If there was ever anyone who deserved the death penalty, it is alleged Benghazi killer Ahmed Abu Khattala.
But it looks like the Obama administration has just cut a secret deal to spare his life.
The Justice Department has announced it will not seek the death penalty against Abu Khattala, the suspected Libyan militant charged in the Benghazi attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, federal officials announced Tuesday.
The department revealed its decision, which pushes the case forward toward trial, in a brief court filing that offered no additional explanation.
In a separate statement, spokeswoman Emily Pierce said the Justice Department made the decision after reviewing the case and consulting with federal prosecutors. She said the department is “committed to ensuring that the defendant is held accountable” for the 2012 attacks.
Abu Khattala, captured by U.S. special forces in Libya two years ago and brought to the U.S. aboard a Navy ship, has been awaiting trial in federal court in Washington in connection with the September 2012 violence at a diplomatic compound in Benghazi. Prosecutors have described him as a ringleader of the attacks, which quickly emerged as a political flashpoint and became the topic of congressional hearings involving Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, secretary of state at the time of the rampage.
The 18-count indictment arises from a burst of violence that began the night of Sept. 11, 2012, at a State Department diplomatic compound, an attack prosecutors say was aimed at murdering American personnel and plundering maps, documents and other property from the post.
U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed in the first attack at the U.S. mission, along with Sean Patrick Smith, a State Department information management officer. Nearly eight hours later at a CIA complex nearby, two more Americans, contract security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, died in a mortar attack.
Abu Khattala has pleaded not guilty to charges including murder of an internationally protected person, providing material support to terrorists and destroying U.S. property while causing death.
Assuming it doesn’t resolve through a plea agreement, a trial of Abu Khattala would represent one of the most significant terrorism prosecutions in recent years.
Since arriving in the United States, Abu Khattala has made multiple court appearances alongside his lawyers. He sought unsuccessfully to have the case against him dismissed last year, and a separate request for him to be returned to Libya was also denied.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Dan says
Aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States is treason.
Deborah says
So when do we get to hang the traitor?
Chucky says
Should have been done long ago!
mike wissman says
after we hang Obama
Tony says
Sounds like a good idea. Build one scaffold with two ropes one for the murder and one for Obama.
Ted says
He is the traitor they are speaking of….
S. Chase says
Totally with you there. Obama is the same as this murdering Muslim terrorist.
GH3 says
A Double Feature.
JCS says
Hey Tony,
Shouldn’t there be three ropes??? One for Killary…
nj says
It is Obama that is being referred to as the traitor. He needs to go NOW!
Juan Jose Ortega says
Mike Wissman someone needs to turn your name in to the FBI for threatening a President’s life on this blog .
James Burke says
Obama cannot make the muslim friendly decisions on the battle field and off unless he is a muslim himself. It appears he belives in Koran jihad.
Chuck says
Sounds like a plan to me. First we need to embalm the him with pork fat, separate all limbs and then put the remains in storage at an unnamed location.
Kenneth Stelter says
In January 2017 – the day after Trumps takes Office. Maybe better a week after Trump takes office so that Barry can watch Trump dismantle the Establishment Plot.
Art says
Which one\???????????
RC says
NEVER, Obama has seen to it that one of his brother Muslims will probably be eventually pardoned. And as Hillary says, “What difference does it make?” If that piece of dog crap is executed he’ll simply get a nice pleasant shot in the arm and just go to sleep. He should be made to SUFFER BIG TIME for what he did. Hanging would be too good for him. He should be punished while being smeared with pig fat before being tortured to death. Of course that isn’t the American way. We have to follow some Mickey Mouse rules and be nice to everyone while they torture, behead, drown, burn, and no telling what else while murdering people who never did anything to hurt them. I think any who’s been in combat will agree that after the first shot is fired the rules of engagement should go right out the window, and we should give the same as we get from the enemy.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Amen, my friend.
David says
larry says
I’d like to second that. What would really be nice if Obama spent time in prison like McCain did. A public hanging would be real nice too.
Gerry says
You give worse than you get RC.
Stacy says
I am pretty sure that one of Ovomitt’s last official acts as POTUS will be to grant this pond scum clemency! Oh, and turn loose all the terrorists in Gitgo.
William M.Lahti says
Yes, but wasn’t it Obama that shot Bin Laden?
Max says
obummmmer needs to be hung beside this murdering heathen. obummmmer is a traitor as well and had got away with this crap way too long!
Max says
This is just an opinion as well!
Judy says
You are so right!Obama is a traitor!
obozo paid the governor of Hawaii $22 million dollars for a birth certificate of a dead person that underwent 32 computer generated changes and walla we have a new illegal president with the help of the unions that gathered all the votes for him and destroyed the ones that were for
Romney— and as we all know there has been a great deal of damage done to our once great nation that will take years to rebuild.
Fighter for freedom says
At least the clintons eliminate the useful idiots who do their bidding to cover their tracks – this traitor demonstrates that he does not care if he slaps the United States in the face in a public forum
Joe says
obummer needs to be executed
lisa says
man, you are going to have the secret service at your door. Trust me, it happened to a friend of mine whose son posted a similar statement.
David Dolcater says
It wasn’t a threat, it was just an opinion, an opinion which I and a great many other people share. The secret service doesn’t have enough manpower to come to the door of every person in this country who wants Obama out of office.
