It took a court order for it to finally be released, but critics say the wait was worth it.
A newly released transcript has provided smoking-gun proof to what critics of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had long suspected — Clinton deliberately lied to the American people about the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
And there’s no denying it anymore.
On September 11, 2012 — the day of the Benghazi attacks that claimed four American lives — Clinton put out a statement on behalf of the State Department where she blamed the attack on an anti-Muslim Internet video.
But the next day, in a conversation with the then-prime minister of Egypt , Clinton admitted she knew that wasn’t true.
According to the transcript obtained by Judicial Watch, “in her 7:49 PM September 12 conversation with Hisham Kandil, Clinton said, ‘We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack – not a protest.’
Kandil responded, ‘You’re not kidding. Based on the information we saw today we believe that group that claimed responsibility for this is affiliated with al-Qaeda.'”
The possible existence of this phone transcript was first revealed during Congressional investigations of Clinton. But the State Department did everything in it’s power to prevent it from becoming public.
Despite a Freedom of Information Act request from Judicial Watch seeking the transcript, it took two federal court orders before the State Department released it.
Similarly, Judicial Watch litigation also forced the release of the September 11, 2012 email in which Clinton informed her daughter by email that the attack had been staged by an ‘Al Qaeda-like group,’ rather than as the result of an Internet video.
The rush to blame the Benghazi attacks on a video was an attempt by the Obama administration to make the violence look spontaneous. But the fact that terror groups operating in the area were behind the attacks raises fresh questions about whether Clinton did enough to protect U.S. diplomats.
“There are two scandals here. The first is Hillary Clinton was telling different stories to different foreign leaders about the Benghazi attack – including an admission that it was a terrorist attack,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in his group’s official statement. “The second is the State Department’s cover-up of these documents. The State Department is forcing Judicial Watch to play ‘whack-a-mole’ with Clinton and Benghazi documents. It is no wonder that two frustrated federal court judges granted Judicial Watch discovery into the Clinton FOIA issues.”
Frank W Brown says
And this BITCH is STILL running for potus WHY???
Mike says
Yes, the B(W)ITCH is still running for potus. Why? Because it’s her destiny. She knows, like O’Blame-a knew that she will be president. Unfortunately, her destruction on this country will be worse than his has been (so far.) She will bring utter and complete devastation on this nation. And, I don’t mean the dollar collapses and there are bread lines and soup lines. More like we get bombed silly by multiple countries (think Russia, China, Korea, Iran…) and the only lines are the ones where people refuse to convert to Islam or live under Sharia Law, and they are scheduled for beheading. When she gets in office, you’d better be prayed up and right with God, because you’ll be going to meet Him.
Tugboat says
“Hillary the Scandal” is beyond reproach. I believe if she is elected, she will force all of us to bow and worship her. “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who has the dumbest followers of all”………….
rodney says
demoncraps and welfare enrollees
The GOP Nominee should have no trouble defeating the Democratic Nominee based on facts and positions… but it may simply boil down to how many people are already socialists in America expecting free stuff they never contributed to or earned, but feel they are entitled to have it, and want to keep it.
Join the TRUMP TRAIN 2016 !
Carl says
We have so many people that have so much that they didn’t earn, they can appreciate nothing and still want more. I used to get really upset when snowbirds started moving South and bringing their sophomoric Progressive agenda with them turning nice areas into the cesspools they left. Now the Illegal immigrants are moving North because the Welfare is better in the progressive States and the Islamic enclaves are similar to the old meme ” The inmates are now running the asylum”
Frank says
That is easy – it is the mass of people that get paid by the government to not work, raise children to become less, and lets all get on disability if you are not old enough for S Security.
The old joke of why do they make you lean over when the airplane is about to crash has a lot of truth in it – so you can kiss your ass goodby with liberal thinking.
marymerritt says
why is this BITCH still alive? everyone kn ew that there was no video but the whole thing was a lie especially when you saw the fox news interviews with the americans who were there that day
Rob says
I leave this answer to all in the event that there are enough dumb shots to vote democrat again. Be self sufficient and arm yourself before the guns can’t be had anymore. Things will get very rough and yes, we will be invaded by our enemies because we will have no money for our military. It went to the illegals.
Jim Welch says
It is not whether she gets elected or not, it is already stated she will win and the election has not even been held. As of this morning I was reading where George Soros has given Kisach more millions to stay in the running to interrupt the delegates that Trump needs and in hold back on Cruz getting very many, in this way the RNC will appoint who they want to run, it will not be the voters choice, They are planning to put Kisach as the nominee for the Rup, president and this will put hillary in there, Millions will refuse to vote because of the way the voters will be done which leaves only the idiots voting for her now to vote for her to be in this office. This is what Trump is complaining about so much is the corruption inside the RNC and the Dem. party, all about power and money. Hillary needs to be in jail, if they try to arrest her now, obama will pardon her, all over with, If she gets elected, she will pardon herself, The presidents can do this. Well, anyway we The American people are screwed
Sharon Dianne says
This is old news too!!! Loretta Lynch has to indite and she won’t.
The establishment is so afraid of The Donald…I would laugh but its not funny. They
really want to just shoot him…
Mike Davis says
The story that George S is funding Kisach is not true. Ref the Wall street Journal.
Rocco says
It will never happen, if they try to do that, this country will be in a civil war
marymerritt says
leave cruz alone and expose Hillary for the liar she really is but first you would have to check the records of the rose law firm in little rocklord only knows how many of her plots and lies are hidden of course they are classified
Philip says
Hittlery, is a LYING Scoundrel just like Obama the Blowhard.
The Liar-in-Chief, unfit to be a Commander-in-Chief.
Sharon says
So time to make certain that she is NOT elected to be President! Time to put someone other than a Democrat in
Office and see how they handle this! Perhaps Hilary will end up in Stripes after all!! I am not loyal to any Political Party, but the options this year are not good for DEMS!! A Socialist and a Traitor are all they have running!!
marymerritt says
nothing but a real liar would rut real patriots in that kind of danger is the bitch really a mother? most mothers do not jeopardize their children and she did exactly that because the citizens of this country should be like children to her and she showed very little concern for any of them during this disgusting and unnecessary attack
marymerritt says
birds of a feather stick together but the real question in this issue is where was obozo when all this disaster took place ? but in this situation no one will ever know because it has been covered up so well because neither Hillary nor mr. wonderful will ever tell the truth it would be great if we did know but all things considered it will never happen
Donald Thieke says
tou might bow but other good Americans will march on the White House instead of just complaining thats why were where were at right now,all we do is complain,no one will take care of this crap only WE THE PEOPLE CAN make these changes………….
B. Roger Smith says
Norm says
Great say!
KEVIN says
Suzanne says
That’s the problem – the public has very little to nothing to do with her (potential) presidency. It’s delegates & electoral college. The popular vote of we American citizens actually makes no difference come election time.
I believe she would be better off reaping the harvest of her sins now as opposed to life on the other side of eternity. Come to think of it, that would be best for us all. God bless…
karlamarx says
Hillary’s existence & inevitable occupation of the White House, seriously question the existence of God.
Jane says
Democrats don’t care, they keep voting for the beast.
Donald Nichols says
The inerrant word of Jehovah gives all the right to choice. The world is making it’s choice and only those who are connected to Jesus Christ will find He is the way the truth and the life for all who believe. Wide are the gates to hell and narrow is the road to the Father. If your laughing at this then you really do need the truth.
