The White House said Friday newly revealed FBI records show there is “extreme bias” against President Donald Trump among senior leadership at the FBI.
The blast came just hours before Trump was scheduled to speak at the FBI training academy in Quantico, VA.
Trump, who has described the agency as “in tatters,” is to speak at a ceremony at the FBI campus for law enforcement leaders graduating from a program aimed at raising law enforcement standards.
Deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley told Fox News Channel that edits to former FBI Director James Comey’s statement on Hillary Clinton’s private email server and text messages from a top agent critical of Trump are “deeply troubling.”
“There is extreme bias against this president with high-up members of the team there at the FBI who were investigating Hillary Clinton at the time,” Gidley charged, as special counsel Robert Mueller pushes on with a probe that Trump has labeled a “witch hunt.”
Gidley says Trump maintains confidence in the FBI’s rank-and-file.
Edits to the Comey draft soften the gravity of the bureau’s finding in its 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state — a political move to critics say was done to help boost Hillary’s election chances.
Gidley also said the disclosure of an anti-Trump conspiracy via text messages sent by one of the agents on the Clinton case, Peter Strzok, were “eye-opening.”
Strzok, who was in the room as Clinton was interviewed, was later assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller’s team to investigate potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. He was re-assigned after the messages, where he talked about working behind the scenes to undermine Trump, were uncovered this summer.
About 200 leaders in law enforcement from around the country attended the weeks-long FBI National Academy program aimed at raising law enforcement standards and cooperation. Coursework included intelligence theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, and forensic science.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.