K9 says
The secret service probably wants him out too.
Michael A. says
Obama needs to be killed soon as possible. I hope those government come to my door, blood will spill.
Barb says
The real killers Re Obama and Clinton
Joseph says
Lisa and Joe—-don’t worry about anyone knocking down your door. The secret Service/FBI can’t get Hillary for the hundreds of laws she has broken so they are useless, don’t worry about a thing. The entire government’s afraid of Obama and his Islamic brothers. I can’t name a single person I would trust that is involved in the Clinton/Obama government crime family. If the Secret Service does show up, make them pay for bothering you. $$$$$$$$$$
Harry Katz says
Obviously your friend was unable to claim rapper or BLM status.
Kenneth Stelter says
January 2017
Joe says
obummer needs to be executed!!
Rivahmitch says
You’re absolutely correct.
Vic says
Doesn’t sound like a “direct threat” to me so, there will be no secret service at your door.
Although, a life prison sentence, without parole and hard labor sounds much better! Let him suffer for his crimes, execution would let him off easy.
Kenneth Stelter says
Not silencing him will create more Racism and Muslim idiology – give him his 70 virgin men – to bad that A, Eric and Jesse can’t be included in the 70.
Bert W. Shaw says
I think eric is already one of OBOZZOS butt buddies
Doug Moses says
Vic: I couldn’t agree more. I just hope he gets life without parole, rather then a full pardon or a commute of sentence.
C. Lingo says
by being fastened over a fire ant hill and covered with honey
barbara says
You need to be in jail!
Charles says
Totally agree with you, BUT do you think the LOW LIFE in DC will do the right thing ???
O’Bumo and his cronies have done nothing for the past 7 1/2 years but do things to destroy AMERICA.
Most all of them should be imprisoned for the remainder of their natural lives.
Terry B says
Charles, did you read this right ? Where did it say that that Obama spared has life, I can’t find that statement . Can you help me?
Kenneth Stelter says
No one can help you – you’re a Jonesville victim.
Terry B says
Stelter, you and Gerry are ignorant ass-s who can’t read. Your both are sick so called men.
Charlie says
Second sentence in the article answers your question .
Gerry says
DUH — Terry B — did you read the headlines ??? That’s the large lettering at the top of the article !!!
DOUG says
Gary Smith says
Yes it is so hang the sob
OracleGuy says
It appears that all of the prior responses were posted by loving, Evangelical Christians.
Kenneth Stelter says
No – I’m just a Constitutional Government Conservative – I suggested hanging King Bo yesterday and am supporting it again today.
Constitutionalist says
My reading of the Constitution shows that IF D’OweBama is convicted of Treason, Congress – and ONLY Congress – must vote on how to punish him, choosing among a vast array of possible punishments – and while one of that vast array could certainly BE hanging, it’s not necessarily so – ergo, to promote hanging(given D’OweBama’s pigmentation) can be seen as promoting lynching, which would not be a Good Thing for you.
i would suggest in future that you caveat the “hang ’em” statement by first saying “after a fair and impartial hearing, upon conviction in a court of law, hang ALL traitors who give aid and comfort to enemies of the United States.”
Writing it the way i suggest can certainly avoid or even preclude visits by the Secret Service, and THAT would be a Good Thing. As you’re probably aware by now, given Snowden’s NSA revelations, everything typed by anyone anywhere on any screen connected to the internet gets logged into individual files, probably for future criminal arrests at some point to come(but CERTAINLY for “classification” as to threat-level), depending on the “contingency plans” put in place by Oath-breaking Criminal gov’t agents upon the declaration of an “emergency,” and despite the following:
“Emergency does not create power. Emergency does not increase granted power or remove or diminish the restrictions imposed upon power granted or reserved. The Constitution was adopted in a period of grave emergency. Its grants of power to the federal government and its limitations of the power of the States were determined in the light of emergency, and they are not altered by emergency.”
~Justice Charles Evans Hughes(1862-1948) Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Source: Home Building & Loan Assn v. Blairsdell, 1934
(You may recall that many previous presidents have used EO’s to grant themselves powers far above those few and defined powers listed in Article 2; for any who have a small degree of awareness, however, any and all such powers would be completely Unconstitutional, therefore should be obeyed by NO ONE, whether employed by the Executive branch of the federal government or anyone else, under the following theory:)
‘An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.’ Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p. 442
‘The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.’
16 Am Jur 2nd, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256
Skip Pickens says
Which traitor……..there seems to be two.
Kenneth Stelter says
WRONG – King Bo is half “Victimized Black” and half ‘Privileged White Trash” talk about screwed up!
William Matthes says
Exactly! Congress has itself become “pussified” by Obama’s politically-correct nonsense! If they were to charge Obama with the treason-charge he so richly deserves, the blacks and the democRATS would be howling “racist”! And God forbid they should be called names! The Congress is apparently their “safe-space” where they hide out to do nothing, say nothing, and hear nothing! The hell with our federal-laws and the Constitution, it’s their “feelings” that matter here! And they wonder WHY their approval-numbers are AROUND 12 percent?
Old Gunnie says
You mean they have came up by a whole 11.5% !!!!!
William Matthes says
Obama has NO sympathy for the families of ANY Americans killed in terror attacks here or over-seas. He’s proved it over and over again EVERY time he sets a terrorist free from Gitmo. His ONLY allegiance is to Islam!