Kevin says
We the public are screwed
Sharon Dianne says
We the People… do not count…. watch and see what they do with the election, even if he has
the majority he will not win…simply that….SCREW the American public.
Fly on the wall says
Please note she has no economic agenda b/c she will default to what the CFR, IMF and NWO desire as long as she profits from it so she does not have to work too hard spinning it as in the best interest of the sheeple.
Keifer says
Kevin, the system is too corrupt. Just look who’s in the White House right now, he never should of become POTUS. The criminals are in charge.
Robin West says
Cheryl says
She becomes President I hope you know we will go to war. God help us all..
Joe Blow says
Betty Lowery says
You have nailed it…this is the best statement I have read about what this country can expect if she is elected….the Obama administration will look like a group of little princesses dressed in pink compared to what this “person” has in store for all of us. And, you’re correct when you say we had better be prayed up….there’s no healing for this country again until God is brought back to the forefront. Thanks for the statement….it is so true.
voncile Fullwood says
Mike, not only do I want to be prayed up …I want to go up..I can not believe that Hillary is allowed to run for President when all these email and lies she has told…the Democrats sure don’t want to lose their seats for if they do they can’t slip into the middle of the night and steal the money that is not their’s like out of the Social Security. I have never had any doubts that Hillary lied to the people and covered up when she said it was from a video,then a protest in the streets when I saw the movie that the Seals made in honor of the four brave Americans that died in Libya,and none other than a plan terrorist attack one day after Chris Stevens made his speech they attacked the compound three times and three times Chris told the CIA in another compound send help they were under attack and three Hillary told them to stand down and the third time the seals in the other compound where some Military and CIA were they did not listen and disobeyed the order but time they got to the compound that Chris and the three others were in had been targeted and bombed with third attempt they shot missiles and it was engulfed in flames so bad that the Ambassador was burnt up in the! what would happen in America if she became President when she would not even take care of this problem and help could have gotten to them in time had she not given the order to stand down.If anyone has doubts then go see the movie 13th hour Benghazi it will set your mind at ease.I say she is a dirty lying witch
Mr. Sams says
The only reason they have let her go this far is because of the Obama Administration and the dumb ass women, who don’t know any better, want a woman as president. I don’t mind a woman president but this woman doesn’t even qualify for the POTUS position.
Robin West says
What was she going to gain? MONEY? She has no conscious or compassion! These must be the end times.
Dawg# says
Amen Mike; I only hope that when the dust clears, people will see the logic of having Trump as POTUS. Freedom and survival is so much more important than Free stuff.
Linda says
She had already said she would let the muslims have their sharia law when she is president, the 2nd amendment will be no more. And the U.S. will turn into a muslim country. I don’t know if we would be better off with Sander’s. Would Rather have Mr.Trump. But each state’s the people vote don’t count so i almost wonder why we have to vote at all when we don’t count in the first place. I think the electoral should not be up to career politicians they were all put in their by us and we should have a say who we want for president not those politicians. And clinton is going to do this and we can not let her be president at all because of what she will do. If she’s elected president, Hillary Clinton already has outlined over $1 trillion in new government spending — and she’ll take more than $4,000 from every taxpaying family’s pocket to pay for it.
AMEN MIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Marcia says
Hillary wants to redo the Consittution and get rid of the 1st and 2nd amendment. They she will redo the Constitution to her thinking with mean bend over and kiss your ass good by. I hope the FBI and state department will put her on trial real soon. Like this next week.
“By the way she has had 0ver 6 abortions and they only reason she had a baby is the powers that be in the Democrate party told Bill he had to me more family Like and if at all possible have a baby This was told by Bill Clinton to his mistress Sally Mills in 1980 Bill Clinton told her his wife is cold and maybe a lesbian.
Rick Worthington says
Apart from the religious aspect which Mike is spouting, he is correct in many ways…whether it is an Islamic ‘takeover’ or a catastrophe of another kind – whichever – there is the distinct possibility of either in the fairly near future, and with Hillary Clinton at the helm of this country, American citizens’ future will be bleak indeed.If praying makes one feel better, then so be it, but folk will need to be somewhat more practical to survive….People can use the “Let’s watch and see who’s correct” method or do something more positive and not vote for her.
James N Hall says
Mike,you may be laughed at or made to appear old fashioned but partner you are 101 per cent correct. You can go the quick and easy route and give up bar-b-q pork and pray four times a day or option # two become face to face with Jesus. Our choices in this election is very, very important and you are correct ,make a bad one and boy will this nation pay dearly . As for me and my house,we will serve the Lord.
Robin West says
Ross Young says
The wicked B(witch) of the west has nothing on Hillary, She is a child of her father, untruthful, murdering, hateful, bought and sold
ed says
She is toast. She and Slick Willy have over 50 suspicious deaths over their heads in Arkansas. See the Clinton Cronies foe great details get a copy online as I have mine in old vhs format as it came out in vhs days…
What happened to Vince Foster…suicide as described or murder? What happened to 5p other mysterious people connected to Billary?
Kathy Diamond says
Frank, That has always been the correct question. I for one am so tired with these announcements that actually mean nothing to ending this bull with this women. Trey Gowdey put on quite a performance BEFORE the hearings, but fell short during the hearings. They resolved NOTHING !! Now more evidence ?? Give me a break, they are all gutless cowards protecting themselves & their jobs.
Mikeyavelli says
We all knew this right away. But as Hilliar and obama and the lie protectors snottily claimed, there is no evidence of a cover up or evidence of a stand down order or evidence that the video was not the motivation for the attack. They were so smug and proud of their claims of no evidence. Of course, they were hiding it.
Now it’s out. Obama and Hilliar lied to get obama elected again.
Both should be tried for treason, but people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and other real Republicans don’t think that matters. They don’t have the courage to expose obama and Hilliar on any of their high crimes.
Cheryl says
I have faith in God something big is going to happen, both her and her boss eventually are going to pay for what they did. I am outraged that these two are not looking at treason charges that is where I hand it to God..
G White says
Rick Worthington says
Better to do something actually useful Cheryl than rely on so-called “spiritual” methods…like making sure you vote for someone else…I’ll leave that up to you to figure out whom! Your religious beliefs may make you feel secure…but I doubt that God would interfere with mankind’s decisions, stupid or otherwise. I doubt very much whether the political scene is is His forte! It’s up to mankind to “make their bed and lie in it.” !!
Barbara says
Of course Obama and Lynch will excuse her. She’s probably already said that she would spill the beans on where Obama was the night of the attacks. They covered for his second election by claiming it was a video that caused the attacks; and then having Rice come out on 6 occasions to promote the video. They knew they were deceiving us. I wonder if Trump has any solid info to prove their cover-up. Certainly would be a blessing!
Don King says
To Barbara, thanks yes the proof is in the pudding.
When someone as important as POTUS was nowhere to be found, that means he was hiding.
Avoiding the ” nuisance ” of Bengahzi in the middle of
Las Vegas campaigning was sooo convenient.
So yes, it is clearly known today, he was hiding while
Susan Rice was ” running ” the Country, obediently and
“courageously” over the dead body of not only the
Secretary of State but every cathartic member of the Cabinet, all of whom never even said: bleep.
What difference does this make?
margaret Baker says
Hi yes what happened to Trey Gowdy?, he fell short of his job, I feel he ended up being just like the rest of the spineless folks in DC just worried about their jobs. So disappointed. We felt this young man will get answers not so.
1American1st says
I agree! I was so impressed with Trey Gowdy, then… crickets.
