House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi just announced her plan to fill the House gallery with illegal immigrants during President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address.
Following in Pelosi’s footsteps are 24 other House Democrats that also plan to bring illegals to watch the Tuesday night speech.
Previously, these seats were occupied by military heroes, law-abiding taxpayers and America’s best. Now we can look forward to ‘Dreamers’ and liberals ruining Trump’s big night.
The ever-so thoughtful liberals have turned the U.S. Capitol into a safe haven for illegal aliens.
Democrats have decided that they would rather turn their allegiances to foreign invaders rather than honor those who have risked their lives for their freedom of Americans.
These ignorant liberals think that by bringing illegal aliens to the speech, they will be sending a message to Trump, but in actuality they will be sending a message to all of America. Their message is straight-forward — these Democrats that are supposed to be representing Americans only care about their own agenda, which is to protect immigrants who came to this nation illegally.
As of Monday, a total of 9 Democrats have announced that they will be boycotting Trump’s State of the Union. The liberals planning to attend will be taking a cue from Hollywood celebrities and will wear all black as a symbol against sexual harassment.
“I want to be clear: DREAMers are Americans,” said Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y. Lowey will be bringing a ‘Dreamer’ that came to the U.S. from El Salvador at the age of 15. “They contribute to our economy, our communities and our strength and stability as a nation.”
If these idiotic Democrats want to demonstrate their protests against Trump during his address then he needs to take matters into his own hands.
Trump should invite ICE agents to his address to put an end to this nonsense.
Aren’t Pelosi and these other Democrats breaking the law by harboring illegal aliens?
–The Horn editorial team