John Stiles says
Waterboard this creep, and obama and hillery clinton!
Pete says
But of course Obama let the terrorist off the hook, but he was only the third terrorist ,he is just a scumbag, Obama and Clinton orchestrated the benghazi attack and gave the scumbags the information on where ambassador Steven’s would be ,when he would be there, where the drones were,
The stand down order came from obamas mouth to Clinton,the commander’s of the other units should be ashamed of themselves and changed with cowardice in the face of the enemy.
Steven’s had the evidence of Obama and Clinton’s traitorous act of transporting Rns to al-quaida.
Ask her about the $6,000,000,000went?oh,silly me,
Of course, she gave it to the terrorists,
Stevens knew about this and he was going to expose obama and
Clinton for the criminal scumbags that they are Steven’s had to die along with the three Americans.
Are “we the people “that know this?again, of course not, the rinos in the Congress and the senate knew and looke at their bank accounts
Judy Ogren says
I agree , Pete,,,,think you just stated the exact order and things that were happening . Why wouldn’t anyone want to know where this much money disappeared from ??????????? No wonder America has become sooo poor, it’s this potus’s exact agenda for us,,,,,,,,,,,,,we have a lot of straighening out to do when we get this traitor out of there ! What a brutal scheme he has fooled so many with ! You have to be living under a rock to ever vote for a democrat again !
Thomas says
Betrays this country and makes it the laughing stock of the world
Appeases terrorist and law breaking illegals and dams us American citizens
Runs Americans down in foreign countries
Always blaming others for his own lying disgusting blunders
Cannot tell the truth as he’s life is built on lies and nothing but lies
Keeps his life’s secrets under lock and key as he has much corruption to hide
Has divided this country every since he’s been in charge
Unfit to be anywhere near the white house, should be in prison he’s a traitor
Stays on the golf course, even a serious crisis will not take him away
Spreads his lying BS ever chance he gets and is quite sickening
Evil flows through his veins, Satan has nothing on him
Irresponsible and irrational and has no respect for our laws and constantly breaks them
Narcissist sissified Muslim BOY who hate America and loves criminals
Opens our southern border up even more to let in terrorist and disease carriers
Bankrupting this country as he wants to destroy America
Anti God, America, our Constitution and our military and Israel
Most disastrous thing to ever happen to America
Allegiances is for his murdering islamic muslim brotherhood
Donald L Girton says
How would our community organizer feel if his wife…..or one of his girls were killed during this raid? How can he look the relatives who lost their loved ones in the eye? This man is so dangerous right now. His last month is going to be really scary. There is no telling what he’s going to do. He’s going to keep doing things he would never have done during the first term of his presidency. He has nearly destroyed our country and he’s going to keep doing it till the day he walks out of OUR HOUSE which can not happen fast enough!
Chuck Parsons says
Incompetent Hillary Clinton should be going to jail for this just as Obama should they both disregarded the Ambassadors request for more security and to leave the country but instead they ignore his request and refused to sent help when under attack. This murderer does not earn the title of President. Ask the families of the victims? What if it was your husband, father, brother . Voting for Hillary Clinton you are as much a murderer as she is.
Wesha says
you would think…but not in his sick twisted world. Look at Killary running for prez…wth is that. IF it wasn’t for that crooked leader protecting all the ones that want to kill us and destroy america, she would be in jail. I think that albla should be tied up and shot a little at a time, like the hands, feet, elbow, knees..and then come back the next day to finish him off. we will have NO JUSTICE for the AMERICAN PEOPLE until Obammie and his butt kissing friend Killary is out of the top office. Trump i hope will put Killary where she belongs and Obammie will run to Africa to stay safe. I honestyly don’t believe that Trump will take any of this crap lying down. I just hope that the demos and GOP will give him the respect he deserves instead of wanting bring in third parties to destroy his chance of winning, then we are stuck with the lying decietful POS Killary….I think if they put another person in that there will be an uprising like they have never seen before. ALL of us Americans are tired of OUR wishes and thoughts being ignored. WE will FIGHT back.
Bill Bartus says
The Bastard. Son of a ? Mother and a commy. Father.
Clint Hall says
Yes, giving aid and comfort to the enemy ‘WAS’ treason. When Obama arrived on the seen, it was changed to pertain to Americans only.
Bob Peterson says
Has anyone noticed that the U.S. has not executed a single Islamist terrorist either before or
after 9/11 ? We have not done it officially in any prison across the globe or even at Gitmo.
In light of the murders at Ft. Hood, the government has not even tried that terrorist Major and
it still stands as a “workplace violence” incident. That is despicable. The U.S. is unable to
defend itself anymore thanks to the current Commander-in-Chief !!!
Roy Fredrichsen says
That is what I was told about Benedict Arnold in 1776. I guess now that we have a Muslin sympathizer in the Whitehouse, all that has change. The guilty get pardoned an the innocent get stuck with the bill.
William says
That is a hanging offense.
Jacqueline Irwini says
How about a Good Friday prosecution & the people ‘YELLED”, Crucify them, Crucify them!
Judy says
My question is What does Obama have on our Congress that they take no action what’s so ever when Obama thumbs his nose at the American families that lost loved ones and The American Citizens that want justice. They are all pushing one world government Wake Up America they want us on our knees begging. Stop and think look at Hillary and what she has done. If it was YOU or ME we would be behind bars in a heart break.