She should have been indicted for causing the 4 murders. Ambassador Stevens had requested additional security several months before the attack. She didn’t do anything about fulfilling that request. The real kicker was when she was being questioned she had the audacity to laugh & say she thought the ambassador was just kidding or joking about the extra security.
What kind of Leader would do that?
Right you are. The endless stories have been the same since a week after the attack. Under the ‘House of Cards’ government we have nothing will ever happen to any politician. Nothing. Move on media to real stories . Stories of facts. Not hogwash. Americans are sick of it.
Marie says
hilary is being protected by Obama and the establishment both GOP and Democratic she is part of the establishment whores. She belongs in jail with really mean criminals, you know like herself. Maybe she should be left in a Muslims refugees camp, than she will know what she did to those poor men they were raped , tortured and burned alive.
Chuck says
Liars of America Obama and Clinton. And the sad thing is they will continue lies even if it cost more lives. They are only for the corrupt. Just like Obamas DOJ and IRS to include his full administration.
Chuck says
Should Clinton get the position of President it will be due to corruption. She should not be allowed to even run for this position due to her lies and deceit. This only shows how much corruption there is not only in the DNC but also the GOP. Why would any American citizen want this kind of trash for President.
Lloydandruschek says
Because the working class (middle class) don’t have the money to fight the upper class. Look what they are doing to Mr Trump! The DC crowd and the DC Media run the country.
Jimmie Styer says
No Lie There Frank. And You Kathy Are 100 % Correct. I’m Tired Of Hearing How She Has Done This Or That. DO SOMETHING For Gods Sake.
rodney says
YEAH talk is cheap, action is required. We’ve known what the problem is for more than 2 years. it’s time for SOMEONE to get some balls and take action. Corruption is so rampant it smells from WASH DC to Texas.
Gwin says
Since the middle class doesn’t have the money to the maggots. We must help Trump make it in the WH so he can clean up that mess and make America great again.
Robin West says
DWB says
The fat bitch slut should be hanging from a rope along with Obozo.
roni says
Beacause the lying, cheating, stealing lowlife will not get caught or will be reprieved!
ken ptasnick says
Because there are alot of stupid people out there who either don’t care, they are Dems no matter what or they think it will be a lasting memory that they voted for the 1st female POTUS. The fact that Hillary is a liar and a self centered I’m only out for myself type of person really makes me want to vote for her…..not
Herc says
Because all the accusations lodged against her by the republicans are all lies! That’s why! How many times Hillary was called on to testify in the House Committee? Did they find something? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hillary is a dignified woman who has all the experience & brilliance to become the first woman president in the USA. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Who will beat her, Cruz, the Canadian, or Trump, a political ignorant billionaire? Who then would you prefer to run this country?
R. G. says
you are a fool and blinded by the bright lights of the Demos. She is dirty and not trustworthy. Enough with the experience and brilliance you say. She yelled at her staff and degraded them, She was the most hated First Lady with the Air Force One pilots yelling and screaming, she is a classless hick that may have been from ILLINOIS but has treated people in ARKANSAS like second class citizens.. I would vote for Trump before her and I am a registered Demo, She has some much blood on her hands from the past. So I suggest you do a little research before you open your mouth and spew out a lot of crap that you haven’t even read or researched. You think Obama was bad wait until the Black Widow is running the country. She couldn’t satisfy Slick Willie so what makes you think she will satisfy the country
glenn davis says
Herc, that’s the greatest piece of satire that I’ve seen this week. Kudos.
johnnybuffalo says
Not her , for sure.
my god -are u that stupid???mabey u will be one of the first ones to be beheaded when their isis friend get over here. u deserve it ,for voting for her ,she is a murderous bitch ,
Shirley says
She is and has been under investigation. Why is she allowed to even run? If that were one of us, we’d be in jail!!! She will win like obumma did… Pad the voting boxes and more, where is your sense of approval coming from?. She is more corrupt,, thieving, downright dirty and morally corrupt among other things. Do your homework!
Linda Vaughan says
Clinton is a lying, cheating, very dangerous bitch. She helps foreign countries obtain things by using her power for a hefty donation to her corrupt foundation. That is one reason she used her private e- mail server. It gave her the ability to delete any ones related to her or Bill’ s illegal activities. You Democrats need to wake up and see that electing Hillary is putting a liar and cheat, as well as someone who has no regard for the sanctity of life,born or unborn. She claims to be su an advocate for women’s rights, yet she pays the men on her office staff almost 1/3 more than she pays the women. She says whatever she needs to say to win, no matter if it is true or not.
debbie ferentz says
She should be charged with Murder for letting the Americans get slaughtered. My friend in the Navy said there was a aircraft carrier with jets ready to go in and show the fear of GOD to Libya and they were told to stand down by you know who!
DAVID says
Gail says
Good question
Tom says
She sure is and we all know that The liar in place(baboonzo) is supporting the Marxist Bitch. There is no lesser of 2 evils Burnie is a Commie so don’t vote the Kremlin ticket .
James tibbs says
Because no one in congress has the balls to say or do anything to a commie clinton, and as clinton goes so goes oblunder the radical islamist.
Jc says
Because the millions of delusional morons who would vote for her even if she had their own mothers killed will vote for her. OlBluegums is now trying to change the laws regarding the way emails get classified so that controversy will also go away.
Jood says
Obama still sitting on the throne…. If she goes down Obama goes down along side with her…
Sharon Dianne says
THIS IS OLD NEWS….VERY OLD NEWS. HELLO WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, oH, at the polls voting for her.’
stupid people
Main Street says
It gets hot in August. It snows in Boston in winter. Hillary lies. It’s what she does.
Cyntbia says
Because she can. And Obama is going to ‘forgive her’. And told the FBI and DOJ ( on an interview with Fox) that she was just careless and wasn’t guilty of compromising America. Thereby telling the FBI and all NOT to pursue this
Is there ANY recovery for our country?
Victoria Jones says
And the sad part is, she will probably get it, with the current Administration behind her. We all know Obama’s second win was from rigged voting machines, dead voters and more people voting than was in a distract. There was enough evidence to take the election away from him, but we all saw him walk away with it. JUSTICE IS NO LONGER ONLY BLIND, IT IS NOW DEAF AND DUMB!
Steve Atkinson says
The “Justice (lol) Department” works for Obama, so ….. Why doesn’t anyone have the guts to impeach him?
Jack Frost says
Because she is A CLINTON.
Duane Petersen says
The only way to impeach Obamass is to have him and Biden in the same plane and have it shot down from 50000 feet. That would put Ryan in the oval office and he would make sure Hillary got inedited and Lynch fired.
timchris says
Hillary lied to Benghazi committee that is liying under oath to congress that is a crime PERJURY she should be indicted for this now
Donald Thieke says
Because we let her,our forefathers and family’s used to march on washington as “We the people, now all we do is complain but never get together and do what w all had done year’s ago.Nothing will ever get better unless we ALL march to washington and let this Goverment know enough is enough,and get rid of all the one’s we put in office and get GOD loving and fearing runner’s in those positions to run this NATION again,
Peter Joffe says
Winston Churchill once said that “there is no democracy without accountability. This is how the way of life is in SA were the ruling party can do as it pleases, and please note that I said ‘ruling party’, not the governing party. It seems that the USA is headed in the same direction. Clinton would have withdrawn from the presidential race long ago if the rule of law has had not been subverted by Obama and his fellow hoods. Why is it that the bad guys seem to always end up in the government??
william g munson says
Yes they are the most Transparent Administration Ever and they don,t know what it means the word and the man that made the video is still in Jail too as far as I know and it is time to clear out the Curuption of the State Department too and the Obama Administration and don,t forget the Curupt Congress Lying you know whats
tom says
Frank relax, she is dropping in the polls, and will never make it to the House, only the BIG HOUSE
tom says
Hillary has no business whatsoever of being the POTUS. She really no qualifications to be President. Name on landmark thing she did as 1st lady, senator, SOS, that she can stand on as a candidate? If you look her up by name as SOS the 1st thing that comes up online is her Failures as SOS, and there are many of them. Most of anything this liar has done has been in the failure mode. She helped set the Middle East on fire with Barry, illegal uranium deals with Russia, tried to run illegal arms through Libya, causing the Benhgazi attack. ON and On and On with this individual. Needs to go to prison for her lies, Illegal deals, and just for being the a$$ wipe she really is
td bare says
Why???? Because there are millions of morons out there who support this LSOS.
