming so be warned!
It doesn’t matter,the race;color,or whatever. Those guys are scum sucking crud balls.Try them, and when found guilty,get rid of them quickly,I hope they get a judge with balls.Have no mercy on them,including the 16 year old monster!
I worked with SC housing some time ago by an agreement leasing my apartments that I rented . They were so lazy they would not clean their house I ask the Person who came once a month to check why they did not teach them to keep house. Surprise to me, his reply was we have we sent them to a class at Clemson U. does not do any good. Until we break the hand out society it will get no better I am all for helping out, but not making a career of getting handouts for 3 generations and yes I have seen three generations. It gives no incentive to do better.just have another baby with no dad and I will get more money from the governments How is it they are entitled to money they did not contribute too. I have worked my whole live except when my husband worked for money to keep up his family. Oh I could tell the government horror stories but I count for nothing and I am tired really tired
It sounds like they planned this based on what they saw on a video. One or more of them probably had a run in with officer Galvez. Whatever it was pissed them off enough to kill him. I hope all of them get death. Maybe they should put them in the front line in Syria or one of those middle eastern countries. Since they like killing so much.
My heart goes out to the family of this senseless killing.
Even if they do get “death,” it will never be carried out in California. People like you are SO stupid, Gary. Doesn’t anyone here pay any attention to the NON-carrying out of capital punishment in California? What you people wish for and what is REALLY going to happen are two completely different things. Many of you people who comment here on The Horn News are just some of the dumbest people on God’s green Earth!
First things first, OBAMA needs to go. Ever since Obama became President its been nothing but a show. Blacks voted for him because of the color of his skin and not for what he stood for or any knowledge what he was about. Yes, Obama will be on the tube saying how sorry he is what happen to this police officer and tomorrow he will forget all about it, just another police officer dead. I really feel sorry for our police officers in this country, sure you are going to have some bad apples.And I am talking about white, black, brown any police officers. Something needs done to our justice system and Obama hasn’t a clue. I’m so sorry for the Galves family and I pray that justice will served. To Catman Rocker were on the same page.
Cops are scum!
Probably a dirty cop.
If only it had been Obuttma.
America is in serious need for a “Thinning of the herd”
God will and has already forgiven anything if we are truly repentive , this however isn’t going to stop unless we show the thugs regardless their color or age that there is a penalty . In the beginning it was an eye for an eye and crime didn’t much exist. If we have a public execution of those that do crimes such as this, it will stop.
When the President and his bias justice department blame law enforcement anytime they can for something they dont agree with its a wonder how so many sick people use that to take out their anger on law enforcement.Its time give lawenforcement the respect they deserve and remember this when a crime is committed in your area you call lawenforcement not a crook.Without lawenforcement we would be no better then the countries that are causing all the kasos in the world.
Rather call a crook!
It is sad that this officer was murdered in cold blood. Whoever did this is a coward and should be put to death as well. Life for a life. The mastermind knew this policeman, Or someone he may have wrote a citation to. Whatever the case, Justice will prevail.
Too bad he didn’t see it coming, then – Bam! Bang! Pow! Pop!
Adult is not exactly maturie. Three murderers nevertheless.
The first toughs should be for the victims ( all of us ) not for the criminals.
I recommend we start using the guillotine for quick and painless executions, but only put the convicted murderer on his back so he can see the blade dropping towards his throat.
Ovomit is probably laughing about this. Past time for impeachment. The dirt bag!
This & Paris Attack Happened Because of Obummer
These three murderers should face their day in court. If found guilty they should be eligible for the death penalty. Murdering a man for a few bucks is insane. They took the cop’s life and they should pay with their own.
I would suggest the three meet their end in front of a firing squad. If death by a bullet was good enough for their victim it should be good enough for them. I’m guessing the cop wasn’t given a blindfold. They should be able to see the marksmen aim the guns at their heart with the knowledge their life is about to end.
it is a sick world we live in—the USA leads it in giving the perpetrators of crimes every opt-out/justification/defense and the victims and their families are again injured/assaulted by this—when video is available which details the evidence beyond doubt, these criminals should meet swift, unmerciful justice—being a gang member [generally aka a career criminal] breeds animals and the privatized prison system just puts money in the pockets of the politicians invested in those prison system!—makes $en$e any death sentence is delayed or non-existent as each prisoner in the system is a money-maker for some elite
unfortunately death penalty without a long wait may be the only deterrent to murdering innocents for their money, their cars, etc.
rapist and murderers are generally without remorse—they are generally beyond education once they have taken those paths!
a thug is a thug regardless of color!—and those who do evil deserve no mercy—our news media is so LEFTIST that we do not get the real news, only what the administration wants us to hear—i truly believe this administration has done everything in their power to create AND intensify racism!—when has any leader commented on the innocence of someone who looks like their son [if they had one] before court proceedings to make that determination, instigating riots and social unrest???!!!—incidentally the photo used was the photo of a sweet 15 year old boy, not the 20-something thug photo that was age appropriate and accurately portrayed the man
recently the media expressed upset with the big O’s intent to veto any change to his immigration campaign and this may be a light at the end of the tunnel for AMERICA—if journalist actually start reporting the real facts, not fiction and fluff pieces, we may have a chance at change!
i know i have digressed a bit and will again right now with my last comment—BILL MAHR and STEPHEN COLBERT are not people who should be encouraged to entertain at the expense of DEMOCRACY and OUR FREEDOMS—they are LEFTISTS with agendas—COLBERT’S COMMENTARY the monday after the friday terrorist attacks was completely out of line, sad, and sick—to have made comic remarks about french fries and the statue of liberty as gifts from france in his commentary in wake of this tragedy should have gotten him fired, but our TV stations are also extreme left—what i can’t believe is that the audience laughed and applauded all of it—i would have BOOED and left—at one point MAHR actually told the audience that we AMERICANS are so dumb that we need the lengthy political campaigns because we need that additional time to make our decisions AND THE AUDIENCE APPLAUDED THAT AS WELL!
i don’t know what it will take, but every day i seek the truth and encourage others to do so—i also vote with my purchases when it comes to USA products and boycott and petition whenever necessary to make change—i believe forums like this are very valuable to communicate with others concerned with the status quo
keep thinking, keep posting, keep promoting change—it starts with one person!
Good, LA cops are the worst!
Who or what is this piece of shit called Me and why are messages from this sort of rubbish not censored out. Great if the police could find this filthy scum and give it what it deserves. Start with a can of petrol and a match.
Best to just ignore him. He wants attention.
Me to need to live in a country that has no law, then he may change his stump half ass mind. ,You know ass hole me two you also may voted for that ass we got are a president
also if you don’t like the U.S.A There is a plane you can get a ticket to the country of your likeing, and I hope to god you do
I just said what most people are thanking
21 yrs 18 yrs 16 yrs 3 Murders….lose on the streets ..OUTSTANDING . ..IF THIS HAD HAPPENED in another country
They would be excuted asap….
God bless Officer Ricky and his family! My prayers and thoughts go out to them. Our country has got to change with each person, getting on their knees and praying to God and asking God for forgiveness for the way everything has gone morally wrong. Only then will we be able to change America to the freedoms we have enjoyed for so long. This is a very short answer for very big problems, but it’s the right and only start! We need God! Amen!