K9 says
You can’t expect too mush where there’s over 80 card carrying communist democRATS incongress
Nellie says
Obama will give him green card and free education
am says
Used to be, but this doesn’t surprise me. The perp is a muslim, one of Oblahblah’s favorite people! I just wish they’d take him off our hands. The democratic party is made up of crooks. As for treason, John Kerry has done it again with the Iran deal, just like he did with Vietnam. I think this action by the president is treasonous and also our inept AG.
American Citizen says
As Americans we owe it to the Democrap party to make amends for the treasonous actions of their representative Barach Hussein and what better way but to vote Republican in protest .
Alert Hillary Rotten she need not make arrangements to move to the White House. She may thank Barack for her dilemma.
tom says
He would never sentence a fellow brother to death. What a waste of taxpayers money. Barack and Hillary to the Bengazhi families, We will bring those people to JUSTICE!!! BullSh*t I watched the tapes from the security camera’s and I saw at least 20 people in the frames, clean consice pictures. Where are all the other perpetrators. I know 2 of them are in Washington DC. One is diquised as a President , the other as a Political candidate.
Randall Thornton says
Firing squad or hangman’s noose? Either will work well. I have seen pictures about the old west justice and have seen 3-4 hanging together. get them all together now.
Rita Boring says
Put Obama in his place!! He is the most arrogant person I have ever seen..and he knows just what he can do because no one attempts to stop him!! I am like Mr. Thornton, put all of them together-Hillary,Obama,add the Congress that backed him and the muslim murderers and have a shooting spree or a hanging! Charge admission! Heck we might pay off the trillion debt if we did that!
pompey says
Nothing surprising here I thought everyone knew where Obama’s sympathies lie……
ward says
Every one knows the treason except congress that no longer represents the Patriotic U.S. Citizens… !
Jack Kinch says
In Benghazi maybe pinocchiobama is the one behind the killings or partnering Killery
ward says
NO doubt this is another cover up to hide the fact of arms supplies to the muslim brother hood by the treasonous 2 !
ward says
NO DOUBT about their hidden intent to deceive the U.S. Citizens with their lies & treasonous acts …. !
patrick says
The actual killers in Benghazi were obuma and h. clinton.
Americans need to answer this question:
How do we as a society punish killers in our society. They are responsible for excessive losses of life in so many venues. What are we waiting for? These idiots need to be held accountable.
Vic says
I concur!
Sick Of Washington says
Why would anyone be so stupid as to elect h. Clinton?????
Jack Kinch says
Mis-use or abuse of authority is cause for impeachment, conviction and imprison.
ward says
The hilt & bo have abused their power and committed dereliction of duty to their sworn oaths many times over and congress knows the crimes are grounds for indictments for treason but ignore their own oath … !
Lora says
Wrong what about justice for the 4 Americans killed?
Chucky says
They are his people. He will always choose them first!
Kathy Diamond says
Lora, I totally agree with you. This entire situation smelled from the very beginning. WHY didn’t they get help?? Who told the pilot’s to stand down ?? Why were none of Stevens messages EVER answered. He made it very clear they were in danger months before this happened. Why did Bloominthol even know about all of this, he didn’t work for the government. Why did Hillary get all his messages & not one of Stephens? We could go on forever, yet, HERE SHE IS CAMPAIGNING FOR PRESIDENT, RUNNING AROUND THE COUNTRY LIKE NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN TO HER AND THESE MEN ARE DEAD. I truly believe The State Dept. has engaged in a massive Cover Up from the beginning, and everyone knows it. There is no way this can continue without charges being brought against her & everyone involved, which I think is a very long list. Ever Loretta Lynch who was supposed to be honest has done nothing but she jumped on TV about the damn Bathroom Saga
Joe says
Many things will come out after Trump takes over!! He will investigate obummer, hilly, holder, Lerner, the it’s and the new idiot heading up the doj!!! That is why they are all against him!! Many people are going to jail after he is in office!! We cannot fail, elect TRUMP!!!
LARRY says
We can only hope he ( Trump ) will have the help he needs to start to clean up the crooks in D.C.. It will take long time cause there are so many of them to take down.
Leo says
Wishful thinking.
Although it should happen,
there will be NO prosecution of that traitors lot, mark my word, the leaders of this county have become so feckless it is pathetic!!!
Al B Peters says
You will be writing similar messages about Trump in 2 years. He is a draft dodging coward and bully, WHO WILL NEVER DO 10% OF THE THINGS HE promises he will do.
Mexico will never pay for any wall; there will not be 10 million deportations; Trump is already showing he is backing off previous assertions and aligning more with Clinton/ as he is more a Dem than conservative. You drank the kool aid and it appears he has a good chance to be a cowardly commander…I think Kasich may run on libertarian line at polls in 50 states to make sure Trump loses. This is no more a delerious thought than thinking Trump will deliver what he says.
Trump”s tax returns would reveal that he is a cheat and liar, but he is not going to release them.
mrsh says
Al B Peters aka Ted Cruz, right? LOL
Trump ROCKS, and once he becomes the president and saves this nation from the muzzies and brings our jobs back, I’m sure he’ll STILL be sulking like a little child who didn’t get his ice cream cone. Awww poor kid….you’ll be alright….once you suck it up.