John says
We should all know by now that anytime her mouth is moving – she’s lying.
It’s congenital she can’t help herself – it’s in her DNA (she’s a suit wearing Lying SOB)
Gary Smith says
I agree
ed says
Pete says
Well no one will file charges on her for anything. I know a person that had a parking ticket that almost went to jail for two years. And look at Hillary and what she has done and nothing is said. The list of crimes are endless and she walks free as if it should be this way for her.
RS says
Clinton and Obama ascribe to their mentor’s ( Saul Alinsky ) teaching that if you tell the same lie over and over the “people” will believe it.
Webuppp says
That was actually Lennon that said that, Saul alinski was a student of Lennon , and hitlery was alinski,s number one protégé. She actually learned from him, sat with him. She is the epitome of evil, what does this say about the progressive Marxists that support, defend, and want to elect. Another trillion in spending, no problem, and his isn,t intentional? The destroying America?
Mikeyavelli says
Obama taught alinsky principles. He was more alinsky professor than law professor.
Media won’t report any of this. Republicans will ignore this too. Cankles are too big to prosecute.
Scott Parker says
I think you mean Lenin, not Lennon (as in John Lennon).
rodney says
someone’s ignorance is showing? ha, ha!
Cyntbia says
Obama is connected with alinsky too
jason george says
There are a lot more scandals besides the 2 mentioned.
1. Why did Hillary remove security from the mission?
2. Why did she refuse to provide more security?
3. Why did she allow Al-Qaeda sympathizers to be in charge of security.
4. What was the purpose of the mission there?
5.Why did she abandon it when the attack was going on?
Carolyn Mitchell says
And the biggest scandal of all : Now that absolute proof is in, what will be done about it?
Mikeyavelli says
Northing. I’ll bet even Trump stays away from this news. Her ankles are too big to prosecute.
Michael a says
You,er wrong right there Trump did say if he becomes president he will put Clinton in jail also if he finds any wrong doing by Obama he too will go to jail. For treason……that,s what I like about Trump, he,s not going to lie to American people he is tired what he is seeing in whitehouse as much as we are.
G White says
I have not heard that Mr. Trump actually said that…even so, it will be interesting to see what he will do when he becomes the president.
Suzanne says
Obama’s covering for her because she’s keeping her mouth shut about him. Obama knew Clinton was using a private non-secured server & communicated back & forth with her on it discussing State Dept. info. Big no no regardless of whether it’s marked Classified or not. They are both guilty of many things. I mean, does anyone really believe their corruption is limited to a few (national security) emails? These two have a lot on each other.
William Farquhar says
OK everyone put on your tin foil hats and consider this theory. Obama already made a deal to release the five high ranking Taliban leaders that he later traded for Bergdahl but he needed but he needed “cover” to justify such a trade. The original plan was to actually allow our ambassador (Stevens) to be kidnapped so he could claim he was forced to make the deal to get our ambassador back. This would explain why no help, although available, was ever sent and why those who did respond did so in defiance of repeated orders to stand down. Things got out of hand when the “protesters” encountered some serious and unexpected opposition which resulted in many of them being killed. They then vented their anger by killing the ambassador they had originally intended to kidnap. This would account for why the State Department, probably under orders from Obama, put out that false story about the whole thing being a spontaneous protest in response to some cheesy video. Obama, who I believe is actually a Muslim, was still bound by the promise he made to his fellow Muslims to release the five high ranking Taliban leaders but he still needed some cover story to justify it. The best idea he could come up with was to trade them for Bergdahl. So, they got back five high ranking Taliban leaders and we got back one deserter, whose father evidently is a Muslim. This might also explain why the military justice system which normally operates quite efficiently has slowed to a crawl with Bergdahl’s court martial. Could it be that the “commander in chief” needs to make sure that the whole story never comes out and is doing whatever is necessary to ensure that no evidence or testimony is entered which might expose it. If this is what happened and if the evidence were to begin to surface then everyone involved, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would be subject to being indicted and prosecuted. This would have to be the biggest scandal in the history of our nation. It’s just a theory but when one connects the dots and considers the known facts it all adds up. OK you can all take off the tin foil hats now.
John Zupanc says
She needs to go to jail! I don’t understand how people can be so stupid to vote for someone who does not give a damn about our country.
David Dolcater says
I asked myself the same question when Obama was voted in the second time. This is, once again, proof that the abject stupidity of the American voter should NEVER be underestimated. It doesn’t matter if proof exists about her Benghazi fiasco. She and Slick Willie have so many friends in low places, and also high places, that she will never be convicted of anything. She is just a female version of Obama, and will continue on his path which will lead to the demise of this once great nation.
Mikeyavelli says
Obama is also America’s first black eye.
Webuppp says
Sorry mike, America,s first Marxist in chief was Woodrow Wilson, in 1912. Thats how long this Marxist movement has been going on, and their numbers have swelled
Suzanne says
I agree
Constitutionalist says
i tried to post about Wilson, and believe your surmise correct, but for unknown reasons, The Horn is blocking my post!
Michael a says
Then there will be separation of states away from DC. I,ve counted 36 states that will join with Texas won,t surprises me none if all 48 states join with Texas.. Or face civil war that much I pretty well know will happens if guns gets to where they plan to take away not going to happen there wile blood spill. Military people hates Clinton and Obama administration .
Webuppp says
Jail? She needs to be hung period. What is wrong with you people! What is your definition of a traitor?/tyrant .
rodney says
Uh I have the rope where do I send to to?
Linda Benson says
that’s what I think. How can people not figure it out? Guess those that want a handout … I worked all my life and all I have is social security but everything is paid for. And my blood sweat and tears (and that of my husband) and the help of God accomplished that. Wonder what it will take for people to wake up, or will they ever???
Gee says
I agree. American people should wake up don’t vote for such a big liar who will end up in hell one day
Ralph says
Frank this bitch is protected by Barack and the citizens of this country I am embarrassed to say are the biggest cougars in the world. Nobody wants to do anything against this Muslin president that we have,
Barbara says
When you say “nobody wants to do anything against this Muslim president…” that is not entirely true. I, and many of like kind, are and have been wanting to get this unqualified liar out of our lives….but we have representatives in Washington who are more interested in keeping their jobs as to doing their jobs. I am sick sick sick of this pretender in our White House….but it appears our hands are tied as individuals….other than if every citizen who is against him get together and wage war, attack the WH and take him and his fake family out. Won’t be pretty picture and I doubt that anything like this will happen. But Yes there are those of us out here that agree with you and who are embarrassed by those whose eyes are shut and whose mind is closed to reality and the reprecusions that will follow.
