The FBI says 17 people have been charged in north Mississippi as a part of a major operation targeting suspected gang members called “Operation Bite Back,” launched after the savage killing of Jessica Chambers.
The Clarion-Ledger reports FBI Special Agent in Charge Don Alway announced the indictments on Tuesday.
Federal agents said the operation focuses on Panola County and is a byproduct of the deep investigation that has come through the probe into the death of Jessica Chambers, a 19-year-old woman burned alive on Dec. 6, 2014, in Courtland.
The 17 suspects are alleged to be in a number of street gangs, including the infamous Black Guerrilla Family, and face on a variety of violations ranging from child endangerment, possession of stolen firearms, narcotics sales and felon in possession of a firearm to possession of counterfeit currency.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
It would be interesting to know if they are illegals. The left wouldn’t want us to know if they are though. But many of these gangs are racial.
By “racial”, you do mean black?
Just because the word ” Racial ” is used, it doesn’t have to mean that they are Black. I guess that is some people’s way of thinking. They could be from South America, Central America, Mexico or anywhere in the world.
if you read the story it said that it is the black family
They were black. This crime was committed in the wrong state. They will go down hard.
They were black. This crime was committed in the wrong state. They will go down hard.
DixieBelle—-Why was it committed in the wrong state ? You posted the same thing twice.
I hope this helps with the great investigative The Horn News! A White man in cuffs for the pic. must be a report by a racist. Took a hold 5 sec. to find report!
reporting from MISSISSIPPI
Investigation into Mississippi woman’s burning death leads to arrests of 17 suspected gang members
Published December 18, 2015
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This undated photograph show Jessica Chambers, who died after being set on fire in Courtland, Miss. on Dec. 6, 2014.
This undated photograph show Jessica Chambers, who died after being set on fire in Courtland, Miss. on Dec. 6, 2014.
The hunt for the killer of a 19-year-old Mississippi woman who was burned alive last year has resulted in the arrests of 17 suspected gang members, authorities said this week, though none have been directly linked to the woman’s death.
FBI officials announced the arrests Tuesday of suspected members of the Black Gangster Disciples, Vice Lords, and Sipp Mob street gangs, according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper.
Officials told the paper the investigation, dubbed “Operation Bite Back”, was focused on Panola County, in the northwest of the state, and was a byproduct of the investigation into the death of Jessica Chambers.
Illegal or not is irrelevent. Were they Islamic or muslim? Not being a racist here, this is just the sort of thing they (Islam following Muslims) ADMIT and are PROUD OF doing to women and girls.
DS !
Please, explain me what is a difference between “Islamic” and “muslim”?
Are the not the same?
Thanks, Lev
Lev, I think he meant Muslims that follow Islam.
Lev, I’m pretty sure that DS knows that “Islamic” and “Muslim” refer to the same things.
-Jihadism is Islam in action, Islam, is jihadism resting
You are not a racist, calling them what they are is what they are and if they are black, white or brown or whatever color they need to be dealt with and now. Jail isn’t the answer for burning someone alive.
Read the article. They were members of a black gang.
No matter what these inhuman savages are, black, white,Mexicans, Muslim, who cares, they should all be burned at the stake for taking any life by burning alive as this has to be the punishment in return if we are ever to stop these savages. Fight fire with fire, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, this is the language of gangs, so prison is too good for this slime, PERIOD
They, if they are the ones that burned the girl alive, should be lined up and executed and videoed so as to show what we will not stand for. Jail isn’t punishment they eat regular and sleep in a secure room while many on the streets have no such protection. Enough of this barbarism by gangs and terrorist they need to be shown they can be and will be stopped. Parents that know their kids are in gangs need to keep them alive by reporting them to the police , maybe some can be saved before they get in too deep.
I agree with every word you said! I’m sick to death of PCNESS!! Tell it like it is for f-sake!!!
If they’re members of the Black Guerrilla Family than why are they showing a a person who by the color of his arms and hands appears to be White hand cuff.
I think eye for an eye applies here.
Gang stalkers are often covert operators who work for government agencies to create chaos and confusion in the lives of innocent people for the sake of establishing an atmosphere of negative power and disinformation. If you will search the terms you will find numerous discussions on the topic which relate directly to what happened to they young woman in Mississippi.
Nationally Televised Firing Squad for all Seventeen on the same day the most guilty last
The best thing for these lowlifes is the death penalty—period!
They’re no good to a civilized society and should be dealt with as rabid dogs.
Let’s stop the double speak and PC cover up of what really happened and call this what it was. Another beautiful soul was put to death by the Hate-America/Hate-Whitey black terrorists. You can thank the Divider-In-Chief at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave – president Doofus – and his ‘administration’ for letting this happen under their watch.
Can I get the whole story?
Who were the gang members?
Who was the girl? HOW did this happen? They wouldn’t have burned the woman for no reason? Did she report them to the police overr drug deals or something? Were they just bored or sick, or both? Why are they still walking? Why isn’t the Army moving in on them? Why don’t we read in Australia about such incomprehensible crimes that take place America?
Jihad is the issue. It is a presise system to take over nations. It has worked repeatedly, and now much of Europe is almost gone. If not for the Paris slaughter, Jihad could have contiued it’s violent seduction of Europe. First stage of Jihad is to increase numbers (see ‘ a video of the unbelieveable flood of violent, angry Muslim men pouring over the borders of European countries, jumping citizens, beating women right on the street. Second stage of Jihad is to then push, confront, complain, for rights, benefits, special treatment. Then when rejected, become the victim and make trouble. Once their numbers continue to increas here in the US, they will begin praying in the middle of streets.. why in the streets? – Jihad! Confronts, push, then be the victim, then fight and terrorize. That is why Obama is fighting hard to bring in an army of young, fighting aage, mostly male Muslims.. many unknown.. to increase numbers.. this is his Jihad… he , in my opinion is still bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia. STOP THE MUSLIM INVASION, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S JIHAD. My radio show, live stream.
Since I cannot say any hate speech here toward them, guess I don’t have anything to say. Except let justice be done and serve the worse punishment that is possible if they are guilty. You do know they are innocent until proven guilty, right? Even scum has right in America in the 2000’s. If it was the 1800’s they would not have made it to the jail…..and would have saved us a lot of money. I really like the 1800’s………….
This is the 2nd time that blks have set whites on fire! Colin Flaherty on his you tube channel shows vids of blk mob violence at white people knock out game, attacking old and cripple whites, he got one of a gang of blks attacking a white man and beat him poured gas on him set him on fire! then when hes screaming help me the savages are laughing and yelling racits taunts ! very sickening to watch, im sure they caught the thugs only thing the news media never puts blk on white crime on tv, only if its the other way around shame the public needs to be aware of these attacks on whites that are going on everyday across the country! what a nightmare!
White people are just as guilty in perpetuating the “slavery shame game” on society. Crimes like this are done by vicious unfeeling animals with no morals, respect or care for another human being.
Do to them what they did to her one at a time and be done with it before they strike again. I do not care if they are black, white, purple, pink or from another planet. They are cruel monsters and need to be eliminated.