This Benghazi crap needs full blown constant exposure. Did you know the Ambassador was sodomized in that attack as well?? True story- sick *****ds- hang them all- ob and hill also. Hillary said “Nobody cares about Benghazi”- we need to show her otherwise and keep this subject in the news constantly. Obummer is one of the primary muslim leaders of the world, and everything he does is an effort to assist the jihad and demise of America for their sake. That is why he ran for President in the first place- muzzies are liars at every turn if it means it advances Islam, and that is why he has done nothing and been nothing but a liar and the stumbling block for America- it was the plan all along. Now he’s busy bringing in floods of his islamic army men so they can attack and take over once he’s out of the whitehouse.
anthony says
This is another instance of the protection of Islamic TERRORISTS by Obama…what about the innocent Americans that were killed by this butcher Obama?
jim says
anthony you dont really think this administration gives a shit about anything other then protecting Obama’s friends and relatives
Don Old Guy says
Do you think there might be a possibility that Abu Khatalla knows a great deal about what really was happening in Benghazi? Keeping quiet about illegal activities can buy a lot of protection from those in power.
patrick says
Look at that picture. This idiot is so clueless. This picture says it all!
mrsh says
I thought the same thing- look at that ridiculous mother hubbard facial expression. It kind of looks like he just filled his drawers……..
Bill Cash says
What would anyone expect. This piece of schitt is Muslim to the bone. And Hillary Clinton just accepted $500,000 from the Pakistan Muslims for promises made.
michael dunne says
Obama needs to be impeached he is a total jerk violating our laws
Fred says
He is a rag head himself
Obama and hillary should be hung in front of the supreme court at high noon for the whole world to see
Earl Watters says
id love to be the one to pull the noose
Calvin Mishalatube says
Why are we surprised that one Muslime protects another Muslime? This raghead should receive the same treatment he gave our people. Never happen as long as Hussein (Insane) Obama and his merry band of Muslimes in the Injustice Department and the W.H. are in charge.
Lorraine E says
Is Abu Khattala a muslim? Of course, the appointed president will not permit him to receive the death penalty. Most likely he will be freed and returned to the middle east so that he can continue murdering Americans and Christians.
Mike says
Not only that, but when Be-Lack O’Blame-a leaves the Rainbow House, he will pardon tons of Muslims and Blacks and leave as many whites to rot in jail as possible. (Even though none of them should be pardoned.)
Bogda says
Earl Watters says
obama is one sorry SOB his whole dam family needs to be put on a island with no food or water
USPatriotOne says
I am so sick and tired of all these TREASONOUS acts by this Administration! We all know Congress is bought and paid for and have completely committed TREASON by not standing up for the Oath they took to uphold the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Military also took the same Oath. So why haven’t the Military not taken it upon themselves to hold this fraud and Traitor to the U.S. Constitution and to the American People (and our Nation) to bring him to Justice? I have read that BO, as of 2014, has committed 75 High Crimes and Treason against the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights..!!! Yes I know that BO has been removing any and all high ranking Generals and Admirals that would stand against this traitor, but they still took the Oath and need to act accordingly to remove him from Office! God help us, PLEASE!
juju says
Absolutely and it only takes 3 generals to get the job done; so why are they so afraid.
Patriot says
These people OBAMA & HILLNO are criminals and they both have the audacity to stand up in front of the American people like they are gods and cannot be touched. They have no conscience for the criminal acts they have committed. They both should be impeached and sent to prison. Even at that it is not enough to punish them for the people they let die and what they have done to this great country not to mention the world.
r lawler says
Why should GOD help us??Really. We have kicked him so far out of American life, that to just say the words”GOD” is now ranked as politically incorrect!! He is besmirched from Court House to Court House, his people reviled and endangered in their OWN country by dark powers that seem to grow stronger every day!! Just look around,it’s true. Of course it’s your right to believe in GOD or not,and I wish it was just that benign..but today, the drum beat says..choose sides..choose sides, you cannot be neutral any more. When you think about it..every time this country had it’s feet to the fire Providence has supplied a leader from out of the masses who saved the day..Washington and the founding fathers in 1776..General Grant in the Civil War, ( one nation under GOD,indivisible), Patton, and Roosevelt and and our fabulous Generals of WW11..Kennedy in the Missile crisis,but now, who have we got nowrichardlawlerstudios.com We are like a ship without a rudder, blindly sailing on, with no one watching the water rise in the hold. But maybe , just maybe, GOD has not given up on us quite yet. Maybe one more time, a great leader will arise from the decks of the sinking ship. And we need him now, GOD, we need him now, possibly more than at any time in the past. IF, this election fails to produce the right person, will the last American in the room, please turn out the light before you leave . Because people,..it’s over
Bob McIntosh says
Why? Because he can expose Hillary’s lie that it ‘ was a spontaneous act not planned’ . So he walks and so does she. These Washington traitors should pay with their lives but that of course, will not happen.
D.L Moore says
Why don’t those candy ass lawmakers impeach his ass, for treason.
Billy jones says
They are all a bunch of crooks!
Constitutionalist says
D.L. Moore-
Why don’t those candy ass lawmakers impeach his ass, for treason
First, all that’s needed is arrest, trial, and conviction.