Webuppp says
Barb, I like what rev king did. Peaceful protest. We need to march on Washington ( peacefully) imagine a 5million man march on DC. That would shake some things up
Della says
“Muslin?” — you people never paid attention in school.
Webuppp says
Right you are Della, people from that region are Arabs, the pagan religion they practice is Islam. The same can be said of the Israeli, they are not Jews, that is the Hebrew faith, not all Israeli,s practice the faith of judaism
Dale Kwarciany says
Why isn’t Bernie (nothing but B.S.) Sanders using this stuff against her?
Webuppp says
He might be V.p, why isn,t Bernie speaking about this really? Because he,s a Marxists too. Listen people communisum, Socialisum, Fascism all come under the umbrella of totalitarianisum. The idea sanders is actually gaining support outside Vermont, shows the dumbing down of the American society as a whole. We are now the laughing stock of the world, no wonder why our troups have their hands on their heads ( Iran boarding American military boat) or Russia buzzing our battleships. Disgraceful
Howard says
She was in the middle of Obama’s re election, the truth could not come out until after this traitor our SOB was re elected by hook and crook! If America thinks this bitch should be our president shame on us!!!!
Patty says
During his reelection, TWO of his council members were sending our jobs overseas.
Michael a says
She is not going to get voted in fairly she,ll get in by rigged voters.
Beverly Smith says
Donald Thieke says
Amen , and the time has come where we better remember “We the People can and need to do what we need to do for our Country before we lose it .These FOOL’S we have put in office all need to be REPLACE A.S.A.P.. LET’S WAKE UP AMERICA ,IT WILL BE UP TO US and if we FAIL to challenge this then KISS THIS COUNTRY GOOD-BYE……
Arthur Hartsock says
Hey, people, this liar may well be the next President of the US!!! Nixon is a saint in comparison. You damned Republicans had better get your act together, or this will happen for sure, Hail to the Chief!!!
rodney says
Male NOT female chief! Hilary HELL NO!
David says
If that was one of us ,we would have been locked up and executed for murder . What a double standard kill or have killed all you want and get in no trouble . The POS hillary clinton should be put away for good and her leader!!!
Dorothy McCurdy says
For me is was about protecting the President from addressing a Terriorist attack. You see he was running for a second term and this would have brought him down.
Jonny T says
This is not the only scandal – What about Obummer’s part in this? This is a total cover your butt from the top down. The liberal media is complicit as well.
Randy says
There is tons of information a Republican nominee can attack Hillary on this Independent can’t wait!
Mikeyavelli says
You’ll wait. I the even Trump lost his guts. Hilliar and obama will get away with this. It won’t even get mentioned. The country is more concerned with Trump’s hair and Cruz’s mean attitude.
Vito Geneovese says
Now that they have the proof exposed why is this not put out publicly on nightly news NBC, ABC, CBS etc so the dumb ass liberals are aware of this lying bitch once and for all. Lets see them try and deny it and what about Hildabeast calling the murdered Benghazi families liars?? There has to be a way to get this into the media headlines????
Webuppp says
Vito, common man really? The media has been controlled since the days of William Randolph hurst. Have you never heard the term “yellow journalism ” ? Hurst controlled the news print around the turn of the century. His propaganda based on progressive Marxist view points was to alter the thought of the American public thru new print. Still being done today. This is why the lame stream media chooses to withhold the truth. All conspirators belong to the same group. The counsel of foriegn relations. CFR. James perloff,s book, the shadows of power printed in 1988 has a list In the back of the book. The who,s who in print media, politics, education, you name it, there,s a Marxist in a particular field of expertise to move it along, and make it part of the American fabric. In the media, Walter konkrite, how many years did he sit in our living rooms spreading his propaganda? Dan rather, he personally tried to get bush derailed when running against the traitor John Kerry. Diane sawyer, Barbra Walters garret utley, David Brinkley. How about Connie rice, you see the Marxist are on both sides, way more on the dems,but we have them on our side as well. You must have a sponsor to get in the CFR, guess who Connie rice sponsored to get in? How about hedi Cruz. She works for Goldman saks as a senoir fellow. And she has a chance to be the First Lady? We had better wake up. And quick
Constitutionalist says
The CCMSM is a tool of the corporate entities who are in league with the international banksters and their agenda…which is One World Government.
Anything that doesn’t fit their agenda doesn’t make it to mainstream, the programmed Sheeple. Literally. Scientists have studied brain wave phenomena, and associate Alpha waves with normal waking consciousness, Beta with dreaming sleep, Delta with deep, restful non-dreaming sleep, and Theta, a state of consciousness reached by deep meditative practices, contemplative prayer – and hypnosis.
Guess which frequency waves are emitted by teevees?
Don’t believe me? Great! Here’s what you do; next time you see someone(or a group of someones), watch them as they watch teevee.
Media moguls know this, and have known it for YEARS; Hitler would have LOVED teevee as a programming media, and the N. Koreans, Chinese, and many others love it, too. Here’s one quote(but i have lots more):
‘I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television…. You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV set images….
~Hal Becker, media ‘expert’ and management consultant, the Futures Group, in an interview in 1981
And, of course, this method works in any and every country that has them.
Suzanne says
You don’t seem to be fully informed about brain waves during the different stages of sleep. I suggest consulting a Sleep Specialist (MD) or a Polysomnographic Technologist so you’ll have the correct information you need when posting an assessment or comment.
Constitutionalist says
You seem to know; why don’t YOU say?
In the meantime. a minimal google of “theta waves television” turned up the following results-page:
Doing some reading at some of the sites has revealed that i was wrong about the state of consciousness induced by watching tv; according to the articles, the suggestible, hypnotic state is comprised of low-frequency Alpha waves, and that watching teevee can cause those wave patterns to appear in 60 seconds or less – which is the point i was trying to make: teevee hypnotizes people, and makes them easily manipulable.
i’ve not turned a teevee on in my house for nxs of 3 years, now, and feel much better for having done so.
Tom V says
Constitutionalist, what do you think of this — have “we the people” in all 50 states find out the criteria for Impeachment and Treason charges. Then have someone, or group, research clear examples of actions taken which support the proceedings/charges. Then communicate that info. to our elected reps in Wash. Then post that info on social media or You Tube so that even more of “we the people” can write/phone/e-mail our reps and ask them who will bring the charges up and when will it happen. And ask them, if nothing happens with this, what new line of work would they like to get into?
Tom V says
And while we wait for results let us pray for the conversion of those who are under the influence of Satan, that they open their hearts to God who is the way, the truth and the life. He is our first, last and best hope. Be not afraid and trust in His mercy. Peace.
Tom says
While I realize politicians are not the bastion of honesty, it is a very sad commentary on the state of America when someone with such lack of character is even considered for the office of President. If she becomes President, God help us all.
Thomas says
My questions:
Where was Obama? Wasn’t he her boss?
Why would she share security email with her daughter?
Webuppp says
Because she has no regard for the law, hasn,t she proved her, her husband ,and all Marxists are above the law of the MunDane American culture.
Terry says
Why they attacked our Ambassador is the real question. What was the govt doing that made them think it was necessary to attack? Was some sort of gun running going on thru Libya? What has happened to our govt is not just PC has taken the place of CC, Constitutional correctness, but LC as well. Legal correctness? If some thing is legal it is good,. It is acceptable. But there has to be a higher sense of right vs wrong. Because it was legal to kill 6 million Jews in Germany, it was legal to own slaves in the south and to discriminate against them as a legal follow up to slavery. And it should be noted that the govt has a monopoly on what is legal or illegal. Only a govt can legislate. 2, 4, 6,8. We don’t like the way you legislate?
Mark G says
The reason the attack was allowed and not stop was they liellary and olier did not want the ambassador to come back home. He knew everything that was going on in the mid East and couldn’t be allowed to speak to the public. He had to be silenced
Webuppp says
That,s another problem terry, they are not legislating, the Marxist don,t have the political clout. That,s why the Marxist known as Obama uses executive orders, this bypasses congress, the American people and puts a strangle hold on it,s sacred consistitution. Talk about a tyrant dictator King. Obama wears all hats
Big Ed says
Seems such information is of little significance to those stupid asses who find her POTUS qualified. Either they are blind to her inadequacies or find her a conduit to the furtherance of their own political ambitions
Tugboat says
With her I fell and hit my head Foster Grants, delay, delay, delay… and furious, this is admin. is mired with scandal after scandal. The big ??? is what was that piece of sh*t president doing to rescue our brave Americans stuck in firefight after firefight with those ragheads. Answer… under the desk hiding.
James shitburn says
Special place in hell for Hillary!
Gary Smith says
She would not know the truth if it smacked her in the ass
David Dolcater says
She knows the truth, but it’s not beneficial for her to own up to it.
dawg# says
Gary Smith:
OSHA would not allow that, it would kill her.
Mikeyavelli says
We all knew this right away. But as Hilliar and obama and the lie protectors snottily claimed, there is no evidence of a cover up or evidence of a stand down order or evidence that the video was not the motivation for the attack. They were so smug and proud of their claims of no evidence. Of course, they were hiding it.
Now it’s out. Obama and Hilliar lied to get obama elected again.
Both should be tried for treason, but people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and other real Republicans don’t think that matters. They don’t have the courage to expose obama and Hilliar on any of their high crimes.
David Dolcater says
I am not wild about Trump, but to paraphrase Churchill about his WWII alliance with Stalin: To combat Hillary and Sanders, I would make a favorable reference to the devil. Of course since Hillary is the devil incarnate, it’s really a toss-up as to who would be worse.
John R says
Hillary already has the President’s seat waiting for her Obama has announced that he will pardon her. A sad day in America’s history when people we are expected to respect are no longer respectable.
Jerry says
When did Obama say this?
fed up says
2 days ago. So tired of all this political crap and glad that we are in God’s hands and not their’s.
No offense to those who don’t believe in Him.
Will be glad when 2016 is behind us.
dave says
I’ll bet you never see this info on any news channel or in any newspaper.
I can not in my deepest imagination understand how so many people flat out refuse to see or accept the lying, devious, phony and deadly actions this woman is responsible for. The fact she is running for POTUS and supported by as many people as she is, certainly does not speak well for the alleged “informed voter”.
I am in total disbelief and have lost all trust in the political system, supported by Hillary the liar’s affluent friends.
KC says
Nicholas De Crist says
This bitch should not be allots run for president. Obama is just as quilts as she is.i hope she gets prosecuted. I can’t believe people in this country are that Dumb & Stupid to vote for somebody like this. You can not blame Obama for him destroying America. You Blame the idiots that put him there. He didn’t get there by himself.
Jerry says
Do you think Hillary, after learning that 80% of people think she is dishonest. Don’t you think she will want to punish America for thinking that about her. She would screw America anyway, But this makes sure she screws America. Its all about Hillary the most important person in the world
Terry says
RMN just had a gap in some tapes. O has some gaps, really big gaps, in his life story and Benghazi is it’s own govt operation gap. We have been gapped by this admin in ways that were unimaginable . They have even gapped the budget now and keep it a secret? Like islamic countries do. And our national security is so full of holes it could pass for Swiss cheeze. And they try and pass the blame on the citizens by implying entitlements are equivalent to a raid on the Treasury when in fact they, elected officials, legislate entitlements, including entitlerments for themselves first and superior.
Barry says
People in this country are without God and Jesus Christ if they vote for Clinton…She has no sound morals….She tells people in this country about helping them….and all it boils down to….is She is about Herself and what money she can get out of each family…..Big Business in this country drives her to be who she really is……it’s about money…..She is a known Liar….What I do not understand is how she is even getting to run for President……The next President of The United States needs to openly stand up for Jesus Christ our Lord…..that is the reason this country has been strong in the past….She needs to know that Jesus stated that if you deny me before my father….my father will deny you…..that includes anyone running for any type of office….especially the leader of this free country…..The strong base that this country stands on is crumbling under our feet…..We have to keep our ground solid to stand on…or we will surely fall. If any other person in this country had Emails that had been for any reason been Top Secret for this country…and they got out to other countries to read…..anything that would infringe on our security of this Great Country…..they would be prosecuted and go to prison…..she is not fit to run this country…..look at what Her and Her Husband have done to this country in the past…..He cheated on His wife in The White House…..No Spiritual Morals in that family at all….
Lewis Groome says
Barry, I agree totally about this country needs to get back with Jesus Christ and get prayer back in schools as well. As far as the Clintons goes, well… they dug their holes and they should live in them and take what should be coming to them as well as misfit Obama. How anyone could be elected president and do nothing to show for it except trying to make this country a third world country is a couple bricks shy a full load in my opinion. If in doubt…punt!! Put my name down if you can’t find someone to be president. We need to get on our knees and repent to God for our disobedience to Him and ask Him to make this country right again with His favor and blessings.
Dave says
Reagan and Oliver North paid for their sins in the Contra Affair, why not this/these clown(s)? The media is full of academics who believe in their own lies/proganda. The current regime is also full of academics with no true experience other than playing out the Bill Ayers’ play book. Lies told over and over are seemed to be true to the sheeple. Nazism and Communism , use this form of disinformation and getting people to rat out their friends and families, anyone who differs with the approved policy line. Our country needs a revolution, but not the one Burnie Sanders thinks.
George J Bellamy says
This BITCH needs to be in jail. She stated she will never see any jail time.
Terry says
Whatever O is doing he is doing to protect his own skin. He was the missing link in the Benghazi even since he is C in C. Also it was O himself that named her as SOS? A political appointment most likely since Ted K threw her under the bus when he anointed O as the dim candidate for president. It would not surprise me if O was selected because the dims were not ready for a woman president. Despite endless bragging about they being all for women equality?
Patty says
Ever heard of the saying, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer??? That’s why Obama appointed her anything. They hate each other, but this way they can keep an eye on each other. And then they get more dirt to blackmail each other with.
jemb says
What is the FBI waiting for? Sure hope they have a solid impeachable case that Obana cannot pardon. Let’s get it over with and get the Clintons out of our political focus once and for all.
Mikeyavelli says
Uh, the FBI is obama.
Dave says
The Clinton Foundation has plenty of funds, in their money laundering scheme, to pay off the current regime for a pardon. The Department of Justice is phony with one boob as Attorney General after the other. Remember the pardons for cash at the end of the Clinton Administration with Eric Holder as bag man for the cooked regime. He was rewarded under the current regime, both are crooked puppets doing the work for Soros and others. The EPA set up the big Soros grab on Arch Coal last summer. Thousands of union jobs and profitable companies were sacrificed to this cabal.