Second, we can only “impeach” someone who holds the office LEGITIMATELY, and D’OweBama – who never fit the “natural born” description as defined by Congress – is but the Current Occupant, unlawfully and Unconstitutionally sitting the office as a poseur, committing the crime called “personation”(look it up), not to mention Fraud and Treason. If anyone starts up articles of impeachment, they would be KNOWINGLY legitimizing D’OweBama’s presidency, declaring for all the world to see that he DID have the right to sit the office…when he does NOT.
vet says
barry the fairy is a member of the muslim brotherhood , what do you expect !!!
Harold says
What else do you really expect from a fellow Muslime? It’s time for the congress and senators to do something about this anti-American terrorist who resides in the white house. Just remember there are 388 of these so called rep. up for re-election!
mrsh says
LOL I have to say, some of these comments are awesome- “Barry the Fairy” (from the rainbow house)and “Muslime”… ;() Those are worth repeating!
DickPalmer says
That is what Hitler would do!Side with the scumbags over the righteous.
jack baer says
Obama let it be known if he says video caused the attack and the whole Hillary spin is recited his life will be spared and he can be traded for another bergdahl
Barbara says
I DO NOT understand why this traitor is still in our white house! This is an abomination to the men and their families that died in Benghazi, just as Hillary running for president is. What has happened to this great nation of ours? How could a man like Obama GET into the white house, much less stay there? Something has to be done and it has to be done now. This man is a traitor to the United States. And we all know he is going to try to pardon Hillary. I hope Obama is smart enough to leave the United States when he is finally booted out of our white house. He is not welcome anywhere. Neither is Hillary. Trump, save us! Make our country great again! No lies, no executive orders except those that burn Obama and Hillary. The people that nurture this country have had enough of these tyrants.
Paul valdez says
I’ll bet anything if Mr. Khattala were a Christian instead of a Muslim, he would’ve already had him executed! I’ve been saying all along that this motherfucker is a Muslim, and Khattala is one of his buddies. I say hang him for treason, and for all his cronyism, and for flooding this country with illegal aliens, and HANG HIM HIGH!
Wendell Johnson says
I have always said obumbs is the enemy of my country, everything he does he sticks it to us , and Hitlery walks free like she is above the law
Gary Smith says
Put them both in Gitmo
K9 says
that’s why the bas turd want to close GITMO, so they won’t put him there
law5960 says
Despite all the ranting in other comments here, I think the Justice Department has done the right thing. It has been more than a decade since any federal defendant was executed and there are valid legal reasons why it would be very difficult to actually execute this guy. More than that, there are those 10 Commandments that tell us, “Thou shalt not kill.” It doesn’t say not to kill unless a bunch of angry people want it to be done. I am with God on this issue, and not those who would form a mob.
Patriot says
Another muslim trying to hide behind religion
law5960 says
Thanks for this reply from another “patriot” trying to hide behind stupidity.
Athanasios1 says
Dear legal imbecile. The masonic or Judaic Commandment that you are referring to, when properly interpreted, state the Commandment as; Thou Shalt not MURDER. In other words, King James got it wrong. But being a modern day scholar of ever changing words, definitions and meanings (which is how legal imbeciles stay in business), facts, language and history have little to do with YOUR “legal system”. But if you excuse the true words and meaning of this Commandment, then I guess every hunter, beef rancher, hog butcher, chicken farmer and produce farmer (as living plants can also be killed) are condemned to hell. This Moslem SOB and every true Moslem needs to be killed to defend our religious freedom from this hate group called Islam. The word Islam means “Surrender”. Now go study that “College Boy”.
law5960 says
May God have mercy on you.
Chuck H. says
There is only one commandment that says “thou shalt not kill”, the fifth commandment. It applies to a person, not a country. Read the Old Testament, the Jews slaughtered entire nations. So you are not really with God, just your skewed perception of God. There is also this concept of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” that also derives from the Old Testament that would probably would probably apply to a person. Deuteronomy 19:21, “Thus you shall not show pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. Reread that part about life for life. So spare me your indignation.
wizard says
All part of the cover up of what was really behind the Benghazi attack. Hillary should still be held accountable for the part she played in that tragedy.
FED-UP! Taxpayer/Voter Merger says
Treason !
Jim says
Pray tell me how can we as American Citizens stand by and not only watch but read how our president and Clinton get by with this. If one of us would have been involved in this we would have been convicted and excuted. Our president is not going to do anything about it or to Hillary Clinton. They are using our military as ponds and they are expendable. They both should be held accountable for their actions. We are beginning to be a loosing nation. We need people who will make America a looked up to nation again and stop this bull s—.
cbanalyst says
This is very odd? The reason for the decision not to go for the death penalty must be made public for the families of the deceased if nothing else.
Gary says
This M’ F**Ker should be hung or placed in GITMO for the rest of his traitorous life. He is the most two-faced bigot individual to ever have drawn a breath.
Dan Lawrence says
This guy should have been taken to Guantanamo Bay and tried in a military court.
Steve in Tampa says
If he had been “dispatched” during the shootout that lead to his initial capture, this would not have been an issue and we (the taxpayers) would have been saved the $$$ that his care, feeding and housing has cost. Our enemies do not respect nor honorr”rules of war” or civilized treatment. Bet that sooner or later he will be released like his brothers at Gitmo and may end up bringing more harm to the US. -anybody but Clinton in the White House and stop the “changes” that current president is bringing to the US.