Patty says
To answer some questions posted:
Soros owns the media
Gowdy can only do so much
Obama’s and Clinton’s blackmail each other
Stevens was probably committing treason, and dead men can’t testify
Congress doesn’t do anything because they don’t want to die mysteriously
johnnybuffalo says
Time to storm the Bastille.
Lewis Groome says
If I was President, they the problem children would be treading water in the vast deep blue. I say, if you don’t like the rules in America, get the hell out. We don’t want you anyway. It is past time for the We the People to run America back to where it needs to be. Just my 2 cents!
dani says
has this country become so deaf, dumb and blind.
Joanne says
The “old bag” is a lying piece of crap and rotten to the core along with POTUS and the State dept. It continues daily ad nauseum and will never change.
allen says
The grand and ultimate plan is to deliver the world’s masses into “One new world order”.
All events covered by the media are carefully planned and orchestrated to herd the masses into the killing pen. Otherwise the media wouldn’t let out a peep on the news except for local trivial events.
If an atrocious event is on the news, it’s planned. If an event isn’t covered by the media, it’s because that particular news event would be detrimental to the NWO plans. That’s how you can tell what they are up to. Watch the news, follow the cause and effects and you can then tell what they are planning.
Believe me, it’s not pretty.
Make your peace with your maker.
eyeball says
Yes: Hillary knew the attack was the work of terrorist groups, she knew it while it was happening. It was fortuitous that some old White preacher published a tape at the “right time” for the administration to offer as a scapegoat — a way to accuse all Whites of some sort of racial bias. Proof for Obarrassment. The really sick other part of this is that we NOW KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT THAT THE WHOLE OBARRASSMENT ADMINISTRATION IS A LIE! The State Department works for — WHO? — yup: Barry the POTUS! The Justice Department (LOL) works for WHO? Right again! ALL the “Departments” work for the President. So now, when Judicial Watch wants PUBLIC INFORMATION, it has to go through two federal courts to get access. And that’s only what the “POTUS Wants us to see. If Obama had just gone about doing the JOB, and not trying to “fundamentally change” America. What a poor, pathetic example for Blacks and true Democrats. It really stinks. But, Power corrupts, and….
Elizabeth Cress-Sweet says
As Clinton as said “what does it matter” – Her crown is already polished and waiting. As for the families of the fallen –
well goodness me – they are the liars!
Constitutionalist says
i started to say that if the FBI(and Justice Dept.) were smart, they’d indict H “I Liar” for the Title 18, section 2071 mishandling of classified docs prior to June. Once she’s convicted, she’ll be out of the race unless she can get a complaisant Quisling judge to allow her to continue to campaign while her case is “on appeal.” Then D’OweBama could pardon her, then the FBI(via the Justice Dept.) could indict her for the abuse of office that swelled the coffers of the Klinton Krime Kabal Kollege, aka their Foundation – but then, i remembered what Ford did for Nixon: pardoned him of EVERYTHING, past or present, so that no one could ever go after him for anything else unless he committed further crimes.
That’s the kind of pardon i expect D’OweBama to pen for The Liar. i don’t know if a presidential pardon can be overturned by an Act of Congress, or even SCOTUS ruling, but possibly not. However, should D’OweBama blanketly pardon The Liar, i should hope that HE is prosecuted, especially for Treason. Right now, he seems to exercise too much power, far more than Constitutionally allowed for a president. Once he leaves office, he’d have to rely on those in the shadow government to protect him, because he’d HAVE no power any longer.
Greg says
How did Ford’s pardon of Nixon, do for the GOP in the next election?
djw663 says
Questions about whether Clinton did enough to protect U.S. diplomats. We already know and have known for 2 years that requests for additional security had been denied for at least a year prior to Sept. 11, 2012. Hillary lied, four men died. And who knows how many other people were killed from obtaining information from the “secure” server she used that was set up in a bathroom closet?
warren says
If you couldn’t lie,cheat, steal and cover every other crook in politics you would never get elected. If you didn’t, you would end up like president Kennedy. If Trump ever managed to beat these crooks at their games they will assassinate him.
Greg says
You may be right, but Trump is America’s last hope.
Jackie says
k9 says
Make o’dumbo and hi LIAR Y take lie detector tests, those a$$holes are no better than anyone else, THEY ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW, they are NOT any better that the average citizen. make them both pay for their crimes = = = LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE
Greg says
Even Democrats know Hillary is a liar, but RINO’s like W’s wife will vote for her over Trump. Could it be the establishment political elite are afraid of being kicked off the taxpayer paid for gray train?
johnnybuffalo says
I used to like W’s wife , no more.
Jo says
She should not be running for President and she should be put up on charges. This women apparently has gotten away with much in her life time and Its seems to me its about time she was stopped. There are many I feel that too need to be put before a court and an American judge that believes in the law and the Constitution.
Alan says
Is there ANYTHING the Clintons haven’t lied about?
Jo says
Put Hillary in prison and throw the key away if she was just an ordinary citizen all this bullshit would have stopped along time ago …she should rot in hell for the traitor she is. Go back in her and Bill’s past they like Obama have been out to destroy this country they have done enough damage can you imagine how much more she will do if elected the U.S. President. People wake up and smell the smoke it is burning under you … puff, puff, puff.
VE says
This Clinton WITCH (spelled with a B) is what the corrupt government is all about as in the past with her co-conspirator BILLY. The people stupid enough to even think of a vote to make her President scares me to no end. This happening will officially end the country as we now know it.
We have a county of half idiots (maybe more) thanks to the education system.
R M says
The more that come out the more the democratic sheep want to put HilBilly in the Whitehouse because she panders to what ever group she is speaking to at the time and denies everything.
pamela bland says
When and where is she finally going to be asked by her party to simply step down from running? She cannot continue.
OrlandoRican says
After this becomes public (no thanks to the MSM), she will provably go up in the polls. Just more proof that Democrats are demented and really hate this country, regardless of what they say otherwise.
Jude Mc Gregor says
Hillary Clinton(God help us all) will be the next President The RNC will see to that. I never in all of my years of voting thought I would see the mess happening today, when all of those we have elected in Washington would be so against one man. They all want to protect their gravy train & cushy jobs, what a shame for our great nation. Hillary will keep everything the same for the Washington elites since there is no difference anymore in democrats or republicans. I have to ask myself why I should even vote in this election.
Justin W says
I would say there are three scandals here. The third was an attempt by the Obama administration to put some constraints on the boundaries of free speech. The YouTube video lie was spread far longer than one day. I remember at the time it was even suggested we might need to look at putting some limitation on what people could say about Islam or its religious figures. Make no mistake, the Obama administration was laying the groundwork to make a few exceptions to our first amendment freedoms in the name of a fake scenario they created.
Keifer says
If that ‘C’ word is the next POTUS it will be Americas last elections. America will cease to exist with her at the helm.
Edward Martinez Jr. says
The American voter is responsible. They became so intoxicated with the upward mobility brought on by Reagan and continued through the 90’s that they turned over the governing to the politicians who became corrupt beyond belief. Had anyone bothered to learn about Hlllary since Whitewater when she disbarred and followed her career they would have never, ever think of voting for her. Her ambition caused to obviate Bill’s open and reckless adulterous life. She became involved in the File gate in Washington as First lady, it is the opinion they had the head of the Department of Commerce; Brown killed together with 48 others in the unusual crash of an armed forces plane. Some people feel that their attorney Foster was another victim of the vicious couple for he was weak and they were afraid that he would break under interrogation during the on going investigation; which they beat.