Linda says
Hope Trump goes after Obama and Hilary now as he is campaigning and after he is President. Bet Obama may change his plans of staying in DC.
Athanasios1 says
Isn’t Barack Hussein Obama wonderful? Now watch all the voting imbeciles elect Hitlary to continue Obamas’ legacy.
Larry Ellard says
Wow: Just read all these comments. Things are pretty bad. Now the news is saying that Hussein will be going to Japan at the site of the dropping of the bomb that helped end ww2. AND in this statement it says: HE WILL NOT BE GOING WITH AN APOLOGY. Wow, what a statement for a LIBERAL media to make. Looks like they are finally seeing the light. This man has gone all over the world apologizing for America and look at how the world treats the United States now. American is no longer feared as the most powerful country in the world. Not quite 3rd world comments but certainly not to be taken that seriously. He draws a line and once that line is crossed he draws another one. I’m not a rabid Trump supporter but I will vote for him. I really hope he surrounds his presidency with qualified, intelligent true Americans and stops this horrible decline we have seen for the last 7 plus years. Larry
enchanted says
Is this surprising? After all in his own autobiography he said he would side with muslims if the ill winds blew.
me says
Joanne says
Let me understand this correctly. Khattala was captured and transported on a U.S. Navy ship. Why didn’t someone throw him overboard in shark infested waters and spare the American citizens the cost of a long and costly trial.
Texas Son says
ChicagoThunder1 says
When is it going to sink in that all of this chaos is part of the One World Government New World Order’s plan to expand Communism? Remember what Nikita said to Vice President Nixon… That one day we would wake up to find that our country had turned to Communism. Look at all of the Socialist Bernie Sanders supporters there are Socialism is a half step behind Communism.
It’s all too clear that the last four United States Presidents have been for the one world government not including the gipper what makes anyone believe that Obama is not? The people behind all of theses attacks are causing chaos for the purpose of causing the people to cry out for government intervention. That what the NWO’s mantra IS! Actually they have the gonads to come right out and say it… “Chaos Before Order” We see the Chaos but haven’t seen the Order yet. Dah?
carlis gaylor says
I know where ted c is on this. don t?
Jerry says
Obama is America’s First Gay Terrorist Dictator
roger domnie says
doesn’t this guy have a job to do, but show up on tv shows, vacation, make bad 150 billion deals, go to dinners, more family outings on our dime. now he’s pardoning killers, no wonder we have no allies anymore! all in a days work for him and the clinton’s.
Geoffrey e blume sr says
Above.I agree. With all of the outrage expressed above.
Go trump!
mike says
BWJ says
Then kill the traitors Omuslama and Lynch
What a SCUMBAG . If This doesn’t prove , KENYACOON MUZZY BARRY , AINT a MUZZY , And an PRO-MUZZY TERRORIST COMMIECRAT LIBTURD DEM ANTI-GUN , VET , and MILITARY , AMERICA HATING ASSWIPE MAGGOT TRAITOR . I don’t know what does… I for one , CANT STAND the SIGHT or SOUND of this ILLEGAL FRAUD TREASONOUS KENYA MUZZY PRO-TERRORIST PLIE of MAGGOT PUKE . Its Long past time the He Shouldve been , ARRESTED , CUFFED , PERP WALKED to JAIL . Then stand Trial , FOR said FRAUD and TREASON . Then Punished according to the Military UCMJ .
Briguy says
This is definitely an act of TREASON! But, so many other times he’s committed Treason against the United States and
gotten away with it. Why do they think Trump is doing so well, and he’s the People’s choice? Where is our Republican congress to hold his feet to the fire and do something about this? He should be impeached and removed 5 years ago! Why is he still there, aiding and ebbeding the enemy of our country? What a total Traitor to the country, barak is!
Clint Hall says
The people that were sent to Washington to represent us do not have time except to pass laws to oppress the people and work on their financial future.
Dennis says
It just shows that Obama is not serious or concerned at all what happened in Benghazi. He is a liar and his little clones that work under him are liars. They lied from the get go on Benghazi, including the corrupt witch Hillary. Why don’t you just pardon this terrorist murdering shitbag so he can go out and do it again. You are worthless Obambie, time to go and don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
ChicagoThunder1 says
The only thing that Karl Marx ever did was hang a name on the Devil’s mind set. Marx was the Devil’s Useful Idiot that’s all he ever was. If Michael threw Lucifer and his 200 following angels down to Earth and hell is supposed to be down below where is it that we live? When it is also said that Lucifer / Satan is the ruler of hell and he’s here and now and no one believes that he even exists that’s his joke. The Muslims correctly call him a Jinn or a genie he was created from Holy smokeless fire he is a spirit a shape shifter and he’s the one behind all of this. Read Genesis then the book of Enoch then you will understand what the NEW World Order is really all about.
Inquisitive says
I wonder if Obama can pardon himself?