Again.Lybia and Benghazi were another disgraceful act when even Obama who was alleged to have been watching the events as they occurred in the Situation Room failed to take action; not even an attempt at saving the life of our American victims. Then she lied and to top it all called the mother of one of the victims a liar when she emphatically stated that Hillary had told her the video was responsible.
We then move to the server at home, purposely set up there to avoid detection of other activities by the government in spite of the fact that she had signed documents making that illegal. Then knowingly erased them to prevent detection.
This woman could not even run the State Department safely and apparently had no control over her staff AND NOW SHE WANTS AND EXPECTS PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR HER TO MAKE HER COMMANDER IN CHIEF. How in the name of God can she be a Commander in Chief when she could not even handle the Department of State. God save America and protect our people and especially our children from the claws of this bitch.
Rick Worthington says
How’s this for a prediction?:- America will suffer a HUGE catastrophe – either a natural disaster – a political one, or a financial one in the VERY near future! There’s one thing Donald Trump has said which I believe is very true, and that America’s under a ‘ big bubble’ which is about to burst. Whichever disaster is about to occur, it is now very understandable that all these “preppers” which abound here in the U.S. – especially on the ‘net are trying to encourage everyone to “prepare” and check their bug-out bags etc.,
Whether they be scaremongers, out to ‘line their pockets’, or whether they are sensible, prepare-for-anything folks who really believe that this disaster is en route, the fact is this prediction, I feel, can be viewed pretty seriously. D’yuall think mebbe Ah’m right?
Susan Stubbs says
Has the internet video maker ever been released from prison? Clinton owes him a huge apology and if anyone is due reparations, he is.
Don Hornish says
It doesn’t matter, the witch will get away with it because she’s a Clinton! Those two, including her husband, Slick Willy, have been getting away with murder and lies in Arkansas several years ago when he was running for and winning the Governorship of Ark.! Then, he got away with at least these two things when he was President, those sex scandals, more lies and cover-ups and possibly some criminal things that were covered up! Recently, Liar Hillary did a good job of lying during the Benghasi tragedy and the illegal personal emails containing sensitive governmental information for which she’s lied and deleted many of the important ones with secret information.
SO THEN, TELL ME WHY FAR TOO MANY AMERICANS ARE SUPPORTING THIS CRIMINAL AND LIAR?? It’s beyond my comprehension! These two should be in jail for what they’ve done during the past several years. If they were Republicans doing what they’ve done, they would never have been in any form of politics and put in jail for life! So how do they keep getting away with these kinds of things, its because they are in bed with the Liberal MEDIA, WITH THE LEFT WING CONGRESSPERSONS AND CERTAIN RHINOS, SOME BIG-TIME BILLIONAIRES AND CEO’S THAT KEEP CLOSING THEIR EYES TO WHAT THEY DO! ALSO, THEY HAVE DONE A NUMBER OF ILLEGAL FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS AND FORMED A NUMBER OF SOME ILLEGAL FOREIGN SUPPORT GROUPS! And yet, the media, Congress, and left-wingers close their eyes to all of this criminal and illegal stuff! And they want this woman as our next president? I guess the same thing happened by putting in this anti-American, Muslim terrorist supporting president in Oscumbo, and wanting someone who has publically stated that she would keep in place several programs that Obama has put into law. into the presidency is troubling to me! If she is successful this November, that is if there is an election then, then America better get ready for a continued invasion of undocumented and illegal terrorist ISIS members and members from other illegal terrorists groups! Someone reported that by the year 2050, and I think it will be sooner than that, the majority of people in what was the United States of America will me Muslims, most if not all will be the Barbaric Sharia Law Muslims who will terrorize the remaining American and other legal immigrants living here! So if something isn’t done before this president leaves office or before he could and I believe will declare Martial Law keeping him in office for the next term and possibly becoming a dictator, which I think he already is, for as long as he is alive or until he has had enough or somebody worse than him comes along to make things even more anti-American, then there will be the America most of us love, no more Christian churches, no more freedoms and no more free market places. We’ll all be relying on the government, which won’t be much. Most like we’ll be treated like the Jews were treated in Hitler’s Germany, especially Christians, Jews and any who oppose Islamic Sharia Law!!
Jack Frost says
Clinton is equivalent to low down hillbilly. Sorry hillbillies, I mean she is several levels below you’ll. Obama is clearly a radical Muslim. Nothing else can explain his actions.
Shelba H says
American women wake up if you vote for Clinton you are voting for a self loving human being who lies, cheats and even throws American lives under the bus as long as it will line her pocket. Take a good look at what she did as Secretary of State and get your head out of the sand. Any body will make a better president than this woman, I would like to see a qualified woman run for president but not Clinton she does not know truth from lies, she has told so many lies she is beginning to believe them. Look at her entire career beginning with Arkansas, ever position she has held starting with Ark she has screwed up and she has been under a cloud for her shady deals what makes you think she will change her ways if she becomes president it will only empower her more to cut more shady deals with foreign countries to the detriment of the American people for your own self preservation wake up and see the truth before you make a mistake that can’t be fixed easy
Bill Cash says
Of course she knew. Here’s the real story and cannot be disputed:Cannot believe anyone would vote for this person
No need to Snoops this….Channel 12 in Beaumont Texas did the reporting.
This is true. Go to channel 12 Beaumont Texas. It happened on Jan 6,2016.
This is for real . Story appears on Beaumont TV station Channel 12
According to the Beaumont newspaper and reports from a
couple of Beaumont TV stations this really happened.
Subject: Hillary in Beaumont, Texas – Got to read this!!
Hillary Clinton made a campaign
stop yesterday in Beaumont, Texas. Only six people were
there to greet her. Her security detail outnumbered her
supporters by quite a bit. She wouldn’t talk, wave to or
even acknowledge those there to greet her. As bad as that
is, it’s not the real story here. The real story is who
she took a private meeting with. After landing, Clinton
headed off to a fundraiser in West Beaumont, where she was
greeted by around 150-200 Muslims, most of whom were of
Pakistani origin. The event was held by Pakistani
businessman Tahir Javed and Hillary raised approximately
$500,000 by pandering to Muslims, making it “one of the
top five private fundraisers Clinton has had in this
country.” She’s bought and paid for by
them. Spread this far and wide. You will
not see it on national news but this is what is going
on. Shelia Jackson Lee was there as well.
Wayne says
These statements should be on a flyer that is handed out, at the door, of every Clinton rally.
Dawg# says
I can’t understand why everyone is down on Hilary so much. Everything she has done in the past and everything she will do in the future only reflects what the good Democrat Liberal values are based upon….. Lying, stealing, degrading, defaming, and yes, even murder. Don’t worry, it’s normal! She is the best at what she does, so the Dem’s choices are her or a socialistic communist…… I surmise that she will get a lot of votes from those who share her values.
No offense, just saying……
Joe Schmo from Idaho says
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest liar of all? Slick Willy, slick Hil-LIAR-y or Oscum-baga? *Pinnochio is now considered a Saint,- to be cannonized for Sainthood, in comparison, to our so-called Leaders…. George Soros has his puppets in line for a new season of terror to the American sheeple when Hil-LIAR-y becomes Lesbian/Liar-in-chief..
**When taking Viagra and having an erection lasting for more than 4 hrs, men, when confronting a Doctor, he then shows a Naked pic of Hil-Liar-y and it solves the erection problem.. Live it up folks! Time is short..
Tobby Blackwood says
Limit politicians to two terms in office. ONE in office and one in jail. They may be honest when they enter but will be crookeder than a dogs hind leg when they leave.