Maggietish says
Once again the Obama administration and Justice Department have proven that they believe that the lives of these four Americans in Benghazi don’t matter. They were clearly slaughtered/murdered and the President, Susan rice, Hillary Clinton all lied from the beginning as to the real reason for the attack. It was never a video as Hillary Clinton’s emails prove it was clearly a terrorist attack that had been planned that they knew about from the beginning. Ambassador Stevens wrote hundreds of emails to Hillary Clinton in which he asked for help which she either ignored or denied. She chose politics over these for men’s lives. She is extremely cavalier and dismissive about these four men’s deaths as the statement she made in answer to a question at Congressional hearing when asked about the deaths of these four men and she said, “what difference does it make.” It makes a difference to any decent human being with feelings all over this world except for Hillary Clinton. So now once again the Obama administration and Justice Department are literally walking on the graves of these four dead Americans by not prosecuting this animal for the murders of these for brave Americans. This is another’s example which proves just how much President Obama supports Muslims including Islamic terrorists over this nation and the American people. I wonder how the other people in the military who are fighting for Nation and our freedom and think about this latest betrayal from the Obama administration. It’s a national disgrace.
Richard King says
There should be three. Obama, Hilary and Khattala are all just as quilIty. Two should be tried as a traitor and then all for number. they are all quilty so what are the American people going to do. give one a pension for life make the other president and let the other walk. I fought for this Country and have never been ashamed of it but now my brothers that are still alive and the one that never made it home are sheading tears because we are watching a great nation fall to its knees with shame. But you ask any vet and he will tell you that yes he will stand up and fight for this country today. GOD BLESS THIS COUNTRY AMEN
Randy says
Becoming Bubba’s girl friend could be worse than death.
dprato says
Muslim President lets Muslim Terrorist off the hook. Well of course. Muslim President lets Hillary Clinton off the hook. Well of course. Muslim President lets Bergdahl off the hook. Well of course. Black Muslim President sides with Black Lives Matters, know criminals against police and grand juries. Well of course. Muslim President sides with Muslims over Christians and Jews.
Well of course. And it goes on and on. Time to wake up folks. Our Muslim President is the biggest Terrorist in this Country and our dysfunctional Congress has let him off the hook by not impeaching him. Well of course his Democratic lap dogs would never convict him because they are equally complicit.
lemmont washington says
Maybe Obama should be made to take his place? And as far as the Terrorist goes, put him in the right prison, where the inmates can take care of the punishment.
bob says
If O,Bumma had a son, that’s what he would look like !
Nathan Clark says
Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinckley, Jack Ruby ,somebody, anybody ,please!!
sandy says
I don’t care for Obama, but he is our President. Hoping better thing come from TRUMP.
Norman says
Hea, this guy reads the koran so why wouldn’t obama not think he is a saint.
farmer john says
ALL you people posting here are forgetting one major event that is going to happen, the elections will be called off when this DUMBO president declares Martial Law and stays in office until the end of 2026. DUMBO does NOT plan to leave office of being president….SAD to say…!
Annette says
The first thing the next president MUST do after he takes the oath of office is arrest and throw Obuma’s terrorist ass in prison for TREASON and CRIMES AGAINST THE UNITED STATES and HUMANITY for letting these Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorist BASTARDS go scott-free. By letting these terrorists go free, Obuma is just as guilty of MURDER as if he pulled the trigger himself. That asshole should have NEVER been elected in the first place and definitely should NOT have been reelected. The IMBECILES in this country who elected and then reelected him are total FOOLS.
Jim Evans says
Obama has to protect his terrorist Muslim friends. Nothing new.
RON says
iris cross says
Mike m says
I wish God would help, but Obama and others like him have made it clear that God is no longer welcome in America.
Mike m says
I’m surprised Obama hasn’t yet nominated him to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court. Every Democrat would vote “yes”.
susan keller says
more than sad to say, neither Obama or Clinton will face charges. will be talked about, great media hype, and nothing will come of it. For the life of me, I do not see how that soldier at Ft. Hood ever, ever, EVER had Miranda rights read to him, or how he was placed in civilian custody instead of military jurisdiction. and isn’t it interesting how he has ‘dropped out of sight’…..surely with all the eye witnesses he could have been brought to trial by now ??! this is too discouraging…..I’m going to make dinner. ciao, tingo.
Ralph Ormsbee says
This is what your GOP and the scum sucker leading them Paul RYAN is voting and working for This trash they are turning lose no problem at all for them want to KILL your VETERAN how do you feel about that does any thing up set you I guess not for no one saying any thing and theses veterans are out being killed for you scum.
Don Hornish says
Don’t worry, he’ll get his in Hell! No virgins there, except those suffering the same eternal torment of hell fire and brimestone! Too bad he won’t see Hillary Clinton as she and Slick Willy will be occupying another space there and too busy being tormented by the flames of Hell fire!!
Justin W says
President Obama always finds some way to disappoint Americans. Taking the death penalty off the table is a disgrace. Everyone involved in the murder of the embassy staff should face the death penalty.
Not So Free says
It’s just a case of one Muslim looking after another Muslim.
Rock says
One cure. TRUMP
Rich says
Rich says
Obozo strikes again to allow one of his brother muslims to live and probably pardoned in near future to plan and kill more Americans
RJ says
The more news about obama’s actions (and inactions), the more I wonder if there is anything like able about this guy. BTW, obama was intentionally not capitalized!
PM says
It is up to voters to not let Hillary get by with her role in the murders.
Gerald Anderson says
Where in hell is our Government.. The only people that initiate actions in Government are people against the USA. …
Who is supposed to arrest these criminals and prosecute the worthless criminals.. Where did the Americans go..? What’s the difference if we would exchange Washington with Guantanamo ..get the same results.
Cy says
If that bastard is being held on a ship just throw him overboard and be done with it.